ipftu HWPWPWVPW ymtotoy, ftutl It wart impossible to And My of the oomplultihiir cus 'tMMt In tout). Mr. Backer was bot visible, eitbcr. DhtbIT, Aug. 8. riio WolUUIl'a Belief Corpg convention elketed loflftcem atf follews: National presi dent, Mrfl.8o A. Banders, Delaware, IH.j senior vice president, Mrs, Mar Wet, It. Wiggins, Subcthn, Kan.; Junior vice president, Mary Iijle Heynolds, Covington, Ky .;trcmturer, Amelia A. Ch.-ny, Detroit, Mich.; etwplin, Mifw Clara Barton, "Wash ington. COUNCIL OP ADMIN ISTltATtON. Dbthoit, Auk 8. A national , emincllofmlnilulBtrntlou wast lecto i yesterday, The members for the Northwest ore; Idaho, Geo ge L. fchoup, Salmon Ulty; Oregon, H. DA Tutlle, rortluiid; Washington unci AbehR, Flunk Clendeuln, Taenia. rnotfnt.n ahout dining oaks. CiilOAao, Aug. 8 -On a bill II led in the etnto circuit court by Fred Harvey, Judge Drlggs lsmicd nn In junction restraining the AtohUon, Topcktt &, Bunta Fe rallroail com pany from running dining cars on Us Hues west of the Mlesotirl river, covered by contract with htm for feeding passengers between utiy of the points upon this portion of the road, and from refusing to stop its passenger trains at complalnunl's hotels and lunch rooms. Hurvey represents that his plunt covers nearly 2500 miles of railroad, and has cost him $150,000. Ho is con ducting twenty hotels uud eating bouses, and now the road threatens to put on dining cars nut! glvo his places the go-by. Railroad people say tho contract does not debar them trom putting on dining cars, aud will move for n dissolution of the Injunction. AKFAIItS IN CHILI?. San Dinao, Aug. 8. In conver sation with nn ofllcer of the United Slates man of war, I'ensucoln, yes terday, consldcrableluformation was obtained iw to the cause of the Chilean trouble. Ho said: "The constitution of Chile Is tho real cause of tho war. There is no power to punish tho president for miscon duct. He can't ho Impeached and ho can't bo prosecuted. When he accepts the office he takes an oath not to leave tho country for ouo year after tho expiration of his term. This makes it necessary for hlni at the end of tho regular term of five years to nominate his own successor, who agrees to defetid him. His nominee Is always oleutcd, oven If people have to he thrown into Jail so tho election can ho carried. In this way, Uulmnceda has Just nomi nated and elected one of ids former cabinet ofllcers mimed Vicuna. At ono tlnio the colonel had his regiment drawn up. Ho rndo out and informed the men that the noxt morning they would start on h two days' march, and then have an oniracctneut with tho congres sional army. If thero Is any reason whyauyof you do not want to go, slip out of tho ranks ami say so." Ho cencluded: "Soven of tho poor devils stepped out and said thoy did not want to go. Thow soven woro straightway hneked up against a briek wall and Bhot. Chile Is a good country to keep away from right now." AN dVKIt KOll THII HALTIMOIU:. San Fhancisco, Aug. 8. Tho Examiner states that ISulmaccdaj through Minister Eugun, offered tho United States $1,000,000 for tho cruiser Baltimore. The oiler was refused. Admlr.il Ilrowti has taken tho Baltlinoro for his llngshlp ami Is now In olo command in the South I'aolllc. AOAINMl THK I.OTTK11Y. Nisw Om.kans, Aug. 8. The conference between the farmers' al liance aud the anti-lottery democrats at Lafayette has resulted In an agreement by which n Joint ticket will be nomluated. Tho farmers' alllanco will name the governor, treasurer and superintendent of pub lic education, and tho anti-lottery league tho lleteuant governor, audi tor, attorney general and seoretujy of state. These nominations are to bo matlohy u convention elected by all who were apposed to tho lottery and nfterwurds submittal to the democratic stuto convention. The alliance indorsed this agreement and at once nominated T.H, AdauiH, president and state ooiiiniltwlonor of agriculture The campaign will Le made utmost together on the lottery cause. tjuismoN ix) iik buttlki). Ciiioamo, Aug. 8. Tho depart niont of state bus notified t he world's fair inauugemeut that China, al though she lias formally declared her Intention of being represented at tho fair, has u dlfllotilly to over come. The tnieatlon Is: Will china men Intending to visit tho fair be allowed to enter? That will have to ho decided by tho treasury depart tneut. HIUTB KOll TAX MUN1HH. Hauiuhiujh", Pa-, Aug. 8. Two suits were onterud today, ouo agulust the county of l'lillailelphla mid the other ouo ugalust John ltnulsley, lato clly tnusuror. Tho llret to re cover tho personal propel ty tax for 1B00 amounting to fOOCO uud tho second for llcenso taxes milium ting to f30S,OlK). Till! WORLD'S WHEAT. Miss Nellio Boiso's Found. Body is TUB OREGON PACIFIC It. li. Got his Daughters, Call not Elected, A Bold Bank Robbery, Tho G. A. R.. Price of Sugar Raised, Sui cide,State and Foreign News,Etc. Baby cried, Xother sighed, Doctor ncrilH.Hl i CoftorUt THE WOlMtD'8 WIIKAT. Mbw Yoiik, Aug. 8. Uradstreet's Loudon correspondent has for w riled u report on tho condition of wheat ubread which indicates that Europe will havo to Import about two hundred aud eighty-one million huihels this year. Ho estimates ihul If tho allowance of thirty-three million bushels for export from India aud one huuilred and forty-four mil Inn from the United Slates be nude, thoro will still remain a de ficit of ubuiit one hundred and four million bushels. jiiss noisK nonv found. I'oiiriiANn, Aug. 8. A private nn N.sage from Sea View this morn ing says tho body ot Nellie Uolse, who was drowned whllo bathing In rho surf last Wednesday, was found this morning at low tide at some roeks some distance below the point where tho drowning occurred. Abtoiua, Or., Aug. 8. Tho body of Miss Nellie llolso was fouud this tncrniug about half u mile north of the sci'iie of tho disaster. The body win uninjured. Itemalns will be brought hero this afternoon and shipped to Portland tomorrow night. THK SITUATION YnSTKUHAY. A81U1UA, Aug.8 Dllleut search Is still being mudo at Long Bench for tho bodies of Nflllo Boise nntl Will Steel, but hope of lecoverlng than at present has about been ub unbilled, George Steel returned to Portland on the Potter yesterday, but W. L. BoIbo, brother of the drowned girl, Is still ut the scene of the accident. A reward of $100 has been tillered for tho recovery of the bodies, but It Is the oplnon of old residents on tho beach that they will never bo fouud, or at least not before next winter, when tho heavy gales will dislodge them from the satnl In which they have probably been burled. Pistmuster CkorgoA. Steel who returned yesterday from Long Beach suld that all effort to find the bodies of Will Steel, his stepson, and Miss Nolllo Bolho had proved fruitless. Mr. Steel examined the beach where tho drowning took place and found a small baBln. At this point the tide lino breaks, but the recoil ing water collects from two direc tions and sweeps down the basin with the force of a mill race. Wllllo S(wl iiimuoi in he bathing In this very spot and lost his life. A water pipe, which runs from Stout's hotel to the ocean, saved tho life or Marshall Steel, one of Willie's most Inthnato companions. While going Into tho water ho stubbed his toe on the plpo and came to tho con clusion that that was not a good pl.ieo to batho. Taking his little sister by tho hand, he moved up tho beach a short distance aud It was uot long alter that Wllllo whs drowned. Postmaster Steel had but llttlo hope that tho bodies would bo re covered, unless tho ocean gives them up after nluo or ten days. Tho wind Is still from tho south, ami many believe that the bodies will eventually dilft ashore further up the beach. THK OHIXION PACIFIC. San Fiiancibco, Aug. 8. Mana ger Win. M. Hoag, of the Oregon P..0III0 railroad Is getting ready to go to Corvullls, Oregon, headquar ter of his company. Regarding tho statement thut employes of the road were anxious for tlielr money and were boIIoUoim as to when he would arrive, Manager Hoag said tho matter was greatly oxoggeratetl and thai the Indebtedness was not near so great as was claimed, since tho total onorntlon expenses were less than $10,000 a month. Affairs of road, ho added, will soon be straightened out all right, WITH 1I1H IIAUOHTHHS. Boston, Aug. 8. Calvin Page has ai rived heie with his two daughters whom ho recovered from tho Pluto Indians in Dakota who held them captives Tor twelve years. CAM. NOP KI.KOTI.I). Tam.iiassiik. Fla., Aug.8.-Tho governor this morning announced that ln-as-muoh as n mioruin of tho Florida senate did uot participate with the houxo In Ihojolntiuweinbly on May 0, It Is his opinion Coll Is not elected UnlUd States senator and that theieforo ho cannot certify he Is eleuted. noi.ii hank ltomiHUV. Coi.muiUB, Ohio, Aug. 8. A spe cial evening dispatch from Lima Ohio, says: Ono of the boldest rob herloiund murders ever perpetrated In thW swjtiort of the oountry, oc curred this uiurulug ut Columbus 0 rove, u town of about 2000 people, twelve miles north of here. Cash ier had Just opened tho Kxohango hank and taken nut $3000 near the cashier's wlutlow, u man ap peared In the dour with a revolver In each hand uud Immediately begun thootlug at Cashier Maple. Ho wtisMruoktwkv, ome In Ijionriu Mint mint Iii the rlnht hide. A ho him dead. A third man eat In tbe lobby In the hank paralyzed with fear, ho was not molested. The desperado then gr.ibbcil $1500 In greenbacks shoved them Into the pockets of his coat aud darted through the door shouting "I am n second Jesse James." A crowtl had been uttractcd by tho shooting but thero was u scattering when the wild-eyed murderer uppeared tin tho street having a gun in each hand aud shooting Indiscriminately one bystander, Henry Huok, was struck down by a bullet from the revolver. Tho fellow ran to the outskirts of tho town and disappeared. The desperado appeared to bo about 30 or 3-"i years of age. A posseo was quickly organized and ordered In pursuit. It Is thought that tho wounds of Maple and Huok arc not fatal. Standbruke who was killed was a prosperous fanner in Uulon township. He leaves a large family. A special from Wapakonet, Ohio; says word has reached there the robber was overtaken and shot to death, THK O. A. It. DrfruoiT, Aug. 8. The grand army met yesterday, ex Gover.ior Ogieshy, of Illinois, reported satis factory progress for tho committee on Memorial hall nt Decatur, III. Itoports of committee on the ad jutant general nnd other olllcers; re ports were approved. An amendment to the rules and regulations was adopted, by which posts can change their location by a two-thirds vote. An amendment was also adoplctl premlttlng depart ment encampments to be held us lute as July 1. An amendment per mitting the election of deportment ofllcers in December was defeated. An attempt to change the rules so as to read, "Those who did not volun tatis bear arms igalnst tho United Stales are entitled to membership of the O. A. It.', was defeated. The per capita tax, which yester day wus established ut 3 cenls, was reduced to 2 cents. Tho grand olllcers were then en stulled Commaudei-hi Chief Vea zey, In turning over tho command to Palmer, made u speech and pre sented him with u new flag lo take tho place of the one which hit" been carried for the past twenty-live years. Tlio uow connnaiitier-in-chlef made u response. The committee appointed to take action on tho death of General Sher man, Admiral Porter nnd ox-VIce- I'resldent Hamlin aud Charles Devcus reported appropriations. The council of administration met and transacted somo routlno busi ness. The nnutial salarits and ex penses were voted tho same os last year, uud appropriations were made for keeping iu repair the cottage at Mt. McGregor. I'llICK OK 8UUAII 11AIHKP. PHii.AnKM'HiA, Aug, 8. Claus Spreokels yesterday raised tho price of granulated sugar to the old figure 1 l-10,nfier having thoiuurkotall his own way for t:vo days and unload ing, as the brokers think, about 150,- 000 hands of his surplus stock. The activity Induced by tho cut showed a perceptible fulling off when the prlco was raised, but Hie market wus strong, and at one time It was predicted that sugar might go to 4 coins. The ad vauco to the old figure bus efeclually silenced nil rumors of a combination with tho New York trust, and Is now accepted that tho cut was madn solely on account of tho overproduction. BUiciui:. Tacoma, Aug. 8. Ux-Pollceinaii John Clancy, on account of domestic trouble, suicided nt 10 minutes to 11 o'clock yesterday morning by taking strychnine In room 12 of the apart muiit house at No, 1525 Tucomu avenue. Concluded from first P"ee MARKETS. San FtiANOtsco, Aug. 8. buyer; 1601, $1.02 f, ClIICAdO, Wheal was Aug. 8. flrui cash, At 801, -Wheat close Sept. mtn"i. 1iav were dneat Grantham. -, .h. 0,0 -a-fii. -&IE-!! JT3Mtf&2? at that station? To sny that It would bo highly embarrassing for him to bo discovered alone with her under such conditions would only bo to put It feebly. For, though there was noth ing absolutely Improper In tho young lady's present state of undress, except conventionally, still, In theso matters, tho conventional standard was every thing. , And Mr. McPorson was conscious that if ho ldmself wcro to discover a iti,r older of tho kirk alone in a rail way carriage with n young lady, whoso hair was down her back nnd the bodico of her dress off, revealing a particular ly white neck and n nicely rounded pair of arms, ho should regard that brother elder's conduct with decided suspicion. Fivo minutes passed, mid tho young lady si umbered peacefully on, wliilo Mr. McPorson felt with ft sinking heart that he was being helplessly hurried forward to his doom. "Good heavens I" ho groaned miser erably, "I wish she would now take It Into her head to dream that she was getting up, and would put her clothes on again. What would I not give at this inlnuto to have the controlling of her fancies I" He consulted his watch again. Mat ters wero getting more and more des perate. In less than ft quarter of on hour they would bo at Grantham. Then, all of a sudden, an Idea Hashed ocro his mind which miulo him bring his hand sharply down upon his kneo and exclaim determinedly: " 'Pou my word, I'll try it. It's desperately unlikely to succeed. But I do belie vo it's tho only chance. And, at any rate, it can do no harm." After n minute or so of close re flection, during which he bit his nails in fla most agitated and excited manner, Mr. McParson prepared to put his idea into effect. Ho had heard that the sleeping fancies of peoplo in tho young lady's state might sometimes be shaped or modified by external circumstances. And ho now intended to make a des porato effort to iufluenco Ills slumber ing companion through theso means. His first experiment was to rap sharply with his knuckles on the door of tho compartment, anxiously watch ing tho sleepers face as he did 60. With a thrill of excitement, almost of tri umph, he saw her lips move, and heard her drowsily murmur, "Come in." This preliminary success stimulated him to persevere with his intention. And with a look of grave aud breath less anxioty, which snowed that ho was quito unconscious o the irresistibly couiio part ho was enacting, he raised his deep voice to a piping falsetto, and said, with as good an imitation of a cliamberinaid as ho could manage: j "Time to get up, ma'am I Hero's your hot water, ma'am I" His desperate and unlikely designs succeeded beyond Ids wildest hopes. Tho slumberer throw off her rug, rose and stretched hen-elf; then, after going through certain inexplicable move ments which Mr. McParson guessed to bo imaginary ablutions, she proceeded carefully and deliberately to do her hair up. This step completed, she donned her dress bodice, then her trav eling jacket, and, finally, her bonnet; tho old gentleman watching her as she went through these several grades of her toilet with an ever increasing benso of relief, triumph and self congratula tion. And certainly thero is no deny ing that he owed his escape from a most embarrassing situation entirely to bis own ingenuity. Tho jerking caused by tho application of the. brako to stop tho train, as it ran into Grantham, at last really awoke the young lady. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stared about her in a dazed sort of manner, appearing rather star tled to find another passenger in the compartment. But she soon regained her composure, and regarded Mr. McParson with a perfectly unembar rassed gaze a thing which she -would havo found difficult to do had she been ever so dimly conscious of tho figure which sho had presented to him a quarter of nn hour ago. As for tho worthy Scot, ho was much too thankful for his escape to run the most remote possibility of further risk; (o ho left the carriage at Grantham, and continued his Journey northward In another compartment, hugging him self not a llttlo on tho ready wit which had won 1dm salvation from an ap parently inovttablo nosco. London Truth. WHATHEU REPORT. San Fhanoisco, Aug,, a -Fore-cast for Oregon and Washington! Fair weather. IIOTTWhT THIS YKAH. ClllCAtio, Aug. 8. This bus been tho hottest day of thuyeur the signal service thermometer leglstered 0.1 degrees at noon, There are several prostrations from the elleuts of the lieat. UKA'P IN MINNESOTA. MiNNH.vroi.lB, Aug. 8. The heat today Is excessive, two cases of sun stroke reported, onu ol which will piolmbly result fatally, "Just as llooil," Su KOino dealers who try to sell a Milulttuio preparation when a tuiHtoiiier calls fur 1 load's Sarsanarll- la. Do not allow any suuh false statements as this Induce you to buy what you do not wnut.ltemem tier that tho only reason for making It Is that a fow cents more profit will bo made on the htibsiltute. In slst upon having tho best medicine Hood's Sursupurillu, It Is peculiar to Itself. w r t Dvthk Way, If you are look lug for Kousouublo grocoiles, fruits, or vegetables, cull at Squire Furrar 1 A Co. They havo what you want. H. Pohlo U still at tho foot or State, on Front, opposite the fouti 'drv. I Oulak time ami timumh trains i .ttt.n...l ituLj.i.tiuiM mul till) iijrti In . . . uiitf irv iMiDouiiKvta nini ritiinvia f- II to lllr I Oor nil Old ftiliuor, III. ti, niii;-iv Union l'aotllu .tNorlh- .Siuiidhrttlw Hgvd sixty tillered tho western Hue, San I'muuUvo uud I HAW Ine rosier-tujrijfd idjnt PortUud to Chicago, ml-Aiig for, though It was a ehado better to bo shut in a railway carriage witn n sleep walker than with a lunatic, still even tho former condition of affairs was sufficiently awkward, nnd ho fervently wished that ho had got into another compartment. However, thero he was, with no possible chance of escajie. So there was little use In wishing. He had bet ter dovoto his energies to making tho best of the situation. Onfy, what was ho to dof Tho young lady was moving slowly toward the door of tho carriage. SiiDDOsini: she should try to open It and cot outl He should be obliged to stop her bv force, with the nimost certain result of waking her up. And that (as he had heard) was liable to cause fatal consequences. lie was on ine horns of n most embarrassing dilemma, and as ho realized its full horrors, n sickly pallor succeeded to the previ ously rubicund hue of Mr. McParson's countenance. But when the young lady reached tho door of tho carriage and Josliun McParson, with his heart In his mouth, was about to lay a detaining hand upon her arm, sho suddenly turned round and began to walk tho other way. Tho old fellow noticed now that she was lifting her feet unnecessarily high, like a person ascending steps, and ho con cluded that sho Imagined herself to be going up stairs. This viow was soon to receive confirmation of a strango and startling kind. While ho was sUll watching her with anxious alarm, in case sho might try to get out of tho door at the other end of tho carriage, ho saw her, to his immense relief, stop her peregrination and sink down upon thoseat "Thank heaven," he murmured. "I hopo she will now wake up before sho attempts any more walking." But he soon found that he had been somewhat premature in his expression of gratitude. Tho young lady's first act after sitting down was extraordinary, perhaps, though not at all frightening, being merely to tako off her bonnet and lay it upon tho seat beside her. But it soon beeamo clear to her horrified com panion that this bad only been tho prelude to a far more alarming and em barrassing purpose. For, after calmly divesting herself of her outsido jacket, she next proceeded to unbutton and tako off the bodico of her dress I What, in the name of horrors, did this mean? What on earth did tho sleeping young lady dream that sho was doing? Her next move threw somo light upon the matter. Sho commenced with great deliberation to tako the hair pins out of her hair and lot it down about her neck and shoulders. Then, possessing herself of a hairbrush from tho traveling bag at her side, sho pro ceeded to comb her long, thick tresses very energetically. Mr. McParson was not a genius in point of penetration, but by putting two and two together that is, by com paring tho young lady's former action of appearing to walk up stairs with her present occupation ho had sufficient intelligence to divino tho motive in tlucnco at work within her. She imagined herself in her bedroom, Just retiring for tho night; and tho no tion of disrobing, with which her sleep ing thoughts wero busy, had set her unconscious hands performing that task in very earnest. Tho old gentleman did not arrive at this conclusion all In n minute; but when ho did arrive at it ho felt no doubt whatever that ho had hit tho right nail on tho head. And as ho be gan to rcalizo the consequences likely, nay, certain, to result from such a sit uation, ho felt something moro than embarrassed and horrified. Tho worst part of it was, lie felt helpless to do anything. Ho dared not wako the young woman up, not only becauso of tho danger to her lifo Involved In so doing, but also because, oven if sho got over that safely, sho would bo bo btartled, taken back and overwhelmed at finding herself In such a situation that, before ho had timo to give any explanations, sho would prob ably shriek out for help. And should tho train bo stopped and thoy two be found under theso equivocal conditions alono together in tho carriage, why matters would look rather bad for him, to say tho least. On the other hand, to lot her pro ceed further with the work of disrobing was to make his present position oven moro distressingly embarrassing than it was. And, of courso, tho moro ad vtuiced tho state of deshabille in which sho found herself when sho ultimately woko up, tho moro Intonso would bo her agitation and horror. Yet, what could ho do to stop her? He was, In this respect, as helpless as an unborn babo. Thero Is no denying, Indeed, that the situation was sufficiently awkward, and calculated to mako tho most bold and reckless of men wish themsolves safo out of it. But mi ordinary person car. beareely rcalizo tho overpowering hor ror, trepidation and dismay which it produced In this prim aud pompous old Puritan. Ho sat motionless In his seat, wiping tho clammy moisture from his forehead and looking tho very picture of holpless desperation, his eyes riveted in a horrorstruck giuo upon tho un conscious young lady. By and by slio stopped brushing her Hair, and put Ikick the brush in the bag. Now w ould come a still moro embarrass ing condition of tilings. Of courso sho would proceed with her disrobing. But not Apparently, blio was under the luiprossiou that she had completed that task. For her nuit movo was lo stretch herself at full longth upon tho scat, and draw up her railway rug over her like a person gottlng into bed. As Mr. McParson watohod her go through this latter evolution ho was conscious of a considerable wnso of re lief. It was (something that eho had stopped so soon In the process ot un dressing, and had not carried out her unconscious task to tho bitter end. Besides, kho was now for tho present In a state of quiescent repose, thus giving him n itilmtto or two In which to oon Klder his position without being mo mentarily agitated and distracted by omo fresh vagary on her part But duo rvtlooUott did not bring much comfort with It, after all Look ing at bit watch, ho taw that, la twentr, 1 J J ja( 13 iri d mramw"amr' Parties wishing to build nico residences and in search of n beautiful ft,t , with pleasant surroundings should visit ROSKDAIvI It is located direct on the Electric lino to the Fair Ground, overlooking the entire the snow capped mountains, Mt. Hood and ML Jefferson, as well as the over, green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and .the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. The High school well as the North Salem new building are within a t hoi I distance of this tract. m as o JZ2 1 o Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property is now for sale by All Real Kstate Me In this City, who will bo ready at any time to show this tract to purchasers. A LARGE SUPPLY OP THE best quality of brick at the yards near Penitentiary. BURTON BltOS. bilein, tJ'igon. mfcU5S3Kswaat-SRGzaiBiuazi2fattai , S305Sg5ggjl Pianos and Organs AND "MUSI CJ h 3! i:.': Cn.LX7I812. FINEST 1 INF. T O'a -T PRICES. 25c Want Coin f.IIPfy lEMIltd In (. I ClSTf UOKD KACH MI'iJi-.N. .N0 ijj Lii-ciiit ui iuvtriuu iu iijif '.o'I'Iud fay wjuu mi'uij -jjra rHiiiK. yirANTKD. A liovtmi i -j nnn i T T 'it i" oui i . i nr in lioou. r f.l Mil T70K. HAJ.K J li ! 'I I! ft plnil A u ire,ci(,rj i- huh lion ,p, i in ( ii a ntuny iup ni w ti ut ni p. Itpr Im.ilmi 1 1 . 1 i K.i t. i Installments fr 111 So I'OnilOlitll Un. W'l.o'eenle nnd Aiply to Wllll.ii s t 1 m,! J I .... !i - ' I .wmmmiv- xieiuu. company. hi P. H. EASTON & CO, 310 Commercial St,, Salem. Head Quarters for the Salem Oichestiu. dw aJUI.-i VTXTCUWSh ll-JJ.-m-Jm INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assets Over 350,000 Dollars. GEO. M. BKKLKH, City ABent, AndRpecl-Ungeutbr -Marlon uniuty. Ol tcfl with Hie Company. MORGAN & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Good teams and prompt work Is our itronghold. Stockholders Mooting. NOTICE is hereby given that tin- annual meellntr of the stockholders of the Uupitul Gold nnd silver mining itinip im , iiflheclly of Hilem, Oregon, will bo held it tho otli roof the company, In Mild blty, on tho second Thurhdiy, the 13th day of Vugust, 1S91, at So.clock p. in., for thojelec Hon cf ducctors, and hiich other business is may come befoie the meeting. J. II. HTRIOKL.ER. B"C. Salem. Oregon, July 25 1891. 7 27 2w J G J I A lilt Iri. U. A MOORE SALEM LlM (flilWNY. Leave iiiilir-t at thf ( !ub stables, one blel: .nisi ni l'ostordce. All ciders imi. i.u. iiltcjulod to. L. B. HUFFMAN, Liviiy Stable anil Feed Yard. the Best Box Stalls and Corral In the It, Qukt, inmtiy homsu tpei '.ally (lb rear WlUiumttu hottl ) SALEM, - - OKEGON E. Paper Hanger. Leave order ut Globe Real Estate Exchange W.M. DeHAVEN, Hoarding - and - Sale - Stable. One door west of Lunn's Dry Doorts store on Htuto street. Quiet family teams. Spec ial attention paid to transient stock. 6:ltl $500 Reward! Hatcher c. oi:oss, awl Packer, HliileHt. ulirirut.it Sl iliu bii iniMtt deiheiLd to all p.utsof ire!iy. HIVES, SECTIONS, FOUNDATION, etc. Send For P. ices. Don't foifj t ihe 1'louccr Ilea Krepcr aud nupplj dtnlu. C.x. UKUOKS, l-lii--Sui .Siheilou.Oiegon, The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUC&h'iLGERS, Su"cch'.orMo.Iiiliu Holm, cr. Commei ol.il Die! Ouetiielcttastiertk,S,ilcni. Hone shoeing a upec'iilty. 4fltf T 0-f. AkoIiIIiiiiisIi Ih.IioimH Ij M't with flu;riluiiui.d . 1 lie i-ulr. lily im.i n.'i d. Ait. l'i n....d tui cutlet Mrtct.m thlsu; :l.lrj mt "I hi r.M El'-uui .t, uitb'i 'iHCjlCOtcli ' ' i. "'""" 'c ",sr ' ur ' " on il-l . i- ii. . i- i . .in cu gntt .fcumm, iiuu v. u. ujtu u it i vx'afl uiu ii u inmtiy ii !!' ii i in e&ivl i u eitiiiFh i ! ii ill i' (htr Tin i seneml agent !u hiiu .y n i nu lu cc Hh.'ii ted cum Lith :.u ml i tin a i ( i. in I l.ri ii 'ni IcnltorjiM i Jif.t ii i, in- iui iiiii'i in tnv n. a Apply ut omo nnd gi.1 Ir t Ibe UiH Adilrtst) Renncr iiunul.ictii' h,i:lo 'si burg. I'll. tTdiiil apital City li :W llMllll J as. Bakhelor, Prop'r, WarinJScaNatAllllooroiii M ionc hut uhile labor employed!., .'btiibllbliinoDt A Koort subMautlal meul c kcdictJ fUlSS MJ 16 Twcniy-fl e euts per menl, Ftl D F'WONT Couit stre-t. bftween JournMl Itmcn Mlnto's Livrj M.T. RINEMAN. UK A J.Eli i.; d Fancy Sisple aii Crockery. (Jlnsme. L-imns. M-n nnd Willow vruie. All kluu oftnilii iimi v.i;t uiuit'suQuiiuus iii tiielrnsj "Hlghtst Price paid for count.; provvl Wo solicit ashaieof your pntronaeti a - )"i2.uietifj lUphl Jtrltlco Uulldlnc Tho quickest hridgo building on ivc ord vroa douo by nn engineer named Dredge, who, In eight days, put an iron span across tho Blackwater, In Tyrone county, Ireland. It was 71 feet in longth. Dredge died beloro tho popu lar agitation was begun in Philadelphia for n modern bridge across tho Schuyl kill at Walnut street. That project has been discussed for a quarter of a cen tury. Tho Schuylkill, at this point, Is deeper than tho Bronx nnd nearly as doop as tho Harlem river. Now York Sun. The Pul nit ami the Stage. Rev. F. M.Shrout, pnstor United lliottiern church, ltluoMouud, Kan., khjs: "1 feel It my duty to tell what wondorH Dr. King's New Discovery has done for ine. My lungs wero badly (MmuciI, nnd parishioners thought I could llvo only n fow weeks I took llvo Uittlos of Dr.Klng'a New DU'overv uud am hiuihI ami well, gaining 20 llw hi weight." Arthur Love, Mutineer Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trlul and convlno ltigovldonco, 1 am confident Dr. King' New Discovery for consump tion, IhmU cni all, and cures when everything olw falls. Tho greatest kindness I con do my ninny thou solid friend Is to urge them to try It." Frvo trial bottle at Fry's drugstore. Regular sUes 60o and f 1.00, WKwlU pay the above reword for unj case of liver complaint, dvspopiln, slcb heudnche, Indigestion, constipation or tos tlveneis we cannot cure wltw west's Veg eltableLlqer I'llls, when tho directions nre Urlctle compiled with. They are purely fseuiui, unu never mu lo give sail iao tlon. Sugar coated. Large boxes, contalu tug .10 pills, 2J cents, lleware of counter icit.i and mltatlous. The genuine manu factHredohly by TUU JOHN U. WKS1 Co. Chicago 111, Hold by Ueo. K. Gixid, Druggist, 301) Com street. Hjlein Or EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Stiasta. Line CALIFORNIA F.XI-11ESS TRAIN HUN DAIIA UKTWKKN rOKTLArD AND a F. 1 North "Boulh. 7:00 d. ui. U:1S p. m. S:15 a.m. l.v. Lv. Ar. 1'ortlaiid bnlem Ban Fmu. Ar. I l.v. Lv.l U:.io u. in, 7:18 a. m HAM p. ni Above trains stop enly at lolloping stn tlous north of ltoMliuri Kni iv,ril.,H Orgou City, Woodbuni, Salem, Albany laugeut, Mlieddk, llalsey, Itarrlnburz Junction City, lrWug aud Kugene. g IHWKIIWKO ilALI. UAIliY inland ITARL FOR SALE. iii) acres of bet sti ck ai.d lnut land In Oregon tor tale at a 'jiu-ilti. Will i-ell In lots to suit imiLbii'sci. Addift'sor call on ". J Mlihli, Kulghts dre Nenr-illMrCiM.k Falls. 7:!m Quurlcrly TonclicA Exninina lion. Vrori"K If. hereby gtxeu lint the next Ll loirulnriiii.iririly riaimnatloo ofni jIIo iiits lore rt IloakMo tiach 1 itbituii lescliooNof Ungi.n mil b held In the -uil .Ull?Ct1 Oj.ll J,, Wednesda., August 12, I8SI, Mm up in, imi p. p,iiiLU..t!,niust ism tm t lib opt nl ngrf ihi session i oimty iup, rlntet dent of sm ii. ..Is for M i-mn county, in. gon. R l td dv THE WiLLAMETI SALEM, Olir.CO, iiaios, ?'Z.ow to so.tiu ncriaa 1 he best hotel bi mter. rutlanduiN rranciheo. tjrst-cmss m nil it arpM ments. lt tubles are sened wltitfl Clio I cost Fruits Grown In the;Vil!amette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, g an bo W0 a. m. IDA! a. m 3.1(1 p. in. I.V. Lv Ar. 1' Salem Itoseburg Ar. l.v. Lv. J.-OJ p. ni. l.Kh p. ni. 6:Ju a. m Albany Local, Dally (Kxcrpt Sunday.) 4tt) . III. rjui p.m. ifcOO p. in. L.V. l.v: Ar. i'ortlaud sulem Albany Ar. Uv. Lv, ft)n.m, 6-08 a. m 5,-ttl a. ni. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For urcommodutiou ot second class pakHeDgoni attached to express trains, iVest Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: PAII.Y (KXCEIT SUNDAY). Itemuval of Utllre. Dr. W. 11, Young has moved his olllco Into the Dr. Rowlmid hulld liiK on corner or MUirty ami Court Ktreots. hiuI will oi-cupythe olllco, Hurgloal rooms mid lIomtory for merly used hy Dr. Rowland, llr. ouiighim not romoved from his rwliluiuv on Court etreet, whero he can bo fouud at other than olllco houre, .... 8-Mv Fresh luhiud vegetulU'8 Sroat A O lie, 110 p. m. I Ar. I "l,ofiramrXrn IWXflllU l.v JkJ0 p. m. lagsii. m. Oregon Stale Fair, lli'r! ni.taniiii-ilch.liiiMn under tht m in ii.iii.i i tneongi ii -iiih. nisirdo H-' ul' re w i b hum. the itn. flan 11 nun in "-iilt'iii, commencing ou aLondity, Ijpptcihber li, 1801, And lasting one ueek OVER $15,000 wr IX CASH TlJEallUMS fancy work aud trials of speed. Ueduced rates for fare and freight on all I'lispnrtatloiHInestoand from tho lair '"'fl lmpnemenu have been n.adi Tlerenrbluo'lS.11 ",CreaSCd fUU",tl,S' PiUlionwillbeOpca-iNigliisiDihcWcct. V Mileudld Held ot horses entertd In the iml dotmrtiueut, and fine exhibits 01 n i ng will bo given eaili day Cmu-IM ol fc.iiirleforpreuiium 0Ue Monday at ? ..P.- r . 'r1"0 "'soi-ourgedti.niuk.oas sTioTm'asw D, u,u,r "'"" . A.1 A,J)9ny nuA CtorvallU connect witn trains f Oregon l'ao.rte lUUroad. KH'ltmS TRAIN (UA11A KJlCKHTSPNliAr 3& S- S.u K.iSff?!iTSKT!arci5: "r- jii..ijiiwiiuin ie uv. i a. 13 a. in. Through Tickets To all point EAST and SOUTH , vw,t,kwdtuW tntermatioa regnra. t'Ull K3 UK ADMIS-lIil.V Mau's day ticie" r omaii's day ticket S lan's koasim iicb - v Oman's seHMuitifVai "" r . Lr.il0nVv VA? l.-UUint sectelaiy.ai V ... '. ...?.!: "'"um list. .UArHO!!! .PTIdenl. -- u.i. Ulit . sectelaiy, at ORKOO. Secretary. MONEY! To Lots M RmI Eut SeHty, FEAR & HAMILTON, SALB! 4 'tOS&SS? For Sale Cheap! 120 ACRES OF LAND 5 mil's from Salm nt SS5 per acre. A)1! au acres oiieu, h ilauco tlmw-. o.'"" , 1 VfllUP I Tiwrne V.ict I.IJIHIU1 . "I'Cli. A.. r. , ---- FOR mi! O of the best res'derwi lots In the '1 A COURT STREBl sj southeast corner of o'ocic. tetw"V(Jl and 15th streets, ono blooli iwmft line, lour b'neks from ""r"? pSSt! nr iniesann i-jisi Mucin kiw" Vbjb for both or 11500 for oornerand II w1 1 Bidn V'nuh t . n a id frirtt fmntscev i nnTTTP'Tr .GiT'WEET trmu reof the OREGON MMJi,BlS Oltice Cor. Com'l nnd Chemeket L, upstairs, or of any Leal tsv - i lUGblfl Bids Received. BUiS will be received on ionirf lUlh, fitmi 6 to 7 p m , by tU " t dlrevlors of school dutrlit .iit otllce of the school clerk, at & Sr-fr or A. V. Dniton, for the creciw""'-, ,u house, piaus aud Pc'-in1&Jt'0Lrti seen at the olerks onlce The w I sen e the rnrht to reject ano u i Hy order of tbe board. v oei I 8 6td A w.mnwi1"'.! M. D- Surjje! A. J. SHIMP, Physician and iipitv ic ur TRUE E!L ilidw rirTiiiiini IP rllf THUt LLll.inil.lll IO " . " ,J 1 Ofall ChmnlP. TlheuMiatift "'ktf'; 4 uervou iii-i-e5 lfiiridtyc all .liuiriuMlnirf t'ifltni't".?- (j1 ln ii)irien yeur ciiuimi !--- p SV Uomwerclal itreev