Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 30, 1891, Image 3

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TlH'iWnAY --JULY 80,
niu by mall pr year.
tSttfr by mall per month,
. 1 W
ureekly by inau per jear,-
ffi ror two week, , 23 cU.
ISiir bjrmo.tii.-.-.,. fee"
iinltectlon will be mndo on lit and lSth
nfmoutli. Bubucrlber will plea-e leave
money for carrier at hou or wnertfit
u delivered, maaU) caue no delayii In
tjik EVKWinoOAPiTAiiJoaBWAi. reiru
,.i, reuolven the afternoon associated
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder,
DAY. Notice.
Persons leaviug town for tho
springs, seacoast or mountalufl, can
have tiio Daily Jouhnal sent to
them without extra cost, by leaving
orders nt the office.
At the Mills. About thirty
mechanics aro busy at tho big Capi
tol Mills. Tho old white mill is
being converted into a warehouse.
The big warehouse is being com
pletely overhauled and made ready
to handle Immense quantities of
craln at creat speed. The mills
proper have a force renovating the
old machinery and putting In some
new. All the steel rolls aro being
taken apart and cleaned. A now
bead gate has been put in and the
main gears in the wheel house are
leing adjusted. A new bridge has
been built over tho water ditch so
that farmers cau drive in better.
The wuter ditch has been entirely
cleaned of weeds and pretty soon
the newly increased mountain
stream will send along a supply of
wuter that will tnako the 300-horsje-power
turbine spin. The Journal
notes with pleasure- how this im
portant work is being pushed. It
will result In a grand addition to
the dinner pail brigade thut will be
felt by all Suleni.
Man iNJUJtiiu. Carpenter B. F.
Miller fell oil' a staging of the Cald
well home In Knglmvood Wednes
d.iy afternoon. Ho dropped about
eighteen feet and sustained severe
injuries about the head. Ho was
placed on an electric car and taken
home In a sonil-uncoiiKclous condi
tltin, but is doing well.
RmuitNKU. Several persons have
returned from their trip to Clatsop
beach, where they have txen at
Gearhart Park, that beautiful resort
managed by Amos Strong. They
report It a delightful trip on the
Columbia, uud tho most comfortable
place on earth when you get there.
Mr. Strong Is more than keeping up
hl3 repututlon as u popular caterer.
Accident. A man In u buck
board with a top, und a box con
taining a Shepherd bitch with u
litter of pups, and a horso hitched
bohlnd, had a uurrow escape yester
day at tho corner of Liberty and
State. An electric car caused tho
led horse to leap to ono side und tip
over tho whole outfit, Thero was u
terrible inixturo of horses, pups,
and man for a while, but no ono
was hurt.
Bound Oveii. Tho housebreaker
Barney Mulligan had a preliminary
examination today before Recorder
Goodell and was bound over, bail
1160. He will uwuit trlul in Jail.
1 m
We ore selling ladles', misses' und
children's Canvas and Russet shoes
at leps than cost. Win, Brown &
Co., boots and shoes. 7 3M)t
Cumpers don't puck your chestJ
till you look over our stouk of camp,
ingeutlbles, Broat&aile.
Clark &Eppey are selling those
choice Eastern hums at 16 cento
per pouud,
Only pure artlolo of Imported
Swiss cheese nt Bteiner & Sonne
mann's Cash grocery, Only 20o
per pound,
Speclul dress goods sule u JfJ ver
son's this week will euvo buyers 20
per cent,
Notice the run at QatmrJIn's gal
lery for that lino nrjsto worktlie
ew process, 1
Those new sweet notatoos ut M. T.
ItlU"inau'H pro dolojous-tho Host of
toe beason,
I'realj steanj rousted 'Ouneojuk"
peanuts at JMIeuljrand'.
apeolal dress goods mu M UoJ.
Versun'B this week.
The aiohe Jta jgsraie aojnpajjy
' oprjng lots p yew J'urU Annex
Wiy ija you Ht drjij 0ronado
thread p 4J(,
M . tf . JWNN'8,
The llomn Club Holds ft Uading
Irf-aniie Nino Down Well.
Balem had good eye for the
Bent tie pitcher mid two out of three
hit, close work retiring them.
Seattle's scored one off errors before
tho sphere was hit. In tho second,
Balem advanced a notch farther
around the square, all hilling,
Scuttles again retiring with a tally.
In the third Lavan's two-bagger let
Collett to third before they retired.
They had two out when pyrotechnic
batting gavo tho Bead Irs two and
burst one of Stanley's best fingers.
In the fourth, Bulems Irt n little
confidence. Re lily's pretty double
play guvu Ek-altles their Ilrst goone
egg, amid great cheers. Salem's
again fulled to score after Ik-lily's
great kick, and tho Sound youths
Imitated their example. In the
sixth, Bulems got the buses all cov
ered, hitting tho ball right and left,
high pressure league playing alone
cutting them oil without scoring,
lilg Sbocneck retired on a grcut fly
to Salem's nerviest fielder, Jay
Smith, Irwin netting two bases on
errors. A few more coutlies gave
f-'eolties another rcore. On the
lucky seventh usual luck attended
too Bulems. To even up, the first
Peuttlelle went out by Stanley's
active lulling of a foul fly; the next
got 1st, but Lcvcquc's swift throw
ing put him out twice beforo the
umpire conceded it; third ditto.
liCvequc'H pitching on this Inning
vti8 a phenomenon. The eighth
euvelhe vlcilors two, against the
home team's zero. The ninth cost
the Seat ties a desperate ellirt to
shut our buys out, but they did it.
The score is u follews:
All K Jill fill VO A
Ileilley, 3b C 0 0 0 14
otunley, 4 0 0 0 5 1
Collett, 2b 4 0 2 0 3 1
Lavuti, b f 4 0 2 0 10
Smith, c f- 4 0 1110
Leveque, p 3 0 0 12 2
Booth, lb 1 0 0 0 7 1
Porter, r f 4 0 0 0 0 0
Mellen, 1 f 4 0 0 0 4 1
Totals 30 0 C 2 2-1 10
Bhattles. ah k nir sir vo a
Heriiou, r f 3
Powell, I f 3
Shea, ss 4
Newman, c f 4
Hhoeneek, lb 3
Phclnn,2b 4 0
Zintmer, e 4 2
Irwin, 3b 3 0
Crovvell, p 4 0
0 13
0 1
0 0
Totals 32 7 7
Scoreby iniM.-l 2 8 4 6
0 27 7 C
0 7 8 1)
SaleniH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Seattles 1 12 0 0 10 2 7
Summary. Earned run", none;
two-base hit, Luvau; three-base lilts,
Newman, Irwin; Molen tmses,Luvnn,
Smith, Powell, Phelun; left on bases,
Salems 7, Bcattles 3; double play,
Lavan, Collett, uud Booth; bases on
called balls, by Loveque 4, by
Crowell 1; wild pitch, Levequo 1;
time of game, 1:57. Umpire, Mr.
It was an exciting game from the
start by far the most exciting yet
seen at the Fair Grounds park.
Leveque struck men out at several
critical stuges of the gume, when he
wished to reul bad.
Bulems made a Letter showing
every time they went in.
Levequo gauged his antagonists
well after each Introductory oMbrt.
After the first dash of excitement
every man played his level best.
Carriages und people lined three
sides of the pnrk.
The gate receipts run up to 000.
The feature of the Salems' game
was Leveque's In-lleld work. He
was simply everywheie.
Booth held bis position with great'
credit to himself.
Very few hits wereniude by either
side. If anything Salems hit more
ball- than the Scuttles.
The Salems should stop at noth
ing short of the making of a league
A Journal reporter Interviewed
the rnauuger of the Seuttle team
and he suid: "Your boys played
very well, AH they are weak on is
their butting. The In-lleld was well
pluytd, while tho battery worked
very good. The errors they made
were all unfortuuutely costly, while
ours were not. The way to sturt a
league club Is to sell books. of seusou
tickets at (20 each aud in Ibis wuy
r.ilee a fund of about (3000 capital to
start In on, Then form a stock
company of about $5000, It takes
f 1600 to put up with the secretary as
forfeit money If they do not play
the sen son out, This money Is
(I ven book the lust mouth. Salaries
would run up to flsJCO n mouth, and
this out of the gate money. Visit
ing clubs get (100 for (he game, ex
cept on holidays, wben tlioie Is even
division. I believe j our town would
turn out und support lougiie games
well, It was a very fine lot of peo
ple. This is the only (own we huve
played outside of Jiugue lowns. I
wanted to see your club, und must
say I am mora than phased all
" ' -
Havn yu seen Yew J'.irk uud thi
miUiy WW fiQliagw. buJJt iharothls
jUhon? Jf" 0l, null i)n Ju Qlobe
JW"! J&lft!w BftJlipany gjt ijjpy wjj)
glveyou a drive tJirouglj U, pnu.
jur Annex, pjkJ If you wWi lo buy
u jui iijwi wy M'W m yu one
fur fluy uJ ?136 per lut uu oy
mm if
TIju UIoIlv llm JUiutv 9Mm)y
wJIJ ell loU In tin? ixtnlttr Yuw
Prl Alinejt -JUrJng l.l IMlk far
,tJiWmJJ!prJQi. wy tru
w iwwiimm iyn. h
N danger yyhuu you Lgrn jtwk
jne WJ4 by flrou ix QU.
Btnte Senator Horry Miller Is In
the city.
Geo. Staley and troujie are nt the
B'ulc Bcnalor Cogswell, ol Lake
county, lain the city.
Mm. IO wis Stimuli is homo from
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Woile go lo
morroMr to spend n month In the
Hon, John P Robertson Is home
from his trip to tho Bantlam.
J. D. Sutherland and Tony Met
flchnn arc camping at Mehamn.
Hon. John MInto Is homo from
hit visit to tho Cascade mountains.
Shcrif Crolsan and wife aro at
Boda Springs for a few days.
Merchant T. Holverson Is in Chi
cago to lay In a full stock.
M.J. McKIn non, of Portland, Is
In the city.
Timbers aro today being delivered
for tho new bridge on the North Ban
tlam. Miss Carrie Lanes of Eujreuo nnd
Miss Emma Baum of Portland, are
guests ut tiie residence of Hon. Ed.
Mr . Patrick Foley and family left
yesterday to take up their residence
at Albany.
Prof. Starr Is home from his Cali
fornia trip. He expects to remain
with the Willamette faculty.
H. J. Corbel t, assistant cashier of
tho First National Bu.k of Port
luud, came up today to exchange
somo b'liids on deposit.
James Moyer, who runs a steam
wood fuw, lost a finger of his left
hand Wednesday.
David and W. B. Simpson are
homo from their camping vucatlon
on Bits Creek beach.
While oalem enjoys cool, shady
days, letters from seacoost und
mountains report hot, clear Bun
ch In e.
Messrs. Koehler aud Rogers of tho
S. P. Co., and the company's attor
ney, Hon. W. B. Fentou, ure in
Salem to have a lieurlntr before the
railroad commission on the proposed
new schedule,
Friday Secretary MeBrld? and
State Treasurer Metscban j,o trTho
Dulles to inspect the portage rail
way. J. 8. Cooper, president of (he In
dependence National Bank, is in the
Harry Kay und J. C. Bones, of
the Salem Woolen Mills, went to
Brownsville toduy, where thev tuke
a team f r Fish Lake, fur a va'c itlou
with rod and Winchester until Aug.
15, when the mills start iguin.
Marshal Hull'mati of Albany canio
down to Balem Wednesday and
took home with him Hum islng, a
Chinuman arrested by OflicerDilley
on ehiirge of robbery.
The Balem Blatesinan says, "Be
careful ub.ut lire." But a good
many Salcui people are iying, "Be
careful uoout the Statesman's fire
fakes." Portiuud Telegram.
Miss Lee Prattler, u teacher in the
Albany college, and her sister Miss
Aniuudu Pruthcr, u teacher In a
Mlfsourl college, now ylsltlng In
Oregon, are the guests of Miss Min
nie Colwell on State street.
Wednesday's baft bull gume was
devoid of accidents to any In the
crowd, except once when a Judy was
nearly dragged out of a buggy aid a
child endangered for a few minutes.
Col. Lovoll thinks a regulation
squad of 24 men, three commissioned
aud three non-commissioned officers
from each company, or 180 men,
could be got to attend an encamp
ment at the state fulr. Part of the
subsistence at least would have to be
raised here.
An effort is making by the Balem
manuger to get a gamo out of tho
Portland league club. It has some
games to muko up with the Tucomas.
But for thut they could come Mon
day next, and a date may yet be ar
ranged. Any of the league clubs are
willing to come and play witli tho
Tho Tele gram bus differed from
the Sulcm Journal on various mat
ters; that paper has mora than once
accused The Telegram wrongfully;
no matter; we feel obliged to ogreo
with It in Its condemnation of the
Statesman "fake" fire tenre, un uo
count of which wus published a day
or two ago in this paper. It Is worth
noticing. A pftfcumably reputable
daily paper published over a column
of morning news, In which ft wus
stated thut partof the (own had been j
burned up; the refct was Jikejy to be, j
Men went wild, women fuiuled und '
went Into hysterics. People hearing
the ''news" rushed from home, from
mountains, from feacoust, to defend
tlielr homes, their property, (heir
families, or (o gaze upon whut (hey
supposed were rulnn. TJiey wure
probably glad (hat It woe not (rue;
hut that did not compensate them
for Hie time, (he trouble, (hoanxlety
(hoy endured beforo they did know- j
More than tl-at, biislnes inferusls
MJfaroiJ. Inwirupco rult were, or.
w he, ralsul. The tultximnn '
might hove lold Ihe frulh, but It
wus u cosily (rulji lo (ho people ut
Milium; and it mum not (old for the
?ukp of lulling the frulli, only f-r
tliv fajte of 9- Jlrgjo IWWUig ! '
now, &qi im v met we opjy
nnrloiiy.n.ul nrnlmblv .MiMtlir fX
f ima'ullw. PurlUuA TLtnm.
. - j
M T- RlpWfi" hf plenly nt
Un huiMif, j
Outline or Jirlbod far Tliflr Oon
strnellon. How lo Hare Dry
Slreebi nil Hie Year.
"Would-lw Salem street builders
ore all at sea. A few follow the
Boothby Idea ol more mud streets.
The great majority of citizens want
streets of a moro enduring and per
manent character. One thing Is
certain: tho mud street with wooden
gutter Is a stylo of ar?liltectiire that
Is not In favor. Thorn are proper
ways to build such streets uud the
Jouknal has taken tho trouble to
secure specifications nnd lay them
before Its readers In plain English,
The continental method of building
fctrectsln such a city as Salem, and
the only method that has the ap
proval of centuries of time aud has
produced thousands of miles of dry
smooth streets and roads In actual
use, Is as follews:
Excavate the street two uud one
half feet deep, working one-half the
street at a time, curving the sub
grade so that it would be a foot
higher In the center thuii it the
gutters, so that the wuter will run
each way from the center, in facta
finished surface made two and one
half feet below grade Hue. Then on
this place a layer of rock 12 to 18
Inches, with another layer of 4 to 0
inches broken rock, nnd another
layer of larger gravel, finishing the
top with finer gravel. Then turn
all the tralllc over this and finish
the other side of the street in the
same manner. Much of the ma
terial now in the streets could be
used. Two lines of drain tile should
be put down a foot below the bottom
of this pavement on each side.
This plan Is all on. the hypothesis
that grades ure established to aflord
sufficient drainage, with culverts ut
proper Intervals to curry ulrull the
wuter that comes upon the street.
Tho curbs and gutters should bo of
flag or cement.
city ENciiNnnii'a plan,
A reporter interviewed City En
gincer McCaustluud us to how he
would construct a graded gravel
street. He outlines his specifica
tions as follews:
1. Thero must bo u minimum
gradient of not less tbun three-tenths
foot to the 100 feet.
2. Take out at least one foot below
grade established, leaving the sub
grado one foot higher in center.
3. Place a drain tile one foot below
sub-grade on each side under gutter.
4. Construct strong curbing and
gutter of concreto uud cement.
5. Luy foundation of coarse gravel
two to four Indies In diameter and
roll with heavy roller of not less
than 250 lbs to running inch of
0. Then put on a four inch course
of three-fourths to one and one-half
Inch gravel und roll thut; then a two
Inch course of fine gravel and roll
again. Finish with one-halt inch of
j sand and roll again, sweeping oil uil
surplus saud. All tho gravel will
require to bo sifted lo correspond
wltn speculations and no dirt or
objectionable material allowed to be
used. This plan Mr. McCaustluud
believes would give us dry clean
streets ut u moderate expeuso and
material all obtainable In and about
the city.
Manager Koehler Slakes a Peculiar
Proposition to Hie Com
mission. The question of new rates Is be
fore the railroad commission. Mr.
Koehler asks for 40 duys time to con
sider the proposed turlfl of the com
mission. He suysu serious reduction
In receipts will follow if tills is
adopted, and that the company will
lose (250,000 the first yeur. He
threatens to fight tho commlion's
proposed rates in the courts If neces
sary. Ho is willing to adopt the
commissioners reductions on wood,
lumber, vegetables, green fruit and
live stock provided Ihecommfttdon
will give the company IIS advanced
rates on merchandise. On the grain
taiifl'Mr, Kolilerasks forty days to
consider, ut the end of which tho
crop would Imj well Jnto market.
The fight before the commission
Is u great ono uud the Interest of
shippers Is not looked after by anyone
excepting the general desire of the
commission to do the fulr thing.
In other stules when a battle is on
in which the publlo Interests are In
volved, almost invariably the gov
ernor directs (Ijo attorney general to
appear for the state. So far neither
the governor nor (he legal roprebcn
tutiveofthe people huvo token any
hand In the matter.
A Rjktwwy' Mrs, li. R, Woores
planned a tiurpnse on tho uldernun
Wednesday evovlng, that being Ids
birthday, A special mr stopped Mt
their door on Ktala tetrout- nUoul B
o'clock and Charley was surprised
by a cargo of friends Inviting him
to lake a ride to Illghlund where
his new residence uud grounds were
beautifully iilundimM. With re
freshineiits and IrevvorkN u worry
liuio wan had.
P tmmwmmm i mJ4 1 1 1
"there Is always
nnd tho saying
ha been verillcd by Mr. Geo. C.
Slaloy, who aided by Ins talenU and
by hard nnd conscientious work, has
(Irmly planted himself on one of the
very upper rounds or tuo lnuuer
which Is tho iqieclnl properly or a.
ptruuts for honor In tho realm of
comedy. Mr.Stnlny Is nofan Imita
tor of Emmet. He claims his own
original nnd pmiUnr style and
wishes to stand nlono rather than
by comparison. His support Is an
unusually good one, nnd tho play,
"A Royal Pass," Is highly sjioken
of. A warm welcome should bo ex
tended by our theatre patrons lo
this undoubtedly Hue uttmclioii.
At tho opera houae tonight.
Tho Balem fire continues to burn
lu the newspapers. The Jouunal
U devoted almost entirely to burn
ing up the Statesman. That paper
undoubtedly put its feet in It, aud
labors under the dlsadvantago of
having the people against it lu the
light. Albany Democrat.
TiutEK Mom:.- Besides n patient
that arrived last night from Mult
nomah in charge of Deputy Moro
laud. John Watson, of West Fork,
Douglas Co., aged 20. aud Amelia
Armbru8tcr,ofAstrln,age unknown,
were received today nt tho Asylum
for the Insane. The latter person
has puttered repented attacks and
had to bo brought up lu a straight
T O'Neill, Ed Solomon, G W
Hoyt Jr, Jus B Dunbar, H L More
land, J FFlynn, H Boneke, H V
Fuller, Portland.
P P Hooker, Louisville.
Tom Hculy, Mrs M E Kellogg,
C B Liven, Milwaukee.
E Herslone, H H Smith, Ed Les-
zynsky, 8 F.
E C Kirkpatrick, J H Stump,
C J Edwurds, Newberg.
J J Keuiiey, Fred Alberg, Astoria.
Geo M Piper, Seattle.
W L Jones, Jefferson.
G M Irwin, Chemuwa.
RS Miller, Albany.
R Koehler, E P Rogers, 8 P R R.
Sen Cogswell, II B Miller, Geo
Staliy and troupe.
A D Low, Kansas,
C C Holland, Hubbard,
O S Nisy, Oille Hustou, A E Ran
dulI.E T Glikey.L W Pomcroy,8cio.
M L Gulloway, J E Haven, Eu
gene. J T Rellly, J W White, P A And
erson. O Hanson, P Thompson,Port
laud. T C Wheeler, Salem.
R Hatton & wf. Rlckreal.
D W Rice, Petnluma.
8 S Sargeunt, J Hull'man,! J Tuy
lor, Wush,
II O Kirkpatrick, Xunsus City.
Dont forget thut the Olobo Real
Estate boys have u few of the choic
est lots in Yew Pnrk annex addition
for sale at tho low price of (100. (125.
eucli on easy terms or installment
plan. tf.
Huckleberries in
any quantity at
Those Purls paueis at Cutterlln's
gallery nre beauties.
Si'hinklek Alakm. The Salem
Truck & Dray Co. bus Just received
some Hue bells to place on tho street
sprinklers, to thus warn timid per
sons of their upprouch, nnd prevent
any and possible danger. 3t
A great Photo combination ofler
of 1 duz. cabinets, finest finish in
the world, und ouo 8x10 in. framed,
for (2.60. Agent cau bo secu ut
Cook hotel after 0 p. m. d 1 1
This Hot Bhabon. Even tho' It
bo not hot, and whether it bo spent
ut home, at tho seaside or In the
mountains, requires speclul clothing.
A flue stock ut (he Bulem Woolen
Mills Store, 7-23-1 w
See the run for those Purls panels
at Cutterlln's gallery,
Fresh Oregon caehes In uny
quantity ut M, T, Rluemau's, 182
Htute street,
Bv Tit k Wav, If you uro look
ing for seasonable groceries, fruits,
or vegetables, cull at Squire Furrar
(feCo, They have whut you want.
IO Spools of JlrooW Cotton
' thread for
At J. If. LUNN'8
All kinds of fresb berries In abun
dance at Jtlneinuii'tf, J 112 Hlu(o
Jiuy the light running Hlnpr at
t27 wuwerolul stroot' eoJ
Vim Htiow.Of choice glawwure
;ust in ut nroui a une
Winter and sumiuer dress goods
at Uulvtirwn'n ihl wcok at piolal
wit rat prices,
tuttttt to riTAv.-Ilrapwn'i. Jow
Jdlcet In ktocmtIm. Jivur) tll(llgrtl).
It Is said that
room nt the top"
Original Imported BwIm cltce-to nt
'Btclncr & Soinicinniiii's I.Hiiily
grocery. 20c per pound.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Cos fori a l
Wheal Valley, ll.ltycr cental,
flour olandnrd, Sl.tU
Walla Walla tlOO,
UHi-Vhltc 41j to 4lo per tniMiel.
AlllUtlilllH llrnn r22t; 1I131U, 1 to )
ground barley, HO to 32; cnop-fc-cd. 23
middling, fff, per ton.
liny -H5flH!r ton.
Uuttcr Orecon fuuey dairy, 'flr. fanri'y
creamcry 30; good to fair, 52920; Cull
forma choice 22 to2lo.
Kkk Oregon 'JXj per do.
l'oultry-Old chicken., 16.
lMlntocx TOntSOo per o.-ntal.
Chooi8-OregoM, 11 to UJc; California
Hugare Ooldcn C, -I'c; extra U, 4Jfi dry
granulated, cube, criulied und 1'uw
dcrcd, Olio cr pound.
Iicnnn Kmall white, $& I'titlc tyi;
bayo,4c; butler, iv, llinn, 6c.
Dried KrulUQueted: Italian prunes,
10 to lJc-.I'ctHonndUermnn.lOo per pound;
rnlnlUH, 12 23 per box; plummer dried
pen, 10 to lie; muo dried and factory
plums, 11 to 12c; evapn rated penciled, 18
totv; Hmyroa fig, 20c, California flgn, Bo
per pound,
Hire (ffi per pound.
Hides Dry hide, to 9c; o lex foi
culls; green over 63 pound, 7c; under 63
pouDd, 2c; sheep poll, S0cS1.25.
KiMtern ham, 12 to 13c; breakfait ba
con, 12 lol3c; sides, 1) to 10c; lard, tfij
to 'lo per pound.
Haw Fuancisoo, July 2U. Wheat; buyer
lIops.JS327c per pound.
llarloy feed J1.17K II 20 per cental
OaU-Orny II 60 to 1 02 per cental, old.
CnicAoo, July 22-Whe.tt, awh8!)c; Bept.
Jjfitll the tnetlind nndrnniiltn nlion
Syrup of Figs is taken j it is pleasant
nnu roircsning 10 tno tasto, nnaacta
gently yot promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver nnd Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem cflectUflllv. diitnolR nnlrln. 'lonrl.
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation permanently. Forealo
in 50o and $1 bottfea by all
.n'.....H FRM0I8C0, CAU
ones ttrnarii.
We ore now prepared to furuisb
French Ice Cream In any quan
tity for PARTIES, PIC
etc. We muko a spec
ialty of the ub.vo
and can bo pro
cured only
of us.
TlntVHduii, July UO,
In Urn tirtvlil .ltd tirttty turned,
HtmUholdan Weitljjig,
"fiw?.!." WV? Bifwi umt ua sjinii
inir at iiid mHiuiMiau at i
1 1
J 11
&!(, DlWthiMj
mmwrn iwwmm,eie,
W for Piim,
4 Hit .'.outer I
106 State
"A Royal Pass,"
Sl Wl'i''.Hii 'i"'lr. ' tald my.
QOWUWHa,mi hum MUer Uamn
fiTnily flOll. Ufnro llio in -Mi a it
Dry Goods and Clothing,
Capitol Adventure) Co..
Opera House Bloclc.
Kirr' best Hx cord cotton, 8smw!8 for 2.1 cenls. Bole ug?tt for
R. & G. Corsets,
Ladies nro Invited to look nt
Long waists a specialty.
Our Mock the Largest
Produco tnkeu.
Out Side
Old Undoi takers of 18 yours cxperioncehayc, through
much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies
out sido tho Undertaking trust and aro now prepared to
furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make
you prices independent of any trust, Special attention
given to embalming.
Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for tho business
If you want Furniture, attend the auction sales at tho
Auction House, near Court Ilouso every Saturday and
got your goods at your owu price. II. li. MOORE,
Auction and Commission Merclianfc.
"HONEST FRANK," Auctioneer.
If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes dono up
in tho neatest and dressiest manner, take them to tho
whoro all work is done by -white labor and in the most
prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
Liberty Street.
"Tew Park Grocery
Has nut lu n new stock of Groceries, Quoenswaro, I'eed, etc. Produce
bought nt tilgbcst prices. Satisfaction guaranteed In till things. Good
delivered to all parts of tho city. Cull and glvo'mu a trial.
iit ir HAITI Typ 11 All stock left In my cure shall receive I he best
W. I. uUULhl. IrOIir. of.tloM. Telephone No. 24, Cor. Liberty
Hi !! uuuuui. iiuHi nuti i.vrry streets, Salem, Oregon.
At 100 Chemeketa Street.
House - and - Sign - painting,
Paper Hanging. Kalsouilnlug,
Naturul Wood
Finisii, uiuy irirsircHWH work. wiMUvy jwj.
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Kxllinoleaouull work In our line.
Churchill Sash, Door k Manufacturing Co,
Sa!i. Doopb, Jllimls & MouliliugH, Tuming & Scroll w,
lloute IMiiUIiIiik uiuiie to order.-
Now !KY HII.N, ly wlilcli wu cuimlwuy. keep a rull mipjily of Hwnm4 Uck or"!!
kludi, AKtioultural Work, Comer of Trada jwd lljli trt, B-Ituo, Oreion,
iiiM'i'u, ,"i . , .'j.:,,."
J, O. OOOUAhK, CqUutk. A, WnKKtiKHBprlngneld,
Lumber, Lath., Pickets 1
AkciiU for totUurii Mill. Hi.rlnifflfJ'J AIIIJn
-"t .lf ori'H'uinn N(Hl Hour
Sfflsli ar?.cl J3oor Factory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
TIiq boat class of worlt in our line at price t compete
with tho JowoHt. Unly tho boat mnUiml imd
3E"pEpEg PO
v. inmrnm,
No, 'f tom;iftl HU kV!di.
$$lipMB swats
Best in ' the World.
theso goods. Bvory cornet warranted.
and Prices tlie Lowest
Wool bought.
th.e Trust.
Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing and
NO -
JOO Oliamvlcvlu 3trnt,
zjjjt" ,",., ,,; ,.li1., . ,.
' j!x;
and MelConno Mill. Oltlco ar.d I trd oa lUo
ioiot, jiM.ij,uuiijr lo tb Valu ,
VfllimUVill, Woimjcew, jBalem.
titmwhwrlwi, ttiwphonw,
JJJuoJtb'j'i'iiw, QuuMuhmw,
Qlwiiiw nijfj good ruftof lj
kiinJu ii- tlin flnlmi Gummy,
Mflrnhant Taiuv
..!.''"" v'""" tf-ff-rt'.
A faU liOM Hi It
A. wmim
mmu fw
XJted in Wilton pf JiQfnettf) Vma the g4a 'j
wr i&dMl
yUAj-M lAVHY,lMfiillt'A
M..--. , U