Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 30, 1891, Image 2

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    -w i iMmwMPJtiiiiifH'
mwIUm Mpl t felm Ha sense
n .mt nMtewttott for lij fuUli
Tb cbdrniAH Hien rvft'l a teller
torn W. W. JJadley, renlKiiliiic tUe
oflkf treasurer of the committee.
gMWjiGi'tm.n, 0., July sa-Tbe
Ky. fcte to oil trial at Jumwttowii,
ner here, for ttUemptwl tiwuiull up
on young Rlrl. Mr. Yale Is a well
known cltUeu, bdng editor of tlio
VldUe,a well Jtnowu cliurch organ.
He k very wealthy uud Iiub olwaya
tca good leputttl'on.so when tbe
charge tigulnsl him was nindo public
Mm entire community wah almost
struck dumb with netonlabmcnt.and
ft uwhllfl was Incredulous. There
WM little testimony adduced, but
whatever there was of a Hensntlonal
reier. Crowds are coming from
Mover tlio ounty to witness the
trifti, Xn fuel, the attendance was so
largo that Justice Clarke rented the
opera-house wherein to hold the trial,
ad It was more crowded than nnv
theatrical performance. Highly cn
satlonnl developments arc predicted
for today, and many farmers am
slopping lu town soas to obtain a
cbolco of seats at the Bitting of Jus
tlea ClarKe's court.
(Urn May, July SO.-Presldenl
Harrison yesterday commuted the
(sentence of Capt. George J. Amies,
retired army officer, who was court
martlaled for pulliug Governor
Beaver'o noso of Philadelphia. Tbe
sentence of Arroes was restriction
within the limit of fifty miles of the
district of Columbia for threo years
CAPK MAY, N. J., July 80,-Tbc
president has accepted the resigna
tion of Joel D. Erhart as collector of
IheportofNew.YorK, and baa de
signated J. Bloat Fussett, of Elmlru,
N. Y as his successor.
WASHlNflTON, July 30.-J. Sloat
jfaeaett, of Now York, who was
appointed yesterday to the collector
ghip of the port of Now York, Vice
JBrhardt resigned, accepted the po
sition today.
HA KtiANofto. July 30. In a
saloon quarrel yesterday Tony
Sbrove and Richard Keuzol ex
changed Bovertl shots. Tho latter
was shot through tho log and Shrevo
probably fatally wounded.
Bhrevc, whoso real nnmo Is
Bchrage.had just returned from un
extended cumplug tour lu Mcmlo.
clno county with Konzel, und they
were supposed to bo tho closest
friends. Ho states: "I was with
barkcoper whose name I don't know,
nn nnllfarnln utreet. when Konzel
Terry ami Oiliers Attempt to
! In r baby for a rldo on tbe cable caw, ' "' cu.
and on her return, as sho afepped ' It U dengimni to rwi . vr
from the car. and started for her to the same profit on who an IwppUr
rnii.jr'i limiu. Ifnrvv brwMifMl hen I murnocL
. W T -- j
A Town BurncdjEarth Quake Shock,
Train Wreck, Asphyxiated, Of
ficial Rascality, State and For
eign News, Etc.
roinxAND Or., Jnly 30,-A
-pedal to tho Evening Telegram
from Seattle says: A report front
VVooJey the pcene of Sundays shoot
ing of deputy Sheriff Poor, stutes
that Terry, and others who are un
.r guard attempted to escape last
light. Nino Chinamen who were
irought to Beattlo yesterday will be
xumlned before a notary toduy.
It Is expected their testimony will
hidliutQ who Hred tho llret sliot.
If Inspector Baird ho will bo re-irre-tted.
A well authenticated
runitr from Wooley says thero are
mo hundred and Mxty pounds or
opium burled there. Some of the
lncpectow are suspected of standing
in with tho smugglers.
A8IILANU, Penn., July 30. A fire
lu tho Lehigh company No. 6 Col
liery at Lost Creek Is still burning.
I'ho town Itself Is destroyed. The
men expect to have It under control
by tonight.
Bandikoo, Cal., July 30.-An un
usually sharp shock of earthquake,
lasting seveial seconds, was foil
throughout this city this morning.
On the hill houses wero modo to
qiu-iik audibly.
Louibviu.e, Ky., July 30.-A
freight train on tho Clnclunattl
douthern was derailed near High
bridge this mornlug. Five cars
went down tho embankment and It
In reported two brakemen were
killed. Tho wrecking train sent to
thelrasslstanco collided with another
freight und the engines and a largo
uumborof cars were smashed. Win.
Klnley, fireman, was killed qnd En
gineer Jlen Carrol was hurt. The
wreck Is now rapidly burning. Tho
Ima will bo very heavy.
rNDiANAroi.lH, July 30. The
governor still refuses to give out for
publication tho report of John W.
Coons, who Investlguled tho alleged
She hurried away from him, almoet
running. A few nteps further along
Harvey drew a revolver and forced
Maunle Into n cab. At the door of
the vehicle both Harvey and the
cabman caught and thrust her Jo
side. Harvey followed, and the cab
was driven away at a gallop. The
neighbors notified Mr. Allen, who
notified the police, but up to the
present time no clue has been found.
Harvey Is also wanted for forgery
and swindling.
t.iMitimd tnrtj and rmrraiU , rutcAoo. July 30 At nme
bring about a certain harmony of re- j wlu was steady, cash, 89 (1,
lation which u ttrtii raroanu ueauuim. vl. mil
cineer. mamca uiv
on uu iui i ,,;,,;'i,,v knocked fmudB perpetrated ug.di.nt tho mule o
mUUUWIl Utiu -v . J ..luntiunllnllill ll HmlVfr I'M. Illlll Iclin.ud
w T wnn lu ii saloon when ltenzei
utuUonlv throw tho door open and
rirftwlnir a nlatol. shot mo In tho
lde, saying, with un oath; "I'uko
that, yoU havo been talking about
Hie." I had a pistol but did not havo
tlmo to draw. If Konzel ! shot ho
shot himself.
oiiint of homo and furm trunscrlpts
laadolnaccordanoowllh tho mort
gage collection cluuso or tho census
act, has been completed by tho cen
sus ofllco. Thero wore returned by
-tho ouumoralorH 2,401,030 farms aud
homea occupied by tbo owners,
which wero oucumbernd by n.ort-
agcs. Tins iiiciuih.' i?umu u.um
which tlio enumerators mudo no re
port, uud which belong partly to
tho class of hired und partly to the
class owucd freo, us well us partly (o
tho class owned and eucumborcd.
Until this unknown quality duo to
tbo fulluro of enumerators Is ollinl
noted It may bo regarded us ap
proximately truo that two and a
quarter million of tho twelve and u
half million families of tho United
Stales, occupy nnd own encumbered
farms und homes, and that Ion uud
u quarter million fumllles ocewpy
farms and homes either hired or
nuninii fri.n. Tho proportions ol
hired and owned freo homes und
farms will bo known when tho pop
ulation division has completed the
count of returns porlalnlug to them.
Preliminary results Indicate Hint tho
vi.mi?o debt for farms io Iowu U
1 ,283; per home, $710; uvorugo for
farm aud homo, ?l,H0. If thews
averages hold good for tho Union,
tho oncumbraueo on furnu uud
homes of tho United Rlutes occupied
by owner, Is uImuU 2,lo,000,000.
Iucoiuplcto returns rrom noveral
Western states ludMlo that farms
and homes nra morlguged for about
onothhd Iho yulue put upon them
by Hid owner.
OMAHA nn I Will.
Omaha, July 30. -Tho Union
iuolllo this morning grunted the
Jlook Wand und Mllwuukeo H. IX.
tho urn of tho bridge truck until tho
Hew rules of tho nchodulo ro coin-
lUf.TlMOliK, July 30. Tlio demo
Ottit statu ooiiveiilloiMiiet hero to
ly. Tlio jilatform udoplwl, iw
wres (ho iiullounl udmluUtratiou
imd deprecates Ihu wasteful ex jwudl.
iursnf tbo aurnlu. It askit for
thorough revision of Ihu tarlll. in
rcAotiiiuo iollvur ltwiK "A il'il nr
Jh gold oli find dollar lnllvw
(MulOl)d laiof equal vXOlmiiHWibli
vuluo lu ull (ho markpu of tin
THedlulu undBiiy (liiipi (o
rtjiolttte by leginUiluu In vldu-r l
Uiw urnttew ought, lo bo mn
rf)HiHl." The pluifrm li wbh
Ml aHdoreri)unt of Shmlnr (iMfinuo
Am- rj(M(uii by ihu wm uw jpbly
libif Untied KtiiUw KUHftlp.
ViHk JJrowu m ttiii'iliiulkd hr
piirf y wwWHiatlou
Asiilanii, Ok., July 30. Engi
neer Jack Ilocheford, of the south
bound express, met his death lu
tunnel fourteen In tho Blsklyous,
sixteen miles south of Ashland, yes
terday. Two engines wwe reijuired
to take a train oyer thcBisklyous,and
Itocheford had the front ouc. When
the train was nearly through tbe
tunnel tho coupling between the
mall car and express car broke, and
the train stopped. Fifteen or tweuty
minutes were consumed In trying to
make a new coupling, and the
4tnoke nnd gas from tbo second en
gino blow directly into the cab of the
ouo ahead, sufTlcallug tho en
glueer and fireman. It was decided
to back out of the tunnel, and when
tho train stopped outside, (been
glneer aud fireman of the front en
gine were found to be missing,
riearch revealed tho engineer lying
dead by tho track with his left arm
cut off by tho wheels of tho engine.
Fireman Kltzputrick was lying un-
uouuscious on tho other side of thu
track. Ho was carried out, and lu
a short time revived, and Is all right
now. They had both got ofr the
eugino to escape suffocation, and
were asphyxiated by the time
they reached the ground. Itoche
ford bled to death boforo he was
found. Ho leaves u wife and two
Pkndlkton, July 30. Eighteen
fruit farmers from the vicinity of
Milton were arrested and brought
hero yesterday. They are accused
by Dr. J. It. Muhauu of "maliciously
breaking down and destroying a
dam used for Irrigating and manu
facturing purposes." Tho accused
defend their action by tho statement
that Ur. Miihutm put lu tlio dam at
Freo Water, which was really used
for irrigating freo certain blocks nnd
lots I u Free Water, purchased by
various parties, from which the
pluco derives its name. Tho sur
plus water ran oil' Into tho country,
mill wiih wiiHti'd. Hlnurlan owners
sensiitloual discoveries, and lc.in.od . . , ,0 BUjerthrouiiu a lack
that $200,000 Is duo tho state, While f m,t .atcr fr iiriKlltllK
fMT fh crcat
tenor Mario, and soino Incident told
of them and their children prove an
(mutually happy domestic hie.
Tbo prima donna Identified her own
succcwi entirely with Uiat ol her hus
band, always preferring Ids advance
ment U her own. Perliar the elcrer
reply which ho made to the Emperor
Nicholas of lUuwIa was half serious In
embodying this fplrlt of'self surrender.
"Bo," said his niajwty Jocosely,
pointing to her children, "these are
your Uttlo Griisettcar
"No, sire,' she returned, "they are
my little Marionettes."
Tlio children thcnuolvea tell an arnu
Ing story of their own sensations at one
of their mother's public triumphs In
Dublin. Orbi's admirers had dragged
her carriage to tho hotel, and she bad
enng to them again, "as If sho were
innrfnor the hanwtrinjHi asunder and
singing from tbo depths of her heart,"
Tho enthoalain of tbe listeners knew
no bounds.
"They climbed np the lamp post,"
said ono of the children, In after years
"We thought they would come Into the
room, and when one of the speakers
called out, 'Leave us ono of your chil
drnnf our fright was awfuL In a
chorus of pitiful little voices we begged
mamma not to leave m behind; we
would bo such good children." Youth's
DMn't Meet Them.
Mrs. Hayseed Did ye seo any o'
them shapers in the city.
Mr. Hayseed Not a one, Miranda,
not a one. Hut I met some old friend
I never expected to fco again. Do ye
remember old Mr. DIgcrop? Well, I
met aeon of his. Thought both those
boys was dead an' lyin' out there In the
cemetery; but this ono said ho wa
snatched by gravo robbers, and just as
they was BclJin' his body to a medical
collego ho camo to. Good enough fer
a book, Miranda, good enough fer a
book, and I told him ho ought to
writo It, and ho said ho guessed
ho would, and ho'd dedicate the
book to mo as bis father's old friend
There's ono queer thing Miranda.
This man's hair Is black, while tho Big
crop boys had red hah-, but he sold It
turned black from fright He's way up
In society, Miranda, and introduced me
to young men named Vanderbllt and
Astor nnd Gould and Drexel and ever
so many more. I tell you. Miranda,
these young fellers spend money I Some
bills fer cigars and things camo in while
wo was talking, hundreds o' dollars'
worth, an' they whipped out the cash
Hko a breeze. Ono of 'em happened to
run short, and so I lent him all I had,
but ho said ho'd send It by express to
morrow. I tell you what, Miranda, a
smart man Hko mo Is Just as safe In the
city as In the country. Good News.
Haw Kbancisco, July 80. Wheat
buyer; 18011.08.
Itaofvl W IJsjw aud Jewle It. Has
,.r uii1p. toMsrv II. Meslck of
Kalem, 110, blk 87. 12000.
John F Brown and wf of8pokane,
toriarnb Cook, bis 1, 2, Motor Line
adtoS-il-m. 2m
J II Albert and wf to Harriett W
1'rescott, It 8 blk 3 University ad to
fialem. t-OIo.
Michael Hogan, not married, to
It W Newland, 00 ft of Santlam
Lumber Co. property lu sec UO. 120
Oregon Land Co to Chos W Lcf
flag well of Knoxvllle, III., It 8 blk
4 Prospect Park ad to Salem. f!50.
PiioiJATU. In estate of Win.
Whitney, I). J. Peudletou udrnr.,
ip. 1st for hearing objections to
final account.
Doa't Care to Eat.
It U with the greatest confidence
;hut Hood's aarsaottnlla In recoui
'iieuded for Ion of appetite, iudigest
on, sick headache, and slmlliar
.roubles. This medicine geutl
ones the stomach, umlnVt lite di
ctation, and maKes one "real
uungry," Persons In delicate health,
arter taking Hood's rjarsaprilla a
few days, find themselves longing
for and eating the plainest food with
unexpected reiisn.
Parties wishing to build nice residences and in search of a beautiful location
with pleasant surroundings should visit
Hellenbrand manufactures the
iluesl caudtos and sells at w hole-alt
it prices better than Portland dealers.
It is located direct on the Electric line to the Fair Ground, overlooking tho entire city
the snow capped mountains, Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, as well as the ever
green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and
the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. Tho High school as
well as the North Salem new building are within a
short distance of this tract.
1 O'"
Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property
is now for sale by
All Real Kstate Men
In this City, who will be ready at any time to show this tract to purchasers.
pBxeiQfA ?it)iWBgiffi't-1?r wjgimiK "Tpv
CZj yyii Lwi B 1
kbBaaaaiK Ok. J& int Anmiw
in Washington, It Is said, ho dls
coveted tho most glaring frauds In
connection with settlements of In
dlun wur claims, many of tho vouch
ors bolag duplicated. One vouchor
In favor of a well known physician
for $33.70 was, It Is ohurged,ruliied to
(5370 and paid. Tho governor was
askod today If Coons hud discovered
thuttho stuto had been defrauded
out off 200,000. Ho replied; -'Well,
I can't say that thut Is tho amount
exaclly, but It Is enormous. If the
claims of tho stato for war tux, In
lorcstund nutlonal road aflalrs wore
paid, tho amount lu total would not
bd loss than ?1,000,000."
Cm:vki.ani, Ohio, July 30. This
morning Judge Huuilltou decided
tho Injunction caso against the
Evungellcul ussoclutlou ho enjoined
tho board of publication from mak
ing up tho deficiencies In tho sala
ries of Kshor uud Uowmuii, or
paying any money to tho IIIIiioIb,
DcsMolncs, Oregon or Platto ltlver
eoiileruuces. 'I'ho court found tho
expulsion of lilshopa JSshor und
Uowiiiiii according to church dls
clpllnound that thoro Is uoovldouco
of prejudloo on, or fraud ou the
put of tho trlul oonforonco's. Decis
ion Is n decided victory for tho mi
nority faction,
rim: in an ahmoky.
CtiiuAuo, July 30. Tho second
regiment unnory ou Luko front wuh
badly damaged by lire yestorda
morning. A largo miuibur of uni
form and anus wero entirely ruin
ed by lire nnd wuter, Tlio Utbvru
lau rllles nnd "A" troop of llrst
cavalry lose their ucoontremouts
Tho lotue will exctHid J2.5.000.
Niiw itoi'rt.
Ni:w Yoiik, N. Y., July JID.-The
tlrnt halo of tho now urop of hops
grown lu California Is received.
Tho imnllty Is very line. It sold
for 70 cents n pound,
Cincinnati, July no. Tho houses
(hut face Kdeu Park un Morrl
Htriol are of grey stone, modern
built, uud shelter families of tho
highest standing, la ono of (bote
mansions resides M, H, Allou. Hi
hu n dauuhler Manule, u former
iiisiiiberof Iho Hoslnu VokoHonm.
pauy. Two yearn ago sho met and,
ugalutt her pnrenlu vllw, inurrled
J, Clarenco Harvoy, a comedian
with tho Wilbur Operu uompauy.
A mouth ugo (ho lady uumo homo
with n llttlu bnUy and heurlbroken
by the dUcnvery (hut sho wan not a
wife. II wnuHWtuiiitd that Jlwr
vey, nr Dully, whluli Is his real
nuiuo, Jura u wife at rJUrulogu, and
uputhur In Washtnglou, I). U. A
few day Hgu, Harvoy, or DullV,
uaiiio to I lie mo idiiUn)itUMllne
b wlfu.liut AiImiI. TUh Mlui Vvy
h uhtfti waluh ovr tllr dtmalder,
ftiuiliigli luuuf oud mining
IjUdurabilmlloji y njyirijir. Thj
day iflpriwu MmudIo Mont Willi
their fruit farms, und held a mas4
meeting, at which It wus decided to
remove tho obnoxious dam. This
was done by forty or fifty men.
Thoy waived examination before
Justice Miller, aud gave bonds lu
thu sum of $2000 each for their ap
pearance before Iho grand Jury.
Hakkk City, Or., July 30. Nows
has Just been received uf u shocking
uceldont which occurred ntllildge
port lust Saturday. Harrison Has
Idii while riding a ulldhorso wus
thrown, his foot caught in the stir
rup and ho was drugged tohlsdeuth.
When released life was extinct und
his body badly mangled.
London, July 30. Tho exchungt
telegraph company says Dillon uud
O'llrlcn have declared they cannot
ugulu accept Puiuell's leadership.
liOMUAY, July 30. Fifteen luchei
of ruin foil during tho past 21 Hours,
Tho towns of Muhoodu uud Jllimv
nugger lu tho Province of Qujerut
are flooded breast high. Three
liuudred peoplo uud u couutleMt
number of stock uro drowned.
WOH1.DS l'AIlt.
London, July 30. Uludstono In
his letter points out tint Importuuci
of tln worlds fair uud says them Is
no reubou why ho should not live to
so America freed from tho heaviest
luduittilul fetters, (hut chaiigo lb
now liuu.inu.it or polltlual signs lost
their ordinary significance. The
fair will havo tho further result ol
putting Ainurlm lu tho rank of
first uIuh powers.
IkxioTA, July 30. Tbo enngjOM
of Columblu has npproprhttod (80,000
for tho dlopluy of tho resources of
thai country Mt tho Coluuiblun 13x.
podtiou at Chlougo.
Duiii.in, July 80. Mtmnrs. Win.
O'JIrien and John Dillon, tlio Irish
iiiuinlioiH of iiarllniiionl who Imw
buii undergoing n xeuiuuco of six
mouths Imprlsoiiiiient for limiting
thetoiiauls oftlio Hniltli-IJairy ts
Utont 'llppemry to roUt tho paj
unlit of rents, w ore rohasmj from
Ualwuy Jail (his morning. A lurgi
nrowd uf people gathered ouUlde
the jull long tivfuru iho hour iel fur
dolivvruuev uf Iho uv iiuprlsuiiiMl
lil-h loaders- And Whim I lie luttei
did uplHur (hoy were greeted with
ud wlioiiU or "ritlid; In I'ariHill"
Intermixed wllh othors of "Down
with 1't.rjuil"
Carlrla anil Ilorc.
"Wlicther Carlylo was a dead failure
or not Is a moot point, but ho certainly
did not know how to put up with
bores. "Tho art of being savago to
thoso people," or "such tilings" as he
would liavo designated them which
Scott so signally lacked, was possessed
by him In It perfection. What he
could "loast endure," wo are told, was
being bored. "Tho anathemas which
ho heaped on unfortunato bores exceed
Gniulphus' In exquisite variety."
A wholo museum might bo filled with
Carlylo's bores alone. Ho obtained
access to tho Immortals, and thoy bored
him. To hU acrid humor Charles
Lamb was something less, almost, than
a bore. Coleridge, whom ho had not
boon disinclined to rovcro, was a bore
of tho most oppresslvo kind. "He
hobbled about with us," writes tho Ir
reverent Thomas, "talking with a kind
of solemn emphasis on matters which
wero of no Interest Notldng came
from him that was of use to mo that
day, or In fact any day." Exchange.
Xf many people rmserauie. auu u
t.i to tiMJetructlon. l)tres a
itliig, our itornach, lek heartache, in
urn, ! tl zpi)ft,2 aii)t,"aH rob
t;u,hA Ute,etei tongue, ana irr ,
illarltjr ot the IxiweU, ..
DiStrOSS the more common s)i-'
Aftor tum- tyI'I,lalocii
: , get well ot ItsclL it n
Eating quires carclui, irslf V
ttcutlon, and a remcily like ilooav 8 .
urllla, uhlcli act gently W alUn '
it tones tho stomach and olhci ore
cgulates tlio dlgentlon, creates ? row ij.
PIeiftc, and, by tiius Sick
.vcrcomW the local Mnri... ,
ymptoms, cures the MBaaacin.
iealaclic, and refreshes the tired iht'u
"I ham been troutiled with dyrei '
l had hut litlle appetite, and w), a I ut
f, . eat dlstreed me, c d.c
HOari meilttlc good. Af tcr c .t
bum ing 1 would experience
alntncB, or tired, all-gone icclliipr, as
hough 1 had not eaten anything. Jtj
rouble, I think, wan aggravated ly my
mlne, painting, and trom being more or
eMghutuplnaroornwith SOUT
renli patnt. J.at iprlng r,4,,t,
ttojk Hood's Barnaparllla oiomaon
tnd It did me an Immense amount of good
't gare mo an appetite, and my f"d r. 1
hcd and satUfled the craving I Ii.nl pnv
douely experienced." Geouoe A. 1'Aoa
iVatcrtown, Maix.
N. H. If you decide to take ITood'n P t.
aparllladoiiotbcinducedtobuyanj w. ,.
Hood's SarsapariUa
k.lllirlrJiTlti. gtlxforfV ITejarcrtby
J. J. HOOD CO.,Apotli!Crlef,Lowtlt,.iJi
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, OiI
tnd Window Glass, "Wall Pa
,ier and llonler, Artiste' Ma
trials, Lime, Hair. Nails am'
Jliiiurjpfl, Hay. Fwil'mul Fonct
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc
tun uAkowwM, jiiy a-i'pn
ml Ui UU'g OHd W4hjMUiuU
yn mix yuffi vm
'anby, Olyuilft jiuU wmp.
Tlio Duudljr Tarunlula.
Tho poison of tho Mygalo species of
tarantula is of a fearful nature more
dreaded than that of a rattlesnako
and unless only slightly scratched and
herolo measures umhI tho result Is fatal.
Many deaths are on record caused by
these spiders. The uiobt prolonged
suffering was that of u San Diego worn
an. A tarantula sunk Its fangs in her
hand during the night. Tho flesh wa
cut away with a razor and medical as
slstauco summoned at onco. Her life
was prolonged for a time as well as her
suffering. For threo months she lln
gored under tho effects, her hands con
stantly creeping and crawling along tin
bedding In horrible Imitations of the
motions of tho tarantula. Florence
flora ur th lUrtli.
Tlio Horn of Kurope embraces about
10,000 kpocies; India luu about 15,000;
the Hrltlah XMoIon In North Ameri
ca havo about 6,000; tho Capo of Good
IIopo and tfatul about 10,000, and
Australia about 10,000. Current Lit
crature. Cowed IU Old Mmi.
Father (threateningly) 1'vo a great
mind to thnuh you.
JJttlo Bon Tako a man of yor z
Take ma I
lather trembles at the thought luid
slU down. Good Nows.
Au Iiu(ortu tur,
Friend I suppoce everything U t
tled In regard to tho marriage of your
Htoukley Well, yen; everything but
tlio bUU. Kxciiango.
IUt)iy lluotifrs
Win. Tluiiuons, NWmnter of
Idavlllo, J ml., u riles: "HletitrloJUl.
iurs has dono inoro for me than all
other inodloSuo uoiiihlni", uir that
bad feoliug nrUlug from luduoy and
J.lver trouble." John Ivlie, farmer
and Mookuiuu of mino nlseo says;
lliidKliMitrlolUttentlu bo Iho Im1
Kldijoy and J.lver iiiwIIoIhh. KMtde
ino feel like a now insii " J. W.
Osrduur, liurdwaru nierohsui, wmo
town, y: weom imrer $ ui.i
is an run
wbstlmr lie
FUllHM.KOlt TllAllK-3 Jersey cown
heifer imdoalM for coiiin.au tx-k
vpi-iy tn 1. N. Mllw, Blrettcar ban . 7 .a Ji
Opens Sept Slh, 1801.
C0UHSE OF STUDY arranged exprelyio
nui ibe iitta, in I lio Karinlng cud il
ebunlcul liitriMU ol the iiUtr.
lyirec, comodloui and well-ventilated
uilldTiiva. ThuCnllfiio I. lootlvd III H cut-
r Hie licuiinicn in me mine.
(.xpeniet med nut enceed WO (oil tht Entlrt
Two or more Hrto ttoholttndilin from
very county. Wilie for CuuIokum to
1 1 II. U AftNOLD, l'rui., Cor vallu, Or
Notice to Contractors.
IIUU will be r4vtd by the bonrd ol
Mj'luin umiiilMluuint ou Tucwluy, Au-
jul II, loot, ui I umwK p. m , lor iuo con
ruuiioii null iMiiiiiifviioii i niruiiicii.iiM-!
w barn, uud h Imrm) baru. uvurdlnK Ii
Uim und iMMilfluutlou ut the ultln) of L
S. lli'Nully.nrilillwI. Hulein.DrfKoii.
town, wys: meuina ill"
flio thing for u mm who
down and dim't twre
)ft r dUi ho fiMiiid iww idi.Uftl ' u T,1 "T'.'1
gVl npiwUIn Md fell jiutimb lMoMHli.
hm new Icm ou Ufa, fjuly 60c, MU
truutUmuitdiMiiiinlvllon itfafruiiielioiiK,
TnabrlukU lolMlurnlthcdoa theicround
byllivkUtlv. ibeiiUiluiiiK. hiiiudoi iraint
llmlMurd rt'kerit iho rlKbt to rt-Jx
any and ull bid
ttrllllfd ehwk rrSercont of tbo bid
lll Ihi rMUlrd lu c0iuauy thu bid.
Ily i'idi uf tho board.
rid C.h McNAI.I.Y.
lJlds lti'cttived.
llld will Im rweivMl on Tnewlay, Auk.
11, IHII, nl 2 "'ciiMik . in . by the board tn
dliWm ol nbool ill.Utot No. 31, ut the
n)iitf ill huto uinrk, CuIih, Orrieou,
Sr (lis veaUlalliitf und beating; n the
I'arU Mlmol mm IJniMli m)Iii1 build
ivi. the tMalru.lor io furnl.h ptsu una
.iiiMtlt'JtttorvM fur tho Mine, uiutruetor
JllluUulK rutiuliwl (o furulli boudi to
ih H.uuut of lUw wMiiraal la KUrMUU
iuo iiiitiv ui iu uaiKiius io it wiHixnt.
iurtwniutfrNM ruru. iuiuem builliiK
ism luu t iuiiiur u ul isru ouUUi,
fll liMtlunt ull. iMuowliMt la the build
Iiim by 1HM. 1. Ittl.
Tl)BbMrlfdlrturrwrvM the right
io rivw nuy muu uu iiu.
JVr ord.r or lh bonrd.
TWUI W Ji ulill'BON.Uwk.
JUuHus t( H kinds. Ut wwk.
wssmi l rry tmlu.
Truck di Dray Lino,
Uood ttni sad
inwiibt wrk U our
best quality of brick at the yards near
Penitentiary. JUKTUjN 15KUS.
Salem, Oregon,
iwiiiiui i'i 'Hiimnimi i tn Hi an i iiimiiiihiiw
302 Commercial Street
25c Want Column.
Nl!cc Inserted for ONB CKNT 1EU
tlsomeut Inserted lu thU column for lem
I linn twenty-nvo cents.
TTrANTED. A poftltlnii as
VV Enquire ut ii, co-ner
Center streets.
day nurse.
Front unj
7 28lw,
TTTANTED. A position by a competent
ry booKKceper. Appiy io "ii- inig 0f.
7 27 Iw
nwaie, and all House
Furnishing Goods.
Gliinincy and
Sewer Pipes,
lion and
Buckeye, Force
Pumps. Pumps
For Orchard Spraying.
NcwEra Hydraulic ClothesWashei!
Greatest labor saving Invention lu the Iiouh 1,.'1 line. Washes nl
vailetiesof joods from the finest luce lo tho conrbt-st carpets, perfectlj'
clean, without rubbinK or boiling, without the t.te i.f cIkiiiIiuIb or any
destrucliveproceea only soap and wnttr. The u n ni.y owning it oilers
1000 to anv person who will produce a family wmdii-r equal to the NEW
EltA In the following peints: Price. Labor ea lug. Itiipidlty of wash
ing. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning perftetly without damage to
clothing. Simplicity and perfect conttiuction. hize, weight aud dura
bility. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refuudtd Sole Agents for
Mralon county. dw
ITlOIt HALE. Two lots, corner nnd mlue
1 lot, near school house, Iorth Solera,
inquire ot JI. Diamond, 208 Commercial
sueet. 7 251w
trANTED. Ulrl to do general house
V work In fumlly ol llvo. Apply at
21st street, corner ( hemeketa. 7 21 lw
WANTED Our ngen ts 'nuko 8100 to J3w
u month selllns our goods ou thtlr
merits. Wo want u.uiny uud gcneial
ogenls, nnd willtuBo buck ull (joodn uh
sold iruiount ujjent ii l'f io wear JIM
aud erllRe.r'll a tliulj duys trial, or
a Keneml ut'eut vf 'Inn S26U, Wo will
scud largo Illustrated v rn Iuib nnd letter
with a special oiler i Mill Icirltory ap
plied lor, on receipt if3 upctui stiimix.
Apply ut once nuu Ret In oi tho b.oia.
Address Henncr iliinufneturlntrt o.. PJtu.
burg. ln. i 7 dAw If
NIIIELY furnished rooms to rent, with
board, lnpleiiMintcst partofclt.,ncxr
street car lines, 400 Center street il;'A) U
FOU BALE. About one acre of land and
barn, with ruunici; water In rear ol
barn. A beautiful location fur a home. In
quire at second bouse nn right hand side
of Asylum nvenue after crossing bridge
going to Asylum. 4:31
II Nllal ' ,J" i'-..i. jlil u llllTif.
n Lottlv lit ry'$ Dfwg Slaw,
lliDuudnnisutd n wirwl u rur&uh
U b.l jJH utmf Uf 4f drum.
VtJrYHrQrw,IUAt)u,Qitfu !
an id
Installments from $5 perwonth up. Wholesale and
310 Commercial St,, Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dv
Destroy the Pests.
-Now Is tbe Time to-
Are prepared to give trees treatment foi
he icakon with a god spraying outfll
satUfttctlon guaranteed. Leave orders pt
1, II. Catterlin A fn's.oltlce, 1 jti state street
To Lom en Real Estate Security,
Aguney raolflc Htatis Burlnys, Loan d
iluildlog Co.
SADISM, Orwuon,
wts iw
K ior. of bet Miek nnd frnit land lu
urtgnu RxwieaiH 'wrgwlu. win kell in
eUhiMilt HiriilMMr. Addeunr call on
u. j.uniM, Kn Kiiu.ure
NftirhUiv.r Creek Mills. 7 8au,
and Packer.
HMD HU so4 titrtut til -'l-he best 'meats
dehvertdto all Mrt4 or the elty.
Fciul uud IliHir.Ilii- Htnhlo,
iiyMWiiwiUnilil64lvefftJ. HlaUr
w rwirf
' lrH, back ot lYMofUw. HIwn
Vfm fcm imnfftv i aurrxui ret or
liv I will
am uud tmv&i, vwum m ti wwk
A. J. SHIMP, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Late ol I'ntladelphla.
Ufall chronic. Ilbeumatlc, lilood, Brain
and uertous diseuts. Kvery variety ol
feniale diseases yield to electricity attcr
ill other modes of treatment havo failed.
I hlrteen years cllmcal experience. Office
XA) Coiuuierelul street 6 23 3m
6'.0 Liberty street, North
152 State street
. We are ready tn fill a 1 orders for all
kinds of iro'h and salt meats o aim to
ueep the best the country ulfiirdE. free
delivery. Wo desire to thank all our old
patrons for tl.elr Uborul putronaee, hoping
they will btlltooiitluue with us.
Jas. Batchclor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Mows ol the Day
None but white labor em tlnyed In tbli
A good substantial meal c lied In flnt
class Btyle
Twenty-five cents per meal,
Court street, brtwrcn Journal Otlce anil
mmiun oji very.
and Famy Ciocciics,
Croikery, Olassvtare, I.iimpH, Woedwi
and V lllow ware. All kinds ol mill feed
AUoeectabIuadfiulls In their uioc,
"Highest I'i Ice aid lore untry produce."
WetollcSt ahhsreoi jour jaitronuse.
B-8 Hjblulstrt-et
Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 ier Day,
The best hot el bet ween l'r tlandaidB
Fioncisco. FlrtUcloss lu all Its appolD.
menls. Its tablcB uro termed with vi
Choicest Fvultti
Grown In the;WIIlamclte Valley
A. I. WAGNER, Prop
For Sale Cheap.
fimtlps from ft.lt m ot r& rr mite. About
SO erres oikjii, Iwlatice Uiiib.-r. Homl sprlnir
water. -l'eriiu Baiy." l.Ui WIl.tlB.
ltuni 1I.MILA ... ... ..
uuv, uuri Ncrtwi,
Soutli of WIllHmotl Hotel,
Oregon State Fait
City Warrants.
i wumejnt fund. In Uie oil) uri
oflheelty ofbUm,inuou,Ut riy in wa
"y wgrnints ou prewtuuttuu ttt hU oMI.-e
and that fotwwt will is,boo th"lwuK
frui and oftwr the dsteof this uolli.
I'1 bl Jl day of July, 11. ' fjfu
I DJste IlP A. tB rlflvu n t-nAJ
K r T " m fc''M
jwtnjtt wxmiy mi UUUIIU
itltt iu
iwna no Me me. it u wortb I
iwe.xiir irr fr.A ,tm'K''uf v
K ! !.- nm 1 V I U. mil CtM fMIH A. n
"Vjly lw' JolWii
Thirty first annual exhibition underU!
iii'iiiuaf muni ui me urn'iiu ui ale I oari
.Kiii;uHiirB, win ue ni,i m uie HtatefM
tiiuuuu ui-urnuieiii.pominencinif on
Slomlny, 8pn(oml)ir U, 1S9U
And lasting one week
OVER 15,000
UltM-ad fur Hgrieuiinral.jtuck and incch -
lflsj)lilrjlis. fjr uorku ut a-t and
faulty work und i rials of nwd
Umu( rata for fure and fi Utit t-o
rui MVirUlliD llDSIO;l(l fj, l) the A
In- iitnnl liLprineiiu uu lme beruu''
UP" tUrr"uiidanrl:i.rriafcod w ' '
i "Tna exlilbior.
liiisnttillbeOpfDJNouis InUe W'rt
A m i uii id HeiJ m ji. r,,e. ente d in H-J
ltrtl dci4.ni. vbi, !,.' nne txb'biUM
ret iw ui uu muu t-ucli duy .
Hiirlw.iripnilurii cUo Monday '
Ulfc l , f llilr. i Irk. ..ii itur1 v itlJi'
t ll I.. UM.lt,.' r.Ha- KllllHlS IU''1 I
f b f rxil,i M,u DiL.1 be iu Hit r I !
ff V . IU
in i
m ii
r i jit fMMriui.u
"--r I1BL
M, (PU.
m i.i vfiiiirUy.
IHltiy ,r AI)HH''I"N
xteUSr-fi . .
i.lTVSrilI tl.Or...
Mali's moi t, shI '
t SJt fc MfeMJ. .i.di...
' !' stl4ri'iit I'.rii" i ""
Tlriri.n'..r'iai i "' frA
.,,.,. rfKSa
i ',