Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 30, 1891, Image 1

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nth ill jii. isUjl !-. Z
NO. 12?.
VOL. 4.
" j'wmtHvu ifur-r
Head Quarters for Stationery of all Kinds.
Will buy you a Box of Geo. B. Hurd & Co's. best Mt. Jeftbrson Plate finish Paper and Envelopes to match.
Goes the farthest with sensible people. When you are telling them where to buy Shoes, they want no
foolishness, but facts.
Have some articles in their store that are worth your while to hear about at this time of the year. They
are best prepared to furnish you with what may be called
j&& s s& 3E o o b mr 3 L ZCr
Consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Below we will quote you a few prices.
Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 90c; Ladies' Shoes $1.50; Men's Plow Shoes 90c; Men's Shoes 1.40.
Wo also carry the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us.
CRISSMAN & OSBURN, - 261 Commercial Street.
- Harvesting Machinery op Every Description. -:-
Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated" ..
Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and carriers, and the
Celebrated. Steel Farm Randolph Header.
It will pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before purchasing elsewhere.
STAYER & WALKER, New Market Block:, Portland, Oregon.
Agent for Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel.
One-Third of Your Life
-Ib Spent in-
The most comfort and good wear for the money at
118 State Street.
HUH k CO,,
Successors to W. F. Booth by & Co.
rjaKgjj.niniM lapcsoaai '
WW State Street.
CAPS, Etc.
235 Commercial Street,
SB ik-KH
Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time.
for Infants and Children.
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend Has superior toany prescription
tnown to me." n. A. Aztcnxn, IX. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N..Y.
"The use of 'Castoria' Is bo universal and
lis merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Caeloj IUrtto, D.D.,
New York City.
Lata Faster Bloomlngdale Bef ormed Church.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhma. Iuctation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d
1 think she has fallen aslrep In the shade.
(Sing low, sing low you'll nwake her.)
Oh, she's the loveliest little inald;
And her father's our family baker.
Buch beautiful buns and chocolate cakeal
(Sing low, very low you'll alarm her.)
And oh, such elegant tarts he makes!
And bis name U Joshua Farmer.
And her sweet name Is Elinor Jane,
And her step Is as light as a feather;
And wo meet every day In the lilac lane.
And we go to oar school together.
And now and then she brings me a bun.
(Sing low or she'll hear what we're saying.)
And after school, when oar tasks are done.
In the meadows we're fond of straying.
And I make her a wreath of cowslips there
As we sit In the blossoming clover,
And then she binds It around her hair
And twines It over and over.
She's ten; I'm six; but I am as tall
As she Is, I guess, or nearly.
And I cannot say that 1 care for her doll;
Hut oh, I do love her dearly.
We were tired of playing at king and queen,
(Sing lw, for we must not awake her.)
And sho fell aaloep In the grass so green;
And I thought that I wouldn't forsake her.
And when I am grown to a big, tAll man,
I mean to be smart and eleven
And then I will marry her If I can.
And we'll lire upon tarts forever.
-C. I Cranch In St. Nicholas.
Guards Around Treasures.
Few people who gaze upon the
treasures Inclosed within the fragile
glass cases near tho main entranco of
the National Museum dream that any
material protection guards them from
burglarious and predatory paws, save
that a watch is kept, as a matter of
course, by persons in charge Gold
and silver by tho hundredweight are
there exposed to view, while tho In
trinsic and historical valuo of tho ex
hibits mounts up into tho millions. Yet
all Is open, with only thin sheets of
crystal between tho avaricious visitor
and the precious property of tho
American people.
Let tho would bo robber try it then;
lot him wait, and when he is perfectly
certain tho guard is not looking, lay
hands on so much as ono small copper
penny of historic date exposed behind
the glass. Lo I an alarm rings through
tho building, and from all sides the at
tendants flock to tho rescue. Tho thief
learns, too lato for profitable Informa
tion, that each copper, silver or gold
piece in every case has a separate at
tachment to tho burglar alarm in tho
building. Tho accessibility of tho costly
objects Is only apparent; tho entiro
polico of Washington is guarding thorn
day and night.
In tho sauio way with tho major as
well as with tho minor treasures in tho
Smithsonian museum. Qold and silver
articles and ornaments, Jowcls and
vases, everything of valuo, in fact, are
guarded in the samo way. It is practi
cally an Impossibility for anybody to
getaway with them. Washington Star.
Tony Changes the Hills.
As I was being shaved by the boss
barber in a Sixth avenue shop ono
afternoon tho customer In tho next
chair alighted and tendered a ten dol
lar bill to tho tonsorlal artist
"Take it to tho bootblack outside,"
said tho boss barber. I questioned iny
shaver about the bootblack's financial
standing. Ho answered: "Tony Is as
well able to change tho bill as most of
tho storekeepers in tho neighborhood.
Ho has a good sized bank account and
plenty of cash In hand."
Just then tho other barber camo in
-with the change. As I passed out I no
ticed Tony placing tho X in a well filled
wad. Now York Herald.
thout la
iurious medication.
" For several years I have recommended
your ' Castoria. and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
The Wlnthrop," IC51U Stroot and Tth Avo.,
Kew York City.
They Like Smelts.
A family In West Waldoboro wouldn't
givo a continental to find u gold mine
on their rocky acres; that is, not as
long as tho smelt swims tho briny wa
ters. During the winter this family
captures over six tons of smelts. Thoy
dispose of their catch In tho city mar
kets, and receive from soven to fourteen
cents por pound therefor. Lowlston
IlccclpU of tho llrooldyn llrlilgo.
The rovenue of tho Brooklyn bridge
amounts to a million and a quarter dol
lars a year, derived almost exclusively
from fares. Tho other Items of rovenuo
durimr 1890 wero $82,000 from rentals
and $13,000 from telegraph and tele
phone companies. Tho lightest month
In tho year for business on tho bridge
Is July. Now York Sun.
Tax CtHTAun Company, 77 Mohrat Stbbet, Kew Yoiuc
Salem Truck & Bray Co. I
V flee Wo
Jem Iron works. Drays and trucks may be fot
the corner of State and Comnu'rclaf streets.
reudy for order.
uud (feliver wood
coal und lumber. Of
flee Htuto St., opposite Sa
Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dav a
Ej-aataiJj-T -7u,r 'rSrEK'
The Capitol Homestead Company
Is building a number of new cottages
on large lots. In healthy Joen'inn, neur
the Elect rlo line. Thty ure for sale ut
reasonable prices, ou e.ty form. Cull
und ex'tulie plan; en nnd tee the
property. Correptiideue olIcItd.
For first-class hand made brick and tile,
Ijirjre supply on band. Nearf.ilr
ground, Sdeni, 728
House and Hign ruiutit'g!
Kalsomlnlcg. slen writing, frescoing,
wall tinting, decorative paper hanging,
wood tluUhing. KHilumtea bollol'cd ou
contract work. lilibtale St.
Stock Holders Heeling.
The annual meeting oftlie stock holders of
lUellold Mountain und Dry Uulrb Consoli
dated Gold fc silver Wining company will
ue iiein ui tno omr or sum company In Ha
'enu Oregon, at 2 p. in. (Saturday, August
IS. 1U. for the mimosa of electing (JM fire
directors for the enanluir rear, and fiirsucti
other biilne m muy prw-rly couio be.
joretHjeu siock uoiners mewing.
H. II. CAA'.su.v 1'risKlenU
HKTII R. HAMilKIl.Btcretiiry.
caipm.UflJ., Jlliy ll,jrui, 7 19bt
House painting and paper banging.
Good material and flrt-clus ork Is my
object. Iiave orders on slate, ut Karrar
u.ru ii li1, m
Formerly ol Hcriber Poblt, two doors
west of the old stand, keeps a good supply
of wheels, axles, springs and geuerul rsr
rlngo hard wu re. itiid vr
M0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors.
ii 11- t -q Tri-sass
nv TUK
Cnoltal Journal Publishing Company,
(Incorporated.) x
Oulco, Commercial Street, In I'.O. Uuilding
Entered ut tho postoMlco nt Balem,Or.,as
n-trui-clrtF trnltti.
of Will Bro., Albany ;nd Oorvalllj.
Phoos, Organs and Sewing Maeliioti
bewinoVacii IWBrt uud OUOAS'S
At Your Uoiiibc- !
Agents rot Northwest fnsurauce Co, Twt
awn winu i run uniw, naieni, tir. n i
die-aud new parts fr all Hewing ilacblues I
" A-tf ll "
Thoro Is ii tract of forest trees in
southern Oregon embracing about
10,000 equaro miles, which, cut and
sold at $10 per 1,000 feet, would pay
the national debt twlco over. It is
estimated that the amount of lnorclmnt
ablo timber standing will reach 400,
000,000,000 feet.
Some O. A. R. posts havo gathered a
highly interesting collection of warlike
curositlca, such as banners, flags, field
glasses and captured weapons. Occa
sionally, a pleco of field artillery,
identified with tho lilstory of a post,
graces an alcove of iU aparticcnt.
Hitherto all tho fuel used on the
Italian railways has been Imported,
but an attempt is now being made to
uso llgnlto, of which tho country pos
sesses largo beds. Very satisfactory re
suite havo so far attended tho expert-nienta.
Tho Brooklyn terrain u of tho bridtro
Is sixty-eight feet abovo lUgh tide. Tho
foundation of the Drooklyu tower is
forty-five foot below high water, Tho
foundation of tho New York tower fa
seventy-eight feet below high water.
Somo authorities aUlrni that tho con
taglomnesa of whooping cough ceases
ufter six weeks, howuver long tho
coughing may continue j others think It
prudent to isolate tho patient until tho
paroxysms are over.
Quick time una tnrouuli trains
nflemd puMencera and ih)pHT8 by
the Chlwiifo, Union 1'uclllo iVNorlh
western JAtw. Ban Frunclsco and
1'ortlaud to Chicago, eodAng
In n recent speech nt New York J, 8.
Clarkeou made tho lolluwing remarks;
"The working man in Europe who
reads will surprise you by bis ac
quaintance with American nilalrs.
Worlilug people, the peasantry, tho
mecluuiley, nnd all tho people to
whom food Is a question of dully con
cern, realize uot only that this tia
tlon protects its owu Interests, but
that thereby It has grown so rich in
production that it can under tho
right systeui of reciprocity, furnish
meats nud other products to their
tables which are now without them,
aud at prices they can afford. Es
pecially in France, where tho sagac
ity and practical wisdom of tho
American minister has in tho last
year or two impressed theeo facts
upou the people, Is this idea preva
lent aud universal. It is ouo of the
glories of tho present administra
tion that in ft'.l tne great countries of
Europo it is now represented by
Americaus great and faithful enough
to take up these great questions and
impress tho people of tho lands
where thoy are our representatlveH,
with the possibilities aud the bless
ings open to tho musses of their
people in tho uso of American pro
ucts. A Republican vlsitlug Europe
lsdoubly pleased to find au enlarged
American trade with other coun
tries is not ouly possible under the
system of protection but most
lurgoly possible through tho opera
tion aud reciprocity. All doubts
that I had as to tho practical wis
dom of tho McKinley bill nnd the
new Republican system of recipro
city were removed" by what I saw
"and learned In Europe. When nn
Americau sees tho harbors and
ports of foreign lauds and passes
over tho seas of commerce and
scarcely finds au American flag, ho
realizes that there is owe thing as
lo which he cannot be proud of his
country. Wl-eu ho does see un
American ilagflyiugat tho pent,
between tho water aud the stars, he
feels such a pride in it uud its colors
and whut it means as ho never felt
before, but ho so seldom
has the opportunity that he realizes
paiutully the fuct that his country
applies tho principle of protection to
Its own Interests overywhoro else
except upon tho sea. This humilia
tion Increases when he sees the great
vessels paeslng him bearing the
English Hug or some other foreign
color, with u llttlo bluo peunaut
hardly discernible Hying on the
mast, beurlug tho Initials "U. S. M."
Uultcd States- mail. Then he
realizes with shame for his own
country that tho commercial and
patriotic wisdom of other lauds out
strips his own nation so much upon
the sea as oven to make tho United
States mall aud tho compensation
for carrying It a means of Increasing
their shipping power und lnenmo."
Mr. Olurkson Is a thorough repub
llcan, u man who does not believe in
half way niensurcs but alwuys
MhiiiIb firm for republican principled
and lepubllcun policy. What ho
says, as quoted above, la right to the
point. Under tho system ot protec
tion nnd reciprocity, which the le-
puuncnn puny nus adopted, our
puoplo III bo enabled to tec ure a
yusily inoreated foreign trude. Tho
specious theory of free trade looks
very pietty ou pupcr, but Its practl
cut operation In this country would
simply mean yielding our markets
to Europe, tho cousiqueut ruin of
American mauufacliMcrs and the re
duction of wujjes of American labor
ers. As Mr. Clarksou suvs, an
American Is forced to blush becaubo
tho niggardly policy of his country
has allowed tho carrylug trodo
upon tho seaB to bo done in IiritiHh
vessels. Tho nations of Europo
liuvo used the ship subsidy pulley lo
great advantage, A republican con
gress In this country hue niado a
stun In the lino of securing ut least
a shuro of this commerce for Ameri
can vesfcols. If tho policy udopted
Is carried out, Americans will not
loug be forced to blush becuuso tho
stars uud stripes are neverseeu upon
the high Keas.
Borne persons havo doubted that
a governor, who could select a
cashier and director of u national
bank for attorney general and legal
advjber for tho people, could bo un
untl-bunk man. Wo quote from
Governor l'enuoyer's lust niesuugo
to tho legislature, his recommenda
tions for federal legislatien: "tho
Issuance by the government direct
of all money of tho country; the
dcnlul to the national banks of the
special privilege now grunted them
of being furnished with money with
out Inierettt; the discontinuance of
tho unjust policy of
pluelng with tho banks a large
portion of thu surplus, wrung front
the people by unpecmary taxation,
without any charge for Inteitctj the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
providing for the loaning of money
by tho government upon tho Im
proved farm property of tho coun
try, as Is now (successfully douo with
more than two millions of tho edu
cational funds of Oregon, at a low
rate of iutcrest, for the beuellt of the
mauy, aud tho discontinuance of
loans to tho bauks upon what the
government owes, without interest,
for tho enrichment of tho few."
The Oregonlan'a way of huudllng
tho Luuo-Ponnoyer dispute 13 Just
"meat" for tho governor.
The Tacoma News has an article
ou "The deolluo of lying." There
may bo a decline in quality, but
around Salem tho quantity has uot
Tho alleged reform press of Oregon
can seo nothing wrong In an alleged
auu-uatiouai ihuik governor ap
pointing a national bank cashier as
Attorney geueral of Oregon. Thoy
are evidently bllud partisans.
Tho Astoria Town Tulk prints
tho follewiug: "That woman over
there is one of your strong minded
kind, Sho would bo perfectly
happy if sho could just bo a regular
man. Sho is a holy terror to her old
man, poor fellow. Ho Is afraid to
say his soul is his own or any body
else's. There are three kiuds of
women that you want to beworc
of. Tho ono who docs not love
children, tho ouo who docs uot love
flowers, aud sho who opeuly de
clares sho does uot like other
womou. Thoro Is something want
ing in such, and iu all probability Its
placo Is supplied by somo unlovely
trait. As Shakespeare says of him
who has no soul for music, such a
womau is lit for troasou, strategy
and spoils, us a woman Intent on
those is ton thousand times worse
than any man could be, for, stand
ing higher, sho can fall lower.
Men may smilo and Jest a littlo over
tho tenderness lavlsLv ' ou a baby,
but after all the prattle every wom
anly womau Involuntarily breaks"
luto at tho sight of tho weo creat
ures, it Is vory sweet to masculine
ears. It was tho first language
they over know, In splto of tho jest
or smile, tho sweetest on wlfo or
sweetheart's lips. Thoy may laugh,
too, at tho tittle garden tools, which
seem llko playthings to their
strength, but in their hearts they
associate, and rightly, purity of
character and life with the pursuit.
And as for tho woman who does not
care for her own sex and boldly
avows it, sho is a coquette pure aud
simple, and ouo of tho worst type,
too, as a general thing."
Ucmarkntile Urscun.
Mrs. MIcheul Curtain, Plalulleld,
111., makes tho statement that she
caught cold, which settled on her
lungs; sho was treated for a month
by her fumlly physician, hut grew
worse. Ho told her she was 11 hupo
vhi victim of cousumntlon and that
no medicine could euro her. Iler
druggist suggested Dr. King'H New
.Discovery lor Ounsutnption; sho
bought a bottle and to her delight
found herself benefited from first
dose. Rhe continued Its uso and
nfler taking ton bottles, found her
self sound uud well, now does her
own housework uud Is uh well us
sho over whh. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery ut Fry's Drug
Store, largo bottles COo. and $1.00
Tho aiobo Rcul Estate Co don't
try to blutrany ono but glyo prices
on Yew Park uunex that cau't bo
duplicated by uny other firm In tho
city. Call und let them show tholr
lots they will bear Inspection Real
Estuto mcu are buying them at tho
prices given, knowing them to bo a
bargain. tf
TJ10 Woil.l Kiirieliail,
The facilities of the present day foi
Jie production of everything that will
conduce to tho material welfure und
comforter innnki.ul are almost unllm
Itcd, and vlien Jiyrup of Pig was first
pioduccd the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
la tho ouly remedy which is truly
picasmg ntm reroslilug to the taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently hi the Bprhig-thne
or, hi fact, ut any time, and tho better
it is known the more pouular it be
Do notfiifler from sick Iicwduoho a mo
ineut lonuer. ItUnotnooonwiry. Curler's
J.'!!'0 1; yr I'llls wilt eun, ynii. Dose, one
llttlo jdll. Hmull iirlcu Diimll do4, HiiihII
Mrs. Chai.Hiiiltli.rif Jiniw, Ohio, wiltmi
I have used evurylliluif for slide IiwkIuWib 1
0011 Id jiwir Mr lot the past firteen ywrs. hut
(orf! M1."? lAvi'r nlUdowuiio more
Kood that nil the rst.
Have ii'j rmisl mi n prompt and ivmIIIvi)
wire lor sick headache. hlllloums, wn
filiation, rJn Ju the side, und nil llwr
troubiw, WrifM,)UltfJ,rVtrl'llU.
BblpperH.consIgn your tlnio freight
via the Chicago, Onlou J'uolllo A
Northwestern Jno, to aug '
Associated Press Report and
Digests of all Important
News of To-Day,
Wasiiinuton. July 30.- Tho na
tional republican exeeutlvo commit
tee met hero yesterday afternoon.
Of thirteen members, but seven wero
prcseut. Chairman, M. S. Quay, of
Pennsylvanju; vlco chairman, J. S.
Clarksou, of Iewa: secretary, J. B.
Fassctt, of Now York; treasurer, W.
V. Dudley, of Indiana; Samuel Fes
soudou, of Connecticut, Garrett A.
Hobart,' of Now Jersey, and J. M.
Hayues, of Maluo.
The first buslucss was the consid
eration of accounts growing out of
tho last campaign, submitted by
Treasurer Dudley.
Col. Scott, of Omaha, made k
speech In favor of holding the next
republican national convention In
that city.
A largo mass of csrrospondeuce
was also laid before the committee.
Mauy active politicians In dlilerent
parts of tho country had suggestions
to muko and conclusions to draw
from the outcome of tho lastcongres
Bloual olectlon. Somo pointed out
tho daugers of tho alliance move
ment in their state, aud submitted
pluus to meet its threatened Inroads
on tho party's strength. Others re
ferred, to various grievances and
causes of dissatisfaction to republi
cans, which might bo overcome by
proper treatment. Soma discussion
followed as to tho tlmo and place of
meeting of the full national repub 1
cau committee, and It was finally
decided to entrust tho solectton of
tho plucoof mooting and theosact
date to Chairmen Quay and Secre
tary Fassett, with n proviso that he
meeting shall tako placo In Novem
ber, If tho time-honored custom of
allowing six months' uotlco of the
meeting of tho nominating conven
tion is to bo observed. This action
ib an Indication that tho next na
tional republican convention will be
held not later than Muy uoxt.
After tho eloctlon of W. J, Camp
bell, of Illinois, n member of the
commltteo in place of George It.
Davis, of tho samo state, tho com
mittee took a recess for two hours,
Lustnlght'sBesslon was held with
closed doors.
A loiter from M. H. Quay was
read, announcing his resignation as
member of the republican national
Upon motion of Clarksou tho fol
lowing resolution was adepted:
"Resolved, That wo accept against,
our judgmout, and with much doubt
as to tho wisdom and oxpedlonoy of
It for tho parly's Interest, tho action
of Sonator Quay, his resignation a
chairman und member of the na
tional commltteo. Iu submitting to
It, with so much rcluotnuco and r
grot, wo desire to oxprcss from our
owu knowledge of the faota his pnS
eminent service to tho party, ami,
our souse of tho deep obligation
under whluh ho placed tho republi
can party, und tho cause of good
government nnd patriotism In the
United States. Ho undertook the
leadership of a doubtful cause, in a
time when the republican party was
disheartened, and tho democratic
party confident in the power of
supremo control Iu tho government
uud nation, and when tho odds of
coutcst were uganst our party, aud
by his mutuhlesH power, ununu!d
skill in resources, aud goulua to
commuud, wou for tils party au un
precedented victory In tho fuco of
oxpected defeat. Wo know, as no
ono else can know, that Its contest
which lie waged was ono of as iniiolt
honor uud fair methods uh of In
vincible power uud triumphant
victory, aud (hut it was won largely
by tho power of his superior general
ship and unfalllmr strength oh m
political leader. In tho great con
tst of 1889, In months of never
eflort, uud during u year's clone per.
Hoim! uuioolutlnu with him, we hv
learned lo know tho pobjlliy of the
man, and wo deWre In thly connplow
ou inuiiner to plueeou pub'.ly record
for the present uud future, as hii en
during auswer to tlio partisan wi.
suiiIU of a defeated enemy, our ttti
mony and appreciation of his public
serviet's and Kirnoiiul worth "
Tho utidlliiig committee reported
tliut, after u thorough JnHptctloii, nil
money wan found fully ureoun tod for,
vud recommended thutlho rtur
crV account ho approved, und lh