:o?r'r'1'' ff . r w- 6' .."-iiwt-iitmiM f'-y3--""-''r.iir-wrfiVwrnJiSiir .TiiVi.irVi.-.w..- fylft..ViffS?jjfa, ibriMMBaoMsiaa4naaagimwM J-HN D JOBPRI NTE R STATE STB.BBT, - - SALEIT, OIPR-IEG-OINr. Largest Stock of LEGAL BLANKS in the State, and the BfGOKST DISCOUNT. No one can cut my rates for Printing, aiuPkecp clear of the Sheriff. Try .no. Fine Printing a Specialty. "nriNiPWP -ET?in A -K-lrfrl.Hfer.li -mY m Mm s&i m, lt-. & T A SKKMON IK WISCONSIN. THE AVfUC llCSITV FO CHW6 TW eABNESTBW JUST NOV. tit ft Hr by f h Kuivtpla f KJr la Ur1g llr t'rpt Tha Ort l f Ac,jrroli raltfc. Madkox. July 2.Dr. Tafeaage prmidtd thy mvrntag t a Ohaataa j a?j Wy on Ilia iMUtfct of iUmem Jake sear tWx ekr. It k Rrssst jf4 0 r1fK flf pwjte frow aH p f tfw orlIiWti Hi text ww ffc&Msr Jr. 14, Vylo khowrtli wfwtber tlVw art me to the kitwl'Mi for Midi a time a iiiir liM-rUn? Heau'ifalwtu the wiftfof AJuoO'-nw U-AlKMtftW.' Tins tlm liAi come foriwrtoprtwawtapetiiloH to her infamous IiMmuh1 in beitalf ot tlie JsraaKtluli satxxt. U7 triitoh sIk had once belong! was araid to n Aertake the work. Ist alia sboiild kse Jer own life, but iwr uiwJe, MordeeaJ, who liaI broaglit lier op, encouraged her witli f Iw guggeetion that probably she liad beri raised up ot Ood ior timt peculiar mVmotu "Who knowatli whether thou art come to the kingdom for nicb a time as thlsf father had her God-appointed work; yau and I hare ours. It is niy business to tell you what rtlo of people we oirjjfii to be hi order that wo may rnw.'t thtf demand of the ago iu which Ood ha cast our lot If 70a haro cotue ex pecting to hear abstractions discussed or &ry technicalities of religion glorl lied, yon ho.ro come to the wrong place; hut If 7012 rwaih would like to know what tbi ago ba a right to ex pect of you as ClirUtiaii men and womi ii, then I am read in the Lord'i iiaruo to look you in tho face. When two imuic have rushed Into battle the oiilcera of cither army do not want a philosophical dificiiMion alxut the chemical propertiesof human blood or tin nature ol gunpowder. They want oome ouU man tiie battorkw and cwab out the tfim. And now, wiien all the forces of liglit and dark fiiwi, of heaven and hail, have plunged into the light, it U no time to give our K'lvea to the deflnltlottv and tonnultw and teehnlcalitfe and conventionalities of religion. Wiiat we wan t la practical, eamext, concuntratod, entlw)iatlc and triumphant Iwlp, Wiiat wo need in the wut yem tu WUcondn need. TOO MAy UKLV AMD IIAI.W UUH18T1ASB. Iti the ilrnt place, In order to meet the iecial demand of tills age, you need to lx mi unmistakably aggreialvo Chris tian. Of half and half ChriKtianv wo do not want any more. Tho church of .le.nut Ciirixt will be better without ten tliouwnd of them. They aro tho chief cbirtaclu to tho church's advancement. I tun peaking of onotiicr kind of C'hri t'tsJi, All tho appliances for your be coming an earnest Chrkilsut are at your hand, and there U a straight path for you Into tho broad daylight of God's forgiven, Von may hare come here today the loudmen of the world, and yet before yon g'Outof these door you may become tho princes of the "m Ood Almlgiity. Vou know what excitement there Is in this country when a foreign prince comes to our shore. Why! Because It is expected timt some day he will sit ujon a throne. Hut what is ail that honor compared with the honor lo which Ood calls you to bo sous and daughters of the Lord Almighty; yoa, to be queens and king unto ffodf "They shall reign witli him forever and forever." Hut, my friends, you need to be ag gressive OhriAtiiins, and not like those jttrsonti who sjand their lives hi hug ging their Christian graces and wonder ing why they do not make any prog ress, ilow 111110I1 robustness of health would a man huvu if lie hid himself hi udarU eiuautf A grout dud of pioty of the day is too exehuivo. It hides itself. It uwds moru fresh air, more outdoor exwruise. Tliere aro many 01irltluiiu who aro giving their entire life tosclf examlnutluii. Thoy are feel Jug their pulses to see what U tiie con dition of their spiritual hualth. How long would a man have robust physical health if he kept all the days and weeks and months and years of his life feel ing Ills pulse Instead of going out into active, earnest, everyday work! I was once amid the wonderful, bo witching oaotiw growths of North Caro lina, I never was more bewildered with the bunnty of (lowers, and yet when I would take up onoof these cactuses and pull the leaves upart the beauty was nil gone. You could hardly 111 that It ever hud been a llower. And there aro 11 great many Christian people In tills day Just pulling apart their Christian experluiuMw to see what there hi In tlutui, and thsru Is nothing altravt lit, MU This t yle 0 lf examination U h damage luttead of an advantage to their Christian eiiaraeter I remem ber whm I was u boy i ustxl to have a jwmll J'Umw hi the garden that ( ewllad 9ny own, and i piauUxl eom (here, and tuvory bw days 1 would pull It up to sou liow fat It won growing J'w itboreojv a great mwy ChrUtlMii woiAn in this day wlioso self uxaiiiluAiluu merely auiuuiila to lite iiliHgmuf that which theytuiiy wtenlu r ijw my before jumiid. Tllg(K lit UO IIUUM WiTHOOT mWHtt ' Oh, my friuiidt, if you tnl to have a t id wart OhrUOaii Mlmmsistr. ihhI If right out of doors In the gran! ilsld ul ClirUthuiutufidiiess, and IlioMssbsturM mv ojne upon li ami though im Ihh tm uf IrUI nmy wwMiuiv it. it will thrive until II Iwtwu a raj Lrw. in jwfWj ihefwwUt lm,YM imy '' )wJim&LMi- I lw l Vwkli llu UowjU'KoI jQtirUhitw i'iiwy py ()wwmJ'm mitt hJfWf, huJ dl Ikt&r Ctutotlea exfieriwwe is a email, exeMfre efrefe. Irt tfcey oeght to ptairt it In the great garden of the Ird, to timt ike riW atH)opbre eostd be arsMMUie wKI their Christian osefoi lwr. What w wat hi the elwrsb of Ood Is more brawn of piety TW century fitant ts wowieriufty mg gfrtlrv mui vnmlerlHiij beaMtifal, bst I never look at ft without tbinkjag of Ha parsimony It lets whole genera tIo go by IWore it pats forth one UotHntL Bo I have really more heart felt admiratkrti when I see the dewy tears l tiw btae eyes of the violets, tor they mme every sprlsg. My Christian (Heads, tiwe Is gofiig hy to rapidly that we eainot afford to rv Idle. A reeent statistieian says that human life bow lias an average oi only thirty two years. Frors these tldrty-two years yoa (east subtract all the time you take ior sleep and the taking of food and recreation; that will leave yon about sixteen years. From those sixteen years you must tubtract all the time you are necessarily engaged in the earning of a livelihood; tli&t will leave yon about eight years. From those eight years you must take ad the days and weeks and montlis all the length of time that is passed in childhood and siekneM. leaving you about one year hi which to work for God. Oh. my souL wake apl How darest thou sleep in iiarvest time and with to tevr hoars In which to reap? So that 1 state It as a simple fact that all the timo that the vast majority of you will have for the exclusive service of God will be less than one year I TUK KXCUSKS 0 LAZISE65. "nut," says tome man, "I liberally support the Gospel, and the church Is open and the Gospel Is preached; all the spiritual advantages aro spread be fore men, and If they want to bo saved let them come to lie saved; I liavo dis charged ail my resixmsibility." Ah J is tiiat the Master's spirit! Is there not tin old book somewhere tiiat commands us to go out into the highways and tho hedges and compel tho people to come in? What would have become of you and me if Christ hod not como down off tho bills of heaven, and if ho had not come through tho door of the Beth lehem caravansary, and if he liad no; with tho crushed hand of tho crucifix ion knocked at the iron gate of tho Bopuleher of oursplritual death, crying, "lAzaru, como forthf Oh, my Christian friends, this Is no timo for inertia, when all tho forces of darkness seem to bo hi full blast; when steam printing presses aro publishing iniided tract; when express railroad trains are carrying messengers of sin; when fast clippers are laden witli opium and rum; when tiie night air of our cities is polluted with the laughter that breaks up trom tho ten thousand sa loons of dissipation and abandonment; when the fires of tho second death al ready tiro kindled In tho cheeks of somo who, only a littio whllo ago, wero in corrupt, Never sinco tho curso fell upon tho earth has there been a timo when it was such an unwise, .uch a cruel, such an awful thing ior tho church to sleep! The great audiences aro not gathered In tho Christian churches; the great audiences aro gathered in temples of sin tears of unutterablo woo their bap tism, tho blood of crushed hearts tho awful wino ot their cacrament, blas phemies their litany, and the groans of tho lost world the organ dlrgo of their worship. Again, If you want to bo qualified to meet tho duties which this ago de mands of you, you must on tho 0110 hand avoid reckless Iconoclasm, and 011 tho other hand not stick too much to things because they are old. Tho air is full of new plans, now projocts, new theories of government, now the ologies, and I am amazed to see how so many Christians want only novelty In order to recommend a thing to their confldoncoi and so they vacillate and swing to and fro, and thoy aro useless, and they aru unhappy. Now plans seculur, ethical, philosophical, religious, cisatlantic, trausatlantia. All, my broth er, do not adopt a thing merely becauso It Is new. Try It by the realities of a judgment day I'HOOItlWS run law o uivk. Hut, 011 the other band, do not ad hero to anything merely because It Is old. There is not a single enterprise of tho ohuruh or tliu world but has some times boon scoffed ut There was n time when men derided even lllblo so efetlesi and when a few young moil met near a haystack In Mastaehusott and organized tho first missionary so ciety ever organized In tills country, (hero went laughter and ridicule all around the Christian ehtiroh. They sold the undertaking was preposterous, And so, also, the work of Jeu Christ was osalled. People eried out, "Who-.-ver lNrd of well theories of etiiles ami government! Whoever notiaod suaJi a style of preaehiug as Jhsus uu)f IfamkleJ had talked of mysterious whig and wheels- Hr wine aiiiau from Ca psriMiim and Uwnuusatet, and he draw his lllusmukmi from the lakes, from tho lilisw. fnmi Ihtl mhI. from tho ruvlne, (nttutit Bornslalks. How tho l'hurlsuos syutlWif How llorod derided! How CMapbiM hksedl Ami IhU JU tly iguekwd by the Iwaji, and (hey spat In itls faoe. him! ihy ealled him "till M Iwwi" All the grtl enterprtses In and Wlluf Uw ssmnsli have at (linwt Ihteii cswHTmI . oimI thurs) have Immmi h great iHHlLKsHie wlM have thturf lut ilw siMiriot of Hod's truth WuuUl ajJ tw mW if it wuss gwt wil nf Ihe 4d rwl And so llare are llwe wbw havt im paiUiiM wJMi uujljiliig Uk i " ire iiivmi in vhtirub gniMiiwlwnt. - with tt.)U.iiu like mi, hearliy, nerit eliwrvi njtun and t!ity Jhn1hr uy.y '.. -Ilklfsiliail 4sSiiJ WntffiS 4ym wvNsfBg atmmg everyday saea ratiter thao that mttUh makes an ex ertoM en ritorft! sttfts. Ok, that tW Ofewrest of Ood would wake up to an adaptability of work. We n4 ad msM the simple fact that the eharehes of Jem Clirvt In this Amy do not mwe the great iiwwt. Tbre are Stty tleJ msmI people In Kdinborgh who sever bear the Gospel. There are one mfl Hon jeopI In London who never Iiear the OopeL There are at least three hundred thousand nmU In Use city ot Brooklyn who eome not under the ha taedtate minktrathms of ChrUt's trath; and the Cliareli ol Ood hi this day, to ctead of befog a plaeefiill of Mvtng ejastles, read and known of all wm. is more rtke a "dead letter" pottoface 'But," say the people, "the world Is going to be converted, you most be patient; the kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms of Christ." Never, unless tiie ohureb of Jesus Chrkt puts on more speed and enttrgy. In stead of the cbureh converting tiie world, the world U converting the church. Hero Is a great fortress. How sliail It be taken t An army coraes and sits around about it, cuts off the sup plies, and cays. "Now we will Just wait until from exhaustion and ftarvatiofi they will Iiave to give up." Weeks and months, and perhaps a yearpass along, and finally tho fortress surrenders through that starvation and exhaustion. Hut my friends, tho for tresses of sin are never to be taken in that way If they are taken for God it will le by storm. You will have to bring up the great siege guns of the gospel to tho very wall and wheel the flying artillery Into line, and when the armed infantry of heaven sludl con front tiie battlements you will have to give tho fjuick command, "Forward I Charge I" UVKKT 1'J.ACB MAY BE A VV1A1T. All. my friends, there is work for you to doand for me to do In order to achieve this grand accomplishment! Here is a pulpit, and a clergyman preaches in it Your pulpit is the bank. Your pulpit Is the ttore. Your pulpit Is tho edi torial chair. Your pulpit Is the anvIL Your pulpit is tho house scaffolding. Your pulpit Is the mechanic's shop. I may stand In this place, and through cowardice or through self seeking may keep back the word I ought to utter; 'while you, with sleeve rolled up and brow beswoated witli toll, may utter tho word that will Jar the foundation ot heaven witli tho shout of a great vic tory Oil, that today this whole audi ence might feel that the Lord Almighty is putting upon them tho hands of or dhiutiou. Iivory one, go forth and preach tills GosjmiI. You have as much right to preach at 1 have, or as any man lias. Only find out the pul pit where God will have you preach, and there preach. Hedloy Vicars was u wicked man in tho English army. The grace of God came to him. He became an earnest and eminent Christian. Thoy scoffed at 1dm, and said ; "You aro a hypo crite. You are an bud us over you woro." Btill ho kept his faith in Christ, and after awhile, finding that they could not turn him aside by calling him a hypocrite, they said to him, "Oil, you aro nothing but a fanatic." That did not disturb him. Ho went on per forming his Christian duty until ho had formed all his troop into a Bible class, and tho whole encampment was shaken with the presence of God. Bo Havolock wont Into tho heathen temple In India whllo the Hngllsli army was there, and put a candle into tho hand of each of tho heathen gods that stood around in tho heathen temple, anil by tho light of those caudles, hold up by tho idols, General Havclock preachod righteousness, temperance and judgment to come. And who will say, on earth or in heaven, that Havclock had not tho right to preach! In tho minister's house whero I pre pared for college there was a man who worked, by tho name of I'oter Croy. Ho could neither read nor write, but ho was a man of God. Often theologians would stop in tho house grave theo logians aud at family prayers I'oter Croy would bo called upon to lead, and all those wise men sat around, wonder struck at his religious eflielenoy. When he prayed ho reached up mid seemed to tuku hold of the very throne of the Almighty, and ho talked with God until tho vory heavens wero bowed down Into tho sitting room. Oh, If I were dying I would rather have plain Peter Croy kneel by my bedside and oummend my Immortal spirit to Ood than Mine lieurtleMVoule siastio arrayed In costly ouuouieuU. Go preach this Gospel, iou say you are not lleeinwd. In the name of tho Lord Almighty this morning I lleense vou. Go preaah thU Oosjxil preuali it in the Kuhbath sehoots, In the prayer maathiga, In tiie highways, In tiie hedge. Woe unto you If you preach It not. t'AITII MH(itAUV TO UWM4OTVX WOIIK. I remark tt(jaii, that In urdur to be (jtiailtled to meet your duty in tills jwr tluuliir age you want unbounded faith In the triumph of the truth and the overthrow of wUkedness. How dare the Christian whunth ever get discour aged! Have we not the lml Almighty 011 our side! How loag did It take Ood to slay the I ni u( 'inWjf1' bwrti feSodom or shakmjuwii Jurwhwl How long will it take Uud, when 1m ones) arui in ItU strength, to ovurtluvw ail the fumes of iulaully I HetMWHi tiik time and that ilum MHy he Utuit Masons oj durkn - the aluiriol WlHMsis l Oud' OuH teiH lu ding iMgytty ; by lien l tm promUe, and louder Is the Ijiruiw. njj when Quiu!ehHiM has tost It svyt, Wjd Omnlpotviiee fails bowk hupAiiittt, and Jehovah U driven from hU thrmje, ttsm Use dssvafa o( Jm Utrut eao asfcm! to beHwyowfsest. bwt sever tiwtil tben Wssiyeta maty fsssa assd arwie nmy wmwsJi. imd ttte aeissTP" of the wtfesu Mtf seessi U iMtkk they are ad mjn iM tlte aar ( Use world, but the toighty faen of the mrt are only the du ot Hie cfcaWwt wbs of God's pfrrfcleaee. I tJk tlsat before Kmssm of tMs cen tsry tlsall set Use hwt tyrasiny saay fall, anu wimi a i jiuiiuwr mi ctmito i skat slsalf be the iisssaWiiiiint of the; smiverse God wW set forth the bright ness aad pomp asnl sjsorr and perpetti- Hr of yrm& goromsmwrt. Ootofthe starry tmg and the ewMasuoed iosigaia of this world. God will moke a path for Ms own trkiwpfa. and. retorateg from orarersal oeoqaest, be wfli sit down, the grandest, siroocest. highest throne of earth kss footstool. The ahidl B ! tmmt ; Te TImp. mr RWr. fttktr. frtni. Till iMtrts'i U(k area fiw4i scale With Tessa es carta. at wt ts sssa." I preach tills senaon beeaMse I want toeneourafe all Cbrietiaa workers in every pofble departtsjoaC Hosts of the living God, mareb on' taareh onl His spirit will Mass you. His shield will defend yon. His sword will strike for you. March onl Karen on! The last dosnotisca will fall, and paganism will bora its idols and 3fohauii0edan (cm will give up its false prophet and the great waits of superstition will come down In thunder and wreekatthelong. loud blaH of the Go?pel trumpet. March onl March onl Tiie beslege ment will soon be ended. Only a few more steps on the long way; only a few more sturdy blows; only a few more battle cries. Then God will put the laurel upon your brow, and from the living fountains of heaven will bathe off the sweat, and the heat, and the dustof the conflict March on! March on i For you the time for work will soon be passed, and amid tho outflash ings of tho Judgment throne, and tho trumpeting of resarrectlon augels, and tho upheaving of a world of graves, and the ho-anna of the Hived, and the groaning of tho lost wo shall bo re warded for our faithfulness or punished for our stupidity. Bleated lye tho Lord God of Israel from everlasting to ever lasting, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen. C6 From Cra.llcy Heath. Recently a deputation of women went from Cradley Heath, in Hngiand a ploco whero women are employed at heavy work in forging chains to London to protest against tho passago by parliament of an act which proposed to prohibit tho use by women of a heavy fomlnfr Implement known as the "oliver." They objected to tho pas sago of tho bill on tiie ground tiiat it would deprive them of employment At London thoy woro questioned at length upon the manner of their em ployment by tho home secretary, an officer whoso position in the British government is much tho same at that of tho secretary of tho interior in tills country. Between Mr. Matthews, tho secretary, and tho chaiuwomaii, tho following dlaioguo too place: 3fr. Matthews And wliat's tho pre cise naturo of tho employment in which you aro enga Chain woman (breaking In) I doan't want to havo my work taken awaay from 1110 1 Mr. Matthews (blandly) Pardon me, that is not quite tho point on which I desire Information. If you will please explain to mo tho naturo of operation In which Chairwoman (firm though flustered, and determined to get out what she had come ail the way to London to say) It never dono me no harm, sir I Mr. Matthews But, my good wom an, if you will suspend your observa tions long enough to oommuuieatosomo Idea Chain woman I likes the 'eavy work, sir; an' I says, Let ooeli ono do what they eau I The Interview proceeded hi this un satisfactory way until a questioner was found who could talk to tho chain women in theirownhinguugo. Youth's Companion. Tli rnnjr weltliUr' Helium. l'erlmps tho aleverest of all shoplift ers' trieks Is that of the "ponny weighter." It Is known to hut few, aud praatleed by a still smaller number, fur ItU a dlllleult one. It has been most suosassfully worked by a pretty little blond, witli a baby faee, blue eyes, wirly hair and tiie general ap peuruuoo of a bewltasiing wubretta llor profswshiiutl name Is "Little Baot ty.H fihe canw to griof in HoUW!, Mass., and was sontenosd to tluw years In prison. Uttr mode of woritiug was to go to a jewolry atom and ask to 1m shown esse diamonds on u tray. She itratondj to be vitry siwrtsiahtod, and (Mod over and very etase to the tmy, osamhtliur the dhtHsundi throtjtfh an oyssjiasa, gbj axjMiMS jwr left hand so as not (p be suipaeted, am) at a propitious momant drop a one aarut diamond Into the tmy, ami witli her toMguo, tm Uw ioIiit of wliloii she has pulvsxibkl alum, she rUks up a two sstrat tUawoia). Bhe tlnwi says she siuntot llnd tlw x aa( mate of the stoiwi she wants to iMlah, vtlttah the ha Hot V-kfe'iW. mi go Into aiaHher store. ro H S& lnuijjosher two mrt dtnuoml b 9 simitar mauiw for a Utnw wemt Hum, an i so CZ Whost thy was eauht siw liad shirtod wlUi a om utsjtajioud uird hod iwniml sjx ml a UU mm wakingMrWBJImjsaftsJsJoJhjwteafjsw m Th tw of the itstua mM& tlw hwhr to dUovor Its Unttl ag Mfijsl Meottys do.au, JvwehoV WoU- :Anas lower For Dyspepsia. A. JfcllanKer. Propr., Stove Foun rlry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "1 have used August Fkmer for Dys pepnta. It gave me great relief. I recommend it to all Dyspeptic a a very good remedy." Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer, Latizon, Levi, Quebec, write : "I have used August Flower with the beat possible result for Dyspepsia." C. A. Barringtmi, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a complete cure in my case. It act ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corinth, Mifts.,writes: " I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottle of August Flower, and now con sider mysei f a well man. I sincerely recommend "this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over." G. G. GREEX, Sole 3ianafacturer, Woodbury, Sew Jersey, U. S. A. f. ifiW Minnnl Rant w .nioniuiuvuuiuuin, 95 1 SALEM ORKOOX. mtOVESilOXAL, CATitn. tl Off If f.f.lWlfr It f. lliuMuallil l. Offl"; Wt Cairt streH: llsvrfrtet.ee 7 lieb ttreet. Gf.eni! msrUe. XtKn-bi aUeeUon ytnn lo alien mm of Women and eanaren. K.OAHIWIW. M ., thrxkUn and mirKwm, (ii-ir aiisua n(uo w J '..- ... ' ... ...' " W.A. mui. ismnoB, sna wijm i our luarr, sois uarxii.l Otn& Mvi rojdn r in Pint Ka tlioat Itank htoeU. (Mt In town or enna trr promptly Mn4W. rte boarrSto Jla, m; 1 to 3 sad 7 to 4 pin. dw . Y. JiOKUJLM. B. it. Ji AVUBK. W. II. IIOI.MHK. SOSIIAH, IlMMfSM A HXBtS. Alto nrsatlw. OlMos la Bosh's Moefc, wejn fHalu anil Court, m Ohh'1 tH. J.J.HHAW. .W.IIUT. flat W. II. I'ltATT. CJlfAW, IMlATrA IIL'.ST, Attorneys at j Iomt. OlttoDorsrCap.lal National hank, Hlii, Orcffou. rniLMON folii), attorney at law, lm. I. Or-Ba. OrAuM up-nUtlrn la j'aUua's AR;V &HIXUII.VSI, Aliorari ana tgHiriMrlora at taw. --Ipiii. Ottnajii. Tavluif aunlMtnuHM tli r jmrUt UAritm onuntjr,lueluiUnabitaii(I'tiek index 01 Balein, tlwj' lur upsclsl fei.lUax lor z amlulu ilUe u ru1 mUt'-. ItiisliMaM In tbe supreiflo man uaJ lo 1 u UU (lwrv taent will rseetre pr..uij.t atwnUtm. DIL J. 1J. KKKNK, DeDii.t. Ollteeorer the Whits Urt-oi-r, cvairt and Cam innrelal uUixtn. I 1(. . . AI-.i., 11. ku.ian acid sur l) KH111. Ofll In MUridee Uloas, ho- UJin.itrhK ,0, OjIii 1mmi iO to ttu.tn. 2 1" l p. m, Dlt. 1.0. OJIM'il, 0uli..l,W BUlv mkmk, HnUtm, Or. Unlnliia dsatal opem tteiii. oreveryIicrlpllB. l'slnloui opera tion. aspeeUlty. It. i'i;(JII, Arc-l4.n-t, I'Juhk, bptcl I , riuitloriK and ujnf.leinlwiie lor all iliixnm of I)uI1i1d. vtftee 'ifi Com- iiiiiirtal St., up wi.ilm. It H. lle.NALI.V.Arclilltct. Now Ilu.h j. Ilreyiiiun block. I'laus hihI j eoiUta tkiiu ot all cUumm of of lu)IdliiKn on nbort notice Hu)rlutfinlBi!oi orkpn)nijtlj ookfcd nner. 'i Mi Iy J. jioi'iii Mla.M.i itilHuultaryaid 11, ilydraulte KiiKliMr. U. H. lHily .irjfal sem-ynr. City iirveyoM olllce, Jtiirt hy lllfx-k. HmIoiii. Or.-on. KOIlXItT A DtUOOIlAl'', ARCHITECTS. H ih bear betldlne. It will pay. ,12 Male itre(. IIUJ)IMh CAItD-t.l 1 H, VJI.I.AKIi,mekinllliafKlhor , klio.T. All work grain an!. t'lo. 1 HtatM kU4, nsar tsatrt biMSMfc rWO. !!OKVK.IIrlJr aodll .Ir.l.-Mlntt X (rto. natMtlaalw iiibsrtty. 7jU Ooinrbsiclal t'nwt,4iii. I ICK & ItO&S, llUk.ii.ltli, all kladt ol Li rrisilriuifuudaurrlan-vror. Wliav iu our emptor Artbur (llov.a unfau.Linai iMMMMbour. (Jive us a u-atl. Ml L II. Mt II II A CO.. ConUsti, Sswcr luir. CMlAHUiL Slileaalka. KbvaJlni liur A if Wort nroinntlv liiar. Hiku 1 .l.. "... ........ i.r .: - i.r.r? ..i -v SMiPCT-LAYINS.-i Htsks a. upwlaUy 04 uaipst-Mwluc aad larlast aarpsta mi ap aad mhnd vlib gnsa asm, Ihu siaaalru. 1-ave ordarv wtth J. II. Ijipu ot suns aon. j. 0. lu 11 tut an; IUI1N UKAY.-Uualmstw aad Ia0l4r. fl Kla taai4a flalsbi( s BStnlty m OMuaMnsal ihm, (Mcm Orstua. IOUN KNlllUT, UteskMNlta. llorst I ) J. LAJUKU a uiM sisaaatstars aatl klaasuf vuUlsbf. KsfwuiMz a stwstal. iy. kaot st swats stfMt, BAKU it PISTM, 94T Cm'l 81. . - . siAUIM. CarJas Mote mi Laws ftWmt, Estimates for Tinning wid Pimblng Furnlihod, Tli HAAS," THU WATOIlTsUKW, B. K, HALL, w. it.UA.vvr. -bit J. itXo..m, Jons noir.. - - !'iM6rUi . ( arbtar GENERAL BANKING. Bxaaaateuu I'orlKart. Haa Kranrffeo, New ?. lauo aad Hose lu.ll ttHrf fl.a Mmi. I IMt.t BBd Z-. fc..k . f.niiM, m... MrHa- iBrttfcdlo dsjeit uA .rtnmH bartnwi .1.1 vm. .1 ..-,.. . w-. ...- - whMiL.wfwri. ttou. und 'Attn iiuMrtypt reaofloie ratc. InurDe oa mtth r eartty eaa ht of.iataa at i wh iu reliable eo-panl. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL sriHK, ill SibieriM, 200,000 Traasaet a garal baaklag Mtatvi la all its bfaaefce. HELLENBRAND'S Ealing Parlrc& IWy Jlaimfatlorj', MOO Lommvislal Utrmrnt. Ml.ttr r-AUik let- Vrit.--- c-, Wa. and X eftita Oralis y f q or CTslaad CafceM eBf aw si iik. , swnn .W rWHU isceatr MeesU Marals J(XDU cenu rwaU XieenU Plates (Vmmi. Hot Cak, Coil rl0MtwWnkK BsWa rurkClMJjtMad novum casfp VmilM.diutd 1 tMttf aad BsOP I lam and Kcsm.... Krtrh yf any .rtylr. 25 Crt Renlr Djfcr itiiti Frsra fl t3 CCtotk A sWe va;t) of TDifeUMu, ete., eta AtmiMt, te or milk wltb all 36 cent fttaaw wKN'Mt mm flMree. iMfti (Aan. Imio jA hb Dumektle. always en kaad. I'orter iliose MUMk aad KgpiJriOcenU KBS ' msu ifr or rsa,. ana Mrs OHO. WIU.IA118-. Wm. HNOIaANO HUGH MldAHY .,,. I'rtwlileti IVIee I're-mtoai Oatilf IHKRCTOKst Oto. WtHkSM.Wm In. land, Or. J. A. HMasrdsaa. J. W. Ht-oi. J. A. naker. Haak la aw Kzebaago Sioek un ( mttn rtrC 8:1 W Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON, Capital P&id ep, harpii!, 15,000 R. H. WA1.LACK. . . l'reeMeDt. W. ,'. MAirriN, - Vlco-1'resldenU 4. H. ALBKICT, .... Casbler. DIRtCTORSi W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin J. 11. Martin, It. H. Wallace, Or. W. A.tu!ck, J. 11. Albert. T. MoK. 1'atton. LOANS IvlADE To tanner on wbeal and other market- able prrduj, eonlicnl or in tore Hlber In private eranarles or public warehouse. Stale and Cooatv W'ttmls Kauzil a( Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Dlfcoanted at reawtirMble rates. Draft drawn direct on er Vork, Cbleago, Han Krandwo. 1'ortland, Lmilim, farts. lSeriJn uone H.onn ana caieutui. XWoder Ita Maair aad PRiwTiiyp (Xr. UK TJIK llvT tXTABLIH iJhkbu In in mm. ;jecr r:t toau Portlaud. Larseat atork '4.0.! iiUi.k. 1 tbePtaV;. a d bHnreat dlniMiit. km4 lot prleellst "(ib prinUus. aud catalogue 01 npi blanks. L. M. WA1TK, n'n PrlnlT Kalem Qmtvn. A. . BLACKFORD. Ifniian tviliflii mt A - u I. . t'HMr- iqiuiiuK ikuu latiwr iintivinv O.xxl u.alorfal uud Hrvt-oIaM work 1 my olijt-ct. lv vo orders on utalf, at Kairani GEO. C. W.LL, tt Will lirot., Albany i:d UorvalM. PiairW, drtm aed Stwiag Mitk'tw. SKWIXO M ACIII.VKB aud OKflA REPAIKGDAND CLBANBD At Vour Huum Ageul fot NonliwmtlniturauceCo. Two doors north of Post OlMt-n, -alin,Or. Nee llMbndnew part for ail "M-wlngNnehliic a-tf dw H. POULE, Blaoksiiiith, Formerly ol Heritor a IVblt, two doots west of tbo ..Id stao'l, kt-j u kkmI fupp'j of wheel, ai!t. priui ami ,enurai ear rlae lurdwnre. ?UA w D.C.SHERMAN, U. H. l'eii.lon arid Claim hmi(. I'd IWt. HU sii in, OrBon. Deputy tunty Ulerl' Vrite fnr . 'anki. w The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE L HILGERS, Successors to John Holm. cor. (Vnni.ic elul uud L'beiueKtfLt wt, l-nlem. II r e uuciuf uajiwili;), 1hl FOREST GROVE POL'LTRY Him. Founded m 1877, J000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And theifictxii erer bred )i tb- I'aclCi Coast, iiook your order i-arly for choice uAheUitnn, Send Stntp for Catalogue. ' Address J, M, GARRISON. Iftll-dw Yt-7 t brTIVn. lton N'SURE IN YOUR HOME COMPAQ fTtie State." Amis Over 3J0.Q00 0tn, U. M. KI.H.I.KU, Uiy Agent led upodal aaetitlfir Martou touutv. ui s,- vntv. ti-riny. To yirawlii'rr.v OiiMVffs. 1 b uixln.UiieW lm iv.nlrveiKtl lur targe )U- inyoft.M- JtM.r. (wpli.e prlzt liiu.-, t it.in uau in . rj At r) and 'in u.it-bi- w Uui.ii, Im j .alrttr aud iji loUlttiile at rn-ro Ij fnuriu iiuikei ! ;.Mii M. A )-k", Malisii., and J. .. (.11- ri, Aimill. WMint-.b-.i Hire kiiM-k .ml plant fl.-t i .aw talKkryu' frfe,ieao fK. nilw 1U. AUo kli ciutr a:;.ti, AddrtM K. HOKk.lt, dw Hakim, ureson -:- Salem Boat House. It'Mt oa e fnoi f Trada alroet. Pleasure anu naming imau. italss low. CHAS. H. McCI.AXE, I'ropr. W. M. DeHAVEN, Misj - ami - Sale - Stalls. One door eat oftaiin'. try lbwUi pire yntMaUstreal. (julet fi,iill ut,.t. epto talaUeulkxipaldto trx:r.t (ook. 4:111 Hill's Patent luiic Mi. USLAID JTLOORS, Pressed Bricl-c, And all times ibuii-iias irssu-r m. PACIFIC BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO., lit KowUi ks., l'sgtaad, Oftaoa. J. o. hauhw. it, a. siooiti; SALEM BXPRfiSS COMPAKV. Leave atdsw al tae Clan fctaWw, one nmosss. AH wdsrs HwapUy aitsaaad to. L. B, HUFFMAN, l.ivsyy saUi id FmI Yard. TW Bsst ass trt, , f,,) (, jfc, , i4,taatlt I,, r-, . hjvelii til. Vir U I, in,. He lnSW ) AI!jCM. ... UMltanu Depot Uditioii. $ 5 GO Reward! WK will pay tbeatMTe reward for auj case or liver vompUInt, d,,!pi,Su, sick beadacbp, lndlgitln, eoiit,iailon or eo tieneu weoauuot core v.ltw wet' Vex eitableLloer 1'ilb., wbn tn directions are irl.ule ooiuplloU witb. Tnoy are wirely tesetabl, and never tall lo give mlUtno tlou. Huearnxtod. Uuxebvxes.contaln Ing 30 pllln, M erate. lltrar of couuior MM and niitatloij. Tbe gtuulne ihudu laeUredobly by 1J1K JOHN C. WUH7, Hold by Oeo. K. Good, Umt&l, oj Com. stieet.Kdleia Or. Health is Wealth I BKl.'i .f"VL I -BS'--JTR EATMElir' f lit lr I USI.-u'.mij k j .. "T ..... . . miir i.rne ana iirum Treatm-nt, a guaranteed specific for Hys-tena,l)irrineM,lnvul8lou,r'lU,Nervou iieiiraiiria, neaaaciie, Nervous l'rotratlon cud by tbe u or atoobol or tobacco. jngafiiietniiDjvfeuiunKlii luwnlty and . ...n -.- ...... j, new; huu ueuiu. pry fWaturcoiaaKbarrfeouefcifi, Jotw of powtrr box oouuiiuoue niontk's treatment, II A0 a box or six boxan for p,fO, Mint by wall prepaid oarteelpt of price. WEOUAUANTEE SIX BOXES To care any ease. With each order ir nTS.' "r .' oop, acuommuled with . If J , we will send the purchaiLr our the trcarinent does not ettoct a cure. Oiiar antees luuad only by Oeo. E. (jbod jj"u5 sUtBoleanem rifoiV.m H( hin. or S5c 1 Wn ItEAUTH 1.T ,- 1 11 CflWflm i'Sas'' ?ii?.?- -. j a.,ca is; TL.T-T'. ! .? sbs. w.r v; :.:-"" r; . Kr U i, .an s roJd'Miiu NNyR0VAL PILLS "---". .. Mil ana uoly Sotc ri smiuiM rami dUMMd BudpindT' WrW$ fcstar cauaVj ITLI,,", r '??. u Uafaurv. 1,-a.i,.. i. , . aailif AJIjS Si i ?? y i artrsainSSiaVK. s.s: llm'tuyte .a o. x4i. s.. .TTTnLT" p "all frtiin w aba C.il,,.'J,' 0oldM paiil,n Jo. rsi)T'rTJ?fiiiuUun,'A- J'rlcs &MaiffiLA Wls-.F Sbd iruM.. fil t?. "TU'" "" !- III saa SS: l "' W rW THE BJSUap9"0RU( C0..Anebi. "HVMRSstNTr.,,, ' sfcail. "dafsW. "".. Y7." iH-.MtfWrf.w GO C5 "VBsMHEBSt CD ez BRSKfssarH SKifiSi CD yy?ffs,TssWmrt CD SSS3KK2di BBhamm wrmwsrssssg sssssasgsssr CD swrasmt SBKS3V IMIIiTjsaB GO jms SDauatM sMIfiaBEUBssslQI taaafcaasl IS fsdt.a-'s'a 1 lillPIUipiMMspiiHPINWMnWMM ssl ' a- -atsalC Ciil NtV)" afJM ' '""ISSBSBWMIMBSSBBaaJMBlt. -..., WjafeUttSSl