iipwimjiiqy! njpmiJ'urr M& mKOi'W'"1" T gwwi.n, & ' to M urwilw d r airfWe nsEi iniixwn ! HtMMN ti yr.mtmmr 1 Mmm 4i. or it l iy (Lv. TfaawstortirfSteMtHwH ib(betemrnuMMHi I MMMMkfKUt iHdtelMltfcHI swwu4 fbittk iWs W t 1MMI J be greddwa's MM Mr AtiuMirtM it-Mh He rtetm 'w th 1W dttwttfc. with lht Haatfeetitot ssrHstor. m ub AWa de twi lb mUcmkI viiu-r MiuHor Htfc, ps. rS rw fee rrW If raw iMtlcr iarl out to I .j tk f dJrrrtw lunatic. MttWYXWW ST81KH8 A CIIUKCII nHwriM,i'. F.. July 27 V- fanfe wwfHlns M1 Um Iter. J &ester t 4eilretf3 netmou ITUe VMn4 rBWrlcffaM church. mm4dr0 utorm arose andtbeJngb ttfte m Mruck attil fluttered foj tott f HsIilolBg. TUns wen vt jwot'5-9 ,n lliecliurclj at tin tfssw atid a panic fuiltmtnl vlUl wswattlvrjUdltedlJtlie nur aed (nm) l)dl mcu cwuiwamllnfc l'' swwktafnMdeuMbed'wr. Mtwj fiomn wa-camtrd and f4lntl wli a ytUdlug fllJ t-AWsvA by tin akltg of tbc twx5; bat oaW f several flight tAum'Ht ho owe t tejured. The congregation tltei L JoTocd In prajer and tliankegfrlty fer (be raarrelou" exmpe, aud wav tUwHlcwsl with a trtmtuloiM twtte-dk-tlou, XAtmioUAKe is vajhjvim.k. BVAWVM.lb. lod., July 27. Ar tmrtbrjuake shock ww felt here laai eight, rglnnlgat838 and lasting wverol econ(i. Tbe motion wa apparently from north to south Window rattled und bulldlngi awayed perceptibly, Stony peoph Ued Id frlgbt Into tbe street. Bret opes istore In tbe business cctiteJ wm quickly vacated, aud tbe con Kfffttkin8 at all the churches rushed Into tbc street without waiting foi Hut benediction, Tbore were ecrlou jtswik at several churches, aud al Um First Hantlst a numlw of child XMi fell down tbe step and were burl, none fatally. JDtapatchea from Mount Vernon, Kewburg and other southern Inul a(l northern Kentucky points MU they experienced stronger eartb'iuake shocks than those fell Iiere. MAWNI! ACCWKHT. Kkw JIavkw, July Zr.-Whii Cote jnnrau "Typboon" buvlus on board Jude Hugh Dally, bla little niece, Cfliit, George AuuUn, Clttrunw liecbeand Itufus Bhepbard of tbU city, Cttjwized on IintrlHlaud Sound Imt nlaht. C'antuln Autlu aud the niece were rescued by a Hteamer It la tlioutjlit the otbera are Jft. Tbe Iat een of Judge Dally, Jleetx? anil Bbepbard, tbey wcreclinglnic to tbo wreck, wavcx tbrealeulng to carry them under auy moment Judge Daily U one of tbe leading republican politicians of Con met I Cut, Bbepbard u well known banker of New Jfavcn and Deele belouged to one of this clty'a ati UmMea. (tOV.UlUAXUllAit UKAi), Watkbmukv, Vt., July 27, Kx Ouveruor I'aul Dillingham died thin wornlug. Jfewa nearly V2 yean ftW, a member of congreM In 1811, and governor of Vermont In 18CJ m& ItffJ. titnuiv.n. Nkw Yoitif, July 27. Cbarlca O'Connor Jleuneiwy pleaded this morning to tbo Indictment charging him with mlduemeunor by the pub lluatlon in the KvenlngNuwsof (be detail of tbo execution of Hlocum aud SmIUy aud otherx recently put to death by electricity at Hlng Blug. CoutiHel banded up a demurrer claiming that tbo statute under which tbo Indictment Vu found was tiuconallutloiml, InuHmucb n It reotroliieil tbo liberty of the prcHi guaranteed to It by tbe constitution. HUN ON JJANIC. Han FnAKGtuuo, July 27. A run br lfgati on thu IVoply's Home HavlugH bank this morning and wv ral ttioutuud dollurv wih puld buck to depositor. The bank connnlu f4ooeni have begun an InveNtlgutlon tt the bunk. According to Km report o July Jul the I'ooplo'n bank him u capital Block of f 1,000,000 of which one third U paid up. There U due djKUon who number about KOCK), the sum of f 100,000. Unulu oniceni Ktato thu liiBtltutlon (wrfectly boI vent. Two of tbe Han Frnueluo'H jnorniiig pupurit have dlreutod atten tion at the bank fur tbe punt two bty contending that the Mate iwnk exumlnet hail not made irotH)r examluutloii of thu bank mHalni, The Hlutc Fair, eatfiiubor 1-lth (ho Oregon wtate Mr opii ut.Halein, and great prvpn- -.- rations have Iw-uii mude to umku It awperior lu every jetpcol to any Hevin8 fair held by the atwoelailou mum thu juvwnt innuageiuent Hfw agricultural uluut enpeolully, '' imk forward with pleanureable txbty to each annual exhibit, and ihy will be more than pleaded to aMMH that wxtraortllnnry prvpuru 4mwi have been ninile for thu fair of Ittli, TiiU fair ulturtU a plwutire ttie weoU ufifcnatloii tothefurmer, iMirtkiuUuriAl an I uuiek ruliwr, glvei ibi'tu new birut, ami an opportunity to revive old uiniunlutumi und 1m tMfW umw. The inaugrH have uikv4fe'l to make the nl!rootlutii o far tlw prwent ye.ir greater t)mo r, m4 the allcuduiice (nun uvvry (Wliwabdu will be gieater ithNNT WfW, milrmd ioaDBrr. tfmsMlimtr uf n Pjdamxr find Iaaaflffifi a boosting fssmm. .vh Found Uflcotilution2J, Big Rre at Yaflceover, A Plan of Beb bery, A Heavy Rifled Gun, Depu ty Sherif Poor KWed, Foreign and State News, Etc SAItKOAr. ACCIVKST. Daytok, OmoSTA wra oc- eurrei tfif I lie CiudnnatL Uamlllou aud Dayton railroad at MMdletoM ml tU,nt oAf btTS HaiUfjbsJ flibt At bsat five, and perbp tTeu were killed, wbll tbe eumbtrof wouod- e'l U estimated at twenty. Tbe ern- pl-uf Uie National C1j Ilegier company ere jjiren a picaic ai SVwXedaIe park by tbe eriu- my. luey were reiurntug on r peebxl of fourteen car, and tbe trail yrt belug run onto tbe eid track a Mwldtetoo, wbeo a freight trail 4rbed iato tbe next to rear oar. iljte oar wa full of people, and with trortthersalwftlfullariy loaded wa olslly wreeked. Borne paasenger Jk were on the train reached ben .t midulgbton tbe "JHgA"exprem, ul give only meager detail of tin limxter. A boy named Fatteraot. vaa out Into three plecea. A womaij amI Fryer wa killed, and a little jirl, name unknown, died bortl ifier being taken from tbe debrl Xearly all tbe people in tbe two carr ere Injured, tome being fflgbtfull iiAiigled. OJfooxfrnxirnoMAr Ht, Louis, July 27-Tbe lau which prohibit tbe aelllug of poolf hi Uorc ween and basebjll wait thb morning declared uncouctltutlonal byJudgeCIalburneof tbe court ol criminal correction, Tbeatate will appeal. flKE AT VAKCOUYKK. VAfOouvKn, Wab., July 20. Fire broke out at 7 p, m. lost night lu V, A, Mill's sab and door fact' ory, 8preadlug among a large amount of dry lumber with incon ceivable rapidity tbo building being enveloped In flamea within a few ralnutex. Owing to the fact that the city owu no borbca to take tbe citcamcr to tbo conflagration, pre etou miuutcH were loitt, aud when finally tbe engl no waa In position, the h(o bural und other minute wore lot. Tbo ire epread to ad joining buildings on the block twit'fl IJ and C, -itli utrcet- Only a email brick cottugo on tbe corner of tbe block wna cuvtil. Jesmw: A. V. 31111s, eah aud dwr iaetory, loek und machinery, 4,000; A bra hniiw aud Kuox'h bulldiug (2,000; no iuouraiice; Anton Young, build Ing ucd oh a boarding boue, f 1X); aud a smoll cottage, &M. The bonte kept lu the auh aud door factory wan burned. A i'J.AN Of ltOIJIIKUV. Dkh foiMBH, July 27. A well laid plan to kill the coxhler of the American Havings bank aud rob tbo vault of jOO.000 w" discovered hero Saturday. The robbery wu arrraiigcd to UiVi, jilaeo Monday morning at 6:30, tbe hour at which tbo vault In regularly opened by Cafdilor Elliot. Tlio (scheme waa for one man b engage the cannier In conversation, uuolher to enter by tbe Hide door, ollp up lehlnd tbe caiibler,aud sanding or otub If uece- ftary, while a third fellow would take roll of money from the vault. Two of the men, James Dlmmltt, u colored tough, aud Sam Cooper, real (Mlntn nwiudler, wen from Dew Molnen, und tlio third wuh a professional tough from KatiHoa City. Cooper and Dlmmettaru under ar rent. A local uuwupaper mull got wind oflho nchemo by pretending to bo a tough Irom Mlasourl, a niytr.o cannon. Nkw Youic, July 27. Tbo lint heavy orduauco twelve Inch r I tied guu, deitlgued for coast defemte, and made In thin Mate, wuh fired at Bandy Hook for thu flnt time Saturday wlh a eatlofuctory result. With 2fi0 poiimlu of powder, It ex. polled a 2000-pound hot live mllea. 1'huguii will into 410 poumU of pow der and throw a 2000-pouud Hhot twelve miles. 'DIM OMAHA imiixii:, Omaha, July 27. Justice Hrewer, of the Uultcd Btuttti iiupremo court, this morning announced his do- eluloii lu thu famuua Union l'aclllo- Hook Ihlaud bridge .cmtu, The de ulblon n uguluitt thu Union Fuullto, und holiU that tbo cuutraut with the Hook IkIuiuI and Milwaukee ruailn U valMtV Dun't Care la Hat. UN with thu greateitt coulldeuce (hut Hood' Hantapanlla U recom inendw) furliwituf apvtlte, ludluet Ion, nluk lijudnehe, and Hlmillur truublui. Thu mtilieluu gently to n en thu utoiimeli. (iksluts the dl KCdlou, and uiiikeM nuu "real hungry," IVinoim In ilelloutu health, alter tuKiui; iiuotra wuuaprum u fuwdtiM'. Iind tlieiuulviH longing fur und eutlug the plulneat hhI with uuuxwtiteu rviinii. lluy the IliiiU .umilnir Hlnuer tit a.f commercial mif jwi Paby crlil, Mother algluO, J)octor prererlUl t tutorial STATE. i raron innKirr kiixw. I'oBTUMcp. Or. JbIt 25. -Af ji - peefal to lite Hrtslfli Tticnm j ttvwa . i j - ....w-.. --., ras caiea liter inn wrBg uytB reeeiriBg the waf tbe kWtag ef Deputy fifeerifr Gmrgt W. , ti. VwJey, I sight. e wmwd- laof Owtxiy Ttrry, OMmtm la pffmtor VMrA asd Jpeiy Imped JltMtn. Tbe ixIrz fc hM g bare ten erer the eefttttre f a t ...... t M.I... I... ,. IO,. ' ukuu n imfnimw iw .: uum waugjrb3l lfto tbe Unlit A &aitm (mm Vletsrln. Tiry, JlnUitH, ad I'.wr were together, aod tbe 4ry i. that Deputy IriApeotof iSHstMs and JUird were jeakttiof tlteMtfcer (arty, atd tltat tbey laid in nmhvh hr thni. Thirty hU we e cbssgi J;iw-ct, tor iw pank. The afKOMtr Jury ebargtd Dulrd aud Duelianau wilb tbe deeth of I'ttnr. WOK BCOBJfB. EvtMKtK, Or., July 27-TJte re pert of tbe government engineer, charged witb tbe matter of fortsti laling a plan for tbe ImprotetHrA' ofihe&iusiaw harixtr, Is tlte sobjc of much indignation. Tbe people of FIoren are, without doubt, tbe rawt dbtgusted citizens tltat can be found anywhere. TUey bave ot yet heard tbe full rejxirl, but have an Idea what it h. and aaaoon an tbe full report U puWUhed it U tbetr in tendon to make a pubMe lemm titration of their feellngd. Tin fttfcamer Chance, on ita laitt trip, re ported twelve feet of water at the lowest tide, which doea not agree witb tbe engineer. The Kugeite floard of Trade held a meeting rialurday evening and pawed wine resolution embodying Ita Mtuti menta. It is reported the SiuIaw &. Eatern railway will U8fnd oper ation pending the action of tbe war department. Tbormu Lace, aged about 70yeare, raiding on the Hiulaw, waa ex amined Halurday aud committed to the aaylum forlncane. WEATHEU REPORT. 8an Fkanciboo, July 27. Fore cast for Oregon aud Washingten: Fair weather. AIARKKI'S. SANFitANCisco,JuIy27. Wheal; buyer 1891, $1011, Ciiioaqo, July 27. At clow wheat wuBteady,caMi,91,Bept.84f FOREIGN. TJIK HT. M ANOK AOCIOHN1'. I'akih. July 27. J,o Paris alaU-s Ihutttu invcotlgutlon into the HI. Mundu accident dlhelotea tbe fact that the ulisaater waa cauited by an unknown mittcrcuut who deliberate ly altered tbe xlgnulu no an U bring the train Into collision. He will be lynched If caught. DIBCIUHTINO KXWOl'ION. l'AHJH, July 27. The execution of youug lierlund und Dure, the two accompllcea of Mere Kerlund in tbe Courbevera murder, bxk place thin morning on tbe Place de la lbquctte. Iierlond walked calmly to the guillo tine, bet a desperate fttruggle took place on tbo acaflbld. Dore made no rettUtance, Ko aooner had the heads of the murderera rolled into the basket than the crowd iturged forward and with a mighty ruith broke through thu cordon of soldier und policemen aud began a dbtguitt- lugacramblo for an opportunity to view tho work of the guillotine. HAIMtOAI) Accmiisr. I'AlttH, July 27. Two hundred people wore killed or Injured an the result of thu Hi. Maudu collision yesterday. Many of tho uufortu tiutu people were Imprisoned be neath tbo wreck watt drowned by firemen who poured torrents ot water on thu wreck and seemed to be utterly uuawaro that they were drowning tho puoplo they wero at templing to rescue. Today tbe town bull ut 61. Maudu prcHonts a fearful spectacle of blackened bod ies lu town upon the Hour und tables. In some cases thu remains are little more than a heap of cinders inter mixed with HrtloiiH of limbs, One pllo.of charred limbs and human cinders Is cspcclully conspicuous consisting of u mass of unidenti fied and unconnected bodies placed III a heap. NOT TIIR PHKSIItKNT'H WIPC. l'.uilH, July 27. The roKrt which prevailed In this oily Saturday to the edict that iinuttcmcpt bad been mude to ussubsluale Mudume Caruot, wife of the president, by means of an Infernal machine, was utterly Incorrect, It) that thu attempt was not nunlu nu the life of Mine. Cur not, but on tbe wife of M. Coustuus, minister of the Interior. An analysis of the powder which wuh fouiicd in thu hollowed part of thu prayer book received by Mine, Coustaus, proves It Is a fulminate of merury, i hlglily explosive compound, llsjipy llooilfrs, Win. Tlmmous, i'ostumtltr nf Mavlllo, liul., wrllttti 'Klectrlo Itll tent bus dune moru for mu than ull mbur medluliiu combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney und I Iver trouble." John Leslie, farmer itud sKhjIiijiuI) of same place sa Find ICIwitrlo llltteiu l,u lm the best' Kidney und Liver medluluo, moile! me feel like a new man " J, V. itminer, imniwantmereiiuni, wimo i iuwp.nw Kliwtrio llltlew Is Just, Ihu 11 fi a nm.i bo )h all run down and don't ua whothur he live or dies: he f.uiinl now ilniDiftb gtsHl appetite mill tell JUt IIUu be - . . ...... I ... -f W - had a new Ie,i4a nu life. Onlv 60j. it bonsai Ytf Drug Slorv, fsv.'mtvi tfcc wi-' mjttmtitite4tMc tk tdy perfect icaaln aavwc, at if k Vr jx-xtij wbadi is trair ftnmmg m. rtn&ng i tke taU vti. jmaajit tUmtxwA o tJttmt tke tfMem gtmtif te the Sfdag-ic &r, in Act, at acy tec. ami 4m better CtXBtl- JWTXL ABW iV, "WIlAAXBTTtf J II Jtr. J A Yu n t V, A Ttux, W T H-Maf W T DaVit, H B FarktHKti. Pmrt. CKCWW.Ef. OsaJ LsmDbx. FA Tsim, D H HoM-T. X Y. C X J'ke, AfetoM. HJaooba. W If ftMdel, Valley Sf-rh 8 D. ABI Crslg, CUks T Greett, BMSerflfe. 'Vb9K.n W Meore, fUwebati. MrDrK, Mrs CTBrfes, W If tc DonaM, Gerrafas. WTYag.BPrai J A IJueWy. C FGafkst, Partfaad. XeJMe MeMIHeo, J V Uyum, Th IyoBc, DMaa. J II Brie?, 8 Drf Mttmmmtih. II F IJowwaa, Sal-m. KnarkaMe Uear. Mr. Mkltwl Cartaia, PWafWW, III., nmkt-i tb KaieutHttt that etot- 9gbt orid, wbieb U'.t4 a Iter rasgt; h- was tmrfert for a wwn by her fatuily phyU-an, tiut artrK vrmn3. ll torn iter ttne y a a nn- ten vietim f enatiiuptioa atMl tba uu medicine wM ww Iter. Her druggist aggetwl Dr. K.b Xw Ulsoverjr lor i noHiinMNa wtf bought a lAHtl aod to bw ttt-lixbt found benmtf bftiiefbed frotit firt d's-e. Kbe ooiilintiwl its ose at.d after taking ten bottles, food ber tyf emjud and well, now do her own hotiMwrk and Jt a well as be ever was Fr Irtal f.tb- of this Great Dbtcvt-ry fo't I) u ' Jstore, large IfKUea 50c ami fl9 Quick time aua inrougb tiains oflered pawnHers end fblfHrs by tbe Chicago, Union Pacific & Xortb uesteru IJu', Half Franelfeoo and Portland to Chicago. eoiJ Aug Tbe .Vxt AftraeiUn at tlpfra Heosr. One of the most iHipnlar of th rilug joung ft i rs in tbe tbeatrleu. firmatneut Is Mr. Geo. C. Staley. Local exchanges speak in tbe high est praise of Mr. Staley, aecrding him a place In the front ranks of dialect comedians. He is said to Mep uncommon dramutic ulHlity, united witb u sweet singing volet and a ituitds-ime ftage presenee. Ills play, "A Itoyal Pa" i spken of us a very Interesting and umusin production. Ills uotuseuKelefsfaree eomedy, tier a wild aud improbable tensatIou, deendlug Uwu clup tr.tps aud scenic display for cilect It is a drama of the best class, call ing forth a fuw tears and much laughter. A number of pleasing songs are appropriately lalroduced, Mr. Htaley Mug especially happy In bis rendition of "My Hearts De light" aud "Little Itogue's Asleep," which he sings to the little child in tbe play. Great praise is bestowed upon the supiiortiug company. We predict that Mr. Geo. C. Blaley, In "A Itoyal Puss," will prove one of the finest attractions of the season. Can't lou Calcli On To known mean ol overcoming ttialob mlaate UIor Jer, c4nhUpatliT 'f course you am. TO-n why doii'i youT Ak ihui wlw) liuvn trlwd II.miiU tli will loll tlial llimtllr' tomrli IIHtsrH l a jiimUjIii-w laxullve, fin-ciual wliuuut Tlulfn.A-il.ur- ouslilr ullerauve. jut Hrrclir rllMO. jualilr It Invli It Invigorate, tw, nolo l wlliHii It rezulatt lhevtein. inul It U cliietlr U till. Ilr.t qustfly Hint It uwm tb iwrinunotiey ol ItM rulatln eirwit. ine, if vlcurln InckliiK In the rtthonof the boweU, tliomomrttlior the liver, liwillliful uotuity In IIjimu or esim Is lu.iMnded. ltoltriiuU und eu- hurtles In teneral ure Ininly that inul UOthlllK mor-, tbey te.nx the Imk el. mere ly vrllhoiilluvlKorallns ttioin, ucliu their luiatlveuctlcn U uiiuily uliruiit und vio lent, Ihey rutlly tend U trenkeu the or rlii-iKiiulum, Indliceelloii, debility ud Uldney lr uLle. Do not uliur Irom lok nurtdsche a mo inunt louder. IllauotuecetKuiy Cirtr't I.lttlo l.lver l'UU will cure you. I pie. oue luim un. niiian nrtve. Diimu ooh, biiiuii 11 1. Mr.. Chun. Hmllh.or Jlinex, Ohio, wrltew. I luteupdatcryihlus fur tick liuularliel ouuld hour of for the turn fifteen rear,, but OiirKii's Llttio I.lver lllUdonotiie toore Koou that ull the rest. Hnvo no etiul a. it prompt aud ponltlve cure lor sick heudtehe, blilloutneNt, aim tltuitlon, Pktn In the tide, and ull liver troubles. Contra Little Over l'UU. yspepsia l.tkas inauy people mUertMe, and ot'ri U lo silt-dMtruitloii. Dutren at lug, MHir stotiweti, sick headMbe m z. it. Iom i( sptlle, a taint, "sit go' -iuj, iwd Ut, eoated tmiBM, aud tit t f , tilartly vt llat bovrai, i l.'MtrOSO tin, ntoto ooittutHt am -At'tOr u,,m- lJlla'tosi t r .) r-1' n" ot ItMtt. t l(' fcntiny nuw4 ar.ut, )mttr t ii. i.tiuti, t,n! a rsntetly lite Moed'a K.u inrllU, wliUli nets EWVtly vet eny-hi Vf It toues Ilia ituiunoh and othsr oripi.a rulate Ilia iHfWttMi, orealw gouu tv l'itlt. aud, by thus ot0f, onemsubm IM local u T t)DiHH,eurt UieHoatlncItO Iwadrbc, aod rtrbs tlta tlrt tata4. " 1 lmve beatt troaMed Hl dyw'.t& 1 fuul Imt ItUta intltr, aatl wttat t do. Wftnir-t. 'Wt dttrosxl am, w did "" ins MMW road. Atureat Ultrn .,, l ,.id expert) titiMs, ur tired, all-fuas fuatuii, i tlm.ial I 'l MW eUm aaytatac My iruutla, 1 lUtak, mm aru((t'.it W my btMusM, UttlH siwl (row bwtug tuM w i0M4iutttiliiaraMMltli Snnt frwlt tut. b.st tfrtim . . oour , I tuuk Hood a aatsapaitaa otomacil suit It tlW aw au hmneate anwnatt at g.d It fvs me sit appetite, aad my f. 4 M bt.rl Mtl MlUAetl Hi crarUt 1 u 4 1 1 . tlMMiye.iifirM. ' Jlaa A. Vxut. ;T. -i . TT wu;',un ", . ".ft I a. i d drftde to tVe Heed' Kar- Mat Ilia do uot be ludueott U buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparllla akit.iaii.Mttu. 1I01R rrir4hv w w - o.L)iooiaco,.aiikMiiri4.Lu,ut. joo DtM On Dollar eceits AMO VfJWOSO . Y-.OT. mrx9Hie. imttrmAam ft tT -Tk Ber b a a4 i th r&fii. 1U U a. t t a paanarai; iimMiir io "w w r i mntt-r frir -- H frajwaliagf j a mki ewa awre ragwtfcaafe i 6. KuttafkawrferatfareaMa, . . J t-. nliT.i t- c tsM.- Ha.wagnat; jmfljrtnii a t haw tbe 9-MeC iMne latb-lMrMs4 takawwirv-rtoriaV. Mm.mmi fta tewt rfaV fd tfce ; J t- V . l-r to it. Tfce Br tow e &la safcj a b, v MMkas4. a a Mff J efirtr. a tec bwi iu WW faMKSM- it 1 . . . . .. . . -- ias tar tf WaMv lanser. ww ats Airtaaa IVaa. k fweat tff y ? irwfaweJMy. I18 BatgHfli are aaaa wwiu' - baTetbeTratarraaJ reraaam awtter Ote Ifeergeru ft. Ia laet, Owy e bate tesit fcerfc, alfc-wii Ure tfcere leel f y JeanWy tr4 ITriiJnnrt Jar e batog eoaas iffl tfcrfr frrfannf when tbey wer deaea" gvfcfcarof kVdaMawadfetda, Xr. EMle asl tfaatt tfce Kitaberky aa 1mm tee wajiMacd bytiaat wb JcrMyoasgeMKCeofl Bkvles, the greet frfeod of Ird BaMtary a Bows aSbe. Bbodcg has aaalgnait4 all of tbeeopafc iotoowTwtw jwKatiofi tbatewfHrofatfceop of tfee rt(L Tbe Bnuflaaa aaina were botagbt oet by H awl ekwl kw8 t oae tbey ttd t pay- Otstside of tbe 1 pw eeL of tbe dtaaaood Hteirfy froM In-fia, tbe retaainder eoawee fro tfcKimb-reyfWL. Tbe white stoats mibjd tbe Itraabaat stoocc tbatt are to ram awl eoij, enme irom tbe iafea is tbe KJaaberfc-y aVtfeb eatted tbe JaemfoeC4i and. the Blfoot4a. Oil libodes and bk asnoeieUee ssade tbe ealeaiation that tbe world's Mostb ly topplj of dbuoonds wa 10.01 nHreopon tbey limited tbe otprt to XS50.000 aad pat tbe priee ap one tlrfnl Tbey eootewplat a farther re rt net ion aad an added cot Mr. Searelle exhibited several sp mens of dbuaoods in the roogb, which it fa necewwry to hare a permit to carry in tlte Transvaal. He abo showed tbe permit. Among bis canoas coHectioat bt a larjre tpectmen of what fa called the blue that fa, tbe matrix of the diamond. It fa a Wue stone in wlrieb tlte diamond is formed. When firtt i taken out St fa as bard as tbe diamond itof, but exposed to the outer atmos phere and tbe rain it grows soft, crnm bles into dust and yields up ita treas ure, the rough diamond, tbat eomeo forth in its wonderful octobedron form. Tlte ciltnate of tlte Tnmsvaal, Mr. Searelle said, fa simply perfect, aad na ture, in addition to tbe vast ttore of trcaMtres which be lias aoeuioulated, lias made the soil sueh tbat tbe rarest vegetables aod plants will grow in the richest profusion. San Prancfaco Chronicle, A Word tor Maximilian. Maximilian was not tbe royal thief some would have us boheve. He was visited at Trieste by a large delegation of representative Mexicans, who ten dered 1dm tho Mexican scepter, and it was only after mature consideration and counsel with the leading minds of Europe tltat be accepted the proffered crown. "When betrayed at Queretaro J by Mexican perfidy and condemned to , be shot, through the lnterceeion of ! American officers he was offered his ireedom. "And what of Mirauion an 1 Mejiar said tlio emperor. "They are Mexicans, traitors to their country, and must die." '"Then I die with them," tald the noble Austrian, and tbo next day witnessed tbo most tragic scene over enacted on this continent tbo execution of Maxi milion, emperor of Mexico, and Ins two ' faithful generals. In tho light of his tory Maximilian will be regarded as an unfortunate prince, whoso sole ambi tion would have been tbc hnpplnet of Ids peoplo had he succeeded in estab lishing tho Mexican empire. Menard villo (Tex.) Record. Medicine Taken an the Ito.nl, An nnecdoto t told of n physician who wan callod to a foreign family to prescribo for a caso of irciplent con muiiption IIo garo them a prescription for pills nnd wroto the direction, "One pill to bo taken three times n day, in any convenient vehicle." Tho family looked In the dictionary to get tlio meaning of tho proscription. They got on well till thoy got to tlio word "vehi cle" They found It wan defined a "cart, wagon, carriage, wheelbarrow." After gravo consideration they come to tho conclusion that tho doctor meant that tho pationt ahould rido out, and whllo In tho vehicle tako tho pilL He followed tho otlvlco to tho letter, and In a few weeks tho fresh air and oxer clso secured theadvantago which other yrio might not havo come. Exchange. A Queer Looking- Ktc. Mr. 'William Thoraa&on, near Win ford, lias a hen's ogg that Is somewhat of a curiosity. Besides being tlio usual shape, It lias from tho small end a growth about one Inch In length and tho sizo of a lead ponail, which b folded back toward tho larger end, resembling tho arm and hand of on Infant. Cor. Atlanta Constitution. Ob, Nu. Penelorxj Thoro Is ono thing about us, Jack, tliat I llko. Wo aro Mnslblo lovotu Wo don't uso that Idlotla baby laik. JackNo j and wo never will, either, will wot Penclopo Nppey. Harper's Bazar. The New Iron Slop. John Holm will havo his new iron blacksmith shop at head of Commor (Slut street ur postofllee, nntdy for bushiest Saturday ,July lStli. (owll make a spcclulty of good liorwUo Ing and repair work, has a tlret-elatt now outflt, nnd w 111 be glutl to ueJ. come iwtMimge. 7.10 18.1 Camiwrs. hoi You'll iiiIm uiiua. , - - -. -.,-. .- itie It you tliiu'l he our uew llUoitf good lulnw before iwtoklng your basket. Si-oaT A Oils. llelleubraud manufactures the tlnetit oaudlen aud sells at wholesale at prices Utter th-.u Portland deal om. 5ROS Tank wfeiimg lo baiid nice rtaidenca and in srarch wfcit pkaumat aorroundingB tliould ft is J.iJ drct o tfwEleetrif line U the Fair Ground, tbe moyf ttpfttd w&intaims, It Hood and ML Jefferson, its well as the graea Ilis of Toik eoumty mis ia jL-tin rknr. The sito is unsurpassed and t'ie while ifret m buifc,fitl gt&n platoau. The HiVh school as well m tli North Sftlom new building are within a short (l'minncd of this tract. -aaa-w ip-m.,M.if -ssssssa v-uajwag i.li'iwTav, yjiniLWiny cea)4 QLS i I . J h I Vn, MS Are now onin-d graded at the expenee of the owners. This property is now for sale by All Real Kstate Men In thin City, who will !.e ready at any time to show this tract to purchasers. A LAEGE SUPPLY 1 .i. I'i 3jsi!ui i BAKER 8i STRANG. 302 Commercial Street I I I MEb Ti Greatest labor having invent o . . vaii-t.en of kxk1ij from tue finest U'i' cli au, without rubbing or boiling, rF7 i un'Vffj flu I A JP 1 MKA dtrt-tructtyeprocebfe oulyfcoapand v Ur. Ibeunit p.iij lAwiiiig il ol.Vrs flfJO to anv erfeon who will produce a family wilier eijual to the XEW ERA In the following peints: Priee. IaborMvitt). Ikipidiiyof waslt injr. Variety of fabric washed, t'leaiilrjg prficlly without damage to clothing. Simplicity and perfect touttruitiU. Mze, wtipht and dura Mraion couDty. bility, riaiiwacuon .guaraniteu or s Pianos M I il JMv-;i Iustallmeinfc P. H. , Head Quarter Destroy Ihe Pests. -Now U the Time SPAY YOUR FRUIT TREES. BniGGS & BROWN . . Are prepared to give trees treatment for .... . .... . the teaion with a god apravine outnt. B&lliUcUoa euaranteed. Xave orders t 8. B. CsUerlln A Hon's office, I sute atreet Salem. 3dwU PARM rORSVIjE. XBaereaof ! atock and Irult land In Ungrater Kite a ta uri;aln. Will .ell In -uu 10 tuU r"ret ar. Addmiaor cull on U J. SIlIKi, KnUbU, Ore. NrrsMlvcr(Jrek JilN. lm M O 2sr E Y ! To U w RmI Ettati Senril. ..Afwtey Ittsiflc ji living, Loan 4 ilulldlats; u. FEAR &. HAMILTON, 3.VL1C.M, Oreijon Sell lw Notice (0 Contractors. 8tl llulldlnts for Ulitrtet No. 21. Hjd Ud will l iweetred lv the board oritlnwtoworiloldlmot N.i "1 M.rin. cutitttr. OrtKn, hi the otttre of tbe Hereof lddUtrte.lviflto.btilldlnr.Halem. on rtlMldy. July 35. 1W1, ntjuowk p. . I ltMH..utb Satont bulldlnir In aentr iheoffl e . P H.Se.Nalljvreblt,Kam A lo Sir Hrretbtn of mum Inildiue with ""A l"f pleTtkm No I, ako at offleo or TllMriieJMWl bulkllHf.ln Vcwl-nrk. In laaoidaiue wttb the ptaua and n4. aldsol Monr44HT.tMi w bfcn Jai'iur) f be Itaurt mrt, 1 Ikbt to rejit Setenekuiii4ie lr ami . itu M the wise banks tor S nfHinwnuiar mia t.i.f "i'i 1 vm sis MAiiiti 1. .. 11. . rmmnrv m wa WMi. lru tewkmrt " u.M.n . J.t - J3 T "" --. Bh: , Jaly 1&. im. j j, ,4 R. H. WBSTAGDH. I'i el ititil Roartlluy stnlile. m I i-L-Ks faBir fcOc.L3 eAJ vzzx? MHSIIUl !nrV27 ,lt' fttk '"; uS! EDHLE ROSEDAL fl'l ... imjsi (tuaiiij oi oncK at rne yaros nc Penitentiary. BURTON BROS., near tilcm, Qttgoi. RaKS, FstBaees Ltwir?, as4 all li ose CiieKV a &wcr Pfey, j Mrti4 umps. Iron ami Bucktye Fortt Poinp3. Pumps For Orchard Spraying. NewEftLlIydraulicCktlirsWasiii'i: ;ibe boutebclti; lii.e. Wi.fl.tf til to tlte coars i t-atjt, jHrrftclI. bout tbe US uf ehi-li.ii-uih nr -ml j. moot y refuudeit Sole AgeulH foi dw AND AIS'D- Organs CA L J JS-Js CIIANblSE. UKF LOWEST PRICES. fr.mt K j ,.r,uol ,j, u,,. Wholesale and EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. for tbc Salem Orchestra. d A. J. SHIMP. M. D.. 1 -1 X'liysiciun and Surgeon. fljite ot 1 liiltdelrlils.l EUCTfliCITY .IS THE THUE E.EHY 'rail 1 hninlfl. llbeuntaUc, Blood, Brain f" 'alu d.te j leld to electricity aftr ! "tner iimmIo. nr trtotment ttave 1 fifilcS I ' '?.?" yMr H.niTOl eiperleitce. Offlc 4M Comineulal Btrcel perlence. Office fiZJ3m ASIISs'SJIEAT MARKETS, ami!1 reL K0 LihrlT street, Nortb Wpsrereedr to All all ordr ror nil vind. of ire h und tall mc-au. We aim to S'M.tlic Ui the untry nir.ird. Kree J.. r; N" e ' t" tuauk all our old !h mr.V'" ' ;wrttIHtronaje, hoping tit y will .til. c btli ue will) im v " Kor Sale Cheap. 120 ACHKS OF LAND mil a f om Btlna at t tr a te. Alnt V "" ."X1. '"'ant timJU u,l il.Vu?i -rater, -iermi Kaj-." t.Ivii Wli.u" K Opera 11 bo.e, Court aUeit. City WnrranlH. N'OTirPU hereby dven that tbera . kufflrfentfundMln tfce wty tLZ ctbeeyor8tein.Or.n .ZJ"U!' ntiiUifUMsttyor tuiem -ei.SojJa "Jl frm and aner the dateTtbta nolfce.1""" liJ hWAKFOHt) ., Treasurer of Hilent, Orego'i 51 day of Ju y. twi ' !?J;, Dated IhtsS 'retfon. 7S!2iit SeeKsI liiisioes.nl Farm Frowlyktjg I hare rra . aiys. n ..t b',-,,,, K, , la FVrm wot itViu mf2iTL2 J ' tsiI w",,rt, "o-Jru." I iinnr nn HfilV AKALAKU P .".p' ' -id U: ofn, boaiitiful loi..n vinit E overlooking tho entire city evir- arf of THE'25r Vhn flnhimn. -' w -.. www,....,, V'Men tDherUd for ONJ-. CKNT PEE WORD KACH JXyiilW An adrer tUmrtit lflwrtrd Id this olrinn for Ion Ifxsn tw-enty-nre renin WANTED. A poltk.-. h a eotno-ttnt bookkcpp-r. jpi-'yto-li- , ,t fice. "271vr I70H eAJ4K.-'J wo lot. cnrnrand mt.de j iui,ijnirc.,in itui , i lirilj Inirni inquire ol II. liiauinuC, ilk i.inr, rrinl j Mitet, 1-7 TXTATBI.-Ulrllo do jMiemt boi.Ke. Y work la fsrn'ly .i Jlt tset, ctruen Imun. 'Ui. 21 ! T-ir.VNTKD-O!. tecnl-iT)HkeS100LrTrn II at tnotillj e:.mi' cur L'mId on tlii. mni. e i . iiri nun b.tpij.i ten' and !lt ... .- I. uli j.tn td iruttuiiitt mtu M. en tlmr ui Dd cxpcni-O' el i il i .; h'ir.-.l a eeneful uk: !- - !' . . U v nl Moau.igeiiit.iiti-t.ttai--i.-ii.-iK 'tia lei..' ltn tpj.cla: r.llr- ! i . . ..ory ap plied !!, or. in. 1 1 -t r ' !. ut fctar c AVP'f om e t (I ' . l i hi , AUdit Ilennei l.m i: nu , ; burg. 1'a. i . (Uw it VTlfEI.Yfnn.hibe-. ha., - t. i.nt.vlih 1 board. In rskonttt ,p'c.!ill,ntar ureet cur Uik. ,.(JCct,iM ,,- t i ri RHALE. AU.ut . n . it f f ...rd ar 1 barn, with luuni- in' r In rt ir M rn. A beautiful liwi f.tt.k a 1 . , .. in quire at aecoud Lua-eon riKbt 1 m.d cte of Aylom aenue after criwsti n br-i 1 going to Anylutn. 1 d'l 11 1 illiliui I itir kiori)iifiiiiif nuu iuj iiQidUldllL Jas. Batchelor, PropV. Warn Meals at AH Uouft til (lie Day None bnt white labor em jed Is tbu etablliihment. A good substantial meal c ked In flrt. claaa Htyle Twenty-five centa per mutl, RBD FRO nr Court atreet, between Joutbal Office a .1 lllnto'n Uvery. M. T. RINEMAN DZAIXK VI SfapJe aod Fsccy Crtftries, .rlV..5',ry O'aMWare, Lamps, W..o.u and W lllow ware. Ail klndx or 111II1 feed. Almeee1abloadrrims In their taitoi. "JllKlifct lrlce ld for ii untry produce." ai ' c"''l!UI peironae. M 1 r.s-lalftjtreit THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OBEGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Pay. The befit linfPl hsln-aan 11, -sl-. , C- ??; ""K"" In all Ita appoln: menU. In tables are iml wiffi iha CholceHt'FmitK Grown In tbtCWHlamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of WUlnmoii. l-totl, SA.X.tSVt - OREGON Oregon Stale Fair. mTi!!, rty1rt annual exhibition under thi manageiiient of Ihe OrtRon Klale Board . J Aurletilture, will be held at Ibe Hute Fair ground n.artfalem. couiinjaclng on Jioiiuay, spptcmber U, 1S9, And lasting one week. OVER SI5,000 IN CASH FKEJIIUHS ' ,r'i llr, ?f r4",""1. tock and inechan Kaleahlblta.fnr work, of urt and faney work aud trial of speed llediieed rates for fare aud fre Izht on all uilLi !?,2Upr!;w,','eu bttve een a,1,, UH.renfb1?oa,5.d U,Crea,ea '1C",!,M rniKB nil! beOpeo-i.eh in ihe Wret itnianel.lr.!boiM entered In the aepHrtinent. nnd i.. u.hi.iic il wlh t LjfJt i .;3,ft,!t n prtPd u. i.ibVb -ifornrr..,fclj ,Ju.- Miudfl SI .--- - "VI .- .-c. ri nay irnrntiili ...j . haihu;.i.."" ....K -. Jill Ytj dnS..l.. I ..4 1. "t'. Rwiinitin auuuii ",vl1' - i o.. '. . u , 'ri ks c .f apm ismon I ... I."".:'4"" -. w siwi ;,: m .ASatL'tf 'tK,V UH?iLu'!sf: ft lai 1 tine. .W.BEHi.KIl,Atent, es)l.foranriJ.V.rT.-w, vror Bttlem, Ongcc JTAlThTlTp'ra'den.. t f ' v' . P. ' p , ,j . j V" 4. i. . . ., . , w-vi&ri"m r.Jmm..M. .... . , m ,T f-if, 1 ' . .-' EIl , L----- - -J-. riaiifJifciJiEiltViB