p- .& EVENING CAPITAL -if VOL. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1891. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 1CS. rw -i w r ' JOURNAL. SOMETHING WORTH LOOKING AFTER. - SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE WEEK. 1000 Boxes Hurd's best Stationery, containing one quire paper and enyelopes to match 25c . 100 Reams, Commercial Note, Mt. .Jefferson, plate finish, in ream boxes 50c per box 100,000 Envelopes, in thousand boxes, No. 5, 6, G XXX GOc per box 500 Writing Tablets, note size, Acme Manufacturing company. . , 10 and 15c each DNBHIS 3CiX3EB3EaS&jflLI 03"af"aEB3E& OOIESrfEIOS LOM T. McF. PATTON'S STATE) STREET BOOK STORE 98 STATE STREET. REMEMBER THE PLACE. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUBLISHED l)AIL.Y.EXGEPr8UNDAY, BY TUS Canltal Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In I. O. Building Entered nt the postofllce at Salem, Or.,ns necond-olnsN n nttir. SUGGESTED COMMENT. Salem should sidewalk. 52 Goes the farthest with sensible people. "When you are telling them where to buy Shoes, they want no foolishness, but facts. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, Have some articles in their store that are worth your, while to hear about at this time of the year. They are best prepared to furnish you with what may be called & FOOTWEAR, Consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. BeloAV we will quote you a few prices. Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 90c; Ladies' Shoes $1.50; Men's Plow Shoes 9 Oo; Men's Shoes $1.40, We also cany the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, - 261 Commercial Street. :WE AllE HEADQUAJ&TERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR; -:- Harvesting Machinery oe Every Description. -:- Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated - EMPIRE MOWERS, EMPIRE AND TRIUMPH REAPERS AND BINDERS. HOOSIER, DAISY, FAMOUS, ROLLINGS WORTH AND GAZELLE SULKY HAY RAKES. BARNES' REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, STERLING AND OHIO HAY TEDDERS. Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and camel's, and the Celebrated Steel F.rm Randolph Header. It will pa' all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before purchasing elsewhere. STAVER & WALKER, New Market Block, Portland, Oregon. Agent ior Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel. DOLL BROOKS & NEW HARRITT. LINK U BABY . "CARRIAGES. HAMMOCKS CROQUET. LAWN M fPIJ REVOLVERS, AMMUNITION, BASE BALLS, BATS, CAPS, Etc. FLAGS, FIRE CRACKERS. EPPLEY, Fiic Groceries and Table Luxuries. First-class goods and lowest prices has been the corner of success. It will pay every housekeeper to examine our stock, It represents the best selected variety of Stale Streef. First Class Fancy and Staple Groceries One-Third of Your Life Is Spent in YOUR SHOES The most comfort and good wear for the money at AND TABLE LUXURIES IN THE CITY, And we are the universally acknowledged leaders for sell ing on small margin of profit, especially when quality is taken into consideration. The enormous increase in our business is evidence that the public appreciate the advan tage we offer. lOO Court Street. R.J.FLEM 118 State Street, opart m uuuu rm Tmnn K -(-HIV 11 JJlluU., THE GROCERS Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. J AS. AlTKEN, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. THE BEST CANNED GOODS Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name, Trie Orange Storo, 126 State St., Salem, Or. if Lane Ten acres of fruit land eight an'l a-lmlf miles from Salem and three and a-half miles from Turner for $850. Ten acres of fruit land six miles from Salem, all In cultivation, with never failing spring; 500, cash. Lots In Illghlund addition to Salem on the installment plan for from fiOO to 5500 each; city water, street cars, sewerage, well-graded streets, shade trees, city park adjoin ing, and the best horse-cur service In tba state soon to be changed to an electric line. The Oregon Laud company, Salem, Oregon. See The Bouquet City never was up and coming in better shapo than today. Tlio democratic papers get Blalno sick and well too often for tho health of their own party. Harrison and Alger vs. Hill aud Gray is tho presont outlook from the Journal horoscope. With three electric lines on the earth aud iu tho air, Salem is In no danger of being killed by electrlolty. The big Capital anils are being put iu shape for business as fast as men and material can accomplish the work. Blaluo is a four-limes bigger card thau tho republicans hold in their band, but he canuot bo played to advantage. Salem can solvo tho paving prob. !em by simply taking care of tho water on and in tho streets duriug tho wet season. Tho democratic party has a great many things to contend with. Roger Q. Mills is busy writing a book on the tariff. The city administration should order published the engineer's report on the Ferry Street sower. It would enlighten tho people some. Too big for tho amateurs and not quite ready for tho league tho Salem baseball club. It can Join the leaguo if it wants to. Tho couutv court of Wasco has followed suit of most counties and selected county papers, and will publish its proceedings to tho world. Thursday, July 10th, at 2 p. m., there will be a railroad meeting at Marquam. Meetings of this kind are going to blossom out all over Oregon soon. The Journal is squarely a peo ple's paper. It believes tho peoplo want publio business made public, (especially when the law demands it) and not secreted. The alliance convention at Port land laid solid foundations for a per fectly absurd and imposslblo third paity movement, and thereat tho old politicians greatly laugh. Tho government is again pulling a few stumps out of tho Willumotte. If tho people would pull a few cor poration tools out of oftlco theio would bo somo show to get opon rivers. It is time for Salem to stop all boy-play In her board of trade. A solid body of men with no private cinches to manipulate, could run a successful B. of T, and do a world of good for our city. Tlicro is the greatest unfairness about tho county court tax rebate business. Tho rich and powerful appear with counsel and get what they want. Tho poor devil Is kicked out of court when ho asks a rebate. An agricultural journal pierces our brain with the information that "cows aro essential' to success in dairying." Quito right. Do not try to run n dairy with sheep or saw horses. But wo notice too many dairies are run by hogs. eloquent and instructing address on tho subject: "Essentials to r. Suc cessful Ministry." During "Wednes day sessions questions of great im portant and interest to church work. Tho subject, ''Amusements for Young Christians," was pre sented by D. V. Poling. A very interesting discussion followed iu which views not altogether hartno nlouswereexpressed. All, however, seemed to agreo that tho time for "yard stick" religion iu faces Js past. Prof. "W. C. Knutner, of Lafayette seminary, preached on "Wednesday ovening. Tho Sunday school con vention hold Its session duriug Thursday. Taking everything into consideration this was ono of tho most interesting convention over held by this body of ministers aud Sunday school workers. TURNEH NOTES. I bellovo it Is generally conceded hero that Bert Ilhodes would not havo beeu lined for creating a dis turbance at tho R. It. station horo, if ho had employed propor counsel to present his caso to tho jury. Tho youhg man made practically no defense and was therefore con victed. Tho evidence showed his ofloucc to be very trlviral. According to tno decision of a petit jury at Turner tho other day, to call a man a daisy," would appear to bo "profane language." But it is supposed that a Turuerlte may bo designated as a "blooming sun flower," with impunity. Considerable business Is being done around Turner, raising veg atables for tho Salem cauuery. Several wagon loads of green peas aro shipped from hero dally; and other products aro expected to fol low In duo season. V BI LAND COMPANY. Salem Truck 4 Bray Co. 'emuonwortcs. Dr.y5nitrucicf yb found throuakout ttw oornf f Bute wk Uommct,iJtrcet, DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St., opposite ga- aayat ppea: the If Chauncoy Di-pow gets the nom ination for president ho will be treated as Delameter was In Penn sylvania. The republican party Is a party of Intelligent kickers who can not bo ridden over rough-shod by any kind of a macbiuo or unpopular nomination. Lieut. A. F. Hofer, Sr., of Mc Gregor, la., accompanied by Miss Mario Ilofer, of Chicago, sailed Sat urday for Europe to attend tho "Wagner festival at Beyrouth, Ger many. Tho Journal Is promised some articles on the European situation. The Kvanpi'litalu. The annual convention of the Evangelical ministers of tho Oregon conference Is now iu session at Sweet Home, Oregon. This beautiful mountain; village; is certainly most appropriate for such n meeting after the place is rendu d. Thoulieuduuce of tho community is wry encour aging, the church being comfortably filled at nearly every session. The following ate In attendance: J. Bowersox, O. O. Poling, D. V. Pol log, F. J.Strayer, W. C. Kantner. JI. L. Pratt, T. A. Yost, E. L. Bol- linger and Prof. C. A. Bowman. The convention organized by elect ing J. Boh ersox, president, and D. V. Pollug, secretary, On Tuesday evening J, Bowersox deiiveitd m OEffEKAlj NEWS NOTES. Craig & Sons, electricians of Mon treal, assigned yesterday; liabilities about ?72,000. The cholera is extending in Southern Syria. Hundreds of deaths have occurred. During a storm Saturday eighteen farm houses at Now Leugbach, Austria, wero destroyed by light ning. Near Duncan, I T an Indian named Nuinto was chopped to death with axes by his stepdaughters Saturday. Guard Outland was fatally Injured and an assistant deputy seriously hurt by an insane prisoner at tho Anamosi penitentiary at Cedar Rapids, la., Saturday. A negro, supposed to bo named Frank Price, choked to death Mrs. Fanny Tate, also colored, after criminally assaulting her, at Omaha. Tho murdeior has not yet been captured. Norwood Shopard, an escaped murdeierfrom thoBeltonvllli', Ark., Jail, was captured in a cavo uear "West Fork, Ark,, after a desperate tight, in which ho was seriously, and ouo of his captors fatally wounded. Maria Butler, a colored cook, was futally buiued in Washington Saturday by tho explosion of a gasohno stovo. James Bronson wus instantly killed and threo others fatally in jured by tho falling of an elevator at Columbus, Itid,, Saturday. By tho falling of tho wall of a building being erected at Adams and Doarbou streets, Chicago, Sat urday ovening, threo workmen were fatally injured and a number of others painfully hurt. Wilson Brooks, Mollio Brooks and Kntlo Iliggius attempted to ford a stream near Cedar Yale, Kan., in a wagon Saturday. Both girls and the horses wero drowned. Tho young man was rescued. Whllo crossing tho railroad bridge near Somerset, Ky., Lurid n Jones and wife wero surprised by a passen ger train, Jones jumped 160 feet down Into tho creek aud was fatally injured. His wife was killed by the train. It Is expected that tho lord mayor will receive the decoration of the Red Eagle from the kaiser, in recog nition of the hospitality of tho city of Loudon through its representa tive1!. Tho brewers and licensed victual era aro formlugn strong combination throughout die United Kingdom, to uphold their Interest In the fuce of the recent decision which declares magistrates may refuse to renew u license without giving any rea&ou for such refusal. Iferr "Wolfstelmer, a largo hop dealer of Nuremburg, Jmvlng ex (euslvo connections In the United States, has been declared a bankrupt. S. M. Perry, plunder, and chair man of the board of supervisors of Los Angeles, has assigned, The re ported liabilities are about 15,000; estimated assets about tW.000, on which there aro lucuiubiuutxs for 3J,000. John Lorrlolas, an Italian shoe maker of New York, wus arrested Saturday charged with raping little 0-year-old Sophie Pugli. The assault was committed June 20th In Lor rlulus' shop, where the little girl had been bent to get a pair of shoes mended, Owing to Larrlehus' Highest of all in Leavcntng Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder jx&m ABSOLUTELY PURE threats, tho child did not tell her parents of tho crime until last night. Mrs. Emma Goodwin struck George D, Baruott, iv prominent cltizon of Newman, 111., with an axe lullicllng a fatal wound Friday evouiug. Barnett entered tho dress making establishment of Mrs. Good win and attempted liberties with her with tho result as abovo stated. Sheriff Bargwardt returned to Bakcrstleld, Cal., from Kernville Friday, bringing Indian Tom, ono of Kiowa's band which murdered Deputy Shcrifl Powers and another; man. A posse is still In pursuit of tho remainder of tho band, but with poor prospect of catching them, as tho country is vory rough. Tho dlvorco proceedings now peudlng for nearly two years be tweou A. D. Brown aud his wife, Laura H. Brown, wero finally con cluded Saturday by tho Blgnlng of n decree by agreement, by Chief Judgo Fowler, divorcing tho parties, and awardiug Mrs, Brown an annual alimony of $3000. Besides this a pirgo amount of money" was paid by Brown to his wife iu lieu of all claims. "When Mr. Brown married Laura Hobson, about fifteen years ago, ho was a mem ber of tho largo banking llrm qf Alexander Brown & Sons, of" Baltimore, which has branches in many cities of this country and Europe Laura Ilob sbu was a woman who had growu rich as tho proprietress of a question able resort, and had one of the most magnificent equipages in tho city. Tho lackeys in livery and her blooded horses always attracted at tention, and tho turnout was known everywhere. Brown was retired from tho firm. Ho took his wife to an estate In the country, but un congenial feolings led to tho filing of cross bills, in which mutual reslgna tions wore made. Tho New Discovery. You havo heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You ninv vmirftnlf tin ono of the manv who Knows from personal expcilenco just how good a thing it is. If you liavo over tried it, you are ono of Its BlBinicu menus, uecuusc me won derful thill!: about it is, that when onco given a trial, Dr King's Now .Discovery ever alter noius a place in tho house. If veil havo never used it and 'should bo afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, securo n bottle at once and give It a lair trial. It Is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottle free at Fry's drugstore. Tho wages of workmen wero first fixed by act of tho English parlia mentlnl850. Haymakers had but one penny per day. Master carpou- tors, masons, tilers and other cover- em of houses had not moro than threepence per day. In 1800 laws wero enacted in somo of the states of1 this Nation making eight hours a legal day's labor, unless otherwise agreed upon. Slnco that timo tho agitation of tho eight hour day has steadily gained volume and it will undoubtedly bccomoTho general law In all trades and professions before the century olosos. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't no niiytutng to your sausiaction,nuu you wonder wnat alls you. You should heed tho warning, you are taking the first step Into nervous prostration. You need a uervn tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow tho use of thlsuervo touloand altera tive. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and tho liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Prlco GOo at Fry's drugstore. Thoy havo "a situation" in Texas which may turn out to be Interesting before they got out of It. The Houston Post says: Tliorels an ominous lull In state politics Just now. With tho excep tion nf the senatorial problem there Is not a whisper Iu the closet or a ripple on tho wave. The contest In the event of an extra session will be between Senator Chilton aud Mr. Mills, with Mills a league or so in tho lead. If there shall be no extra sewdon the race will bo free for nil aud thonllianco will cut a figure In lu the round up. There may be a Pfefi'er tied up iu the haystack. A I'mgllfl Hlructure. A nyiletn which obronlo Indention lm depletad untl rendered neroun uud feeble, U wilted n very frrslla structure, a tent ni:ut fi toiiiliui!luu Irretrievable (ivaiy, r.xtxuJilve Irrllubfllly of temper, ttbuorluui uud ouuxjUm anxiety, liyitocliomlrlu, livnltTiu and elieiltMneMt tlieio are koine if the ii)iiiilfutullou of iioroim)tui, 'i hat (fraud luvliforutluic uervine. Jtoelet. te.-'d Mlouuioli Jlltterti, lrutii!llio by tr tiKtlieulutf the ucrvm, euoniUhlu tlieUuuble roviitl IhrouisU Hie uieUluuof renewed Ulgeellua uud uulmltatteu. Mo ion io ia exmeqee exiuuiM meu mioiOukii Dcu. Droduct luoh ittltlv turn doiuLie etrei'taitieJilitei. It Itu iHuimly te I Utile wiicuiutrct tigmutt malaria and daujcvruu Uld nor trouble, nnd remed.o MHMplaiely liver uud bowel Innitfi vlly and disorder. Nervoue lnullU niiould not full tolurtlry their lyeteiui with tula be&lnif protective, wuicU well wertu h pcrit&l Associated Press Report and Digests of all Important News or To-Day. MISCELLANY. DEATH BY ELECTRICITY. St. Louts July 12. William Mur phy, an electric light lineman of thlsc'ty, whoabouttwo monthsago received an electric Bhock of 1400 yolts moro than us,ed In the Sing Sing execution, suffered Indescriba ble torment and was pronounced dead, has sufficiently recovered io-J day to tell tho story of his agony, llo said yesterday merning: I know this, that In the shock I re ceived I suffered u thoitsaud deaths. f I would rather die this minute than to undergo the agony again. Every organ lu my body felt as if it was buing torn by hundreds of pointed Instruments. I suppose the shook lusted less than a second, but it seemecr to mo that I was praying for death to corao for hours before tho pain left me. "When I recovered consciousness I thought I was In another world." "In view of your experience with 3000 volts of electricity, what do you think of tho execution of tho four men at Sing Sing?" "Why, it was simply damnable. Every ono of those meu suffered as I did. Each went through tho samp, aud perhaps greater torment. It was the perfection of cruelty, All tho assertions of tho witnesses to the contrary will not mako mo believe that theso men'had a painless death. Why, common sense is all against it, 1 received n sovero shock of 80C0 volts. Tho register at ithe time showed tho fact beyond a dpubt. I only felt the shock for the fractional part of a second aud then I was nn- ' conscious, practically dead. Suppot a another 3000 volts had been sent ir. tn, my body, and kept surging through it for half a minute, as was tho caso at Sing Sing? Of coune It would luwo hilled me, but lu tie meantime, in the interval between my first eoutact with tho wire, I suffered an agony which no one but a fiend would compel tho woist villain to undergo. ItVaa thosune way with Smlier, Slocum, "Wod and Jugrlo. It probably took longer'' for the current to render them un conscious becauso tho voltage was but little over half as much as J received. Yet during that time thoy 8U fibred enough to atone for all the sins that havo been committed slnco the creation of tho world. I am ono of the few living men who can speak with authority on the subject, because to all Intents and purposes I sutlered death by elec tricity and know what It is." WASHINGTON COALMINES. Suattlk, July 12. Tho situation at tho coal mines remains peaceable, aud by noon the force of militia on duty will bo reduced to three com panies, I nt Franklin, G at New Castle, and Cat Gil man, with the cavalry of troop B divided among the threo places, Somo excitement was caused at Black Diamond by report that tho powder house at ClfcfM mine, half way between her and Franklin, had been robbed, and shortly afterward u report reached camp that tho powder was to be ued lu blowing up bridgo 20, Just below Franklin, as tho evening tralu, nn which Superintendent Corey was a passenger, was passing, Cajtaitt Fifobout n volunteer party of, Ave men to the bridge, but no powder was found, though there were new rallslunder the bridge, The railroad front that point to Black Diamond was patrolled all night, but only two trumps were stopped. At (Uim, -passes through tho lino have gotten Into tho hands of the wrong pariU. and one was used by a striker togii Into camp and endeavor (o pemtiad new men to quit. Tho sysiem has been made more stringeut, TUB I'ORTfcAND KACS. Poutland, July 12.tttx Mk and peoplo attended the 4Mav day's races of the Speed nwndMtoa. Tho free-for-all paulug riw provod to be the chief event of the day, Gold Medal making j mlblu 2:17$, the best llmo over made over ati Oregon track. Following a auoi mary of events: Pacing Hx?clul, po$Hmd from yesterday, Mink won, UeattUo, tMf oud, Sorrel Frank third; bat tlmo, 2:231. Running, half mile dits Otegoa Eclipse won, Red JMk fteeoud, Carrie M. third; tlnw, 48 aaaattd. FaeJsjr, fr-f-li: Gold Madal Woi Frlpwaw Ak awwadj Bwi V, hmiaMsjALM jjfei -htiiaua JMkjt.W. r. ljt4.jt&SS.-AAi, .. J .. -',: .-' V I' ...