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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1891)
MB CAPITAL JOIIIUUL KUUIIDAY- JULY 11, IS1 TIJIMM OK HU UHUKIITION. t'ii tv by mall per yeur,... Ouiit by mull per mouth, A eoltly by mail per year, srlf not paid In advance taoo , bO . 1 GO the rnargod for the Wkekiit joniiHAi. wiiii ( 1.33 per year. If papers are not deU ered promptly ntlly the otnce. FREE DELIVERY 1JY UAltltlEK. Dally ror single week, 15 cts Pa.h for two weeks, Jf Lally by moath, fwcw I 'ulIectloUK will be made on 1st and 15th r; month. MubBCrlbers will please leave in ttey for carriers at house or where; t u delivered, eo as to cause uo delays in collect 'oils 1 ItB EVK.VIHO CAPITAL Jo URN AT, TCgU- titty receives the afternoon associated press dispatch . GILB8RI S; PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAIj market. Wheat, net 00 cents per bu. f'oiw, active; 22 to 23 cents per lb. Daily Uulletin. Foil Dyspeptics. One stick of pepsin KUtn coutalua ouo grain of pepsin, which will digest 1000 grains of food. 5 sticks for 5 cents. Sold wholesale and retail at Strong's. Strong's restuurant takes the lead for candies, wholesale and retail, at better prices than Portland. WESTACOTT & IRWIN. Notice. Persons leaving town for the spiings, seacoast or mountains, can have the Daily Journal sent to them without extra cost, by leaving orders at the office. Board of- Trade. The oom- raittee on soliciting a new advertis ing fund do not meet with much encouragement. Many leading Sa lem men and heavy capitalists will not subscribe a ceut tinder the old regime. They want u new and solidcr organization, that can not be used loosely, or to fight any good interest, or local enterprise. That Is a good Idea and should prevail. This city must harmoniously wel cotne, push and sustain every good enterprise and make war on none, or retolvo itself into a rural village Bocipty, and pursue their methods of small-bore warfare. No dead loads can be carried. Artistic Wortic Elbewheie is a notice of impiovemeuis on the new St. Joseph's church. The interior was executed by Suow Bros., and is a creditable job. They did a fine piece of work in painting the main altar, which is done in while and gold. The front doors end Interior, except iloois, are done in Berry Bros, hard oil, put on over a coat of T. L. Blood's wood ' filler. Snow Bros, makes a specialty of doing interiors and are prepared to do first clrs jobs on residences or public buildings. Samples of their Work cun be seen at their office, 100 Che raeketa street. The Car Lines. Being the last day for the street car companies to i comply with the order of the city council relating to adjustment of tracks on State street, the electric lino put n a force of men this morn, ingto take up its track and comply. Not much was done however, and a kind of paralysis hangs on the mat ter. Monday the city must act when the horse car Co. threatens to fight. A notice signed by the prosi- K dent and secretary of the latter was served on the street commifuInnr Friday warning him to take no steps uto entorce tno order. No Foui,icirY. The action of the county court in refusing to cotn-J piy witu tue new law, which r quires publicity of the official orders of the com t and hills allowed by it, puts the court In a bad light. The people can only conclude there is something rotten in those proceed ings, that they are to be kept from the light. The Journal h- fought on the side of the people aud does not In the least abandon its demand iorpuuucity, tno' the county court has sought to dofor publicity six month longer by not doing its duty In putting the law into effect. Officer Bejiemhered. -At tho , uusiness meeting of Co. B, at the rmory Friday night Copt. Slier- man wus handsomely remembered pv lMD uuji. rirsi jsergt. m fchiade the presentation speech, bur llugovera fine golu-headed ciHowi oy tue boys. First Serirt. Hunt i bund- ,1th 'the comphmeuts of the comnauv. P It Is a beautiful ebony and engraved 'us follews: "To Cantnin D. n. Sherman from B Co., 2d ltegt., O. N. G., Camp Grant, Eugene. rJuly 4th, 1891." The captain wus not easily taken by surprise and re- Bpouded with a neat speech. Fi-neral, The tuneral of Hon. fobu A. Huffman will tuCo i! Jru the house Siiudav at 1 n. m. Che remalis will be taken to St. loseph'a church, where nv. I K White will conduut the funeral tvre. gnioules. Mr. HufTimiu u i.-..,i w.,i f iuto the CuthoKo church a few days before his death ut hU owa request. Hia rem tins will be laid bv the M of his flrat wife at I. O. O. F. cent fiery, Seethe new Singer at 827 Coinmer RUI street, d m- -,-, . AT ST. JOSEPH'S. no-opening of the Catholic Church of Salem a Fine Interior. One of the finest Improvements made in Salem tills year is certttluly that Just completed under the direc tion of J. S. White, paslor of St. Joseph's church. The cost of the work will bo not far from threo thous and dollars, and ouy who will go and look at tho work will be con vinced tnat it lias not been injudi ciously expended. The people of this society will hereafter have as tine a houso of worship as there Is in tho city, and In some respects It can have no superior anywhero for the purpose for which it is Intended. In honor of these improvements aud the resuming of services, which have been intercepted for two months, Archbishop Gross, of Port laud will be present at tho services .Sunday and will preach morning and evening. In tho morning high mass ill bo at 10:30, in tho evening vespers at 7:30. The church will bo filled as usual when ho favors our city, as he Is always welcomed by large audlonc3s. description of the ciiurcii. Where before bare walls, nuked rafters, rough sheathing and square posts stared in the faces of the wor shippers at St. Joseph's church, now a richly finished interior will greet the view of members who attend. The ceiling has been changed into a grand main central gothlc arch, run ning thro' from end to end, andcaoh side Is cut into scveu smaller in tersecting golliic arches, support ed by oclogou columns, of wood. The base and capital of each column is finished in heavy mouldings. Tho organ loft and gallery extend across the front end of the building a heavy timber truss supporting the gallery. This Is hidden in the heavy gallery rail. The gallery is completed book with a nick, and lighted from a large window in tho gable, and will bo dovoted exclusive ly to the singers. The walls are In white finish and excellently match tho woodwork of the whole interior, which Is alternating strips of California red-wood and white Oregon spruce. A broad stairs leads to the gallery. The interior of the church is 100x50 feet, with front tower projection 7x14 feet. A four foot wainsootting runs around the walls, with a heavy six-inch mould ing at the top. At the right of the entrance is tho confessional, hung with three poi tiers of cretonne. The inalu auditorium now has seats for 450 and can find room for 000 com fortably. Throe years ago when the houo wus opened at least 1200 were inside. Proceeding up tho central aisle to l he mive of the church the real beauties of St. Joseph's strike the eye. The pure white overhead, the Simple natural finish of the woods, and the perfect simplicity of decora tions are admirable. The commun ion mil is of ash. The broad sanct nary is carpeted with Brussels tha leads up the steps of the main altar, on which are the six altar candl "ticks, of gilt brass, thirty inches high. On the side altars, at the right are the figures in full life size of tho Virgin Mary, on the left St. Jossph, each with four lights, uni form in design with those of tho malu altar. The statues are deli cately tinted figures of not small artistic merit. In front of the main altar hangs the sanctuary lamp, wherein Is kept hurojug a light con tinually. Over it hangs an oil painting of the crucifictlon. On either side are tho vestries and re galia for tho different offices of the chinch. The entire iloor is painted to match the woodwork. At the right of the altar will be placed a memorial tablet of black Belgian maible, lettered in gold in honor of Rev. J. Decraeue, a pastor of Salem church who died Sept. 12, 1873. The whole church is lighted witli tinted cathedral glass, and the effect of the colore !b very pleasing, in con trast with the white walls. The ncoustlo pmpeitles of the church are Wery fine. THE P. D's. Tho Record .Made by Members of the Ancient Society of Inebriates. Dally scene enacted this morning boforo Recorder Goedell: 'You aro accused of the crime of urunKen conduct. What nave you to say ?" "I guess that Is true." "The flue N costs and $ 10,40. Have you auy coin?" "Not a cent," "Then you must put in live days on the rock pile." The P. D'e. have not been numer ous for a city of 12,000 people, there being but three drunks aud one va grant going io the cooler and six paying their fine, or less than one a day July. A good record for Salem. For Sale. A good, second-baud buggy. ut a burgaln. W. B. Simp son. .. Somewhat Airy. The average citizen bjiibrnow looking for some thing light In clothing, and he can best find itatthe Woolen Mill Store. Rose designs. ' Brick and Tie. For flret chus hand inu.U 'irick and tile, go to Murphy & Darl. Largo supply on bund. Near fair u rounds, Salem, o 0 lino Fortius Week Only.-White gtiod, flouncing, ratines and lawns at cut prlcoa, special iiale. at ilolver- sou's. 'tti ExrLOwi.Nfi .-Kever oqour Jf you buygaBDljneofSroat&Gite. , lrJ-rrl DOUBLE MCRDER 4T MARION. Chinaman Opens a Mongolian Shoot lnf Gallery Wants to bo Hung. As the early Albany local came through Marlon, passengers saw on one sldo nChlnaman dressed in white running away toward a washhouse. Blood was spotted all over his snowy garments aud ho hastily cried "mur der" in the Mongolian laugttago which makes a noise like boards cracking when a houso H falling down, On tho other side three pig tails were struggling with a fourth who had a 3S calibre gnu which was going olf at lulervals with telling effect. Ouo of the arresters of tho murderer had two balls through him, aud tho threo dragged him towards the tralu. The train men speedily disarmed tho man and bun dled him onto the train, and Mr. Hunter Forsytho, who ruus a saw mill at Marlon, brought him down to Salem. At the couuty jail Sheriff Croisan applied tho interpreter, found some cartridges and ten. dollars in money on bis person. "You may hang me if you want to," was all Lee Yuen would say. The district attorney went up to Marion on the 11 a. in. train to in vestigate matters. the fight was to the finish, aud all belong to a uew gang lately put on the Marion section. The row began with a war of word i over a difference f $10, and at least two men are seriously shot. AN EYEWITNESS' ACCOUNT. (Special telegram to tho JounNAL.) MAKiON.Or., July 11. This morn ing about 5 o'clock a terrible noise was heard in a China house, and soon after four shots were 11 red. A Chinaman then came out and called for help. The next that was seen or heard, they all came out dragging a man t vard the depot. One man in his night clothes wrs bloody from head to root. They were bringing the man who did the murdering. Looking at the man hurt worst, It was found one ball had pissed under Ilia queue aud struck his skull, pass ing up to tho top of his head; one went through his shoulder and out, aud one through his thigh. The other man was shot in the shoulder and arm, but not seriously. Dr. Hawk was called from Jefferson, aud took the bullets out. Ouo of the most Intelligent Chinamen says he got up and was getting break fast, when he heard a noise aud soon two shots were fired, then two more. He went into the room and ouo man was in his night clothes and was up, 'iut when the other one commenced shooting he put his head under the covers and the bu' lets went Into his back and head. The other man had crawled under the bed. He then shot ..through the bed at him. He theu turned around to shoot at the cook. They then caught him. A NEW CHURCH. Full Program of tho Corner Exercises Monday. Stono The exercises of laying the corner stone will tako place Monday after noon on tho site of the new church at 4:30 o'clock, tho chango to Mon day having been made at request of the Masons. The officers of tho Oregon grand lodge of Masons will be in Salem, except ex-Gov. S, F. Chadwick, who has deputized Mr. John Gray in his stead, THE PROORASt of the exercises ut the laying of tho corner stone will bo as follews: Music by Second Regiment band sacred selections. Responsive service. Prayer. Anthem by male quartet: Messrs. Stelner, Kundrett, Ford and Ross. History of tho society, by Leo Willis, c q. Music. Masonic ritual. Short addresses by Prof. M. V. Rork, Hon. S. C. Adams, Rev. II. H. Brown, Hymn, "O, sometimes gleams upon our sight, Through present wrong eternal right," etc. Music, "Home, Sweet Home." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FILED WITH COUNTY RECORDER. M W Hunt, admr.JJ Sullivan est., to Lucy A Sullivan, 41 a. tp 7 s, 2 w, 820.07. J M Brown and wf to W J Jar mau, 8 u hi tp 7 s, r I e, tho A Jlopt homestead, $1.00. T D Allen and wf to W J Jarman 1 21, Alien uddn to Silverton, $1050. Sam'l A Cromwell and wf to Chas Calvert, 1-5 a, of Waller d. c, 1. $700. It P BoIlc to AT McAfee 1 4 blk 7, Boise 2d ud to Salem, $500. A Conklin and wf to Oregon Land Co-1 1, blk 33, Highland addu $550. D Candle E Remington to John A Copelond 12.28, a. of Ell C Cooly d 1 o $21C3 John G Wright and wf to J II Sltneral 1 3, blk 7, Southwest addn, to Salem, $1.00. Win Darst to Cutherina Dart 1 1, 2, 8, 4, blk 27, Gcrvals, $1.00. A plat of Tooze's 3rd addition to Woodburn was received todoy. That FiiiE.-AItliougb McCrow &Willard lost some cured meat In the tire last night, they want it-understood that they still have large supply of the liest. Finest lard fresh every day for hoti8eh,oid q-e. ' The meals at Hellcnbrntid'H re-' taurant retain the lead without guy I trouWe ' trouble. I nil srmnnrrummrnr wf itii t nsfWTi ritiis f imnrs-ii Yh ift mmj. THE STORM. Some lleary Electrical Displays Over tho City No Urcat Damago Done. Friday ut five o'clook n heavy thunderstorm buret over South aud East Salem, deluging the busluess streets with water, but tho heavier part of the storm bearing away to hills. It seldom strikes squarely over our city, being mostly drawn otf by the hills east or we3t. The damage to crops Is not severe. Rains coraein tho fore part of July each year in tills part of tko valloy, and this storm is an exception ouly in sovereity of electrical dlschargo and amount of water that fell. Tho storm was local in its charac ter, as beyond tho fair grounds at John Savage's place scacrely any rain fell. At Highland Park it was very light. It was only a local shower. No electricity fell In balls or otherwise. A cow belonging to N. R. Burke, In South Salem is reported to have been struck by lightning. Several trees were struck but no one hurt. in the court house. tho electrial displays were brilliant, sparks Hashed from the gas jets, and filling the official atmosphere with electric fluid. The county court re mained In besslon throughout the storm, tho' the lightning played around it In dangerous proximity. The special vengeance of the heavens seemed to have vented It tjlf on tho steel bridge and one flush demoralized a part of the rail on the Polk county approach. BALLS OF LIGHTNING were skippiug arouud on the ground in all directions in the brain of one excited Individual only. Ho was a chap slim euough of build to make a good tip for a lightning rod and should emigrate to a country vh- le such storms arc more frequent. He would furnish a flue, burnished old gold tip for a lightning rod and has ti special attiactiuu for electric sparks, which Hush from his ci r rugated brow upon tho slightest provocation. MAN NERLY HIT. Frank Starbuck who lives in Polk county was driving upon tho west approach of the biir bridue us a light bolt struck the big cotlonwood just north of the roadway. Ho wus alarmed some but no damage, pieces of bark flying all atound. A bolt of lightning split an im nicnco fir on F. R. Smith's land, shattering It into kindling wood At tho electric car line power house a bolt burned out an armature of the dynamo, delaying traius for nbout three hours. HEADING 'EM OFF. J.H. Alliens and Associates ask a Fran chise from the County Court. J. II. Alberts and associates have mapped outaud take tho preliminary steps to secure a franchise which is practically an extension of thoSalem Street Railway. Tho new franchise starts from tho present terminusof tl o horse car line on 12th street, extends three blocks south, thence west to Commercial street at the I. O. O.F. ccmetary. The projectors have plat ted the Nob Hill annex, which pro perty Is penetrated by the proposed extension so as to make it valuable resldeuco property. Mr. Alberts lias securedv tho charter of the original Salem street railway and says this extension will be built at om'o If tho franchise Is se cured, lie Is In correspondence with eastern parties aud says lie will secure the electrifying of tho old street railway and the new exten sion whether tho Chicago syndicate takes hold of it or not. So Salem is sureof another electric line. This movement practically heads olf tho Carson syndicate enterprise, and if carried out will deprive South Commercial street of a car Hue for the present, the Hue by the depot goes more nearly turougii tho residence center of tho clly. ij.o World :nrictirif The facilities of the precant day fe: -he production of everything tliatwii', conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind arc almost uulim ited, and v. hen Syrup of Pigs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which i3 truly pleasing end refreahiug to the taste and prompt end effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more poDular it be come. Genuine FRENCH ICE CREAM SODA. Only in tho city and do not forget it. Jones (6 Bernardi Ty.- v.j.jia, --- '-nMJi-TiWHtiniii 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. 1 1 was Just n nice ruin, say tho farmers. The county court will adjourn this afternoon. Tho amount of rainfall yesterday was 1.07 inches. Fino variety of ocean fish nt Steiuer's market. The Salem schools will bnvo 27 teachers for 1801-2. Somo Salem young men should find u bigger job to hold down thau a dry goods box. Mrs. G. W. Anderson, landlady of "The Cook," Is home from n ten days' abscnco'nt the coast. John Holm has a fine outfit for his uew shop to bo opened a week from Monday. This is the last day of Holverson's cut rate white goods salo. Special drives next week. Frank CV Miller, cashier of tho U. S. National bank of Portland, is in tho city on business. Tho contract for painting tho state fair grounds buildings was awarded to F. A. Jnberg, for $08.50. Dr. Cartwright rejoices over the arrival of a charming daughter nt his homo on his late birthday. C. C. Shepherd, of Eugene, and Edmund Harris, of Marshficld, are late arrivals at ttio asylum. Mr. Bush cannot build on his new ly acquired lot adjoining Ills bank block, us it is leased until next spring. Petioleum has again been discov ered at Hubbard by a fine specimen of inveutlvo genius iu tho newspaper busluess. A Mr. Shlves Is reported to have fallen from a building on tho Bent Jones place near Brooks and broko and bruised several rlb3. Water will bo shut oil Sunday at 12 o'clock noon, to make final connect ions for tho big now pump. It will take several hours only. Col. Olmstead and lady, and tho lat'ers parents, Mr. awd Mrs. W. II. Flower, of Michigan, left for New port today to spend Sunday. There will be no services in tho M.E. church for the uoxt thiee weeks after next Sunday when theic will be services In the lecture room. Mr. H. Holdeu has tho Journal's thanks for a branch of beautiful Royal Ann cherries, which will at ouco be canned for exhibition ut tho forthcoming stato fair. J. M. Towusoud and wife of Bluiltou, Ohio, who aro making a tour of tho Pacific coast, are visiting their old friends, tho Stelner broth ers. Allen Simpson, who lives about four miles from Sllvertou.brought in a black boar scalp today and got $2 bounty. He sold tho hide to Wm, Brown for $3.50, nnd the scalp now adorns tho Journal office. Ed. C. Cross lias this summer handled more and better meats at his two shops in Salem than ovtr before. Buying In large quantities aud extra feeding enables him to oiler only tho best und at tho very lowest prices. Complaint comes to this office every duy that persona drive over tho Willamette bridge at a high rato of speed. Trotting over tho now steel bridge should bo stopped ut all hazards, as It is only a mutter of time when that will ruin tho structure Thcro is complaint at drays stop ping crosswibo iu tho streets, oius iug street car traffic to suspend und thereby travelers in tho city streets Hweur very much nnd would desire to wring someone's neck, The polho should prevent such needless pro fanity. A social event last night at the residence ofR. B. Fleming was a complete surprise parly In honor of Mrs J. M. Rosenburg und daughter Greta. About thirty wero present und the young frionds of Miss Greta arc given a reception at Mrs John G. "Wright's tills afternoon. llucklwn'g Arnica Hiilvo, Thn Host Halvo In the world for Cuts, ilnilben, Horeu, Ulcer., Bultlthuum, Fever Horen, '1 oiler, t,'linpicl UnndH, Chllolultis, Corns and nil Hklu Kruptlons, and ponl tlvcly cure l'ilcn, or u pity require!. It iKKuuruuieuu m eivo periutt Kuimmcuoi) or money refunded, In t'ricw, 35 witu jer box T? U that Impurity of the Mood WiUli 1 1 dates unlilit!y lumpiorMvullliig on I. Clam! o( the nocK; viimm p.iluful inii, In ir (in the anus, ieRi, or foot; W el. o ulcers In the eyes, ears, or iioto.olnn cmiic lug blludna or deafness: Is the oilxln o pimples, cancerous growths, or tho iu.ui) manifestations usually ascribed t "humors;" and fastening upon the lun(r e'iuaa consumption, and death, llrln" 11 v most auclsnt, It Is the most gimer. 1 i all dbwwo-s or affections, foi lery fev persons aro entirely free ftoui it. HTBcoan CURED Ily Uklnu Hood's RarMtarllla, which, by iU remarkable cures H lias accomplished, (Mwi hIhhi other inedletuea have fsllnl, Iws pro (Hi Itself b be a iotent uml peeul kjl mmIiib lor this dltwwe. Hutiic o) (bate cures are really uoudorful. If ym itSr from scrofula u liuimre blood, U fflre to try Hood's fiarMUwrllla. livery spring my wife and ehlld r en Iwv beau troubled with scrofula, sores break imj out on tliem In various plaeta. My mil hoy, thme years old !s been a (stftltrie sufferer. Ut trlij: he was oec KUM of sore Irom head Io let. 1 wm adrlwd to we IIool' ikapaiiha,aud we ImveullUkeult, tiean cured nj (lie KitxuU, my llltlo I-- y kWoif eJttheJy free from sores, and all four f my ofclWren lu,k bri(ht and bealihy." ff. Jl. Aiiieutok. J'aai0 City, N. J. Mood's Sarsaparilia '4VTdrortu $.iftllf n!rwlu L If OOt 0O.,Ap0tb:J1, UWU,U )0O Doses One Dollar iiiii'fliiMrrMt-WSa Bids Wanted for FaiiiliiiR Stale Fair llutldiiiK. Salkm, Or., July 0, 1801, Bids will lie received by J. Q. Wilson or Geo. W. Watt, ut 05 Statu street, up to July 11, 1801, 10 o'clock a. m., for work on Fair Grounds ns follows. Painting round house, ticket office, secretary's olllco aud fence between ticket office nnd secretary's office all two coat work; nlso secretary's office to bo cloth and papered iiislde--inaterial to be fur nished by the Board. J. Q. Wilson, Supt. Grounds. 7-11-d Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed i Castoriat Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasnnt nnd refreshing to tho tnsto, nnd ncta gently yot promptly on tho Kidneys, Livor anil Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, Iiend nches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For salo in 50o and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. .,.. ...SAN ritANCISOO, CAL. IQUISVItlE. KY. NFW YORK. tf.V. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Putin's, Oita and Window Glass, lVnll Pa yor and Border, Artisfs' Ma terials, Li in o, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc, NEAV ADVKRTISESIKNTS. FABM FOR SALE. 320ncrcsof best stock nnd Irult lund In Oregon for suto nt a liurpnln. Will sell In lots to Hull intrcliiuior. Adelines or cull on U. J. HI11EL, Knights. Ore. Ncnr Sliver Uroelc Falls. 7 8 Urn Willamette University. -THE- OLDEST, LARGEST, Least Expensive -AND- MOST HOME-LIKE Institution of learning Iu the northwest. iiSO HtudentR In 1887, m Iu 1KM an hie: case ot nearly 0 per cent In four years. UrnduatcH students In Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Medical, and Musical, I'hnrmaccutlcnl and ticlcntlllo course). NORMAL COURSE. Graduates from tho Normal Courso have nil theudvuntUKC'ft of grnduuton from tho Htulo Normal sclioolH. lletier uiolliticx for teaching next year thau over before FifstTcra Begins Sept. 7, 1891. For catalogue, with full Information address Wm. H. AUNOM), A.'M., J if! llw fialein, Oregon. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Wlllumotto Hot-l, SiVTvKM - - - ORICQON Administratrix Notice. VTOTICK Is hereby given thnt the under i.1 Rlgned lies been duly appointed by the county court of Marlon county, In tho statu ,t Oregon, ns the administratrix of thoosUiloofOzli'HHliaw, Into deccusod, of nam county, aii persons nnvmg claims against wild ostateuro hereby notified to piehonl ihe same duly verllled, to the un- ucrignei,ni me mtv oiuca ni juiunani, JlnlmuH A JInydon. In Halem. Insula coun ty, within six lUMiiths from tho llrsl pub- iiuHiiuiiiii mm noiico unci nil persons in ddbted to said estate are rcquet(x.t to pay iiiuriimu wiiiioui uviay. JANKBHAW, Administratrix of the estate of Ozlus Hbnw, deceased. Bttlem, Oregou, Jnuo W, 1831, Administrator's Notice. NOTICU Is hereby given thnt the under, slgut-d has been duly appointed ud. uilnlstraUir of the ostule of Adam Jl. Hconce. deceased, by ilm county court nf the statu of Oregon, tor Murlon'.ominty.und an irniuii miring ciauus against sum Cft late, are hereby notified to present them, duly vennea, io me undersigned ut bu reshleucout my residence U mile west of ijewisuuri;, Clarion county, uregon, witlilu six montlisfroHi the dutoof tno first nubll. iewiburi c u ion hereof, ana nil persons Indebted to wild twiate aro heieby requested to make uiuiieuiaie payment. 01 too same w Hie un drrslgned. J)utedat8ulem,Or,MaT'Ju 1SUI. Admnlst-ntor of the estate of Adam J W. liAUAlli;, II. conc,mcceseu bhuw, Pratt Hunt. Atty. for said estate VIQi Notlcoof flmil Proof. Land Olllco at Ongon Clly, Oregon. May 7. Ihui, OTiCK In hereby given that the follow Init named settler has tiled nolle of er Intention to make HumI proof in sup- Ikiii. hi iicrriuuu. uim llim vim proni will io uiude before Hut County fieri of Murl. on couiily.alHaiein.Omton, on July I3,M)l yisi Isabella U. Milehffl Korb. formerly Isabella O. Mitchell. Homestead entry No. (Jt&for lltoN, halt of w w. quarter and N, hulfof W. quarter of Heo. ST 7M., M. 1 X. Hhe names IbofullowlugwUuease to prove her ouutluuous residence tipori itud culll. ta'Iou of said land, tI. i I A iVn NU M ot'ALLIHTKIL KNOCII JIOHH. I I. flit A Ki 1MU C JUST AUNTl). AUofHUverlon, Marlon Co., Or. 6 WW J.T,Am;lWWMU-fUlr, fipp;fhci iarrii-vJoow -Notice to Our atoro is crowded with a fine, new line of TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS Thin lino embraces rill kinds nnd sizes of trunks from the chenn pack- 1'IUCEdTIIE LOWEST POSSIBLE FOR GOOD GOODS. Traveling Bags nnd Valises from $ 1 to $7. We iuvlto the attention of the publlB to tho line quality of these Koods. mwnuon of Capitol Adventure) Co., Opera House Block:. Now line of swimming tights nnd st)OJi8 cotton for 2j cents. Wool bought. (Xtt Side trie Trust. BURE Old Undoi takers of 18 years experience hay o, through much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertakinp; supplies out side" tho Undertaking furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make you prices independent of any trust, Special attention given to embalming. Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for tho business AUCTION SALE OF TOWN LOTS. v I will sell at public auction on Saturday, July 11, 1891, at 3 p. m., at the Auction House near Court House FOR CASH, One-sixteenth of a section (40 acres) of toAvn lots in South Park Addition to Port Angeles, Wash. Titles furnished. A safe investment. , II. E. MOORE, Auction and Commission Merchant. "HONEST FRANK," Auctioneer. P. S. Plats can bo seen by calling at store. CLEAN! If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes dono up in the neatest and dressiest mannor, tako them to tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whore all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street. Yw Park Grocer. G. B. RABABAUGH Has put hi a new stook of Grocorles, Queonsware, I-'oed, oto. Produce bought tit highest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed In nil things. Goods delivered to till parts of tho city. Uall nnd glvo mo a trial. THE - CIvUB LIVERY, FEED AND 8ALE STABLES. WIF finnr IVn Il. -A" stock left In my caro shall receivo tho heat . . II. UUULIH. lTO F. of ntton tlon. Telophono No. ai, Cor Liberty . ti, uuuuuL.ii urn , und Forry Btreot8(,Balem( Qfegon. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chomeketa Street, House - and - Sign - Painting, Paper Ilanglng. Kalsomlnlng, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. SNOW BROS. CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, -AND- SHEET IRON KstlinfitcH ou ull work In our line. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawiig. House Finishing made .to order. Nov DUY KILN, by which wo can always keep u full supply of seasoned stock of alt kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and lllgu streets, Salem, Oregon. J, O. OOODAIiK, Cohurv. GOODALB & Lumber, Latrx. Pickets I MOULDING, AfonU for (lohuru Mills, HprlnKtleld Mills west side of rwolilli Htreet neur 4 2 BAKER Sash and. Door Eactory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho host class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tho lowest. Only tho best material used Destroy the Peats, -Now Is the Time SPRAY YOL'lt FRUIT TREES. JJRIGGS & JIHOMTN Are preuarcd to glte trees treatment for the fecnson with u gowd spraylujr outfit. HutUfurtlou guaranteed. Leave orders ut 9, II, Cuttcrlln A hou's oltlce, l&U Stato street Salem, uJdwtf I'lirLLIPStiGO., Merchant Tailors. I A full line of Impo-led and domestic I woojeus. Also a cample o stovk ot uui' furnUUlug goods, Alt the hWt tyliM, Sift CuiuiuuvhU K. Travelers'.; tennis shoes. Produce Taken. N & SON I trust and are now propared to WORKERS. IOO Ohomoketa Stroat, A. WJEIKELKll,SriOcneld, WHEELER, SHINGLES, &c. and MoICenzie Mill. (Mice and 1 rH on the depot, Jlest Lumber Iu tho Vull6 . & WHEELER, Managers, Salem. Strawberries, Raspberries Blackberries, Gooshorrie, Chorrios and good iruifcof all kinds at tho Salem Cannery, II, II, WBSTA00TT. JTesl 4 B0riiiaf Stable. Hy 4 otsasI4 ad Mlvcrvd ut wry atnwt, twk of ytwioiUvs tilt. mm O 4! i j n I