Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 11, 1891, Image 2

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7Nrv'4rr-9lVWMRR9Pyi1Julin ',!
i' " ""'ff WW(w"7rT'f,f5l.
iravBiVrtPr " w-fr'-j
"" pfacife l me tin 14 to rl
C)U9eeMiy vtitei to trx
hsreUrr txr WlfcHg. T.t wxl
4 .. t. .... l.l H,.A nu '
tlnr rrMe4 ra VHW l if -
anter. Cfearlte vmhuA In iH 1 j
ynuxiftm prill'. t afrafel,
f did l tut next lt fWg b'Jmu
away. Itti&tr MeA!ew i o-
ideut tlw b w ot umng mry
itM, and huntahett twewwin Hand.
nBABMM-wr jwctkait hmovkv.
VmMVKt4'HtA,Jnti ll.-Aaa
uoforlUeordefK! the titMi,of
the common council, s
JfJse n-niorod hms wlerinrtH jw
trait f ili" JJanir frw 'w
WtMrra walIoftle cmi0H cfwiiter
where H Sj Iwog for year. Tue
itclMe itimf&a itttfxsl In Uj f ure
ter room, '' wl" AwJ?w
InU) Uw- orfirl titw ovrfp
Um AHirliilal. Tfoe inn trait w
gfvwi ft plc l H 'W ''
Itimomi prtxtdentiofltHf ctmmlr,
Under a tA rnuAuihu nf tl,f
oouMdk 'Hilltlwy w 'w
(. K)rtftilt lia( frsen turned d'wn for
the Hrawful drfng of puMic
officer or member of the council.
imio' ttmiaxKit.
WAHMWiTow J. t' Jy I J-TJje
oflrnptroJltr of the '-urreiicy (hi
morning received Hiorwlgnsiron of
iJaok Examiner Drew, and h
Klvcn fniiUuclfons for It to I w;
oeptrd and to go lU ifcct Iromo-dlaft-Jy,
vollavp ant two vkajik,
Br. Jy)Ui, July, If, -The Jury In
ihe enw of eX'Btalo Trctwurer Jfol
Jdnd returned verdict of guilty f
pmlH7,k'io, and fixed the pen
alty t two yar hi the tnlU'i'
Kkw YK, July 11.- The KrJi!i
fon Hth AiK;lfltf Jin offered h
jrtirwofloWOforarufro t one owl
one-fourth jnflw Utwceii Tumiy,
i5on, JtiKtn-t, JJIley, IKihhka
mid Tea Trey, Tenny to carry 137
jKnind, IinKlrpct ittid JJon J2-1,
Jilley J-'2, Tea Tray 115 and Lonn
(ukttUS. The Morrl I'ark people,
hturliiK of tho itroixMltlon, made
haoto to fheckruiittt the JJrljjIiUiu of
flcfplH, ttnd offered ft purno utQflii
tor the wo, fo be run t their truck
on Tliurdny. Michael Dwyer ha
Nlgnlllcd Ills wlllluguew to Mutl
IniKJutrcct, nnd I'hlllp Dwyer hftoo
cepted for lion, Mr, MeOuunt, It U
uridt'DitKKl, will Hturl lymnteku mid
Jfllly IV('l 1im had IjJh confidence
fuTt'tt'frny rwtorcd by the uood
jxirronrmria-K of thnl notorious rotum
during the pul U-n ituyn. Colonel
l'ldnlfpr, however, Ix uliy.
"I wllUUrtTenny nt weight for
age," he mild, when oucNtloued In
reanrd to tho riropowtd row. 'Flint In
all ho would nay. However, he may
think better of It, or tho power
(hut ho rimy let Tunny In nt lighter
weight than that originally Hllpulal
ed. Bueh n race would draw an I111
menso throng to tho track upon
which tho content would be decided,
and It l feafe bcttltigtoo, thntTeuny
would he the fuvorlto dexplto the
weigh M.
nwitir ok a i'umij.
Noiti'oi.K, Va., July If. The
feud JkjIwcoiii McI'hcrHon and Mo
Jlay finiilllw, hi Warwick county,
reunited in tho murder ycMerday of
XtCOM Mel'herkoii and hi Oycnr-old
tiauglilvr, The mA of the two
famllM recently had a dlnputo over
(he ownership of ccrluln ground,
Tho two men cqiiio to blown, and a
threat wh inudu by Mnltny IokIkhiI
IiIh nillnguoUl If ho built a fuucu on
hid ground, which Mul'licnson ttwore
lie would do. Nothing iiior,o wan
(ild until morning, when Mol'hur
Mm look hit tool and proper mate
rial, and proceeded to erect lilw futico
III plo of IiIm nelghbor'H threalti.
When hU work had been nearly
completed tho llttlo girl brought
him hl breuUfutt In u tin pull, lfu
hud Hcnrcoly oponi'il t when hu
heard n iioIm behind him, (pilckly
fu lowed by thu nharp report of 11
rlllo, and the father lay llfult- bu
ldu thu dead body of Ida daughter.
A negro laborer, at work hi tho vi
cinity, tiuwtho Nhnotliig. Ifo cull
ed for ftnnWtuuoe, find thu dead
hodic were earned lo tho linum,
Tho grioMrlokcn wife iiixl tiiothur
raniu to HiIm city In (ho afternoon,
Tho fittirderer eswitwl 11 lynching
party which went In pumuU of Idiu.
Buaiti.m, July II. At it oniifar
tiiico Irtitwieii tho county oDIuIuIh
Hint (bin. furry ntid Col, Haliirn, of
thoiullltla, It wan decldel to rvduco
the forty nt the mine from ilvu to
Hirvo oonipanli, lenviuir cavalry In
tho Held. A (Jovoruor Kerry thluliH
tiio civil ixiwer ha not been ex
huunlcd no further attempt will be
HiftdotodMriiitho nUIIutm. Hherllt
W(H)lury will keiui iiddltlouul
tk'putfo to each mine. Hupt. Corey,
of tho Oregon Improvement Co.,
my tho noinbyrof uruiHul Fraiikllu
m U-eu cxuggroted, and that all
hve Uhjji imrrvndervd. Hhlpmeutti
(0oh1 from tho MVoritl nilOw dally
liwmM', tdiuwlnit the ntrlko to W
HOtiV fflUMV
Hkaiti.k, July 11. Tho hotly f
A, K letter, fui morly jrprletnr of
ttMHt4ilHum!ry, wit round tlend
In tfef woodit fieur town. The rv
toaUH w'if iiAilly tU'tmiupojvil, and
U k wipoKHj that tin? niHii lid
Wiw fof two wielm. A Iwtllv
C tHryeimliw wm elutelinl ill lib
ImmhI, nlvlnit nvldpuiw f fuluiifo.
ISMwwme hrv mvvh jetim iig
0mn K" Vork, an J was In gomt
&mmUm H ktvt h wlfu.
Hackev SUt4 Book, foster on
Powder iVs Letter, Tfee Itata, $-
tate of Geo. Hearst, State otjj 1 h evau tfumtg-
wops Hi ifKJia uiu ymt vavz
and fornix Hem, Etc,
a nmuiKX.r. tbaokuy.
Omaha, Ket., July Jl-A tpecfal
(rmn Hllk, Keh myr. TowUy
uitrtitliHimfHtboTrtbte txwjAy ever
mucbui fa bfe teaUoa of XttrK
oawrraJ- Yesferday ztUsraooa,
Urn, Dr. AWes, of DmArioe, aunt to
K!l oh a vlU to her brother, Joba
If. Paterbaogh, who Uvea one
rut! and a half olh ofUwo. She
wm driven to the farm, and ksecktJ
nt 1 he door but recdvet do reply.
t-be enteral, tlie door not bdg
iH'Lfd, and found a horrible tat
f fhil. Jler brother wm lying
io the floor covered with blood; lo
ld wan the mother, with a bubt
ihroogh her hwJ; fn bed with ber
wa her two-year-old lby, abso shot
through the htarJ; another ltw
of'Upltd by two young glrlx, one IS
and one JJ, both dad, with bullet
boh In their head. How they mat
thtlr terrible fate 1 yet unknown.
Ihe general Ulh-f f that the
dttd w&8 fhe work of the bu
baud and father, who afterward
committed tulclde. All Kmed to
have been killed while Bleeping, and
were ohot directly through the
MtSNKAt'oUH, July II. At the
ifK;lety of Christian Endeavor con-
veuliori today a resolution waa
adopted favoring the action by the
Hiate Chrltlan Jindvor unions re
garding tlie cliMlng of the World'
fair on BundayD, and a mmmittee
vvm appointed to tlraw up a rtolu
tlon hi be preeotel tomorrow even
Inland idmUt puhIi the agitation of
the matter after the convention a1
Nkw Yohk, July II. The Ameri
can JIackney llre Boeiety ha
filed a certilieatcof incorporation to
day. The objecta are to preserve
the reoord of the Pedigree Hackney
Hunt and publbih a tud iKxjk of
Mich UotmM fn tho (Jolted Btak-s
Cauiida arid general to Improve the
WABKiwoio,Jolyll. Secretory
Ktmter w'aa aked today what reply
if any ho projKXted to mnko to Pow-
derly'a ojhiii letter. Tho necretary
tmld the Idler wan ho abiihlve and
untruthful It might le miNiiccttd of
being a campaign document. JIo
did not nroDODo to eutci it contnv
wrny with Powdcrly on wich a bank
Ban Dikuo, July II. Prom in
formation gleaned thin morning It
apcar the Itata will not remain
under arrest uiiicli longer ax Judge
lion luiHidgulltcd lift wlllinguuftHto
reluuHo tho vcmdcI on IioihIm,
'Villi HliAItHT IWrATM.
Ban KiiANCJH(X), July 11 Tho
nptiralMjuicnt of tho otttittu of tho
Into United Htulea Bonnlor CJcorgo
Hearst wan filed In the probuto
court thin morning. The entire
cxlato In (Htlmttted to ho. worth
h.neini: y.xvunim,
Vinoknnim, lud., July II. A
thrc'tuhlug engine exploded thin
morning nt llruuuville, John Fleck
wan iiiKtiiutly killed and Dick Price
fatally Injured. Klvo other men
wore horribly nca!tlod.
now can in;,
Nisw Yoitic, July 11 Coi'onor
ftovyktated today, ho will huvo tho
body of timller who waa executed at
Blug Biug, exhumed and will hold
an luiiicl over It. Ho tuiiertH If It
U I run, um publUhcd, thut It re
ipilrvd Hcvoral sIiooUh lo produce
death tho oxwiutlon In oontrary to
law which hiiya no torture Hhall be
Piiit,Aiiti,iAJA, July 11. Tho
Jmlgo of ooniuion pIoumo court today
rofiHcd to grant a writ of HttiueHlra
lion naked by thu city ugulitut John
l'oltTI.AMl.July 11, KlVVClKlltllH
dah, Aunlo Itoonoy won, l,ttdy
Opnl Kt'cotid, Ktluil third! Umo.l.-OIJ.
Truttlngi Dtmooral won, Uhnlluu
ger Chief m'oiul, Maud Knox third)
Ihi time, litDJ. Democrat In n roud
horco owiifil In this city by W. H.
Chupiiiau, ami Hold In tho Held,
I'oHtello won two hcatsof the pualug
race, wliini It wuh poKlpoited until
today. lliHl tlmo, liiU
Al.llANY KIHHt. llltlDUK.
At.iiANY,Or,,Jhly 11. The county
tmurt ywterday appropriated forty
thiunutml dollara toward building n
high Mcclhildge acroM tho Wtila
muttu nt thin tity. Tho city council
will furnish thu remnlmlor of tho
faiMti, which U tho cot of tho
lirhlgtt. The oonllmU was let luxt
evening by thocliy to coiutruct tho
Miitu, ftl tha prleo iiimied, to tho
IVrtlaiid lltldLi ui'd llulldlng com.
imtiy, HgfiiU fur tho JCtng Iftnt '
llrblgo tHininy, of C'levelnuil, Ohio.
UnloU tlmo aim lnrtuirih trains
dlervtl pAMeugers mid shlpwrs hy
1 ho Chicago, Unloa Pniili vt North
u micro Duo. San KrannttM und
I'oillamUoChUgo. toa-Aug
Br. ranmmce, JHy 1I The'
&iTtriug i tbe pej4e frwa fcle j
i. rB;ip;!?iiB,r-CG
tof Kassa rprt rty
persoas are wHbmt frt.
Mavhw. Jr II. J5rleve
out Sfttf H. Meh damage has
dose t yleyar and pasture ad
all the prf gs are dried ap.
Camtta, Jirfy 1I- Te crap
profet8 la the mSmx of !($!,
AiB ad Jinnimth are ixL KJ
wbere the ralafall k deAefvt ad
ili'irtm U f MreastMg, the esttfe are
dying of atarvatioB.
Nbw Yobk, I. Y., July 11. A
eorrocpondest frora hiptUfue, Cbiff,
tiftderdateof Jane 1Mb vf rites'. The
ri(itat(oa of the oogreft4oal party
f h Willi f grosdy rakreprwented to
the po;ge of the Uf ted States. He
fond feoaroely any itgaa of dminM
tlon at Port IqBhjHe. Tlte pW.c
tentlmeut deprecates In a marked
mesueare the action of the United
FUtea government la the matter of
the Itata. The detaining of the
arms and ammunition at this criti
cal period la d&bpiy deplored hy the
leader of the party. The revenue
of Port Iqukjue amounting !02,OOO,-
i monthly an in the bands of the
eongrea'lonaf parly. Thbj r urn fr
exceeds any revenues lialmaceda re
wlve?, and while the receipt con
tinue there Is no doubt the coogrt
sional party will be able to procure
the tlnews of war and maintain their
an PiJAjfciMXJ, Oal., July II.
Wheat, buyer 1601, afier Aug u! it
'niCAOO. IH., July 1 J At clo'.
Wheat is Meady, each 0O 01 J
Beiit. W Dec. 88 .
T If Jgau, M .Mich, C 8 Andrews,
I5C Jorgemson, V C Miller and wf,
WK Price, Portland.
C A Hansen, C L P.lKalow, C II
Khoades, O II Wlifpplo, Mrs II
Ash, Mrs II h Whipple, Bon
T II Walmit, Philadelphia,
Mis I' Looney, Jefferaou.
1)E Keller. New York.
A McNeil, New Whatcom.
V Dyer, Itook Kalis.
Geo V, fiolph, Minneapolis.
W II Potieterer, J) H Holt,
II Harlaud, Kugeno.
O 11 Hoyt, Albany.
J Coolldge, Port Angeles.
John Ollcrest, Oakland.
JJ VaiiDusen, Astoria.
CB Hlgglns, Baloin,
John Myrtle, J U II ill, McOoy.
C A Whalo and wife, H Houghton,
N 0 Bahlstrom, Porllaud.
N h Galloway, 0 WGeer, ISugcue.
Alf -imlth, N Yamhill.
C H Hanford, W P Hogau, San
J N (Jraliam, Mudford,
T D,ivld and wife.
KAHaiiHvc, Willslitirgh.
I B Smith, Pueblo, Cal.
W U Smith, Ogdon.
K IloHiQucraiit, Woodburn.
J T Wood, wlfa and son, Wheat
i:iectr!c lliitrrs.
This remedy Is becoming so well
known ami ho popular iih to need
uoHiR'clal mention. All who have
used ICIeutilu Hlttero sing tho same
song of praise A jiiirer medicine
(loivH not exist and It is gtiaruutced to
do all thai is claimed. Electric lilt
tern will euro all dlnciuc of the Liv
er ami Kidneys, will remove Pimp
les, HoIIh, Salt Hheiim and other af
finilliiliH I'iUlht-d liv liiiimm lilodd
Will drive Malarial from tho system
and prevent as well as cure all Mala
rial rovers. For euro of IKuducho,
Uiitistiimtiou ami liuiiKotnlun try
Klectrlc Hitters Kutlro Hatlsfliotlon
Kiiarauteed, or moimy lufnniled.
I'rleo 60 els. and 11.00 per bottle at
Fry's Drug Store.
Am You doing Kant?
If so, bo sure and see that youi
tlokels read via "Tho North Western
Uno." TheC.Bt. P. M. itO. Hy.
Tids Is the great short lino from St
Paul or Duhith to all points east and
south. Their magulllecnt track,
peerh's-i estlluilud dining and sleep
ing oar trains, and their motto,
"always on time," has ghmi till
road a national reputation. All
olaxses of passengers are carried 011
tho vostlbuled trains without extra
ohargo. All ticket agents sell
tlukuls via this lino. Shin jour
Height and travel over this Animus
roiul. W. It. MNMi, Clen. Act.,
No. I Wash. St, Portland, Or.
A, J. lillLAM), 'ITttV'K '
Nothxi Is hereby given Hint I have
piirohacd tho stock In trmle.llxtuiti
and bonk debts and accounts of
JniiHM Dviihuiu A Co., US State
street, Silum, Oraun. All imrtlr
who owe aa'outits to tho said James
DeiihiHiut Co., will ploasowll at
tho storu and Killloat oihv. All
atH.H)uutHa'iiiidnlug uusottled 011 Ut
Pwx. will bo plaotsl with my at.
torney forcollecthtii. f hnvo cn
gagwl rut my clerk In (ho storo Mr.
Fred D.iilmm until 1 rvlurti from
tho (Hist w hloh will K utsiut Au.
13h. SalsHi, OrH"i'. July 7, 1S0I.
76iU0l. II J. Kukminu.
Tle W wu hamttiooks ul Ooo.
F. Bmlth'a. can't ba UmI. Tliev ar
aurjirWug everybody. See theju.
' l?rrAWAX SociBrr. Ssrotca t
HUMs. ib. tgr H If. BrnrBiif8
WW tCll. -- WJ nxzm ai.
eresfsg wrriee.
BrAstJvit- Preaeb? at the!
Kaatz. at 15 a. m. d p
MenAuz. Kertice in Genna; e-rtB (
tog to ffegflsfa. AH larhtd. (
Chbtxa CliCBCH-PreaeiHftg
11 a- to. and 72W p. re. Pelgi
tvtytei, CbriH k our IUeoneur.j
SiiBday BdiMi a.ra. Y. V.H C. j
K. M p. w. Pnyer mtetlag Tbars (
days 7i p. m. Choir praetk-;
Saturday 7iW p. m. AM are kladl) i
tvd. V. H WintoBM PaHrJ
"RvwauPAt 3C Paul's Epfseopal
Khmteh, Ctotrdi aad Oiikela
treeM. Servfese evry geaday at
WWW a. IB. aed 7i p. ro. Holy
eumumtAoB tlie Smt Hooday in tbe
Bwatli, after raortrlog terviee, and
oa the third Sunday at 10 o'clock a.
in. Children's eervke on tbe flrst
Saaday in tbe month, at 3:30 p. m.
mw&y sbool at 12 o'clock. Servioe
Frhfay eveHiag at 70. W.
Lob-I. pastor. sat tf
Ms Stir Was SclititOM.
Ayottngriiaa who recently married
a Salem girl now knows bow It h
hlnif. This took place tbe other
"Any thing wrong with the ootTee
this morning John?"
'Xo it is good enough."
"I bavent any fault to find with
the bfecuil!!."
"riteak cookcl all right?"
"I don't see anything wrnng with
thefleak." -
'No complain l to make about any
thing?" "So "
"John, I wish yon would let me
hara CO cents to buy eome rlhlKiri."
The Fareil ami ilesf
Articlw) known to medical seienc
arr used in preparing HK;d'sSarir
arillo. Ilvnry IngrwlU-iitisearefullv
sael) ctetl, wrsonally exsndncd, ami
only the bVt reiaim-d. The medi
fcfne Is firepared under the supervi
Ion f thoroughly competent phur
ma-ists, and every step in the pro
of manufacture is carefullj
waiohed with a view of securing in
llofid'a SarsajKirillu the best possible
Look Hbiik. Any person who
bus a iot from mo this week, I wi
molie a proent of a new suit of
olotlitM, or lo any lady I will give a
f!IO drew. Monroe Nye, the real es
tate agent, over
clothing store.
IJoothby & Co.'s
Mfi.h Pkiid, JJrewslcr it While
arc In It," and call supply all kinds
of mill fml, oat, w heal, bran,
Huorts, and iiay. Ill Court strett
78 4 t
Foil Sai.k. Water tank and pipe
also dre-w makers' table. Ella M.
Ihirrauce, North West Cor. Center
and Liberty Sts. d Ut.
Tlie Coming bltic.
Tlio Chicago, Union Pacllio &
Northwestern I,lno oflers tho best
accoiuiiKslations lo tho traveling
public en route from Sun FmiicIhco
and Portland, Chicago. Through
lialus, fust time, magnificent sKep
log cars, elegant dining carr, colonist
hIuoooih, icollnliig chair cirs and
handsome day coaches, nod Aug
Paweugers destined to tho promt
ticilt cities east of tho Missouri river
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Paolllo it Northwestern lino. Mug-
nlllcout Pullmiiti and Wsgnerslte-
Ing oars, elegant Pulliiiau and
Northwestern dining cars, fieo re
clining chulr cars. Handsome day
coaches anil coiuiortablc I'lillnnn.
colonist sleepers. cod-aug
lleniembcr that the now Impiovcd
Singer took tho premium over all
other sewing machines at tho last
state fair, Olllco In btato Insurance
block. Sat. if.
Hammocks, Tents and Camping
outlltsatUeo. F. Smith's.
Now lino of crexjuct pets at Geo.
F. Smith's, lower than over.
liny tho light running Singer at
Ul!7 Commercial street cod
M Us Thornton will receive vocal,
tisttumoiital and language, pupllx
during the summer. All appllci
Huns received Wednesday alter-
utHjiis, '2H Cottage strict.
Shlppeis.oouslgn your tlmo freight
via tho Chicago, Union Pacillo it
Northwnsto.ru line. eod-aug
UrutiHon tho "Cash Grocer" says
ho Is too busy to ul;. but thoio low
prices still eontlnuo int. the same
The "lUllen" brand Ice orumi
soilu iHMtsthum all at Helloiibrand's.
DrwiiKf mwit ! ihw liver, vttli enuallixv
lli, lnjyim ili ouiuiilexl.in, Imliico
III m il w. mOIow klu llomovw tho uiuno
by iiIiu i urtw's Utile Liver till. Oue n
iHwe. lry tlieia.
Why itm'lnuu iurtr'ii UllH 1.1
Plllf TUy urtt u immUI ours lor &
b uiIhuIi, hi it ll tli iUn iirvHlurod by ut
unlitrsU liner, uulyna
till a 000.
TIh BMlon ur Dtarlrs I.lulo UvmPIII
U iilftwHiit, mUit amt iwtnmt. Ttav HMttly
tllaiuUte the llvrr, ud , rt-Kukla Ihe
IhiwI, bat ih nut tMirgo. 'llijr i tttrv
In Um. Try ttvrti).
Ailiulnistnitrlx Notice.
TO! UK u licivtij glum thut tbe undar
X tlsitott nh been ,uiv iKiiiiimt by
iliv Hub tuaiiUi'.HtnuOl(KMi wiHuly.
Vlf'tCHj, iKlmlJUlr.rU tit Iho .at
Hlita Xn4rr, a.itkl. All Hru. Imvli t
4litwiiKuutMkl4rtalaurniwint t
iS4lut MI4 itati ura
iUwii tu w ermwrii
a i
l)irwiu.rtv arl
Vvrfln) nt
my rtUlaovt. ir UiVV UW.li, wtili x
ItlM IMU lllh, itiilm um.i iu...
knuwlni: tLctuswt... ii2Kaj i. .JTTTT
Truck &. Dray Lino.
U4 u.oji and.
1-rutnjn rwk u our
HI Dvrate J rrl rtfibt will a
TLaA Bud t Apackea. j
We irere rittfac ese a4 at a,
freigbters easap tWe, aroasd -arWrii
trere draira ball a score r morn of tfce
freigbtets. bo. irfth OBtts, were
to cap for tbe night Stories of oH
ttoKS-arben tbe Indiam were bad, aad
of tbe bravery of tfeeirhite pfoeeen,
bad gxe arauod theetrOe mmtSl R oaaw
to od mm WifeoBs tttra, who eald:
Taflc aJboat ud to a raaa! I tell
yoa H tabes aod to a raan to try and
ttaad o3 riorfe banded forty or 8&y
Apaabes vrbeo be knows jHt bow tbe
crap vriM end, aad that tbe end wiH be
bk own death: bat that was Jest the
kind of cand that was in Felix Knox
wbea be was killed by the Apachea.
Yoa tee, Knox was ao all aroond gam-
bkr, meh as tbe tenderfoot frota tbe
east seoTn to much and know so little
about, bat he bad a heart in Urn big
ger than any tenderfoot's head.
Well, it was in the epring of 1882.
Knox, with bis wife and baby and a
Sfexiean driver, were coining from Sli
ver City to Clilton. They got to York's
ranch, which is on the Gila river, about
thirty miles from Clifton, all right, but
were told there that signs of Apaches had
boon seen, and that they liad better go
in camp there for a few days, botKndx
who had fought the Apaches dozens
of times and didn't know what fear was
aid be wanted to make Clifton that
They drove on, and were about two
miles from York's ranch when Knox
saw an Indian come from behind a
low. round topped lull, and feeling as
sored there were more of them, and
that it was a Oght to the death, he
GHed ilia p-cket with cartridges, kissed
his little sleeping girl baby and his wife
for the last time, and. with a 'goodby'
to them, fie Jumped from tho wagon
and quickly turned tho team, and told
tbe Mexican driver lo whip thera back
to tlie rancli, and that he would stand
the Apaches off.
As the wagon turned and was furi
ously driven away the Apaches, who
now came in sight, fired a volley, but
killed no one. Then Knox faced Ids
foe? nnd pumped the lead from his
Winchester into them. The Indiana
gradually circled around Knox and tho
end came. The Mexican driver lashed
hU team hack to tho ranch, where both
of tho horses fell dead from wonnds re
ceived from the Indians' first volley.
A party, after a little delay, waa
made up and returned to tho placo
whore tho fight took place, and there
thoy found Knox's body, and the In
dians, contrary to their usual custom,
had not mutilated It in tho least, bat
had taken a clean pocket handkerchief
from Knox's pocket and carefully
spread it wver his face, and had fast
ened it there by putting a small stone
on each corner of it to hold it in its
placo and keep the sun from tho dead
man's face. That was their tributo to
fho i-and in Knox. Seventy empty
iliells wero found that had been emp
tied from Knox's Winchester, and ono
of tho raiding Indians afterward said
their party numbered forty-two, nnd
that Knox had killed seven of them.
Arizona Republican.
Tint Size or Hats.
Said a dealer in gents' furnishing
goeds: "Men's heads, or at least their
hats, aro growing smaller. I have no
ticed it year by year in my business,
and wlioro n 7 1-2 or 7 3- hat formerly
was not n. miracle, today the average
hat la n 7. and it is seldom wo havo a
call for a 7 1-1. However, there is a
reason for this. Besides tho custom of
wearing tho hat perched on tho corner
of tho ear, It must also be admitted
that almost nil of tho men wear their
hair closoly cropped nowadays, and
this makes a groat dllle-renco. I don't
bcllovo people's heads aro growing
"In oldon times tho men generally
woro long, bushy hair, and drew their
hats down so thut thoy always left a
mark on thu locks. Another thing
worthy of notice h that hats of English
mnko always run in larger sizo than
American hats. A 0 3-t hat of English
make equals a 0 7-8 hat of American
make. You can generally tell an En
glish hat by tho coat-of-orms In tlie
crown." Hay City Tribune
Dlntaitercil Vanity.
Auarbaoh. tho Gorman novolist, had
a great appreciation of his own powers
and work, nnd many stories aro told of
tio obtrusive way hi whioh ho displayed
his vanity. A Gorman writer says of
Every year Auorbach visits thrco or
four fashionable watering places, at
each of which tho following episode oo
curs at least thirty times. Tlie novoliit
Indulges in small talk with tho little
children of tho natives, and invariably
ends tho conversation thus: "Knowest
thou who has boon talking with theo?
Dorthnld Auorbach I Tell Uiat nt
M'ltlte' Orvut llvail.
"Our young friend, Wizzle, must lie
Improving rapidly. Ho tolls mo ho has
many compliments pushed on his poetry
"Yos, Wiulo has taught his parrot to
cry, 'how beautiful 1' 'what fooling V
and so on, every time ho roads ono of
ids jkmjiiis aloud." Munsey's Weekly.
,V OoimI 1'luih.
Theatrical Manager Say, can't I
have an hour or so of your timol
Hotoi Clork-What U It you wish mo
to dol
Manager I wUh you would coino
ovor to the theater and wear your dia
mond stud. Wo wont to photograph
tho audleuco hy flash light America.
ntatk urin mCeTTVip'''l,OLiiio, l ...
Ll'CAH t V ST. I "
I-iunkJ C'irnky iiutkr otilbthat ha
U UnMcnlor iwrtuer 0 the rtriu or r. J.
ywJ' Co uoln hu.ltiw lu thu elty of
A;!do,inuniy and ttaie 6l(HaUl,nit that
wmu iif iu win iu ie -nm or una nuadrvd
dwani for wU ami iry mu or Calarrn
Unit otnnot bo eurwt by the um of Hstt'a
CtaUrrliOuro. Pium.4 ltiHtcr.
wworu to bMor ina amt ulot1tid lu
Vr,i,r"v.ai6tuiiorivnibi., a.
JaT: Hmy I-uwU.
Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally and aots dirwlly on the
blood nuil uuuYius aurtacwi of the
system. Send for testimonials free,
-e , . Toledo, 0,
SSrBdi by uruggUU, 76c,
PaHas wishing to build nice residence and in seArch of a beautiful location
with pleasant sun'otmdings should visit
It is located direct on the Elect! ic line to the Fair Ground, overlooking the eutire cifi
the mhw cappdd mountains, ft. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, as well as the ever
green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and
the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. The High school as
well as the North Salem new building are within a
short distance of this tract.
,31554 'UU.EUA8V'
fitasf O
Arc now ordered graded at tho expense of the owners. This property
is now for sale by
All Real Kstate Men
In this City, who will
a J s
302 Commercial Street
lff7 !
iTSGreatcBt labor savinc invention
'vuii tics of Koods from the finefit !.!
ck-uii, without rubbing or boiling, tlmut :hi u-e of cbumkuls or an
(luHtruotlveproceBs only fcoap and w . ti i '1 be i m unj tiw niiig it oliere
$1(XK) to anv pcreon who will produce a iniuiiy wm-ber eiiual lo tbe NEW
EIIA in the following peints: Priie. L.ilx.r favinf. Itupulity of wash
ing. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning pcrleetlv without damage to
Hothiugr Simplicity and perfect coiMructimi. .sje, weight uud dura
bility. Satisfaction guaranteed or .money refuuded Bole Agents for
Mraion county. dw
all, l''wial
21 UtilC A L
P. H.
Building up a Strong, Independ
ent Paper for the People
in Oregon ?
I'riulcdat Hie Scat of Government
Durlnu the reoeut nw-siou or the lesUla
Wire ll iw the oulj iiaper lu the tate thai
lltuuktHt KuecwHully tlio J'ortUnrt dlct-i-lorutilp
In lirKou lKiliticw. rTTTiStrully
ip)oed all dmtloriiiKtho Auatralluu b ilKit
law In the luterunlh ol lunltluU Iiom,,. It
iitwxMted the law (ihtt iisd) Btvtnr
.haUre!ourjiiri.id irainls!i)u Hmer i
IsJuxtHitil raaombie rut.s ot freights
mil piwoi lo t-nfiirce tut dwiMoni. It ue
- eu-rulty udvotialud retouti.m ,.r tin. i.i
raltrn.idooiiimls-.ton mj Uchi ninllileil 10
oiiforcH the law. It labored lor all me.m-
urua iiiowu rivers ma iiiusbeouro tothe
puoplr the rli;hl to fr uud unrestricted
ukuol he wuurwnyg.
Tjib'UI'ituJouhnai. fuorsn reform
lu luiltonal Ilimnrrt, tu the end thu th,
prewiiil ftpeulvo rn.iimp.lj ejaUMi
uppl In uu luaiUiii neiurreiKj nmj b
uiipUuiKlbj the k .ruuiriitiM.i luii di
reel Ui th imip.o uti aclei mu mnpiy 01
ltfal tvuqar inuuey, Wlthucnlu ba- buf
rlataut to uuilorui iu Hiud b tuku prui
hla II iHur eltwtlon or a'l otllctuU
who UiiUhtlt) 6r, or are llrviil ieionil
ble to the popl, hi dliaei ote of itie teo
pU. U favor rHudnK all alate rewuuea
by a lux on tint groaa earnings or eoriuira
Ituua, both toraigu uud tate. It riors
oiMuliigall uatarwnyi. to tne Ka nd a
iutnlofiul)inmou eMrrlera to the end
that III producer halt teou re foi hU labor
th lurvttot lui 1 el in
If julavur retaining all ivver imlble
la the Inliituf iliepooploiiiHlgoieruiiiont
(Mjur. t'orwrmi, mhj eUauharr.
Y lluiiiu BimS.
Liwrj Stable and Feed
TIm BmI Ban Stafc i Carnl l the Ut.
Qnlat, tewlty horwwa iatAtty.
""" tl rar NVlUanieite hoti )
('akMi.r'a Larll.l. m. j n .
kJ.j.. ll.biJiwiM V I
m .
n viJ
tjfe jf
-3E2-55S3 'fflAlZjE TT TTilCTali Wf
i.e ready at any time to show
best qualitv of brick at the yards near
Penitentiary. MTRT0AT RROS
-' - '-" ,"'y'-"
Stoic?, Ranges, Furnaces,
Tinware, and all llmse
Famishing Good?.
-" Chimney and
Sewer Pipes,
Iron and
Bockcyr. Force
Pomps. Pumps
For Orchard Sprajiog.
New Era Hydraulic CLtliPsWasher!
in tbe I oum In 1I line. dMim. i.I
to tlie co.irstst carnet. iififoi'tlv
'h-il $A iirrmoi.tli ui. Wholesale and
310 Commercial St.. Salem.
Head Quatters for the Salem Orchestra.
A. J. SHIMP, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Late oU'hllndelphla-J
uiull lliioulc, Itheunintic, Ulood, Brain
uud ncroLis ol.e.i,-H i-'.iri? xn.iA. ,
t;iiiilR oleni!OH yield to electricity after
dlluihormodeHof treatment have failed.
Jhirteiu jears clinical experience. Ofllce
.S Commercial street. 6233m
WB state slreet. 5J0 Liberty street, North
Salem. '
o aro ready to Jill al orders for all
una-i or Ire u and suit meats e aim to
Kuiptho bMt tbe c-onutry airoids Free
dolvery. Ue desire to thank all our old
Pttrous for ti elr liberal patronage, hoping
th y will Mill continue with uh.
For Sale Cheap.
(mUVfromRjm ntripraore. About
.ric-ei.juu, luianceumo.
ir. nnnH inHni,
Terma Ka.r irnu'n ita
Opera House, Court street.
n,iSu.'!f.. P8'""": nJ paper hanging.
.rl.i,"';',,"' ""." i-ca work la my
JJHHct. Lotteoidersou slate, at FUrnn
I Klre and ifa
rlne. ' . BBKI.RII. Asvnt. . Balem. Oregon
To Us 00 Real Ulih StHlv.
uifde?u7fl8 "ta,M 8iVln"8' n
Sfe"! a
LI.lr.T .
1 o
this tract to purchasers.
25c WantColurE
Notices inserled for ONE CKNT nsi
tlsenient Inserted In lhl volnmn forlal
inan iweniy-nve ccats.
" TJiLOW on beautiral ' 'regon, ' Ilvaco.'S
X: and"Tiuomn'i.ifrilie titles lo thrta
oewaua ciiarinlrg mui- cal romposluoci
fortbe Dlanofi.r;p.fl iIhi v.olin. Hrmil
cents eacfa. Fi-rieut Dlummd's Mis
sic Housr, 3 C'orurLerp'al Fireet, alem
iscucraisiucK oi inuiioai luercnanatke. j
Vj It'i.1,1 funrsbed rooms to rent wlta
J. board.lnpliasanlcstpartofcHy.Deaa
htreet cor llnm, 4lfi Cetiter let t 0..1) tlj
Tiiiit-t; UAi.i.H.-jinner loared Ml
watches audjewelrj uct? -U tli-di d
persorjal proi-ertt that can te stnrtd Id
my iafe or More t Barr s Jewelrv store!
jw owiWJ biiwu vTIX
IUltSAlfK .U nc one j-i of land arflj
I" iMrn. writ h ntnriinrr irtlpp In tmt
barn. A bmilfnT Utui rnfnr fthonid W-8&
quire ai stcoLU i. LhefnriAiii Hand hiiia
.r.wu. uu u,.v. Liwajug UflUgTV
guju iuna;iuui. -Ot !
T.7"ANTEL. A Klluatinu an houwi
hy a willow l-idj in townorcouni
Address Mrs. rinicy.fmeui. Or.
UAMED-Position n housekcer
lor widower or bachelor. In city
country. Kofprence reon.red and srivpnl
Address -13 corner Front and Center streeu!
7 21n J
COll SAI.fc tunilture of neatlv fn-
P lil.ljid Hum room. (heap, rent ea
inodeiute, alto German lanary, beautlfM
n. gcr Jilts. JAb. A. Dors AliL fc,
uiir liui-n &. iireyman lilocu
"ITTANTK1) Our ncents 'nake SlOOto 13d
Y a month belllni; our coods on Ihfi
u.eriiB. v e want cxiuntv ana isfutn
agontK nnd willtake bfict nil toons n
holdlfacountj ageut lullt to clear SIC
huu t.tpintcspi tn.rtj days' trial, e
iigcuciniuiitui jes Tjian z&j. wo wi
eud laige illustrated circulars and letta
wun a special oner to suit lerrnorj all
pneaior,onreu;ipt(if3 cuetent muoiI
Apply at once and get in 01 the b.on
Address Kenner JIanufactur nzCo ioa
burg. ra. I 7 daw III
Marion Co. Normal Institute!
The third annual tcsslon or the Mailed
county Normal Institute, will be hild l
tho Eabt Aalem school houe, commencli
3londay,July6, 1891, and will conticni
three weeks. 1
llegular claw, work will be done, nndal
w uiHuagcjucui 01 auie instructors, lntu(i
branched taugtt lu onr tchools. und, lfri
Kutllclent number dislre it riuscm will )H
organized in fhyslcal (jeography. Compel
eltion, aue Itookkeepln?.
. uouujmsm iuo rormai institute oi
toreweu -lkesubfectjt tniii-ht in tho i.
mon schools, nna to dlpcub the best meill
01 preteuiing mem to pupils. The IK
stltute Is not held for teachers only, bd
uuhj mr mube wno intend to teach,
lirlne texLbftoksnn Ail hr;ino.Ao t.
bepresentat the beginning of thelnstltua
a fee 01 one ooiinr u-iti h. .hnw.a ,1
help defray thoeiiensc8 of the InsUtuft
uriuriueriniorinnuon address
County Superintendent of Common School!
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
WarinMeakatAIl Hours ol the Dajl
Mffl.e...b'JL T11" lal'or em "yi in tm!
A good subbtautlul meal o 1 ked in flrsti
Twenty-flve cents per meal,
Court street, btlwecn Journal Ofllce onJi
Aiinto's i.ivery,
House and Mgu Inintiie
Jvaispiuinlug. sign writing, frescolnja
rt 1 Bi ueoo""o pajier hangiwa
...wM ..M.aun.s i(iiuuiea aouciieu
contract work, 123Stutot,
Staple acd Fancy Grorerte
ITOCKerV- fltrwaurnro r..n. iirlal
ami Willow w,re. All kinds ofmlll Ml
Yjwvecelableaood fruits In their sea!
,vV .. '. "i Pa,a Ior country produc 1
Wosoltct astutre of your patroaice. 5
" Jta State street
isutebor and Packer
iiH,,'S,t,au'fCourtr3t'-The bet;rnej
JMl vereil to nil part of the city.
Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 perM
The bet hotel between Portland !? 9
franoteco. Ktrtt-claw in al IU sppolwi
wonti. lu tables aro served with W
Choicest Frulttt
QtoWD la wwumetu vane?.
Capital City Restaurant
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
Ai !3.'!:-
.m, 8AI.BM, - -