Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 11, 1891, Image 1

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    yr "WTVIt W
JSR"; ."JTyf-"" "''''w -"
VOL. 4.
NO. 107.
Tvt-f-- VT T JtfF A"
1000 Boxes Hurcl's best Stationery, containinsf one quire paper and onyelopes to match 25c
1 0 ) Reams, Commercial Note, Mt. .J efterson, plate finish, in ream boxes 50c per box
100,000 Envelopes, in I thousand boxes, No. 5, G, G XXX GOc per box
500 Writing Tablets, note size, Acme Manufacturing company 10 and 15c each
Goes the farthest with sensible people. "When you are telling them where to buy Shoes, they want no
foolishness, but facts.
Have some articles in their store that are worth your while to hear about at this time of the year. They
are best prepared to furnish you with what may be called
S XT TK 3&M: S3 X&
Consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Below we will quote you a few prices.
Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 90c; Ladies' Shoes $1.50; Men's Plow Shoes 9 0c; Men's Shoes $1.40.
We also carry the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us.
Commercial Street.
-:- Harvesting Machinery oe Every Description. -:-
Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated - -
Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and carriers, and the
Celebrated Steel Farm Randolph Header.
It will pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or Avrite for quotations before purchasing elsewhere.
STAVER & WALKER, New Market Block:, Portland, Oregon
EaUESTglE&rir &3OB0LkJOESi'JES,9
Agent for Salem, with oflice,store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel.
We can show you twelve dif
ferent styles of Oxfords, A . B. C. D. and E. widths, A
very fine assortment this, and they are reasoable in price.
Remember we sell the best quality of
Black Over Gaiters
At $1 per pair. "We have all sizes and can give a perfect fit.
Wm. BROWN & CO.,
231 Commercial Street.
Fine Groceries and Talilc Luxuries.
First-class goods and lowest prices has been the corner of
success. It will pay eyery housekeeper to examine
our stock, It represents the best selected variety of
Oh, tho rosy waves on tho Lurbor bnr
I jingh and blush; as tho rising tida
Comes pulsing in from realms afar,
Cornea dancing in from tho ocean wide.
And the fisherman hums a quiet tunc.
Ah sweet as a song of a brook in June.
That dreamily sings to tho littlo flowers.
As they drowso on its banks thro' tho sunlit
And ho smiles as ho drifts in his boat afar,
Past tho rosy waves on tho harbor bar.
Ob, the golden wares on tho harbor bar
Danco llko tho light of love's young dream,
As tho taintless tklo from realms afar
Comes rippling in with Its sunny gleam.
From a littlo cottage there, peers a face
As sweet as a violet's auict grace:
And, with cheeks llko tho heart of a sunlit
6ho watches his boat as It seaward goes;
And ho wares his hand as he flics afar,
Past tho golden waves on tho harbor bar.
Oh, the fierco whlto wares on tho harbor bat
Seethe and roar as tho maddened tido
Comes howling In from tho sea afar.
Comes thundering in from tho ocean wide
Oozing seaward with aching oyes.
She raises her hands to tho leaden skies.
Asking tho life on ono w hoso namo
Brings to her cheeks tho touch of flame;
And With tear blind eyes Bho looks afar.
Past tho fierce whlto waves on tho harbor bar.
Oh, tho leaden waves on tho harbor bar
Sob ns they roll to tho surf girt strand.
Moaning for wrecks thoy have wrought afar.
For dcsolato hearths on sea and land.
Wearied with wotching, sho lays her hood
For a moment's rest on her littlo bed,
Anddrcarlly thinks of tho coming years;
Whilo over, thro' all her dreams, sho hears
Tho mooning sob, as it floats afar.
Of tho leaden waves on tho harbor bar.
Oh, tho silver waros on tho harbor bar
Dlniplo and laugh in tho moon's soft light,
As sho rises out of tho sen afar,
A blushing globo in tho hcilvcns bright.
In tho mystical sheen of tho queen of night
Thcro'B tho glint of a sail that is snowy whlto,
As a Ashing smack tears her way thro' tho
To sweetheart and happiness, lovo and home,
And tho tldocomcs swinging from realms afar,
fast mo surer wares on tno Harbor oar.
Home Journal.
ill Hi
CAPS, Etc,
First Class Fancy and Staple Groceries
And we are the universally acknowledged leaders for sell
ing on small margin of profit, especially when quality is
taken into consideration. The enormous increase in our
business is evidence that the public appreciate the advan
tage we offer.
lOO Court Street.
Stale Street.
One-Third of Your Life
--Is Spent Jn-
The most comfort and good wear for the money at
US State Street.
Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time,
Ten acres of fruit land eight aii'l
n-ualf miles from Salem and three
and a-hulf miles from Turner for
Ten acres of fruit land six miles
from Salem, nil In cultivation, with
never failing spring; $500, cash.
Lots Jn Highland addition to
Salem on the lustullmeut plun for
from $400 to $500 each; city water,
street care, sowerago, well-graded
streets, shade trees, city park adjoin
lug, and the best horse-car service Ih
tllD state Hnnn to ho pliniifx.f1 Id nil
Electric line. The Orecron Laud
company, .Salem, Oregon.
Hunter and lluck.
An exchange prints an adventure nar
rated by an old trapper living among
tho Pennsylvania mountains almost
fifty years ago. Ho was still hunting
for deer when ho discovered a big buck
not twenty yams away. Ho says:
I fired tho instant I saw him throw
up his head, and down, ho went as sud
denly as though tho bullot had gono
tlirough his brain.
I stood my gun against a troo,
snatched my knifo out of my bolt and
hurried toward him. As I reached
down to pull up his head ho struck
out with ono of his forefeet and knock
ed tho knifo out of my hand.
Ho was on all fours in an Instant,
and tho only thing I could do was to
grab his antlers. I never saw a mad
der animal. Ho snorted, bucked,
struck with his feet, and tried his best
to kill mo. At that tirao I was a strong
man, but for fifteen or twenty minutes
I thought my tlmo had coma,
My only hopo was in clinging to his
horns. Several times ho doubled him
self up and mado great offorts to tear
mo with his hind hoofs, but I managed
to keep out of their way.
By and by tho buck began to weak
en, and I myself was about exhausted,
Finally I lot go ono horn, got out my
pocket knifo and ilnished him with it.
On examining his head afterward, I
discovered that my bullot had struck
tho root of his loft antler and tempo
rarily stunned hlin.
A Cat's Devotion.
A strange story in which a cat Is a
pathetio character has c'oruo to light at
PaolL A littlo boy of that villago
owned a cat that was a great pot In
tho family. But tho cat would havo
nothing to do with any ono oxpept tho
boy. Tho latter died, and for two
weeks tho cat would como as usual
every morning to tho door and going
In tho room would cry very mourn
fully and walk over tho child's bod
hunting for his lost friend. Finally tho
cat disappeared, only returning occa
sionally. At last ono of tho child's sis
ters saw tho cat in tho graveyard,
whero it remains, only returning for
food. It keeps guard at tho boy's
grave, ana can bo heard at night cry
ing pitifully. Atlanta Constitution.
Animal That Live Under Henry Treaauro.
It Is said by scientists that fishes and
mollusks living at a depth of moro than
tiireo miles under wuter have to Iwar a
pressure of sovoral tons, tho wolght be
ing that of tho superincumbent brlno,
which oierts its power from all bides.
Tho reason they nro able to bear this
tremendous weight Is becauso thoy havo
exceedingly loouo tissues, which allows
tho water to How through evory Inter
stico, thus equalizing tho weight. When
tho pressure Is removed thoy die almost
instantly. Bt. Louis Republic
Brass is an alloy of tin and copper,
and analysis of tho earliest existing
specimens demonstrates that It was for
merly manufactured In tho nronor-
tlons of ono part of tin to nlno of cop
per, A notice In Genesis fixes tho
discovery nnd uso of both these metals,
according to tho Bible, at bctweon
4001 and 1035 years before tho Chris
tian era.
Caoital Journal Publishing Company.
O 111 co, Commercial Street, In P. O. Dulldltig
Entered nt the postomco nt Salem, Or., ns
euond-cliufc n ntlir.
Tho weekly financial circular
statement issued Saturday by Henry
Clows & Co. assorts that "it Is very
many years since wo have witnessed
such a disorganized condition of
financial relations between this
country and Europo ns has recently
developed." The circular goes ou to
Such is the distrust prevailing nt
tho foreign Centers that numerous
bills heretofore considered good
drawn here on European houses
havo becomo in a large measure un
negotlable, nnd tho consequent
scarcity of negotiable exchange com
pels n continuation of the shipment
of gold long nfter the balauco of our
accouutB with tho outslda world has
ceased to rulo ngalnst us. A condi
tion of things moro calculated to
check business and to enforce liqui
dation In foreign commerce could
hardly becoueelved. Even if there
were no real rensou for this distrust
towards bills of exchnugo this sort
of discrimination is calculated to
cripple importers and exporters in
ways that can hardly fall to disturb
confidence and produce embarrass
ments, which is dangerous tieat
mout under present conditions. It
Is undoubtedly n gratifying evidence
of strengh thut wo havo been able,
without any sigUH of suffering, to so
ong endure tho withdrawal of the
Euiopeau banking balances which
are usually allowed to rest here, and
to pay them oil In ensh without a
wince; but when our export bills
become uusulablo because of tho dis
trust directed against tho foreign
houses on whom thoy are drawn, wo
encounter a kind of gold drain of
much moro serious nature; and yet
nearly all tho Juno shipments,
amounting to nearly twenty mil
lions, have been of this forced charac
ter, European baukors muy deem
it wise to take In sail In every direc
tion, but they cannot bo ignorant
that to impose a violent contraction
upon theoo Important foreign trudo
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
V jsx&m
no graver error thnn to ally tho
organization with somo political
party. The Dispatch Beems to Imply
that farmers are not fit to form a
party, but should "ally" themselves
to somo superior Intellects who nro
fit democrntlo politicians, for example.
"Unless n great chuugo takes place
In publlo sentiment," says tho
Southern Alliance Farmer, of At
lanta, Ga., the official paper of the
Georgia alllunco, "every iuiluenco
combined cannot keep tho farmers
of Georgia from going Into a now
party. It seems to us Inevitable.
Tho only opposition you And is In
tho towns aud cities. There Is no
uso In disguising facts. Wo sco but
little chance of Georgia going demo
oratlo lu 1802. It's going to take big
concessions nnd hard work from tho
democrats to secure the alllanco sup
port in Georgia." It will stand tho
democratic lower houso of cougress
In hand next winter, to show thut
It is really and truly democrntlo,
not plutocratic. Only that party Is
democrntlo which Is for tho masses
and with tho masses. Let us hopo
tho party is alivo to tho Issues of tho
hour. Oregon City Courier.
Tho representative of tho St.
Louis Republic who was In attend
ance upon Tammany Hull's Fourth
of July eolobrutlou, reports as the
most significant incident of tho oc
casion tho relative enthusiasm In
spired by Mr. Cleveland and Govern
or Hill, both of whom sent letters ot
regret. The reading of Mr. Clove,
land's letter was followed by n spon
taneous outburst of appluuse, lasting
four mluutes. "Hats were thrown
In tho air, umbrellus were opened
aud waved, and tho luugs, feet and
hands of tho srowd wore exoroised
In no uncertain way." Immediately
following this Governor Hill's letter
was read, aud lu mil to of thn nttimint
credits must precipitate more serious I oftlu? BUOhcms on tho platform to
dangers than thoy are now seeking
to avoid. Of course Europo lias to
provide against the eflects of coming
general deficient harvest, with the
natural bad results to Internal trudc;
aud tho controlling bankers may
deem It prudent to discourage
general imports so us to keep down
tho exports of gold that must be
made in purchase of tho unusuul
American surplus of breadstull's.
Tho Journal gets there with
Sulem is
getting under a great
Don't bo a microbe killer; get after
bigger game.
How can you got mental rest If
you have no mind to rest.
Men of wortli nro found worthy
of the confidence of other men. '
- ii.";1 wit;
Salem cannot havo too many eleo
trie car lines nor on too easy terms.
'" -
Wnter will ruin iiny pavement.
aud we do sometimes
huvo wuter lu
Tho Sllvertoti Appeal speaks of
"the usual sound of tho baseball
guuio Sunday."
Oregon papers begin to tell of the
things In which this stuto excels.
That means an exhibit at the Colum
bian fair.
stimulate n similar manifestation of
enthusiasm, "tho cheering was nil
over lu less thnn a minute," and It
lacked both tho volume nnd spon
taneousness with which tho mention
of Mr. Cleveland's namo was grt'ot-ed.
Judge Shaw's
(Camp No. l.oii Sharps crcok21
Salem Truck 4 Dray Co.
always ready for order.
Bell nnd deliver wood,
hay, coal and lumber. Of-
flra Ul.lu HI nnull..U..
lero Iron works. Draya and troclra may bo found throuchout tiiedjur- nt
the corper of Bute and Commercial fctreet.
Inquiry Into tho subject of ucploslona
In mines being caused by dry coal dust
has led to somo very vnluablo experi
ments and plans for clearing tho galle
ries of foul air. Ono of theso consists
In moving open water butts through
mo aiiected localities. Tho coal smut
collects In tho water, and tho air Is
thereby cleared before tho danger Umlt
U reached.
Lockets, whloh are Just now so fash
ionable as adjuncts to tho chatelaine,
neck and watch chains, nro out hi on
Inllnlto variety of patterns, and oaatuno
round, square and oblong shapes.
Ono of tho mechanical curiosities of
tho gramophone Is tho fact that tho
etohed record Itself Is the screw which
propels the diaphragm from periphery
to center.
TJVtED K, J. HnllOflk. wlio won lst larrt
nfaiMfond rtfiwr of Jbtrk "Iniln"'
will lnrn tntthlrir In liU nd'Antnun by
ddfe.lo(f HWi.Y imnVHSKW
J'nrllHnil Oraoq,
Any 'jifortmtkm tbaukrull rtxxlvta.
Salem ladles will do Well to look
after their chrysanthemums ns there
Is liable to bo a hIiow of thut kind of
Howers this full.
Tho Town Talk says n muu with
$3,000,000 can build a railroad to
Astoria. Then It proceeds to con.
struct tho man with the money.
Children aro u good dcul like
chlclceus. Give them plenty of
range, clean food uud plenty of
water, and they will require very
little doctoring.
Home Hulvin gentlemen won high
compliments for their Fourth of
.luly orutlons. Salem men gener
ully dn get the bouquet wherever
they go.
An exolmige suys there Is but ono
lawyer In heaven. It cannot bo
owing to scarcity of lawyer. But
tho other place probably mukes up
for the deficiency.
tax : . .
The iilllmico Is not, strictly speak
ing, a political organization, but In
order to muku Itself felt us n polite
cul factor It must necessarily ully
Itself with somo -tarty. l'ortlund
Dispatch (detil.). You would not
suspect thut tho ubovo wan disinter.
estt-d udvko If you did not know lu
fur tut rs
miles south eust of Cottugo Grove,
Lnuo county, Oregon, on tho yond
to tho Hahema gold mines, und 18
miles by trull to the some.)
Mn. Editeii: As you nro aware
that I belong to n surveying party,
It will bo of no uso to explain when
I loll you that Mr. W. M. Jliishey,
hus tho contract to survey township
22, south and 1 westof tho meridian
or huso Huo. Tho mnlu camp broko
up ou yesterday und moved some
three miles up tho creek nud
Intend to operate from that point
for a few days, this point Is tho
huso of supplies and wo were ufruld
to leave them for feur they would
come up mlsslmr, I was therefore,
detailed to look ufter them, and
today being Sunday and there being
no one moving Into or out of the
mines it was rather a lonesome
morning, On yesterday morning
Mr, Bushey concluded ho wanted
more help ns the ground Is very
rough and steep, nud In order to
inul'o a success ho will have to pack
the grub along with tho party and It
will be lmposnlblo to get a horso
over this rough country, so ho will
huvo to uso men puckers, and ho
went out to Mr. James Hunt's about
six miles to engage his two grown
boys to help hltu, one of them came
I In liiHt evening and the other fol
lowed this morning. Ho was coming
over ou foot. All wont well until ho
got within about amllo of thlspluco
where a very strango accident took
place. One thut would muko the
oldest hunlor'H blood curdle lu his
veins. At the point above named
lio was uttacked by a lurL'O Brown
orClnnuuiou bear, nud how hocume
oil without losing his lire Is more
than I can say for tho animal was
within two rods of him before ho
know what It was. Tho first thing
he (lono was to hollow at it us loudly
us ho could, this seemed to have no
ellect on the bruto which ut this
tlmo rorarcd up ou a log nud gavo a
fierce grow), but this did not fright
en the young man, but mudo him
more resolute. Ho was unarmed,
save a pocket knifo which he took
out nud opened, he next took up
somo stniieuud clubs uud mudo an
attack with them. Ho succeeded hi
striking tho bear several hard blows
with stones before It showed miv
signs of rutrentlug,bul ut luut It com
menced to retreat slowly ami the
young man by this tlmo hud becomo
ratiier uruveaiKi foiioweu tlio iwar
lssociatcd Press Report and
Digests of all Important
"News oi To-Day.
for some dlstuncu, polling him every
now and then with stones, but he
could not make him run. uud Dually
Wo ben leave to itlHl-r. It I e Mouqing . on i Jog not Ilffeeu
organize to havo greater j ,?, ,3 & TL
political JtUlueuce thoy can commit 'fact tlH no ono ww hut,
PiTTsmnta, July 11 The glass
bottle blowers of the United States
and Canada havo In contemplation
certain changes in their rules nnd
demands that will create a revolu-'5
tlou In tho trade. Tho national con
vention of tho nntlounl trades as
sembly, comprising the glass bottle
blowers of the United States and
Canada, will meet at St. Louis on
tho 13th Inst. The Amerlcaa man-,
ufuoturers say at the coming con- c
ventlou tho bottle workers will push
the claims mudo last year for the
first time. Other Important mess- '
ures will bo discussed, among them
being one udmlttlng foreign blowers
Into tho organization, which virtu- v
ally means that foreigners Bhnll be
employed whero there are American
workmen. Tho proposed changes
do not end here. Tho bottle workers
will make a strong fight to out loose
from tho Knights of Labor and to ,
enter tho American Federation of '
Labor, combining with tho Ameri
can Hint glass workors. Tho West
ern bottle manufacturers' association
havo vested tho wayecouimltte with
full power to uct lu conference with
the wage committee of tho American
Hint gluss workers, Tho committee
of tho American Hint glass workern
formulated a scale, but It will not b
presented Anally to tho manufac
turers until first acted upon at the?
Steubouvlllc couvcdtlon.
London, July 11. Jem Smith
and Ted Prltchard Thursduyjjfoughfc
for the championship of England
and $10,000 under the rules of the
London ring. From the start
Prltchard had tho battle, nud at the
end of tho fourth round the cham
pionship of England was decided lu
his favor, It was a bloody and
flcrco fight, but tho littlo man out
generaled and outfought his power
ful opponent.
San Francisco, July 11. Arthur
Upham, of Galveston, Tex., and
Paddy Gorman, of Australia, middle-weights,
huvo been matched by
the Occidental athletlo club, of thl
city, font flght to tnke place tho UUi
ter part or August for a puree of
Washington, July ll.Mlnlsier
Fred Dougluss was a prominent
Jlgurout the departments yesterday.
Ho was nt tho stuto department first,
where ho received nil the monoy due
him from tho govern medt, and he
then went over to tho trcasnry de
partment, where ho was closeted foi
somo tlmo with Mr. Foster. Mr.
Douglass was reticent ou nil points.
It can bo stuted thut Mr. Douglass
has como homo for tho purpose of
resigning his pluco. So widespread
Is this belief that there are already h
number of applicants for tho posi
tion. Tho most prominent candi
date Is T. Thomas Fortune, a well
known colored Journalise, now la
Now York, It Is a serious question,
howover, whether the department
will cure to send another colored
muu to Huytl, for It Is known here
that tho Huytlans do not appreciate
as n compliment a colored minister
ut their capltol, uud much of Mr.
Dougluss' failure to secure tho mole
of St. Nicholas as a coaling station "
for tho United States Is ascribed to
Mr. Douglass' unpopularity on
account of his color,
London, July H.Robert T.
Lincoln, Amerlcun minister here,
and Mrs. Lincoln, nnd Mr. WbUr,
secretary of tho legation, and Mr.
White, did not attend tho gardeu
party given at Marlborough houie
Thursday in honor of tho emperor
nnd empress of Germany, although
they were ItAIted to bo preeeut,
PiTTsiiuua, July lLetMtfii
Snuwden. n bright llttt efcep of
eight summers, fell into thy uods
of the police about midnight' Thur.
day night, and told h blow curdlluir
talolu suchttCouvlHcIng wy (tuM.
ho has been turned over to the
huniauo society for safe keeplutf,
until the proper nuthorltk oau be
heard from. Charlie toy bfa father
Is a professional thli", HMt!iX frrth
at Whittling, W. V., and bruiiuw
he wauled to train hbt eon up ut
burglar, the boy fled to PHtburn.
The lad declare hat hl father,
whose uuie U deorye Huovtdiu, W