yf"?" ' "JSWWV "37?" T! " "V 5. , IMMmKIMI LmtlW irrttiiitm(nifrinnirwnrntiiTmili mm n fi if nt """''' I UK CAPITAL J01MA1 rrigjijjLJiiwjiwrriiitJ4JijM-w,MfiawwM FRIDAY JULY 10, 1801 THUMB OF HUlteCUIlTION. (tally by mall per year. villi ay man per mnnm, .. Aooiuy or man peryenr,... 3rlf not paid In advance tin ruariged for t .S3 00 1W the price r Wkkki.y JonitNAi. will be H.o.1 per year. If papcre are not dellverea ,irotnpuy nury vue raara. KHEE DKLIVEItY BY CAIUUUUt. tially for single week,. 15cts . 25 cts, . Gucts loth Dally for two weeks,. Duiy by ruoatli, i !..iiffnnfl will hn made on lsi and .I -multi. Subscribers will please leavo m u.iv for carriers at houso or where; H i-,:i ifvered.so as to cause no delays in -o'.icf'ous . IH EVKMtHO Capital Jouiinai. regu. 1 1 ,y rwjelvo lite afternoon aisoclalod irP-nlNiUi,li' GILBERT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea" and Big Can Baking Powder, LOCAL MARKET. Wheat, net 90 cents per-bu. I ioih, active; 22 to2S ceuU per lb. Daily Bulletin. For Dyspeptics. Ouo stick of pepsin i;ii in contains one grain of pepsi'i, which will digest 1000 grains of food. 5 sticks for 6 cents. Sold wholesale and retail at Strong's. Strong's restaurant takes the lead for candle, wholesale and retail, at better prices than Portland. WESTACOTT & IRWIN. Notice. Persons leaving town for the springs, seacoast or mountains, can have the. Daily Journal sent to them without extra cost, by leaving orders at the office. "Si Plunkard." This specialty combination and New England comedy,renderedlnst night atlteed's, has never been equalled in our city. The orchestration, as well as street playing was unique and excellent the barnyard chorus symphony in "X"bring out special applause. The play is made the most of by us good a lot of actors and specialists as travel together. Mr. Lewis is to be congratulated and enjoys a clean sweep wherever he goes. To go somewhat into detail, the orchestra is deserving of more thun a passing notice. The overture "Tho Hunt er's Chorus" put ull in good humor for the play that followed. They also gave us several otker fine selec tions. Mr. Burns' trombone solo was excellent. Mr. Lewis's acting is up to u high standard. He is not only a good actor but a humorist in the besi sense -of the word. Mr. Lloyd took the difficult part of "The Bheeuy" better tbau we have rver seen it rendered. Many "D'ltcb meu" have been seen oh the boards of the Reed, but Milllgan took the cake. He was good from beginning to end. Miss Vyse and Mrs. Rice were both excellept! The program on green paper uuder a poor light was very trying to people with the best of eyes. A COUNEll STONE HYINfl. The Masonic (Iranrt Lodge Will Lay the Ashlar of a New Salem Clirmh. A masonic lodgo cannot be opened ou fcUtutlay, except for friends. The ciuesiiou raised by some masons whether the grand lodge can meet on Sunday or not will bo obviated by a quorum assembling Saturday night and organizing for this bust ness. Hon. Robt. Clow ns grand master declined to luy tho corner stone of tho Unitarian church at Portland a few years ago. He is still of that opinion, but the preseut high ofilcial does not agree with him ami the Btone will bo laid Sun day afternoon. Gruud muster B. Vuu Duseu, of Astoria has telegraphed Ills accep tance of tho Sunday invitation. Frank Moore, f St. Helens Is deputy grand master, J. R. N. Bell, of Roseburg is grand chaplain and will be present, and has quite a promi nent part to play. Other promi nent officials will be preseut on this occasion. The Unitarian church people will get a fine send oil at the hand? of the Oregon Masons, who always do things up in great style. OTHER STONE LAYINGS. The corner stoue of tho state cnpl tol was laid by Hon. T, McF. Patton, as Grand master of tho OregonGraud Lodge, attended by most imposing ceremonies. Church cornorstone layings by the Masonic order, are not common. At Independence a corner stonoof a Baptist church was laid a few months ago. Public buildings, schools, colleges and hospitals are frequently founded under tho au spices of the order. THK LAW IS IN EFFECT. Some Facts About the New Law Re quiring Polilirations by County Court. The new law requiring publica tion of proceeding hud and claims allowed by the county court went into eilect May 23. At the June terms in many counties newspapers were selected aud the proceedings ordered published. In Marion county no selection was made. At this session the matter was brought up and referred by the commissioners to tho district attor ney as their counsel. He decides that the law is in effect, and that they can put it into force at once and have the business of the court made public through the newspapers as the law provides. The matter is uu der udvisement. If the law is in effect thero is no good reason why it should not be carried out. There should be no delay in this matter, tho people have a perfect right to know what these officials are doing. o Relieved hy Death. Wm. Morris, the colored man at tho state prison, who was reputed to haye leprosy, died this morning at 8 a. m. His disease was a slow type of poisonous syphilis, not leprosy. He was in ou a five year sentence from The Dalles, and had seryed about four years of his time when his sentence was commuted by death. Articles Found. Since the last slate fair several complaints have been made that several articles of fancy work hud been either lost or stolen. This has caused cou3idera b!e dissatisfaction, aud perhaps de terred several from making exhibits this year. It now turns out that all tho articles in question had been carefully packed away as property unclaimed after the fair. Several have already been returned to tho owners, and the balance are In the Lands of the secretary, awaiting the owners. Marshal Savage has the honor of hunting up these loit items and restoring them to tho proper persons. This year It is understood, that every article placed on exhibi tion will be receipted for and only returned on Burreudcr of receipt. With this assurance many competi tors will be encouraged to como in the present year. Catching A President. The committee on choosing u new presi dent for Willamette, are burning the wires in every direction trying to catch a flrstcluss man. They are using expedition and their catch will be landed in a few days at furthermost. It Is siucerely to be hoped that he will be a man to make the University, what it should be, one with the nerve to unload every man who is not Indispensable, and put that life Into the institution nec essary to have it command respect. Infokmal.tIio Salem board of trade had another Informal meeting last night and appointed another commllo to raise funds, coitijiQsed of John G. Wright, E. M. Waite, ami Seertlary J. H. Mitchell. The heroic efforts nf Mr. Mitchell to revive the board aro commendublc in the highlit degree, and will no doubt meet with a grand result. Something should be dout, aud now It no doubt will be. Some Fish. A Salem fish house has a contract for 800 lbs daily ship ment to Portland and this morning not i received uu order for a 2000 pound shipment to a Portland dealer. Sal mon aro scarce in the Columbia river and Salem dealers havo a con tract for all tho Umpqua rivercatch, Hence these tears. Look Here. Any person who buys a lot from mo this week, I will make a present of a new suit of clothes, or to uny lady I will give a 10 dress. Monioe Nye, tho real es tate agent, over clothing store. Boothby & Co.'s 0-8-tf Snacjs. That venerable and valu able adjunct ot commerco known as tho Willamette river snag boat t irried at Salem this morning. It is a pretty effective contrivance as far as it goes but it is not what our river commerco needs. New City Hall. Mr. H. W. Cattle has made tho city an offer to fit up a nice council chamber In his new block, aud rent It to tho city at $12 a mouth. The committee re ported on It favorably. Somewhat Airy. Tho average citizen Is just now looking for some thing light in clothing, and he can best find itat the Wooleu Mill Store. Rose designs. Still Hehi:. The expert opera tor is still at Cutterlln's gallery and yet thfy ore crowded with work. That beautiful work brings them more business than they can handle. ... Wanted. At the North Salem brick yard, two jzood temperers and a number of other go d workers. - ' a, Fon Sale. A good, second-hand buggy at a bargain. V. B. Simp son. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Regular drill night Co. B. Light showers today all over the valley. H. W. McOscar, of West Salem, Is down with typhus. Prof. J. It. N. Bell, of Roseburg, was In tho city yesterday. Capt. Babcock is in his office to day, for the first time in a week. The recorder's court has been closed today for lack of business. A. D. Palmer's famtly ie still afllicted several being down sick. Robert & Burgrof have the con tract for the Wood burn public hall. A. J. Donaldson, an old time citizen of Salem, is again in tho city. S. H. Beebeo, au epileptic patient from Heppuer, has been brought to the asylum. The electric lino is putting in a switch betweou Church and Cot tuge streets. Every family lu Salem should exhibit something at tho coming statu fair. The First Presbyterian church of Enterprise, Or., has filed articles oi incorporation. IV-J. Fleraiug, who bought the Denham shoo store, has returned to Cedor Blufls, Neb., for his fumlly. Tho flags on tho court house aud state house were still flying this morning for July 4th. Bunting is cheap. A little girl fell ou the crossing in front of the postoffico today trying to got oil a car while lu motion. Mr. Wm. Hansee, of New York, and E. A. Hansee, of Willsburg, Or., are visitiug Prof. Hansee, Dean of the Woman's College. Prof. E. B. MeElroy was presented with a fine cane by citizens of New port, as a momento of tho stale teachers' association held there. The Tiger Englue Co., nine and the Board of Trade nine play base ball at the park this afternoon, showers permitting. Tho Salem Street Car Co. will probably enjoin the city from enforc ing its order by resolution to move Its track on St"le street. Rev.F. L. Sullivan goes to Port land this afternoon, having secured a list of nearly ouo hundred sub scribers for the Pacific Baptist. The Presbyterian young people Will give an ice cream sociable to night, at the residence of R. Con over, on the Asylum avenue, elec tric car line. Geo. W. Weeks returned toduy from the state alliance meeting at Portland. He says eighteen alli ances were represented, .and fifty delegates present. A fine concrete wall is being put down about the State Insurance building, and in front of the new Cottle & Purkhurst block. Heldec ker Bros, are the artists. TheS. P. overland express ran into a little earth-slide at West Fork, Douglas county, Wednesday, delay ing the train some hours. The en gineer was injured some. Tho tramp who was convicted for train wrecking at Albany, of which he was believed never to have been guilty, was one of the men whoso sentence was commuted. Tho Jouhnal is not tho cheap mouthpiece and free advertising medium of any small or largo firms or scalpers of any description. It is printed for tho people. Remember tho auction sale of Port Angeles town lots tomorrow. They will be sold in front of Ladd & Bush's banks, instead of at the auc tion houso. See map at 'The Wil lamette." A private letter from H. E. Hayes, master of the state grange, brings the news that Airs. Hayes, who has been very dangerously sick, is bet ter and will recover her health. Albany Herald. Geo. Hawkins, representing tho Standard Oil Co., was In the NO USF FOR HIM. How the Encyclopedia Fiend Struck a Terror to Uouk Agents. "Is Ihc editor In?" The speaker was defiant and ro bust and was tho advance terror of a ouo hundred and nineteen volumo compilation In letters and arts known as tho unlimited, irreconcil able encyclopedia of stereotyped information. "The nineteenth edition of this valuable work is now before tho public'' "Do you wish n personal or an ad., or In what manner can wo serve you?" said tho bouncer who Is al ways employed about a well regu luted newspaper office. "This work, as you well know, Is Indispensable lu any newspaper office." "This office, Kir," said tho man aging editor looking severe, "has no use whatever for any pateut-light-iug-double-back-action-patent -proo ess of stealing ancient Information. Tho Jouknal is not mudo up of out of encyclopedias, but is culled dally fresh from tho great moving fields of life and activity you see spread out on every hand before you in this beautiful Capital City of Oregon" "Hold on 1 For heaven's sake 1" exclaimed tho excited agent, trying to escape. But he was held firmly in his chair for a moment, to make him realizo the awfulness of his oflense. "This office not only has little use for an encyclopedia, but all can spell well enough to scarcely ever require n dictionary. But facts aud news wo are after with a long pole." Begging the sublime pardon of tho entire establishment, tho behe moth among book ugeuts, slowly passed out. x-""" HOTEL ARRIVALS. "WILLAMETTE" E J Gumpert, S. Ashman, D E Hally, N. Fork. A J Young, D W True, H R Cox, Max Mayer, Sam S. Gold smith, R Boulan, G P Warden, Mort. Insloy, W II Toft, E Calson, R Brack, C Han, Portland. G H Thorntou, Miss Thornton, Eugoue. J H Halsey, Corslcanna, Tex. G W Rlngster, A B Seal, Albany. O Orr, Greenhoru. E N Nclsou, Euu Cialie. "cook." C A Whale, ChasNicliols,Eugene. T JJ Bislieo, Heppuer. S Taylor, Minn. A Verder, Chicago. F Felter, ButtevIIIe. W S French, Portland. M G Ka'-son, Ashland. A Wheeler, Springfield. E Kayes, City. B A Stone, Canyon City. G J Stupp, Oregon City. W D Gilliam, Dallas'. L Brusler, Monmouth. GB Williams. G A Lehrner. The Oregon Stale Fair. The prospects for a good slate fair wero never so flattering as they are this year. The premium list has bcon revised, and in many important points the prizes have been increased. The entries In tho speed department are tho largest aud best ever known In the history of tho fair. Tho stato fair is uuder the maimucmcnt of the Stato Board of Agriculture, and over ?15,000 in cash Is offered In premi ums for exhibits of stock, poultry, agricultural products, fruit, etc., works of art and fancy work, and for trials of speed. Tho board is making every preparation for a great meellug. Many valuablo improve ments havo been made, and ,tbe grounds havo been cleaned up and greatly beautified. Eleotrlc uud horsecar Hues now run from Salem to the grounds. All persons wish ing a premium list for tho fair of 1801, cau obtalu'it by addressing J. T. Gregg, tho secretary, at Salem. The fair begius on the 14th of Sep tember, aud will last one week. Send for a premium list and prepare something for exhibition this year. Something that leads tho confec tionery at Hellebrand's. Tents all sizes and styles, at low est figures- Geo. F. Smith. ai. i.e. '- ncilit:. "! 0 ro'.aiii - - of -ir v the j ! J i i hm. 'K; f- thy fin . 'i!' il.itwil .Ui .id -ut lions uud Tho Purest and Rest Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsap arllla. Every Ingredient is carefully seclected, personally examined, and only tho best retained. The medi cine is prepared under the supervis ion of thoroughly competent phar macists, and every stop in the pro cess of manufacture Is carefully watched with a viow of securiug iu Hood's Sarsaparilla tho best posslblo result. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria i Fon this Week Only. White goods, llounolngs, satlnesand lawns at cut prices, special sale, at llolver sou's. Explosions. Never occur if you buy gasoline of Sroat & GHe. MAHItlKI). contforfW mankind nre almost liiilliu itcd, and when Syrup of I'igs was first produced the workl was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as It Is the only remedy which la truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, lu fact, nt any time, and the better it is knowu the ntore ponular it be comes. L'ids Wonted for Painting Stale Fair lliiililings. Saleji, Or., July 0, 1801. Bids will bo received by J. Q. Wilson or Geo. W. Watt, at 05 State street, up to July 11, 1801, 10 o'clock n. iu., for work on Fair Grounds as follows. Painting round houso, ticket office, secretary's office aud fence between ticket ofllco arid secretary's ofllco all two coat work; also secretary's ofllco to bo cloth and papered insldo--matorlal to bo fur nished by the Board. J. Q. Wilson, Supt. Grounds. 7-11-d Notice. Notico is hereby given that I havo purchased the stock In trado,flxtures and book debts and accounts of James Denham & Co., 118 Stato street, Salem, Oregon. All parlies whoowo accounts to tho said James Denham & Co., will ploaso call at tho store and scttlo at once. All accounts remaining unsettled on 1st Prox. will bo placed with my at torney for collection. I havo en gaged as my clerk Iu tho store Mr. Fred Deuhatu until I return from tho east which will bo about Aug. 16th. Salem, Oregon, July 7, 1801. 7-8 d w 0 1. R. J . Fleminq. i " ' I ii i imftH SSOSIER.1T SALE 1 a Commencing Wednesday morning, Jul 8th, and contiim mg lor four day only. 12 12 cts. a pair. 500 pre, Ladies', Misses. md Children's Hoso fast black HoiiiiBdorffdyofor 12c a pair. Theaoaro our regular" 25c goods, and aro oxcollent values. 8 Spools best sis cord spool cotton for 25 cents, Capitol Adventure Co,3 I Opera. House Block:. HIGHEST PRICE FOR WOOL. PRODUCE TAKEN. iniiiMiiwija Mill Feed. Brewster te White aro in it," and cau supply all kinds of mill feed, oats, wheat, bran, shorts, and hay, 01 Court street. 7 8 -It The Oyuiins Mn. The Chicago, Uuli.u PacMo A xsorthwestern Line otters the best accommodations to the traveling public eu route from San Fianclsco and Portland, Chlcygo. Through trains, fast time, magnificent Bleep, lugcare, elegant dlulugcarr. colonic Bieepera, Bee the now Hinder at 327 Cnirmipr. clul street. cod reCilntmr Chair am an Mnwlt. n,1A 1.1 L- O liRudDome day coachea. eod-AuS. adda to Salem, 11160. "" KBAIi ESTATK TiM.VSPEIIS FILED WITH COUNTY liECOIUtHK. Wm. Waldo, uruuanJed, to Frauk K Lovell, I 0 blk 7U Salem, fCCU. Geo. Griswnld, to ECMIuton, lota 7, and 8, blk 7, North Salem, $1600. IIAJmIhimiu, and A 8 Joluibou. his i lo'Ihiizu Gilbum, 10, hike, In itmcndt-d plat Biookln oddu.to Salem, f 100. Sumuut A Goulet and wf to Jacob Ogle, Oaliiseo 18 twp fi r lw, Woodburn, $1800. Wm Holoomb and wf to Jctso Southwest I city yesterday preparing to make headquarters In this city for tneir tank delivery system, Ho will lo cate here with his fumlly. The Joukal man shown a letter today from Sauta Cruz, Cal. It read: "We aro having quite hot weather here. It was a hundred in tho shade to-day, and a littlo earth quake last night." It makes Ore gonlaus smile. Frauk W, Couant, busluess mana ger of the Los Angeles theatre, and manager of the SI Plunkard troupe, furnished a Salem audience a i:raud entertainment lust night aud prom Ises us a treat Iu the future. We bespeak for him a good houso for any troupe of which he Is manager, Mr. E. H. Rice, the fence mau, starts for Newport Monday to take a few weeks' outing, but says work will be continued Just the same. After harvest ho will be ou hand with renewed vigor and u good force of men, prepared to fence. Iu the whole Willamette valley. fa Passengers destined to tho promi nent cities east of the Missouri river should patronize the Chlcagu, Union Pacific A Northwestern lino. Mag nificent Pullman and Wagner sleep ing card, elegant Pullman and Northwestern dining care, free re dining chair cars, handsome dttv couches and comfortable Pullmu colonial 8leeKn. eod-uug 'i m ... Brick avd Tile. For iirt nhiim haud made brlok and tile, go to aiurpuy a jjesart. Large supply ouu. iitut jwr grouuus oaiem. o 0 i,0 Fon Sale. Water tank and pipe also dress makers' table. Ella M. Dorrance, North West Cor. Center and Liberty Sts. d 2t. Coronado Water did it Cured my kidney trouble. The meals at Hollenbrand's res taurant retain tho lead without any trouble. Dried venison Davisou&Whlte's. New lino of croquet Bets nt Geo. F. Smith's, lower thau over. Choice lot of dried venison at Davison & White's. Fresh chiuook salmon aud ocean fish In great plenty. Dressed poul try always on hand at Steluer's market. Buy the light running SIneor at 827 Commercial street eod Don't forget Benson. He keeps the best cool drinks lu town. Shippers,consign yourtlmo freight via the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Hue. uod-aug Cliolco old potatoes at Sroat & Gilo's. Branson tho "Cash Grocer" says he is too busy to talk, but those low prices still continue just the same. M U R R A Y-B O HARMON Miss Jennio Murray to Mr. GeorgoJ. Boharmon, July 10, 1801, ut II a. m. by Judgo Davidson. The groom U a young man from Portland and tho brldo Is the daugh ter of Mr. Frank Murray of Wood burn. Mr. and Mrs. Boharmon will make their resldenco at Wood-burn. DIED. HUFFMAN.-At his homo near Sa lem, July 10, 1801, nt 10a. in. Hon. John A. Hufl'mun, of paralysis, Deceased was an old resident of this county, coming from California about thirty-llvo years ago. Ho has served In various public offices and was at ono tlmo county commis sioner. His estate comprises con siderable real estate. He leaves a family of olght chil dren, all grown but two. His sufferings oxtouded over nearly a yeur, all or which ho boro with f ho fortitude becoming to a man. gjpffiqg Out Side the Trust. BUREN '& SON, Old-Undoi takers of 18 years experience haye, through much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies out side tho Undertaking trust and are now prepared to furnish funeral outfits in a first-plass mannor and can, make you prices independent of any trust, Special attention given to embalming. Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for the business AUCTION SALE OP TOWN LOTS. I will sell at public auction on Saturday, July 11, 1891 , at 3 p. m., at tho Auction House near Court House FOR CASH, One-sixteenth of a section (40 acres) of town lots in South Park Addition to Port Angeles, Wash. Titles furnished. A safe investment. II. R. MOORE, Auction and Commission Merchant. "HONEST PRANK," Auctioneer. P. S. Plats can bo seon by calling at store. Both tho mothod nml results when Syrup of Figs is laken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tnsto, nnd acta fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, aver and Bowols, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, Iicnd aches and fovers nnd cures habitual constipation permanently. Forealo in 50o and $1 bottHS by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYBUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, lOWSVIUE. KY. Mw0HK. H.V. &tf Those 76-cent hammocks at Geo. F. Smith's, cun't bo beat, They are surprising overybody. Seo them. Tho "Ilellen" brand ice cream sodu beats them all atllelleubraud's, Ucicfcleii'n Arulru;Siilve, Tile IlCNrft Hulvo In the world for Cut ilruUcM, Horen, Ulcere, Halt Kueum, fever Korea, Teltor, JlmpjeU Ilunua, Cullnlultm, Uorn and ullBkin Eruption, ud tosl lively euro l'lle, or un pay required. Jl la guaranteed to klve uerftct sutUIuctlon or money refunded, fnce, 3$ wnu per 810FULA Is tliat Impurity of tlio Wood which pro ami's unsightly lumjis or swellings outl. lamb of tho necks ctuios jKilutul rumilni u res on tho arms, legs, or feet; ilevrlo) ( ulucra In tho oyos, oars, or nose, ofton cant I-,g blindness or deafness; Is tho origin o) (tuples, cancerous growths, or tho in.iuj oilier manifestations usually nscrlhed v "i.mnorsj" and fastening upon tliu limp c uses consumption, and death. Belni the most ancient, It Is thu most general nil dlseaus or affections, foi very fot liersous aro entirely freo from it. How Can ft Bo fly taking Jlood's Sarsaparllla, which, hj the remarkablo euros it has accomplished, often when oilier medicines have failed, Ims proven itself to ho a potent nnd pecul Mr mcdlcluo for this disease Some ! these euros aro really wonderful. If y sutler from scrofula or Impure Mood, In sure to try flood's Sarsaparllla, Every sprlngmy wife aud children irv Pccn troubled with scrofula, tores break nig out on them la varluus places. 41 littlo boy, thrco years old, has boon t terrlhlo sutTmer. fast filing he was oik mass of sores trom head to tsot. I win advised to uto Hood's Saisaillla, and v( haveiilltakenlt. riiorosultlstliatnllluvi been cured ol tlio scroitila, tuy littlo b being entirely tree from sores, and nil tout uf uiy nhllUrou Jnok bright and healthy.' W. 11. Atjiuutox, 1'asMlo City, N. J, Hood's Sarsaparilia 'oMlijrilrugKUU. (Ill tlz for ft. J'rBparwll. 1. HOOD 1 CO., ArutlioearlM, towctl. Km JOO Dogob Ono DoJIar JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Ta per and Border, Artists' Ma terials, limo, Hair. Nails nnd Shingles, Hay, Feed nnd Fenco Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, CLEAN! If you would bo clean and hayo your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY whore all work is done by white labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. fl ; Liberty Streot. J Tew Park Grocery, Gr. D. RADABAUGrH lias put Iu a new stock of Groceries, Qucouswuro, Feed, etc. Traduce bought at hlllllCSt nriccs. Satisfaction mmrnntniwl lii nil Mitnnu nAS delivered to nil parts of tho city. (Jail and giva mo a trial. NEW AIIVJSUTIHEIUKNVS. 3TAKM FOB SALE. 820 acres of best stock and fruit land In OrcRon for ulo at n bargain. Will sell In lots to suit purclinsor. Address or cnll on , U. J. HI IlEli, Knights, Oro. Near Silver Creek Kails. 7 8 am Willamette University. THK - CIvUB LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. W pflm OT T)mah A11 aiock ,eft ,n my caro shall receive the beat . 11. UUULM.lTODP. ofnttontlon. Telephone No. 24. Cor. Liberty 1 aud Ferry Btreots, Salem, Oregon. -THE- OLDEST, LARGEST, Least Expensive -AND- MOST HOME-LIKE Institution of learning In tho northwest. tffi students In 1887, l" In lW)lrui increase ol nearly W) per cont In lour years, tiraduutes students lu Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Medical, and Musical. Pharmaceutical and scientific courses. NOHarAL COURSE. Graduates from tho .Normal Conrso have all UidiidvuDtiiKtu o Krudtiates. from tlio Htnte Normal sehools. Holler radians Tor teaching next yejir than over before. FirstTerm Uegins Scpl. 7, JS9I. I'or catalogue, with full Information nddreds Wm.H. AHNUU), A.'!., 0lllw Hulem, Oregon. SNOW THE YEAR ROTJNL4) At 100 Chomekota Street. House - anqi - Sign - painting, Paper IlanKlnir. Khbomlnlnff, Wall TIntlug, etc Varolahliiff and Natural Wood Finish, Only First-class Work. SNOW JUROS. CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS. l Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND ' SHEET IRON WORKERS. Kstlmotcs on all work lu our liuo. ioo Ohomokota Strt, Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co, Snsli, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Swell Sawing. Houso I'lulshlnir made 'to order. Now imv UH.N, by which wo can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Acrloulturul Works, Corner of Trade and Uigu streets, Salem, Oregon, J.O.OOODAUC.Coburif. A.WJIKKlEH,BprlngUelI, GOODALE & WHEEIiEB, Lumber, Lath.. Pickets I MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Agents far ftoburir Mills, HprlnIUI(J Mills nad MoKenzIo Mill. Olllro nnd 1 4rd OB tlt west side of Twelfth Miroet near depot, lles Lumber In the Vwllft , 4 ii 1SAKI3II & WHEELER, Managers, totem. Jonos & Bwnardi We are now prepared to furnish French lco Cream In any quan tity for PARTIES, PIU NICS, EXCURSIONS, ela We make a spec ialty of tho abuve and can bo pro cured only of us. !i06 State Street. Hammooita, Tent aud Caxnpiotr outlln at QiQ, F. Smith', H Administratrix Notico. OI'ICK Is hereby glen that the ilndor slifncd bus hetin ilulv unnnliitMl hv (ho Hon County Court of Marlon count v. Oregon, ndiihijfsti-Hlrtx of the (statu Kliza 7.febr,do caned. All persons having Claims uxtlntf said (ttUtlu hm rejue!nd pressnt them to mo pruiwrly verified at my residence near Iji!c Lubluli, within six months from this date, and ponton knowing tlieniMlve Indebted to sld es tate nr requeued to make payment with out deJuy. KUU '.. MUMl'Klt. Administratrix of above named eUte, June 11,18ft. OiKiitw Notice of final Proof. Land Offleo nt Oregou City, Orwm, aii uv 20. 1HWI. Ivpii Unit tho follow. Administratrix Notice. TOT1GH Is heieby given thut Iho under- ji nwiiuu wis oeen uuiy uppoiuted uy the county court of Marlon ooutity, In tho stute n Urceou, as the administratrix of tho estate of UzIuk Hbaw, lain detented. of said county, All persons havl-iff claims utiulnsl siild entitto are hereby jiolliied to present tlio sumo duly verified, to the uu. rtersiBnod.nt the law ofllco oi Honuam, Holmes & Hnyden. In Halem, In wild coun ty, within six mwith from tho first pub. Ihjttlonof ihl notice und nil persons In debted to said estate are reiiuesled to puy thctume without delay. ' . JANJJHHAW, Administratrix ot the estate of Ozlns Hhuw, dcmuw'd. tuiein, Oregon, Juno IV, IWi, Sash, and Door Factory Front Streot, Salem, Oregon, Tho beat class of work in our lino nt prices to compete with tho lowest. Only tho best material used TUnUB w hereby u IN Iost named settler liu filed notice of her Intention to make flnl nrrmr In mm. purtoflieroJalm. and that wild proof will be made iMmrolhe County Clsfk or Marl-1 Oil tfVtllUf V. At HulAtn I IrAtf.in fn InlvMIUII T ylw Iwibjjk U. Mltehn Korb, formerly iMbjuaO. Mitchell. Ilomenuwrl entry No. tHatnjf th.-M. Iwlfof m vf ouartar mid j. lulf of 8 W. quarter of Hm. It 7 it., Ii, I K. lie imiimm the fwiWwlincwUnMMi tii prove tW sullniiRi reldi-uei upon ad cultl va'Iuu of wild land, vis. HAHTiSii Ml'AI.UHTJSIt, JiNOC'H IUfe. I'.OHAJIHH. CUlttT AUNTD. AU of Htlverton. Mitnon Co., Or, saw j.T.AJW'jiiwo.Vjiu-yuW, Administrator's Notice VrOTIOK Is hereby KjVen thnt the under. Vi signed bo been duly appointed ad. iiinlstrutor of the estate of Adam if. toonce. deceased, by tho county uourt ol the state of Ortuon, for Marlonjaiuuly, aud all jxrinmsliiivliiic claims aKulusl suld on. tnte, are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, lo Ilia unilorjltrmul ni l.li residence utiny residence Ik mile west of Jewlif)uri, Marlon )uuty, On jjon, within six months from the date or too tint publl. cation hereof, and nil persou Indebted to kild tutate are hereby requested to make Immediate payment of the same to the uu deftlifued. Dated ut Salem, Or , May W. 1(4)1. ...... - . J.W.J.AlAHK, Administrator ortlie estate of Adam M, Bcouce, deceased. Shaw, frMt Uunt.AUs, tor i(d uUU Destroy the Pests, Now Uthe Time to SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES. uniGGs&miowN Are prepared to give ti-ees treatment for the iwuon with a good sproylni; outfit. HathCictlon Kuaruntced, I .eave orders at 8, 11. Catterlln A hou'.omte, 140 State struct raiD! Salem. (JHdwU FJirtLIFS o 00,. Merchant Tailors. A full line of Imposed aud dotiiesttc woojtns. Also a complete etoak of Keata furoUhlor soodi. Alt Uut ktt yiM. 14 CoHrulftl rf( Strawborrios, Rwspbomt, Blnckberrios, Qoom)ernm, Chorrios and good frtwtof Jill kinds at tho Sniem Orniwry, ..hmw ni iiisipimmiini" ,mnm ' K. II, 1TOTAC0XT. IjIVKRY, Kay and b4 aeM fgrXJT Ms$,sbw rS red. Mtahl Ltite.'jji4''':fkli&lLMxx,'J '"iAi;v.,,idtMaJt,i.St-JiiJli---- .'- J V-