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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1891)
'V' Tp "fcr iy""-'ry BBUilUMfm fefrttf f tfc 6dwfew. wfcw I 1 1 fee dtO$g ant b drarffrsi fa ierrje4 fy Ik ?fKMi& W lMt4 fir fckHwK awl .Aastrfeaat r Cfcwwrf B ft a W wjjrtoPstwf Hum jraMttW w w R a pmea. etavrva wrmuet pav. awcvAtsr. yesterday eaHrerf m fa4m fat &? m, sealant t P Ratfwaj rB?0jr f Ct)iA aid 1 AgK few, Oif.,$ tfce f( f C& A, WkJfcusrcv TJ Pavfjffe KhMjkajt w4 formed hjr C. li. lietmeXi a taiAe rxfttv&d tmm, 4 Mker i"hkag exftftatfetc- They teazfet ike U ear mw of Iw teSmft4eihledlhem, The it Utt& ptV4 Bpt9fthU, and lUf tfmfJ vmp9i tniA thetbtfuUef ttttttiref. WMtoetir tomg,m tm on kekef iff rrerl Mety htuth xsd cAhtn, on fi trem fcjr llw mrnpany t rate mmf f tm ftraftment. The tMmx nie fey WMfaertf gtti'ed W,f 1"b MK deefdwl f tifthmU, d wjm on nate sztetsttittt; It&ffX aires the Amfi Trt and &v- laa bank. The Mmpi)jr prayed for pfJ freu Um ff mHz, Iw'fed Stilts mzinza AsAimt Pimhf, Ctssf ws XaK. XtflAeJtfwiweRHJ- mxi orMtt mntf rfiittntKv. fcrr the KMtx utvnma. Kx3mA('rrt,Jmif9-1ke tHr fetfoexKrt Iwwtrbwkosffl. The r-f t' - 'js'pa. mseer f?d tterr few tfc tj t Ifce- Imm. t Cut ehMm, e a fe. sjbA a mmmmtimm : vrter t tvm rr ii bxi jmk rrnfl jr bif 'rf 4tmf lm fcw Amkv It n, n prjr. awt hurv hA r r leg arrefl rT tvwrtr frt le t&swMat tin mmr mem ami prtateeft. """ ---j -ra, - - -- rnenxMt5 & p frtfcepoy U step vrtr xadthamo Tfce ffrerrwidls reaeaca, h aad ei-tMwd tehees toottog Vhe WmM thaa a ' brwrtwnric jmiwr the tarWd waiors f tbt st Oowfaff AclWfiifci?a; al- - r . J vfehL Umht tawrtwai red aaat Cmoemiiti, Ike lfmeaik last Year, State ami two rsota. VrriHtictut, Jtftr s-i!fiant TAix JApfrrii&n In a German nrtUl ten, bttd Dr. I. 2ittlj zt& wl! kaourn lUJwa physfciar, Tffe csnflot and ibe Joclflr fc&rf a IHf oaf, arwl the , toTBHf paUIL(f sfcl(r fwa new jpcr, la w hfth hf pJe 6Uftg Jsjljr of tfa fetter. He foJIower! th!t up ly tundtttis ehkUtwge U Jr,2tttA)x from (Tevetttnd, vthtre tit crmfit had k0"' Th A&m hel& tfjJit the ecunt haJ teiatutd avil via at the I'rf onkf. If fowght a firxttS.e ottos ud Utidi nagiiiy Utiliz footof that ntswfi&pet otUee n the hujr frfe f Fifth hvenvr, Jtti cut two Meads U tistd the tear. Ytom 10 o'clock In thernOTnlnpunlllStwkJS $n the Afternoon the Aaqt tnarvhtd up and fJouro fheavnueln front ofth huMWf,. In (he af(rnoon the count went downttalrx and wa flhont to tttep into the utrett when he caogbt fht of the doctor. lie hantlly returned, four tef at a tfroe. In an Jnttrvlew thereafter, DrvNardy ddj "After xjwniJIna rnt of the day hi waiting for him, And getting repealed) wet to t( e ftkln In the frequent howerv, I withdrew, J hot t Ktt a chance athlrayet," TO KXl'tOKKKArvTOW J,AK YWJfA, Arizona, July 0, Mouthtrn Pacific ISogl liter Hwaln arrived ye- terday, lie will outfit here for a trip to expire Balton ImVo, Swain tielfevca Carter' report concerning Hie aource and supply of water to tm eotrect. Carter will guide the parly. feeing familiar with the dnnert re- glot). The main crcvawe, furnlnh tux ih large amount of wafer from the Colorado, from Carter' uccount will require piling to clow, Kngl urcr Bwaln 1 of the opinion that the ncmury work to tie done uhut- j trial cfiuld not bo held until Keptoiii- i cmrswti, -wsriivr, Cnteff0, inkf 9, A great ebeie iMrt 4evkt4 hy eselfy w1fc- tfee (mn aWawig, wfcerer fftimA U wMmM tMv y Jiat eifip'Jfm the iMwrtreC 'armt-rtr,etiictrxi prte, at UM xprttf eM$4dfMy kre te rT. Tike ffcw t MM m 4-tf etthftnf &4rUrlm4thnnsh Tt StuA otfitM dmnntit tm ait fi I - f fsmer? mrgamtonttmm in I I' U4 . It ? .r-5i evsMatlHi of tJUAffA nttm- frf of the tamer f xawfcaKiefH, a -Xh (Jw ferfefari f fe?r ad ntfrttitat, rnl vt the vtndMm of rtw ir.'pad market pfr affc tr lite pr64Mer, who are Tatt vrd, hope f fen an org HtzMion bt wiff rrtt te proM to all agrt tmHwinif. ' They wfll thenjehr enroer wheat asd fwI K nniM they a g l J a btMfwl fr it l "ew YtrtK. A K.t of ilCOJOWftW, It l Wfrwrf, wAtild aetrue from soeli nar ipnfatlm, TTie efrrafer adro ewfen uomipb-Ut prohibition of gam Ming cm the produce market, not hj fffisture, IrtJt by the farmer con irfcHJftK pricH! without the a-fe tame of tctc bri'kerw, and agwt thefrnatfonof a local committee to & all tatmer informed on cur rent prtcea, and Ut make suggestions to the dvkj tinv to sell. rtirr.m: comtvu. Chicago, Jaly 'J-Jadz Bkxlgetf decided Phorfie CouinV eao tbk nv.riog by rendering a nweepfng deeMonagahtiit the exeeretary of the IxMrd of lady manager of the worldV fair. The court held in khort teat Mfe (Vnitlna & out of office for good and ean not get baelc. Court lield that the (oard of mana gew vfH-t created by the national eorn rnIIotJ and received It power from tint body, and that theo powert extended tothe executive comniittfe ofthebward of lady manager and it hail full povfur to Mil l(Mmuoh na eongrcfta had not provided for cxtnUnuom tsemonK of fhe fxmrrl of lady manager which had to delit gato It power to commltue. ThN committee the court held was In fact the board fUelf. CIUIWI TO fiKB TIIK ITATA, Hak Diwjo, CbI., July 0. Judge Campbell, AMixtaut United Bfatea dUtnot attorney, arrived In', night to confer with jlurxhul Card and the officer of the Charleston. He atatcd that the paper In the libel duitwere flld yeaterday. hut the rflhegwfnwwrt dyke hts fetew VmA some Amb fcfc ;ikiKjklrAm wflfe fringed and rl earfedaway, tfcM tfeprfrtw BKi M aewtry a wrtte aawestey. 1 1 m tf f wA a j. ajsfcroB Alefefcos ef pr ftm tow rwwfer. Nwe "' t!TttarS i !mtfc of eottowwood trws tfcat, Kc ( waters. Kdae 6ae yet ket "" "V"" "J; " T Inn r'r branefced mi j wre . w. ar (-! w - fe. a gowr a tbrw aigMs' lAMMyMK. a sewsewaa me A SABBflW raCArS. BBBfcltFF, CilJaljr. A fce TWdttyMJktatnefMfc tery- ed I dweOhtg f(e4 fcy W. A. j PMisad tfce eiKBVe wifcth ef the' fcilgta" i tttrf MtA a miMiJb i Tie Are wa cawd by the expfe j fm ef a fcmtav Krx Kfeh wa Wy esverf lre betoc ! t lfe by JwwudWjr thwgb a nye 1 wfaHfcrw. Slie beJd fcer baby to brr UW, ille MHX M MC M,Mf; Krr-K, Tei Jfy , TM eecfa waA vfeMed ky a eletri Matm, aeewiaywrfed by bfgji wlwrfa, rafa aed afl, Oa WilMamA' rawefc im feere HavifM' dvretUmg home vm des4ryedad aH eaeflsbera ftk faanly iejttred, A man tfeefdvp In (lie tfe&ii'i story m Uewn Sr yar fij fremthe hse. JXHWKATIOX. VAKiS0T0ar,Jaly&-Tbeper- inteitdent of immigration at w Ywk report 4KM irornijjraut arrired tberr durinsr the feral year a? compared vrhh. 328,501 tle pre rfou year. STATE- TATE PAKMBRS AW.IACB. Pohtx.a, July , Tbe atale farmerV alHane reeonveal tbte tcrettooft. The entire finetMHm wan Hfltei in preparation and adop tion of IbeomHtHutkm awl by-bawj" Tbh afternoon the eieetion of ef fleer will be had. AHKIVBT AT POKTUAXW. Poim.AD, Jsly 9. Major Gen eral J. 31. Sehoflehl ami party ar rived here this moning frotn San Frnrio. FOREIGN. ting out the water wilt not be dlfft cultorexfenIve, witf, Kfr Fosti Toi'KKA, Kaa., July 0-AlKut flf Utn prominent people's parly lead era n ACIon here have declined the prorwiitltuf mode by the democratic stale Icenfrnl oommlttee rerently, to fuj with them In local county elec tion In Ksiikm thlN year, and to unite on an electoral ticket in oppo lt!o!i (o (he republican next year. "WAntttmrtaHt July 0llev. Dr. Wlllfam A. Bchulicrl, a retired r .- JEnlacoiuil inlultrr. CO teara of una. b. r, , . , . II I, in,.. I... tint.. " nnnuviui'i)iuii Hiiiiit t'jr n ithiiu ly tiamel Jatne Ornnt The old IfCUHtmou, who wan ullo fteblr, wa cnmlii!,,' u Mrtet uear Ida home and (he boy wait riding by mi u bi cycle. Juntaa he neorvd Dr. bohii lert the bicycle Mruok n atniio un.l the Uiy wa thrown with gretit force against Dr. Hchubert, ulio fell heav ily to (ho asphalt pjivunieiit. Jin wan curriud lionie, and died aoon . lifter, Tlio ty wan placed under arreat. Dr. Hchubert eamo here from New Jeroey a few yeara ago, and wa widely known a u atudviit and writer, llo wn engaged on n rellgloM Ixmk at the tlmo of his death. ' DKATH OV AN AOHt) MV. f, JAtmaosvibLB, (Jr., July 0. Mta. Margaret Hchuuipf died at her home , In tbU place, aged W jeurn. Mr. .jBwimpf wan born In Ahace, (ler- MMiuy, and 04fiie to the Uultej Btnlix In I&31, long before Gennuiy had oiiieuced (he conmicat of hur native laud, Hlio waa n woman of wonderful phyaloal atrettglh, and fetalited her mental facullka unhn flrml to the last. Hlie wu n do v4kI mother nud ait earueal Clirl $IM, atid leaver live children of MMtittre age and it largo elrulo of ki(te to ittouru her Ium. MtW KaitANI) IHlMTKS. ftHttwuNKU), Mft, July U. An alkl muivsm hIiowm that the m eojile'a r(y U tint endorw bar ite fiitHien of Now i:i)g!d and fw Vok. The uuttcaaury bill Mad tlHg of new huUMof imper by ibe Virument iu laud valuta ber. It U now stated that the rumor of a plot on the part of the Itatu'n ofilwra to take the veiuel out of port Iat night, la disproved by the fact that the vetnel la In no condition to leave, her machinery ha vine been taken to pieced. II or boiler In being overhauled, and capinii the cylinder IiwkN are rutnovcxl. The Charltmtou lies within a few hundred yiird of her. Isxaurolou trulun nro running from all parta of Southern Califor nia to bring people to eee tho ve- 1IIO HHK IN CSNOINNAII. Cincinnati, July 0. a little after 10 n'uhtck lnt night fire broke out in the auUlmH-meul of tho Immuuxo building nt Pourth nud Kim atrieta, owned by William A. Hooper, banker, nud occupied by A. K. llurk hnrdt V Co., iiinuufaerurera nnd denliM In furn. Thu front la neveii atorlea high, nud at thu rear Iium a height of eight and nnwhulf utorhw, nlMi extend twoKtorleaundurgrouml. It la vahutl nt about t(H),0fW. JJurk hardt catlmnte hla loiJt nt botweeu KWO.OOO and t7()0,(KX, lu mldlilon lu hi own mock, ho hturoa griMtiUantltleaof valuable furw for citizen every ruiiiiiut, and thto were nil In the btillillng. The Fourth atrict frontage of the building Man 'x-ctipleil byfjrlurnhnll'. er A Co., dvalera In nud mauufaat nrent of uluthlitg. The block wa valued at 1 100,000, of whloh IIW.OOO on aaved. Tho Iom la covered by liiaiintuce, Thu Kim street wall fell at about inidulghl, nud half on hour lutor the Fourth btreut swill full on the roof of tho xipor iintuufaoliulug eoiniHinj 'a building. The flue atook of iMlulllige, eiigralug4, frauiua. and mouldliigN waa itiinp!etely milled, jiihI thu wulU of the build ing wrreruSied out Into the afreet. The wall lu iHllIng kuoekiHl lu the wot mill of the Htelnway Piano building next ro the paper building. ly n great effort the flruwaakept from communicating to ttie cruMied building. UBitrr liuitNHii. Nuw Ytmif, July fi.-The mnln dol ot the Sixth nvenue railroad eemiaiuy ournwi ycruay. It oo ael mikiu a. w Jld achemea j (Jo(, ' 11, ' mmA tM (m n uage of allvrr mi p,irt,.,WniB,M lrlj-nmrt hat recta, """-"" """" amlWOfiet baelt .f6xth aveuuiv aAwj(H-UTM lif()NtBNT. The building U r bib h and three 1K.H4.(K. Jwh' P. The Pttriiclllto ntnrlM I. uh. All il.n nv -i...v ..f UapatoafAlHtly ttowuut ovw the cmiimii, except ibnw engaged & ibaaaaH rf 0rtow election. The aUhetltuedwwH.K Hie ear. e ffc aajaaM-a 4rftai aava more lino in Mit imi , n.r uti.... h.. o,...,. mm ebA f pUln Imiue rule Tli H. uma nrivliiaiiMi In to the Uwl'aylMH.aiidfUaihoitUmi'Hae aide of - ulldlnjt H nu a' m ijbb tbH nf gc(liu .f1' KAiafii: AND WAI.B. Iiniion, July . The l.afer has expreed a delre to meet 3Ir. Glad hUmo p!rorjally, and an attempt will L-e made to bring them together, if Mr. Gladstone' health nud eu ga$;ementa permit. Yeerday the liberal lender wa-t burying hl boii at Uawarden. The kataer it anxious to vUlt not only the naval expoei Hon, but alo the dockyards, ami ii is rumored that at tho Matt dinner In Windsor, he put the Prince of Wnleu In an ombara'wlng position, bi asking him rjueatlona about naval mattera, to which the prince was en tlrely uuable to respond. The knlser alo tried to obtain aomo military knowledge from the prince, but it i. said found the royal field umr&bal lioplernly Ignorant on all audi topic A well-know nobleman ha cruelly suggested I hut (he rrlnee would have ben ul homo on bnccurut. The kaiser, it U thought, (uke a mlllelouH pleahuro In Kll(eIy sound' lug the depth of the princu'ri Ignor ance on proininunt public topics Thoy are, how ever, tonllapjicninoes ery frleudly. The royal pinto dl.ij)hiyed nt tbe banquet to the kalxer U wild to be thu mott vuluablo of its kind In Ku rope. Theezar linaaut of golden dishee, but they lire not cquul lu weight or dvolgu to the llritish, nud uro nf muoh rnoro recent iiiHiiufuu ture. The royal plate la watchod by Queen Vieaorla with oager anxiety, mid It U very seldom that It U dlMpluywl, ovon as mi honor to visit lug royally . IIIHJIAltlK MlT 10O OI.I) TO KIOIIT IlKUMN, July 0 It U reMirted In dlplnmatle clroliM that unlet Count Vou Muuster, tho German nuilmmn dornt Purlit, danltM the ktory circu lated by Deblowltx lu the effect that the laleeinperor una derlrou of gat tlug rid of Prince liiMiimtok, IiIhhoii wna n gkirlug Itiatmv of iiujm)Hmih lu politic, he, Count Itlsiuarek, will challenge thu Gurmnu Aiubos tador to give him aatUrhoilou on thu field of houur. IIHOI.IHII IlIVUItCK IwWVH. Lonihin, July 0. The queen's proelur Is paying more atteutiuii to "hh of cnlluftloii nud uf unjust Ilia ble divorce, couoemicntly a uumUir of peodo who would like to Indulge In that luxury lire debarred by fear uf more exposure than (hvy would bargain for. The latent cmnj la that of illlaa Kills, who obtained n dl-vuu-e from her husbuiul whilu the was nelUHlly living with and going by the nauio nf another man. The j decree lu her fuvur has Mh with drawn. AURKhTS. aisjMMsnwMg) HAN PIU&CI8CU, JijlJ- ,-Wl eat, buyer, 1601, after Auhm lit, iim. QlUCAfto, JaJi" .- At elo wheat sjeady. cjtth IbDI, a,pt. JffJ; Ik, Ml WKATIIKUHKIOlir, IsUn Pftv. . jus ti-Pcr ut to Crfci . 4 Watblpgtej: Light win in wrtMcrn p rtson. jr- KMp obfice;' wt hfe moMot Very diguust. iarfeed. m fas. tftia ptcbJMi aaad eoterrf friwrg. from tbe MeJi rtraobic. babtnflad. sorrel, sadte eitate eriiage bocses tbast beM aebed seaka assd aaore areikM talis, agve-n.-i: awing prowder thaas wbea trottfa oC for tbe b tb tbrowgfa tfce saWe pUm. mamtimg mA eanaGg the temt of tbe bwrfy nugroes wb &: oa tbetr wa j- to freedea aad tbe "year ofjajbeee." Utmbtite. PrfeMe aad Albert saUkd aiftr off li frsszaat Sodderaad tbe pteattf i forage of tbe Federal trump, their alaUb atelf babag write eMpty Who tbt bM a cteaaefc. eaabtawe thoaa for wearyfeg of greeeSefcis ami psMUtrts and baakeriafr after tbear wbpo4s." Yet I cannot fancy tbe hoaaWe 6mt pony taraieg tall on his Best, tfeewgb poor triend&. and eowforttsg hbmi'Jf vftb pride aad dkpiity aitd eiaaaatpfafcx the bit. wbSe bestrode by aaetber b grate of a greater degree. And wbe one remembers that tbe eettefa had eor gotlea dollars in pfeety, aad tbe dan bad ecat not erett a "tbank ye, tir." there h a tfct for a eeraoa oa ia gratitodfebi bones. He vemtA proed, iadeed, when the yoniKf lady gxed berretf QnaHy to ber tatfefartion is her man's mddte. gath ering together the votamiaons bsida of the eoritf-r &Aared ridinc skirt in Iter hand to prevent their hiding complete IrberMMal! rted. With a shake of tlte rope bridal and a wave of the band toward tbe group on tbe gallery sbe started on tier qtiest. Ala, and alaal why should "Tbe best laid plan of iniee and men," and maids also, "gang ait agteer Tbe aanlen waa reached, and in tbe orebard of defunct fmft trees, amid the billow of noxious and tall ball grame. there, too. stood that one liv big green pei tree; but no peaeh ww tlirre. UtoX nod peer a she would. tooting Itereelf a docen times with a reddened leaf, standing up in her stir rup, handling almost each leaf upon the tree, until to' tbe sen had already set However the old deserted dwelling houae looked, as site rasolled the recent tragedy c naeted there in all its horrors Jtut aasbe bent her plumed hat tocecape the bending bongha of n low branched tree, site had almoit thought feomebody toudied her, but no, it was only the disturbed branches eloping behind her. "Ye, this is the very window the boy jinuped through after shooting his poor ohl father, nnd it is wide open. Why. 1 eati see clear through, even into the liall where he fell and died Ave minute later They say tho blood stain are there yett Poor old mnnf what a sudden, oh, what a horrible death by the Innocent hands of his young sou ! What a strieken life now for the boy, Ilk mother and and always Ida Hiftcm." These rullecthw were more terrible na she recalled every detail of the fatal mistake The mother routing her son nt midnight, placing tlte weapon In hi handa and whispering in his sleepy ears that "somebody -some thief or prowler U walking through the hall." She had thought her husband asleep In bed, and tlie gun being in the boy's room she had slipped out quietly, not waking the old man, as she thought fatal error Tho fatlior had risen Mime momenta before, fearing some tlileves wore in lib melon patch, not wishing to disturb his good wife. Ho had slipped out as silently, and on return lug he caumh death. O tluitts of unutternblo horrors I War abroad over tho fairest country under God's broad skies; men fur away from hearth and home, their trcAsurod ouea unprotected save by old men and tender youtJia. Hear the weird hoot ing of that gray old owl as ho llnpa his wings on that tuosa covered cyprv&a Unit) Tho birds are all twittering in the rank roe bushes nnd the honey suckle bowers, and that wlso old owl, calm and cunning, watches keenly his prey, and well knows when each little liead Is tucked beneath a wing. He regret the nl-nt family mid tho chick uns that nightly adorned the oak trees In the back yard. Illrds are very dainty, to bo sum; but thuro ( so inueli mom In n ehlqken to devour. I expect that's wlmt Mr. Owl Is thinking about Ugh I and ouohl Wliat n great big snake just glided up tliat old ttump cohered over with trumpet vines! What a tanglewood wo are In, my Ut tie dun, you and II tot us hasten to get out of tliU and beyond tho yallow bayou strip of woods before It gett dark. Hut there are washout bolt, hidden peril under the green briar vinea, thorns, locusts thrusting their priekly branohea aggressively In one's face, and echoing from tree to tree booms tbe weird boatings of many erwd, wntrlilng oxK while bullbata are flitting lltMtly tnrougti the gloaming Here the reaches a gap In tliexigtAg fallen fe&co, ROS fcD A 3L li J, Partiw wishing to build nice residences dnd in search of a beautiful factum with pleasant surroundings should visit gronrdt. saystieafry. Ye eaJariy !"? watera. wbatbave y wrtMSgkt, wbat er3 yet wfB ye do bi tbe confer yearal WsSow fringed, gentle hyjpint; watera sleep sweeOy be aatb tbe Mflbjbted bearers, with tbe ooasolatory tfcoagnt that ye bare wraagBt an erg work that good saay wo. Uae ye notdepoited a rieJt aBmiimm ispoa tbfa already fertile btsd? Tnae. tbe plowafaare fa rasty. aad tbe jw eaten by rata, and the wagons tafias into "mooeaoas deaqetswle." and tbe voice of Use laborer no longer beard ' bt tbe pbwitarioa aaeiody. bet k being! fifted is tbe roasnag thorua ot "John Brown's son! gos asarcsbig on," In the j i hmsimi iim Federal caaps. i The Yellow Bayou woods, skirted by f an old clearing of rotting trees, and pitted by erevaee holes, impel the girl to bare ber wfta about her and shake off the darnel memories of tbe tragic ban lied home, tbe universal desolation of ber forroondinga and ber present, iso iat n. fTiookl something happen, wS. Jt then? She was far from hnman aid. no ear to liear ber cry; no band to '!' AbjMX her lot would form a parallel to tbe previous plight of the abandoned pony left like a stick in the aM.J by hfe disgusted master. "Hello! here I go. sure enough!" Tbe unpfaod hoofs had stumbled. The pony fell to the ground, the girl going over bfa head and then still neawf There stood a wretched, gloomy, sad, colored little "beastie," looking more Eke a donkey than a horse, tho raddle awry oa hfe tbfa back, the rope bridle dangang disconsolately in front of his ROSEDALE. is i iocatea curoct on tne Jitectnc nne to wie j? air vjiouhu, overtooioiig me entire ciH tho mow capped mountains, Mfc. Hood and Mt. JefFeraon, as well as the ever- green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. The High school as well at the North Salem new building are within a short distance of this tract. fssd O KSiiXiEVi rsj' m .-j. jj mq, -j, wrttua 'i ii mi 1 1 ii ii! i iimiitji rrrrr A Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property is now for sale by All Real Kstate Men In this City,who will N ready at any time to show this tract to purchasers. OiifUlA A LAEGE SUPPLY OF THE best quality of brick at the yards near 151 K!Ui 15KUJS., blrm, Gregoif. Penitentiarv. i ! BAKER & STRANG. 302 Commercial Street1 "Hello' what's tiwT A mustang saddled in the wood I Somebody mut be around besides ourselves. Strange that be did not take up the "yawhoop," or Join in oar tone." A party of six mounted rebels were rifling along tbe unfrequented river road, stnipng "The Yellow Rose of Texas. " "The Giri I Left Behind Me," with an occasional rebel yell to enliven the refrain. "That animal, or am male, has some very fine point about him, boys." "Fine points Indeed' Look at his ahotildera, hb ribs can be counted, and he may be one m-eat interrosation point to us; he tells us nothing, how eer t Then lie peers among the fallen logs and around the deadened tree trunks ! hiiumiiwr. "Oh. the sweetest trirl that ever 1 did see is the girl I left behind j me. Why. b-b boys look here 1 The sweetest girl that I ever did see is here before me. dead or fainted dead away!" The siv soldiers clustered around, bustlm about and held canteen water to the closed lirw. and sprinkled tho pallid young face. One picked up the hat. and another essayed to arrange tbe disheveled copper skirtin to more seem ly folds, all the time the sad oyed dun pony standing stock still waiting for the kauo. Soon the girl stirred, -and opened wondering grny-bluo eyes upon her numeral attendants. Where was she? And goodness Mikes alive I whatwre all these soldiers doing? They seemed ' the whole of Walker's brigade to hor j crouching around her there, and her bead down among tho logs and bad I smelling wet-di. She said she had been thrown the moment before, as she has tened to scramble up, wondering If her skirts were nt nil decorous, and if there might not bo eurwigs crawling over her Twelve hands agisted hor from her recumbent posture and placed her on the miKjk pony, twelvo ejes looked so lieltude and tender sympathy, and sb men wanted to lead that dangerous and exeited benst from amid tho pitfalls of tbb howling nildernese I The girl did not liko so much attention, and did not want to be pitied by them and laughed at by tlie home folks. "Her pony war as aafo as a sheep This was no wilder neas only the Yellow Bayou clearing, and tho crevasse holes were not so very deep " So. with hor escort she was soon "Itome again" to explain her dlsup pointed search to tlie anxiously alarmed mother, and to lur over hor accident as nothing at all "I was up in a min ute, hut for an instant I must have swooned - everything becamo black and still then the soldlera saw me." Hut tlie mother know hor head strong, willful daughter had Iain among tl logs and weeds nnd decayed stumps for longer than mm reamed, since she did not liear tlie familiar airs sung by the slowly riding soldiers, nor had she heard one word of their critlefem of her pony. II 8 Oalnae hi Atlanta Const! tutkm. St, I 'WWifcdKSik. tr JL'S i,v" "-KSiOBJU Ci8 25c Want Column i Inserted r.r ONE CKNT Jnl , v-OBD EACH IXHKRSIuK -No ihg lucuivm i&sencQ in iuj MHomn icrtsl tuui kncaij'Ufe cva&& " pLOWon btantiral tn n." Iwna JL- ana-iscom ineiiieiiimioit newand cfcarmltp nib cat corapfjoit; fortbe ptanof ri1, a .iki K.ltn. Bri SVcealscK. P-rj' i' iHxocjonds ieIIoas-, SH Ojaure-rti sl-wt, "vJe .vKcnaioc:nrTnaitrai TBana RllgfS, FlaWSft, I'tmhm FiiBstes, id ail rinse VT ICBLY farurberf rrmn to re , JL board. In niraantMii nnin(n?i I street car linf. -US Ceuttr -t t j)5j ryiiiKKK BALI - M. rev I ar. a. i'cn aiQ ., -ire r- - a i f r? is i lortnnai pmrt tbt o,n te jorti. I iuj hk or note. i uarr Jt wry i iwraksirw; 4-JT Ul Sewer Pises, - wo- -- t -r I (HKlhUMr ! barn. A beBUte' V-ri r --al u.mps. I'fsrabice. ha aid quire stsrL I of Afyiura aeciut EOiaKloAxjlaiii. inUi a roir a home lb ' tiatil tfl DZ ucldr 1 ) i.IIVif. A H u Rfiocw.wta AVH7.rt?0f ''." orccnnir,l ..Hutv-ria nit; -J 4 11 Uf. Batkeye Force i W riHwj. For Ortuird SpnyM. J AN1ED - 1-o.itrf.n t hueterp mrKowcrw mphpi... ... ;. . . ' ... ..j craniry. itiennco rtoi r-d aird .'rn ij . aH&er r ion a- u uenltrtrwi. :j 1 1 uh 1 f Id line. ashe; cl ie coarhest earoe', perfectli u.-e oi cuemiLUis or un u e Greatest labor saving invention in vui-tiesof goods from tUe finest I it t- cU-au, without rubbing or boiling, . ,i ou di-truetieprccee only soap and w i. fHOO toanv rerson who will pn-Uu.v u 'mnly EKA In the foll-iWlne points; PrI e. L.mir eavinir. Itaniditv of wash in?. Variety of fabric washed. Cieai.iug perfectly without damaee tit (lething. tsimpiKily and iiertect cl.j trui tiou. hize, weight binty. (satisfaction guaranteed or n.imy refunded Sole Agents for Mraion aiunly. (jw b , '--Famlture of neaUy toi L aUbid hem nrfim ... ,.l rnvrt,t -,l 73" "-.-"" "" ""'I! Vl- i;t- jas.a jjo.naiu-e; i w AXTKI Oarseentsnakc SiCOto !31 a ukjuiu tei.iui i Lu-is on tlitl I lie companv owning it oCers 1 ""s- "e wam ci-u'v and generx ..ll- u-ual.r ...,ol . Il. VDH- I "'""'""" "UliaKe DCt ll COOCb CB j . :7 -.. rv,u .. a uiu jii eni 11,1 irt ptKir sut i.d e;DM, ar tr a thirl days' irtaL ffl a geaer&i agent Ie& tbjin u 'We. II) 1 . .. . . r ' . H int 7liir. t sc "pirieu cuxn.i.irs and ictlerSB rviit tni u.... rrv r "'-an Appiyai once and get in : ihe bom. Addie KenneriJannfactu'jiCo. puis uu.s. xa. JTCiwtr ;WUirl naabWHftwnBSBBiiaBi Pianos and O roans AXD M US1 CA I, Hi J. I CIIAXDISE. FINr&T LINF. LOWEST PRICES. In&taPn-cctfe ft. u 5 jr month up. Wholesale and p!""h. EASTON & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dw UU YUU AVUH i A. J. SHIMP, M. D., DUiiaing up a btrong, Independ- i Jiysician and ,. u M j- . it n , 9 em 1 aper mr me reopie in Oregon ? An tHlemalloBal Affair. 'Tlwe's I'rhiee Spaghetti tlll bid ding adiau to his fbuwee. By ibe way. Isn't their wedding to be a fortnight earlier thau was announeedr" "Yes, tlie board of Immigration do- eWed he A PiPER THAT WILL SOT SELL OLT PHfiM at tbvSeat of GmiMtfit UXIK AT TIIK KKOOHII OF TIIK CAeiTVl. JOURNAL iMirlng tbrccolaloa of ttie letu-Ia tare li wad tlio otilr um in tbe lale llw. uiueked Miuoni.rully 1 tie J'cmtsiiU dlota- uiraoipiu iiregun pouitoi. It wiocwtsruiy uppted all du uxlutcttie Australian Uilld law In Uie Interna ul ioilttHl domhw. Jt dvoontU tlie law ( hjt pMd) Klvlng ikv UrvgtHi mtinnU e-uin W4ou u.wer t Ixjwthnd rMwuualilo rut frelbt toawmi lu en6T IwdecUlotw it mo cmriI) aUvou.I rttiautlou uf tbe old oUlrHul oohihOmi ju Imi qiullfli-d to iiftn tlM law. tt .adored lor al. in.i urm biopaa river-, .nd ihusiteeure tothe pwiple tlie rli:ht tu irti aud uoreslrioted OrC OI ! WUtffWH . lta rLTFcau. Tub riTAL Jot kn.l fjvoma reform ia flnaarva, ii. tlteend tht tl. iHeirui rxni. in-. 1 pUy yttf i it u,. li.ointii.d 1 u 'veuriencj i.iay be U.pU'iiet l ili g u ueut'4 .in,: dl reel u lu mjoc! un auequaie unily oi kiel liiiwr iwmey, wltbui-lu ba.i guf ttt-iealto WHiform luMMiid binkinv r.rin. clpes. It avnra eirlt.D of n'l meluU ww iwa. tur, or e cirrt tiy iepant bl to (be people, by dlreet ute vflbe pew pw. It fovum r tine all uie revenues y a tu oa in 1,-ro" eHiniacs orcorpora Uwo. Utah toraixn nad taw. It foors OjMutitga'l watarwa 10 the mm and a atnlrolefntlOHimo.i errir to tbe end Untune pnaloearktMil teeure for bU labor tbe lantMt aet let irtis If) jo fuvur remlulugall powers passible ii lbs nanuufilwpoloaBdgovornment la tbe ttticrwu of lb peaitle. olroulata tbls euper. Kor terau, abeu-bere. Ut Ilor&a llito8. Surgeon. Late oJ Philadelphia. ELEcrmcirY ,is the true eaemy Ofall t bt..nle. Hbeuniatlc, Blood, Brain and nervous dlMa.M. Kwerv va.ietr i U .tUlle dlkfliMH vifj.1 (n oa.Im1. nft. all uttter i.u4les of treatment have tailed. I Thirteen trs ellniil eipcrience. Office I jg OnuinerclHl utreet. 5233m I Jlariou Co. Normal InstilttteJ The third annual fetslon r.f Uie Maria county nrmsi .institute, will be b. id li I. rr1 V a 01 hou ., comintiicliitB 7i -j.- jv, ici, uuu wm continue tliree wecka. , KegubtrdasstTorkir II be done, nnded the mangeoient of nbie lttu-uctoi. in the kIS Ul0tt m ot-r wuoois and, itvM w. ... ....uti urjiren cidSaea win ov, organized in t bysioal (,e gruphy, Coruix1 TbeoblecOiorthn Nnm.i Tnc .. . to review ibe subjtctKtHL'sbt In the com9 1 -""""s " uif cum tne Det mete odofpreentlnKtbemto i.udIIi.. ti.o in. mute U not held for teachers only, bw also lor those who intend to teach, ' Brloe text book8nu!ll branches. Tryl; APK?f,lhS "WJnnlnfc t.fiheIn.UtuU hih He,f0He dolUr Wl'' o cnarged tJ helpderray the expenses of the InVtltuiiJ rorfurthcrlnfonnation address ""ulc1 County SuperlntendentoVcommonhoolJ Capital City Kdarat ASIIBi'S VllJ, KC Liberty street, North IK State street. Hulem. . .wf r? ready to fill a'l orders for all kind or Ire h and salt meats e aim to Keep tbe bt tlu country atfords. Free v.utj B .-eire to manic all our old patron fr t ilr liberal patronage, hoping tby wilt Htllcootlnuewlth us. densely alirouded In the deep green ol I D,? ? u .. - , 7. lU" VC theaninelor-la.and white alder bio M,?!,l,il??!! T- DWE'S L B, HUFFMAN, Uwy SUfo aad Fed Yard. TIm 8m( 8k StH ii Ctrrzt ! Ue ty. Qalot, family horse a kpeetaily. (!u rr W llametie bota ) 3AI.EM, ... OREGON w t.' - Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Wami Meals at All lkrsol theDtty JtSl aUtoaal meat c kedinflnt- T enty-fl e cents per n eai. KKD FRO sT Court street, httwecn Journal OfQce ami ...Mkv Mivrj, COOK & TOETH I House jiiid sign Pulutlvff! Jai fiViiU1"" 'sn writing, frescoing wall ilutinp, decorathe paper banirln? wood Daubing tsilmalea wllclied oil oontrn t trork. 123ataieU "cu uu For Sale Cheap. 120 ACItES OP LAND 5mns from Salem at 125 per acre. About W acres ppeu, balance timber. GnodnrinB water, -lerm. Kasy." LUOWlLillB,8 Opera House, Court street. A. ff, BLACKFORD. n-JS"8 . Pa'at'of and nape, hangtDe. Qood material n.i .. i!. rTlT. . "' nwu. i.r."""" "ur" amy stoteV woa'D,"ueouwei at Ka fiealflBaking VkA Io Millions ef HoaiW-4o Venre the Standard fl Atfc$ I 5tfP j I c ra JI NWZEAUND ClUktttcr1 T-.II.V ti.... n a EHNYRPVAl, PILLS SSr-ss'tasra ipSKSi SSSWSt Jz 5w? INStntANOB Oom pany. Fire and Ma-rine. J. Y. I1RFLBU. Aetnt. . Satetu. Oregon bu.. mmLirzzLT'r"mrrm rw.": v l i-. a.'" ww troiBBHH riuku. jn" tttv ii-i .7 iTV rT MM WWUBUH M. T, RINEMAN. SEALER INI Slanle anil Fancy firncpriM cf"9.1??.rJ'. Olassware, Lamps. Woedl un wiiiiiw ware. All kinds ofmtllfe. A.haijeiretableaQdfruUa In their season. ) . i','lc8 Pa,d forcountry produce.' j , """ ""nuni iHinur patronage. m State street E. C. CllOSS. Butcher and Packer, Ktat8t.an4ciurtt. The best me! , -nrnn in nil pan Of tUeclty. THE WILLAMETTE, SALfijr, OltEGOIT. Rates, $2.50 to"$5.00 per Bay. The bo bout b-iween I'orlland aad8f pVaae m, Mrt-ctass in all Its appolnV neuts. lu me iered Vila tg lOwUklliM Vm 3I.O KEY! To U&JI0A Real Ut Surltv. AiTinff PaalHa Ba. fl . nuiTa-iar " , "n Chotrest Fruits FEAR & HAMILTON) 'tfalVUUroetteValley. BM- -wu-- A. I, WAGNER, Prop. F OtjL. -. . ). a, .. o -