D 2W EVENING CAPITAL VOL. 4. "TUB PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, TtTUESDAT, JULY 9, 1891. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 105. JOURNAL SOMETHING WORTH LOOKING AFTER. SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE WEEK. 1000 Boxes Huvd's best Stationery, containing one quire paper and enyelopes to match 25c 00 Reams, Commercial Note, Mfc. J efierson, plate finish, in ream boxes -. '...... 50c per box 100,000 Envelopes, in thousand boxes, No. 5, 6, 6 XXX . 60c per box 500 Writing Tablets, note size, Acme Manufacturing company -. 10 and 15c each srjacacs 3Lix:i&j.x o3E"3E"ebe5 gozueiess f:e&o:ivi: T. McF. PATTON'S STATE) STREET BOOK STORE 98 STATE STREET. . REMEMBER THE PLACE. Goes the farthest with sensible people. When you are telling them where-to buy Shoes, they want no foolishness, but facts. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, Have some articles in their store that are worth your while to hear about at this time of the year. They are best prepared to furnish you with what may be called hej 3SSI lbEl 3ES "3E& !" O O "37 "VIT 3ES .2&. jES. Consisting of Men's, "Women's and Children's Shoes. Below we will quote you a few prices. Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 5"0c; Ladies' Shoes $1.50; Men's Plow Shoes 90; Men's Shoes $1.40. We also cany the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, - 261 Commercial Street. MKSClXMaStKtEBai iWE AliE HEADQUARTERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR -:- Harvesting Machinery op Every Description. -:- Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated EMPIRE MOWERS, EMPIRE AND TRIUMPH REAPERS AND BINDERS. HOOSIER, DAISY, FAMOUS, IIOLLINGS WORTH AND GAZELLE SULKY HAY RAKES. BARNES' REVOLVIlNG HOUSE RAKES, STERLING AND OHIO HAY TEDDERS. Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and carriers, and the Celebrated Steel Fsrm Randolph Header. It will pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before purchasing elsewhere. STAVER & WALKER, New Market Block, Portland, Oregon Agent for Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel. DOROTHY. In a low whlto cottage among tbo trees Dorothy lives with her rather; 'Midst apple trco blossoms anQ honey boea His comfort and pleasure looks after, Who, returning from toll, of tilling tho soil. Exclaims, as ho sees his fair dnnshtor, Dorothy, dear, ily lovo, do you hear? I con Id not do without yon. Through tho grass trips her light springing feet. To attend to tho birds and hor flowers. Her supple form bonds 'ticath tho branches sweet. And the blooms fall npon her In showers. Thoy seem to say. In their own sweet way, Dorothy, door. My lovo, do you hear? Wo could not live without you. Tho fragrant lilacs down by tho gate,- Nod their heads In tho soft spring breeze. While tho robin walks on tho lawn, and calls to his mato. In her hidden nest, above in tho oavesj Tho birds on their perches, "mid cut loaf birches. Swing and sing, with the fluttorlng loaves, To Dorothy, dear. My lovo, do you hear? Wo would not live without you. Through tho vino twined hedge, a form she sees. That Is noble, with manly beauty his portion; With a flush on her cheek like pink swoct peas, Sho hides not hor girlish emotion. lie clasps her hand, as ho repeats again. Oft uttered words of devotion. Dorothy, dear. My lovo, do you hoar? I cannot live without you. Helen A. Shattuck in Good Housekeeping. THE CAPITAL JflDBUL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. AN INCIDENT OF 1865. One-Third of Your Life Is Spent in- YOUR SHOES The most comfort and good wear for the money at III J EY i rn i i . t m m im Luxuries- First-class goods and lowest prices has been the corner of success, it aviII pay every housekeeper to examine our stoclc, It represents the best selected variety of IIS State Street. First Class Fancy and Staple Groceries Ml BROS., AND TABLE LUXURIES IN THE CITY, And we are the universally acknowledged leaders for sell ing on small margin of profit, especially when quality is taken into consideration. The enormous increase in our business is evidence that the public appreciate tho advan tage Ave offer. 'lOO Court Street. Street. JJ" F MM'S . I Co m mere i a 1 The Best for the Money all the Time. aSwH r t 4 1' O b O 2: j c o LU Q CO ,5 1- m O O - i- rs ..a n ai QJ C H. 3 " o O GO LU O ri ' z-ss- bsi e e a a it o .a S3 E-" O m t . s O yssa rse o) a C - I . O C l-1 O w C C m G W - 2 n " E o z t J M 0 3 ll r7) a. hh j cS o o &J to- o g -, fi c.S -a 53 o -a Tj 3h CO DOLL CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. HAMMOCKS (UIOQUKT. J JTI BROOKS & HARRITT. NEW LINK REVIJLVEKS, -AMMUNITION, BASE BALLS, BATS, CAPS, Etc. . FLAGS, FIRE CRACKBRS. Stale Street ORIO "' Ten nova of fru5t land elglit nn'l a-lialf miles from Salcni and tlireo - i and a-lmlf miles from Turner for . 1350. Ten acres of fruit land six miles from Salem, all lit cultivation, with never fulling npring; ?500, cash. Lots in Jlhjhluud addition to Balcm ou the installment plan fuY from 5400 to $500 each; city water, street cars, sewerage, wcllgraded streets, shude trees, city park adjoin ing, and the best horsocacservico in tha stato soon to bo changed to an electric line. The Oregon Laud company, Salem, Oregon. I LAND MM Salem Truck A Dray Co. Hi TJtUOKH for orderv. V(T WlMKl, lumter. OP lera Irou work. Dray and tracks tuav be found throughout the lnv'fit th corner f 0(te ua ComiuerclaJ strwU, Indeed, luainma, I can bridlo and saddle that little dun pony, and bo back homo boforo you can say Jack Robinson. '' "But; my child, It Is such a umd freak to go such n distance, and alone, too, on that stray pony, and for what? Only one green peach was seen on that tree." "Yes, only ono green poach, and per haps somebody has got it beforo now, but 'nothing ventured, nothing have,' and I am going to rido thero this after noon and look for that peach and bring it to you." So spoko tho young girl who was bent on taking tho rido for bidden by her prudent mother. This was during the summer of 18C5, following tho disastrous Hood in that part of tho Mississippi valley. Wo had gathered strawborries under tho water, sometimes wading out to tho beds and sometimes paddling out in a flotilla of canoes. Wo had had dewborries and blackberries gathered by tho more heroic members of tho family, who wcro not in fear of tho moccasins and bluowator snakes who entwined them selves among tlicso briars, feasting on tho berries. All tho other fruit was ruined by tho overflow, and it so hap pened that Boino ono had discovered a living peach tree, bearing ono forlorn green peach, in a deserted plantation garden flvo miles from tho homo of our heroine. Tills trco grew on a knoll a littfo elevated above tho overflow. Now, in Juno, this peach should havo ripened, hencQ tho longing to pluck it and givo It to tho mother who had sighed out that very day that sho should so enjoy some peaches. Tho girl had tho dun pony saddled with a man's saddlo and ropo bridlo, and donning her riding skirt of gay copper colored dimity that had served many years as tho nursery window cur tain, and tho man's hat coquettishly trimmed with an aigretto of whlto and blue crone's feathers, sho was soon mounted and cantering gayly down tho grassy road, What a lonesome- road it was too. Thero was no travel in that day, only 8onio straggling soldiers going from camp to picket station. Tho plan tations were deserted by negroes, and tho long lines of dingy "quarters" with wido opened doors and swinging win dow shutters looked lonesomest of all loncsomo things in nnturo. Tho grass was knoo deop to tho dun pony; as ho cantered through its grcon sea it closed in his wako liko tho waves of a calm emerald sea, asleep under tho hot glow of that Juno day sun. Tho tenua weeds grew as tall as trees along tho lovces and whero fences had been, giving out a fragrant odor from their leaves, beans and saucy yellow faced flowers. Tho broad fields wero filled with tlio great army of rampant cockle burrs; not an inch of soil to bo scon anywhero after that splendid Irrigation of an already fabulously fertilo land, and thero being no cattlo to tramplo tho weeds und to crop tho herbago, it grow and grow into this wilderness of unbroken green. Tho bleached bones of much valued stock drowned wero oven now assisting to inako this rank luxuriance over their onco happy forago ground, 'Nothing is wasted in nature's storehousol Uowevor truo this is, thero was not tho "survlvui of tho Attest;" tho cows and herds wero fertilizing this rich earth, tho peoplo deprived of beef, milk and butfar. und tho senna weeds and cockle burrs wero all in their glory. Cut bono. The only four footed beast tliat was In that section of country for months was tho dun ouy, and ho was left be hind by boino disgusted soldier who was traveling along In tho mud Just after tho waters receded Into their banks. TIjo dun pony happened to fit Into tbo landscape (or mudhcapef) at that period, lie harmonized with tho hue of the prevailing mud. mid no doubt thought lie made 'symphony In dun," and he stuuk fot in a hog, so his kol dler master made a jump (or terra Urma, or an adjacent bog. or Inni. or something bexidfs mud. bogs mid juag luires, and there the pouy was. I don't remember If he pulled lnmtlf eut: In deed, I don't think he hud sufiicleut strength In Ills skeleton frame to make tho eUort to pull, so 1 vuppow the sun shotio llercely down somt days, drying the mud nlxiut the flanks of tho poor (Conotudwl on Kwod pk . UKMSliKl) I1AI1iY.KXUE1TBUNU.VY, u r Tim Canital Journal Publishing Company. (incorporntMi.) OIHco, Commercial Street, In V. O. llullilliig faltered at tho-postofllco nt Hnloni,Or.,n8 Kcsuc-clri ii nllir. TltK POSITION OK THK JOtlllN.M, AND THIS UISMOVKII KAIL TIir.OUY. Thero belug more cases between the S I Co. mid those who were In jured. In tlia Labiali disaster, tho question arises why tho attorneys of the corporation insist upon the derailment theory, when it has been so repeatedly thrown out of court. Tho first object of the inan agers Is undoubtedly to delay the trials aud draw them out as ioug as posslblo and thus, by creating costs, making litigation long, tedious and expeusivo to tho parties Injured. Another reason is that the company avoids tho charge of gross uegllgenco by insisting ou u possible derailment. Onco abaudon that, and tho whole structure would stand so rotten iMid dovold of merit and would go down so completely und disastrously, that thero would be left little room to es cape tho charge of gross negligence on tho part of tho managers and subject them to indictment for de struction ana injury of luinnui beings. Realizing tills, many read ers will understand why thedefeuse in all the Imbish cases has stuck for the removed rati theory, evon after so many cases have been lost on It, and oven after a reporter ou one newspaper that took up the removed rail theory abandoned It and sus tained the JouiiNAii reporter who was on the ground and found that no rail had beau removed. The JomiNAL, as tho only paper in Oregon that sought to lay tho facts as they truly aud really ex isted beforo tho peoplo from day to day, irrespective of the consequences of Incurring tho displeasure of a powerful corporation, baa bcoif drawn Into every trial hud so far. .Every panel Jutor beforo .beiug ac cepted was put through a series of questions about tho Jouknal. Had ho read it? Had liu been iniluuccd by it? Had ho made up his mind from reading it as to the cause of tho wreck V As a rule n more afllrm utlvo unawer to the tltst question was sufficient to cause his rejection by tho corporation attorneys. Thm coureo was followed until peremptory challenges wero exhausted, and Jouknal readers had to bo taken. It was Impossible to get a Jury that did not contain" some Individuals that did not read tho Jouunai,, and all know of Its position. Why men who read any papers wore not ob jected to Is not plain, But the time has como when wealthy railroad corporations should be taught that they are entitled to no exclusive privileges but should bo required to meet accusations brought against them tho same as tho' they wove privuto Individuals. They should also learn that no Juror should bo considered disquali fied merely because ho has Intellh gence enough to form an opinion from accounts published in the various newspapers concerning any event. Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. 1 X jx&m W ,- oawna Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE A third Hue could not bo allowed on any part of Commercial street. The Chicago syndicate has tho discern ment to seo tho situation It would bo placed In if it does not embrace the opportunity. A UKTIIUNO MAYUIt. In laying down his ofllco Mayor M. A. Moody, of Dalles City, said: "Tho spirit of non-progression, jealousy and faction found its way into tho counsels of the city govern ment, and without Imputing evil motives to thoso who d I flared from me, and whose action has brought tho city to tho unfortunato condition In which It finds itself, I am com pelled to record with mortification the failuro of my plaus and eilorts for the welfare of tho city." Lot Salem tako counsel and avoid like dltliculttesand splits. Tho Tlmes-Mouutaineer says: "Mr. Moody is the only mayor who lias taken sufllclent Interest In municipal aflairs to keep tho people constantly advised regarding the ilnances of tho city, aud for this he Is entitled to credit. Ills predic tions have proved correct in every instance, and If tho council had heeded ids warnings, today taxes would havo been much less and the city would present better Induce ments for tho Investment of capital." J ,a3g BUGOESTKn OOMaiKNT. Salem needs a nalatorlum. Not only get there but provo a stayer when you do. Tho republicans have got away with the asylum superlutendonoy. Wbat next? Tho Albany Domocrat Is making Its editorial page far more lively by tilling it in with city ordinances. Bomo fellowB can write a flno article on "our country" that can not got trusted for a five cent cigar. Considering that tho board of trade is not very aotivo tho Bouquet Oily Is getting quite a hustle on herself. ANOTIlIJIt T.lIlKI) K. i. liullook, wtio wii Jau iitard J' tfaitttmd tinictr of Itnrit "Indu" will I6ara toaietlilDir to hit ft'lvantaue by (xtdrektliiK mm, V. UellKKNKAU, . t'nrtlana, Oregon. Any information thankfully reached i.i.ncTitio ums roil HAI.KM, Salem has tho prospect of two electric street railways. The Hold at Salem for this mode of transit Is very Inviting. Level streets, largo blocks and absence of heavy grudes all tend to muke the dynamo motor especially adapted to our city. Prob ably until Salem reaches a popula tion of fifty thousand no other system of street car power will bo required. Long level stretches of distance are the paradise of dec trio car lines. With llttlo power, quick stops and starts, rapid ppecd is at tainable at a minimum of expense. Hence Salem Is au especially invit ing Held for electric street car projectn, The prospect of another oluotrlo Hue for Salcni Is exciting much speculation among tlioto Interested In tho growth of this youny city, There Is certainly no other hicthod of udvertlslug and selling real estate aud rapidly upbuilding a city, where was none before, equal to this, Ily an eleotrlo line In two years u fluid Is converted Into ti well built city, with Iuwiib, lighted streets, churches and all the attractions of municipal life. This is tibderslood to bo the object of this new venture, its the projectors ate said to haye already secured an option ou a fcctlon of laud for the houlhcru terminus of their Hue. It thoy can make nil their arrangements and get u frmi clileo to the high lands south of the city they will secure the basis of an Immense .pel'ii!utton. Many believe, however, if any result comes from (Ids project it will he to secure the icljulhllug of the present horfcecar Hue into uti eleo trlo syncm. The jx-oplo of Court street would never give over (heir rights as obuttlug owners to have that utrt-et spoiled fur car traoka. Tho present horse car line lias a frutiohlw) to tbciteyluiii, has a line to the depot find is the orlghiul pro jector of u South Bulciu exteusloti. Tho democratic superintendent of tho asylum cannot say that lie was not removed very gracefully und let down very easily. After seeing consolidated Portland all homo seekers In Oregon naturally Inquire for tho nqxt best city In tho state. As a rule thoy are directed to Salem. Footprints of the World's History. It is n relief to pick up a now book that Is at onco thrilling, romantic, wholesome, pure and true, Such a book Is "Footprints of tho World'H History," tho latest aud greatest work of the two celebrated historians, John Clark Rldpath and Win. S, Brynn. Tlieao distinguished gentle men, having won tho laurels by in dependent writingB,havo co-operated ou this work, aud produced a gem 'of the purest ray serene." It Is not a dry, uninteresting Htutcinontof tho plain facts, but rather each of the Important events of history has been taktm tip and described by a master of language, who holds the reader entranced as he wends his way along tho path of history, following care fully lu the footprints of progress. We are delighted with this superb volume. Perfect In thought, superb In style, and magnificent In excel lion, Tho bindings are sumptouH,aH are also many ilustratiuiis and col ored plutes. The publishers have rigutiy concluded mat such a gem should navo a noli setting. It is a valuable addition to litera ture. It Is a book for the old as well as tho young; tho married as well as the single; the gay as woll us tho grave. Everybody will read It with equal eagerness und profit. It Is sold only through agents, and the publishers' advertisement appears in another column. Christian Record. Are You doing Hast? It so, be sure and see that your tickets read via "The North Western Lino." The C.St. P. M. &0. Ry, Tula In the great short line from St. Paul or Duluth toidi points east and south. Their magnificent track, peerless vestlbuled dining and sleep ing our trains, und their motto, "always ou time," him given this road a national reputation. Ail classes of pushengers are carried ou tho vestlbuled trains without extru charge. Ail ticket agents sell tlukets via this ltii. Ship your freight and travel over this famous rood. W. H. Mt:ui, Uen. Agt., No, 4 Wasti. bt, Portland, Or. A. J. LtitANj), Trav'g Agt. Quick time ana tnrojigh trains ottered (mKsengeis and shipper by the CI i lea go, tjnlon Paulllu A: North western Line, San FrunuUoo und Purlluud to Chicago, eod Aug TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Issociated Press Report and Digests of all Important News oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. ALU KKADY TO FIOIIT. St. TAUii, July 0. A roporter vis ited Bob Filzslmmons at AVhlte Bear aud found him in flno condition uuder Jimmio Carroll's handling. Tho lank Australian looks and feels fit to go Into the ring and fight for his life. Tho ouly thing he com plains of is tho lack of good men to -glvo him practice in sporrlng. -In this respect Hail is better suited at Beloit, as he has Billy Woods, the heavy weight to Btuud up against him. Both men are below 15Q, pounds, the top weight named iri tho articles. Both will enter the ring in tho best of form. Tuesday morning Fltzsimmous ran all the way from White Bear to St. Paul, a distance of ten miles, and was , timed in ono hour and twelve inln utes. He Is as hard as iron, and there seems to be no limit to his wind or endurance. While not dis posed to bo. boastful, he confidently expects to'whlp Hall badly. He will not bo as considerate aa ho was to Dempsey at New Orleans, when he had Jack at his mercy some little timo beforo tho final count out. Fltzslmmons bears Hall a bitter gruduo ou account of tho fake fight in Australia, in which, on consid eration of tempting business pros pects, ho allowed Hall to knock; him out, and subsequently was swindled dreadfully by the man who coaxed him into tho deal. Hall need expect no mercy. Tho betting litre Is $100 against $50 on Fitzsim mous, and a good deal of Hall money is to bo had at these odds, w the reports from Belott show Hali to bo coming ou finely in his training, The rcfereo will be named by the Minnesota Athlctio Club and will probably boa Mi uncu polls man of tho highest qualifications. KILLTNO TUKIK UA1I M. BiHMiNOiiAM, July 0. Coroner Weeks has caused a sensation in the city by declaring that the sacrifice of infant life is appalling, and that the chief causes of tho evil are the Ignorance or ucglcct of mothers and fathers. Above all ho calls atton-. tloti to tho number of cases of so-"1 called accidental overlaying In bed, by which hundreds of iufauta perish annually. Hardly a day passes, be says, without ono pr nioro caw coming to tho notice of tho authori ties. It is doubtful If any large pro portion of such cases are really accl dental, but nt best they show eare IcFsucss aud liullflereuco to casus li tied, A Jury In ono such case today brought in n verdict with a rider attached in which thoy allude to tho frequonoy of deaths from ncsdeot or worso'on the part ft parents, and urge that tho law bo made more stringent with a view to abating tho evil. It is hoped that the actions of tho coroner and tho Jury, taken to gether may lead to somo movement. which will bo elleotual in bringing -about u reform of tho crying evil referred to, QUAY'8 DENTAL. FmuMWitViiiA, July 0.The lu qtilrer publishes on lntorvlow with Souator Quay, in the course or which ho characterizes tho recetit addrea Issued by the Independents as false, so far as it relates to him, aud dgiiid the truth of all tho charges umdc lu that document. Regarding th charge that he Interfered with tb inu-sagc of tho ballot reform and fccctioual school bills, ho said that, on thu, contrary, ho favored those bills, aud had he been Interfering in legislation he should have sup ported them. Tho attempt to im plicate him in any way with tb Bcardsley nihil r he regarded as ridic ulous. Beardsloy, he says, wm not nominated by the politician, but was thrust forward us a leprtMHtf tlvo of tho business men. Iuupcftk lug of tho coming campaign he gave it us his oprifrton that Ui dem ocrats will attempt to natioualiM the state election, und that they will try to drag bo ,Jjfiirdhy bmmma Into politic and' Jty to ! w Utile of it. mm jioNOJWwk Han FjtANCiaoo, July iyHoM lulu advice state that fy 'WfekHt ary ftlcemer Morning tffcw 'has ar rived there with tnwutot the Auiert cnu iuhIoi!nrlea cxpelkdr by (Span ish forcta lu Pcnape, who are u douvorltig to strengthen tbeir " rclguty over Hid Carol Mu.t.