Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 08, 1891, Image 2

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poer ckraorlng for food or work.
Tw l Bft work ntitl thenulhorl
tSw flat it difficult to supply tbo
feed. It now sccma that eveu with
th eorti duties minnendcd Ituesia
would tiot bo dependent for the Bup-
filee (lint nro required. 1 hat coun
try 1 lloclf In dread of a general
cfcrdty. owitiK to Hie miserable
efcaracter of tho wheat crop, end In
wae provinces a icatcily already
Washinoton, July 8 -The nnvy
department evidently fears that
troublo Is likely to nrige In Samoa
between tho followers of King
Mallcloa and Chief Matanfa. When
the Ilrat reports me received here,
the authorities were disposed to take
their lime about sending o vessel to
Apia, tho Intention being to wait for
the arrival of the Cnarleaton at Bati
JVanclsco, but later advices intimat
ing Immediate troublo and a sus
picion of Interference on the part of
Germans to promote the Interest l
Mafanftt, called for more expedition,
and limtcad of waiting, the Charles
ton's Instructions were fent olT ly
steamer from San Francisco, on tin
3d Inst., for the Iroquois to start ai
ouco for Samoa. Now that the
Charleston has arrived at San Fran
cisco she will probably be ordered l
leave for Honolulu as soon m shr
can coal and otherwise prepare for
tho voyage.
lawykiu nai IT.
Hed BbUW, Cal., July 8. Gnat
excitement wai caused by a shoot
ing aflray In Justice Folley's court
yesterday nfteruoon. 1 II. Coflman
at1 C. H. Brayuard were recent!
employed by Mis. Belio Lunaford
1h h suit where some of her proper!
wa attached. They won tho suit,
but sho failed and refused to nay
ibem for their services, and employ
ed Wm- and Chas. G. Nagle to de
fend tho suit which followed
Vutluy; tho progress of tho trial
Chas. Nngle rcmurked that they,
meaning Brayuaul and Coilmau,
uilght win their cneo If they were
not trying to swindle u poor woman
ol a hundred dollars. "Do you
mean that?" asked Cofl'man. Nagle
replied that ho did, when Coflmuti
picked up a chulr and struck at
Naglo. Win. Naglo started to his
brother's assistance when Braynard
pulled his pistol uud began tiring,
four shots entering his vlcllnir
Braynard gave himself up, uud Is
now In lull. Nogle's physician says
be cunuot possibly recover. There
was an old fucd between
and Naglo.
WAfliiiNnTOK, July 8. Superin
tendent Porter, of the courub bureau,
has In preparation a bulletin upon
tho membership of tho Catholic
Tho Nnta to Pay Eivo Hnndrcd
Robber Found Guilty, Details of the
Soto Tragedy, The Gibson Case,
Utopia Raised,State and Foreign
News, Etc.
HAN Diego, July 8. United States
31 ushal Curd today took charge of
tho Itata.
Washington, D. 0. July .
The secretary of tho reasuary hns
authorized the acceptanco of tho of
fer of tho master of tho Chilian
steamer I lata to p-y $500 for violat
ion of navigation laws In having
cleared from San Diego, California,
without necessary papers. fill
settlement has no bearing on tin
other charges against tho officers ol
this vessel to writ: Kidnapping u
federal officer and violating tin
neutrality laws. Tho Attorne
general believes ttiut action may b
still broughtagainst the Individual
officers of Ilia Itata and Jtobort ntid
Minnie for violation of this law.
Vibama, Cal., July 8. The jur
In thocueof Grultou Dalton, aftci
tweiily-oue hours deliberation, have
returned a verdict this morning ol
guilty. Dulton was concerned In the
Alita train robbery last year.
Han Jose, July 8. Yeslordaj
morning at 0 o'clock Manuel Soto
luougrated a bloody cngugemout.
which resulteu tlrst in tho death of
Nleliolns Hmltli and afterward of
himself. Soto tried to kill his wife
In Montoroy count several months
ogo.cuttlng her terribly with a knife.
Sho recovered and came to San Jose,
lociiliniron Eldorado street. Soto
Hid, and has slnco evaded tho war
runt of arrest. Veterday morning
ho went to his wife's house and
while In tho backyard was seen bjr
Smith, who lives next door. Ho
warned Mrs. Soto uud sho made lior
escape Soto entered tho house ami
tried to kill ono Lnplor, ho found
there, but tho shots fulled to take
Braynard effect. Ho tnon wont to tho front of
tho house, but could not get in be
came Smith hold tho door. Soto
thou tired u shot through tho panols,
which pierced Smith's heart, killing
him Instantly. Tho murderer then
marched up Eldorado street with a
persons were seriously hurt. Both
tho motor men were arrested nnd j
locked up. The Ilagmon at uio t E 8mtllf F m Wright, FN
crossing had signalled the AtwoodjGmlgi Hp j 0eo H Wllliams.
car to cross. The Duquesoe man ; j jrcMan G W Vooger. J Steve,
paid no attention to the warning
given him by a policeman and came
ahead at full speed.
sen. CAtrnionN'B fuskrai
ConvALLis, July 8 The funeral
services of the late Hon. T. E. Caul
horn took place yesterday after
noon from tho opera house, which
ivos profusely draped with mourning
and flowers, the casket being cover
ed with floral offerings. Addresses
eulnglntlc of the private character
and public services of the deceased,
were delivered by Itev. E. J. Thomp
son, Dr. Atkins, Hon. J. R. N. Bell,
and Wallls NbbIi, Esq. Ati Im
mense concourse of people attended
the ceremonies, which were conduct
ed by the Masonic order. Among
the distinguished visitors present
weio Chief Justice 8ruhan, Hon.
J. K. Weatherford and many others.
Portland, Or., July 8. A meet
lng for the purpose of organizing an
Oregon stato alliance will be held
here today. AlOnzo Waddell, of
Huron, Dakota, a member of th
national executive committee, will
be present to effect tho organization
The alliance has already secured
quite a largo membership in this
state, both in Eustcrn and Wivtern
Oregon. Prominent alliance men
from several counties will bo presont.
A. Waddell of Huron, Dakota, was
chosen president. Tho forenoon
was consumed In appointment of
committees. The permanent organ!
zatlon will bo perfected this afternoon.
church in the United States, which pwwi in aMiiimui.u ni i..
o liters 10 urjesv uiiu. viuvi-m jnuir
will show u membership of 0,2)0,000
communicants over 15 yeurB of ago.
SEHTTI.H, July 8, Tho disarma
ment of tho guards ut tho Oilman
coat initio will be mado at Franklin.
Bulllvau'a guords, tho Oregon Im
provement company's guards and
striking mliiers, huvo turned In a
largo number of Winchesters, car
blnus, and Murllns, after n public
mooting held Monday night. Tho
militia, are at all tho camps, A non
union miner ntGllmat), enraged at
tho taunts of tho strikers, attempted
to use an ax ou them, and was ar
rested. It Is believed tho hack of
thi strike 1b broken now, and the
mlnen will bo worked peaceful!
hereafter, though many of tho nilii
era coutluuo sullen.
New York, July 8, Tlio etonm
ship Majesllu rcaojicd Guarautluo
this morning, Among hor pnaseu
gers, wan Ooorgo Frauds Train, who
1b completing Ills circuit of the
Qloba In a racu ugnlust time. He
hoped to complete hts trip around
tho world In tlfty.llvo days, but thil
ls not possible us ho has nlread
bcou on his Journey 67 days.
Uakuhsi'ikm), Oil., July 8. Tin
Courier reports that tho osso which
pursued tho baud of six Indians who
killed Deputy Sheriff Powers uud
JilverymuiiMcCoy,nbout tho iUllnst.,
has killed one of tho bund and taken
tho son of Chief Klonn prisoner.
Kiowa uud utiolher eon were Hlalu
In tho Unlit with Powers. Thero an
about nU hundred Indians In thlc
vlclultyi but thoy uru appureutly In
dlflVrcut lo tho futo of Kiowa's
baud, The coroner'sjury found the
remote causa of dlnturbuuco was the
mIq of liquor to Indians, who after
ward fired haystacks, for which
Power sought to arrest them.
Tin: uomis DiBi'OttKn.
Bino BiNti, N Y July 8.-The
htkllesof tlio four murderers oxecu
ted ycslonloy wero burled this after
noon hi qiilokdlme. No survlces
wero held lu (ho prlsoii or ut the
gravo. Nobody wan atlowod to bt
rtttnt ut thu burial,
Ottam'a, Out., July 8. Tho inln
fcter of marine Is preparing it'jjula.
tlmis fur ho hhl incut of cattle for
Knghimt, which will go Into vlUxl
mm, Cablo ilUputche wero re
elwl from High Commissioner
Tpwef Hdvlnlng (ho government to
imm on nguiatloiw widen will
twwforw to tho rcqulremeuhi of
Mti4i4t Importers and tho public, us
t IW betliT lH'ntnmit of i-uttle ou
, tlk$ bcid. It UleuiuiHl that llnse
vhm wlllluvo KHRt weight with
ttw HHVWliHirnt, uud tho new rxgu
ImWhihi will provlds for larger ivict
w kwHtw Himiuodatlou, This
wDt wM. tkv vvh of the Cuimdlau
iswdthc BritUh Impordrs,
i wWl to ti mioutly nUtJ by
aghan ntid Edwards exchanged
allots with tlio murderer, who un
hurt retreated to u houso farther
down tho street wliero ho hid under
a bed. Here ho was fou ud by offi
cers Edwards, Monoghan and Allen.
Tho former ordered Soto to surren
der. Tho murdoror refused and
again opened lire, und then a terrible
fusilade ensued, over twenty shots
being fired before Soto was killed.
His body ami that or his victim aro
now at the morgue.
Officer Edwards exhausted his
ammunition and was wounded In tho
arm. Ho then seemed u illlo from u
Iioubo near by. Tho olllcor t-hot
through u door aud partition under
tho bed, Soto returned tho llro.
Ho had plenty of ammunition.
Finally Soto shouted that ho gave
up. Ho was dragged from under
tho bed riddled with bullets. He
died lu n fuw minutes. Tho officer's
Injury is not sevoro. Soto was one
of tho mobi dosperato characters In
tho state. Smith, who waskllled by
SnIo was nn Inoffensive woodolu p
pur. 1 lo lcuwB u wlfo und child.
OlllSON'8 oabi:.
OiiiOAdO, July 8.TI10 final de
cision 011 tho indictments against
ex-Seorotary Gibson of the whisky
trust was postponed until August
term of court. This morning by tho
mutual consent of thu attorneys lu
tho ojto, nil counts were quushed
except four for attempts to commit
arson, ote. These nro to bo argued
ut August term of court.
GinitAiTAR, July 8. Tho Anchor
iluo steamor Utopia which sunk
last March, uud 000 Italian emi
grants, drowned was raised today
and rested ou tho beach.
Galveston, Tux., July 8. Four
well known Italians of this city
wuru drowned in n galo utl' North
Point, Sunday night.
Pmnuuitu, Pa., July 8. At 7M(
o'clock yesterduy morning, car No,
1, At wood street elootito roud, uud
car No, (II, mi Duquesuo electric
roud, collided nl J'orKii uvoituo nnd
Atwood street crtilng. Tho curs
urnslied together ut n fearful speed
Tho Alwowlrur was much lighter,
und with its sevviiU'vn pasteugers
was knocked over twenty feet from
tho crossing uud thrown iiinm lu
side. Tho Duquesue car wan nlso
derailed aud damaged. John Han'
lett, Jr., t H-yeurold wm of City
Editor ihuelolt, of (he header, wus
stumhngon thu front plutfortu of
tho Atwood stivut uir. Ho was
knocked oil, rolled uud dragged
wvenly fwt. Ills shoulders und
luuU went terribly cut, uud It I
stated lU tkult li badly fractured.
Jl U bellovwl hit li.Jurles will pruve
fUtnl. Air. 1), F. Davlw. of KJftli
avvmie, n uHiigeriii tho Atwond
rr, mid Mr. Nngle, u ptiwsniscr nn
thoDuquesuocar, worulu wrlom.
lylrultnud tut. Koverul other
A l'ARNr.LL diu-kat.
Duiilin. July 8. Tho result of
the election yesteiduy at Carlo w for
successor in " Purlluuieut to late
O'Qormun Malion resulted In 11
crushing defeat for the Puruellite
cuudidato in a district which Par
nell admitted was his stronghold
und where, ho said, If ho was do
featod ho would udnilt thero was
nothing left in political life for him
to fall buck upon.
London, 8. Tho Curlow election
wuu more quiet than had beon an
ticipated. There Is but little popu
lar excitement and hardly anything
of a lighting spirit. The prevailing
Impression Is that tho Parnelllles
will bo defeated. Tho chnlco of Mr.
Kltolo as Purncll's candidate is con
sidered to have been n very weak
one, Kltelo having been kept out of
tho struggle for soorol years at a
tlmo when others were doing their
very best for tho cause. The can
dldato of thoautl-Parnellltes, whin
not an ngiesslvo nationalist, has
always stood by tho movement,
and has the all-powerful support
and approval of tho elegy.
Bmii.in, July 8. Tho Itallun
government has already sounded
tho lending Berlin bankers ou the
Bublcot of a loan to redeem that
J N Keene, W H Boyd, J G
Wright, J W Jory, E Brown, Salem.
M B Dvvld.on, Minneapolis.
W W Brigga, Toledo, Ohio.
F S Beck, New York.
G W Simpson. Albany.
A M Fall, Toronto.
J 8 Power, SF.
U Cleaver, Mt Angel.
J F Worley, Tacomu.
Wm Garber, Chicago.
Fred Eptman, Winnipeg.
It H Scott, Scotts Mills.
JTShucky, MlssShuckv, Wood
burn. C J Simeral, J Fusee, Maclcary.
W C Smith, A Ficken, Iteform
G K Tollver, Howell Prarie.
Itev. R E Bisbee, Spokane Falls.
M J White, Marqtiam.
J 11 Wooley, Tacoma.
W P Miller, Portland.
A B Brown, Knight.
Jj A Walder, Marion.
H Miller, Slletz.
T II Blundell, Salem.
U Barber, Lincoln.
J Hull, W Kester, F Goodell,
B F Burcb, wf. and son, Oregon
B O Donaldson, country.
H G Somormnn, Sheboygan.
Alfred R. Narrawuy and Sarah O,
his wf, of Brant county, Ontario, to
John M Cress, of Porllard, le J sec
18, tO s, re, 100, qc, 300.
Sheriff E M Croisan (tor W B
Manlc, Susan W Bowles and C E
Bemm) to Alfred Nam way, same
land, $717.00.
Beth Hummer, ex Geo W Tiffany
est, to Wm Olaggett, 1 G, bl U7,
Stato to Wm P Miller, Its 7, 8, 0,
10, 11, 12, sec 1U; Its 4, 5, tec 13; Its
8. 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, see 14; 1 0, sec 15;
I 3, nee 23; t s, '1 w , 40J.C5 acres,
Frank N Gilbert and other heirs
Mrs I N Gilbert to MnttieE Palmer,
q c, 071 It off east end Its 7, 8, bl 61,
Christen Nelson and Gone P, his
wife, to Abuer Lewis, 80 acres d 1 o
Reuben Lewis, $0550.
Letter List
l'lio following is the list of letters
remaining uncalled for in (ho post
office at Salem, July 8, 1891. Per
boos calling for tho same will please
say "advi itl-ed."
Arnold V H Aslenck Albert
Allen Mrs J C Alexander Wm
Brown Lew Brown Thos
Brown Fiunk M Bers T
Brad.maw Wni-2 Curtis B W
Cook A W Corman Frankie
Carter Jno ( 'liaso J H
Cannun J Day Kd
Flohicr Robt S-3 Foster Leono
country from Its present ulniost
honoles financial condition. The
rosponso, It Is said, has been favor
able. Tho Imperial government Is
earnestly desirous toseo Italy put on
u basis llnancially In older that Italy
may remain troo from French
tempt atlouu.
London, July 8. Tho funeral of
tho lato W. II. Gladslouo, eldest boii
of tho great statesman!, took place
today at Hiiwurdun.
Sr. Johns, N. F, July 8, The
commanding officer of the British
warships In Newfoundland water
has lssuod an order closing fifty
eight lotmtcr fuotorics along the
French coast, which, It Is alleged,
aro running lu violation of the
modus vlveudl. Over 1000 ffsher
men mid others aro thrown out of
employmout by this action aud
thero Is much Indignation nmong
tho losldeutsof tho French coast.
London, July 8,Tho education
bill parsed to third reading In the
Commons today, v
Chioago, July ".At closo wheat
steady, oash .Ol.tWJ; Dec, 8S.
San Franoisco, July 8. Wheat,
Ban Fr.vnuijcx), July 8. Fore
cast for Oregon uud Wnshlugtou;
Light mlus.
Hr.vrnov Ohio, City ov l)Uiiw,
1'IUMK J. UlllUvKV UUklN OuUltflHt h
uiiiiiiurnuar 01 uio arm or f. j
Ctieiioy & Uo , UoliiK bulitiw lu Hie oily o
llra), eouuij- Mini Uio utonnttl, utut (bAl
mia rtriu will m tlio kiuu of ou Inutttrtia
iHHnni iur ivmiii mm uvwr voko Ol uuiumi
ilutt muuul Ue urv.l liy Uio ue or llulr
CVUrrUOuio, 1'iUKWJ iniNiCIIK,
Kuiiru lo btiAire iw ami alMrtlHSl In
'Aiy.Piave. IliUtiiliuny qrfiM,Uyr, A
n.,iwi. A.w.aususON.
, -a-v , .Niary PiiTaw.
Hull's Cuturrh Cure I taken in
ternally mid uuts directly on tho
blood und muixum surfuett of the
system. Send for tusttuioulaU free.
-. ., . , . TmIwIo, O.
fir Sold by uruggUt. 76c
Flrusukeu H H
lluuter Jock
Jlaselblut Mrs L
Halt J H
Jones Mrs It F
JohiiHon Nollio
Ingram J W
Moyua Peter
M.irks Hairy
Stewart Adelss
Heger rs Emma
Furrls F I,
Hodson Klla
Hill Mis SO
IIuuluu Geo
Joins Henry
Jucobson Harry
.lohiii-on MrsS 6
Millet Mrs 11 C
Mlsemr F L
McCnithy Mary
Rudd I J
Stewart Jus
Sliedm.iuMnHRBmithJ S
Sturke Frank M TelNon & Co
Tlllard Lue Thin Thos
V.is Alice 13 Wild x Mrs
Wheeler A I) Wli tinan Best
Wisdom N B Wmii Mrs L W
Wright B D
A. N. Gilbert, P.M.
Tlio Purest und Hi si'
Artichs known to mtdioil scionce
me utod lu picturing Hood'stiuiHui
nrlllu. Every luiriedlent Is curefullx
seclected, perboually examined, and
only tlio best retained. The medi
cine Is prepared under tho supervis
ion .f ihoioiighly competent phur
maeists, and ever step In the pio
eem of manuftteturo is carefull
watched with a view of securing In
Hood's Sarsapaiilla the best possible
Tlio Cumins Line.
Tho Chicago, Union Pacific A.
Northwestern Lino offers tho best
accommoilutlous to tho traveling
publlo en route from San Fruuolsco
aud Portland, Chicago. Through
trains, fast time, magnlffceiit sleep
lng oars, elegant dining carr, colonist
sleepers, leullnlug chulr cars aud
hundfMimo day c-oaches. cod Aug.
Are You doing Ka&t ?
If ki), bo ture and see that your
tlokots read via "The North Western
Line." The C. St. P. M. & O. By.
Tills Is tlio great short Hue from St.
Paul or Duluth to all points east and
south. Their magnlllceut (ruck,
peerlejw usltbulid dining nnd sleep
lug cur trains, und their motto,
"always 011 tune," has given thU
road a national reputation. All
clas-sos of iwseeugurs uro cirried on
tluMostlbuled tndus without extru
ohurgo. All llektt agents coll
tickets via this Iluo. Ship yum
frwlght umi truvol over thU famous
road. W. II. Muad, Gsn. Agl.j
No. 1 Wash. St, Portland, Or.
A, J. LHta,.D, Truv'g Agt.
Baby criil,
Doctor prescribed s Custoria I
rrvnlJent NewellVi AiItIc.
wiiiln flm Vandcrbllte secure tho
services of able men nnd pay them well
the salaries of their presidents run
ning from 20,000 to S.WU a year
they still run their roads according to
their own Ideas. A pretty good story
Is told of John Newell nnd Henry B.
Tlmrtl which illustrates this. It was
soon after Mr. Ledyard's promotion to
the presidency of the Michigan Central,
when ho began receiving orders uxim
Now York which, in his opinion, en
croached on his prerogatives as presi
dent. Ho hnnted up John Newell and
talked tho matter over. Blunt John
listened attentively and then said :
"Salary comes regular, doesn't Itr
"Yes," replied Mr. IxdyarcL
"You don't have any complaint as to
tho way you aro carrying those instruc
tions out or tho way tne roau is run,
do you!"
"No complaints; everything lovely."
"WelL who owns tho road any
how f remarked Mr. Newell.
"Why. tho Vanderbilts," said Mr.
Ledyard, In surprise.
"Well, then, let mo tell you some
thing. You just let the owners run
thnir nronertv. Thov riav us more than
any other railroad owners do for tho
samo service, nnd as they nro ratlier
nico people why not do as they -want
us tor' Cincinnati uommerciai-ua-zetto.
To Lower Ship.' Itoals Easily.
To facilitate tho lowering of ships'
boats in ca3 of accident a "combined
chock and gripo arrangement" has been
patented by Mr. W. Hell, manager
Cainperdown shipyard, Dundee. Mr.
Bell's arrangement enables n boat to bo
more securely fastened down into tho
chocks, and it can bo instantly released
ready for lowering by ono man, who has
merely to move a small lover, without
touching tho "tackles," "gripes" or
"chocks." To further increase tlio
rapidity in lowering tho boats,"patont
lowering and disengaging gear has nlso
been designed and patented by tho
samo gentleman.
By it a boat can bo safely lowered
into tho water by ono man. All possi
bility of ono end of tho boat being low
ered before tho other is averted by both
ropes being wound on tho samo barrel,
Tho windlass is situated at a conven
lent point between tho davits, and by
means of a powerful brnko ono man can
let down or haul up tho lifeboat with
conn nnd safoty. Chambers' Journal.
Waslilnctoii'n Remedy for Hoarseness
Gcorgo Washington, whilo attending
a swell reception at Newport, noticed
that tho daughter of his host, Miss EI
lery, was buffering from a severe soro
throat and could not speak abovo a
whisper General Washington, observ
ing tliis embarrassment of his youthful
hostcbs, said to her:
"Miss Ellery, you seem to bo suffer
ing very much ; what is tlio matter?"
Miss Ellory told him tho causo of her
trouble, upon which tho general said to
"I suffer myself very frequently from
a soro t hroat nnd take a remedy which
I find very useful, and which I would
recommend to you wero I not sure you
would not tako it."
"13ut 1 am sure," replied Miss El
lory, "that I would tako any remedy
that General Washington would pro
pose." "Well, then," said tho general, "it is
this onions boiled in molasses. It has
cured 1110 often "
Miss Ellery took the remedy and, of
courso. was cmed. Now York World.
t iS b I I LA 1 8 j
X "V. VT V,3 JL-s' JLaB A J. JLdL Ammvmf
Parties wishing to build nice residences and in search of a beautiful location
with pleasant surroundings should visit
It is located direct on the Electric line to the Fair Ground, overlooking tho entire city
the snow capped mountains, Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, as well as the ever
green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and
the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. The High school as
well as the North Salem new building are within a
short distance of this tract.
Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property
is now for sale by
All Real Estate Men
In this City, who will l;o ready at any time to show this tract to purchneers.
on j i
best quality of brick at the yards near
Penitentiary. BURTON BROS.,
blelHi GfCgOi'i
302 Commercial Street"
y 11 1. n .
oiuics, lunges, fuioaces,
Tiware, and ail House
Furnishing Goods.
Chimney and
Sewer Fines,
lion and
Buckeye, Force
- Pumps. Pumps
For Orchard Spraying.
NewEi-a Hydraulic GlothesWashcrl
Greatest labor saving invention In the lioiiteLolcl line. Wnsliesjal
varieties of goods fiom the finest hm to the courtest carpets, perfectly
oleau, without rubbing or boiling, wiilmut tlie use of cheiniculs or un
(Ustruetlveproeefas only toap aud : li r. 1 he cempany owning It oiler's
J1000 to anv peison who will prmlui'e a fam.ly washer equal to the NEW
ERA lu the following peints: 1'iln-. Labor f-av in g. Itapidity of wash
ing. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning perfectly without damage to
clothing, simplicity aud perfect conMiuction. Size, weight and lu ni
hility. Satisfiutlon guaranteed or .money lefuuded Solo Agents tor
Mraton county. dw
---aMSJJ Ci t-X9i
25c Want Column,
Nutlee- inoerted fur ONi; CKNT PBIt
tlscmeutliiseiled In tills uoliimn for less
taau twenty-flve cents
"pLOWonheantlfUl Orcipn." Itwnco,"
J.1 and "Tacoinn"nre tlm titles tn lluco
iiewnad cbnimlLp iim'cnl romposlllons
for the piano forie.tluteo violin, liy mall
iio cents cncli. Korm'oitt Ulamond'H Mu
sic House, SOS Cuinincirlal street, hnlom.
A general stock of imislial luercliandlso.
Henry Olny'n Criick Shot.
A story old but good is told of Ilcnry
Clay's lucky crack bliot. Clay was vis
iting a backwoods county in Kentucky,
whoro the man who could llro tho best
shot stood highest in esteem, and tho
man who couldn't llro at all was looked
upon with contempt. Ho was canvass
ing for votes when ho was approached
by iomo old hunters, ono of whom told
him that ho would bo elected to con
gress, but that ho must first show how
good 11 fcliot ho was.
Clay declared that ho nover shot
with any rillo oxcept his own, which
was at homo. A target was sot up,
howovcr, and Mr. Clay aimed at it. lie
fired faint heartedly, but tho shot struck
tho bull s oyo In tho conter.
"A chanco shot I A chance shot I"
cried his oppononts.
"Never mind," ho answered. "You
beat it, and then rwill."
No ono could beat it, and Mr. Clay
had too much senso to try again. Now
York AVorid.
Pianos and Organs
--MUSICATj merchandise.
finest linf. lowest prices.
Installments from o per month up. Wholesale and
310 Commercial St., Salem.
Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. dw
NICELY funiNbed rooms to rent, with
board. In nlf-iisnntest part of cits , near
street car lines, 4M ("entc r meet Jfcv) tf
mllltEE HA LI H.- Money loaned on
i Mutchesniidjsvelr Liidiill kinds ot
personal property tlmt can be stored In
my Rnfe or utore. At linir h Jewelry More,
100 SUito street. 4-ZT If
IXHIHaI.E. . 1 1 1 one ii( re of land nnd
i burn, wlih iui uihk ntei In rear o(
barn. A benulir.il 1 ni'im lor a homo In-
JUItb.! DlWl U "l V ., , -III .It4.lt. nt'U M
of Asylum fctiuu alter cii-Klni; brtnt-o M
going to Asylum. lui m
WANTEC A st-u-ittiii 1 Ikiii.m ;:ti lfr
iy auitlou 1'ly In ti uuorcouniry.
Address Mrs. I'lult pui m. Or.
J7AN1KD I'oslllon us ir-iikplPBiioi-
V loi xNldourroi baihilci, lu c)t or1
ountry. jvit-rrncp uqp.nd ond eipn.il
JfOlt BALL tutnlture of uenlly fur
; uhucd fionl loom, i ht.ip, rent o y
moderate, alioGerniuu dm ry, beautiful
2Ulw Uurfh&liieymanJUucic.
WAls 1 KL Our agents ti-uko 5100 to $300
u mouUi fOliluj; uur tooris on liitlr
u.erlts. Wo want mui.t.v nnd ccneiul
upenis.and wllltnKe bud all gcoa, vn
olil it u county ugent urn to oeui 8J0J
und expentesaf era th'ilj duys' trial, or
u general nL'ent lose than V&J, Weill!
btud laiKbilluMi&ttd c.rioluis and lutier
with special otter to bull le ntor up.
piled for, on receipt of 3 one-cent stHinpt.
Appiyot puce and get In ol Iho bom.
Addiesn ltenner Muuufacturmsr i:o.. Mitt.
burg. Pa. t7dwtf
A Doubtful CoinpUment.
Somotimes an ojcprcsslon of thank
fulness can bo turned Into ono of things
which aro bettor left unsaid. Ono
sunny day a sad eyed miui, clad in
shiny raiment, found a prosperous
youth enjoying tho warmth of Uroad
street, and besought him for alms. Ho
himself, quotli tho applicant, had
known prosperity In earlier days, nnd
ho knew what was duo from ono gen
tleman to another Therefore ho had
not hesitated to address tho youth,
who, being happy himself, should try
to make others happy. All this had its
effect upon tho young man. Ho pro
duced a diino and handed it to tho
Granger, who accepted it with n bow
and it llourish. "Ah, mbter," 1 said,
"I hopo wo tJiall moot again, nnd that
then I shall bo in a position to recipro
cate." Then lie went his way, leavins
tho youth sadly puuloil as to Jmt what
ho meant. Juv York Times.
Speaking by the Card.
"Whist Is ft poor substitute for the
"In what wayl"
"Holding hands, "-New York Herald.
Foil Tt u Coaht. Passengers to
the coast yt mouiiUiua should
rvtueuilwr lht IUiiuiuhii bascaunoti
nwbt turkey, ro.t chicken, tluvlled
ham, lunch tongue, drlwl Uo', oyu-
tors, niinliues, wluimi, tihrlmj), lob.
oKiins, andall kinds of plonio
the frdlnst umi Inrmut uu.
d .i; - . .--.'- .(,-. .-
u.or liu ntiuinj it Boriment lit ihM iii. il .,t,.i-i..
prufKA IjaSffft bow ohoiv, JelH auU Jam,, crack '
Ttltf HaaI Kliv lu luk w.iii,l m. ..
UrtilMW, h.xiWru.oiu idt iuw.; j yj; r
AV11 IHU BtlBJLlU filUIMbnv Mki.
UN-uly CUt
A Fntgllo Btrurture.
A ytem which chroulo tndlsMtlou hi
dpltiAl uud rtxidervd urou uud lbie,
Utndeda very rrusllo uructure. iiteuo
ineul fHt top)Uni!tntotrnUIvatlj ieiy
BxreMhetrrlUblllly of temper, nbnoriuul
and ruueiM nuxlely. hypochondrlii,
lnlcrlaaod Wt'plwntv-tbc an ome
of the iiiniftMtullu of uer otunnj,
1 bat stand luvlratlng uervine. Hosier
ter MiiiMih ItiiuT trauii.tllixeri by
tr nUonli Hi nrrm, -wmllhloc
tbedoublo tult thnnigh th meriiunof
rvnfwed dlmlon and awlnillittlon. No
Inn to in ttxUteuce xhlbiu nuou Ihorouih
nw. product uch idily approouille
fir.cUalh IUtlr h li h iwruvlly e
IIhWo kativuftrd tiik tuilarU and
ttKSVMHi lldne" tmub!e, and ntmd
MHt'tJr w una Uw4 uwailvliy ud
S'H?"1 J?vPulnalWUouldn6tlil
tutorttftr their l.a with ibUwulux
proieethe, whlca welt raerlU a PrlUu
Building up a Strong, Independ
ent Paper for the People
in Oregon ?
Printed at Hie Seat of Government
During tho reeont Kwsion of tho leglida
lure It was tlio only pjiper In tliPhtale tha
utucked sucees-fully i he Portland dlctu
lotHhlp In Uirgon politics. U imccesf.jlly
oppoied all doi-torlugtho Aimtrallan billot
U In tho luterestii ol political bosses. It
ddvooHted the law (tlmt passed) Rising
Hid l)ngou milroul ivmi mission pwer to
txjuitund reusouub u int of fieijhts
ami ioyor tuoufnen Jls dcvlslous. It 1.110-
00 -fultj advonited re.eutlon of tho old
rallncidoommtiuilou ux bout qualified to
cuforio tlielmv. It lat 01 ed lor all incis
ures in open rlveinnd thiibbecure tolhe
people tho rli'ht to fivu aud unrestricted
Uhootihn wuteru).
its i-irroitM,
Thk' apitil Jowml f.ivorsa reform
In tmUu'nl lliianix. 1 the end that the
pivi 111 -"tiiin 11 inopoly system ot
nn.ipKU. uu 111 d -iu .c currency may be
aiiMpi unl b lb. gu. 1 niiient luluif dl-
1 ! ii th ixo-ie u.i adequate supply 01
leaui ! udrti money, wit li h v)ln basis suf
tleieul toeoufortn loxound bunking prln-
nim-v. 11. mwm uiccuuii 01 an oiuciais
wiii lelaluie for, or are directly respond
blo lothep-nplu, by direct tote of the peo
ple. IilHioni ruiKlnj all state revenues
by a tax on the kiwn. earnings of corpora
tions, both foreign mid state. It favors
opening all wiitemays to the sea and a
ooutrolof alii-omiuon carriers to the end
that t he producer shall secure for his labor
the lurct nrt rct'ims
If mi fnor rtjiHliilunU powers possible
In the handsofthe people and government
In the tnleresu of the people, circulate this
pilfer. For icruu, see elsewhere.
llr Uofek lluo3.
A. J. SHIMP, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Uitoot Philadelphia.
ufBll ( liiimlc. Hheumatlc, lllood, Drain
and nervous diseases, tv.verv vnrit ni
tunale dNeasen yield to electricity after
mi uiuci uiuui;i m ireaiineni nave iaiieu.
l.hlrlecn years clinical experience. Office
iU Commercial street. 5 21 3m
5:0 Liberty street, North
J54 State street
We are ready to fill a'l orders for all
V luds of Ire h and salt meats W o aim to
Iteeplho best tho country nflbrds. Free
delivery; W'or.eslroto thank all our old
nitrons for tticlr liberal patronage, hoplne
they will situ continue with us.
Livery SUble anil Feed
Tht Best Bn SUIIi and Corral In th iftj.
Quiet, family horsed a specialty.
(lu rtar Willamette hotel.)
. Vsy a -- &c?&
' TmmS8i!SS3&:
IrA-liSitlKCSiSW v
3 I
w ry?
For Sale Cheap.
S mlli s from Half-m at $25 per acre. About
aeres onen, balance timber. Good sprlns
atcr. ' Terms Kasy." LHO WlLlLlB.
Opera House, Court street.
Marion Co. Normal Institute.
TllO tlllrrf nil mini oao ?!.-. .. 4t.. at t
county ormullnstltuip. will bu iitld In
iZry , , " Btu"c'i uou-c, conimcncint;
Monday. July e, l&UI, und wm contluuo
three weeks.
llesjutur class work will be done, nude
the mam genient of able lhstiuctors, lnth
uiaucuus luugri in our tcIioMs.uud. iru
HllltlcU'llt. nntiitini. rl. 1.1.-. . .., . .-.., ...ill I..
nri'iml rtA I.. IJIi ...i it.. '.... .. .
--B -" " o oi' iii uw jniiuy, i.ompu
hillnil nrwi Uft-i l.i..lnn w '
r?."'Kr-;'?."j ";." . . ...
. .. TOjciwm ilia norintu antlllute UIM
lv ,c. ,uu Buuju-iH mugm iu me com-
tnon (,1'hnnlu ii nn ti Hlu nuo 1... v,- . .
odsof presentlnK tl.em to pupils. The liw
Mtltlltn lu Hill lintil Tn. ...V...- ...
ulso for those who Inieuil 10 tei ch
Bring text books on till brunches! Trvlo
help delraV the expenses ofThe" InST.ut
b or further Information address
County Superintendent of Common Sch'ooU
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours oJ theDay
"Nntlft hilt 11Vll4a luhn.AMnl 1 Jl..-
mtabUihinent. ",,""'H"
a eooa substantial meal oxked In first,
class style.
Ti euty-fl ve cents per meal,
Court street, between Journal Office and
Minto's JJery.
House and sign Painting!
wall tlutiiifc'. decorathe panor haDeln ,
viHiu nui.uint;. intimates solicited on
outraawork. laHtatoSt.
Staple and Fancy Groceried
fvrrw.lf ai... llnj.iiTn.A r ... .
and Willow ware. All kinds nfmili Tpa
Usoyecotablssaudfrults n their sensa
w iii w m """ ro"ntry produc
w i""ii ii j uur luiirouase.
M mataustreet
IlnilfiA tVllntll.rF anil nm. !...
Oiwd material and niyt-clok. work U my
""jtvu ix-ave oruers on sut-, at tartan.
f. it fA
c ft
mm nun 1 m
ni bVtiAbmu
. V. BKELKIt, Aeent, . Balem. Oregon
1 OfimnRnv.
KJre ana Ma
0al OtekU.
C.klVftfl MkhU i.n.,. ..b
nmmAt fc.i.k .,... T . i
-j r ji.ii iLTrHrtzit
?"C MJWlllMI, MPtvibU
r 4. Im Hum te
Il KUn y.tL in u..irTTL
" iTL." ' . "".mhi
To U on Real CtUts Security.
Wm and Pacta
ii?l5iHS"l"2!,il?.f'T bert "
illll (.ii ui invctiy
Httfiw, $2.50 to $5.00 pcrfliH
The lvat unil 1-' wpen lortIand adP
rri.l Mn PImI . An. In ll l.a anlln!l
. . -m. .... v nam mi ih rr
louts. It tt'M mo nened wllh
Choicest JFrult
Grown in the Willamette Valley.
ft '
I -"-" w Kjtv IIWll
144 1 J)U1 Dnhu,
1 iiat-a. n