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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1891)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. rac VOL. 4. "TUB PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OBEQON, WED2HLSDAT, JULY 8, 1891. "TO-DAY'S KEWS TO-DAY." KO. 104. SOMETHING WORTH LOOKING AFTER. SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE WEEK. 1000 Boxes Hurd's best Stationery, containing one quire paper and envelopes to match 25c 100 Reams, Commercial Note, Mt. Jefferson, plate finish, in ream boxes 50c per box 100,000 Envelopes, in thousand boxes, No. 5, 6, 6 XXX GOc per box. 500 Writing Tablets, note size, Acme Manufacturing company 10 and 15c each 0PHC 3CS IL'ESEE&'JBS&JkJEm OZE'riF'JESXg, OO3&0EEBS 3E"S03MC T. McF. PATTON'S STATE) STREET BOOK STORE 98 STATE STREET. REMEMBER THE PLACE. Goes the farthest with sensible people. When you are Telling them where to buy Shoes, they want no foolishness, but facts. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, Have some articles in their store that are worth your while to hear about at this time of the year. They are best prepared to furnish you with what may be called S "EJ TIM! 3&S: !2 3& POO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUBLISHED DAILWEXCErTBUNDAY, B TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In r. O. Building Hntercd at the postofflco nt Salem, Or., as second-date n atttr. SUGGESTED UUBIMKNT. Salvation in tlie next world may bo freo but it costs hero to run a church or newspaper. Oregon republicans will try au3 givo tbo democrats in tho Btutc houso a farwell reception in Juno, 1S92. Consolidated Portland wan Is to put on stylo. They are even do manding that wood piles bo moved off tho street. Consisting-of-Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Below we will quote you a few prices. Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 90c; Ladies' Shoes 1.50; Men's Plow Shoes 90c; Men's Shoes $1.40. We also carry the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, - 261 Commercial Street. :WE AliE HEADQUAKTEES ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR -:- Harvesting Machinery ok Every Description. -:- Our Stock Comprises the Celebrated EMPIRE MOWERS, EMPIRE AND TRIUMPH REAPERS AND BINDERS. HOOSIER, DAISY, FAMOUS, HOLLINGSWURTH AND GAZELLE SULKY HAY RAKES. BARNES' REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, STERLING AND OHIO HAY TEDDERS. Keystone hay loaders, "Eclipse" stackers and buck rakers, Myers hay forks and carriers, and the Celebrated Steel Krm Randolph Header. It will pay all farmers and dealers to call and see us, or write for quotations before purchasing elsewhere. STAVER & WALKER, New Market Block. Portland. Oregon The dangerous hop louse has dis appeared, says n hop expert. Bo -it goes with all of Oregon's pests hul the politician. It is ofteu a question whether the gallows nro cheated or not. They would sometimes be worse sold if they got tho fellow. The Paciilo Coast Fauclers' month ly for July comes to us a liner num ber than ever. Address Chas. It, Harker, San Jose, Cal. July number of Babyhood will be found to contain muoh that is valu able to mothers of young children. Babyhood Publishing Co., 6 Beek inau street, Now York. Tho town politician should con Ono his operations to tho town. There ho may run everything. But lie cannot run the farmer, more especially tho reading, thinking farmer, who can also under certain circumstances becomo the uctiug farmer. Agent lor Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel We can show you twelve dif ferent styles of Oxfords, A. B. C. D. and E. widths, A very fine assortment this, and they are reasoable in price. Remember Ave sell the best quality of Slack Over Gaiters At $ I per pair. We have all sizes and can give a perfect fit. Wm. BROWN & CO., DEALERS rgg4rPH0merCial Street. EY Lai 1 1 PPL Fine Groceries and Table Luxuries . First-class goods and lowest prices has been the corner of success. It Avill pay every housekeeper to examine our stock, It represents the best selected variety of First Class Fancy and Staple Groceries Oregon City Enterprise: Salem rejoices over tho completion of a now electric railway line, and other cities are building sewers, erecting now hotels and manufactories, and push ing important enterprises. Boys muy bo had (and sometimes girls) for ordinary service at wages or upon indenture (to work, attend school, and be brought up some what as your own;) and children may bo had for legal adoption. Ad dress, E. T. Dooley, Supt. Oregon Boys' and Girls' Aid society, Port laud, Oregon. Superitltlou, If wo could search Into other persons' minds in tho majority of them wo should find Ideas and theories dating back to tho nges of superstition. II parents nro so unfortunate ns to bo superstitious thoy should tho moro earnestly en deavor to keep their llttlo ones' niinda frco from a similar taint Wo have enough troublo to enduro in onr Jour noy through llfo without seeing it ahead of us before wo como to it. Often after a great deal of low spirits and worry over imaginary coming trials they nover como, and had wo mot them unexpect edly wo should not havo had any moro fret or grief than wo have already suf fered, sinco wo had, or fancied wo had, tho omen which foretold them. I know persons who will bo miserable for days after a bad dream, constantly expecting bouio ovll to befall them; others nro always endeavoring to oscor tain the futuro significance of every present event "Why should wo bur den our llttlo ones' minds with such nonsense f It can bo but an incubus at tho best to think that ono knows what is going to happen. Tho child who ia .thus taught is cruelly wronged, and given a weapon which can hurt nono but tho possessor (unless ho, too, trans mits it to Ills childen) ; but upon him it can work griovous ovil and cloud many hours which otherwiso might havo been entirely caro freo and happy. Among tho uneducated superstition often runs riot, and ono sometimes meets with ideas that aro fairly blood curdling. It would bo wiso if mothers would pay rather moro attention, than thoy usually do to tho fancies their llttlo ones may bo imbibing from nurses and servants. Mrs. S. II. Snidor in House keepers' Weekly. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. J AS. AlTKBN, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. THE BEST CANNED GOODS Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name. rho Orange Store, 126 State St., Salem, Or. One-Third of Your Life Is Spent In- npant YOUR SHOES The most comfort and good wear for the money at DENHAM t CO.. JAS 'J 118 State Street. T1TT1 w I I .J mu ' ER BROS.. " THE GROCERS " 0ornnierclal Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. AND TABLE LUXURIES IN THE CITY, And we are the universally acknowledged leaders for sell ing on small margin of profit, especially when quality is taken into consideration. The enormous increase in our business is evidence that the public appreciate tho advan tage we offer. lOO Court Street. to land Seeks, Ten acres of fruit land eight and n-half miles from Salem and three and a-half miles from Turner for $350. Ten acres of fruit land six miles from Salem, all in cultivation, with never falling sprjug; 6600, cash. Lota in Highland addition to Salem on tho installment plan for from 5400 to $500 each; city water, street cars, sowerago, well-graded streets, shade trees, city park adjoin ing, and the best horse-car service in tha state soon to be changed to an electric line. The Oregon Laud company, Salem, Oregon, The regular quarterly meeting of tho O. S. H. S. will bo held nt Now- berg, Tuesday and Wednesday, Julj 14 and 15. A good program has been prepared, Ncwberg promifaea to entertain royally, and there should bo a full attendance, showing our appreciation of her interest in horticulture. "I !'- , U.LT A clergyman who did not get on well with tho congregation was ap pointed chaplain of a penitentiary, and preached a farwolf sermon to his congregation. There was noth ing in tho sermon at which any body could take offence, but some of tho members did not lllto tho text, which was: "I go to prepare a place for you, so tliut where I am yo may also be." Tacoma News: An American Is uevcr dlscouragod, never disheart encd. Wlieroau Englishman falls and Is heard of no more, tho in stances hero of wealth won by daring speculation, lost, and then won back ugaiu, aro of everyday occurrence. Tho roverso of this golden medal is that monoyed suc cessat nil hazardsis too much held up to youth as tho aim of ex lu te nee. To somo of ua it seems that theroars things better worth striving for than such success. QUI LID UrM The criticism hus been mado of American Review that they con tain too few real reviews of real subjects, and too many mere brief statements of problems and projects. This criticism Is hardly warranted in tho ease of tho Forum for Julv. Besides tho explanation by Geffeken (It was Geilckeu, by tho way, who was Imprisoned for tho publication of tho late Emperor Frederick's diary) of tho downfall of Bismarck and of the character and policy of the youngs emperor of Germany, there are several "reviews," proper ly socalled, In tho July Forum. America's Inoxhnustlblo Conl Supply. To got nn Idea of tho probably Inex haustible coal supply, compare Amer ica with England. Somo years ago on investigation was mado to ascertain how long tho supply of coal would last in that country. Tho drain upon tho mines tlioro is not alono for tho manu facturing in Sheffield, Manchester, Lon don and tho other cities, but English coal Is exported to far away countries. In 1874 tho output of tho mines of tho world was 2GO.000.000 tons, of which England furnished 125,000,000 tons, or about ono-holf. Investiga tion showed that tho supply, within 4,000 foot of tho surfaco which was available, was so great that at this av- erngo of 125,000,000 tons a ycafr It would not bo oxhausted for 1,120 years, England has a coal area of 13,000 square miles, whilo In uio United States tho area is 120,000, or ton tiruos as great. Consequently, if one-half tho output for tho world wero to como from mines in tins country at tho rato of consumption when tho investigation was made tho supply would lost 11,200 years. But it has been found that ns tho world grows tho consumption of coal Increases in a gepniptrio ratio, bo that this period cannot bo counted on as tho timo whon tho supply will bo oxhaust ed. It is cnougli to say that tho sup ply In tho United States Is practically Inoxhaustiblo, and that as a coal pro ducing country tho United States is without n rival. Interviow in Now York Times. GeUynljiirjr uml CUIckmuaug. It was at Gottysburg and Chlcka raauga that our American armies woro at their best and did their best. Nover wero thoy either boforo or after tlioso memorablo engagements so strong, bo well olilcerod, so fierce, so dotonnlnod to win, so resolved not to yield. Thoy wero then, wo repeat, at their best containing nono but soasoncd troops under voteran ofilcors, inured to war, both armies confident of victory, and pretty nearly, taking all things to gether, equally matched. And no ono can read tho stoy of thoso great bat tles without being proud of his country and his raco, for nover was thoro moro resolute and obstinate and gallant lighting dono, nor over wero sovoro losses moro unshrinkingly borne. Nor can It bo truly said of cither of thoso battles that tho beaten army did not light as hard and us long as Its moro successful antagonist. Thoro la glory enough for all. Ifcnco It is fitting that both fields Gottysburg and Chick amauga should bo dedicated to tho perpetual remembrance of tho great battles so worthily fought there. John O. Hopes in Scnbnor's. Kcw& Baking Powder Mfsmw ABSOLUTELY PURE GENERAL NEWS NOTES. organ por- Chulrmun National Committeo, United States Senator, Standard Oil Milllonairo Rrlco Is anxious to Lave the country democracy organ ize into clubs all over tho Union. The Portland Telegram says: "Tho club organization a (lords excellent facilities for educational work, They aro tho medium through which campaign literature can bo dlstrlb utcd In udvanco of the, cmupnigii, Their value can not bo overeat Inm ted, and Mr. Jlrlco displays wisdom In urging (lint an active interest bo taken in those organizations." Come all ve countrv democrats liraniy.n DRAYSAND TRUCKS ,.ni. ., .!.. n,i,-. ...i i.i.. fllwava n.nrlv fnr nnl. ,""- " ""' "" ""!' foil unit ,f,1lv,.r ..? BftVO UfOW 111 J&92 J hay. ooal and lumber, Ori ItmTnuwnrki nra.nj(. -t iw piaic pi.,oj'iHnjieDa- ouipper,cniiigH your timo ireigni vtsx iron worm. irys ana trucks mnv lm found i imnhnnt ft, a. ,.. I vtn i, mi,.fr i....i i. toecwrftwww --'" &nu7mWM, ,, Urn Tract ft Bray Co. I'rolltuhla Hea Dream, Turning dreams to commercial ac count Is the peculiar advantage pos sessed by a Malno sea captain, u natlvo of Phlpsburg. Ho assorts that on tho night preceding his arrival in any port no invariably lias a vivid dream. In his vision ho sees tho entire layout of tho harbor, tho number of vessels in port, and Is given to understand Just where his location is to bo. In ooso tho harbor Is a strange ono ho become acquainted In this mysterious way with oil tho approaches, nnd when his ves rel sails up to iter uncliorago lie slmptw her courso with all tho confidence born of certain knowledge. Lewlston Jour nal. Orlsluul Kmuuclputlou IruclHtuiitluii. '1 ho original draft of iiia- emanclpa. tlon proclamation was lost in tho groat Chicago fire of 1871. 'Tho only other document In the handwriting of Lin coln which proves his acts in reference to tho abolition of slavery is in tho cof loctlon of O. V. Qunthor, the Chicago eandy dealer. Bt. Louis Ilopubllo. Of tho old pcoplo n the United King lorn abovo tho age of sixty, rich and poor alike, ono in seven is at the pros Hit moment fa receipt of parUh relief. Ten (uouvund iiutlonallals murch ed In procession fuoni Castle Martyr to Kllteagb, Ireland, sod unveiled ft memorial on the grave of TJuwtby Dlyr tH Feaka matyr, Morltz Haupt, tho German composor Is dead In Berlin. Treasurer Nebeckor, reports a net balance in the treusuay of $51,402,000. Tho Rov. Mr. Bpurgeou was re ported slightly better Tuesday eve ning. Carl Martin?, tho well-known musician, died suddenly in Toronto Monday evening. Salomon & Frank, wholesale to bacco dealers of New York, assigned Monday. Persia has accepted tho Invitation to tho world's fair,and named Spen cer Pratt as au honorary commis soner. Several lights occurred In Carlow, Ireluud, Sunday betweo Paruulltcs and nntl-Paruolltes. Several sons wero injured. A Berlin oxchaugosays that Stu ort Robson's manager has engaged Ernst Possart for an Amerlcau tour lu 1802-9,1, for $75,000. Tho Austrian Archduke Joseph denies that his daughter, tho Arob ducheaa Maria, is betrothed to Priuco Ferdinand, of Bulgaria. A cablo received from Rio Jenciro states that the Brazilian cabinet has been reorganized, with Luceua us minister of tho treasury. Six hundred aud thrty-flvo thous and ounces of silver were purchsed by tho goyornmoutMouday nt prices ranging from $1.0185 to $1,0140. G. F. Burnett & Co., wholesale olothlcrs of Montreal, havo been served with a demand of assign ment by A. F. Gait. Their liabili ties aro (3100,000. Joseph W. Parker, n morchant tailor of Boston, assigned yesterday. Liabilities aro $050,000- Tho nomi nal assets are said to bo slightly in excess of that sum, Tho Oakland, Cal., common coun cil Monday night failed to pass an ordinance licensing tho pool rooms, Tho measure lacked one vote of tbo ueccssary two-thirds, 8an Francisco's champion oars man, Hunry Peterson, will leave for Victoria on tho steamer Umatilla for his raco with McLean. A boat is being built for Peterson and will be ready by Wednesday. The president denies that Secro rary Blaluo has reslgucd. IIo nnd Posniaster-Genoral Wnuamaker aro maklug a plun to bring tho postal subsidy bill Into effect. Tho amount of fractional silver shipped from tho treasury depart ment during Juno was $1,105,451, aud during Juno 1800 was $774,007, Bank Examiner Drew was dis missed Monday for carelessness lu tho aflalrs of tho Koystono National Batik, of Philadelphia. The press mill or the Mooslo low der Compnnynt Jermyn exploded Monday, kllllug John Tully and Philip Forkuld, employes. 3'rofessor L. E. Follansbeo, of tho Culthen, college, Olympla, sturted forTncoma Juno 10, and since that timo nothing has been heard of him. G. F, Burnett & Co-, wholesale clothiers of Montreal, have been nerv ed with a demand hf assignment by A. F. Gait. Their liabilities uro $100,000, Joseph W, Parker, a morchant tailor of Boston, unsigned Monday, Liabilities, $050,000. Tito nominal assets are srld to be slightly lu ox cess of that turn. Pcoplo of lloqulam, Wash., nro uxuueu ovor me uiuung ror two or three nights of packages of phospho rus scattered lu different parts of the town. So far no serious damage lias resulted, Twelve porsous were poisoned at a jiionlo party ut Alius, near Fort Smith, Ark,, Sunday. Dr. B. O. Cochran, M. F. Stegler, aud Miss Llppert, of Ozark., and Miss Mitch ell, of Clarksvllle, Ark., are at the point of death. Tho trlul of James Wood for the murder of Mrs. V, A. Moss near Port Angeles several months ago re sulted in a disagreement. The prls oner then pleaded guilty to man sluugter, and was sentenced to hard labor in tho penltentlury for fifteen years. Many persons have called on Glad stone to condole with hfni upon tho death of his eldest son. Auiqi the callura wero United State Mlulstor aud Mrn, Lincoln. The funeral will tuko place Wed uesdayot Ha warden. The memoirs of Voti Moltka will soon be published. They will fill several volumes, uud the ooulenU premise to be of much Interest. The Parjs Chamber of Commerce strongly recommends the manufact urer to exhibit fit the Clilcaio fair. and asks the government to obtain! issociatetl Press Repart ami Digests of all Iapwtttt News or To-Day. MISCELLANY. THE OANADrAN PACIFIC. Chicago, July 8. Tho Canadian railroad hus about completed ar rangements that will practically create a uew all-rail route between New York and Chicago. This has been a rumor that has received much attention In Chicago of lnte,but here tofore has lacked confirmation. An interested official positively stated today that It was a fautfand gave , tho followlag details; The new route will bo the Canadian Pacific from New York to Detroit, From Detroit on, an entirely new air line will bo built via Fort Wayne to Chicago. A now line will also bo built from Detroit to Toledo, and - from Toledo to a Junction with the Detroit-Chicago brauch. TheCaua diuu Paolllo cannot, of course, operate lines in tho United States, and these new lines will be built by tho Bryco-Tlionms syndicate and, Richmond Terminal Interests, amply baoked by money furnished by Canndinu' Pacific directors. Almost, if not quite, enough subsi dies havo been granted by different cities and counties to build the lines from Dotrolt. Contracts havq all been let for this work andooon tructors are bound to complete it beforo ihe snow files. In addition tho Canadian Pacific has been authorized by the parliament rail way committee to build the South Oaturlo Pacific road from Wood stook via Hamtltou to the Niagara river, which will be spanned by a new cautllevcr bridge. The same corporation will also build from Buffalo via Hamilton to Toronto ta, securo another lake outlet by build ing from Teswater to Kincardine on Lake Huron. This work la all to be completed within a year and pro vides for everything except the, Chicago terminal, which will be, uuloss present negotiations are de clared ofl, tho new Lake-street ele vated road. In effect the now ror d will bo a gigantic bolt line, giving entrance to Chicago to such lines as tho Lake Erio & Wekern, Lacka wanna, Lehigh Valley, Rome, n Watortown & Ogdeusburtr, Western New York fc Pennsylvania, Rich mond Terminal, and others which are uow tied up by other connections. Mlleago rights will be leased to theso roads, enough least having already been made to guarantee haudsome earnings. With the in auguration of tho now route, the Canadian Pacific will duplicate on tho Atluntlo Its Paclflo ocean fleet of steamers, WIWlKLM'a VISIT. London, July 8. Tho queen ha appointed a staff to attend upon th German emporor during his visit to England. They are as follows; Ad miral Sir J. Comtneral and General Sir Jamca McNeill, oh equerries to tho kaiser, and Lord Dero and Lady Antrim as lord and lady in waiting to the German enipeeaa. The review on Wlmbl-edou com mons Saturday will be mostly Loudon nfluir, that Is, the greater portion of tho volunteers will be from the metropolis. The command ing alllcera Ih the home district. have received Invitations toatfeud with battalions not less than 500 strong. A brigade of calvary la to be formed by n regiment of the household troops from Loudon, and. two or three regiments to be march ed up from Aldershot, tlw ),ttc boh);; accompanied by severaLjifat terles or artillery, Then, &JIT tm bo lu tho forco a brigade vf foot guards to bo inarched front London . on tho moriilug of the review, and a brigade of regular iufaatnr from Aldershot and WoolwWa. The mounted troops will mrtve at Wimbledon on Thumlajr evtulug and remain there througout th maneuvers aud until JWondajr, wr- the niouiited troops will return to Aldershot to take part In the regular cilvary maneuvers, tin nwdwr will not t bore fore U a vohtnieer allulr altogvther, but U ) tfe kaiser n chance to wlB the die. dp! I no of botm of Um NK -meiits of Kugland. Jfo J!ot will besparcd by tbe war fUthori(ie to make tke yyjwa meaiwraUu atttdr. The. lttMt MWf (toe Iferliu ta oakil44 to have kiriug ttot new tlN kaieerettA b w rtHu lu Um Mtdet m ttowr iiiiituw. and asks the government to obtain 7!yY. .TL,,, .T , ,,, . K additional faelllthw from Aweri ' Mwiib for the exhlultow, a frMiMt dyow, 'n. uMuittiyed