mw?Ttxx.:Mm axj-i wfWBmmimmmmmmmmmnmmmmmyjmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmmBmmm MWllillrtrt.iiiil)li' SSfSSSSSSm i wnnrniMiniiirnri"Mir- -"" --i. kv B i ND Mi On T T" T TV T "T Y"" T BOOK 75 TO a K3- E Fine Printing a Specialty. UOD'S MYSTERIOUS KULE THE RAIN USED BY DR. TALMAGE A3 A COMMON ILLUSTRATION. Clod 1 Infinity In Infinitesimals at Much a. In Thine Infinitely Great. In Onr ' Ererydny Sorrow n Iii the World' Erection. BuooKiiTS. July G.I)r. Tnltnngo'a BCiroon today Is on n kind of gospel In which fow pcoplo bellovjo. The weather Is a common object of complaint and fault finding, but Dr. Talmac finds a gospel In It, which today ho proclaims from tho text. "Hath tho rain a fa tliori" Job xxxviil. 23. Thli Hook of Job has been tho sub ject of unbounded theological wrangle. Men havo mado It tho ring in which to display their ecclesiastical pugilism. Somo say that tho Book of Job Is u true history; others, that It Is an allegory; others, that It Is un epic pooni; others, that It Is a drama. Somo say that Job lived eighteen hundred years before Christ; others wiy that ho never lived at all. Somo say that tho author of this book waa Job; others, David; others, Solomon. Tho discussion hn3 landed somo In blank Infidelity Now I havo no troublo with tho books of Job or Revelation the two mot mys terious books In tho Hiblo beciiusu of a ruio I adopted somo years ago I wado down Into a Scripture pas sago as long ns I can touch bottom, nnd when I cannot, then I wado out. I used to wado In until It was over my head, and then I got drowned. I study a possago of Scrlpturo so long as it Is a comfort and help to my soul; but when It becomes a porploxity and a spiritual upturning. I quit. In other words, wo ought to wado In up to our heart, but never wado in until It is over our head. No man should over expect to swim across this great ocean of dlvino truth. I go down Into that ocean as I go down Into tho Atlantic ocean at Cast Hamp ton, Long Island, Just far enough to batlio, then I come out. I never had any Idea that with my weak hand and foot I could strike my way clear overto Liverpool. BCIICNCIC IS NOT 1UEMC1I0N. I supposo you understand your fam ily genealogy. You know something about your parents, your grandparents, your groat-grand parents. Perhaps you know where thoy were born or whero thoy dlod. Huvo you over studied tho paroutago of tho shower? "Hath tho rain a father?" This quostlon is not aakod by a poetaster or n scientist, but by tho hood of tho universe To hum ble and to save Job God asks him four teen questions; about tho world's archi tecture, about tho refraction of tho siin's rays, about tho tides, about tho snow crystal, about tho lightnings, and then ho arraigns him with tho interro gation of tho text, "Hath tho rain a father?" With tho Bolentlflo wonders of tho fculn I havo nothing to do. A minister gots through with that kind of sermons within tho first throo years, and If ho has piety enough ho gets through with it in tho flnst throo mouths. A t-ermon lias coino to mo to moan one word of four letters, "holpl" l'ou all know that tho rain Is not an orphan. You know that It Is not cost out of tho gates of heaven a foundling. You would answer tho question of my text iu tho afllrmatlvo. Safely housod dur ing tho storm you hear tho rain beat ing against tho window pane, and you And It searching all tho crevices of tho window sill. It first comes down In solitary drops, pattering tho dttHt, and than It deluges tho Holds and angers tho mountain tor rents, and makes tho traveler Implore shelter. You know that tho ruin Is not an accident of Uio world's economy. You know It was born of tho cloud. You know It win rooked In tho uradlo of tho wind. You know It was sung to sloop by tho storm, You know that It is a flying ovaugel from heaven to earth. You know It Is tho gospol of tho weathor. You know that God Is IU father. i If this bo truo, thou, how wlukud Is our uiuriiuirlngubout ullumttu clmugos, Tho llrst cloven Sabbaths after I en tered tho ministry It torimd. Through tho week It was clour weather, but on tho Sabbaths tho old country mooting house looked llko Noah's ark boforu It landed. A fow drouuhed pooplo sat boforo a drenched pastor, but most of tho farmers stayed at homo and thanVod God that what was bud for thu ulutroh was good for tho crops. I committed a good deal of sin Iu Uiom days In de nouncing tho weather. Ministers of tho Gospel sometimes trot about stormy Sabbaths or tiot Sabbaths or iuolom cut Sabbaths, Thoy forgot tho faat that tho wune God who ordained tho Sabbath und sent forth hit minister to announce salvation, nlo ordalmtd tho weather. "Hath tho rain a foUntr?" I COMl'LAININCiS OK BIM'UL MK.N. 1 Merchants, also, with tholr stores filled with now goods, and their clerks hanging Idly around tho counters, com mit tho muuo truuxgrouJon. There havo boon setuous whou tho whole prlg and fall trade has boon ruined by protiaoW wet weather. Tho tiior- chanU thou examined tho "vathor probabilities" with uiorv lutorwt than they read their lllblos, Thoy wntohed for a iwituh of bluo sky. They went owi!alnlng to (ho toro niul oumo complaining homo again, la all that oonof wot foot niul dripping gar HwnH and impassable suvots they never onoo nuked tho qiiwtlon. "HutU tho mil a ftuhurr' So ngrioultnrUU commit tills tin. 'There U nothing moro annoying than iu have nluitad.oom rot in tho ground Umause ol top muoli xaoUturo, or hay ' STATE STJR-IEIET, - - S-A-ILIEIIVr, OZR-IE OBOIST. Largest Stock of LEGAL BLANKS in the State, and tho BIGGEST DISCOUNT. No one can cut my rates for Printing, and all ready for tho mow daihed of a show er, or whoat almost ready for tho sicklo spoiled with tho rust. How hard it Is to bear tho agricultural disappoint ments. God has infinite resources, but I do not think ho has capacity to make weather to pleaso all tho fanners. Sometimes It Is too hot, or it is too cold ; It is too wot, or It it Is too dry; It h too early, or it Is too late. They for get that tho God who promised seed thuo and harvest, summer nnd winter, cold and heat, also ordained all tho cli matic changes. Thoro Is ono question that ought to bo written on every barn, on every fence, on every haystack, on ovory farmhouse, "Hath the rain a rather?" If wo only know what a vast enter prise It is to provido appropriate weather for this world wo would not bo so crit ical of tho Lord. Isaac Walts, at ten years of ago, complained that ho did not liko tho hymns that woro sung In tho English chapel. "Well," said his father, "Isaac, Instead of your com plaining about tho hymns go and make hymns that aro better." And ho did go and mako hymns that were better. Now. I say to you. If you do not like tho weather, get up a weather com pany, and havo a president, and a sec- rotary, and a treasurer, and a board of directors, and ten million dollars of stock, nnd then provido weather that will suit all of us. There is a man who has a weak head, and ho cannot stand tho glare of tho sun. You must have n cloud always hovering over him. I liko sunshino; I cannot live with out plenty of sunlight, so you must al ways havo enough light for mo. Two ships meet in mid-Atlantic. Tho ono is going to Southampton, and tho other Is coming to Now York. Provide weatiier that, while It Is abaft for one ship, It Is nota head wind for tho other. There is a farm that js dried up for tho lack of rain, and hero Is a pleasure party going out for a Held excursion. Provido weather that will suit tho diy farm and tho pleasure oxcursion. No, sirs, I will not take ono dollar of stock In your weathor company. There is only ono Being in tho universo who knows enough to provido tho right kind of weather for this world. "Hath tho rain a father?" aon'S TKNDKIt MKKCIKS OVKK ALL. My text also suggosts God'i minute supcrvisal. You see tho dlvino Sonship In every drop of rain. Tho Jewels of tho shower nro not Hung away by a spendthrift who knows not how many ho throws or where they fall. Thoy aro all shining princes of heaven. Thoy all havo an otornal lineage. Thoy aro nil tho children of a king. "Hath tho rain a father?" Well, thon, I say If God takes notice of every niinuto rain drop ho will tako notice of tho most in significant affair of my life. It Is tho astronomical view of things that both ers mo. Wo look up Into tho night heavens nnd wo say, "Worldsl worldsl" and how insignificant wo feel I Wo stand at tho foot of Mount Washington or Mont Ulnno. and wo feel that wo aro only In facets, and then wo say to ourselves, "Though tho world Is so largo fhobun Is ono million four hundred thousand times larger," "Oh l" wo say, "it Is no uso; If God wheels that great uiaohin ery through immensity lie will not take tho troublo to look down at mo I In fidel conclusion. Saturn, Mercury nnd Jupiter aro no uiovo rounded nnd weighod and swung by tho hand ol God than aro Iho globules on a lilac bush tho morning after a showor. God Is no moro In magnitudes than ho Is In mlnutbu. If ho has scales to weigh tho mountains ho has balances delicate enough to wolgh tho lulluitosl inal. You can no moro see him through tho telescope than you can bco him through the microscope; no moro when you look up than when you look down. Aro not tho hairs of your head all num bered) And it Himalaya has a God, "Hath not tho rain a fathort" I tako this doctrine of a particular Provldonco, and I thrutt It Into tho very midst of your overyduy Ilfo. If God fathers a raindrop, is there any thing so Insignificant In yuur atlalrs that God will not father that? When Druyto, tho gunsmith, Invented the needle gun, which dooldod the battle of Sadowa, was It n mere accident)' When n farmer's boy showed llluoher n shortcut by whloh lie could bring hi army up soon enough to dooldo Water loo for Kugland, was Itamoroneeidoutt When Jonl IJyron took a piece of money and town! It up to decide whether or not ho should bo ntltauood to MUs Mlllbauk, was It a moro accident which tide of tho money was up nnd which was down? When the Christian army wore betugod at l)olurs, and a drunken drummer onme In at midnight and rang tho alarm bell, not knowing what ho was doing, but waking up tho host In time to tight their enemies that moment arriving, was It an nocldeutl SO AOOI)KXTt) IN TUK MfJK I'UVN. When, In one of the IrUii were, n starving mother, flying with Iter Uirv lug uhllil, sank dawn and feinted on tho rooks in tho night mid her NwhI Ml on u warm buttle of milk, did twat Just liappeu sol Owl U either hi the affair of men, or our religion U worth uoth lug at all, and you IuhI brtler take It away from us; and Instead of this Hi bio, whfali toaohes the doetritte. give us a MMHilur book, nnd let iw, us the famous Mr. Fax, the member of partla inent. hi his hut hour, ery out. "Head mo the eighth book of Virgil." Oh, my friends, let us route up Jo mi appreciation of Ute mot that all the af fairs of our life an under a KiigV command ami nndrr a IViWs w.tteh AlaXHixler W"nr I ', Ittitt-phalus. Would illw Hinlx-dj, t limtiiit lihn when Iw wi unhai.ioiMoI 1-ut . o as thoy put on that war l.i Huwpli alus Un Kiddle and tho trappings of tho conqueror, ho would allow no ono but Aloxander to touch him. And if n a soulless horso could havo so much nride In his owner, shall not we Immor tals exult In the fact that we are owned by a King? "Hath the rain a father?" Again, my subject teaches me that God's dealings with us are inexplicable. That was tho original forcp of my text Tho rain was a great mystery to the nncients. Thoy could not understand how the water should get into the cloud, nml pnttinu thore. how It should bo suspended, or falling, why it should como down In drops. Modern i-cience comes along and says there arc two portions of air of different temperature, nnd thoy are charged with moisture, and tho ono portion of nlr decieoses in temperature so the water niuy no longer be held in vapor and it fnlis. And they tell us that some of tho clouds that look to bo only as large as a man's hand, and to bo almost quiet In the heavens, arc croat mountains of mist four thou sand feet from base to top. and that they rush miles a minute. Hut after all the brilliant experiments of Dr. James Hutton and Sauuro and other scientists, there is an infinite mys tery about the rain. Thoro is an ocean of tho unfathomablo In overy raindrop, and God says today as he bitld In the timo of Job, "If you cannot under stand ono drop of rain, do not bo stir prised if my dealings with you aro in explicable." Why does that aged man, decrepit, beggared, vicious sick of the world, and tho world sick of him, live on, while hero is a man in midlife, con secrated to God, hard working, useful In overy respect, who dies? Why does that old gossip, gadding along tho street about everybody's business but her own, havo such good health, whilo tho Christian mother, with a flock of littlo ones about her whom she is preparing for usefulness and for heaven the mother who you think could not bo spared an hour from that household why docs she lio down and dio with a cancer? Why does that man, selfish to tho core, go on adding fortune to fortune, consuming every thing on himself, continue to prosper, while that man who has been giving ten per cent, of nil his incomo to God and tho church goes into bankruptcy? IJcforo wo mako stark fools of our selves let us stop pressing this overlast Ing "why." Let us worship whero wo cannot understand. Let a man tako that ono question, "Why?" and follow it far enough, nnd push It, and ho will land in wretchedness and perdition. Wo want in our theology fewer inter rogation marks and more exclamation points. Heaven Is tho pluco for expla nation. Earth is tho place for trust. If you cannot understand so minute a thing as a raindrop, how can you ex pect to understand God's dealings? "Hath tho rain a father?" JIJDOK .NOT 11Y KKIillLK SKNS1C. Again, my text makes mo think that tho rain of tears Is of divine origin. Great clouds of troublo sometimes hover over us. Thoy aro black, and thoy nro gorged, and they are thunder ous. Thoy nro moro portentous than Snlvator or Claudo over painted- clouds of poverty or persecution or bo- roavomont. They hovor ovor us, and get darker and blacker, and after a whilo a tear btarts, and wo think by an oxtra pressure of tho eyelid to stop it. Others follow, nnd after a whilo there is a shower of tearful emotion, Yea, thoro Is a rain of tears. "Hath that rain a father?" "Oh," you say, "a tear Is nothing but a drop of limpid lluld secreted by tho lachrymal gland Is only a sign of weak oyos." Great mistake. It is ono of tho Lord's riahost benedictions to tho world, Thoro are people In Hlaokwoll'e Island Insane asylum, and at Uticn, nnd at all the asylums of this land, who woro do monted by tho fact that thoy could not cry tit tho right time. Said a maulao in one of our public institutions, under a Go pel sermon that started tho tears: "Do you see that tear? That Is tho first I havo wept for twelve yours. I think It will help my brain." Thoro aro a groat many in tho gravo who could not stand any longer under thoglauler of trouble.' If that glaulor had only melted Into weeping they oould have endured It. There havo been times in your lift when you would luivo given tho world, If you had pas eod It, for ono tear. You oould shriek, you oould blnepheme, but you ooukl not ory. Have you mver been a limn holding tho hand of a dead wife, who had been all the world to him? The temple livid with excitement, the eye dry and imutlc, no itioWture on the upper or lower lid. You saw there were boltH of anger In tbeoluin! but no rain. To your Christian comfort he said, "Don't talk tue about God, there U no God; or If there is I hate him; don't talk to nie about God. wmtld he have left me nnd these iuoihoiiv children?" Hut a few hours or days a I lor, coming aero mhim lead pwicll that the owned In life, or some letter which klie wrote when he won nway from home, with an outcry that aptiata there buret tho fountain ot team, aU a the MinUght of God's eoiiaolaUati utrikee that foun tain of tears, you Hud out that It U it tender hearted, metvlfuL pitiful nnd all oomM'!onate Ootl who whs the father of that rain. "Oh," you wy, '1t' burtl u tuUik thnt Ood U going to wateh oer tears. -2s'o, my friends. Tltera are tint, i four Kinds of them tlwt Ood counte, bottles and etoniliee. Plrt, tUrni are all parental tears, and there ah UHuv-of theso than of any other kind, Immumv thu most of tho raee die In Inftmex. wul that keep parent mourning all annr J tho world. They never gvt or it Aiioy iuj- uvw mtuouianu king ..inr vrwvl, but thew U ahraya a comJ r m tho soul that is silent, though It once i resounded. My parents never mentioned the donth of n child who died fifty years before without a tremor In tho voice nndasich. oh I how deep fetched. It was better she should die; It was a mercy sho should dio. Sho would have been a lifolong invalid. But you cannot arguo away a parent's grief. How often you hear tho moan. "Oh I my child, my child I" Then there aro tho filial tears. OUR OHIKF FOU THE DEAD. Littlo children soon get over tho loss of parents. They aro easily diverted with a now toy. But where is tho man who has como to thirty or forty or fifty years of ago who can think of tho old people without having nil the foun tains of his soul stirred up? You may havo had to tako care of her a good many years, but you never can forget how she used to tako care of you. There havo been many soa captains converted in our church, and tho pe culiarity of them was that they were nenrly all prayed ashore by their mo thers, though tho mothers went into tho dust soon after they wont to sea. Havo you never heard an old man in delirium of some sickness call for his mother? Tho fact is wo got so used to calling for her the first ten years of our life we never get over it, nnd when she goes away from us it makes deep sorrow. You sometimes, perhaps, in days of troublo and darkness, when Iho world would say, "You ought to bo able to tnko care of yourself," you wako up from your dreams finding yourself saying, "Oh, mother! mother" Have these tears no divine ori(,'in? Why, tako all tho warm hearts thnt ever beat in all lands and in all ages, and put them together, and their united throb would be weal; compared with tho throb of God's eternal sympathy, Yes, God also is Father of all that rain of repentance. Did you over seo a rain of repent ance? Do you know-what it is that makes a man repent? I see people go log around trying to repent. They cannot repent. Do you know no man can repent until God helps him to re pent? How do I know? By this pas sago. "Him hath God exalted to bo a prince and a Saviour to give repent mice." OhI it is a tremendous houi when ono waives up and says "I nm a bad man; I havo not binned against the laws of tho land, but I havo wasted my lifo. God asked mo for my service? and I haven't given those services. OhI my sins, God forgive me." When that tear starts It tin ills all heaven. An angel cannot keep his eye off it, and tho church of God assembles around, and there is a commingling of tears, and God is tho father of that rain, tho Lord, long suffering, merciful and gracious. In a religion assem blage u man aroso and said: "I have been a very wicked man ; I broke my mother's heart; 1 became an infidel; but I havo seen my evil way, and 1 liavo surrendered my heart to God. But it is a griof I never can get ovor that my parents should never havo heard of my salvation. I don't know whether thoy uro living or dead." Whilo yot ho was standing in tho audi onco, a voico from tho gallery said, "Oh, my son, my son I" Ho looked up and ho recognized her. It was his old mother. Sho had been praying for him for n great many years, und when at tho foot of tho eroas the prodigal son and tho praying mother embraced each other, there was a rain, a tremendous rain, of tears, and God was tno Father of those toars. Oh, that God would break us down with a sense ot our sin, and then l.ft us up with an appreciation of his mercy. Toars over our watted lifo. Tears ovor u grieved spirit Toars ovor an Injured father. Oh, that God would move upon thU nudlouco with a great wave of religious emotion, TUK OUKAT KIXQ I'AllUOKS. The king of Carthago was dethroned. Ills pooplo rebelled against him. He wu.x driven into banishment. His wife and children were abused. Yours went by, and the king of Cnrth age mode many friends. Ho gathered up a great army. Ho inarched again toward Carthago. Uouohlng tho gate of Carthago the beet men of the plnoe came out barefooted and bareheaded, and with ropes around their nooks, cry ing for meroy. They said, "Wo abused you and wo abused your family; but v.o cry for moroy." Tho king of Curth age looked down upon the eople from Ins chariot and mid - "I came to blew. I didn't come to destroy. You drove me out, but this day I pronounce imr- dou for all tho pooplo. Open the gate and let tho army oomo hi." The king marched in nnd took the throne. ami the people all sounded, "Long live tno King!" My friends, you haw driven tho Lord ilesiis Christ, the kliu- of the ohurah. ! away from your Iraart; yon bao been maltreating him all Umm years; but he oometi buuK today He etaiuk In front of tho gate of your soul. If ywi will wily miy for liln panlou. he will met you with lib gmekxts jUrlt ami iw will My "Thy drw aud thine lulipiltiee 1 will remember no more. Open wide Ute gate; I will take tite throne. My penee I five unto you." And then, all through the amiienee, from the young aud from the old, there will lie a rain of twtrti. ami Ood will be tho fruiter of tlHt mini It U not very often that dining room nro vMtod by wild anlnmkof their ukii aeoord, but on Sunday a large, fat wfoodohuak made lib way Into the din lug room of Mrs. Putter, on Front fetrwt. where he was captured, and he U now u u oago m their yard. Lowu ton Journal. I &fefl i-TVft,wv r -v n ; UVFlli&bil "M ? ' syrup Those who have not A Throat and Lung Specialty. used Boschee's Ger man Syrup for some severe and chronic trouble of the Throat and Limes can hard ly appreciate what a truly wonder ful medicine it is. The delicious sensations of healing, easing, clear ing, strength-gathering and recover ing are unknown joys. For Ger man Syrup we do not ask easy cases. Sugar and water may smooth a throat or stop a tickling for a while. This is as far as the ordinary cough medicine goes. Boschee's German Syrup is a discovery, a great Throat and Lung Specialty. Where for years there have been sensitiveness, pain, coughing, spitting, hemorr hage, voice failure, weakness, slip ping down hill, where doctors and medicine and advice have been swal lowed and followed to the gulf of despair, where there is the sickening conviction that all is over and the end is inevitable, there we place German Syrup. It cures. You are a live man yet if you take it. VKOVESSIONAI. OAltDS. 15. K. JiONUAM. H.N.HAYDKN. W II. IIOL51K3. BONHAn, Holmes & Haydkn', Attor neys at law. Olllce In Hush's block, between State and Court, onCom'ISt. t J. SHAW. M. W. HUNT. W. II. I'llATT. SHAW, PUATT4 HUNT, Attorneys nt law. ulllco over Capital Nntloual 13ank, Halein, Oregon. mFliMON VOIW, attorney nt law, Salem, L Oregon, onice up-sti.lrs In l'ntton's block. D'AUOV & HINUHAM, Attorneys and counselors lit law, Snlcm, Oregon. tlnlDguni)bstiiiel ottiiu records of Marion county, including nlnt nnd block index oi bnlbiu, tuey u,ive npeolul facilities tor ex nmliiln? files to real estate, liuslness In tlio supremo court and in thestnto depart ments will recehe pioinpt attention. D11..I. M.KhUNE, Dentist, Office over tliolVlilto Corner, Court and Com mercial st'Pet. DM. V. H. AJ01T, phjhiclan and sur gcon. Ollre In Eldrldgo Block, fea lem,Uie?in. OUIce liouts .0 to l'-'u. in, 2 to I p. in. J K. T. C. SMITH. Dcutlat.M State hticet, U Salem, Or. Finished dcutal opera tions of every description. Painless opera tions n specialty. U. 1'UGII, Aichttict, Plans, Sped , flcnttons nud superintendence lor all classes of buildings. Olllce W Com mrrclal Ht., up stairs, Oh. MoJAl.l.,Atct..ieci. Sew Bush . llrej nuiti block. 'li u und specifica tions ot all classes of of buildings on short notice. fSupeiintendc wee ofvroifc promptly ookfcd after. 'Z &-tf 1.1 J. McCAUHT1jAND,CIv11 Sanitary and li. Hjdraullo Engineer, u. M. Deputy inlnehil survwyo City suiveyois olllce, Murphy's Block, 8 ilcni Oieon. ;'tUS,lNIS O Mills. Alt. WiMjAI P.inatKs'iiith and horso . jioer. All v. oik -meed, bbop on tnte htrf et, near court liou-su. GKJ. HOISYIJ, BjHer . no II ilr dresMug pu'iois. l'iue-1 im tlBjt iho city. 21) U.iinuieieliUUcLt,,io. nit'fiJ KOS-t, niaoloimlhs, nil kinds ol Ai relmlrlngundcuril .gon. W'ehave tui'Ui deploy Artli .r,.i professional iiorn-lin r. ilo iid ii tjii.l. 4-1) A H. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sewer xi.. luif, l onieut. Sidewalk.!, Kxcavutlng, hie: All wur pro'iip'lj done, Salem, Or. l.uivo order with Oounu Bros. -):U-liu UUPtVLAYIKU.-l luuiie a specially oi j caip.t-eMug and layiug; carpets Wkuu up ami ielitidutth;r-idciie. House uli-uiitng. Li iv orders m tt'i J. 11. Luna or lluruo l-on. l.Ulllt.MAN. JOHN UltAY. Contractor and builder. t) l'luelnnlde tlnUhlng a i.pcclalty ihj Commercial stipet, h-ilem Oiegon. JOHN KNl'iUir, lilackumttli. Horso shoeing and l-opnlrluguhpeclalty. tahop at the foot of Liberty ett eol, buluni, Oregou. 2.a)tf I ) J, LAltSKN A CO,, Jliiuufacturo of nil kliulsofivehk-le.s, llepulrlng a special ty. Shop IJiSlato street, MRU & PETZGL, 247 Com'l St. - - - SALBM, Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. Aoomplelt line of Stoves aud Tlmrnre. 'lln luotlug aud plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Willumettn Hotel, SiAI.lCM - - ORQQON J. H. HAAS, THE "WATOmCiUODI?, 2I5K CMtmertljl St, Salem, Orteon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of SpccUelM, and wpalring Ckxjkn. WatohM aud Jewelry. Troposals for Iron Cells. fpIlK board of publlo bulldlne comml 1 ftontfrs livvlle kMlnl pnuxiMiN br tho oontractlon of twenty lour fll) double Iron rotWHfid lluny iM-onfednclelrou cWUot the Oregon State l"eulteutUry run and Pftttmtluuat ttieomoenf W I). luub athltw.Sulflm, Oregon, rte right to r-' janyoralibld. It rwwrMl. Hkli wfll beoNuMat Kxecnltveomecoa Tuesday. 5yteceontowiitftinith Utid tor fafttiful irftM-Bwnwrf mi r BY.VKHrrOR PRNYU, VK.A MUN0rtttn,d i -r i i- irst Nationa oaiili KAIiTCJI OIU:(iON. Vt. N. LADl'K, . UK. J. HKYNULiJM, IOHN ill Hit, - 1'ietndiiii Vltol'rwld ut Cltiiiitl GENERAL BANKING. Excouukoou I'ortlnnd, t-an i unclico, ;c ork, London und llcng KonR bought uiiil fold. Male, County imd City wairantB houttht. l-'urmerh me loidialiy nivlidltn deposit und transact business nitL 'H. I.'beial ndvaiii'tx mude on wli.t, hoo!, hops and olher piopertypt ratew. IORiiranio on such se cuDty ran bu obtuiui-d at tlio Lauk In mewl rclinli'o coinpanles. WILLIAMS' & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribtd, 210,000 Tiansact a general banklug business in all Its blanches. GKO. WILLI . MH Wn. r..N(JLAJSU HUGH MuNAllY l'icslden Vice President Cashier 1MKEUTOKS: Geo. Wllllaina.Wm. Eug laud, Dr. J. A. Hlrharribun, J. w. Ilobson. J. A. linker. Hank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. S:lC-tf Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Pai'l dji, - - $75,000 Surplus, ...--- 15,000 U. 8. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MA11TIA, - Vice-President. J. H. AL1II;K1', ... - Cashier. DIRtCTORSi V. 1'. Gray, W. V. Mai tin J. Si. M-aitin, ll S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.C'JHlck, J. li. Albert, T. Mcf. t'tittoo. LOANS MADE To laruicrt, on uheal and other market able pro.liii'c, consigned or in store c-ilhei In fiUatearraniuifcSor publlo win ehouscs. Slate and County Warrants Bought A l'ai COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted al icnonabl. uites. Draft drawn direct on New Yoi it, Chicago, Sar Kranoihco. Portland, Loudon, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong and Oalcuttx. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY uTlie State." Assets Over 350,000 Do'lars, UF.'). M. UHU.rHi, L'lty Agent, And special uentfor Aiiir'nu count j. Ot ipflwiO, he Company. The Mew Blacksmiths SPRAGUL&rliLGERS, Successors to John Holm, cov. Commei claland Cliempketastrcfl-., uIpiu. Ilore shoeing a specialty. ltitf -:- Salem Boat House. - Boat office foot of Trade street. Pleasure and hunting boats. Itale-,low. CHAS. H. McCLAISE, Propr W.M. DeHAVEN, a and - Sale - Stable. a One door west of Linin's Lry Hoods store onHtatertiect. Quiet liunlly teams. Sliec lal attention palu to transient htock. fc:ltf Hill's Falfnt Inside Blinds. IKLAID 3TLOOBS, Pressed. 3ricl, And all classes ilbulldiug material. PACIFIC BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO., 17.1 Fourth fel, Poitlaud, Oicgou. ti4-lm $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of irood-iat our storo! We carry u full lint of groceries, feed, ero. kery, jlasware, ci ark, tobacco and confectionery. T. UCJtUOWS, No siilt.'rtiitniiiviiil HU, alem To Slrawborry Growers. '1 ho uiulunileiie'l has i-iiiiracted lor laree iiuuntlly oftho Josle, (sn.ontnUo orlze wlnnor ot -Milem ktrau'tx i rv fair) and 1'ri. mniihe l (Innd. (b uj' vleldei und mr... .mniablti late berrj In .- alein markei.l ii inn ii. swiMigp, -aWi ,and J W. Oil bcrl, AuniKi illo WurriiM. 4 rme stock and plauuilnt-claks I'ntultgiu free, read Bin. nibvr lis. Aiwj ten olaer n-Iet e, ildr.ks K. ow r-nleni, Oregon !1. POHLR, Bkcb j Formerly ol Borior !' hit, Iw. ilin. west of the old stand, kimjw a good ii.rp'j ofwliwda.atlw, Bprlngs and gentral cu: rlaga li'inhyaru. j:m w GEO. C, WILL, of Will Ilros., Albany Jtnd CVriHlt PiJinsJittiri lfiil Sewing JUcbiDes. ITWIMB MCIItfSllind 0KOAN8 REPAIRED AMD CLIJANED At Voor UoMis Agents ftit N rthw.t itiviraururo. Two doory uorthoriH nin, t-aleui.ilr. Ne dltwaiid n- w piis '. Tts. wing Vaohi.i- -ii u- Depot Addition . Cnept .. U town. rokPnlote Jain i ty 14 tlloA RfGBOX&HOCR'v Bu$h-RivNni lv E. K. HAL Paper Hinder. Leai eorder at Qltott Ktai uute Exchange I keep clear of the Sheriff. iuiopapq7xwarB-rwtfirMMKJ&a'JiwwLiiMWiuuj L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed Yard. The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty, (JtiM, family horitnepeclalty. (In rt-ar Willamette hotel.) SALJXM, --- OREGON FOKKST UHOVl PUULTRY YARDS. Founded m 11877. 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE AudaheiilncKi.ovej Ibieil on the Pacific Co'ist. Book your order early li 0(0 hoi co selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, I Oil Iw Forest Grove, Oregon 0NK OF THE LAKGKST ESTABLISH ments in tho State. Lower rates than Portland. Iovest stock Legal Blanks 1e thefjt&tu, a d hlKetst discount. Send foi price list of Job 0011?, and catalogue of legal blauliR. K. M. WAITK, uteam Printer Halem Oresron. Health is Wealth I i -1 a -S.i. Vtf iCS..rf. Dit. K. C. WEST'S f'.e and Bi.iin Treaimeut, u guaranteed f.pcc!tlo for Iljf- ieiia,Di77ine:f'1Lonvuisuiis,i' its, serious Neuralgia. Headache. Nwvobi Prostration caueed b the ue of alcohol or tobacco, waltelullnef-s, .Mental Dnpression, solten Ingot tho brain resulting in insanity and leading to mlseiy, decay and death, pio oiatuieoidage, barrenness, loss of power iiised by over-tserllonof thobial.i. End box contains one month 9 tic-itment, ?1.0o a box or six boxes for 85.00, sent by mni prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE PTXBOXEB To euro nuy cate. With each order te celvcd b us for six boxes, accompanied 7tth 55 0'), wo will scud tho purchaser on 7ritteu i.'uarantee to refund tho maney U the tien inent does not etlcct u euro. Guar mtees issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug lst. KoltMieeul.RO1! Coin. St.. Salem, Or. D.C.SHERMAN U, S, Pension and Claim agent. P.' Box 231, Salem, Oregon. Deputy Count CleiV- Vrito for blonds. u HELLENBRAND'S Eating Parlors ft Candy llaiiufarliiy, 296 Commercial Street. BL.L OF fAUE: Ice Cream loo., 15c nnd a", cent Coftee, 'lea or Chocolate und Cake 10 ot-ut1- Mush und Milk 10 cent date of Soup lOccnti- tlot Cake, totlet or Tea o ccntt ilfefsteuk and hugs . 25cs-nt Pork Chop nod I-trgs 25conU Mutton flint, nml Pt.t ...,.,. nison anu i ggs. Sausage nnd Eggs. --- f ,. ps.....MlJl. A ceutt V- n : ,. " "- " unit Ham nnd Eggs .-. i5 Cent Krech Oysters any style a5 centi- 'la centf ts bent KcgularDinnerServeJ From II to3 0'Clock A nlco variety of legetnbles, etc., etc. Also ten. collee or milk with all is cent meals without extra charge. Choice Cigars, Imj o ted an Domestic, always on nand. Porter House Steak and Eggs W centt lender Loin Steak and Eggs 'ii centt $ 5 OO Reward! WKwlll pay the above reward for nnj caseof liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or cos tl neas we cannot cure wltw west's Vee eltnbleHqcr Pills, when the directions art strtctlo complied with. They are puroli ycgeUbl, and never tall to give satl-fac- . "'-. t,l',8nr,coa,ed' Large boxes, contalu IngoO pills, 25 cents. .Beware of counter fens aud mltatlous. The genuine manu- cftt'fu TiIE J0HN u- W Um.letm0,r- n"W' Com 'h.,5j,.7!t2!iE,1IUh Lomond Brana. fttvlnnl .t k..i n . .-WL'J.' . ,'VV."iTf?7,"' ""? i - -" lien siui vui nwi.- ,k.,,,.:;r;"rv.",v"a.jr? y HEALTH. L.nic,?u " a'l nalum No l Cures Ch&ncrei, nrt, nd .econd ?ta-M Sore, on tho Leg. and BodyTSor. Ear, Eyphllitio tUtanh, dlasl Scalp, and ill irphlll. Price, fj OO tier llot1.7 I.'. Golden Bifiam No 3 Cur.-TertUry JIeitniriUWuSltto Hhe'ii S,,mrln A the BonSJralniln th Head, back cf tho Neck, dctratll rJ, Tnroat 8Phihtio luSh LSjTaS ?SS. d&ihn'' gf,an of the' Umb.. anl eradicate all dlieaso from the ?jhtf.SU1 '""tloo or abu bJIbVrWiri'Ts OO peTliroU.r.,'lJUld 'dia'-TO'ir Oo,ae? 'h" mi. f'W euro of Gonorrhaa, Clet Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary itatl WdittrramremtnU. Price $i 50 per Ce Itlchau'. Golden Ointment lor tb. tltfctlr. beahnsBl SypWllttaSow and eruption.. Prlre31 oB ,,", itTi LM KleVmu " Coldeu Pil .-.Vfir. jndpralntrtatmentj loa,of Ph"daliT I'rlco 53 OO per Box. ' finjtWB . fca.va5 mMmm f Ziimh SS &o - 8Jgo gwBind( uimim THE niCHARDs"0RUQ CO..Aoeutr 600011 MAHKUTST, 8au Franclaco, Cu HUlll CNT THf e- Try inc. fjwsx-rj te.ii.".w ilWJiVUiKIV ESSE ij.i fV'ir-h fSSMS&Bt tcsjaeacs CjAwnwagnrarw ESTESHSZEa EE32SXaSSSES NJJ B xacraim fTHI,TJ.aM 3 aV33K rwiMP CD CD CD CD 4 iiW.i s-rawktattaEj;,