""'" "CTH' ''lyl fj flWTiL JOBBHL .HJNlfl 25 18 ! K- in ' nMoKauiteciui'noN . .. mull Her year,.. ..- .(HI IX) ln !? mill per ontU, W) W't.v'by innil per yonr, 1 60 lf. ?nr tte "VKEKI.V JoUUNAt, will 1.P nar '".I if nnnei-8 nro not delivered mar 'Jntlyilyllloomce 5r0w ii K UKL1VEHY BY OAIUUEH, '"' . -. r ir. rei,r;, . i.---t- I "KrorsinK"",-- 15 CtH. r.,rtwo weo.es, 25cU, (Suets .'.. , inoatli, l1"' .,... .in hn itimlo on 1st nnd 1X1 li ,v' oi bubbcrlbun. will plcuo leuvu or " ror carriers ni nouso or wnere;u ""lpflverea, so as to cause no doluyM lu JijUt'ons r EvBStiiQ CAWTAi.JornvAL regit receiver tue afternoon associated ffi IMlcl"- wr LillT k PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, uocKery, Gfeware, rainis, uns, varmsnes, Mies, Windowglass, Etc. Solo iirpnts for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAh MARKET. heat, net 90 cents per bu. Hops, active; 22 to 23 rents per lb, Dally Bulletin. Chewing tafly in 5 cent papers at Strong's. Peaches, npricots and plums, just received at Strong's. Strong's restaurant serves all the dellwcies of the season. WESTACOTT & IIIWIN. Dhs. Coktis and PlIII.imODK. Dr. C. C. Curtis has just formed n co-piirtuersbip with Dr. E. ii. Phll hmdk. recently arrived from Pasa- denn, Califoruia, where he has prac ticed for the past three years. Dr. Philbrook, who will be associated with Dr. Curtis, is a pleasant gen tleman and a competent physician aud surgeon, and a graduate of the medical department of the Uostou uulversity, aud has a diploma from the Massachusetts homeopathic hospital, whero heofllciated as resl dent physician for the period of one year. The institution from which Dr. Philbrook graduated is one of the best in the United States. The doctor practiced his profession in Boston nearly two years prior to liis coming to California. Dr. Philbrook aud wife have taken rooms at Mrs. Small's, No. 347 High street, aud the doctor may be found during business hours at Dr. Curtis' ofllco 155 Court street, where he will be pleased to meet all who may feel in need of his services. Dr. Curtis will go East the first of July for the benellt of his health aud visit relatives, returning to Salem about the last of September if the state of his health will warrant tue resumption of his practice at that time. Sold a Man. Mr. Alfred Savage bonded a reporter a slip from a Seattle paper today, remarking as ho did that ho sold the pauper re ferred to the highest bidder. Times have changed since then. Hero is thoj item: In the oldest book of records lor King county, now In possession of the county auditor, is the following startling entry, made June 3, 1830, by E. A. Clarke, clerk of the board of county commission cemmission commissien ers: The extract is taken literally1 "Present, Commmissloners C, O. Lewis' and Alfred Savage and Thomau Mercer. Ordered that Ed ward Moore, the pauper now In Eeattle, be sold at public auction to tlie lowest bidder. His maintenance ... i i ra oe paiu oui oi uiu uouuv.v ucun ury said bid to bo left discretionary with the commissioners, the seventh day of June next at 2 o'clock P. M., in the town of Seattle. Court ad- Journed sine die." Bkoke Gbound . Wednesday morning work was begun clearing tho lot for the new Unitarian church building, on the corner of Cottage and Chemeketa streets, directly opposite the Catholic church west. The building that stood there has been removed and rented. Olllnger & Son, contractors, have the job at $5395 to finish the main audience room only. The whole structure will cost about $10,000, Other bidders were. Wllsou and Borber, ?0750, Hutchinsou, 5810; Crawford, 0031, or with foundation, $6505; Southwlck, 5984; Lamoreaux, I8S15. j A Common Sight. About three tnrm wol.rl. f t.f wnruX nn n wniren: wheel strikes a chuck-hole; horses New Chukcii. Rev. George, of "train their level best; indoleut Highland Park Friends church re driver goes to whipping and cursiug; turned today from Marion, where sends for another team; by the hla denomination haye Just began time It comes finds astone as big as the erection or a meeting house. hU head (aud often more capable of The Friends are a growing element receiving impressions) chuck a block ' 0f citizens in the Willamette valley, ajalnst wheel; when removed wagon I p Iu tate of W. Pear. JJ. on, but driver has learned J & administrator, "'. , fl!es bond In sum of $57,109.8-, Wiu.AMBrrE.-TheBecurJiiB nfthe ' double the inventory. In estate of California mau Matthews for Precl- Geo. P. 8. Riches, inventory illeu dent of Willamette, does not mate-! of $15,087.75. Halhe, ana U probably out of quest- Bel1j cheai-.-A complete Jo. Cierrlngton, President or a ' "; Encyclopedia Brit- JJcoau college and Pn.f, Thomp- new jet or i "are now being approaehed on "I ;Wo'w.b to examine ame ubeCt(WUhuotani!lb,ere9UllB 2SiIIllg.t the Capital fcr. however. iSK-Coltose. 3t JlXY 4tii. Get out your lest "Wotclotbea and have a good time vlwlo to the Woolen Mill store for reliable suits - 'J "wwwj mrv TUB BAPTISTS. I luiii'litdiiis labors of Willamette Association-Woman's Mission ary Hrk. "Wednesday evening resolutions were teported aud adepted: Strong resolutions re-affirming the position of the church on temperance; also by commltteoou obituaries reverent ly mentioning the departed Deacon D. W. Williams uml Hon. T. C. McCown; by Rev. Hill that the next association cover three days; by committee on association speak ers that Key. Parker aud J. B. Teal; requesting board of homo missions to send an evangelist to Oregon; ex tending thanks to the S. P. R. IV' Co.; thanking tlio Salem Baptist church for the abundaut hospitality and generous entertainment bo greatly ouieved: nrotpstlncr ntmlnut proposed opening of Columbia Ex position on Sunday. TIIOltSDAY'S l'llOCIHAH. The State Baptist Missionary so ciety convenes here today, with ses sions both afternoon and evening. This eveniug Miss Voss, Miss Skin ner and Miss Thompson, mission aries, will speak. The public la in vited to be present. The services will be continued tomorrow. ASSAULT. One Horseman on Trial for Attacking Another With a Dangerous Weapon. Win. Mitchell, pioprietor of a stock-liorse from near Mcliama, was brought to Salem lato last night, charged with assault with a dan nerous weapon. His ofiense consists of going after a man by the name of Worley with something between a hazel switch and a fence rail. His examination Is set for 1 p. in., before Justice Applegnte. THE TIUAJU George H. Burnett appeared for Mitchell and P. H. D'Arey forstate. After hearing, case was dismissed upon defendant paying all costs. TAX SAhE. Marion County Property Thnt Will be Disposed of at Auction. Friday at 1. p. ra. will be held the annual tax sale for delinquent taxes due Murlou County. The- sale is conducted at 1 p. m. fioni the court house door by Sheriff Croisan. List year the bidding was lively, sales amounting to about $1,000, on thirty p'ecessold, There will not be as many sales this year. Sales depend largely on how accurately the property is described on the as sessor's books. Tjie States Picnic A number of the general committee met last evening at the Willamette, when the committee on coin reported good progress as did also tho committee on grounds. Many detail were dis cussed and above all it was urged tjmt the puiely social feature should be made important. It is to lie made a dav of rest and comfort rather than a day of excitement and turmoil. It is to be, after tho gener al pi ogram. a visiting day, one for receiving old acquaintances and forming new ones. All the com mittees were requested to meet on Saturday evening at the hotel par lors to perfect their plans and get their work under way. Many old pioneers have agreed to come In and enjoy tho day with their friends. Calapooia Mines. Much atten tion is now directed toward the sil ver mines on account of the recent rich discoveries In that district, aud many new claims have been recorded in tho offlce of tho ouuty .recorder rlnrlnrr llin WfLk: OHIO OUartZ 'claim in Calapoola district, an ex . . . - ..!-.! U. tension of Anna Dora; located by Mrs. Sarah Averlll and Mrs. Ollie Staudard.on June 9th; claim tiled onJuue0th. Anna Dora Quartz claim in Calapoola district, located on June 0th; claim tiled on June 22d. Weber gold and silver mine Quartz claim in Calapooia district, extension of Anna Dora; located June 0th; claim tiled June 22d. Katie Emmutt as "Wilwe Rufus".- Katie Emmett is the only lauy upon iue biujjo iuuj ,., lug solely boy's pans and there is probably no star better Known or better liked from the Pacific coast to the Atlautlc, than is Miss Emmett. She is a bright, clever little actress and possesses u wonderful amount of magnetism that makes her perform ance of Willie Rufus, iu "The Waifs of New York," most enjoyable. Miss Emmett has eurrouuded her self with an excellent company this season. BnI0K Asv Tile. For flrst olasa .,. II19lie brick aud tile, go to Vr... 7.. . Hesart. burg Biippiy III1UU1 " on band. Near fair grounds, 6 0 Imo LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A HeW dlrenlnrv nnmnnnv (a tvni-t. Ing tho town. Special lnetimr PunlHn Mneniiln lodge this evening. Time for navtmr lllv tnvnalanv. leuded to Include July 1st. Another loom Is Iwlnir m. nn nt the Woolen mills today. J. II. Halsev. sr.. nf 'rVxns ta In tho city lutroduelng a stump blaster. Sadler Ed S Lamport Is having n lot filled up, preparing to build. U. W. Cottle and George Williams nro at the Sound, for a few days. Is the condition of our streets any criterion of the present city adminis tration? A three-year old Chinese boy With a cigarette is a dally sight on State street. W. II. Scott, of Mt. Angel, Is a new apprentice lu the Oregon Peul teutlary at Salem. L. Craven, the Salem contractor, got the building contract of the Gervats bank. Baseball excitement ruus high over the proposed Saturday and Sunday games. W. A. Rensou. the State street caterer, has the latest and freshest" things lu fruit. Adjutant Condlt and Quarter master Ladue go to tho Eugene encampment Friday. , Mr. Cresswell, lute of Boothby & Co., Is reported as intending to locate .n Eastern Oregon. R. M. Wade & Co. are preparing to put in a Hue new glass front for i heir big hardware house. A detac'uui'Mit ot tlieinllllary boys started this morning for Eugene to pitch tent for encampment. Mrs. Dr. McCornack returned from Portland last evening, aud is again with her sister, Mrs. Judge Beau. Frog ponds in the gutters with s;reen slime on them would seem to indicate that Salem has no fears of i hot summer. Mrs. Rev. Busbuell, of Chatta nooga, Tenn., formerly of Salem, Or., and Santa Rosa, Cal., is a guest at Prof. Parviu's. Lieutenant Murphy aud Sergeants Castleman aud Sellwood go today as detail of "II" company tor cam) duty at Eugene. The city has established the grades but quite as many frog ponds with green scum line tho gutters of Com mercial street. Something new in sailor bats just eceived at Mrs. D. L. Fiester's mil inery store, opposite opera house on Court St. Mrs. T. Veashwell, of Linn coun ty, is a late atteudaut at the Hospi tal for the Insane. Her mania is suicidal. Col. Lovell has gone to camp Grant at Eugeuo to put it in order for tho stato encampment. Ho takes a detail with him. The ladies of the M. E. church will give an Ice cream festival on Wednesday evening, July 1st, at church parlors. Hou. J. N. Dolph, of Portland, arrived In Salem Wednesday, to at tend a meeting of Board of Direc tors of McWiunville college, held hero. Tho Canby MethodiBt campmeet Ing opens Friday. Among Salem people present will be Revs. Cllue and Wilson, Wm. Cornell, Dexter Fields, and others with families. The experiences of a great mauy people with land sharks will detract some from the interest taken iu the display of alligators at the Portland Exposition. The popularity of the capital city Id the couutry press of Oregon is unabated. Every paper speaks well of Salem, Salem papers and faalom enterprises. Elder Caleb Chapman, who suf fered paralysis two weeks since has had a second stroke, nnd lies in a comatose condition, with little hope of'recovery. This pioneer Is in his eighty-second year. As long as Astoria ties its papers to Portland, that town will not amount to auythlug. Astoria must build on its own bottom or remain on the retail list. Astoria should build a railroad towards Salem. Mrs. Frank Sullivan, of Seattle, is in the city. She will remain while her husbaud looks after tho business Interests of the Pacific Baptist, of Portland, or which ho Is afsoclato editor. T. N. Humphrey started today for Sweet Home, where ho has, with Mr. Yost, purchased a saw nuu grist mill plant. These men are good workers, and will no doubt make a success of their venture. Mr. E. H. Rice, who is Introduc ing the Rice combination picket fence, who Buffered from a serious runaway accident Saturday near McMlnnvHIe, is able to be at hla ofllce today. Ho Is still sore from bruises and he was deprived of Rome facial beauty by the accident. Miss Julia Capwell, of Portland, arrived In Balem last evening, to spend the summer vacatlou In the Bouquet City. She will epend the time with her sister, Miss Olive M. Capwell, of the bllud Mhool, aud take her nieala at Mra. Pentland'a- Tbo Btreet committee should pull Itself together and get the electrlo earn running down to the poatofllee. The gentlemen need not be re minded that they do pot represent ; H..i ii.tereU In tills matter, but I loMy the puulio convenience aud 'general welfare. I Lu neb delicacies lo great variety '-BroAtdf UU, HWHIMIIIIIIHIIIHI DIDS OPENED For Improving anil P.iviii or a Ste tlou of I'ouiuiprual Street. At 2 p. m. today in City Surveyor McCaustland's ofllco were opened tho bids for permanent Improvement of Commercial street between Stato nnd Court. The street committee were present, together with tho city attorney and street commissioner. Hlds were In fur macadam nnd brick pavements, tho Belgian block peoplo regarding tho conditions of the tenders asked by the city ns too severe. Tim inns. The bids weru as follews: Geo. D. Goodhue and E. R. Wild, for gravel pavings, with concrete gutters and curbs, ?0,749.21; with natural rock and gutters, $8,300.99. Portland Bituminous Paving- aud Improv ment Co., for bituminous rock, $15,391.42; for bituminous blocks, $13,G80.12; for Belglau block paving, $13,040.47; for paving blocks (accord ing to their own specifications.) $12,709.50. SEWEH BIDS. The commitleo on streets opened bids on extension of Marlon street sewer this afternoon. Bidders were as follews: A. B. Smith & Co., $1095; James Robinson, $1005; Archie Mason, $1025.49. The street committee were not all present, aud no final action was had. Wants to Die. The doctors are puzzled on tho strange case of one Mr. C. Van Zundt, a newcomer from Nebraska, about 35, who has been sick for two weeks. He lives iu Yew Paik and has alarmed all the neighbors with his persistent eflorts to leave this world. Ho has inllamnllon of liver aud stomach at least that is what the doctors told him, but his principal trouble is homesickness aud he has it bad. He bus several times felt sure that he would die, but has been disap pointed over aud over aguiu, and the lovely cool Oregon climate, so delicious to most Invalids is quite likely to defeat his lethal intent Mr. Van Zandt should rally his hopefulness. Baskdall. The vteumer Buulley will leave Albany at 8:30 a. m. Saturday, June 27ih, for 'Salem, with the Albauy baseball club, w ho will play the Salem club that dny. The Albauys have never been de feated, aud are to be assisted Salim day by the Burns brothers as a bat tery, so their admirers will bo sure to wltucss au interesting game of ball. Hami'DEN Paiuc Supt. Yoder has divided oil aud orgauized out of parts of districts Nos. 78 nud 8, to be known ns No. 118. It comprifees several additions east of the asylum, whero twenty families are settled. Notice. Perums wlahlug to rent booths for refreshment stands, check stands, dancing floors, etc., at the fair grounds for July 4th should inquire at onco of tho committee on geueral arrangements. 0 24 tf Prof. Starr departs this evening for a mouth of recreation In Cali fornia. Mrs. Bothwell, an insane patient from Linn county, was received at tho asylum today. A fresh supply of halibut, cod and catfish Just received at Stelner's ninrket on State street. 'Fresh Ice cream always on tap at Benson's, on Stuto street. Good Square meal 2o cts. Iowa Luuch Counter. 101 Stato street. I have bought my ticket at Shaw & Downlngs, 201 Commercial St. Flako Hominy Cooked Sroat & GDe. See tho now Siuger at 827 Commer cial street. eod Try "Our Capital" Tea Sroat & Glle. Shaw & Downing, agents North ern Pacific It. R., 204 Commercial street. That new piauo which Krausso Bros, aro going to glvo away has arrived. Call and see It at their store. tf 'A flue line of etchings, artotypes and photogravures at Geo. F. Smith's, 307 Commercial street' Greatest attraction in Salem is that fine upright piano, which Is to bo given away at Krau&se Brothers' shoe store. eod-tf M.T. Rlneman always leads but never follows. He has today fresh prunes, apples, peaches, apricots, ripe currants aud everything in tne fruit and vegetable line. 182 State street. Sea Foam Bay Rum a now thing, one of the finest hair-tonics ever discovered for dandruff and hair falling out. Hoye'B barber shop, 209, Commercl al t. tf Stoat t Gilo are presenting llielr patrons with. a superior quality of pencils bearing their brand. The Electrlo car line will bo push ed bo as to have cars running to the Fair Grounds by Saturday if pos sible. Branson tho "Cash Orocer" Bays he Is too busy to talk, but those low prices still contluue just the same. i . i . . Tlie World nrlvh! The facilities of the present day fox icproduetion of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of inanlciad are altaott unlim ited, opd -when Syrup of I'lgs wa first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, u It IB me oniy rcmeoy wutu j uu pleasing and refreshing to the tale and prompt and effectual to cleanse the ytftn gently in the Spring-time or, la fact, ot any time, and the better it U known the more popular it W coes. MWWWMHiiMtoMtnaMiiT.mmnimj'MM In tlieNmnnortlie rrnpliPt, dgs! rry ltieenrtnrnr the mfit In Oiti t mllupli-. Urrtnlnb u "(rtrnt pry ovrrn littlv oi ' bi-n-ut'ls it f-HJllithnrp tluvo wlin II i HiliMit plij viHnt! riritlrrneM I liey ill , ifit iit-fiti i.ii. ntiv. ntwktm I heir Imwils by dolus, miUilltwhletlietii from BillusrvHtiliiOy 'iholiM romlltlou otnirli rffplc In wiiro tlmti Die flint. Ilos tetter's Mlmimcli Hitter lit the salt- nnd cf f'ctlve pubstHute for Mich mifI espcUleritu Whnt Nnportcd Ik a giMiUP tint thorough laxHtlvo, wblrh not only Instntw hpIIoii ul the bowils without psiln or vcnkenlUK cl (toll, which nlso i roniote a hmltuy n-cre-Hon nnd flow ilmr lotn Its proper ttann net. PtR.H.-t'-tH. iteliillt, klilney cvim plaints rlitHimiittum nud mnlnri.i give In to the lllllers. Mies Thornton will receive vor-nl, Instrumental and language pupils during the summer. All applica tions received Wednes-day after noons. 218 Cottage street. 0.15 d-lin iloth tho method and results when yi up of Figs is taken; it is pleasant nd refreshing to the taste, nnd acta gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, jiver nud Bowels, cleanses tho sys ini effectually, dispels colds, Iiend ches and fevers nnd cures habitual instipation permanently. For sale a 50o and 1 bottles by nil 'ruggists. 7ALIF0RN1A FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, tOUlSVIlU. XT. HEW YORK. K.V. i pnnw 1(1 FRENCH ICE CREAM SODA The most excelcnt and delicious drink ever Introduced on this market. Try it and you will have uo other. 0 JOHN HUGHES, Denier in Groceries, Pnints.Oils and Window Glass, Wnll Ta per and lionlcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails nnd Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fonco I'osts. Grass Seeds, Etc. NEW ADVKItTIHKSlKNTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE, Saturday, Juno 27. KATIE EMMETT -In Her Great l'lny,- THE WAIFS OF- NEW YORK Under the Management of Mr. HARRY WILLIAMS A Powerful Company Elaborate Scenery! DON'T FAIL TO BEE Tho Great Harlem .Railroad Bridge Scene I Heats on sale at I'atton's. -:- ARE YOB IN IT? --:- Jfnot you should ho. We will loan you money iitd per cent on farm or city prop erty. 111.03 per month on each llt, pays prin cipal anil It torou In S yeurs. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL SAVING AND LOtN SOCIETY. flTJ Uoiiiiiioraliil street, (V, 0, Illoclc,) balem, Oregon, PHILLIPS & CO., Merchant Tailors. A full lino of Imported and domestic I .....i .... A Inn a AimnlulB utiwil tt imlitu' ' furnlshlns Roods. All tho luU-st styles. 315 Commercial street. Choice Property For Cash, Prices Cut For Cash. Fine inside lota and two corner loU in block ten of Capital l'urk-lnelde Jots at 1250 and corner lott at 300 each. Ftoryand a half hotiwj nn Oak tret, near Hummer, (1600 audi; modern, bard iWilnh and natural wood flnUb, thoroughly plumbed, nltw lawU fenow, ?o. Apply to A. W. SCOTT, At Churchill Saab & Door ilanu factaring Co.( at onco, Spp's Jones Bernardi Tlio Coming Line. Tho Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Lluo oflers the best accommodations to the traveling public en route from 8au Ftanolsco nud Porllatid, Chicago. Through trains, fast time, magnificent sleep ing cars, elegant dining carr, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars nnd handsome dny coaches, cod Aug. Lome IIkkb. Any person who buys a tot from me this week, I will make n present of a new suit of clothes, or to nny lady I will give n $10 dress. Monroe Nye, tho real es tate agent, over Boothby u, Co.'a clothing store. 0 8-tf Red raspberries aro in tho market at 12 cts. a box. i mm -THE- OLDEST, LARGEST, -AND- Least - Expensive Institute, of lenrolvic In the northwest. t3 student In 18S7, i'Xi lu 1891 nn Increase ot nearly 0 per cent In four yearn. Graduates students In Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Medical, and Musical, l'bnrmnccutlcnl nnd scientific, courses. NOItMAL COTJESE. Ornduntcs from tlio Normal Courso linvo nil tlio ml vim tiiEOH of grmluntos from the Hlftto Kormnl schools. Hotter facilities for teaching noxt year i nan ever ueioro. FiRtTom Begins Scpl. 7, 1891. fc'or CAtnloguo, With full Information, nuare-ss wm. a. akjnui.u, a, h,, U 23 llw biilem, O logon m WAR! The only successful light ever carried on agnitiHttho raniics nnulo lu tho human s stem uy WHISKEY, OPIUM AND TOBACCO Is that made with tho Double, Chloride of Uold remedies at tho KEELEY INSTITUTE. Oregon branch, iU First Ht., rort'and. WilteorcaU for full particulars. Htrlctly confidential. F. lA'AYLOH, M. I)., l'hyslclun lu charge FRANK UAVUY, Correspondent, etc. -:- Salem Beal House. -:- llont ofllco foot of T rndo street, l'lcnsuro una miming uoats. iuuch ioiv, Oil AS. H. McOLANE, l'ropr, ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Willamette Motel, SA.LKiM - - - OREGON L; B. HUFFMAN, Stable anil Feed The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the I'lty. Quiet, family horses n specialty. (In rear Willamette hotel.) SAXQrvl, --- OREGON MORGAN Ss MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. flood teams ana prompt work Is our stronghold. "SHINGLES!" Alnrgnlnvolco of Vroom shinnies Just rccolvful hv far tho lirst shinnies In tho market. UAI'irAliLUMUKUINUCO. lit EX K. HA.LL, Paper Hanger. Leave order at Olobo Ileal EstateKxcliango THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OltEOOX. Kiitcs, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotel between Portland and Han Kranclsvo. 1'Mp.UtliiMS lu nil Its uiiiolnl incuts. Its bibles are served with tho Choicest Fi'itltH drown In the Willamette Valley. A. I, WAGNER, Prop. D.CSHERMAN, U, H. l't'inlon and Claim aifcnt. l'.O Itoi HI. Hulem, OrMOti. Deputy f-ounty Clor- Vrlle for blank. w "COLUMBIAS," Light Itdsfer Safely, Ladies' Safety, Kiirt, Tandem Hafety, Volunteer, Bern). lUw'Uttr, Ugut Jtoudttcr, lUtlouaU C, M. LOCKWOOD.Agt., 1 1 If lHOoiM,L,hjleru, JlicycIM old on the In.tallmeul plan. FOREST MOVE PODLTHY YARDS. Founded In 11877, 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And the 0ntt ever tr4 on thujI'Mlfle CoaL J look your ord.r Mrty tor cnoS KrJrctloe. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J, M, GARRISON. MOl-ow rort;aroTt,Oroa, Uiiiramy RIBBON FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, WE WILL QFFEJ 2000 yards, nil Silk, m-us nrnln. Hnlln Imico Jlllibons, Nos. , t, U nnd 3000 yards Silk ainlrvCrotfii edge These ribbons nro our regular 15, 20 and 25 cent goods, and will bo oflereu at these prices for ono w eek only, Capitol Adventure Co., Opera House Block:. 8 Spools best six cord spool A good match, black Out Side Old TJndoitakors of 18 years oxporioncohayo, through much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies out sido tho Undertaking trust and aro now proparcd to furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make you prices independent of auy trust, Special attention givon to embalming. Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for tho business 5H CLEAN!- If you Avould bo clean and hayo your clothes done up in tho neatest and drossiest manner, takothom to the SALMI STEAM LAUNDRY whoro all work is done by whito labor and in tho most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street. Yew Park Grocery. G. D. IIODABAUGII Hns put In a new stock of Groceries, Quconswaro, i'Vod, oto. Produce bought at highest prices. Satisfaction Kiiuruiitecd I" all things. Goods delivered to all parts of tho city. Call and rIvo me a trial. THE - CLUB IjIVEUY, FJS15D AND SALE STAHLES. i( Wir nnur ivn n All stock left lu my euro shall receive the best . . b( Ul. 1 1'OIiP or attention. Tclopliono No. 24. Cor. Liberty , ii, uuuiiui. fliup. tMtl Fqrry strcctagnte, or0gon. SNOW THE) YEAR ROUND At 100 Chomeketa Street, House - and - Sign - Pointing, Paper Ilniicltiir, Kalsonilnlng, Wnll Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Nuturul Wood Finish. Only Flwt-clnwi Work. SNOW 11KOH. CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND- SHEET IRON Kstlmntes on all work In our lino. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash. Doors, Minds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. Ilourfo rlnlahlng innde to order. New nice KILN, by which we can olwnyii keep n full mipply of neasoned Ktoek of ill klndn. Agrleulturul Works, Corner of Truda and liltfU trcet, Balom, Orcou SANTIAM LUMBERING COMPANY, OV MI LI CITY, Lumber, Lath, HIiIiikU-h nnd llulldlntr material, Yard east of Depot. Balem. Wo inaniifueturu nil our own Htoolc, and aro prerared to 1111 uny onlor on the Hhortent notice, 4:l7-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent. J, 0. aOODAI.K, Ovburif. A. WUKKIjKII, Hprlngfleld. OOOBALJiJ & WHEELEK, Lumber, Lath.. Pickets I MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. AenUifirroburBMIII,HiirlnKnehlMllUaailMcKeniieMlll. pffleonndl rdoatho wetlduofXweIfthuircftner dei)t. lltat Lumber lu tti Vall 4 2 JJAKHK it WJlKELKIt, Managem, Balem. JL-JE&jZk. Sasli and Door Factory Front Streot, Salem, Oregon. Tlio best class of work in our lino at pricoa to compoto with tho lowost. Only tho best nmtorinl used INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." AMecdiearly'nD-thlrdioi a million OKO. M. UKKLUH, Wty Agent. AndnixcJlrtentfor Urou county. 01 now wiih i Company. The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&HILGERS, HuoruK)r to Joint Holm, cor, Comr. e!l and Obnlkeli dtrwiU.Halitu). llorw iiiotlnif Bi;laliy. lotr Hill's Talent We Blind?. ITLAU) FLOOHS, Pressed Brick, And all dau olbulldlnjf uitrlttl. PACIFIC BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO., mKoartn t,, fortUud, Ortgua, SALE! Kduo and Batlli 12 -..--..wrc'iiJOecuisa vard JUboon All colore.-.. 6 cents a yard cotton for. . . . 25cts. team for sale or trado. trie Trust. WORKERS. IOQ Oliamalcatu Stroot, .1 :-U'rsr: jeue:b ran Struwberriea, Rnpbqrrie, HlaokborrioH, Goosaborrioa, Chorrios nml good imitof nil kinds at tho Sulom CantU'ry. Destroy tho Pe, r NowUthcllUM SPRAY YOUR FIfT W& Aro i'fTtifKl to tW Itm tftww, Iw the tmM VM psy4 Wi Wt rUtUfrtCttea juuHf4. lt,om al b, a. omUo )' tfNMt m I m BUREN & SON, r oper prc. Ble,