FKg vW pppFffiqiwzv - "' i V JSEEBSESSm BplH If! Uw bfttioual liberal parly ttn th subject of Bismarck. Tho National Jltung, chief orgim of the Mvly, BhoKva n irmrltod coolness Inward Iho ox-chancellor, and a disposition to antagonize Hie fitip portera of Bismarck In llieir aHltmlo nf uncompromising hoiMllty toward the kaiser nUd his RoverlMiiont. It is believed Hint the result will be a reorganization of political parlies In Germany on new lines in accord with Uio changed political situation, QKHUANY'fl POS3KSSION8. London, Juno 25. A dispatch from Berlin elates that the German government is considering the ques tion of abandoning the German possessions In New Guinea and the Bismarck archipelago. They are showing no signs of becoming Jprofl table, notwithstanding the expense Incurred in their Improvement. UTAH REFORM SOHOOti 1IUKNUII. Ociden, Utah, Juno 25. The ter ritorial reform school located hero was burned yesterday. Los8,$50,000, The Inmates escaped. WOMEN HAVE FUN. Syracuse. N. Y June 25. lie- eclover A. M. IJayes, of the defunct First Nutlonnl bank of Anbinu, N. Y., whlio in compauy with his llaucee, Miss Smith, an Auburn society belle, was assaulted near Owosco lako Saturday evening bj Mrs. Mary A. Arnett, u woman bO years old and her daughter, Mrs. William Richardson, of Cuoyeuuo, Wyo. The women attacked him with upibrellas and called him a brute, etc. They claim that a year ago while Hayes was living at Mrs. Arnett'shome In Auburn, ho at tempted to outrage Mrs. Arnett'f daughter, Miss Mary Arnclt. The latter says be assaulted her one evening after escorting her home from the theatre. She did not have him arrested, but the family ordered him to leave town. Ho did not do so, and when the women met him on Saturday they lost control of their temper. Hayes denies Mrs. A nett's story. CLOUD BUKST. Knoxville, Tenn., June 25. A report comes from Cherokee county, N. C, of a terrible cloudburst there lato yesterday. Two Illicit distillers wero killed and growing crops de stroyed. to vroduce hain. Washington, Juno 25. Further experiments wero made yesterday afternoon by Prof. Dryfurth, of the agricultural department in testimt the feasibility of explodiug balloons charged with gases at considerable height In the air, with this object of dotemiuing in the practicability ot exploding dynamite in like manner andltselfect In producing rain in case of drought. Three balloons about twelve feet In diameter, charged with two parts of hydrogou nnd one of oxogon,weresentup about wero considered successful. questions before the cam NET. Washington, Juno 25. It is stated on the best authority that the question to bo.considored by the cabinet at the Friday meeting Is whether tho cotoago of standard silver dollars shall continue after tho first proximo, and data on that subject is now being prepared at tho treasury department. Tho prevail ing sentiment with leading treasury oQlclals is that tho proposition will bo adopted. It is understood that tho question of extension of tho 4 J per cent loau will bo disposed of lioxt month. Offers so fur received In response to Becrotary Foster's suggestions for extension represen ted only about $3,000,000 of bonds. Prominent treasury officials said yesterday there is not the loast doubt of the government's ability to meet alius obligations duriug tho coming nscal year, RESIGNED AND APPOINTED. 7 A OlrftfnmAir T ""I TT.- . . - Mnaauiuiun, xi, U., JUHO ZO, Chief Postofllco Inspector Rath bouotoduy haudtd tho postmaster goneral his resignation, to tako ef- feot July 1st. Rathbono Is to bo ap pointed fourth assistant postmaster general. A CLASH OF AUTHORITIES. Detroit, Juno 25. There has been a clash here between tho treasury department and tho United States court in regurd to tho three chlnameu arrested hero yesterday. Customs Collector Hopkins received an order from the treasury depart ment to ship tho tlireo Chinamen to San Francisco where they wero to bo taken In charge and deported lo China If tho court Interprets tho law to mean they nro to bo returned to tho country from which they im mediately camo and not to their hativo country It is liablo to order them returned to Canada. body found. Ban Francisco, Juno 25. Tho body of Nicholas Stein, who was employed at Mngdalono asylum nud who has been missing since tho Nevcutcenth Instant, was fuuud In a well at tho asylum today. It Is believed to bo u case of suieido, arrival of a wrecked schooner. 9an Francisco, Juno 25. Tho jtchooner Premier arrived in port yelerday from Pirate Cove, greatly to liu surprise of her owners. About threo weeks ugo new wuh relvid that tho vessel had been frweked th cargo April was 0, aud that ull a total low. y10;keeuishutubyavast expanse of ym afterwards temporarily, and thin city. ruined, repaired then brought to IUV DAY.-Wodiy will hell ftttw b iNtby iWy at Cutter I u's gul- toy Jw TUB FLOODS IN IOWA. Serious Trouble Fcanl Arizona Indians. Willi GLADSTONES HEALTH CRITICAL. Gould's Narrow Escape, Parnell Married, Eaten by a Bear, Want Better Beef, State and Foreign News, Etc, THE IOWA STORMS. Minnkai'OLIS, Minn., Juno 25. A special to tho Tribune from Sioux City, Iowa, says: Tho terrible rains of Tuesday night and yesterday morning have almost devastated this portion of Iowa. No roads are running tiains from this city cast. Floyd river valley is Inundated for thirty-five miles north of this city. Many houses In Lcmars are flooded over first flnnrH. while the towns of Merrill, Ilinton and James aro in ,i worse condition. Thirty-five miles of track on each of the Illinois Central, Chicago, St. Paul and Kan sas City, Minneapolis nnd Omaha and Sioux City and Northern, are flooded nortu of this city, with bad washouts at .Lemurs. Little Sioux river bottom at Cherokeo Is entirely inundated and thousands of acres aro under water. Tho water at Cherokee carried away many houses. On the Conlral Iowa branch, GOO leet of track wero carried out. On tho Sioux Falls brauch.soven bridges nre washed away. Chicago and Northwestern tracks in Sioux valley are out for over half a mile at Suth erland. The samo road is also washed out at Carroll. At Merrill, about eight miles from this city, Floyd river rose fifteen feet in three hours, nud tho Hood Is sweeping through Floyd river vnlley toward this city, and devastating hundreds of ncreo of crops. Tho manufactur ing towns of Leeds, Lynn and Lcwiston aro in Its course, and will soon bo submerged, causing thou sands of dollars of damage. Hun dreds of families on Floyd river flats iu tills city aro moving out onto higher grounds. Tho railroad com panies have abandoned yards and shops, and engines, cars, and all kinds of material have been removed to higher ground. Stock In Union and Central stock yards, packing houses, railroad shops, and many houses will bo partially under water, nnd great damage done. Wires east and north of here aro all down. Waterloo, Iowa, Juno 25. Re ports contluuo to bo received con firmatory of tho disastrous storms and floods along the Illinois Central. Cherokeo was visited by another iiuuwi ru onj I Central hi-ldim. nlimil Central bridge, ubout 250 feot long, across Little Sioux at Cherokeo, wont down under tho rush of tho Hood, together with soveral houses in the lower part of towu, Itoporls of tho drowu, f fou rpeMon; at Cuero. nee ana iour nt uorrccuonviiio aro confirmed by a dispatch from Super- Intendent Giles of the Iowa division, who is at tho sceno of tho disaster. Cherokee, Iowa, June ?5. Tlio torrors of tho Johnstown Hood wero in part repeated in this place yester day. Sovonty-flvo houses wero carried out of sight In tho Niairara- liko torrent. How many lives wero lost Is yet a matter of uncertainty. A terrllllu cloud-burst, thrico re- peatcd, and wind almost n hurri cane, nro what consummated the dread work. Tho storm appears to have swept In a vast cirolo of Northwestern Iowa, fully ono hundred miles in dluinotor, with Cherokee as tho center. Up to 10:30 last night, owing to tho destruction of wires and railroads, only tlio most vague reports have reached hero from tho dovastated territory to tho north and sou i ii. xuo uamago is onormous. Most of tho destruction iu Cherokeo was wrought by an extraordinary downpour of water from the sky. tho nood carried oil, apparently without oll'ort, tho big truss bridge ou tlio Illinois Central, and with the bridge went forty feot of trestle ap proach. Tho Llttlo Sioux Is at the highest stago ovor known. Tho best information indicates that tlio lllln. ois Central rails aro under water continually for many miles on tho Ouawa brnnoh, and tho havoo botli to tho road and bridges is something seldom paralleled In railroad history. Sioux Citv, Iowa, Juno 22. Ad dltinnnl particulars bf tho Hood at Cherokeo liullcato that It is tho worst ovor kuown. ltU stated that hundreds of houses were washed away, rendering from twelve to fifteen huudred families homeless. Reports aro coming from all quarters of unprecedoutodly high water In streams, Injury to railroad pioporty, loss of bridges nnd destruction of crops along tho rivers, Tho Mater Is receding this morning, Tho de struction of property In Cherokeo alone is bald to bo about $200,000 U sides almost nil Block pasture. Nu further loss of life is reported ut Cherokeo beyond tho four whwe drowning has been already noted, Possibly eight persons lost their lives around Correetiouvllle. Waterloo, la., Juno 25. Chero wnier una groat auiienug is loured us all the surplus Block of provisions Is destroyed by the Hood. No proa, poet of reaching tho people from any dlrectlonuiiMI the water sulwldes. Fout Douai:, Iowa, Jutia JJfi. Reporls ray Iu sixty milt a traversed by tho storm, hundreds of acres of crops aro devastated, and the destruc tion of oilier property enormous. Seventy-live houses aro destroyed, and a largo number unroofed. TIM'. AWZlNA TROUBf.K Washington, Juno 25. Commis sioner Morgan, of tho Indian bureau litis received a telegram from Snpt. Collins of tho Mrxiui Pueblo Indian school In Kenn's Canon, In Arizona, which he states the Indians are threatening to kill tho whites and forcibly take their children from school and asks that military reluforcements bo' sent to the school. Tho commissioner referred tho telegram to the war department with ft recommendation that rein forcements bo forwarded nud the ring leudors In tho present trouble be arrested and be held pending the difllculty. The present trouble lins grown out of tho fact that Indians are opposed to having their children attend school. NARROW ESCAPE OF GOULD. NewYoek, N. Y., June 25. It has just become known that Jay Gould narrowly escaped kelng killed by a railroad Irviugtow, on the UudEon.a lew days ago. While waiting for tho train he stood on the track and did not see the express train near the station. Had it not been for the quickness of n baggage master, named Baruaby, who grabbed the railroad king by the collar, and jerked him to tho plat form, or tho absent minded capital ist would have been killed. SAD FATE. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Juno 25. Barney Searfoss, who has a farm and hotel at the foot of Five-mile mountain, five or six miles back iu tho wilderness from Laurel Run, related u startling talo yesterday that mav help the solution of the myst ries surrounlng the disappear ance of llttlo Anna Fredericks. Mr. Searfoss says that about tlnee weeks ago a black bear of unusual size, weighing, he judges, 500 pounds uppenredou the mountain near bis bouse. A brown bear is no uncom mon object back there, but a black one is very rare. A week ago last Tuesday, just one week before the little girl was lost, the bear killed and carried oil' from Mr. Searfoss' farm a full-grown calf. Ho nnd an other man started out to hunt the Thev found tho remains of tho calf, but the bear escaped them. Three days later the bear was sen at a point between Flvo-milo moun tain and Laurel Run, or within tltreo miles of tho spot where the girl was lost. It Is, therefore, possi ble, and it is believed by many that the little uirl, wandering about on tho mountain side, encountered the fierce ftuimnl and was killed 'and de voured. Soveral part'es of farm men with hounds will start out In diflerent directions tomorrow nnd WANT BETTER IIEEF. Chamijerlajn, S. D. June 25. Tho Crow Creek Sioux nro objecting to tho quality of tho beef furnished them by tho government. White Ghost, their head clieif, yesterday refused to accept his portion of the beef issued. Ho says the cattle are not fat enough when killed, and weigh much less when issued to his people than when delivered to the I government. He wants the govern ment to distinctly understand that his people will not bo fooled in any such fashion. LIAULE TO SPLIT. Jacksonville, Fla., Juno 25. A Jacksonville, Miss., special to the Times Union glVes some Interesting gossip concerning the Union Nation al Farmer's Alliauco matters. It says slnco the nomination of legis lative committee headed by Presi dent Hall, of tho Missouri Alliance' slnco last February, Hall, has been working vigorously against tho sub treasury scheme, during tho hist I mouth President Polk advised Hall to desist or resign from committee. Ho was givon uutll Juno 25 to ropiy. Those who know Hall assert ho wll deollno to bo coerced and the result will bo a split in tho National Al liance. JUSTICE IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Columiiia.S. C. Juuo 25. Robert T. Jorcs.ofEdgollold, tho murderor of tho tlireo Tressloys, father and two sons, has, Rafter six trials, been convicted lu tho court at Lexington of manslaughter. Tho state in each of tho 11 vo proceeding trials, had mmlo out a strong caso against tho murderer, but the facts this time wero presented by tho prosecution in such a clear straightforward and forcible maimer that tho result Is a shook to tho community. Hero was a nmiiho had doliburato ly murdered tlireo men In one after noon's gunning, without provoca tion, tried Uvo times In his own county of Edgefield, Ho was oou vlcted of manslaughter dually, but thojury disagreed four othor Minos. Tho oonvlotlou of manslaughter was upset by tho supremo court aud tho resources of Justice In Edgetlold county seeming exhausted, his ciuvo wa transferred to Loxlugtou coun ty, where hW sixth trial resulted In u verdict whlyh la preposterous. "How long" asks tho State editor ially, "how long will South Caro. lliui be content to rest uuder the dis grace of such vordlotB?" What Does It Mean? "100 Doses Ono Dollar" means Mtuply that Hood's Bnrsaparlllu Is the most economical medlciuo to buy, because It gives mom for the money than any other preparation. Kuoh bottle contains pjo doses and will avorugo to last a month, while other preparations, taken according to directions, uw gouo iu n week. Therefore, bo sure to get Hood'uSar' wiparlllfi, tho bent blood purifier. FOREIGN. GLADSTONE'S HEALTH. London, June 25. Tlio St. James Gazette tlili afternoon says: Glad stone's physicians fear tho veteran statesman may not recover from the eflecfs of tho attack of Infhtetmi from which hemirieredlii Miesprhig. Ho was left rather weak by It. PARNELL MARRIED. London, Juno 25. Everything tends to confirm tlio report that Piirut-ll was man led today to Mrs. O'Shca. That lady joiued Parnell while thf latter was enroiite to Steynlug at which place they were seen together duriug tho afternoon. The vicar of parish ofStcyning dr nles that Parnell and Mrs. O'ribea were married at his church, but he added, they could be mairied at any one of a dozen churches In the district. It Is stated Parnell and his bride siartcd for parts unknown immediately after the marriage at Steynlug. THE PRINCE OP WALES CHEERED. London, June 25. At Hie Etou festival yesterday tho mention of the I'rlnrc of Wales was loudly cheered by thcboysnnd their friends, who hud como from all parts of the kingdom. The queen lias granted premlpsliiii for the Winsdor and Eton regattas to ho held ou the reach of tho water on tho east side of Winsdor castle, on July 11. NEWFOUNDLAND DELEGATE VIC TORIOUS. London, Juno 2. Negotirtliont betweeu tho colonial oHlce and the Newfoundland delegates are virtu ally completed. The bill will be passed as speedily cs possible. THE POLICE WORSTED. London, June 25. A British force of police near Sierra Leouo has met with a defeat at the hands of th natives. STRIKE OF MAKERS. Paris, June 25. About 0000 bakers struck today against the icgistry ofllces. When tlio police tried to disperse them they opened a fight, in which strikers were soon dispersed' aud a number arrested. MARKETS. - WHEAT. San Francisco, Juno 25. Wheat buyer 1891, $1,001-. Chicaoo, 111., Juno 25. At wheat was firm; cash 959G; $1.03J. close July WEiTHEHREPORT. San Francisco, June 25. Fore cast for Oregon and Washingten: Light rains iu eastern portion. HOTEL AIUUVALS. "WILLAMETTE" - i iu T3iimii, u v JMCUrldn, Kirk ville, Mo. P Wood ru IT, S Reck, J S Hana ker, J M Marks, J D Isaac?, A J Kidd, H K Smith, G F Elierhard, San I'ranciseo. John F Haseltine, W 11 Stanley, Sen J N Dolpli, W G Steel, J Grun del, H Van Deuss, Olo Oleson, Portland. M C Smith, Eugeue. C Gordon, Lowell, Mass, C A McCaun, I Enest, Chicago. T E Lamb, W E Stubbs, N Y. "cook." A Smith and wife, North Yam hill. J II Massey, Deuvcr, Col. . Win Moore, A D Hutchinson, Roseburg. A F Jenkins, Grimell, Iowa. J Carmlchael, Hornbook. J Lewis, Eaglo River. C Lofleus, G F Green, W A Gil bert, Portland. W O Attisou, C E Buehanuou, Oakland. F M Gates, Indepeudenco. E H Rice, Salem. Clias Palmer, P Phillips, Dallos. G R Miller, Gervais. Hans P Olson, J C Peterson, Mary Christensou, S Peterson, Marquam. Seo Shaw & Downing about tick ets, and save mouoy, 204 Commer cial St; Buy tho light running Singer nt 327 Commercial street- eod ""- ' r-rr nrnrTwuMM ttimii mi . . dyspepsia M icoj many peoplo mlsciable, and ofte l ili lo fceir-dostrucUon. Distress at c ... ,g, s.'iir btmnadi, sick hcaiUcho at bu i, nt s ot npjiotlto, n unlit, "'all go' 'vOllna, lud taste, cuateii tmiguo, and iru Dlotross iiliuity ot the boiicls, at tho moro common t. After toms. Dyspepsia docs i r t, get tell ot Uselt. it r uuvirl, quires oarctui, (.erhWe otteatloa, aud a remedy like ituoa't 8 .i . parlll.i, which acte gently vet yUn'U' !'j It tones the stomncli aim ciiioi x: regulates tho illgcstiuu, erotics e bouv ur appetite, ami, by thus Jin overcoming tlio local "" symptoms, oures the HontJch Ucad.iclie, and retreshes tlio tlttV minu "I liavo been troubled Willi d;;i,n. 1 had but llttlo appetite, ami ilmi I ilu Mftirf- ca dWrcMfil luts or iu K 1110 llttln pKHl. Afteitll UUm lug i ould wtpertriuf (alntness, or tlud, all-yoiio fn.ini;, a though 1 had not eaten anything. My trouble, I think, was aggravated ly my biblnoja, putiilliig, nail trom being muio u lots shut up la a room with cj 0 . . trcslt iwlnt, Tnst spring .oour . I took IUkhI'i 8.irarnia tOmacM anil It did mo an Immense amount ot goml It gave ino nn appetite, aud my fund ill Ishciland satUQed tlio cravluat I l-l pn losiyexiH!rlonecd," Oeoiiqe a. Vxan Wnlcrioivn, Mast. X. II, It you decide to tako Hood's Bar espai Ills do not be Induced to buy any oIIkt. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoUtiyUtui0t, gljinforfV l"Tepitltir C I. HOOD CO., AvothiwailcJ. LowtU, Xav lOO Doats One Dollar Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescril)cd i Casforia! CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE , , Sick Hendncho and relievo nil tlio troubles jncl dint too billons state of tho system, such in niMlness Nausea, Droits new. Distress nrtet eitfne I'Aln In tho 8ld, c Wlillo their most rema&ablo success has leen shown In curing tloidacuo. ret CxnTKr.'s Littlk Liven Pit" nro eauallV valual.lo In Constat on. curing and nrevcntlnB thl nnnoyliiR complaint, it hlle eyaTso correct all disorders of tlio stomach, stlmulato the liter and regulato tho bowels. Even if they only cureu Aehe thoy would bo almost priceless to those remrjlalnt: who suaer irum m -. .. -"-n hut fortunately their Roodness di iocs not end ne-knnd O SS who' o' ir then, will And I ifmS llttlo pills valuable In so many ways that ihS? "ill f not "lie muing to do without them Hut after all sick head Is the bane of so many lives tlia 1 1 here ; whew e make our Rreat boast. Our pills euro it H 11110 OlllUm UU I1UK. ... .-,,n..T,ritl CAnTKIl'B LITTLE lilVK" '"?"'" 'Vi S, and very easy to take, rnn r,r tun tlllls make a dose. Thny nre sincuy vrKcwu. ""," not fcrlin or puree, t."1 Iv the Ir pen Jin nrttai Tliny nre strictly vegetable nndd In vlal3 at 25 cents; Ive for SI Sold evervn here, or sent by mall. CAEIEB MEI1CIHE CO., Hew Ycti. Small M ILPOHLEJkteiii, I'ormerly otScrlber t Pohle, two doors west of tho old stand, keep a good supply of wheels, nxles. springs nnd general car rlage hardware. -A w E. C. CBOSS, Butcher and Packer State St. nnd Court St. The best meats dellvored to nil parts ot tnecuy. To Contractors. Bids will be received by the uddcrnlgned up to June 20th, nt !! o'clock p.m.. for plastering, also tin roofing. rinn3 and specifications con bo scon at O. B. McNslly's ofllce. uigui re. served to reject any or nil bldn. C-18-td COTTLE &PA11KHUHST. tf O 2ST E Y ! . To Loan on Real Estate Sec.itlty. Agency Pacific Stntfs Stivluys, Loan fe Dili Id I ii!,' Co. FEAR & HAMILTON, SALEM, Oretion. C.12 dw -A, J, fcLflirj Physician and M n Surgeon. Lnloof I'lillndclphln. ELECTRICITY .IS 1HE TRUK ENEMY Ofnll chronic, nbetinmtlu, Jllood, llruln and nervous diseases. Kvery varletv l feinlilo dlt.eaies yield to electricity after nil other modes of tieutmeut have failed. Thirteen years clinical expcilenco. Olllco 2U C'ommerclul stieet. 6 2J3m JNSUnANOK Company. Fire nnd Ala. rlne. U. W. UEELKK, Agent. - 8;ilom. Oregon A. W, BLACKFORD. House palutlug nnd paper hanging. Good material nnd flrot-class work is my object. Leave oiders on slute, at Farrar's tore. COOK & VOETH ! House ami Sign Pnintivg! KalsoiiilnlDg. sign ivrltlng, frensolng, wall tinting, deeorntho paper banging, wood tluislilng. Estimates holicl'cd on contract work. 123 atuto 8t. I) 'iinUi, I ,",1111 I'll II I'll y Miami uur iiuiJUiUK Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours uJ thoDaj ISono but white lnbor em tloyed In thlf estublUhment, A good substantial meal o ked In first class style Twenty-five cents per meal FtE5D ITROST Court Btreet, between Joiunal Office nno Mlnto's Liery. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOIIMAKEI, 2I5K Commercial St., taleni, Oregon, (Noxt door to Klein's.) Bpeclalty of Spectacles, nnd repairing Clocks. Watches aud Joivelry. immr 1' i 11 V, WANTED-Oood agents to soil our general line of merchnudise. No peddling. Above salary will be paid U i? .. . ''Hvon agents, tor further Information, address: CHICAGO GENERAL HUl'I'LY CO.. 177 West Van Uurcn St.. Chicago, III. 5 I ly w halirisliealthl dh. K. V. WJ2TTB Nervo and tlmtn l"ratmetit, a guurunteed kpec.tle for Hys teria, Dltzlnui.8, Convulslous, Flu, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous 1'ro.tnitlon ciiuied by the- use of alcohol or lobaeoo. akelulliieks. Meutal l)epreslon, Bolteui lngofthebraluresulUuglu Insanity and lead lug lo misery, decay and death, pre matureoldage, barreuueM, loss of power mue4 by overexertion of the bruin. Earh box contains ono month's treatment, ll.( a boi or six boxes for 15.00, seat by mall prepaid on receipt of price. NYU GUARANTEE SIX JiOXEH To cure ouy caw. With eucb order ic oele4 by iw for sis txixes, aivompauleil with tS.lU.Wt will seudlbe purelisx-r our written guaruutee to refund the maiieyU the treatment doe sot eUect a cure, Uuar. an tees luued only by tieo. K. Wood, Urue. ltt,tiolaiml,8dCow.L, balem.Or. "! "Jol ,,, I on aim Bf""ST . Jl i. $ Xmeneauf Parlies wishing to build nice residences -and in search of a beautiful location with pleasant surroundings should visit. ROSEDALE. Tr i, located direct ou the Electric line to tho Fair Ground, overlooking tho entire the snow capped mountains, Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, as well as the T. m-oon hills of Polk county are in plain viow. Tho site is unsurpassed and tlu 33t O Aro now ordered graded at the expense of tho owners. is now for sale by All Real Kstate Men In this City, who Avill i i m i for Infants "Castorinis so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to mo." !!. A. AncnEn, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castorla' Is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." CAJIL03 Mabtto, D.D , New York City. Lato Pastor Bloomlagdalo Eefonued Church. BAKER !?? SrrT BIOYCS If w I essr tfai Greatest labor paviug invention in tlie licueeliold line.. Washes al varieties of goods from tho finest luce to the coarsest carpets, perfectly eli-au, without rubbing or boiling, without the use of chemicals or any tlestruotiveprocefcs only soap und water The company owning it offers J.1000 to nnv person who will produce u family washer equal to the NEW L.KA in the following peints: Pi lee. Labor saving, llapidity of wash ing. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning perfectly without damage to clothing. Simplicity and perfect constiuction. Size, weight and dura bility. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Solo Agents for Minion county. (jw Pianos J. G. HARRIS. R. A. MOORE SALEM EXPRESS COMPANY. Leavo orders at the Club stables, one block cast of Postoltlce. All orders promptly attended to. ASIIBVS MEAT MARKETS, 1,U State tlrr(. K'n r ii.,.. .,.... . . Salem. VMini,.onii vif al?.rw'?y to ml "l orders for all kinds of iro-hniwl tli ... ,.., !." '". ." keep the best the country nm.rd wVi. ueivery. We des re to think mi oi.r.i I G"a!K; 'IKKSSSS 1 tA ,Ph - 1 I ' iMtl'y 1 I X 1 o . 1 MOSSES whole tract is a beautitui groon pmuu. well as tho North Salem now building short distance of this tract. be ready at any time to show FsaaK5 and Children. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes a. Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castorla, ' and shall always continue to do so as it ha3 invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pabdeb, M. D., " Tho 'Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. This Cintaub Company, 77 MunnAY Stbeet, New York, mnen.'iM;aiii..nMnnii una & STRANG. 302 Commercial Street Ranges. Tinware, and all House Furnishing Goods. Chimney and Sewer Pip, - Plumbing. umps, Wood, Iron and Buckeye Force rumps, ramps For Orchard Spaying. NcwEra Hydraulic Ciotlics Washer! AND AND- Organs --MUSI CAJ; HUM CJJAJDISE. FINEST LIKF. LOWEST PRICES. Instullnient6 from ?5 per month up. Wliole&ule nnd itetull. P. H. EAST0N k CO, J 310 Commercial St,, Salem. Head Quarters for tlit Salem Oreliestra. dw J. K. WH LTE, EXPItESS AND TRUCK LINE. Uuullng of all kinds. Host work. Wagon at every train. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of au i order and llcenso of resale duly liinue, rendered and entered ot record by tbcooanty court ot the suuo or Oregon lor Murlon oouuty on the 1st day of Juue.lbai, the estate of E. H. Hellliger, aectsod.tohelltho nal pioperty ol tald o'urday, the Illh day of Ju'y. it-vi. at 1 o'clock In tueurternooinifsaia clay it i ho dlKIV Of thO COUUtV court llilllB in B.ill ..v.vMwHvuviviimuvruifflCllUi;!!, I will rtn rt.-V,. ,7r i,A,iT..."."'i ".VJ,''" "u u. '" I in nana on the lay ofsale. aud the balance i ijuuiu iu six monms with luterest Irom tliedy ofsale uutll paid, at eight per cent per auuum (Deferred payments to bo te. ;""") juuiiKusHon me mna sola ana tho purchaser lo pay all tax&ion said i mortsage.) .,u u.e right, title. Interett and ft'li'.w blob uid -i II. Ilolltucer.dcccased. UHU lit Ills tie., til In i tn. I.a 7.0lr.. t...r u. Crlbea property, biwits Tho a-pylTinlt il .the donation laudrlulm of John U. IJel lli2eruuil Mary O iislllncer. htswlfe, Doll SSit'J t.? cUlm No. 51 in t. ii B. 8 , v o.of VN I'laiu-Ite meridian und claim iJ. J,!,,nr. l0.K 3 west of Wlllumetio liuin nt'" -ft'iop county, iJreauu, cou. tUlUlugxaacnMufland. i.. ur 1. k1 I ., . . MHS. M.A. UKl.l.lNOCUt. ImaratrtoVlVrVl. Wffr ir city xo u.igU sunooi as aro within a This property tins trace to purchasers. i 25c Want Column, Nntlees 'nserted for ONE CFNT m tlsement Insulted In this wlnmn E than tueuty-rtve rents. " LOST. Who. rmm imdvtiltrmir Jtmn old, cut In lift eur, kits, h.jnu cilii ilpx. Qono two v.eilfn lttWin to 81tr. man, deputy county cl ru jj WANTKD- Ily a. .Innnnft,e In a lamll . I a situation. Whl be faMfiitti 'I small wages inqtuie lur N. Uuo,a.i O-ll'lTAl. .IOUUNAT. Olllce. J1 " rjlLOW on beautiful Ongon," ilisa l1 and "Taroni i"arcihelltle8tiUM new aud ubarialoif coniKkiUou fur tho piano fiine.llateorvlollQ Kymtii :!3 cents each. I'm tile ut iHiimmd Mn. sto lluuse, oOS t'omi.icrelal strwt,&ilii i A. geuer.ii siuck oi . . iiuu incanamn JOH ltKNT.-l'lnt cottiite, ecoUil jm ' ot eliy, ah mode cui veoiestct. In. qiilio or W j lie A. j.i iiiu, iu.iier bloit, XTII'EIA" furiilche Horn, to reditu Jl bomd, Iniileniiilit. lariofcltj.ittr btitet car lines, 4tu uuu 'iica rati T lliltKIJ DAI.I.3 Jlonty loaned on ivutchew aud lewtlri nail (11 ktod rt. ijorisouai pronoiiy luiii oiu w,nn.'eoui my safoor fctoie. AtliiirrB Jewelry store, liw Biaio street.. Kill tiOUBAIjE. About one acre of Juii n 1 barn, wllu running imar iu itar m. ..,,l, nt niimnil hniikn nil rl-fhl hand lldd urn. A iicjiuiimi locui J of Asylum avenue after crossliiK brtagci WAKTED An uctlve, reliable man wilmy S70toSi!0 monthly, wllb to uieaste, to rep:i..sent In his owngtctnna lepouslbleIlelV 5fork house, Uelerencw iMaNUKAUTUKEH, ix)clc Box 15S5. bei York. M1AKEN UP nttbe resldenceofJ Bunnells I ol Silver Kvlls. A bay reUlur hne, light sido foot white, black ruaoeaod tall, II suir lnluiehead, Dranaeais ou ica nut Which owner can have by paying advw tlsement and damuges. Enquire of to Duuuells, Knights, Oregon. saimiiT WANTED Our agents make JlOOtoW a month selling our gooJs on their merits. Wo wunt county and gentnl ageuts.aud wllltaae back aUrwJ" sold lfa county agent faU! to clear W and expenses ufier a thirty days' trial, or a general agent less than 25a Vtm send large illustrated circulmJil leiter wltUaBpeclal ollor to mil ItrMVJg plied lor, on receipt of 3 onteenl ittmps. Apply at once and get tow " AUdicss Ilonner Mauufaclnilntwy1 Marion Co. Normal Institute., The third annual session oMhe Mrt county Normal institute, xt "":", tho East salem school house, wXii Monday, July (I, 181)1, and U1 conunue. three weeks. .. . .... , llegular class work wll oe uuu, ---the manugement of able IbsI0,1? ?I biaucues tuugLt l" oar scnow,Jiute sultlclent uumber desire ".classes wu orgunized In 1'hyslcal tieograpny, wir Klilon.aueHooUkoeplug. .ni.utBtrt 'iho objects of the Normal f to review ihe subjects i luught la w mon schools, and to discuss tne iT ods of presenting tbem to JUP ' .Si stltute is not held for teachers only, ulso for those who intend to teacn. Uring toxu books on al brnncbM. m be pre?eatat the beginning oMlniuw A Feoofone dollur w be cnsr helpdetray the expenses of the Inuiu. or timber Information nd,ar,sDER County SuperlntendentofComiuonBchooli NoUcoftr Paving BWs. VTOTIUE Is hereby given that pealed W JLM will be rece ivm . oy u j y - u 1-1 Will uw ivwmvm j .... onreV0IW Oregon, at the otllte ot the tl wn') tho city of balem, at ta tin, uregon. u a o'cloclc p m. or J uue , ""jr'.-i 0i aU that portlouot Conimerciu , streU w f( Oregon, between the noith i me ' ? to street una the bouth rtvS Hulem, Oregon, in , "S?. in tneofflcs plans And stclniutlons on tl e : ' D,eB of the city hurvijur of Ue c"y.l 1trl. at Halcm, Oitgon, for llelghiu bWCK, 4 fled brlcJ. biiuniluous roiK. iiacaaiuu gmvei. i!eh bid must be '"leni. oluuljsluuiibhedby the c It) ol tucU bid must no uicon i.u W 7 , tltlcatootdeixilt iu wvor ltn lk'f0f hulem, Ongon, in any o"0"" bun; the city or balem iu ll0"u'" "jaruulM ' aredaLdfltty dollars, "httB,Bder7whlcn good Mill on the pari ot the bffieem. Ore win i..i torfHiieii to iho city or Biiiou ."nninnnsa his bid U aeccpieu. "-,.v, bidder sUal full or neg lect ' vi m u .--j to execute the contract andKy" lne plan; aud undertaking i",rn Sf goed an aud specifications, together ivltu s w bulUcfeat sureties to be , "PPfYJge tiank mayor, us therein wurre,rkinBanl tM form ol contract, t he uf.'J&olred w bond which the bidder will be requ execute iu caso bis bid is wti'1 &e w tho city of salem, Oegoii. -also ou the otifco of said city H".enfeor;,lf u" to re or Salem. Oregon, reserves the r I" ject duy or all b a. auo . .-- erie , award ou the bids oatiftitor eg y aner tho opeulng pf said WMj1" ;liay a time within said time re ei", ,0 cept or reject auy or all o. w J exe. uerved by the iiinnnl ri thn I tho curty whose wa "T.ViT bondna tho Durty whose bid u aiycj""-- ...njsana I ' . -...W1n nni ItlTUIAM '".' ..ct1M unUerlaktngs, together wll2,,0SofsAl,1 wltUlntTutiay Salter ttieaocepUnoei" ....;"'""' -s.Mibt a di 11 "'iSne by an order Uereggr. gg- Couuuon tHJUucU of tue y.u0TrUN, gou. JOHN OKX? V-"tr.hilo uropw' roper Cororoitteo on streets jjgw ty of tho cliy of faletn M.T. RINEMAN Staple and Faney tog ; ,AVwsx,SoSwff,n WWlV )"$!& I -wi uwowu, wii aw rv "h