Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 19, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. 4.
NO. 89.
With Donisou'fi patent index, complete concordance
Prices from $3.00 to
Goes the farthest with
Have some articles in their store that are worth your while to hear about at this time of tio year. They
are best prepared to furnish you with Avhat may be called
S"CJi3Msi, :e
Consisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes. Below we will quote 3Tou a few prices.
Children's Shoes 40c; Misses' Shoes 90c; Ladies' Shoes 1.50; Men's Plow Shoes )0o; Men's Shoes 1.40,
We also cany the finest French Kid in Ladies' Shoes. Come and see us.
CRISSMAN & OSBURN, - 261 Commercial Street.
Our stock of spring wagons isthe largest and most complete on the Pacific coast, and comprises all the leading styles or
DELIVERY WAGONS. Special parcel delivery wagons,
It will pay all parties wanting .
To call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles, the best, our prices the lowest, quality considered.
Special catalogues and price list mailed free on application.
Agent for Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel.
We can show you twelve dif
ferent styles of Oxfords, A. B. C. D. and E. widths. A
Very fine assortment this, and they are reasonable in price.
Remember we sell the best quality of
Black Over Gaiters
At $ 1 er pir. We have all sizes and can give a perfect fit.
Wm. BROWN & CO.,
231 Commercial Street.
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds,
Fresh and true to name.
The Orange Store,
126 State St.,
Ion Can't li
I shall, for the season of 1891, make a specialty of
My $1.25 lino are the best value over sold in Salem.
Call and see my $3.00 lino of Ladies Cloth Top
Patent Leather Tip Shoes.
211 Commercial Street
ft WL
Commie rcial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time.
One Hundred-
. 9-
$5. There is uo excuse now for not owning n first-class TEACHER'S BIBLE at these prices.
sensible people. When you
Salem, Or.
nil Their Epal !
and teachers help.
are telling them where to buy
but facts.
o o "s? "w" :e3
That is what our trade has done under our prompt
delivery system. People like their goods delivered on
time, and after they try us once they stay by the leaders
on good service.
lOO Court Street.
Ten acres of fruit land eight and
a-half miles from Salem aud tlireo
and a-half miles from Turner for
Ten acres of fruit land six miles
from Salem, all in cultivation, with
never failing spring; $600, cash.
Lot in Highland addition to
Salem ou the installment plan for
from $400 to $.500 each; city water,
street cars, sewerage, well-graded
streets, shade trees, city park adjoin
log, and the best boite-cnr servico In
tbo stato'soon to bo changed to an
electric lino. The Oregon Laud
company, Salem, Oregon,
(nun lid mm.
Salem Truck I Dray Co. I
V flee ataleet., opposite a-
lem Iroa works. Draya and tnietti may be fouud throughout the day at
the corner of Stole and CoinmwcUU etreoU,
Shoes, they want
of Lane
always ready for proem,
and ueuver woou,
coal and lumber. Of-
State flu, opposite 8a-
- Editors.
nv T1IH
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
Omco, Commercial Strwt , in P. O. Uuliam
Entered at the lKJstofUce at Snlcni,Or.,n
SCKL'O linn 11 lilllT.
Between the millstones of back
number mossbacklsm and hungry
spoils seeking advcnturcr.3, Oregon
Is making but small progress to
wards an exhibit at the world's fair
In Chicago. Another meeting with
endless talk and aimless motions and
shoes triug resolutions lias been held
aud the State Chamber of Commerce
has again swallowed the unborn
and even unconcelved fojtus of this
enterprise. It has already several
times died "a horning" and has only
beeu swallowed again to escapo pre
mature death.
The last eflort to resuscltato the
lost cause was conducted by tho olll
eiais of tho State Board of Agricul
ture. A "world's fair convention"
was hold at Portland Wednesday.
It was attended by about a dozen,
who "jresoluted and speechified"
as usual and with the usual result.
Of courso Mr. Allen and Mr. Os
born were there. The latter fav
ored turning the whole thing over to
the State Board of Trade, which is
virtually Mr. Osborn.
Mr. Osborn said this meeting was
"not an organization, and had no
executive committee But thoBtato
Hoard Is. Wo could nssumo that
there nro 1000 men who will glvo
$100 each," said lie.
Then tho Telegram report says
the cut jumps out I
Captain Gray, of Astoria, said
Clatsop couuty had selected no ofll
clal delegate becauso Astoila regard
ed tho movement as a scheme to en
rich a certain set of men by giving
them fat ofllces at tho expense of
tho people Ho said A'storla had
paid her immigration assessments,
and had been sent Blx immigrants.
Ho favored putting tho inut'er in
tho hands of the State Board. Hon,
H. W. Scott also declared that tho
Board of Agrlcultuto should run It,
but was ruled out of order.
Then tho State Chambor of Com
merce got It. If that body lias no
moro llfo tuau its branches at Salem
and Albany tho subject will novor
bo heard of again. E. W. Allen
and Mr. Osborn can not run tho
Oregon exhibit at tho world's fair.
Tho money will not be paid by the
peoplo for them to run It, either by
taxes or by voluntary subscription.
They nro as dead hi tho shell and
devoid of Inllueuco with tho people
of tbo stato at largo so far as this
matter is concerned, rs tho Oregon
commissioners proved to bo in get
ting tho legislature to pass a woild's
fair bill. Tho quartet aro exactly
matched in point of Induction.
Thoy command enually tlio re
spect of tho peop'lo.tho pre3,tho lee
is'aturo and that is not ta all. They
do command eash other's respect
and admiration but that Is the" ond
of It. Tho gontlcmen will bo.fully
equal to tho task for no ono will im
pose a task on them to perform
Tney know better than the State
Press Association how to get up
steam for an Oregon exhibit at Chi
case. Now they know better than
the Stato Board of Agrlcuituio,
Great Is their knowledge of Oregon I
No slate needs an exhibit at Chicago
so much as Oregon. Nostatosiands
so noor a show today as Oregon of
having any. Oregon's mineral
wealth, if fully roprerontcd at Chi
carro. could set up u house out of
bricks of sllyer and gold, nud light
It with rubies and lire-opals from her
own mines. Oregon woods, wools,
fruits, grains and fish aro capable of
i s rich results In u display as would
set tho world agog with wonder and
and 1111 our cities, towns, hills and
Valleys with peoplo and prosperity.
But theso eontlemen who have
just wrested to themselves again
control of tho Oregon exhibit at
Chicago can not eco that they are
not wanted. They cannot realize
that an exhibit from Oregon must
bo the voluntary offering of a free
aud enthusiastic people, instead of a
matter of taxation. Taxpayers re
sent tho Idea of being tuxed to sup
port nn exhibit managed by gentle
men who aro not producers. The
enthusiasm of Oregon jieopiu for tho
greatness and resources of their stato
Is unsurpassed by any statu In the
Union. That enthusiasm properly
appealed to would resjwnJ with car
loads of exhibits from eaeh couuty
aud raising money to get It there
aud set It up would be u bccondary
matter that would easily follow.
But Oregon can not gut up u exhi
bit by pluoing the cart befqre tho
home, and proposing salaried olll-
cials to handle $100,004 In place of
arousing tho enthusiasm of the
masses and nppeatlug to the local
pride of the state,
Portland Is great but Multnomah
is not the state. These Portland
convention manager may be mi
meiiwj foolers In regenerating cor
rupt otty iwlltlw, tho there U a sus
picion that a oily U bardup to have
to fall book utou light-weight gen
tlemen for salvation of any kind.
All Oregon is not yet in that llx.
Who shall say solf-seeklug, inca
pacity, rapacity and Inveterate
mossbacklsm Bhall not triumph?
Oregon Is In a fair way to make a
world-famous display of theso lus
cious qualities. Our Portland Snug
the Joiner mid Bottom the weaver
snail continue to parody her great
new before nn nstonlshcd world nnd
Columbia, represented In name only
by our greatest stream shall cry out,
"Behold I t was enamored of an
They will next try to mako
that McGlnty was a German.
Tho Jouunal want column is a
popular adveriising medium.
j. '"'Jij i ,'
Salem should have a republican
club In good marching- order for
Spring chicken, salmon trout and
cucumber salad aro on tho well-to-do
Cregouian's bill of faro.
The editorial pago of tho aver
age democratic paper now a days
looks asjho' It didn't know whero
to catch on.
What has become of tho demo
cratic party of Portland, Alblua and
Kast Portland anyhow'.' Here
after tho consolidated Portland Is to
be tun on good business principles.
Tho Forum for July will coutalu
a review of the policy and an esti
mate of tho character of the young
emperor of Germany, by F. Heln
lich GeiTckeu, luipciial privy coun
cilor, who explains in detail tho
dismissal of Bismarck nnd the
relations betweon tho emporor and
tho ex-chaticellor. The artlolo is
ono of tho mo;t Important ever con
tributed to an Ameilean review.
Tho American girl generally gets
there In what she sets out to do.
Baccarat didn't stop Miss Gamer.
Sho married Sir William all tho
same. Lady Gordon Cuuunlng is
the eldest daughter of the late Com
modore William Garner of Now
YorK, who, with his wife was
diowned In 1870 by tho capsizing of
his yacht, Ills Immense diygoods
business In New York Is carried on
by trustees aud his two daughters
wero his solo heirs. They aro both
very rich ns well as handsome. Tho
younger daughter recently married
i tho Marquis do Brotcull, of a noblo
1 French family, aud the couplo nro
now on tho way to America.
Albany Demecrat: Salem will
havo a states picnic on tho 4th of
Jnly. Peoplo from the same state
will eat together. Tho idea Is a
good ono.
Albany Herald: Salem Is to hnvo
another church cdlllce. Tho Ger
man Baptists, of whom there are
quite it number 1 that city, havo
recently purchased two sightly lots
on Cottage street, and will shortly
erect thereon a substantial houso ol
Albany Herald: Prof. Anderson,
of the Erst Salem publio schools,
was in tho city yesterday, en routo
to Yaqulna bay.
Characteristics of tlio Coulioy.
Whero tho cowboy conies from Is
a mystory. Ho Is often of Mexican
origin, nnd moro than half Indian.
Ho Is a democrat always; ho lives
under tho Hag of a republic, and
knows It. Ho recognizes no social
superior lu any man; but. on the
other hand, to those ho considers
his inferiors, ns tho Indian or negro,
no aristocrat of aristocrats could bo
haughtier. Ho Is bravo to fool
hardiness, and will take chances of
his llfo that It would seem none hut
n crazv man would. Ho lakes no
manner of care of his hcall h. When
a long way from tho camp or ranch,
he sleeps where night tluds him ou
the open prnlilo, with only the stars
forlhrht. He bathes when he has
time, and eats and drinks anything
ho can get, and all ho-cati get. Hu
can bo depended upon (o do his
work well, bo It at camp or when
driving lu a big bunch of heroes
from tho rang"? to the rauoh. Ho
Is strong us an ox, has au unbounded
lovo for gay trappings, and Is gener
ally gay nud reo from care, His
chief characteristic is a profound
contempt for tho denizen of tho
East, whom he calls a tenderfoot.
The cowboy might not sliluo on
Fifth Avenue, but ho is found just
the proper person for the much, and
hu Is withal a vary picturesque, very
useful and very natural man. Tho
wages paid him nro small, and aro
usually exjHJUded us tho first oppor
tunity presents Itself. Ho thinks
not of tho morrow. Ho Is a creature
of today. Ho Is tho sumo cowboy
that Mark Twain knew, and he I
no different when driving tho
beeves lu Kansas or tho bunch of
horse ou tbo prairies of Dakota and
tho Northwest. Ex.
Passengers destined to tho promi
nent cities cast of tho Mlksourl river
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Paolflc A Northwestern Hue. Mag
nificent Pullmau and Wagner sleejx
Ing oars, elegant Pullman ana
North wwteru dining car, free re
clining chulr can, handsome day
ootujhw ami comfortable Pullman
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
m X jx&m
Ex-Governor Hnrrlsou Luddlng
ton, of Milwaukee, dial Wednesday
night, aged 78.
Tho artist Farrer, who was highly
esteemed in America, Is dead, at
Ex-Senator Joseph E. McDonald,
of Indiana, is steadily falling, nnd
physicians have abandoned all hope
of his recovery.
Tho number killed In tho Basle,
Switzerland, accident foots up to 150
aud tho injured 300.
Monday's hurrlcano In Germany
did great damage at nil tho coast
cities. Scores of persons lost their
lives at Hamburg, Kiel, Stettin nnd
The steamer City of Richmond Is
lying at tho dock In Loudou with a
lire raging lu her hold.
John Duty, a prominent farmer of
Benton, 111., killed his mother-iu-law
and attempted to murder hls
young wife. Tlio murderer, If cap
tured, will undoubtedly Bwlng.
Tho causo of tho wreck at Coon
Itaplds is now charged to a dis
charged railroad employo, a largo
plecoofwood having boon found ou
the track. Tlio matter will bo In
vestigated. In a foundry near Berlin yester
day, while workmou were swinging
a liugo pot of molten iron, tho chain
broke and three workmon wore
burned to death nud live others
severely Injured.
Tho skeleton of Benjamin Zclglor,
who diLnppeared from Forest Grove
two years ago, was found yesterday
near Greenvlllo. There was a bullot
holo through his skull and alrovolvor
was fouud near tho remains, showing
ho had committed suicide.
E. DwyerGray has been Invited
by Parnoll to ooutest tho sent In tho
English parliament niado vadant by
tho death of O'Gormau Mahon.
La Presso (Boulanglst) says: It
Is rumored that tho I-Vonch govern
ment has determined to request tho
ox-empress to shorten her stay at
N. J, Bchultcs, of tho District of
Columbia, has been appointed an
additional member of tho immigra
tion commission which Is to visit
Europe to investigate Immigration
ailalrs. He was appointed as ft
representative of tho Federation of
A blacksmith named Boeder and
his wife wero burned to death Tues
day night nt Ncuwedol, Germany,
Their houso caught lire and thoy
woio overcome by smoko and wero
unablo to escapo from tho burning
Tho lneless body of William
Butcher, a painter, wns found lying
lu the front room of his house nt
Wilmington, Del,, AVedncsdoy with
hlu tlirout cut. Edward Butcher,
n brother of tho dead man, was
found lylug nenr tho corpse lu ft
drunken state,
Two schoolboys at Uslngon, Nas
sau, playing brigand, shot aud
killed their teacher, Schultz, and
having robbed him of his money and
witfoh, etc., lied. Thoy have so far
bullied tho police, and a detach
ment of soldiers aro searching for
Tho Jury lu tho case of McUrystal
and t'oonoy, charged with attempt
ing to brlpo Juror Oormley, re
turned a yerdlct of guilty at New
Orleans Wednesday night, Tho
Jury had been out since Tuesday
James MtWKloy fatally shot his
wlfo at Milwaukee, Wednesday.
Muggloy married tho woman In a
houso of lll-repute nt Minneapolis
nnd brought her here. She went
book to her old associations, how
over, and Muggloy, in u lit of lc
pcratlon killed her.
Mrs. Prlseilla Itandolph returned
to theltaudolph homestead atMouut
Horeb, New Jersey, jecontly, from a
visit to Washington, bringing with
her n tlvo pound box of candy,
which sho had bought at n Pennsyl
vania avenue candy stor Bho
posMHl the candy urouud among tho
children and was eating some her
tclf when Iter teeth struck a hard
substance. In a second there was
au ox plosion which shattered her
tooth, (oro away a pad of her cheek
and nthcrwUo dUilgured her face.
Tho foito of (ho explosion carried
bits of fulminate, with inlnuto part
IcliM of copper, lut tho flesh. Mm.
Itandolph Is now lying lu a critical
condition, and If ull the partlclea of
copjHtraro not removed blood poUon-
Jug or lockjaw may mil in.
Hblpir,eonIgn your (lino freight
via tho ChltwiEO. Union Pacific &
Nort,bwtwn. line. eodaug
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
Associated Press Report aail
Digests of nil Important
News 01 To-Day.
Bkkmn, Juno 10. Herr Isaac,
.who has charge of tho Berlin com-
mlttco for tho reception of the
Jewish refugees from Ilussla, Is lu
favor of sending tho larger portion
of thorn to ono of tho now western
states of America where there Is sltll
a great deal of unoccupied laud. He
believes that It Is a mistake to dump
them all In New York, and that
many moro would follow agricul
ture if they wero not, under this
system, too easily led to tako up
some potty city business, already,
perhaps, overcrowdod. Herr Isaac
saya that tho commlttco havo not
failed, in any meritorious Instance,
to oxtond needed relief, the money
for tho purpose coming from Vienna
aud London, as well as from Berlin.
There is sonio complaint of tho
severity with which tho Aigltlves
aro treated by tho German police,
who will not sutler them to rcmaiu
In Chailottenburg beyond tho Inter
val botweon tho two tralnB. Faml
liis lu this way are being hurried
ou to Hamburg or Bremen for em
barkation beforo they nro lu a con
dition to stand examination by th
steamship authoiltles. Tho result
Is that sotuo aro rejected who, with
n day or two of rest upon their first
nrrlvnl, would hnvo proved entirely
Washington, Juuo 10, Acting
Secretary Wharton and tho Chinese
minister hold a lougthly Interview
regarding tho rate of Blair, appoint
ed minister to the Celestial empire
shortly nfter tho adjournment (
tho last congress. After tho Inter
view Wharton said tho Chlneso
government had not receded from
Its posltlan regarding Blair, and
would prefer that eomo ono olso
should bo appointed United Slates
minister to that country. "Itta
clearly ovident," continued Whar
ton, "tho Chinese do not want Mr,
Blair, nud tho United States cannot
forco n minister upon a friendly
power lu tho fuco of unmistakable
New YonK, Juno 10. A dispatch
from the City of Moxlco saya: "A
cloudburst killed at least twenty
fivo people aud many mules, beside
doing great daniogo to property at
the Conception mine, at Ban Luis
Potosl, toduy. Tlio initio was work
ing full blast nt tho timo, and there
was uo Indication of tbo Impending
disaster early lit tho morning. As
tho day advanced, however, hoavy
clouds began to bank up lu the
south, nud shortly beforo soon It
began to blow nud rain. Then It
looked as If tho floodgates of the
heavens had been unloosed. The
water ramo In almost a solid inasa,
and when tho clouds hud passed
away It was found that housed had
been washed away; tho mountain
streams wore raging torrents, the
mines wero flooded so that they
could not lw worked, and tho men
and mules wero swept nway fey the
delugo. Tho latest telegrams place
tho number of bodies recovered at
twonty-threo o fur. Thirty more
persons aro known to have been
hurt. Work at tho ConwpUon
mine li entirely suspended."
Cincinnati, Juuo 10. Hon Chr
Jos Francis Adanw, of Boston, cx
president of tho Union PftdBp, lis
wrltton 11 letter to E. If, Well,
the Alaskan explorer, concernlftir
tho hitter' published K-hewfor
building a railroad to Atok.
Adams nays;
"When I was laatlntheDoBilnkMt
and also In Alaska, It denied to be
not Impossible tho tluui might cow
wheu a railroad would be uee4
and would bo surveyed for fret
Winnipeg northwesterly Into tt
mining country of Alaska! but I
was equally persuaded of th fc4
that this time hud not come, twitfe
do I believe It will come wjtblu Dm
next tea or fifteen yeaM."
This significant tetter 1 gomtrM
us a conservative adml4e frmt
Adams that nn Alaska railway wuur
actually ho built within Mm iwxt
tweuty years, thus forwittg a )i
of tho chain (hat Is to ochim4 Ike
ojur'a Siberian railway wttfr
8r. Louis, June 19, A ihimHk
from (lie City of Mexieoaaya a iimtr
of imhum belWWMt Wvwfcar mm
IdhT rft'tfJaeWa.-
jjJILii gJttftA