Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 16, 1891, Image 2

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Lflllll"! IW ''7 ! ' MMM,.
quatly, md the. secretary of war In
conclusion, it was not proposed to
take auy further nctlou in tho mat
OakdaljS, Juno lO.Tuo water
works building burnt down yester
day. The pump worka and bull
ding la a total loss. A planing mill
connected with tho bulli'llog and all
tho machinery were totally destroy
ed. No insurance.
bow srmNGiJD.
VifiXNA.Joue 1(1. A member of
tho Austrian nobility, a cavalry oill
cer, Home time ago entered the
Turkish army, and, tho belter to
secure- his advancement In the ser
vice of tho sultan, embraced tho
Mohammedan rcllgeon. As another
bid for promotion ho wrote a book
On tactics, which was really a valua
ble resume of tho military practice
' of various U'ltloni, with special ref
oreuco to tho neccssltlesof the Turk
ish army. Tho superior olllcere of
the diligent Austrian, however,
through jealousy or Bamo other mo
tive, refused to approyo the work,
and put a veto upon tho expressed
intention of the writer to present
the brochure; to tho sultan. Tho
author seized an occasion when his
duties brought him near tho sultan
and made uu attempt to baud "the
book to tho mighty potentate, lie
was Immediately arrested and hur
ried away, tho Impression being cro
ated among those who witnessed
tho episode thaf. lie was regarded as
an assassin, His fate is unknown,
but tbo Aurstriau embassy has
caused inquiries to be instlted
through tho regular diplomatic
channels as to tho case. Tho fact
that the unlucky oflWr had become
a Mussulman may be used 09 a bar
to the successful prosecution of
inquiry. It Is thought tho victim
has been bow-strlngnd beforo this
Arkansas City, Kas., Juno 10.
A geutlemau just urnved from (Jeer
county, in the extreme southwestern
part of Indian Territory, says the
Bed river and Its north fork have
been out of their bunks for over a
week, completely hemming the peo
ple in uud cutting oil all communi
cation with the outsldo world.
Peoplo everywhere aro suffering.
One-half I ho wheat crop is entirely
ruined, and corn and outs are nearly
nil killed. A cloudburst Inundated
Frazor, ruining every merchant's
stock of goods, and compelling the
peoplo to Uee for their lives. Two
persons wero drowned in tho town
and threo in tho country ulong
Turkey creek and Salt Fork. A
dozen or more houses wero washed
away, Tho damage douo In that
county alouo will exceed $500,000.
Philadelphia, Juno 10. With
reference to tho report telegraphed
fronr Denver on Friday last, Itev.
Sam Small Buys tho Colorado con
fnrnnnn was misrepresented and
himself damagfld by tho incorrect
Tho Consolidation Ticket EIcc-tcd-Mason
has 1710 Majority.
Edison's Latest, Tho Ohio Repub
licans, The Air Ship, Castleman,
Ontario, Burns up, State and For
eign News, Etc.
Portland, Juno 10. Al mid
night tho vote, so far as counted,
Indicates that W. H. Musou, citizens'
candldato for mayor, Is elected by
two thousand majority. The eutlio
citizens' ticket Is undoubtedly elec
ted by about the same majority.
Later The total vole of tho city
Is about 12,500. Tho count will not
bo finished before noon. Tho vote
us counted at 1 a. m. indicates that
Uie entire citizens' ticket Is elected
by nearly 3030 majority.
Up to 2:30 this afternoon tho re
turns from yesterday's municipal
election were Incomplete. Three
wards had not yet been reported.
From returns received the election
of tho entire consolidation ticket is
(insured by a majority ranging from
fifteen huudrcd to three thousand.
Mason for mayor has 1710 majority.
Too total voto east yesterday was
Portland, Juno 10. The annual
encampment of Indian War Vete
rans wus held hero yesterday. A
resolution to the effect that the
slates of Oregon and Washington
should ussume tho payment for the
service of thoso who stood iu their
defense, in view of the fact that the
general government hns thus fur
refuted to recognize the veterans
claims. Tho following named of
ficers for the ensuing year were
unanimously elected: Grand com
mander, T. C. Shaw, of Salem;
senior vice commander, P. F. Castle
man, of Portland; surgeon, Dr, W.
O. McKay, of Pendleton; grund
marshal, Col. T. B. Walt, Salem.
New Youic, Juno 10. Edison's
lutest production, an electric fan for
office ventilation, like all of Edison's
inventions, has takn remarkably
well with the general public. Con
trary to tho usual run of new Inven
tion, tho manufucturers huvo plnced
It on tho market at a very reasonable
figure ($22), tho result being that
tho Edison company has been un
able to meet the demand for them.
Columuus, Ohio, June 10. The
most critical campaign in tho his
tory of Ohio politics opened today
whon Ihe travel fell on one of the
London, June 10. The popular
crusade against tho Prince of Wales
Isshowiug no signs of losing strength
or bitterness. At seven religious
meetings he)d in various parts of tJio
country yesterday, tho prince was
roundly denounced for tho share ho
took In tho baccarat scandal. Tho
newspapers still keep np their at
tacks upon the prince.
Ottawa, Onf., June 10. Passen
gers on tho Canada Atlantic train
which passed through Castleman
last night, reported tho town is
burned up. They say great plies of
lumber mid stacks of tanbark with
nearly every house and store in the
village Is on fire. Mon, women and
children wero frantically rushing
toward tho woods with what httle
they could carry. There Is no pos
sibility now of ascertaining whether
there is any loss of life, but the des
truction of property must have been
enormous. Population of tho town
Is about 1000.
Winnipeg, June 10 John Rob
son, premier of British Columbia,
passed through Winnipeg yester
day en route to Ottawa, where he
goes to d'scuss with tho Dominion
authorities matters of great im
portance at present pending between
tho central government and the
province. One question ho propos
es to discuss Is that of sealing, and
the manner in which British Colum
bia Interests aro nflectcd under the
new sealing law which has just
passed the British houso of com
moiiH. To interfere with thoseal
rs this year would, Itob&ou lioSJs,
be ruinous. The other importaut
subject, Ilobsou said, Is a settle
mcutoftho Alaskan boundary.
L P Flint, A J Luwrence, E P
Williams, W C Grlswold, T Tliomiv
Bon, W F Mcllvuln, J L Smith, Wm
Grldley, W It Ileburrcll, G A Mron
ey, Portland.
8 W Striker, Philadelphia.
E H Meek, Milwaukee.
A W Pullen, Chicago.
FRlgler, Oregon City.
J W Cheney, Eugene.
W W Skinner uml wife, Salem.
It L Cute, Chicago.
Joa Alexander, Win Clark, W P
Smith, S F.
B B Phllbrook, M I) und wi.e,
G Rybin, Wilbur, Neb.
W II Dunham, J M Anlgtoi ,
J W Smith, Newberg.
B F Regan, Chicago.
G M Stuflord, Rock Creek.
N Kleavers, Appleton.
J W Davis, W II Shearer, J Mc
Donough' T H Kloyer, Salem.
P N Lathrop, S L McKune, Me-
Geo D Young, D E Freeman,
Portlund. -
1 F Studebaker, Hoquani, Wush.
Portland, Juno 10. Tho nine
teenth annual reunion of the Oregon
pioneers is being hold here today.
The afternoon session will consist of
a procession, and literary exercises
at the Exposition building. The
annual address will b delivered by
Lydell Buker. A business meeting
will bo held tonight.
president oakes.
Portland, June 10. T, F. Oaken,
president of tho Northern Pueific,
and party arrived here this morning.
In au interview, President Oakes
said that the trip was one of inspec
tion and had no special significance.
Ho said there had been some corres
pondence regarding extension of the
road from Goble to Astoria, but
nothing definite was douo yet in
referenco to it.
Portland, Or., Juno 1G. Arthur
S. Twiuehum and Joo Backus of
Pendleton weie assigned beforo
I Judge Deady this morning on charge
E'ght hundred transfers recorded
so far this year, footing up to a total
of neai ly a million.
J. II. McCormick, who owns a
number of cottages In North Salem,
has decided to build another $1500
Mrs. Mary Miuthorn, mother of
the founder of tho Oregon Land Co.,
will put up a 000 building.
M. T. Rineman has become pro
prietor of the brick store ho now
occupies with his grocery, 22 feet
front $7500.
the record.
The following is u list of the real
estate transfers filed iu tho olllco of
the county recorder Juno 13-15.
P1I Henshuw and wife to
.school directors of district No
Si); 1 acre of laud
Thos Mel ntire and wife to
Ailhtir Edwards; 9 acres tec
20 t 7 0 s r 3 w $
Oregon Land Co to EF
Cruigen II T Colleo and V
II Stebbiugs; 201 Us In High
land ud
Very Rev Adclhelin Oder
mott to Conrad Schoubachler
and wife; 1.80 acres iu sec 10
t 0 s rlw
Eugene W Manning and
wife to John Bohi ; 40.2 acres
J H Roorkaud wf to Lewis
Pettyjohn; I's 1 2 7 rod 8 iu
blk 12 also part of blk 23 in
Depot ad to Salem
J 11 B-ad'oy and wife to A
G Bradley; lot -10 Bradley's
ad to Woodburu
Virgil K I'r'ugerand wife
to C I) Young uud wife; Its 4
5 uud 0 iu blk 2 Jones ud to
More Thnn Ready.
"Tho successful canvasser," once said
a business man, "is tho ono who can
porsuado you to buy what you don t
A "summer boarder" was ono day
Bitting on tho farmhouse stops, when a
vender of patent medicines appeared
and began to advertise ills wares.
"Good for toothache, rheumatism,
gout, ague," ho said rapidly, displaying
a bottle. "Got rheumatism now,
haven't yo? I could tell that tho ruin
uto I sot eyes on ye." .
"Never had a twinge in my life,'
said tho victim.
"Subject to headache?"
"Teeth trouble yof"
So tho conversation went on, from
nostrums to liquids for cleansing pur
poses, and still nothing was sold. After
half an hour's steady effort tho agent
slowly packed up his wares and sadly
prepared to depart. As ho was about
to go a neighbor approached, bringing
tho morning's mall, and called out tri
umphantly: "I'vo got two magazines, and there's
u story by you In each I"
Tho agent throw open His Dag witn a
llghtning-liko gesture. Ho seized a bot
tle from its contents and proffered it
"Why didn't you tell mo you was a
writer?" cried he. "Twenty-flvo cents
a bottlol Best thing on earth for
writer's cramp I"
Ho had conquered tho nostrum was
bought, though only to bo tossed over
tho orchard wall. Youth's Companion.
"'"''J 'J'""1 ' 1. Il r
I m-tnf nntliiiuliifif In i t-l 1 1 1 1 f nil ti utn tn I ... .. .... .
report that It dismissed or expelled " ,""" ,7.: Z" 1 "" .3: opening Iquor to lurtlaua. '
Mm fmm tbo Methodist mihlstrv. r""ru,M:,""D ",u " " """" plead guilty. Twlneliam was lined
'I tifnnlf li linn i I f n r lrrimipt
I hvhI iu una uu iiiu ty ii
Ho says that, having resigned tho
presidency of tho ytah university,
he asked to bo reported to tho
Colorado conference and thero be
discontinued from further connec
tion. The voto in tho matter was
purely formal, and in no sense penal
or condemnatory.
Chicago, Juno 10. An on rprlso
surpassing In mugnltudo anything
that has been organized and pushed
to completion In this city in many
years, is now bolug planned by Chi
cago business men. It 1b the estab
lishment of a gigantic clearing
house. The ccit will bo ubout
t-i.uitu.uuu, una win no paiu uy a
Chloago syndicate.
Chicago, Juno 10. A striko of
architectural metal wot leers for u
reduction of hours to eight per day
and nu increase of pay to thirty
cents au hour, was inaugurated
this morning. About 1200 men are
out, and tho Iron and other orna
mental work upo.i many large
buildings, in course of construction,
is at a standstill, and shops in which
tho work is turned out are shut
Uniontown, Ph., Juno 10. Sun
day ulght Alex, Boyd, storo keeper
ut tho coko works, was awakened by
Home nolso ut tho door and 11 red
through tho panel killing hla aged
grandmother, who was up. This is
his story, and as he boars a bad rep
utation tho authorities doubt It, and
huvo placed him under arrest.
CLOQUKrr, Mlun., Juuo 10, Tho
trouble ou Fon du Lao Indlau reser
vation has broke out frcj.li. Ou
Sunday tho Indians destroyed Mo
Dovltt'sdam on Stony Brook. They
also threatened to derail Duluth and
Winnipeg trains and tear up the
tracks if that road hauls any moru
cedar polo thut uie out on the'eser
vatlou. A forco of urned men left
for the sceuo of trouble yesterday,
Knoxville, Temi., Juno 10. In
Neumanvllle, Queen county, ou
Saturday u cloudburst did great
damage. Tho place Is removed
from tho railroad and telegraph.
'the full of water was terilllo. The
towhouso, residence uud outbuild-
liUN of T. N. Knur wi-ro swept
wy. The postomoo wus kept lu' Judo Murphy, of Ban Frauelco,
kl rtwe und everything wum IoM, ' Saturday deuled a motion for a new
A number of other bonnes wero irltilln the case of Hong Jlng, con
mrfkd W8y and all crops ulmiu the ' vlutctl of tho murder uf qiu Wy.
ork bottom land ure d.-Mroytil- lilio Jury having fixed tho pvualty at
Cwildfftbfc stock wan drowned Hfo ImprUonmeut, the court pro.
but, i livw were )o , The, propi- ly iioumixl u wutcuce in ucoordauco
dfuuttfe will ftlou J to a largo sum, with Ihe verdict.
rriin tmnrirfilnn nf thfa nnmnntcrn
Is not only to thestato but to the
nation fully realized and all dovlces
known to modern politics will bo
exerted by both parties to win a
favorable verdict from tho peoplo In
Novembor noxt. Goncral Asa S.
Bushell, ot Springfield, was unuin
uously decided upon as a permanent
chairman. As arranged tho conven
tion should occupy two days. This
forenoon was devoted to meet
ing of various congressional del
I egatlous and tho solectlous of n now
Btato contral committee on creden
tials, resolutions and organization.
Tho chief event of this evening will
bo tho reception to Wm. McKlnloy,
by tho Lincoln leuguo. Tho noml
nation of Win. McKlnloy, ex-congressman,
for tho ofllce of governor
Is a foregone conclusion.
Burlington, Iu., Juno 10. Tho
Burlington Airship company, with
a oapltal of $510,000,000, with $1,000,
000 paid, wus organized uud tho
papers of Incorporation taken out lu
this city Saturday. This organiza
tion Is the outcomo of a ten days'
conference botweon Jr Pennington,
tho Inventor of Pennington's air
ship, and a number of Burlington
capitalists. Tho proposition of the
incorporators Is to at oneo remove
the business ami construction plant
from Mount Carmol and St. Louis to
Burlington. Tho ship will carry
forty passengers, and will attempt
to lly from Burlington to New York.
rho Incorporators aro all reliable
Burlington capitalists who seem to
mean business. Tho expected In
itial lllght will take place July 4.
SuukPsiiKAD Bay, June 10.
Long before noon today coaches and
carriages by tho dozen bogau to
come through tho gates and take up
u good' posit Ion in tho Held, with
tho thermometer well ou Its way to
wurd 100 In tho city. A good Bllfl
breeze blow over the bay and made
the Intense boat at least tolerable.
Tho buiburban -handicap, was the
second big racing event of this year.
Teuny was the most pronounced
favorite. It is aald Teuny will go to
the post carrylug over $100,000 for
tho general public. The track is iu
fplendld condition and everything
Is favorable for u gre.it race uud fas'.
plead guilty.
fifteen dohars and Backus ten.
San Francisco, Juuo 10 -Wheat,
buyer '01, $1,781.
Chicago, Juno 10. Wheat was
ilrm; cash .0797J; July $1.03.
San Francisco, Juno 10. Tho
forecast for Oregon and Washington
is light rains, except iu southeastern
Happy lloosiera.
Win. Thuliums, Postmaster of
Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric
Bitters has done more forme than
all other medicines combined, for
that bad feeling arising from Kidney
and Liver trouble" John Leslie,
farmer and stookmun of sumo place,
says: "Find Electrio Bitters to be
tho best Kidney and Liver meclcluo,
made mo feel llko a new man." J .
W. Garduer, hardware merchain,
samo town, says. "Electrio Bitters
Is just tho thing for a man who is
ulliun down and don't care whether
ho lives or dies; ho found now
stronuth. ttood appetite uud fell
just like ho had a new lease on life.
unly 50 cts. a oottlo at lry's Drug
I huvo bought my ticket ut Shaw
& Dowulngs, 201 Commercial St.
Thut new piano which Krausse
Bros, aro going to gi'o away has
arrived. Cull aud seo it at tluir
store. tf
Quick time ami inrough trains
offered passengers and shippers by
the Chicago, Union Pacific & North
western Line, San Francisco and
Portland to Chicago. eod Aug
Ksuipo ol Prlxonrrx.
Tho report tlmtiirhoncM have boon and
lu'oe.scipiui,' from that malignant yuulcr,
llvi r comnlulnt. Is tully cwiroberated by
tho bolf liberated captives, llostetters
StowirU illrterti inc. tiioy &ay, the means
by whltcli they get, rid of their fetters. Few
ultoeihei avoid the boudiiKO ot this tin
mom, and lew uie acquainted with ltb
elgntt, viz: piilulliruuuli the rljlit side und
shoulder blade, luired tongue, yellowness
of tho eyeballs uud mKIu, sour breath, sleli
heudaeho, dyspepsia aud constipation.
MOM.cuer'ii uioniacn uiuers puts a prompt
period to these, brlnss them to a lull stop
iu short order. Whether tho trouble Is
chronic or temporal)', this medicine Is
equally ell'ectlve, u-jjulutlug tho liver and
A Hard Plpo to Beat.
Thero were two captains in the th
cavalry. Each was proud of his record,
his horses, his family, his dogs in
short, everything that was his. If ono
had a tiling that ho particularly prized,
the other had a better one, or got one,
or tried to get ono. Captaix X. had a
very old meerschaum pipe, and, scent
ing an antiquity, ho sent it to an expert
in New York, who returned it with a
certificate to tho offect that it was 300
years old. Ho impatiently waited until
the ofllcers assembled at headquarters
tho next morning, oxliibited his prize,
and read the figures on tho expert's cer
tificate. Captain B his rival, declared
thut his family had a meerschaum plpo
that had been In thoir possession for
900 years.
Now Captain X. was too polito to
remind Captain B. that neither to
bacco nor pipes wero known in Europo
000 years ago, and ho went homo
crushed. Thero a bright idea occurred
to him. EIo put a figure 1 beforo tho
300 on his certificate, and his pipo was
certified to bo 1,300 years old. Tho
nest morning ho returned to headquar
ters, announced that ho had inado a
inistako in reading the certificate on
the previous day, and that his pipo
was really 1,300 years old. To provo
it lie showed the certificate. New
York Sun.
Senator Dolph declares lu uu
article lu tho Forum that "Ho who
should now undertake to estimate
the commerce of tho Puclllo coast
with Asia aud tho Pacific islands
twenty-live years honco would ilud
few who would not couslder this
estimato exaggerated."
ltemurkublo Itcseuo.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalntleld,
Ills., makes the statement that she
caught cold, which settled on her
lungs; suo was treated Tor a month
by tier family physician, but grew
worse He told her she was a hope
less victim of consumption uud that
no medlclua could cure her. Iler
druggist suggested Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption; she
bought a bottlo and to her delight
found herself benefited from first
dose. She continued Its use uud
taking ten bottles, found herself
sound and well, now does bur own
housework und Is us well as ever she
Wits. Free trial bottles of this Great
DUeovery m Fry's Drug Storo, largo
Lotties 60 cts. uud $100.
Nuw Youic, July 10. Tho Bragg
Mttuufueturliii: Co., of California
bus beuu suits for over (750.000
damages ugnluttt the cities of New
York and Brooklyn for alleged lu.
frlugement upon a horse releuslug
device. Tho patent was obtained by
Robert Hrngg, nu old fireman of
Sun FraueUco, lu '70, i
A Fearful Heritage.
Tho tiuusmlbslou of blood taints ontall
fearful consequences, those so allllcted,
havoueed topuiliy tho blood thoroughly
eveiy spring. Neglect of this ofteu leads to
feuiltil complications of diseases, A geu
tlcinun whuio tunilly wero gro.itly allllcted
writes us thus:
My wife and bubo, fourteen months old,
andnboyofllvo huvo sullored lor years
man horedi'ury sciofula or King's ovll. I
have employed tho.best physicians, but
until I tiled lllbburd's Rheumatlo syrup.
Have used lourteou bottles, and llud to my
astonishment they aro entirely cured.
Words c.iuuotdescilho tbo value of your
modlclno as a blood purifier. I Bhall rec
ommend it to all who aio troubled from
Impure blood. JoitN MuicLLMtwieiss, Jit.
Dealer lu groceries, Alpena, Mich.
Fur sale by Smith & Mcluer.
.10 u..o o( Hood's S.u.s.tparill.i. Severe
. .os t f horuful.t, upon wtileli oilier prep.
ii .tlons h.ivo been powei le, yield to tlio
P"lu irr I'urntlvo powers ot tills medicine.
! licking c.tsos ot dyspepsia, cxcruclat
1: jc, ; '..hits ot the kidneys and llvor,
i :;uii'zing itch k
rs.. Results
i V - c ises ot c.itarrh, and aches aud pains
f ' .rm.U sin, are cured by Hood's Sar-
i'.!.i. II pminea the blood, and at tlio
. i i. iu ttines tho stomach, creates an
: i , ami gives sticngth to every fiiuo-
i .( tlio tMHiy, UteUatrlal.
Conoral Debility
'Tor tout years my wlto suffered with
l.iro tumor buuclios on tlio glands under
tlio arms, and gaiierol debility ot tho w hole
)-itein. She became so poor lu health
Hut wo woro on tho verge ot despair
reganling hur recovery, l'hjslclaus did
not seem to understand her case; at all
events tlio hover derUed any benefit from
their treatment. She anally concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Tbo Immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactory that
the continued to tako It, ami this is tho
result! Sue kas gained lu weight
From 04 to III Pounds
and is stronger and lu better health than
alio has been for years, Tho bunches under
her arms havo diminished, aud wo belleva
Hood's SarMiiarUla will bo too much for
them iu tlmo." J. J. Noucuoas. S Com
mercial Street, llostou, Mass,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Bold by drutjUU. SI(tlx(orf J'tvpAreJliy
a I. HOOD A CO, ApolhecaxU, twU, Mm.
100 Dom On Dollar
A lluble on Its Travels.
Some short time ago a Mr. P
forwarded to the district court at St
Petersburg a ruble as payment for tho
copy of u document. As by law copies
of documents in criminal cases aro sup
plied freo of charge, the district court
sent the ruble back to Mr. P in
Moscow, tho postotDco retaining eight
kopeks for carriage Mr. P could
not be found at Moscow; ho had gone
to Twer, and the ninety-two kopeks
followed him, the postofllco again do-
ducting six kopeks. Meantime, how
over, Mr. P had departed to St.
Petersburg; the eighty -sis kopeks wero
sent niter- liim to the capital, having
melted down to seventy-two kopeks as
Strange to say, Mr. P had been
compelled to leave St. Petersburg and
return to Moscow by way of Twer. Tho
money dogged hU steps from place to
place without overtaking him until It
had dwindled down to tho sum of ono
kopek, which was Anally deposited at
tho offices of tho exchequer. Novoyo
How Itlley Does It,
Two well known authors, who aro
also very successful lecturers, wero
talking together a fow days ago over
their experiences on the platform. Ono
of the twain was James "Whitcomb
Riley, the Iloosier poet. They wero
discussing tho question of tho best way
of handling audiences, when ono of
them said ;
"What do you do, RUey, when you
find you have a cold audience? Uow
do you warm them up?"
"Don't try," said the poet. "You
know I am nearsighted, and without
my glasses I ain't worth a cuss. "Well,
when I sco I havo a cold and critical
audlenco I Just tako off my glasses and
lay thorn on tho desk. Then tlio houso
can bo just as uneasy as they like, fori
can't seo n thing. The whole houso
might get up and lcavo, and I'd novor
know It Don't pay for on audlenco of
mino to bo cold, for I let thorn do all
tho freezing." Now York Lottcr.
A Uemody for Cancer.
Dr. Mortlmoro Qronvlllo, who has
boon for soino time studying tho prop
ertles of tho Juleo of tho papaw treo,
states thut ho has discovered In It a
remedy for cancer when used with
some othor preparations. Tho organ
hied formont of the papaw Is behoved
to be a bacillus; but Dr. Granville sayi.
ho has satisfied himself of the theru
peutlo value of tho Juice, or certain ol
Its elements, as a solvent of the inorblf
leally Indurated tissues In cancer when
administered In combination with cer
talu specified adjuncts. New York
Commercial Advertiser.
The Purest and llest
Articles kuowu to medical science
are used in preparing Hood's Sarsa
parllla. Every lugredlent is care
fully solected, personally examined,
ami only the best retained. The
medicine is nrepared under tho su
pervision of thoroughly competent
pharmacists, and every step tn the
process of manufacture la canfully
watched with a view of souring lu
Hood's Sarsaparllla the best possible
Those low prices at the "cash
grooery,, are wlutlng it lots of
trade. SOS Commercial street.
Parties wishing to build nice residences and in search of a beautiful l0c t'
with pleasant surroundings should visit ' U
It is located direct on the Electric lino to the Fair Ground, overlooking tlio onf
the snow capped mountains, Mt. Hood and Alt. Jefferson, as well as thP
green hills of Polk county are in plain view. Tho site is unsurpassed and
the Avholo tract is a beautiful green plateau. Tho High school as
well as tho North Salem new building aro within a
. short distance of this tract.
Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This properly
is now for sale by
All Real Kstate MerJ
In this City, who a ill be ready at any time fo show this tract to purchasers
25c Want Column.
Notices inserted Tor ONE CENT l'ER
Usement Insulted In this column for lest
than twenty -llvo cent".
IOST. Illno, ronu and whit" cow, (I yrnrs
j old, cut la left ear, both hoins cut at
tii. G )no two weeks Itetuin to buer
miin, deputy county ckrJc ilw 1
WNTED By nJuiKiurso lu a family,
a situation, will I e sallMled with
small wngos Inquire lor N. Ilarn, cure
(JtlTTAl. JOUHNAti Ofllco. (Ml '21
" JTtLOWon bciutllul Orison," Ilwaco,'
J and "Tacoma" are the titles to threo
new and cliarnilui; uiunlc.it omposlllou
fortho pianoforte, lluteoi violin. Jty mall
;V5 coats eacti. Kor bale ut Diamonds Mu
se House, LOS Commercial street, Silerr.
V general stook ol musical merchandise.
JTlOIl KENT. Fine cottage, ccntial patt
J of city, ah modern con veuleiieu". In
quire of j Ho A. Mooies, Tui ncr block,
NICELY ntriiNhod rooms to rent, with
bo ird, lu ilciantest pait of city, near
stieet ear Huts, J0(J Center street A'JO tf
rilHUEE I1ALLS. Money loaned on
JL watches and Jewelry and all kinds 01
personal propoity that can be stoied lu
my sale or stoie. At Harr's Jowelry store.
lOOStatostreot. -i-'ll tf
niOU .SALE. About oiih nrie of bind and
JJ barn, wlthiunulug wutir lu rear ol
bTiin. A beautiful location lur a. home. In
qulro tit Becond house on rljjht hand side
of Asylum avenue after crossing bridge
going to Asylum. 4:21
YX7"ANTI5D An active, reliable man
YV salary ,0 to $80 monthly, with in
o.e.ise, to represent in his own section a
esoonsible New York bouse. Kelereuces
MaNUFAUTUHEH, Lock Uox 1385, New
rilAICENUI at tho residence olJ Uunnclls
JL 1 Sliver Fells, A buy gelding horso,
right side foot while, black uiu.-.o and tall,
star lu forehead, br.u.dtd 8 ou left Hank.
Which owner can have by paying adver
tisement aud damages. Enqulro of Joe
Uunnclls, Knights, Oregon. & 21 lm dw
WANTED Our agents nako S100 to S.K0
a month I'clllug our goods ou their
merits. We want county and general
agents, nnd will talse back all goods un
sold If a county agent falls to clear Slot
and expenses after a thlrtj days' trial, oi
a general agent less than J250. Wo wilt
send laige illustrated circulars and lettei
with a special oirer to suit territory ap
plied Jor, on receipt of 3 one-cent stamp.
Apply at onco and get In or the bwom.
Address Itenner Manufacturing Co.. f Itts
burg. I'a. i 7 iliw tf
Marion Co. Normal Institute
Tho third aununl session of tho Marlou
county Normal Institute, will bo held in
tho EastMiloiu school houso, commencing
Monday, July 0, 1801, and will continue
threo weeks.
Regular class work will oo done, under
tho management of able Instructors, in the
blanches taugtt In our schools, nud.lt a
suincleut number deslro It, classes will be
organized lu l'hysical Geography, Compo
sltiou,ane llookkeeplng.
Tho objects of tho Normal Institute are
to review ihe subjects taiinht In the com
mun schools, ana to discuss tlio best meth
ods of presenting thorn to pupils, Tbo In
stitute Is not beld for teachers only, but
also lor thoso who lutend to tench.
llrlmrtex' books ou all branches. Trv to
be prexeatut the beglnulnji of tlio Institute
A Fee of one dollar will bo charged to
help delray the expenses of tho Iustltute.
For timber Infouuatlonuddrcss
County BuperlutendentofBommonBchooJg
Notice for Paving Ilids.
NOTIOE Is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the city of etMcin,
uiegon, ut the olllco of tho elty surreyor ot
the city ofKalem.utMilem, Oregon, until
iio'clncKp in. of JuueiS, lbiil, fortho pav
ing, curbing, gntt-'i log und draining ot up
.hut porllouolComiuercliiUUtetorSalein,
Oregon, between tho north lino of Court
stieet nnd the south Unoofbtutestreet, In
halem, Oiegon, In uccordunce with the
jil uu mid ii'fc.ino.itlons ou tlio In tho olllco
uf thacltj biifvojor of tho city orsalem,
atfalem.Oregou, for llelglan block, vltrl
fled brick, bltiiuiluous rix k, macadam and
gravel. Each bid must be uiiido upon the
blanks fin nibbed by tho city of tmuem
Knell bid must uo accompanied by a cer
tificate of deposit lu favor ot the city or
lutein, iiregon, In any ono of tho banks of
thoiity oThukmlu thesum of two hun
dred aud titty dollais, as a guarantee of
goodr.lihon the part of tho bidder, vrhlrh
will bo lorfeltcd to iho city or Salem, Ore.
gou. Incao his bid Is accepted and tlio
blddcr'hul fall ornegloct within ten days
to execute the contract and glvo the bond
and undertaking accompanying the plans
aud snecltlcatlous, together with good and
-ulliclenl sureties to be upproed by the
.nnyor. as therein required. Tho blank
form or contract, the undertaking aud the
boud which the hi der will bo required to
execute In case his bid Is sutlslactory to
i ho city ori-ialem, Oregoa, is uUo on nio In
the olllco of said tlty turvejor. The cu
ofsalpin, Oregon, reserves tho right to re
ject uny or all bid, und the. right is re-
kb'vcu uy me cuyoi-aieni 10 reserve, the
award ou the bhU otb red fur eight week--after
tho opeuluf of sul.t buls, and, at auy
tlmo vrliutu bald time re erved. It uiav u(v
ciptor reject any or ell of m,la bids, 'and
tho party whose bid U uccepttd shall oxe
eulu u contract und lurulbh the bonds and
undertaking, together with tho sureties
wlthla ten days uitertheue. cptuucouf said
loue by an order heretofore made by the
Common Oouncll or tho city of Salem. Orc
uon. o. n.lIUTToN.
tyco3f'c!.?o?8'a'andmbuo ssrdr-
le and Fancy Croftrits.
Crtaktrv. l&tawArA i dM. nr..,.
.wd Willow ware. AtlVlnd o?mi SeU
IoveeubIeaad fruits In their Veison
WeMlleSt bj of your imtronififT
w IKUtViktrwt
302 Commercial. Street
$ .
Moves, lianas, Fi
Tinware, hU
FurnisliLf m
Ktf,A '' IK A
. Pumps.
k i
Buckeye F
roups. Fi
For Orchard M
iliiSGreatPHtl'a osa' i 'nven ou lu lbe household line. Washes'
varieties of uoods from the finest lace to the coarsest carped, perfect
clean, without rubbing or boiling, without tho uo of chemicals or ar
destructive process only soap aud water. The company owning ilofiV
$1000 to tinv person who will produce a family washer equal to the NE'
I2KA In the following peints: I'rice. .Lmiior savitig. llapianyoi was
ing. Variety ot tabno wasneu. Uleaning perlectly wilhoul damaje .
clothing. Simplicity nnd perfect construction. Size, weight ana Ar
bility. Satisf.ictlou guaranteed or money refunded bole Agectu
Marion county. h
Sole Agents for
Mccormick and deering mowers.
Pianos and organs
Installments from $3 permontn up.
P. H. FAST0N & CO.,
310 Commerc'al St., S
Head Quarters for the Salem Orel wira.
c Kj(lfiisBjasBy
Leave orders nt tho Club stable, ono
block east ol rostofflco. All orders
promptly attended to.
t t AT-nTbi
J .:, -nnnL-KUS'
EXPIIESS Aw " .-a,
ChlcliMor, tnrll.t. DImn.J ltA.
Brel tat CMckut, lf,u Via-
fciV ifrn- Ldi." u utut
"YV " " v.miy Twimoniin
wTO2ftasB!rl. SU4to,BaK!?.
W -f M .'k.
1 w Mf
avMwJdHMBfclli 'fit
the county w"" ;; ,8l day "J",ij:
Marlon county on '.'Vrinzroewlrjy
utratrlx ot the eljM'p' ,.,rtr ,3
rteceased.WfuUthe .Kbed. Ii
.lecedeut w,n? eL ot Ju'i.V'3
-n urduy, the l"1" "yu vot alilW
do. r of iho cou-iir ??" S, oi PuW i
lv on w'wjiS t G W forS?h.wii
yablS in '"""R iJ.lW1
fbediy ofw ??" 5"rSyM,.,,ISri
inn jm.v.." --- runi""?' .fdiw'
r0 BlH- .7J,,naOOUB.J -,!
IdlllUBM"" - .
lli.grfr, Uecc1!
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.,... ArfL.ttnV. AUaJUwiXjftJtAtoL& J.umU V- .- dJLjUJ
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art' J
-iteftyrfudftftMtoiafc. ,jb. jfo