Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 08, 1891, Image 3

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lliia OK SUHKUlUl'TlON.
.. .I.U mull per year,.. M W)
W"tbb iimll per year, 1 60
it nnt nnlil 1" nilvunco tlio prlco
""Id Vnrt 0 WBKKI.Y Jouhnai. will 1.0
f"-,w ,iir If niipcm uro not delivered
nnilv mrnlnln week, 15cti.
Jleetlous will be hi.idoiin 1st nnil 16th
-( ,i,i u. Huuwi llwrn will pleuso lo.wo
i'iw curriers ut hnuso or whore' U
delivered, so hm Ui cmuho no delays lu
tup kvknihi capital .Iouunai, rcsu
riv receive the afternoon associated
press dispatches.
Dealers in Gioceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes,
Brushes, Winclowglass, Etc, Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Wlioiit, net 1)0 i-entH per bit.
Iloiw. .ictivo; 22 to 2S cents per lb.
Dnily Iliillctin.
Tlio weather keeps cool, but New
York lee cream, made of pure Jersey
crenni, Htill continues to go nt
Fresh strawberries nud pure cream
at Strong's.
If you havo never eaton any of
Unit peauut tally at Strong's, you
have missed a rare tre.it.
At Mehama. On Saturday tlio
following persons went to Mehama,
lu search of mountain trout, spring
chicken, tlio balmy air, etc,: Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J3reyman, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Broymau, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. La
fore, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. England, Mr. E.
M. Waite, Mr, and Mrs. Phil.
Metschan, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Col
lins. They arrived about 6 p. m.
aud at 0 o'clock Bat down to a
sumptuous dinner which had been
especially prepared for tho party.
Tlio tables were crowded with all
the delicacies of tho season. About
8 p. rn. an orchestra previously en
gnged arrived, tho Templar's hall
was lighted aud dancing by the full
company was commenced aucL-oon-tinued
till about 11 o'clock. The
next morning a meeting was organ
ized to preparo for a fourth of July
picnic, to be held on the farm of E.
M. Inifore. Tho following ofllcers
were elected: President of tho day,
E. M. Wulte: marshal, Geo. Collins;
treasurer, E. Biu.ymau (with bonds
fixed at $10,000); 1st pitcher, Wm.
Brown; left base, A. N. Gilbert;
reader of the Declaration, Wm.
England; Pomona, Mrs. Wm. Eng
land. After these unexpected aud
necessary duties had been performed
the party repaired to the M. E.
church and listened to a flue dis
course from Moses 27th chapter, Gth
verso. A fine dinner having been
enjoyed, the carriages were ordered
and all left Mehama greatly re
freshed aud well pleased with tho
Bask Ball. Oil Saturday a good
game ot ball was played on tho
Salem's grouuds, aud resulted in the
following score. Salem's 10; Farm
ere and Mechanics', of Portland, 7.
The Sunday game resulted in 21 to
"for Salem.
Exchsionists. The business
mens' excursion from Corvallls, ar
rived hero Sunday, about 1 o'clock
on tho N S. Beutly, aud after re
maining an hour, betook themselves
homeward. There were 1C0 people
aboard, including tho Corvallls band.
Pushing. In order to push tho
construction of tho fair grouud ex
tension as rapidly as posslblo tho
electric railway compatiy kept its
crew of track layers at work yester
day. Look Heiik. Any person who
bujs a lot from mo this week, I will
make a present of a now suit of
clothes, or to any lady I ill give a
t10 diess. Monroe Nye. the real es
tate agent, over Boothby & Co.'s
clothing store. 0 8 tf
Ciihistian St'iKSCi: Class. A
class for Instruction In Christian
Bcleuce conimeuccs In their hall In
New Bank block, Monday evening,
June 8, at 8 o'clock, by Rev. Geo, B.
Day, of Chicago. Persons deslrlug
tojoln this class will please take
notice, and bo present on Monday
eve. 0 53t
Bhick and Tub. For first class
"aud made brick and tile, go to
Murphy & Desart, Largo supply
hand. Near fair grounds,
Bulem. a 0 lmo
The Attu action. Tliew ore
conibliiHtluuH In all things that uro
"Ipslrulilp. in bhoes, style, quality
! fair prices, with n unlimited
Hock to fit you from, are the attract'
loq of Kk ii, Salem store.
Mob Hhadk. Wm. Sargent has
Ji' put In a fine new stock of win
" ' shades. 0 fi 41
Oyv Only th oliulOMt frll
TOUbli received dally at Kurrur
. grocery etore.
A (Jooil Sterling Held nnil tlio llnll set
Itolling-tlie OreKoninnsNill
In respon-e to tho call about
twenty-llvo citizens, representing
Oregon, Iowa, Nebiaska, Kansas,
Pennsylvania, California, Missouri,
Illinois nnd New York, met at the
council chambers on Saturday
evening to take steps for holding a
grand Fourth of July piCD0 ut
Salem. Mayor D'Aroy was called
to the chair and A. F. Hofer, Jr ,
wanchtwun secretary. The project
was heartily concurred In by all
present, ami after a free discussion
of tho subject, about tho following
plan was premulgated:
That a grand basket piculo bo
held at the f.itr grounds or some
other ili'slmblo place ou July fourth.
That a featuro of tho occasion be
mntle the grouping of those present
by Ihelr lespeetlve states, and have
each state in tlio Union represented
if possible. That each state havo its
luadquarteis where all its former
residents shall register. After this
is done all can join lu any such ex
ercises or amusements as may be
thought best aud proper.
This project is believed to havo
much merit and many advantages
for our people. In the llrst place It
will give all new comers an oppor
tunity to have a leunlou with old
fi lends, and to form many pleasant
new acquaintances. It will also
enable the old residents to become
better acquainted with tho newer
populatiou, all of which must prove
a benefit to everyone participating.
In addition to this It is suggested
that the pioneers and native sous of
Oicgon come together from all part?
of the county and If possible form
some permanent organization. This
would result in good for all time to
Amotion was made to appoint u
committee of geuenil arrangements,
whereupon the chair appointed the
follewing: A. F. Hofer, Jr., F. J.
Strayer, T, II. Barnes, N. G. t-roat,
W. H. Downing, Prof. Z. M. Parvin
aud II. M. Branson. This committee
is to hold a meeting during tho
week, and report at a public meet
ing at the council chamber next
Saturday evening, to which all citi
zens, including the ladies are urgent
ly requested to come.
Commencement Exeocises at Willam
ette University.
haccalaukkate day.
The services occurred in tho M. E
church, which was beautifully dec
orated for the occasion. According
to the custom tho,University faculty,
alumni aud students assembkd in
the basement and marched up stair?
in the order of their classes. The
sermon was delivered by Rev. Wild
ing, of Tacoma. He preached fron'
the text, "He must increase, but 1
must decrease." Tho speaker tried
to Impress tho graduating o'asH with
the grandeur of John's character,
and tho necessity of sterling worth
In their life work.
Tho University sermon was
preached in the evening by Stanley
O. Royal, of the class of 1874.
Monday evening Prof. Van Scoy
will give his leave to the graduating
classes of the college, academy and
teachers' courses.
Monday at 3 o'clock, in the Uni
versity chapel occuned the popular
concert given by the pupils of the
conservatory ofinusic.
Monday at 8 p. m., Rev. C. C.
Bateman, D. D., chaplain of the
U.S. army, will deliver a lecture in
the University chapel, under the
auspices of the literary societies.
9 a. m. Annual meeting of the
board of trustees.
3 p. m. Dr. Bushong. Prize con
test in oratary.
8 p. m. Graduating exercises ol
the academy.
Tlio (leryuis Star Man Rendered Horn
tlu Comliat liy Scott Taylor.
I'm discussing a question of put-
tlug up a fenco In a public thorough
fare, editor J. M. McCullon was
knocked down by a blow from
Scott Taylor, Gervals City Recorder.
McCullon cirrled a gun but did not
get a chanco to U'o it. The justice
fined them $-r.00 apiece and costs,
and McCullon will bo more careful
lu tho future who he calls a liar.
The absence of cuticle on three of
Taylor's knuckles, not like tho flow
ers of spring, had something to do
with the case.
Toiuorrow's Hall (lame.
Probably the most unique if not
the greatest ball game of the peason
will bo played tomorrow at the Fair
Ground p'irk grnundf, at which
time the Baker & Strangs and J
II. Mitchell & Cos. will cro8 bats.
The boys have been doing some
good practice for the past week, and
a good game may be expected.
Admission 10c. Tho names and
positions of players are as follews:
IJnlmnn, 1 II; Willis, C; W. Tarp
loy. P; Birulmii, L V; Wagner, R F.
1). farploy, 2 B; Walnamot, 3 B
Smith, C F; Baker, S 8. Sutatl.
tutes, Hlrrtch and Thornton.
J)vl.3 i Meyers, 1 "I Crftw
foul, O; K'ler, L l Craven, H Yi
Wert.t..tt,SSiWaterw,2B; u.l-
til, ii F; Crow. l
BUUK.-Thero Is ft grt Jel of
..tlafi.al.im In liUw wliut yciu pay
for and you u aum of all-wove
I.I..UI.-I iK-mrf iniiiJo U lutn Hy
null ordered of the Haln V"
Mill Store.
An Importniit Docket for the June
Term-.Mnc Prisoners in Jail.
Judge Boise opened court prompt
ly at 1 p. m. juuo 8th. The docket
contains an unusual number of im
portant cases and the session will be
a protracted one.
The list of jurors follows, and of
this number seven will be chosen to
serve as grand Jurers:
J. S. Ledgerwood.Stayton.farmer.
Oliver Jory, South Salem, farmer.
uiueon Hiierwood, Xsoith Salem, '
Melvlu Lane, South Sulem, mill
mau. Charles Beck, Jr., Aurora, farmer.
L. B. Jones, Lablsh, farmer.
Peter Heater, Sublimity, farmer, j
vv.A. Moores, East Salem, real
estate agent.
A. L. Beckuer, Lablsh, farmer.
L. Harding, St. Paul, farmer.
L. ii. Ehlen, Butteville, farmer.
W. O. Hubbaid, Fairfield, farmer.
Geo. Wolfer, Hubbard, farmer.
Henry Geibler, Staytou, fanner.
T. B.Pattou, Lincoln, faimei.
J. P. Schmelyer, Silver tieek,
Peter Boweu, Stiver Creek, farmer.
Isaac Leonard, Woodburn, mer
chant. J. B. Shanks, Ablqua, farmer.
H. Manning, Gervals, farmer.
A. G. Perkius, Lablsh, farmer.
Geo. Fox, Horeb, farmer.
J. K. P. Farreus, Turner, farmer.
L. Joues, Gervals, farmer.
Sum'l Layman, Woodburn, farmer.
Mat Wood, Turner, farmer.
B. J. Grim, Aurora, farmer.
H. H. Savage, South Salem,
Theodore Nolf, North Salem, mer
chant. T. N. McCauley, Salmi, barber.
John Illidge, Hubbard, farmer.
There are nine men in tho county
jail, awaiting the action of the grand
The following were called: W. C.
Hubburd, Geo, Wolfer, Geo. Cox,
A. G. Pel kins, L. V. Ehlen, T. 15.
Patton, Oliver Jory. The jury ie
ilred and tho afternoon as spent
in call of the docket.
Jack Harkins is back from Eu
gene. Miss Winnie Bonham is home
from Eugene.
Will Gray was among the anivals
from Poitiand today.
W. A. Taylor was elected 1st
Lieut. I Co. at Macleay Saturday.
Surveyor-General Byais came up
from Portland on the morning train.
A. L. McCully and F. W. Waters,
of Portland, were in Salem over
T. McF. Patton is at the grand
lodge of Royal Arch Masons at
Portland today.
Mi98 Cora Smith, daughter ol
Dr. Smith of Turner, is visiting
relatives in Salem.
Editor Dewey of the San Fran
cisco Rural Press honored the Jour
nal with a call Saturday. Mr.
Dewey was a guest of Judge Boise.
Hon. O. M. Barrett aud Mr. P.
Pratt arrived this morning to reen
forco the Sheldon delegation of ar
rivals from Sheldon, Iowa. They
come from a most excellent country,
and the Willamette valley is about
the only improvement on it we
know of.
John McCullock and sister re
turned this week from n visit to their
old home In Missouri.
Mr. W. D. Risley, of Albany, is
visiting friends in town this week.
Mr. Palmer, of Hastings, Neb., Is
spending a few days in town, with a
view of settling here.
Miss Anna Powell, of the class of
91 is visiting fi lends at Albany for
r few days.
Tho public school of this place
closed on Filday, with a very good
program and successful y cat's work.
Tho exclusion given by Company
A cadets to Oiegon City on Satur
day, was a success, and all enjoyed
tho trip to tho fullest extent.
Several hack loads of students
from the Normal will attend com
mencement day at Salem Thursday.
Mr. Geo. W. Shlnn, of Independ
ence, has been becured to ficsco aud
otherwise decorate the new chapel.
Rev. T. L. Elliott, of Portland,
has beeu secured to deliver the bac
calaureate fcermon ou Juuo 21st, at
11 a. in.
Tho following Is the program for
the Commencement exercises of the
Oregon State Normal school ut
Sunday, 21t, at 11 a. in., bacca
laureate seiniou by T. L. Elliott.
Monday, Juue 221, at 2 p. in.,
class day exercise; utldrww by
Rev, J. R. N. "I'll.
Monday, Juno 22d, at p. in., stu
dents reunion.
Tuesday, June 23d, nt 10 p. m
annual meeting of Ixwird of regents
At 8 p. m., societies' reunion; ud
dress by Hon. T.T. deer.
Wednesday, June SJlti, ut 10 h. hi.
graduating extreiM! ut 8 ji. m.
alumni reunion.
HneUI '.W,ilroSile,
The Urt ' lu 'A19 1r.nrl,,rnri''u.'
ror. !-'. ""I'l-W '""" ;i : r .;-i-
or money
corns ttwu mi " -," --. -;- i ,,
n.rt "" " '" p" ?. '"tf ' JiJn
rerun iu. rnw, rn
WMWI !! II tUft
A Plucky California Roman's Struggle
Willi a 1,ii ii m I c llrotlur.
Three o'clock Sunday afternoon,
Michael Morris, a Hebrew Inmate
of tho Salem Hospital for the Insane,
was leleased aud taken lu charge by
his sister who resides lu California.
He accoiniitinleil her ne.iei'fullv nud
without guard down to tho city,
the intent! n being to take
I dinner at a hotel and depart on
the cyetilug train. Morris was
'considered convalescent but her
first effort to get bin into a hotel
seemed to awaken all the resistance
ids dementia was capable of and he
on State street for a while. The
sister screamed as tho lunatic bcuan
to gather up paving stones as large
as Cocoa-nuts to fire at her head,
then leaped upon her, tore her para
sol away from her, beat her with it
and fiercely tried to choke her.
brought help from the hotel, the
Armory and Court-house men oame
lunuing, when Michael started on
a dead run for the creek, with Miss
Mori is anil landlord Anderson close
seconds. He was overtaken by the
latter near the Agricultural works
and led back when near the Court
house lie was again infuriated at
sight of a p illcemau in the distance.
He tore avay again, this time at
tacking Sherllt Crolsan, who with
thonld of Di-puty Wrightman now
eomplelly overpowered him with
the assistance of dipt. Sherman
and others. The Telephone brought
the Asylum Ambulance with atten
dants aud ho was returned to his
quartern. Miss Morris insisttd on
taking the evening train, and was
accompanied by Hurt Rhodes ou her
perilous journey.
Session at Salem to l'ix
Freight Tariffs.
The Oregon railway cnmmKslon
sits today upon the very impoitant
business of revising the Height
tarifl's. This task will occupy their
time for several weeks, aud will ue
the first efl'irt of tho commission
under the new law at making rales
for the people. They w 111 remain in
session until this work Is completed.
That is practically what the c.isa
of State vs. J. P. Faull et al amounts
to. This suit is to be argued today
befoie Judge Boise, aud is brought
In name of one Biggs, Gov. Pen
noyer's appointee, to oust the old
commission as that body went out
of olll'je, the suit is now for a judg
ment for salaries of the members of
tho old commission. Burnutt, Wil
liams, aud Simon defend tho com
mission, Knight & Holmes appear
ing for state.
Two I'Vllow-i'i'Noners Heroically Care
for a Tj jilioiil Fever Patient.
Jo. Fridel,charged with complicity
lu a safe robbery at Gervals, who
has been In jail about a month, has
been at death's door for several days
with tvnhoid fever. Two follow-
prisoners have waited upon him day
and night like brothers, at the risk
of their own health. They nro C. C.
Cohan and S. Ernst, tho upholsterer.
Facts since developed indicate that
Fridel was entirely innocent. He is
quartered quite comfortably lu the
woman's cell.
Tho condition of tho county jail
is a proper subject for investigation
by tho state board of charities, aud
the Jouhnal respectfully calls their
attention to the conditiou of tho
Charged With a Variety
of Light
Billy Foster, nllas Bob Alexander,
was arrested Saturday at Indepen
dence, charged with obtaining
money by false pretenses at Salem
somo time in March lust. He cave
a check to Bill Anderson, on tho
Lndd ifc Bush bank, which was
found unawiilab'e, but claims he
was induced to bign the check when
he wai drunk. Jewelry was a'so
missed at his lodging house, which
was afterward found pawned at
Monro & Osborne's, pawnbrokers.
He left this section, shaved his face
and has since kept moving. Ills
case came up for hearing at 0 a. in.
Upon heating before the ro
cokKt Foster wai bound over on
$100 bond", and given II night
to furnish it.
Jones illicrnaii
We uro now prepared to furuUh
French Ice Cream In any quuij.
tlty for PAHTIKS, PIC
etc. We make ii spec
ialty of the hve
and (un bo pro
tin rod only
of us.
1 State
Tho strawberry premiums will l.o
paid byci.unty clerk on Tuesday of
this week.
Inquiry reveals the fact that no
papers for an injunction ou tho
Electric company havo been issued.
The M. E. church and other
churches Were beautiful decorated
Sunday with Honors from the rose
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet lu
regular session at their hull cm
Court ttreet tomonow afternoon at
2:30 o'clock. By order of Secretary.
Quito a party of Salem boys went
Alli.mt, .in lm rntiirn triii nf
Up to Albany OU the return tup ol
mo excursion steamer Jieniiy. re-
turning on the early morning train.
II. S. Jory has filed a plat of
Battle Creek fruit farm, about 00
acres of land four miles south of
Salem. It Is laid oil In 10 and 20
acre tracts aud will be placed on the
Sunday W. L. Wade met with a
painful accident in consequence of
which he wears his arm in a sling,
and is using crutches.,. His delivery
horse bit him severely in the hand,
pawed him with his feet, bruising
hip, knee and both feet.
Editor McMahou asks the Jouu
NAL to state that he never admitted
to Mr. Minto that ho does not own
the Woodburn paper. We do this
in simple justice lo McMahon,
having published the opposite. If
he owns tho paper he ought to bo
able to prove it in his own columns.
Sroat & Gilo have just received an
invoice of "Our Capital" tea, im
ported direct by them try It.
Passengers destiued to tho promi
nent cities cast of the Missouri river
should patronize the Chicago, Union
Pacific & Northwestern line. Mng-
nillcent Pulhuau and Wagner sleep
ing cars, elegant Pullman aud
Northwestern dining cars, tree re
clining chair cars, handsome day
coaches and conifottable Pulhnaii
colonist sleopers. eod-aug
Sroat & Gilo for a full line or
Mason fruit jars.
Buy tho light running Singer at
327 Commercial street- eod
Ano'her piano lo be given away at
KrauSiO Bros, shoo store. eod
Soj Shaw & Downing about tick
ets, aud Bave money, 201 Commer
cial St.
Those low prices at tho "cash
grocery" nro wincing it lots of
trade. 303 Commercial street.
Carpet Sweepers: Just received at
Krausse Bros., 3 grades; $2.50, ?3.00
and $3.50, best made; try one.
See tho new Singer at327 Commer
cial street. cod
Have a grand reunion of pioneers
at the 4th of July picnic?
Send a Journal containing a
full leport of the strawberry and
rose fair to your frleuds in the East?
Hurry up thematter of organizing
tho board of trade?
Patronize tlio homo steamer by
giving iiour freight orders?
Advertise tlio thno of arrival and
departure of the new steamer? So
that people may know when to ship.
Ho Best Ik'sults.
livery lngredlentemployed in pro
ducing! Iood'H Snrsaparilla Is strictly
pure, and Is the best of its kind It is
possible to buy. All the roots and
herbs are carefully selected, person
ally examined and only the best
retained. So that from the tuno of
purchase until Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is prepared, everything Is carefully
watched with a view of attaining
tho best result. Why don't you try
oixns BNJOYS
Both tlio method and legulls when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, and nets
fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
aver and Bowels, clcauses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, Iiead
aclies and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. Porealo
in 50o and 1 Lottfea by all
Notice of DlBKoliilIon ol l'nrt
norislilp. riV) all whom Ii m y concern Notice Ii
J htnliy glveulhit tho i imrlnerjlilp
heretiifori) uxutlng belwcon Kuoali Muy
n int f. W. Heniine, under iho llr.n nmiie
und tyle of Muy Ileiillne.diilng buvlnt.
at No. ill J. e itisldeCoiiiineieial street, In
lioolly of Hnlein. Marlon ooaniy. Orin,
horitbr tiiutuully dlolvwt, ihU Juru I,
hereby tiiutuully dlolvwt,
Wl, bald KniMth My akumlug nil di-bli
ttpu'riattheuitd tlrmof Jluy
luieu. June i, ibui.
1 l ' ' KNOOM MAY
Inllnir nd iir linlnr.
ui umi nratrfiliuii work It my
flood nml
I (IliJMll
I lurw,
l4v orar om Ili ut r'anur
AlHynopsIs nt (lie Markets Iltiylni nml
.Selling; Prices.
iiktaii. mirr.
8houldornHugur curccl,ter lt,lJ
llretikfast bacon 15
JlmiiH scujjnr cured, per Hi, lGc
iieci ixgio
l'orlc 10
Veal 10
Timothy need I'cr pound, Se: rolling
iieci ciov cr secii rcr pounu, He.
Whltoclovcrsccd I'or pound, !lci.p"
Alilko 18c per pound,
lied lop loo per pound.
iiucoin uras-io per pound,
He CJriins 10c ner imhiiuI
Orchard Urns ..170 per pound.
leans flo per lb.
Out went nt tic.
New potato' s lo per lb.
Green pem 2o per gal.
Rtrnwbcrrlc", 8c per quart.
Canned Kriiiu.l'enenes, SI 00; nprieol,
9ft (W lil ii nl Imrr I ea ft? mini lmat trrtirtnn
yj cw tomatoes Jt'co- 'stiing benim i ui;
green prati Sl 83: per cliw. In two lb C1U18.
B Krc,(, VeKeUibles.-I'otatoes fi0c;currots
a1?;. p"" im '"i. v' io-perio.
non ViSto perlb;SturxeoH l
nllllih Uopor lbisHlLKiliiiiiii,
b; CJlilnooK milium, 12,'v
7oiht lbsmnl
TfgHUo per lo;
Wheat S7Ko to Mo net.
Flour Per barrel, J5.50, best 1U0 lbs.
Oats Per bushel, ) 3 5oc
linrloy Per bushel, )(V;.
llr.iu Per ton, 821 00 ut milt, Hacked.
Shorts Per ton, SK 00 " lmtckcd.
Chap Per ton, J2U.00 " narked.
Hops Quoted nt 21 to27Xi per lb.
Wool-180 to 20c.
Ecs 18c per dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel, .loo
Corn meal 3c per pound.
Cheese 12Uo per pound.
Dried plums Per lb. (7c.
Dried prunes Per lb. lOQl'.'c.
Imported prunes 7)c per lb.
lluttcr 15g'J0o per pound for good
Lard 10 ko per lb
Hams l'cr pound, llQilSc,
llncon sides Ua 10 per lb.
Hhoulders S0e per lb.
Chickens.. 8 to 10c per poind.
Geese .8 per lb.
Oueks, l'Jkper lb
Spring Ohfekens 15 to I8o por lb.
A ailraclo of the Nineteenth Centurj-
Owlnc to a bad stnto of the blood, I havo
bccuallllctcd with rheumatism for twenty
years. I hawi expended largo sums of
money lor leniciuesi rccoiiimenueu lo me,
aud fiom using powerful liniments, my
hip and kneo lied lost neaily all Rtrengih.
Whcu I commenced to tuko Hlbbard'h
Hhcumntlo syrup I could not tako one xtup
without the aid of acano. I can now move
with ease, and walk without my cuno. I
nm relieved of terrible allllctlou and wish
I might herald toallalllleted with rlieum.v
tlsm and other blood discuses, tho merits
of this wonderful medicine.
Agt. jr. M. Llfa Ins. Co , MnnlMeo, Mich.
i' or saie oy umiui c nieuier.
Ealing Parlors & Candy Itaufaclor)',
296 Commucolal Street.
Ico t 'renin 10c , 15c. and 25 cents
Collee, Tea or Chocolate nud Cnkc.10 ccnls
Mush and .Milk .10 cents
Plate ol Soup lOtentH
Hot Cakes, Calico or Tea.... ..15 cents
lieefHteiilc anil Kggs . Hi cents
Pork Chop and I.ijks 'i cents
Mutton Chop and Eggs 25 cents
Veulsou nnil Eggs 25 cents
Sausage and Kggs 25 cents
Ham and Kggs 25 cents
Freeh Oybteis any style 25 cents
25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From It to 3 0'Clock
A nlco variety of vegetables, etc, etc.
Also tea, collee or milk with nil 25 cent
menls without extra charge.
Choleo Cigars, Impoited un Domestic,
always ou nand.
Porter House Steak and Eggs 50 cents
Tender Loin Steak und Eggs ..50 cents
Waintcil Sinlo
Tho Hoard of Hegonts of tho State Agri
cultural Oollego of Oregon Invito louder,
separately, lor tlio stone hiiMmient, and
for tho erection aud completion of the
thnivMory frnmo hiilldlngol theStudtuts'
Hall, ou the College Knrin at Corvallls. Oro
gou. Dr.iMlugn iiil specifications will bo
leady for Inspi-ctlon at thoolllcoof Mr. W.
I). 1'ugli, aruhltocl, Salem, Oregon, as lol
hms: 1st. Meno basement on May VUth,
1MJI. !hul. ThiLe-story building, exclu
sive ol the Meno work of tho basement, on
June 1st, 1S01.
lllds aio to bo M-nt to tho undorslgned at
Corsallls, Oregon and will be opened ns
follews: 1st. Kor thu slono baseiuent on
May 2th, at 10 a. m.; and, M, lor thu
threi) story Hiulliling on June Uth, ISlll, at
10 n. in. Tho Hoard of Itegrnts do not
bind themselves to uccept tho iDWCst or
any tender.
Hceielary lo thu Hoaid.
Corvallls, Or., Muy 18, lbl)l.
$500 Reward 1
WHwIll pay thoabovo reward for any
iso of liver comnlalnt. dyspepsia, sick
hcadaeho. Indigestion. consllpiil Ion or (OB
tlveness wo cannot euro wltw west's. Veg
cltnbloUqcr l'llls, when tlio dlrecllons arc
strlctlo compiled with. Thoy are purely
vegetabl, and noser fall to glvo satl-fac-
lng SO plils, 25 cents. Ilewiire or counter
fefih and mltatlons. Tho genulno manu
ractHrcdohly by Tilli JOllN O. WIT
Co. Chicago 111,
Hold by Oeo. K. Good, Druggist, 300 Coin.
Btrcet, Halem Or.
ments u tho Htato. Umer rates than
I'ortland. Uirgest Block I-egal Hlanks Ir
thoHUito, a 'd biggest discount. Hcnd foi
prlco list of Job printing, and rataloguo ol
legal blanks. K. M. WAITE,
KUwn I'rlnUir Halem Oreunn.
C$l 1ilcbeUrfi EnslUli Illftmoml Ilrand.
-WW "f'ff111?11 n" Onljj Genuine.
ir rfc.. r."" -.-"
Arc.twRji rviUMo. tAOica Mk
ran r raKM(iri Kngntn ia
I Ho Uir, ila wiWi Ua ribbon.
i TuLa no other. Jtfftn danitroua
Mond UrunJlu Keu tud tVoW mctftl
or m4 4(t f o fUmiti for ikrtlaitrt, uUm
Ll&IarjdMJU)Ifrrur Ltt4tlea,"folffcr
tutititutiena and imU,uion At Dronlitft
vr return AlulL IV,VV TMUmo&UM
(lilrhMfrr Chemloul Co.. Mdl on Kaanrr
jiani i-uuir.
4 - n"N lo WehatfB
L Illcliau'i GoMcii lluUam No, 1
Cures Chancre), fink and intone! uj
Bores on the Ut'i and Ikxiyj Bore Kart,
Kyea, No, f lc, Copptr-oolorul Hlotcliei,
iiyiilillitloiatarili.dlkiaaed Kcfllji, and all
Primary forma of tlio dlwaaa known al
SrplillK. I'rlre, (5 00 per lloKI...
Xa ItKliau'a Onlilnii llulaimi No.3
Curi Tertiary, Mercurial rJypiillllki llheti
inillun, I'alni In tli Iloima, ralria In the
Head, Uuk of the Nmk. llwatul Sort
Tliroat, flyhllitlo Itaali, Lumpa anil con
tatted Corila, Ktlffni. ol tba Umki, ami
tmlloatca all diitato from tli ijiltm,
whether launol ty InJIn-rillon or akun
l( Mercury, lisavlnr Ilia blml pure and
htaltliy. Prlra it OO per lloltlo.
I,o ItlchauU Uolden HimnUli Anlt
dote for tli euro vt Oonorrlioa, CJIutt,
IrnUtlnn Oravcl, and alt Urlnirr or Uenl
UI dlMrrangemenU, I'rlc 9 SO V"
t Itlrhuu'ii O old mi Hpanlah lit
Jecllon, Iiraerero out nil Uunarrliia,
1nrUimntory Clett. Btrlnturc,. l'rlco
VI 60 per liullle. '
to lllcliuu' UjIiIku Olnliiienl
for ilia cffKtivo htallnof lillitlo Mer.a,
arid erupUoiia, Irlea$l 00 tier llux.
. llitliuu's (Joldeil l'llU-NfrTI
and Brain treatment! ii4otpriyakialio
er iikm or or work, I'ruitrauoo, tto.
IVIca 3 00 per Hoi.
Tenlo Mild Nervliio.
But errjwhr, C. O. U aoour.ljr pitCN)
per eipiuu.
600 tc fill JMAHUIIT T
Han fruncUci tfu
1QUUrlf tCNT flt.
f2i (i
5 9 f
&v53 4A r
Friday and Saturday, June 5th and 6th.
600 Prs. Ladles' and Misses Silk Mitts. Black, Tan,
and Brown Warranted all pure silk and fast colors,
15c a. Pair.
300 Black Silk Parasola,
For two
Capitol Adventure Co.,
Opera House Block:.
Out Side tlie Trust.
Old Undei takers of 18 years experioncchayo, through
much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies
out side the Undertaking trust and nro now prepared to
furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make
you prices independent of any trust, Special attention
given to embalming.
Undertaker's rooms fitted up specially for tho business
UT II Pinnr ivn Ii Au stock left in my care shall rcoelvo the best
. , UlluLM, IrOIJP. offtcntlon. Telephone No. 24. Cor. Liberty
1 nud Ferry streets, Salem, Oregon.
At 100 Chemeketa Street.
House - and - Sign - Painting,
Paper Hanging, Kalsomlning, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and
Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. SNOW BROS.
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Estimates (mall work lu our line. IOO Ohemoketu Street,
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.,
Susli, Doors, Builds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawiig.
House I'Mnlshlng mndoto ordor.
Now UIIV Kir.K, by which wo can always keep a Aill supply of seasoned stock of .i'
kinds, Agrleulluiiil Works, Corner of Trade and lllgu streets, Balom, Oregon.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Building material. Yard cast of Deot,
Salem. We manufacture all our own stock, and aro prerared to fill any
order on tho shortest notice.
4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent.
,1, O. UOODAtiK, Cohuig.
Lumber, Ivatli. Pickiets !
Agents for Cohurg. Mills, Kprltigtkld Mills
west sldu of Twelfth hticet near
4 2 N.
SashL and Door Factory
Front Street, Salem, Orogorii
Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compoto
Avith tho lowest. Only tho best material used.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Jlorder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, J I ay, Teed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, lite,
Proposttls for Iron Cells.
1II1C bounlof public building comml
Nlouers Invito fouled
lloveulcd proixwaU for the
Mais ior ii
0.USI ruction of twenty lour ('.'I) duiibloliou
tells and thirty two (J.') single Iron eellsut
lilt) Oregon mine rouiiciiiiiiry. iihu. huu
speclllcutlousal thoolllcoor W. I), I'ugh,
archlli-ut, Kulitm, Oiegon, lho right to re
ject uny or nil bids Is reserved, lllds will
be opened ut Kxocullvoultlce.ou Tuowduv.
July II, IbUI, at U ii'tlook p. m. 'Ihoiiaity
receiving routruct must furnish bonds for
faithful performuiiieofkumn.
OKO. V. MolllllliK,
i'illli Mlffl'M'llAN,
Hoard of C'oiiinilaslnuers.
Wm. A.MU.NI.riY.CIerkiifllouiil. (Wtd
KICK A HOBS, llliiekKinltlu, nil kinds ol
ruisilrlngaud earring wor. Woliavu
ui uur employ Arthur (ilov,u prufwealoiiul
horaaalioer. lllvu usu Irlul. -! I
llill'.s Patent labile Illiuds,
Pressacl, 3ricl,
Anil all fjtuiHM olliulldlng inuterlul.
1TJ Kimith Ut., I'orlluml, Oregon.
Konnvrly ol rtrlur fulile. two door
WMtoflheoldstund, J(el-lK"xt supply
of wlnMl,ii.l. spring and Biirial cur
riuf Uardwufv, l-'lw
days only.
A. WIIKKLKK, Hprlugndd.
and MclCenyiu Jllll. Ofllconnd Yard on tho
depot, Hesl l.uinbcr lu tho Vally.
N. MATTHEWS, Manager, Baleiu.
Notlco to Contractors.
VTOTIC'K U hereby given that scaled bids
Xi win ue reccirea ny mo uny oroiuem
Oregon, ut the ulilco of the city surveyor
y sui
tho city of huleui at Huleiu, Oregon, unit
liociocK ii. m., oi juno.w, inui, pu wiiien
time said bids will bo opened for tho build
ing and construction orii sewer tit block 7U
and tto of the city of Hulem und on the aide
of said blocks lu accordance with the pro
files, plum and Hpeclllcatlonsl thereof on
fllo In the olllco of tho wild city surveyor.
ICach bid must boaccoinimuled by a de
iioslt In favor of tho city or Halem, Oregon.
In tho sum of 1100 us a gunrnntco of good
faith ou the purl of the bidder, which will
bo lorlelted by tho city ot Halem, Oregon,
In case ol fulluro of good faith ou tho purl
oftl.o bidder. '1 he blank formcontraatund
the bond the bidder will bo required to
oxecuto In cuso his hid Is Mitlsfuctory lo
tho cliy ofHulein, Oregon, l nlsoon tile m
tho olllco of said city surveyor, und said
bond must 'ic given In the penal rum ol
I1WJ0 with tv.ii good und miflicent sureties,
to he approved by tho mayor ol tho city of
Halem, Oregon The city of Salem, Oregon,
reserves tho reject any or all bids, Uouu
by order or thv,CoiiimoUiOouncl of the city
of Bulem, Oregon.
IMiaOOUKIJ, ltecorder.
Destroy tlio Pests.
NowlslheTlmo to
Aio prejuired to give tieea treutmont tor
the aeusoii with u god spraying oulilt.
HutUfuctlou guuruntfed. SStf
Capital City llcstaurant
Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r
Warm Mcab at All Hours el tk Iky
Nono but whlto labor employ ed lu tfahi
e.tubllihiiient, ; . . A
A kh substantial meat at k4 In HM
CiJISa styiB .
Twtuly-rtv conttiper mal
Court atteet, bttwrcu Jounml OMe MM
Mlntv'e UYVrjr,
rTi'srtiMi rial ill i"M