I IS I A NOTURinTY SEEKER. To Gratify JIcMnlion's Vanity tlio Journal Gives His Srrcetl n Wider rircnlaliou. (Woodbiirn Independent.) S'nto Printer Baker's gay lurk ap pears to have been even more tic grading than nt flint appeared. Ho not only slapped ills wife, but he choked his little daughter. He even took n canary bird from lis cage, picked Kb feathers and throw it into the yard to die. He n ted the brute to perfection and yet, because he was state printer, that model refoim paper, the Bulem Journal, did not liavo the nervo to mention it. We can pee by this how much of a "pm pleV' paper it Is. Last election when wo were showing up llirsoh's swampland transactions, it Hat buck and whined that it wasn't so. Ho it has beeu on the illegal feo charges of county oflleers. The truth is the Journal is not financially ablo to say its soul is Its own, and in politics it really docs not know which one ol the boys It le. Duck in prohibition Iowa its editor was u rampant prohl. Out here in whisky-straight Oregon it docs not preacli prohibition When a city editor became so dis gusted with the actions of the whisky element in Salem that he could stand it no longer, he wrote a con demnatory article. It did not appear, however, as the prohibition editoi "killed" it. The so-called "City of church spires and mapleshade trees" is one of the worn' whisky-run towns in the state. Bunking games run openly every night. Little boys, not yet out of their teens, gamble and drink in open violation of the law. Saloons are open and gambling carried on every Sunday. While it is no worse to gamble on Sunday than on any other day, yet it is u violation of tho law to keep saloons open on that day. Now, why Is the Journal, this uutl plutocratic, pub lie morul paper, ho silent when it knows of these tilings? Swearing nt far off Gould or Vandorbilt, or with owlish wisdom discussing free silver and the tariff costs no money, but It does cost to fight court house rings and Saiom oaloon keepers. ROSEDALE ADDITION' TO SALE3I. Tho Choicest of All Additions to the Capital l'ity-0n the Market Monday, May 25. Every lot level, high dry and No. one black soil and no gravel. Not it single lot In the entire addition that is not within three blocks of the electric street car line, and many of them on the line, as tin1 electric car Hue runs through the addition. Consequently this addition is pracl lo cally Inside property. A glance at the map Will establish this fact to the entire satisfaction of the careful investor In real estate, ispcciallv when lie takes into account that the MAIUUTS HY TELEGRAPH. VUUl'LAKD. VbeatVnlley,JljOpcrceiitl, Flour standard, $95 Walla- Wnllu J8 00; On In White Ola to (Be per IniMiel. .MlllslunV-llriiu Kli; mi )Mm, JI to 2'i Ktuuiid barley, (US to 30; onop feed. S27 I initialing!, 9, per tun. IIny-SI(li;pt)rton. Ilutter Oregon fiinoy dnliy. 2la fancy- rreamcry T,; good to mir,17W; Call. forma choice UnoiMc. HgK Oregon 17 m VKa pr dnj. l'oullry Old chicken, Si fj p). l'otatoe uOont (Kj per o mtul. UliMM-Urvgou, 18 to He; California 13c Hugnrg-O (Men 0, 1v, extra C, 4; dry srnuulnted, 0 cubtj, crushed and I'ow location Is one of the very finest and most ilesirn le, a location that can- dered.OKe per pound mil, uu uAuniiuii in uwiuijiu uiraiUM Ile.uiN-Bi.mll white, SWc pink 3U- buyiw. 6(1; butter, ft 10; limn. 1 60 per overhanging it "Confession of cloud dispersed Dr. Ilrigg's Heresy. I'REI'AKD for the journal. The General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church meeting in Detroit, Mich., next Thursday will have its hands full of matters of general interest. The question of Deconess cs will soon be settled. Woman's rights are coming to tho front with the Methodist and Presbyterian churches' but both denomination are likely to keep a barred door against an olllelul standing being nflorded tho sisters of tho church. We think this is not courteous treat ment of those who bear tho burdens of church work whllo their lords aie looking on. Last year tho General Assembly hud an ominous cloud in relation to the Faith" but that quickly, but now another dark one Is looming on the horizon. Dr. Urlggs, who lias been for Bomo years a professor of Hebrew in Union Seminary, New York, was Bomo tlmo ago chosen by tho trim tees to tnko tho cliulr of "Ulbllcal ,TheoIogy,and, although contrary to tho custom of Colleges, ho was installed before an opportunity wim glveu tho Gen. Assembly to give Its sanction. In accepting tho position tho doctor had to subscribe to tho dootrinoof the church as expressed in tho "Confession of Faith," but In his Inaugural addresses, Dr. Urlggs gave utterance to views ut variance with tho Presbyterian Creed. 1. Ho denied tho plenary inspira tion of Holy Scriptures. 2. Ho denies tho Inerrancy of scripture. Tho divine element In tho lllblu docs not pertain to its language, but to the concept merely; and even us regards tliu concept or thought tho quality of divine In spiration and authority, pertains only to tho essentials and not to the circumstantials. "It Is not a pleasant task" lie Bays "to point out errors In Sacred Scriptures. Nevertheless historical criticism finds them and to Bay they were not In tho original text is mere assumption" Ho as serts that in "llntllng God" there nro three souteos; theeliuich, reason, nud Holy Scripture. These three ho says are co-ordinate. He cites Cardinal Now men as having found "Got! and certainly" through tho church, thus leaning to ltomaii Catholicism, Henry Marllneau as finding God through reason, and deprecates tho tendency not to give such rationalists a place among the "faithful." Then ho admits that (hero are others who find God through the IJIblo. Ho notes "six barriers of dl vluo authority in Holy Scilpture." Our space will not allow us to enumerate. This much will show that tho great body of dlvlno meet lug In Detroit will have a dlllleull task to preform. Many Prebyto rhuis liavo overt ti red tho Atmoiiiiih and now New York Presbytery to whose Jurisdiction Prof, Jlnggt, belongs, is taking very simou measures, and threatening to charge J1I111 Willi heresy, Tho Presl.y teriuu waters are troubled; wo may have quite a storm. luluess and wltliiii a few blocks of the North Sulem school building and but a short distance from the East Salem High school. Jiclng lo cated directly on the electric street .ur line, Is within easy and quick communication with any part of the growing city. The purchasers of tins vaiuauie property tuny recog nized the fact that the location was one which must, In tho near future, become f he very center of a prosper us and beautiful portion of Salem. Look i't the character of tho soli tud the property. Consider its ecnlrnl location to chools, its accessibility by virtue of no eiectnc street car lint, contem plate the future development of Un ity. Whut rational conclusion can 10 arrived at? Verily It requires no rophet to fully establish the fact hat this property must and will louble in value in un incredibly diort time, and the investor who buys now will reap the benefit. Stop paying rent. Get a homo. It is just as easy as paying rent, when you can buy at the prices and terms this property Is oflered at. The man who owns his home Ik in a fair position tosecure a fortune even if it is a humblo cottage he will bo far happier than If ho occu pied the sky panors of a tenement in the heart of the city, and what you save In rent will secure you a home In Roedale addition, where vou can huve an electric street car every twenty minutes to the city. lie sure and see tills choice addi tion, which will bo oflered on sale Monday, May Sith, by all real estate men In Salem, who will give prices and terms. Sex in Strawberries. C. Thorns n writes from Warrens burg, Mo.: "I understand there are, among strawberries, hermaphrodite, ftuiniiiate and plstilale plants. The first named will bear fruit independ ent of any other. Now, will tho other two beur fruit if placed to gether, or will either of them bear If not associated with another?" Staminuto and plstilato varieties ought to stand In tilteruute rows, or one row of mulo blossoming plant to four of the other varieties will fructi fy all there Is to do. Even tho hermaphrodite varieties in alternate rows will produce sulll cient pollen to fructify the entire patch. The Charles Downing is of this variety and it has perfect flowers. Almost every horticultural cata logue will give the sex of sorts, so you need not err in your selection. Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter by Mrs. Ada E Ilurdof Groion, S, D., "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and four doctors gave 1110 up. I gave myself up, determined I could not stay. My husband was advised to get King's Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Took eight bot bet tles: It has cured me and I am now well and hearty. Trial free at Fry's Drugstore;, regular size, COound $100. CtJIllltl Dried KrulU.-The market Is firm. Quo ted: itiilbtit pruno.i, 11 to 12c, Petite and German, loo per pound; raisins, 82 25 per box; plutnmer dried peara, 10 to lie; suu dried nnd l.iutory plums, 11 to 12c; evapo ruled patches, 15 to 17c; Smyrna Jigs, 20c; California llgs,7o per pound, nice iii' por pound, Hides-Dry hides, xyt to Dc; J40 loss fin oulls; green over &" pounds, "c; under So pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, 30cSl.25. HMOKKD MEATS AND LAUD. Eastern hams, 12 to 13c; breakfast ba con, U to 13c; sides, 0 to 10c; lard, Vi to !2c per pound. HAN FilANCIRCO. Han KiiANCisco, May 21 Whont-.the week opened on a quieter market. No. 1 white, 11.71 per cenlul. IIops..0SOcper pound. Hurley Feed SI 5.1 1 ayt per cental SI -17;cholco SI 55; common grade SI 45. Outs-Gray 81 82 to 1 87; black 1 82 tol 85 per cental- Onions..! to ii. rotatoew-.7oc to 80. MISOiJLANEOUH MAUICETS. CniCAao.May 21 Wheat, May S1.03;July S1.00. ileef Live, S00 35. Mutton Live, fcl.GOOM. Hogs Live. S1.G0 81.00 Veal 7 to lOo per pound. CARTER'S 572 liSSjS&SJ ITTLE IVER PILLS. , Sick Headache and relievo all the troubles tncl dent to a bilious state of the system, such ns Dl7iness, Nausea. Drouhlness, Distress after eating. Pnln in the Side. &c While their most remarkablo success has been shown In curing BAI.im JIARICKT lllil'ORT. A HyuupHlu of the MiuIioIh ltuylng iiml Hulling 1'rlcos. ltKTAll, I'll 1 ens. REVISED QUOTATION?. ftShout(lors.Huiar oured.por lb,10 llreakr.ist bacon 12 10 15 Hams Hugur cured, por lb, l(3c. Ikuf-0ftl6 1'ork-llHft 12W Mutton 10 ( laVjo. voui-10 ca lawc. Timothy heed Per pound, Se: sclllni; HchI ulover wed Por pound, He. While clover hood Por pound, BOo.1;"; Alslltu 18o per pound. Hed top UK) per pound. Lincoln Grass 12)0 per pound, llju (IniKs lOopor pound. Oii'hard UruKsl7u per pound, llwins 60 per lb, Oni meal attic. Now polators lo per lb. (Irooti pons ltlpor pound. BtmwbnrrlpH, 20o per pound fanned KmlU-PeiiehnH. w: 00: nnnml. J.'l (K); bluelt berries, S.1; corn, host Knuliw rf'j 00; tomatoes St 60; BtrltiK beans 81 CO; ureeu in'UsSl 85: pordoz. In two lb otitis. Krosh Vi'Kolnblti. PoiaUies U; n mils fXJo; parsnips 76c; onions do per lb. l''lNh..Hiilmon l'jwo poi IbjHtinxfou f 7o nor lb- small llsh SlOoper lb; salt salmon, 7ii10o por lb; tUlituook salmon, 12. IH'YINIl l'llU'KS, Wheat 7Wo to U0o not. Flour Per barrel. Ji.i.0, bosi UK) lbs. Oats Por bushol, ftO 0 5jo, llailoy Por bushol, wjav, limn Por ton.fiil (Uiuniiil, sacked. Hhorts Por ton, 82.5 00 saeUed. Clmp Per ton, M6.U) " mioIiihI. lions (Juoloil ut 21 to27k Pr lb. Wool IN' to 200. ICkkh iune por doieu. PolntooM Por bushel,, too Corn mwil So per pound. Ohooso 12llo por iHiuutl, Hi led plums Pur lb. oTe, Dried prunes Por lb, liVBllA. iiiilHineii priiuos vs," por in. ircadncnn, yet Caiitkii'm Little Liver Pills are equally vshiable In Constipation, curing and prevcntltiB tills annoyiriB complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stlmulnto the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured iMjm wfijw&zrj v && f-jfair ni 1F-1 1 'Jt 1 11 1 -ir - 1 V-S iaOMMMBHarana jeniss' iianAra. Jcitks hpd a nueer drenm tho other ntfi-.i. Pt.hoVff,,t b,,,n,r1 Prt-flrlU.ra rin rid in tho miildlo ot it etood u ilouirio' ittle ohampion who m"t and d'-lilK-i-atrfy j ivocked over, ono by one, n score or morti of bhr. burly-looking' ff-liow, n? tner ad yitnccd to tho attack. Glanta ns th -y wcro In size, tho vnliant pigmy proved tnoro than is match for thorn. It was all no fun ny that Jcnks wpko up lamrhln-r. Ho oc eouats for tho dicam by tho fact that he hid Just como to the conclusion, after try l:jr nearly every biff, dnistlo pill on tbo mnrket, that Picrco's Pleasant Purjratiro Pellets, or t ny Sucar-coated Oronulcs. e??,,1,L ,knclt JJJt" and beat nil the bur pills hollow I They nro the orla-tual and only genuine LltUo Liver Pills. Bewaro of Imitations, which contain Poi jpnous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are LltUo fiuirar oonted Pills, or Antl-blliouj. Granulea. Duo a Iose. The Racine and Columbus Buggies ! Hnclts in all hest Style". Bain Farm Wagons. Full line Dog Carts. I 'lliT1tTfTfTlft I'V Li). 4 1 s fork Has ConimenceT OK THE tn, Anrl wifli fltis rar lino In - DITION to tlio City can ohv JHy many indticements as ' ' as E NGLEWOO D' Garden mm (wm . IVUIVIUI IIIUIIIIUI Vllltl I tlUVlk'l llU'lliiji. Our Specialty. Agricultural lines more Complete than ever. dw TT II I ' ninnff Mnpninniw 1 ii 111; 1 11 in iinii t il gMwuwtggwjurwucigfcjuiJmii wt nil Ions llendncho, UizalnoHH, Con stlnntion, indl KOfiOoii,lItlloiis Al tnekH, and all derange ments of tho stomach nnd bowels, are promptly . . ., reucveunna permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative) Pellets. Thry aro gently laia tlvc, or strongly cnthurtic, according to lize of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Eisiest to tako. 25 cents a vial by druggists. Copyright, ISfiS, by WonLD'3 nis. Mkd. AjU. I'lUD'rs, 603 Mkln Sttect, llullilo, N i. Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. t'llOFESSlONAL CAItDS. TITIW.M. J PATTON. Studio 11 Gallery in Eldrtdee block. nnd Art onnoslto t-mlth's nrt store. Lessons given, pictures forsnleor painted to order. Those Inter ested are Invited to call and Inspect the lanro collection of oil paintings on exhibition f J. PATTON, M. D. Physician and ill. Hnreeon. Oillro and residence In hldrldge block, opposite Ooo."s drugstore. "neoiaiision uiseiises 01 women nnu cnn dren, ehrnnleiuid private diseases. suimuon iree. Con. S75.UH0 15.000 'apilal Paid up, - -i'arp!iis, - - - President. Vice-President. - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSl W.T. Oru.v, W. W. Mnrtln J. M. Martin, It. S. 'Wallace. Or. W. A Tuslck, J. 11. Albert, T. McK. l'Attou. 11. a. WALLACK, W. W. MABT1K, J. II. AL11KUT. - J. J. 8 HAW. M. W. HUNT. W. II. Pit ATT. SHAW.PUATTA HUNT. Attornevs at law. Oillce ovcrCupltalNutionnl Hank, Halem, Oregon. mlLMON FORD, attorney at law, Salem, 1 Oreson. Ottlco up-stulru In Patton's block. Hush T.IllCIlAKUHON, Attorney at law, of fice UP stairs In front rooms of new ush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. JOHN O'SHEA, Attorney at law. Room over Capital National bank. Collec tions n specialty. Correspondcncesollclted HEAD Acho thoy would lo alnio"!t priceless to thoso ho sulfor from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end hero, nnd those who onco try them will ilnd theso llttlo pills valuable In so many ways thnt thoy will not bo willing to do without them. Hut after all sick head rAIlCY AsltlNUHAM, Attorneys and lj counselors ai law, Mucin, uregon. Having uu abstract ol the records of Marion county, Including a lot and block index 01 Salem, they have special facilities lor ex amining titles to lenl estate, llusincss in the supremo court and In the state depart ments will receive piompt nttentlon. iTrhonham. o.kayuen. W.1I. HOLM liS. Boniiam, IIot,.s A Haydeh, Attor neys at law. Uillee In Hush's hlock, between State nnd Court, on Com'lSt. ACHE Is tho bane of so many lives that hero Is where wo makn our great boast. Our pills cure It whllo others do not. CAUTKa's Little Livrn Tills are very Bmall and very easy to take, Ono or two pills make a doso. Thoy aro strictly vegetable and do not grliKi or purge, but by their gentle action ploasH all who uso them In vials at 25 cents; fivo for $1 Sold everyu hero, or sent by mail. CAETEE UEE1CI1IE CO., Kcw rt Small M. Small M Small Pries. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OKTHK First National Bank of Salem, Vt Hr lorn In tho Slnlo of Oregon, at tho cloo 01 husltiess May 1th, 181)1. iticsounci-s. Loans and discounts $107 K17 12 iJvoruraiiK, securea ami uusecuril 1U Hl.i uj u. s. iioiius 10 hocuro olreuiiitlon. stools, heeiirltUw, claims, etc I)uo Ironi upproved reserve ugts.. Duo (rom oihor National Uanks.. llniik' ng-houso, furn. and llxtures Current oxpensi'sand tuxes paid. Premiums on U.S. Uonds.. t'hcoKs and otiior items Itllls of otlicr banics Fractional p.iper cur., nlcKcls, Ao Kpeclo . I.0K11I tender notes . ltcdomptlon fund with UHTroas uror 15 per ct. of circulation. .. 15 000 157 51 1411-21)1 luiooeo ami 119 1 K III 500 70S5S OIK) 111 US 1 1 (107 II j IBS) nit. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, ! Htnto street, J i-MIUIll, Jl, A'lIlinilVU lions of every description. nous a specially. dental odoi-u. Painless opern- WD. PUOH, Architect. Plans, Sped , fictitious nnd superintendence 101 all classes of buildings, merclal St., up stairs. Office 200 Com- LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat und other niurkPt. able produce, con-.lgued or in store cither lu private grannrlesor 'public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. DrafU drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Kronclhcn. Port kind. Ijondon, Paris. Berlin Hone K ong and Calcutta. Iffy Ofalchentcr'a F.nalUh Jllamoml Hronrt. Pennyroyal pblls H IS ti Orlfflnnl and Onlj Genuine SAFE alwajt rellht0. ladics tk Drngjdit for CMch'er'$ KnilUh Iii-( mond Brand la ltcl and Gold niotal Ho boxpn. iMled with blue ribbon. Tnt;nnonthip. Rthu danaerouM ivbititutiont and imitationi. At DrocdaU or eena s. in itampi rorpArtioaiAri, lesumo Dials tod "lErllcf for l.ndlrn" in letter br return MnlL 10.UIH) TeittmonlaU jiamn zTiper, I his sirluif.inn Iip hnf.wnft 4-l.- .v. a .,T. w" warden lj iLsyium a venue; witnin lour blocks of tii pi uau an! School Building, and ten blocks from North $1 W school buiianiff. it lias Jens: been known rt J m m rior attractions hv reason of if. lmin i i . i.OS5eS3s .. iW Ky )emg the !', "0"!lUp.i thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to the 0 V I Lectnc ChtcheAter Chemical Co.. MadUon Rqnnroi EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Routo, Shasta. Line first JNationa Bank ALEJSf OUKUON. WM. . l.Utl'K. - l-H. .1. ItUYNUliDH, OIi- MOIlt, - - - - President Vice I'lP'ildeui - Cusblei GENERAL BANKING. BxctiuiiKeon Portland, San 1'rnncHco, Now York, J.mdon and Hong Kong bought uud sold. State, County and Cll warrants bousbt Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit imd transact business with us. Ijlbeinl advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property Pt reasoniiDio ratei. Iusuiauee on such se eurlty can be obtained at tho bank in most reliable companies. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business! iu mi us uraucues. CALIFOHNIA KXPKF8S TRAIN HUN DA II.Tf HKTWKKN POIITLAFD AND S. F. Houth. Jorth. 7:0C p. in. I L,v. U:18 p. in. L.V. 10:15 a.m. Ar. Portland Salem San Krnn. Ar. Lv. I.v. I)::i6a. in. 7'2'l a m ll:rtl p. m Above trains sto enly al following stn tlous north of ltoseburg, Kast Portland Or-igon City, Woodbiirn, Salem, Alb.my Tangent, hheddi, llnlny, lliirrlsburg Jiinctlim City, Irving and Eugene. IKMF.llUltO MALI, DAILY, :00 n. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. j -i.OO r. in. il):52 a. in l.v Salem Lv. lrtts p. in. ':10 p. m. I Vr. ltoseburg Lv. t:3 i. in Vlbauy Local, Dally (Lxcept Siiuduy.) 5:(i0 j). m. V:.VJ p.m. l':00 p.m. Lv. Portland Ar. ll:00p- m. Lv: falem Lv. 0:0Si.m A r. A 1 bn ny 1 .v, ) :0i) u m, nailwav PULLMAN BUFFET SLEGPKRS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, r'or nceommodation ot second class passengers attached to express trains. vVest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY (EICK1T SUNDAY). 7:30 11. 111. I Lv. 12:10 p. m. Ar. "Portland Corvallis Ar. I a:30 j. in. Lv. I 12:55 p. in. At Albany nnd Corvallis connect wltli tinlns of Oiegou P.icillo Uallroad. fl. MtiNALLY, Architect. New Bush lire.v iiinn block. Plunx mui hiippiuxh. nous oi an classes oi oi buildings on short notice. Superintendence of work piomiitly ooitfcd after. 2 6-tf tloni Ijl J. McOAUKTLANl,Clvll Sanitary and 11. Hydraulic Knglneer. U. M. lieput mineral surveyor. City Mlrveyors oillce. Murphy's Hlock, Salem, Oregon. AW. HKST. Artist. Studio, Hush. . llroy block. Classes Thursdays aud Saturdays. (175 Tutu! I till tor l(Vviio per pouud lor gotirt llauis rer imiiiiuI, 10 I 1 Jird lOwTio per lb s Pur lMiiiul,llg)l'.V, por lb. f" ltacousliUm UMIl HluuiliU'i-s .Ktio per lb Clilokens . N to lOo por ihi ind, TurkeyN 10 to o ll, Hihwo7.s per lb. UUCl(H,TUUllOHirlll Spring Chliiliuns 18 to iOo per lb, A Hen Slok l'axM'ntor, On the oe4iui,oiro Utile abimt u nlorni. lie iHwittwij ludltlliivi.t wliutlivr ho Is wiuliwlhwilxxml or not. llut.Mt il(ht by a wlnuKluiilul of ilontotter'H tomuoli llli ttira.liufi'uUiiiiHiwwtliilvrwit In hUpoixuml sutVty. This tlno ouiiulve noiltnilliH'S the briiekUh wulur iifton ixuiipulmiy drunk on nblpboiiid. Tho iriiitiuiin Impurltlik u litvh l o i lo lo diMiitli.ru ut the ktomuvh ilor ami IxiweU Totliu mlrlner. tourUi. tho Wiwlorn pioneer and miliar, th Hit loiv UliiMiluitbloHou moans of pititootlon ukhIiui malaiiH, whwi lUntwU nro lataut In air uud wulur. To tho i itwei ofinVrMork inonUtl or limiui.l.or iiminml,.lt In a uinst ii'liablouiitldoto, mid tu tho doblllmtiHi and norvoiu, H nlllirds tirwit rullof uud iKor. Mmw S 187,00.1.00 Ll.UULITIKS. Capital stoci; paid In CO 000 Hurplus fund I. nuw Uudlvhlcd prnllls -j ;;( Stl Nul'l llmiK noitw outstanding... lllKX) Individual deposits subject to l'lllClv 81 1127 2S I Iti3 30 l'AI 10 701 I'l i G02 bO OomiiiidciutlilculoH ot deposit-. Cortllled cheeks Due to other National llaniti. Duo to Mutu Hanks '1'otnl 1S71W301 State of Oiegou, County of Slarlon-ss 1. John Molr, Cashier ofthoabovivuam ed bank, do wiloiunly swear that the above stHiumiint Is true, to the host of my know lOdKvaud Imllef. ... . John .Molr, Cashier. Hubtorlbed and sworn to boroio mo this lllth day of .May, 1MH, Win. Kalsor, Notary Public for Oriygoti. Ooneot Attiwt: Win N IjuHio T. t). .smith W.ll. Ilyrd Dlioetors, HUSINKSS OAimv. A J. : LAUK.StnteBt llarbcrsbop. Two . chairs, good workmen and careful aticndance to ull customers. H. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sewer ing, Cement Sidewalks, Kxcivutlng, All work nromntlv done, snlum n.- Leave orders with Dugiiu Hros. 4:IS-lm A. lite: 1AUPET-LAYING.-I mako a specialty oi GEO. WILLIAMS Wll, ENULANI) iiUUU Ml'NAHY Pi eIdcn Vice President . C'iisliiei DIHKCTOHS: Oeo. Wlllinms.Wm. En? land, Dr. .1. A. lUchurdson, J. W. Hob.-on. .1. A. lt.iker. Hunk in new Kxchango block on Com mercial stieet. 8:13-tt LADD &"BUSH," Bankers, IHON JIIJILDINO, SA.L,aivt, - - - OREGON Transact a general banking business In all departments. 3:2-Jm Health is Wealth! 0' t ken up nnd reluidltugrentcuri. House eleaniiig. Leave order with J. H. Lunu or Huron .t Son. J. U. LUHUMAN. JOHN OKAY. Contractor nnd builder. Pine inside llulshlug a specialty. 4So Commercial street, halem Orccou. JOHN, kNlHTrillaeksmUhHors J slioelURiindropiilrlnguspeelalty. Shop uttho loot of Liberty stieet, Sale w, Oregon. , 2.2011 nlUIiA HOSS, Hlacksmllhs, all kinds oi LV repairing uud currlage wont. .,o liavo iu our employ Win Carroll, direct Irom Kentucky, morn niinlliurK L-.,.,. .... i.t, ... r. . .-...: ...,, un -iicu, a luraessiiiiuu iiornesnoer. us a trial. ulvo 111 I OSKPH KUSIOK harbar and halrdress " .,,, ,.Hlllr l"25 cents, shavliiK IS cents. Path looms In connection, llctot work. 113 State stieet. !!, TIM Tl CAPRICE'S Cie0 Baking REPORT Of the ooudltlou of the CAPITAL NATIONAL JUNK, At Snlem, Oregon, at tho doso of busl iiiv, .May 1, ImU. HBWHIIU'HH. Loans and dbtouuts MltlSdl to Ovordran., Mvured and uuo''rd KMM1& L'. H. HoniU to hevuro elreulatlou. iu WO Duo Irom appiovod uirorio ugts. t 141 K, Duo liouiolliei National Uiuks . 'JttVjti Duo from slMtoluiiiks.t bankers. lL.17UtiJ lbmkliiK liouw. lliinlture. ole l.M'a Curient exiH-nsoniind tHMm paid, aswoo lronilumson P.s. lUmiU SliOTfc Chocks unit othor oh tluuik IA1 iu IlilUol other bunk 1 jar, Kruutlouiil paper curH nlokH, Aoo IS S5 mhww 88 U0 lAtunl tsiulor uotut l (ire ItiHlemptlou Aind with U.S.'t ru tU5 XJspd n Millions of liomes40 Vears the Standard, "ftl - ..h W7 I.I.MIII.ITIM, OHpllnl liek sild Iu M0 ftr 'V. fuil -- I61UI Urn ivlilwl pmilts ftiwsT NuUiitwI llatik imtos iiutntundliii; 17 HO ph iljpndu mnmtd . ijft i id ndualdfiKwlhikUuJweUoohk tllW'li D.JHMMI) (rtiitwtc f d.)Mvit .. iaiiS II OnIMm tmuks hhiI iMUKor. 1&3J1 '' ilSTrnT ) wtMie of OrM). Oiuuly of .MniIoh . I.J II. .Vbart.kililorofiliiHUvnin. j M l.ti.K.doiiinii yswiHirthut IboslMive ai. .1 . .J "ALIIKItT, Chiller. 8jUi;rlli.,UiidMiriiHiu,v mo thu H(itiujrl le. , isw. j.j an.vw, N.-inrv ISiUllc fer QraitiiH. 0rf-.wui. . W. MAim.N. t. sup i.nuA. .. WALlaOE, Ulrcctor. O J, LAHSKN & CO,, manufacture of all kludsof vehicles, ltepalrlng irspeclal ty, Hhop 45 State street, THE COTTAGE. J. H. HUUKHOLDKH, Proprleton, HA COURT STRBET. Hoard by tho day or u cek, with or with. goon uomoiiKo boarding i-ij M1W. nut looms. A house. Terms reuxonable, lrt,4 II.. I ! Ill I 11 I I 111 I U 1 ,. ! uuiuu wit l IW Will ll Jas. Batchetor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Horns l tlieDaj None but white latnir oinoloyiHt lu thlf estubllslimeut. A bihhI i aiibfttmitliil uioal o . ked In flrst class style Tw enty.tl mi cents )er inetil RltD V u O N 'V Court street, totweeu Journal omon uo Mluto's I.tvery. 651 rnS 'W2assfl TRCATMrNT " I " i! rfi - I O HAITI twaurn a -."tfywr-v& I Al WYtOf L - '.f J,. V UXK ratwvns eBMi? Tin.. 1 r ,uMu'r,j X7,.. h nni Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hyb tena.DUzluoss, Convulsions, Kits, Nervous Nouralgln, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho no or alcohol or tobacco, Wnkctullness, Meulal Depression, Sollen lngofthe bruin roultiiig in lusnulty and leading to misery, flecuy nnd death, pre inaturooldngo, barrenness, loss of power caused by over-exertion ofthe brolu. Kach box contains one month's treatment, $1.00 11 box or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE G UATIANTEE SIX BOXES 'Prt ntltA nlv ..nr.A ItMil. n.,..l. celved by ub lor six boxes, nccompaulcrt mwl I. CI n 1 .... ...ill ... ' ...... wvjt ,,c vm Bt-iiu mo puieuaser our u'rittcuKuariiutco to refund tho inanev it the treatmont does not eltect .1 cure. Guar antees Issued only by Oeo. K. Oood, Drug cist. Sole agent, MjO :om. Ht., fcalem. Or. EXPltFSS THAIK (DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAY l'ortland Ai j.jn 11 in 1 rr 7:2.i p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvllleI,vl 8:20 a. m. 5:15 a. m. Through Tickets To all point EAST and SOUTH For tickets nnd lull lulorm.ition regard, ing rates uiaph, etc.. npply to the Compa iiy agent S.ilem, Oregon. K.P. ltOfJKIW, Asst. O. b and "nss. Ag't R Kul.llLKK. Manager City Jtoll. NOTICK I hereby given that tho assess ment roll of tne city of Balem, Ore gon, for IHIl, will be submitted to th Com niou Council 01 theclty of Salem, May 19. inn, at thu Council chambers lu Salem, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p in., and all persons desiilng their iissom-nt changed or modltled shouul have their implications In for said changu btfore s.ild'meetlngof the council. 58-7t M. K. aOODELL, Kecorder. f500 rWvl . BfV M.Vr y -5 mmtm K srwBic f rj - minnii fi7 illJI UASe From Terminal or Interior Points the Mem Pacific Riolroad Is the lino to tnko To all Points East and South. Itlsthedlulngcnrroate. it runs thiough vestibule trains every day In tho j ear to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cars.) Composed of dlningcars unsurpassed, ' Pullman drawing 100m sleepers Ot latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars, llest that can be constructed and in which uecpmmodatlnis uro both free and lur nlsbed for holdei's of tirst uud second-clas tickets, uud ELEGAUT TY COACHEB. Acontlnuois .'oa onnru;tjng with nil lines, ultordln rcv in.i uninterrupted service, Pullninn sl 'w tv-Monscnn bese thoeroad. -auy agent of Through ttckeu to nnd from all points in America, Luglund uud Knropo cau be purchased at any ticket olhoo ol this com- KiilJ Information concerning rates, time ortruluM.roiitesundotherdotuUs furnished on upnllcation to any ugeut or A. D. CHARLTON, ,v?1 e,,',l.nt. General Passenger Agent, No. will within sixty days be running its cawer! through the center of this beautiful AAAM, -n. it within five minutes of the Postoffice If v . H ., uu iuvoiiuii. ouo can onorDotteropuortuniHaJ o y0 xv.w Uxitl.i Wlia uivorite Addition. SALEM rriin Plnnitnl rifir ic linnnrl r .., J. j.1. n . r"J V '" '- w tum to uie irontfis m,T, dustnal an iLducational Center. No other Capital 0 in the United States offers as great an opportunity to t ; homo seekwor or investor as the "Bouquet Citv" 0fi? Willamette Valley. The first city in the Northwest educational matters and second in manufactmW industry Situated in the heart ofthe Willamette Valley with unto1' power and material at her door waiting for the maqcij wanu uj turn tier into a city ot tne teeming thousand Who of us today can predict what the nextlecade ui bring forth. To those of you who are looking for a m Now ss tne 1 sme and ENGLE WOOD, the place to smire it, while J have yet the opportunity of purchasing from first hand -iJ or trie present we Avill sell a hunted mini her of late our present prices when an advance ot ten to twenty j cent win oe maae. m LA! WIS Postoffice Block, H. V. MATTHEWS, Pros. T. H. BARNES, H mprove Your Strawberrj Stock. J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS NOS. 16 & 21, leuve order nt H. M, Wade A CV. He lahlo work or uo ny. J. K.WHITE, KXIMUvSi? AND TRUCK LINE. lUuliue r hII kinds. iwt work. wsuji ut every tmln. UpguJar tyuu'terly Touchers' Examination. VTOTK'K U hereby Klven ihHt tbe ntxt 1 r'Kilurqimrlily eiaixliMthm c.Ihiv fimnMliir twi.lierH1 ivrUrtwittti will lie hold In the wiuri hoiikM. tuiii n... commeneliigiu Ju.k ,., imr,,, J,n: tlieopaulim .e.-um. n w. yoUBK. CouuiySuierluteudentofMhool,fir'ou' county, Urvon. j;n jw HEALTH. tJ,UlcS.nu " aoln naliam .o. 1 Cures Clunoret, flnv and gfoond itairer Borcion thi Lew ami iJody; Son I'Xu Synhllitio l Uttli. iliwostd Scalp, and a' I primary (ormi o( thu diwaw known a, sjphlt.. Prlci., J5 00 per llolll. l,e lllclinu'i OoUIhii llil,.,,, v o Curc.-TjrtUry UcKurUl.typMiui Rh.u inatlim. l'alm In the Ilonw. Palniln th. Head, back of the Nfck, llemted s Throat ph,lit.o Itih, Lun a'nd " tracUJtfoni, stiff new ot the UmU.anJ cradloatci all diwas. Ironi the iv,um. hither cau,ed by indI.rr.tlon or "bSe S' JrwyA 'flnir h0 bJ Vure and healthy. Irlc 5 00 nep Iiotlla ilolo for the jure of Gonorrhoa, Qt. irritation Gravel, and all L'rlnary or CUnP Uott?g,n,,,U 1r'C" 9i 50 P" t Ulch'au' OoliUn H.nUU In. latUraawiory t.et Strioturi.4c lrlc 91 60 ier Ilollle. (.a lllclmu'e GoliUn Ointment for the tffiilivo hwlimfof SyrAlUtUi Koraa and Brain treatawnt; lou ot hytlal paw er. txvtt or oriMrork, I'roatnUoa sta ITIoo 83 00 ixr Hoi. raKuon e,(i Tanlo anil Nerrlue, tot cmywbere, C. U U, aacunjy rjukod yet expreu, " THE RICHARDS"0RUQ C0.,Afl8U 600 A; fill MAUUr.x 8T , j Ban FruDdaco. Co. i THE YA0UINA ROUTE, OREGON1 PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oreiron Dnveinnmon, . .. Meambiui, ime. i nil U shorter , su Iioim KtinelUim by nny otnei loiite. Kirtt '"" thnmgh passenger nrt frecht llnJ tnim I'ortiiind uud nil ints In the Wi! fcimetie vuv , ntul irom u Kiinolii I iiwit SCHEDULE, (Kieept .Sundays) 1 llblVe A lhilnt Leave forviillls . rrlve Ynrinlnn ixive nqulnn , Uatve Corvullls . i .rrive Albnii.v l:li i' i 1:0 V it 6:S0 1' .M b':l5 A X 10:35 A it 1 1:10 Ai V O. n. Iniln. , . -. ... . Corvallis. """-. ui Aiuany nnd wUhe.ni,?tru,ns.conne t VAQUINt fi. tue .Orison ltarelonnieut tVs Lit to siKAWiiEnny okowkrs. A (Vondeiful Now Uerry Originnted In Oregon Tho aintteson. There has beeu origiunted in tho great strawberry reuion about Turn. er aud Auinsville a uew seedliug va- ripty.propagatetl by Mattesou & Mat leson.at their RedHill Berry Furiri. The HrHt berriea sGiit, tntlip flinroi r. JouitNAij oillce. Salem, last vear were of this variety, aud they were the most uerfeet fruit, in nw w. speet tiint was shown, lu this citv. The berry is of a deep red clear through, high ilavor, yet sweeter than most kinds. An experience in producing tho liner sorts of straw berries leads the editor of this paper to say that lie does not know nf a HITI'EHIOlt BKKKY IN FINENESS OF quality iii every respect to THE MATTFSON. He has secured tho solo agency from tho originators and now for the llrst timo places a limited minr.lv m the market. Testing tho fruit, and a description of its habits, leads the editor of tho Journal to conclude that it hns exactly those qualities that mut be sought after to produce tine berries Iu Oregon. It is of hich color, great sweetness, rich Ilavor, meaty, llrm, not watery, no hard center, aud exceedingly palatable. UKSCUII'TION. The originators have been straw berry growers for more than twenty years and call this their "Ikst," be caii'.e tlioy have tried many new and highly recommended varieties and found this to possess more de sirable qualities tliau any other. The Mattesou is an accidental seedling, originated from a single plant found on Jled Hill Farm six years ago. It IB AN EAHLY VARIETY. coming four to six days before th Wllani, Piiimia nil lis fllllt Mliu and is gone by the time tlieW Is in lull blast. Tiie uerno r.rnna Hia Wtlann. hilt it doe : "run In imhl li tx." Ml mlicll. II r a deep red color all over sbJ through. The berry stems are ft' un.:n rino, tr. ha iiinn!. t n US 0T eKi-miim enrlv frosts wlncb t others (the Sharpie? especia w a niinu tn nl.b nlld PllsilV DUNKl la (inn m.ii tliA moot nieatvterrjl nave over eeeu. It PJ to tho Wilson, it is a I16""" I eriug variety and does notcw beii'anted with i-noilier vtnv .. rn .. TliBnlantUbM"- aud stands drouth and freed'' ( Ttlsa sweet berry aVr Ilavor well when canned. eluding his description oftw uerry, ur. umiicami f-j-Pii(in m Inid OUlV tWO."1!'! these on our grounds. . OWgl anirl fr niw Oliefl. When R ..... .t. i. till a2A 'n WI sons, -uoii't eai ""-r. , . . .... i. (l.or RiIS' 111 yon get on mc m.. -j i f lm llfStt1" iireiwo "', ','(l,-lfn auci we nnu to v-"'. ourselves early in 10, . & save uiiv of them, and tnW'fi ers from gobbling tlieiu" m would not touch "'JLm, could get thee, and F" not know what good berries'" one does. ' TITM3. The originator lml ot tins new pitini i ":flAt&l nnli.r will lie boiintd al,u 1 prices: . .,i br nl 1 Dozen plants postpaid "J 1 100 plants by t.Mre.,,f, To piivo expresc-darp fl bo delivered at me -"'"o to city purchasers, w lew0 wjJ oo ion. -i'iiij r "- . taut mahed at hundred n RHofer.CAiiTAiJoiJh Oregon. SAIL1XQ I'ATKS. S1K.MKRS. .. W Illume lev ! "ifcy" 'tuidv Ji"V T &$!EB: 1 nrsivruu Wllluintitte Vulley FrldHvSAN ',,lINi Kamlinn. TutWduvn J.1"' S Vhr IKT.-.:::::;.:; , j? iilT!fer'"v AoriNHjiViV,!,i t"ln, 'f tbi rrnt u.SJiv.tT?..rr,,cs. honl Vll' " dST ..- VHna at; Pnn, ,wnind. or . AgV, Orvgou llicme It H. i L 500Reward! WKWIII nilVlllAuluti.a A... . easeof liver oompluint. dyspeiiHla, alek I sadiiohe, ludigetion,oonsilp.iionor ww tlyenesH we cannot eurewltw west' Ytt, MH'it,ier TO' Wa Ul dlreetloua are , strlotle onin died with. They nre purely ' Vw?nBUt ! "aa vwtWl to Irive rJltSfi' , uSS '?i.r .Sen,a- Heware of cmiutr- . V """""uu. me genuine manu Mr1! S?u'e '.,? 'i001, Un"ut' S"9 ,,onl s mmlnlu. af.?KiTni!S '' ""', riflAfllJSH meiu ti the i. i,.. m ,i.. Pom I thebutc. a ud. I-,r,, .1,. .i i..i i.i.,. . -.t i., . . ..i zr. .... m v...it! tiiAuuuiii. nnu f .HrH..,M-U UWU fSfri'i1 J ,0D Prlniunr, aud oaLv-n ut inst"iu. Ji M. WAITKh bieam Vclaitt Bilem Orwcoo, caUEHRHH UKZfaM0 founts Vci IMjmiw -- (U -- r .Ukr'!"Jl . tniir -'