Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 19, 1891, Image 4

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    - mumm mi ji nu mi id i
Report on Strawberry Pair.
Mb, Puksident and Gentle
men; Your committee on Issuing n
circular and preparing rules Tor u
Btnuvberry exhibition to bo held nt
Bntcm, have met several times. A
circular was Issued nDd tbo commit
tco now eubnilta rules governing
The general plan suggested by
this committee la that tbo exhibits
nil be made hi quart lots on plates
and displayed In some suitable room
In the business purt of tho city.
The fair should bo well advertised,
and a good number of exhibits
should be pledged before your com
mittee feel warranted in going ahead
and making arrangements for an
exhibit, which will involve labor
and expense. Your committee
feel Bate in Haying that the
fair can bo made a great success so
far as attendance Is concerned, if we
can only get up enough enthusiasm
to induce growers to make exldbits.
By each member pledging exhibits
from ids neighborhood this can be
The strawberry season coming In
tho midst of the time for roses
blooming, your committee; suggests
that some inducements bo ottered
tho rose growers mostly ladles to
make displays of their fluent
roses. Tho queen of dowers and
queen of fruits together could not
fall to Interest the public and make
a show that would be profitable In
good results I
We would suggest in conclusion
that tho business men of Balem be
invited to offer special premiums
for special exhibits and thus inter
est the growers who supply their
market with berries.
1. All strawberries exhibited
must bo exhibited by tho grower,
labelled with tho namo of variety
and namo of exhibitor.
2. There must bo at least two
entries in any class before a cuth
premium can bo awarded.
3. A committee of ouo to three
peisons not exhibitors, shall be ap
pointed to judge of each class.
4. Tho same exhibit of any one
or nioro varieties shall not bo en
tered In more than one class, nor for
more than one premium, except that
nuy plant may bo entered for sweep
stakes. 5. All exhibits for promlums
must be made on wldto plates to be
furnished by tho society ut place of
exhibition. Exhibits to be left
until said exhibition Is closed.
0. Members of tho society or visit
ors ore requested not to touch or re
move any berries on exhibit.
7. Orders for premiums must be
Issued by tho secretary upon written
report signed by all of nward com.
8. Tho following shall bo the
scheme of cash prices offered at the
exhibition Tor 1601:
1st 2d
Best dlsnlay well-known
standard varieties $3.00 $2.00
Best display new varieties
other than abovo 3.00 2.00
Sweepstakes best plate,
any variety 3.00 2.00
Biggest display-all varie
ties 3.00 2.00
Plant, wltli most berries
on ripo and greon 3.00 2.00
Best pluto now seedling. 2,00 1.00
Best slnglo plato any
kind. 1.00 .GO
On motion of Mr. Allen tho report
was adopted and the commltteo au
thorized to go ahead and complete
arrangements for tho strawberry
show. Tho dato Is to bo fixed by
conference with strawberry growers
and announced when premium list
Is printed to bo sent to growers. A
committee was appointed on pro
gram for the next regular meeting,
July 21st, Tho society then adjourned,
Tin and Iron.
Tho raising of the tin duty has
been severely attacked In the demo
cratic papers as the special iniquity
or tho Moltlnloy bill. The old tail 11
on tin was n revenue tariff and none
wan made in this country. The
duty has 'won raised to tho protec
tive point and ttn-plato factories and
tin mines are being opened all over
tho United titutes. What has been
done under a protective lurid' for
steel and iron can be done for tin.
Hero nre tho recordu on till? subject:
"They show that in 1810 tho pro
duct of pig Iron In tbo I'ultod States
was 317,000 tons; under tho stimulus
of thotarlflof 1812 the production
Increased In 1810 to 7(15,000 tons;
but in 1850, after four years or free
trade, it dropjiod buck to 601,765
tous, and In 1800 the census shows
that wo only produced 007,000 tons,
These figures demonstrate conclu
slyely that when we gave tho Brit
lull producer free entry into our
market ho took advautugu of It to
throttle our industries, and tho fuel
that our production of pig iron ad
vanced from 007,000 tons in 18(10 to
nearly ten million tons in lSlMi
proves with equal coiipIuhIvoiiww
that protection has been a bulwark
back of which tho American Iron
industry has been enabled to grow
to enormous proportions, to the vat
beuellt of the American working,
man, who receives good wages for hU
labor, and the American consumer,
who gets cheaper iron than lie
would have been able to buy had he
remained at the mercy of the British
D. P. SUinley of Portland, spent
Saturday and Sunday in this place.
A large number of Monmouthites
are attending court at Dallas this
President P. L. Campbell attend
ed court at Dallas last Kalurday,
tho 10th.
Mr. Robert Burnett, teacher In
the Chatnpoeg school Is visiting ids
parents nt this place.
Miss Jennie McPhcrson of Ball
ston, and Dr. Davis of Gervais were
visiting friends in town this last
Mr. Wester of Ballstou, was visit
ing ids sou Charles who is attend
ing the Normal and Is n member of
the class of 01.
Extensive arrangements are being
made for a three weeks county Instl
tue to bo held hero m July. Soverul
prominent teachers from over the
state have been secured to assist lu
tho work.
Chas. Taylor of Corvallls, was
married to Miss Ifattlo Davis of this
place last Wednesday, at tho home
of the bride. They are old students
of the Normal and tho students
wish them the best of life.
A Synojittln of tlio .lliirkiitu lluylng and
Hailing 1'rlcoft.
lurrAlly pjtlCKS.
HliouI(lcrH.Hiigar cured,pcr Ib,12
JliciiklUHt Ijuwiu VZ'j to 15
llama Huuar cured, pur Hi, IGJjIc.
I'ork 10$ 125
Mutlon-U) Ulta.
Voul-10 li'Ao.
Timothy hoed Per pound, 8c: selling
Itud clover Heed l'or pound, lie.
White clover Heed I'or pound, ISUo. "
Alsllio 18c per pound.
lied top 10c per pound.
Lincoln GniRH V2c per pound,
Uyo UniHH 10c per pound.
Orchard Orass 17o per pound.
licans Sopor lb.
Out meal ut tic.
Now potato, s -lo per lb.
tireeu pcuh 10 per pound.
StrnwberrlcM, 15o nor pound'
L'nnncd KruU-.rciiaheH, (W 00; npneot,
J-l 00; black berrlPH, J.I; corn, best grades
i't 00; toniHtiH'H SI 60; Htrini; beans SI GO;
Kreen pram $1 83: per do,. In two lb cuiih.
I'ichu Vegetables. Potatoes 60c; carrots
60c; iinrsnliH7ix'; unions Uo per lb.
fJsh--8nlinon7c'CMt8 per lb;Hturco 6
7c per lb' Hiiuill HhIi SlOopor lb; Halt nulinou,
710c por lb; Uhluook milium, Viyv
Wheat S71c to Wo net.
Flour Per barrel, t5.R0, best 100 lbH.
OalH Per bushel, 60 jj 5jc.
Ilarloy Per bushel, 00il5c.
llran l'er Ion, 821 00 at mill, sacked.
Hhorts Por ton, 'ir 00 " sucked.
Uhi l'er ton, $25.00 " Hacked.
Hops Quoted ut 21 Io27lo per lb.
Wool 18o to 20o.
Kkkh 15c por do.cn.
Polaloe.s Per hiiHhol,35o
Corn ineul !ic por pound.
Cheese 12Ho per pound.
Dried plums l'or lb. U7c.
Dried prunes Por lb, Ii)($l2c.
Imported prunes Vfi per lb.
Uufter 15ft.Mc per poundor good
Lard 10 12o per lb
Hams Per ound,ll12c,
Hucon Hides 110 por lb.
Hhouldors KUo per lb.
UhlckoiiH.. 0 to Via per pound.
Turkeys 10 lo 12cpor lb,
Uucks, 12K(($14o por lb
Spring ChlckouH 18 to iOo per lb.
Wheat Vnlloy, $100 per cental.
Flour standard, $62o
Walla Walla S5.0O;
OaU Whlto Olo to (15o por bushel.
Allllsluns llran J212ijHhjrU, 8JI lo Si
ground barley, J28 to 30; cnop feed. J.i.1
nilddllngs, $2T, por toil.
Hay 1017 per km,
llutter Oregon fulicy dairy, 'J2)u; fnncy
cieamery 27; good to falr,1722; Cali
fornia choleo2Jto2lo.
Uggs Oregon 2do per,;doz.
Poultry Old ahlclteus, $j (i 00.
Potatoes 03o at 73a pur oautul.
CUooso Oregon, 13 to lie; California
BugurR Ooldon C, 6Jge; extra C, IVJftdry
grauuluted, 0j uubo, crushed and Pow
dered, lfo por pound.
lIcmiH Smnll white, 3o I; pink a;
bayos. Jl Co; buttor, 31 00; limns, SI 60 por
Dried Krults..Tho market Is Urn). Quo Que
ted: Italian prunes, 0 to lie; Petlto and
(lurmau, UK) per pound; raisins, $a 23 per
box; plummer dried pears, 10 to lie; sun
dried and factory plums, II lo 12c; ovapn
rated peaches, J5lol"o; Hmyrua tigs, '.Mo;
California llgs,7o por oiind,
Uliio 0p per iKHiud,
Hiao-l)ry bides, a to lie; o less foi
culls; green over Si ponntW, To; under 65
IMiunds, 2c; sheep pelts, JKVSl.'Ju.
liiHtorn hums, 18 to l:lo; breakfast ba
con, 11 loliloj Hides, 0 to 10c; lard, W
lol'jo per pound.
H.lN Kiumoisco, .Mayll WUoal..ttio
week opened nu a inilotor nmrlttil. No. 1
white, fl 7IK to SI TiM pr cental,
Uops..VX)(i;t0o per pound.
Ilarloy Feed 81 J5l I5$ per cental
Jl l7;clioliti ft 05; comiuimgrailo 51 -13,
Oats-(lmy(l 8a to 1 ti7;hlaektl VI to I 1)5
per rautul1
Onions.. I to IK.
l'olatow..76o to N),
Uuuuno,,.Miiy ll-whwtt, .May Jl.oJiJuty
llcaf Live, jaa.35.
Muttou l.lve, UJMn.
Hois I.lvo, SI.U) H&i
Vil 7 to IOo per-pouml.
A Dimdly Wvapou,
CareliMHiiOM lu purlly lug th blood leavo.
you ut tho uivrto' "I that lltslduouseuoiuy,
llloud PuImiii, Milli wilt KtrlUo Us fulNl
blow, Itllibdrd's itliouiuatlo Syrup has
no iqunl as a blood ivuttHly. and should be
mkea by every iwrou. 1U (ilUwoy has
nen proven by thousnuds ul teHllmoulM
like tuufollewiiu:
1 liavo Ihmui a uiotit sulteier for ovtr tn
years. My vlioliiiHiin iHvuuiHderaused
limn dlMWMk! UUkm), Mini 1 was iitmokwl
silli (lio rl forms of klduu) and Iher
Ifuublv, dj Hiitu, iiDurulgla and rhouma
tUm. Tho sallotvuiNHt of iiiy skin ilisllir.
urwl mo, and the nMirululu pain whs mi
revert, lliut It wintrHoiiHt tlieiuuteUw of my
nio Tbeahliwl dmiioi'M uve no rullef. 1
am now ourwl by Uiblwrd's Hueumutlo
syrup, and wu.li tortHniniuiud It to nil as
a wuiiuurlul Uuoil intHlivlutt.
JUItH. a. D. NOIII.If,
CVrtMeeluuiloaud M.BU.JuukkOU.MU'h
Kurkuluhy iinltU A bluliur.
An Oreanlr. itlon In Whlcli Tliera It Tea
and No Unlr rolling.
Tho Society for Political Study Is a flour
ishing organization of New York women
w hoso object I to educate the sex In poli
tics. It must not be supposed that tho
students seek to learn the most approved
manner of capturing a caucus, or how to
throw a delejeulon when the balance of
power imppeni to come tho right way.
Nor do tho teachers have anything to say
about tho relative vnlnoof tho "inflooenco"
of this or that wire puller, or tho vnlno of
"pull" In political affairs.
Tho society has ioaped over tho rudi
ment of practical politics and plunged at
onco into the deeper pools of political
knowledge ft Iia4 been organized only a
short time, but during Its brief career It
has practically solved somo of tho knot
tiest problems over which statesmen havo
become gray haired. It has headquarters
at No. 805 Hast Seventeenth street, nnd
meetings aro hold every Tuesday after
noons at 3:X) o'clock.
During the last year papers were read
nnd discussions had on such subjects as
"Protection" and "Krco Trade." Natu
rally these are subjects on which all wom
en take a great deal of Interest, or would,
but for one thing. Tho tariff, of course,
nirects the prices on ribbons, laces, feath
ers, silks, satins, fans, bonneta and gew
gaws from tho other sldo generally. Tho
one thing excepted is that the husband
and fathers, as a rule, pay tho bills.
But the women of tho Society for Polit
ical Study havo gone deeper yet, which
proves that they aro not Interested only In
those political subjects which concern the
cost of articles imported for their adorn
ment. They havo educated themselves
thoroughly on the work and aims of tho
I'nn-American congress, reciprocity and
tho Monroe doctrine. At the subsequent
meetings they aro to discuss the annexa
tion of Canada, the admission of Utah and
international copyright. After these heavy
topics havo been satisfactorily disposed of
they may take up tho diplomatic relations
between Italy and tho United States, the
financial situation of tho Argentine Repub
lic and tho domestic policy of Peru.
Tho discussion of such subjects as these
Is tho fcaturo of tho weekly meetings.
The constitution of tho United States and
tho relation of the federal government to
tho states nro standard topics, while no
little time is devoted at each meeting to
tho study and practico of parliamentary
usage. Next winter, It is said, tho relation
of parties to tho welfare of tho nation will
bo one of tho features for discussion.
Mjjss Grace Dodge recently delivered an
address beforo the society on the subject of
manual training, and after tho discussion
that followed tea was served. Tea Is al
ways served beforo tho meetings adjourn.
Tea is soothing after a political discussion.
The ignorance of American women con
cerning tho politics of their own country
has frequently been commented upon by
foreigners. In England tho women are
thoroughly informed on all political ques
tlona Political subjeets are discussed
there at tho fireside and around tho dinner
table, ami tho women aro able to hold their
own In argument with tho nblest states
men. It is a part of their education from
childhood, ami Englishmen cannot under
stand why it should not bo so overywhero.
Tho officers of tho society are: President,
-Mrs. Kinlly L. Wnkeman; vico presidents,
Mrs. Carnlyn V. Ober, Miss Theresa Barca
low and Miss Hannah Allen; recording
secretary, Mrs. Charlotte Errant; corre
sponding secretary, Miss Bertha Johnston;
treasurer, Miss Anna Locko. All women
who nro Interested in tho study of political
subjects nro Invited to attend and become
members. Tho teals said to be first class.
Now York World.
fleam Baking
Tim Work of tho Salvation Army.
At tho present moment tho Salvation
Army has no less than 0,349 regular of
ficers, 13,000 volunteer officers, 80 training
homes, with '100 cadets, and 2,804 corps
scattered over 32 different countries. In
England alone it has 1,377 cprps, and has
held somo 100,000 open nir meetings. This
represents n part of its religious work. Be
sides this it has iu social work 80 rescue
homo, 5 shelters, 3 food depots and many
other agencies for good. It began in tho
labors of a single fricndlass Dissenting
minister, without namo, without fame,
without rank, without influence, without
eloquence; a man poor and penniless, in
weak health, burdened with dellcato chil
dren nnd disowned by his own connection;
it now numbers multitudes of earnest
It began iu nu East End rookery, and In
less than twenty years It has gone "from
Now .calami right round to San Fran
cisco, and from Capo Town to Nordkop
Ing." it has shelters, refuges, peniten
tiaries, food depots, sisterhoods and broth
erhoods already established lu the slums
It has olovatod thousands of degraded
lives. It has given hope and help to
myriads of hopeless and helpless outcasts,
It has proposed a schema which, lu spite of
gquaro ntllas of damp blanket and oceans
of cold water, has received tho sympathy
of somo of tho best ami highest roon both
lu church and state. I think that even tho
bitterest, tho most unjust, tho most cyni
cal, and tho most finical of tho laymen and
clerics who havo written to traduce and
cxecrato it might wish to God that in tho
life work of any one of them thoy had dono
ouo-thuusaudth fraction of good compar
able lu any ouo visible direction Q that
which has been wrought by "General"
Booth. Archdeacon Farror In Harper's.
A Sato wllli 100,000 Combinations.
A safe has been devised which Is said to
bo proof against any unauthorized opener,
ovon If ho bo provided with tho proper
koy. Tho keyhole cover Is nuvdo with a
oatoh lusidu which engages with mechan
ism within tho door nnd is held fast. This
mechanism connects with tbo pointers of
four dials, and the cover cannot be re
moved to allow tho door to bo opened until
tho pointers have been set nt tho figures of
a predetermined clphor. Whon the cipher
s Indicated tho handle on tho right is
turned nnd tho keyhole thus uncovered.
Should tho cipher bo forgotten tbo cover
can la) out opun, nnd a duplicate, supplied
with the safe, substituted. Tho safe Is fire
proof, and admits of 100,000 cipher com
binations. Now York Journal
WnrruwtPtl Not to Vxlo.
Proprietor (angrily) How does It hap
pen, sir, that in all this rush you have not
made a sale this week?
Calico Clerk (repentantly) It was all
owing to looking after your Interests, sir.
"It's true, sir. Kvory old lady, young
)ady and schoolgirl who came to my coun
ter asked if our calico would fade, uud I
swore up and down they wouldn't.''
"Well, I'vo Just found out they wanted
the stuff to oolor Enster eggs. Good News.
Studied rollteuess.
Mrs. Klngley Is your husband as pollto
to you as ho used to bef
, Mrs. Bingo More so. Ila makes study
rvfic -'xv
y A tMunpblel of Information n.l W
ilfctoj iuoiw,jii (ngj;.i.
kllblalU j-bioum, 1IUITIJJ
s, uvu, vipi rM.au, My
JU1 UroriUwur.
ntw rw. .
Jcnks had a queer drcara tho other n!rj
Ho thought ho saw n prize-lighters' jlnj
tnd In tho mlddlo of It stood a dougtuy
ittlo champion who mot nnd deliberately
.mocked over, ono by on", a score or moro
of big, burly-looking fellows, w they ad
vanced to tlio attack. Omnts as they wore
In size, tho valiant pigmy proved more
tlinn a mntch for them. It was all so fun
ny that Jcnus woko tip laughing. Ho ac
counts for tho dream by tho fact that ho
bad Juct come to tbo conclusion, after try
ing' nearly every big, drastk) pill on the
market, that Plcrco s Pleasant Turgatlvo
Pellets, or tloy Sugnr-coatcJ Granules,
taily "knock out" and beat nil tho big
pills hollow! Thoy aro tho original nnd
only genulno Llttlo Liver Pills.
Bewaro of Imitations, which contain Pol
lonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr.
Pierce's Pellets, which are Llttlo 8ugar
contcd Pills, or AnU-bliioua Granules.
Due n Doeo.
Illllons Hondaclio,
Slzztnom. Con
Htlpatlon, Indl
KOtioii,niIloiis At
tacks, and all derange
ments of tho stomach
and bowels, aro promptly
rellnvod nnd nprmnnpntlv
cured by tho uso of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Purgative Pellets. They aro pently laxa
tive, or strongly cathartic, according tc
Size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest
to take. 5 cents a vial by druggists.
rlcht. 188. hv WonLD's Dis. Mid. AS.ilt
xuo'it, tin Sfin BUeet, llulUlo, N I.
"STltH. M. J. PATTON, Rtudio and An
ItJL Gallery In Eldrldue block, opposite
Smith's art store. Icssons clvcn, pictured
Tor salo or painted to order. Those Inter
ested aro Invited to call and Inspect the
lanre collection of oil paintings on exhi
bition ,f J. PATTON, M. I). Physician nnd
111. Hunjeon. Ollleo nnd residence In
Kldrldce block, opposite Goo,)' drugstore,
specialist on diseases ot women nnd chll
dren, chronic and private diseases. Con
sultatlon tree.
SHAW, PKATTA HUNT. Attorneys al
law. Ufllco over Capital National Uauk,
Halem, Oregon.
rplLMON KOUO, attorney at law, Salem,
J Oregon. Ollleo upsUilrs In Pattou'i
Q T.KlCHAItDSON, Attorney at law, of
O. lice up stairs in lront rooms ol new
Hush block, corner Commercial nnd Court
streets, Salem, Oregon.
JOHN O'SIIKA, Attorney nt law. Iloom
over Capital National bank. Collec
tions a specialty. Correspondence solicited
JAUOY&ltlNGHAM, Attorneys nnd
counselors at law, Sidem, Oregon.
Having an abstract ol the records of .Marlon
county, Including a lot and block Index o
dalem, thoy have special facilities tor ex.
amlnlug titles to real estate. Business In
the supremo court and In the stnto depart
ments will receive prompt attention.
ii. F. HON It AM. 11. N. HAYDKN.
W. H. HOLM liS.
Bonuam, IIoLMfcH it IIavden, Attor
neys at law. Ollleo lu Hush's block,
between State and Court, on Com'lSU
DIt. T. C. 8M1TH, Dentist, 02 State stieet,
Halom, Or. Mulshed dental opera
tions of every description. Painless opera
tions a specialty.
MllS. M. K. McCOY, Physician and Sur
geon. Ollleo nnd rooms In lodging
no, Front and Center stieet, near the
foot of Marlon and Polk Co, bridge, Chron
ic diseases a specialty. Cure or no pay.
uousuuaiion nee.
WD. PUGH, Architect, Plans, Spec!
, ilcatlons and superintendence lor
all classes of buildings. Ollleo K) Com
mercial St., up stairs,
r H. aioNALLY.Archllect, New Hush
J. Hreyman block. Plans and sped (leu
lioiiH of all clashes of of buildings onshoit
notice. Huierlnteudonceofwork promptly
ooicfcd after. '1 5-tf
J. McCArSTLAND.ClvH Sanltaryaud
. Hydraulic Engineer. U. S. Deputy
mineral surveyor. City surveyors olllce,
Murphy's Ulock, Salem, Oregon.
AW. HES.T. Altlst. Studio Hush.
. Hrey block. Classes Thursdays and
A J. CLAKlv.UtatoSt. Haibershop. Two
, uhulrs, good workmen and euicful
attendance to all customers,
T II. HMITH A CO., Contractors, Sower
xV. lug, Coment Hldewnlks, Kxeavntlng,
F.tc: All work promptly dono, Salom.Or.
Leave orders with Dugan Hros. 4:15-lm
CAI5PET-LAYINQ. 1 make n specialty oi
cm pct-kewlng and laying; carpets
tnkou up and rehud with great care. House
cleaning. Leave orders with J. 11. Luun
or Hitren a, Sou. J, O, LUHHMAN.
JOHN OKAY. Contractor'and buildor!
1) Kino Inside flnlshlug a specialty. 483
Commercial street, Salem Oregon.
IOHN KNIGHT, Hlacksmlth. llorsu
O shooing nnd repairing 11 specialty. Hhop
at the foot of Liberty street, Salem, Oregon.
nlOK A HOSS, Hlaoksmlths, all kinds ol
XV lepalrlug nud earrhigo worn. , e
have In our employ Win Carroll, direct
from Kentucky, more familiarly known
as "lied," a profoslonnl horseslioer. Give
us a trial. 4-11
JOSUPH KUSKH harbar and hairdress
er. Hnlr cutting l!5 cents. shavlUK 15
cents. Hath looms In eonuecttpu. Host 01
work, uastntti stieet.
n J, LAItisKN A CO,, Manufucturo of all
kinds of vehicles. Uepulrlng apeclal
ty. Shop 45.Stato street,
MUS. J. 8. HUHKHOLDKK, Proprlelon,
Hoard by the day or week, with or with
out rooms, A good homelike boarding
house, Tonus reasonable. -i-is
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm MwM AH Hours ol lliellaj
None but white labor euMayod lu this
A gixul sutwtautlal meal o ked In first
oIiim stylo
Ttteuty-Uve cents ier meal
1 K D 1 K O ' T
Court street, hctweou Juyrwd Ofttco and
Mluto's Hvw'.
11 1 iii ft 1 1
mrn I'nw KAPTdinmnT
11 vi uwiaiuaui
EXPRESS NOS, 16 & 21.
Lcnvp urdfrat Ut ill fu9 C'. Ito
Ubiv work ur tw i4y,
Uwl iu MiHiops of Hoinos 40 Years the Standard
Jlegulnr Qtwrtorly Tuicheis'
lhm hiatlon.
VTOTl K l Urrvtoj" jlvn I hat the nest
JJ r H'linr quurterty jHiulnatliin im
uMbi fr Uher' cortitlratM will be
hvlu d iIm ihTI hou, Halem, lirtgon,
cloluwulugut IStfol k in., sharp, Mw
T, 1I. M pllcubt uutt bo Iirr.uil at
the flMU'.UK nlon. D W. OUKU
county, urrieuu. &i dv
VI. WADE & CO., fork Has Count f
The Racine and Columbus Buggies !
Hnclts in all best Styles. Bain Fnrni Wagons. Full lino Dog Carts.
Harvesters, Moras, Cultivators, Ilayiug iVIacliincry
Our Specialty.. Agricultural lines more Complete tiinn ever. dv
-- y
Capital National Bank
Capital Paid up,
- $75,090
It. . WAM.ACK, President.
vt . w . .MAitnxv, - vice-i-resinem.
J. H. AlillKKT, .... Cashier.
W'.T. Gray, W. W. Martin
J. Jl. Martin, It. M. Wallace.
Dr. VV. A.Cnsick, J. II. Albert,
T. McK. l'attou.
To larmera on whi'at nnd other market
able uioduce, consigned or in store
either In prlvato granaries or
IPtibllc warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted nt reasonable rates. Urafte
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Han
Kninr'Fco. l'ortland, I.undon, Paris. Berlin
Hong Kong nnd Calcutta.
jjmnnmamnmnnm 11 '" Jl
fiPQ Clilchctcr' P.nitllh Diamond Itrand.
Penhyroyal fills
m fc
000 h X
A Tirl M'ir.Ii i nia fni inn m r,i.A..i: -v
DTTJON to the City can offer ns gieat or
many inducements us ns
Tliis addition lies between tho Garden P 1 !
Asylum Avenue; within four blocks of the Eleow t I
School Uuildmg, and ten blocks from North Sal '
school building. It has long been known to posse"1
rior attractions by reason of it being the hi'hogfSSiSu''e
thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to the City T
Orlfflnal and Only Genuine
Arc.alwiji relttble. ladies 'k
iinond Brand in Itpri nd Gold nictftl-
ilia bozci. iald with tilna ribbon.
XTnifnnonthft. Itefiut danofrovt
ruoiiuuiwn ana imtmnona. ai frnggniA
or Mild 4c- Id iumpi forparttcnl&rs, tiUmo
nlaU od "Itollor for Lndlen," tn letter
br return MalL 10,000 TeiUmonUli
Chlclieter Cb em leal Co.. Madlnon Pqnnre
Soil tj U Local VruMtlatM. ... sm
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta. Line
ki National hi
.VM. N. LATH h. -)R.
.1. HKYNOlJ'S,
.OllN AIOIIl, -
- - 1'resiaeui
Vice Tresldeut
- Cashier
Exchange on I'oitland, bun Francisco,
Sew York, London and Hong Kong
ought and sold. Htatc, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers are cordially
nvlted to deposit uud transact business
with us. Liberal ndvanees made nu
vvheat, wool, hoj)s and other propel ty c l
easonanio rates. Insurance on such se
urlty can bo obtained at the bank In
most reliable companies.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 5200,000
Transact a general banking bustnesfcl
in all 1U brunches.
W. ENGLAND Vice President
DIHKCTOltS: Geo. Willlams.Win. Kng
laud, Dr. J. A. Itlchardson, J, w, Uobson.
J. A. Hakcr.
Hank In now Exchange block on Com
merrlal street. 8:12-tf
LADD & BUSH, Bankers,
SAL-KM, - - - - OREGON
Transact a general .banking business In
all departments. 3:2-3m
Health is Wealth !
mm JWlMm
I North r
TM p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 9:35 a. in.
U:lb p. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 7:20 a. m
10:15a.m. Ar. San F'rnn. Lv. 0:00 p. m
Above trains stop culy al following stn
tlous north of ltoseburg, East Portland
Oregon City, Woodbuin, Snleni, Albany
Tangent, bhedds, llnKey, Harrlsburg
Junction City, Irving and Eugene.
8.U0 a. m.
10:52 a. m
5:10 p. m.
Lv. Portland Ar. J 4:1)0 p. m.
Lv Salem Lv. 1:0m p, m.
Ar. lloseburg Lv. J:H) a. m
Albany Loral, Dally (Except Sunday.)
5:00 p. m.
7:52 p.m.
i):00 p. in.
Ar. 10.00 a m,
Lv. 0:0S i m
Lv, I 5.00 a. m.
for accommodation ol second class
passenger!, attached to ezprcss trains,
Vest Side Division. Between Portland
and Ceivallis:
7:30 a. in. fLv.
12:10 p. m. I Ar.
5:30 p." in.
12:55 p. m
At Albany nnd Corvall's connect win
trains of Oregou Pucillc itiillni:id.
1: 1'J j. m.
7 25 p. m.
I Lv. Portia nil Ar.
I Ar.Mc.MinnvllleLv.
"8:20 a. m.
5:45 a. m.
Through Tickets
To nil points
hflr tfnlrntu nnd tut! mrm.nn,An ..cYm.,
ing rates imps, etc.. apply to the Compa-
11 ". HUCUI .UlL'Hl, Vit.r011,
i:.i'. I'.CGEIW, As-i. U. i' and Pass.Ag't
It KOEHLEIt, Manager
From Terminal or Interior Points tho
DIt. K. V. WEST'S Nerve nnd Hrnin
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hys.
term, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neuralgia, Headaohe, Nervous Prostration
caused by tho ut.o of alcohol or tobacco,
Wnlcetullness, Mental Depression, Soiton
Ingnfthe tirnlu resulting In Inanity nnd
leading to misery, decay and death, pre
mature old ago, barrenness, los of power
mined by nvcr-cxertlonof the brain. Each
box contains one month's treatment, 81,00
a bocorilx boxes for $5.00, sent by mall
prepaid on receipt of pijce,
To euro any rase. With each order ie
colved by us for his boses, accompanied
with $5 00, wo will send tho purchaser our
written guarantee, to refund the nuiney It
the treatment does not eltect a cure. Guar
antees Issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug,
ulst. Solo agent, SOtt Com. St., balem. Or.
City Jioll.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the assess
ment i nil of tno city of Bnlcm, Ore.
gon.Mr lhOl.wlll iipBuliinlttcdto Him Com
mon Council ot the elly of saloni, May IB.
IMU.atthe (U)uucll chambors In Bulom,
Oregon, nt 8 o'clock p.m., nnd nil persons
desliing their nsi-esm"nt changed or
modltloilrboii.il have their applications
lu for said chaugo bilore said meeting of
the council,
58-7t M E. GOODELL, Recorder.
5oq uiNNfirri
&t vS I Sichau's
m -zx da- t -
Le RIcluiuU Golden Ilaliam No. J
Cure Chancre, flnl, nd econd taje
Sore on tho Lcgt nl Body; Sore lir
Svjihllltlo i lUUrrh, tlltud Sclp 1 nU
iifmry tprm of the dlte&sa known u
bjphlll.. Vft,.U 00 per Uoul "
Curci-TortUry. JljreurUlajiutlc Kheu
nuttmj. rJn In tha Donei, rlm lu th
Head, Uck o tho No.k. iWtll Sort
trt-llrolf 1 diMU4 from tho mttia
pi U;rcuir leavn? tho bli pUro mi
bMdtby, Vrlco 5 OO per Mottle.
K HlcUu-. Qohlon n Ai.l.h Anil,
ilote tor tho euro o Oonorrhoj. Olwt,
IrrIttlonarTel,nd all I'riuryor Oonl
UUIrnneiaenU, lrU4 So per
t ttlchau'a Goldou 8pnlth In.
to lllchnu'a Oolden Olntmenl
lot UiO Bertlw blinjo SrphlliUo gort
Is the line to tnke
To all Points East and South.
It Is thedlnlng car route Itruns thiough
estlbule trains every day In the year 10
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dining cars unsurpassed,"!
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ol latest equipment
Sleeping Cars.
llest that can be constructed nnd In which
accommodations aro both free and iur
nlsbed for holders of first nnd second-class
tickets, and
Acontinuoi 1 ua conr-pjtlng vritU all
llue. nflordlu - it-n-t urrt unlnterrunted
Pullman sli - -? Ions can be se
cured lu ndvi i .. . ftuy ngent ,
the road, "
Through tickets to and from all polnu
In America, England nnd Europe can be
purchased at any ticket oltlco of this com
pany. Full Information concerning rates, time
oftrains.roMtesnndother details furnished
on application to nuy agent or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, No,
1J1 Hrst street, cor. Washington Poit
land, Oregon
And Oregon Development eompauy'i.
steamship line. 225 rnlfes shortervhouii
!. time 1 ban by any othci loulo. Elrsl
rom l'ortland nnd all points lu the Wll
lamettevnllev to andlrom Ban ErancUct
TIME SCHEDULE, tEscepl Kuudayg).
l.eaveAiony ........ wmi'M
Lenvo Corvallls ,,..... .lnoi'Sl
Arrive tt'lu.lna 5dX)PM
Leave Yaqu nu B: A M
fAve CorvallU 1035 AM
Arrive Albany lUOAi?
() .h I' Inilns .,n. ... .1, .
IXirvallli " v iiuauy iujq
The above truing connect ot YAQUINA
Tr iVJUe P,rS?n Development CoV Lin
t'ranTlScol 'iwii Vanulna and Ha
it'ill AVifliin aivftr rlnira l-n vmminn. It.
"i" "iw.xu.u; .j ximiiinw ita cars everj
T-K-ss.ty Minutes
through the center of this beautiful Addition. Jjrin '
it Avithin five minutes of the Postoflicn. Tf -., "
ing an investment None can offer better opnortunitiesoi
bring you greater returns than this favorite Addition
The Capital City is hound to come to the front as an In
dustrial an Educational Center. No other Capital P'f
in the United States offers as great an opportunity to t
home seekeror or investor as the "Bouquet Cifcv oU
Willamette Valley. The first city in the Northwest
educational matters and second iirnianufacturing industries
Situated in the heart of the Willamette Valley with untold
power and material at her door waiting for the mao-ician?
wand to turn her into a city of the teeming thousands
Who of us today can predict what the nextdecade' will
bring forth. To those of you -who are looking for a home
is the Time
and ENGLEWOOD, the place to secure it, while wu
have yet the opportunity of purchasing from first hands.
For the present we will sell a limited number of loh -ti
our present prices when an advance ot ''ten to twenty ct.
cent win oe maue.
Mf LID (111,
Postoffice Block.
T. H. BARNES, Ser,
mprove Your Strawberry
UTV lVnnj "
.'JSE&. :.:! iwi-. 'Asi'iM.Hqu
aadHrtlqUtutmeat; lo ol phj-jU'Zl'lww
r exeti or oT.rwo.ic, 'roiUoo,ta
Price 83 OO wr Ilox.
Tnlo mid Kerrlne,
rknt trtrtmhit, 0, p, Kcunjy paeAcJ
00 A: fill MAIIKCT IT t j
laa Frmaclico, Chu I
"MJCI ICNT mil. '
I Wlllaiuslte Valley, Sandny -
WUUinwte Vttlley.fmiday" .
- ' &tK UBini uiinruii nnii.
OOnnW4U, w.lf, ' .iT., U.!U"",."t
1M SHsWKifWuSua
Z"'!??..?.' r.Bcba.i. si
1 irntM.' uWtv. Ti. v" r.BciM.i. si .ulc
A (Voudcifiil ov llerry Originated
In OrvRon The Illattesoii.
There 1ms been originated in the
great strawberry region about Turn
er and Atiinsvillo a new seedling va
riety, propagated by Mattesou & Mat
teson.at their ItedHill I3erry Farm.
The first berries sent to the Capital
Journal oilice, Salem, last year
were of this variety, and they were
the most perfect fruit in every re
spect that was shown iu this city.
The berry is of a deep red clear
through, high flavor, yet sweeter
than most kinds. An experience in
producing tlio finer sorts of straw
berries, leads the editor of this paper
to say that ho does not kuow of a
quality in every respect to
He has secured tho sole ngency
from tho originators and now for the
llrst tinio places a limited supply on
ihe market. Testing the fruit, and
a descrinlinn of Itu imliita io.,,iu ti,,.
editor of tho Journal to conclude
that it haH exuetly those qualities
that mut be Bought after to produce
line berries in Oregon. It is of high
color, great sweetness, rich flavor,
meaty, firm, not waterv, no hard
center, ami exceedingly palatable.
The originators havo been straw
berry growers for more than twenty
years and call this their "Best," be
cause they havo tried many now
and highly recommended varieties
and found this to possess more de
sirable qualities thau any other. The
Malteson la an accidental seedling,
originated from a single plant fouud
on Bed Hill Farm six years ago. It
coming four to six duys beforo tbo
MMittflMiBI IIHl'-r"T7gW
$500 Reward!
WK will pay tueabove reward tor an
case of liver complaint, dj-stwnU. gtcb
beadat'he. Induction, coiuilpmlonr out
Mi0.n.0.', w'""nnot cure wltw wed'a Ve
ftltilllll.l..or IHlla h.. .1.,, .11., ...7. .VS
ktrlctle oumliwd wltb. They are purb
in ia bHlP,ml?- lMrne Uoxo,, o.ntlu
Ititf SO iltl, M oeuu. I lwar r ci intr
foils uud inltHtlooi. The genuine manu-
Cq. Chtcaii In,
..525?','' .K- aoo,, UruUt. -Mi Com
treet. Kilem Or
Wilson. Bipeus all itsfiuit anlciljr
turn is gone oy tne tune tue
lw In full lilntat Tim liprrlps EfBl!
U.rirr. no flio U'ikn.. Imr It lldfO CH
"run to imbbins'' so much. It 13 I
a deej) red color all over ndH
through. The berry stems are short,
bearing close to the plant, thusoRi
escaping early frosts which '
others (tho Sharpless especially.) jt
la onav tn tilMr nnd onttllv lllllleu. "
is firm and the most meaty bcrry
have ever seen. It produces wuu
to the Wilsou. It is a perfect fle
ering variety and does not ue
lin nlnnlnil ii.ifli i.nnthpr Variet'W
get a full crop. Thepluutiabealtby
It Is a sweet berry and retainsits
... " , r nan
llnvnr vll u'linn canned, i"1""
eluding ills description of thUo'
berry, Dr. Mattesou says: ,
season we had only two row" j
tnese on our grouuns. uw vr.
saiti to new ones, when piJ
till ...... ... .... lw, M,or ede.'lW".
nil j uu j;cl wu lire "'- " -- ji
are two rows of the best trn
...i 1....1 . t,.i, tiirwn tiroIO"
ourselves early in the n'orn11'.
save uuv ot tuein, ' l"n,:nrh,T
ors froni gobbling them all up.
woiuu not toucn iiviu -,
could got Ihese, and if Z
not know wliat gonu oenn i
onedoed. '
Tin-origtnalor lP,a,,I,!!Sj
of this new plant in ''"rl,?Ti
orders will be bx Iced t fullown.
l)r,cc8: . 1 1 k ma!.
1 Dozen plants po-tpaid by m"
$1.00. .tnn
100 plants by express, 3.w-
To stive oxpres-clittrjjrt pn
bo delivered at tin J"lKNA,a
to city purcliusers, w li.re ruei
be left. Fifty ,..m wl '.jjn,
msIiBil at iiuniiri-fi ru IeB1
R Hofer. Caiti ai Ji knai-"
I niii I Illy b
1 1 t-rp--
r litem:
f iTmr
" a".rKW v
niaata n the -mi Uu i iat iLn
I'orU. dj. t j r. . - -k : svhI lilnk-
tnilKrA a-,., l.i..u . .. . .j. i
price lUi'.i jot, prlnuug, and pt' t.,t .j
klblank. E. M. WAITE,
K'a ITtnttr Baim Uroon,
nnF5 W,Jr"prI
KbAuniBfiam. eura K''
cetsoeit " ... j,, h
cett oeit
VuiUuf A. O "
Ei T1 1