Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 19, 1891, Image 3

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WAV 1!). 1801 I
!"K month,-.
ia oo
. bO
1 50
'If nol JW'ft.JSvt.V JOOBNAI. Will I
. -I.. tfi(lf ...
,Birin'y "," ' ..
ill V '" "nTbe mtide on 1st and, 15th
rfKoMu&be wl P'se leave
, niouth- "",' nt house or where; t
died obb r.plTAIljonnNAi- regu-
the afternoon
Jers in Groceries, Crockery,
ents tor tpiuum , ...u w,6
1 n.l.!.,rr PnwHflr.
L teat, net 00 cents per bu.
inactive; aa i-o rauw ioi ..
- --. nf Glf rtirfa fa
fffc Ice oi wiiii ui, Ui..UB -
firs delicious.
! . ui ..... lu la nf n
SfopcrenmHouft'ii-w"u& ""' "
Ksnor iiiiuin-j
Too only place In town where
fc.o can get Bii" " "".ri
Un soda Is at Strong's.
VEVrACOTr& irwin.
AOKicur-TUKAL Buildings.
Architect W. D. Pugli has just com-
Meted dm wing up tbe plans ana
IpeGlficatious for the new buildings
bftue Agricultural uuuegu u ;-
nllis, which are to be erected this
iBuaimer. mere win oe iwu uuuu-
Bogs, one a chemical moratory wmen
Bill also bo used tor icacuing pur-
An assaying department
sill be connected with the labratory.
This building will be two stories
ith a tower. The other building
a for the boys' dormitory and study
M, and will accommodate 151
Wents. The building will bezuuxot
1 three stories high. The
IMfloor will contain a large amine
Li about 80x40 feet which will
MO persons. The kitchen, two
Sroonis and this large dining
m occupies the west half of the
oirer floor. On the other side are
to reading rooms 20x20 feet and a
option room the same fiize. The
emairder of the first iloor is made
iilo sleeping apartments. On the
econd floor is the commandants'
Ipartmeuts, the servants' rooms and
lie remainder for boys. The third
py is all sleeping apartments.
I:e old dormitory will bo remodeled
Into a homo for the young ladles
ttid will furnish accommodations for
The buildings will cost &25.000.
The Agricultural farm contnins 190
cres of tillable land all in cultlva-
ion. On this farm 50 varieties of
iheatis raised and several hun-
red varieties of potatoes and all
mds of grasses, grams, fruits and
"ge tables.
I Among the Shooters. The in
Ications are now for a large attend-
pec at the Bhootlug tournament
fMch will be held in tills city
ffiJay and Saturday of this week.
club of shooters will come down
tm Albany. The Yuquina Rod
fm Gun club will probably be on
and, and In addition to these two
three clubs will be represented
pm Portland. From that place
I come some crack wingshots in
e perous of W. J. Riley, J. J.
pans. E. Huirhes. Herman. Bur-
, V. A. Storey and George Clark.
pese men have tlto reputation of
ling the best wingshots ln Port
"a. These men, when they come
Ifiilem, will find some good shoot-
1 and will not find their success o
Uk-iiver. If they carry oft the
pe they will have to work for II.
Mhe tournament here this week
Peoria black birds will be used
I'he shootlnir tiirfrnts. Several
red dollars m prizes hove been
td for excellency in shooting.
'"ge number of local shooters
utbe valley will bo present and
Popart iu the snort. A large
JtWr who are not shooters will be
' to witness the contest.
IIS'T.IW Mr J It Rtmrm
aoaittfroi,, .. viit in nruinauiii
Hinneuu,.,., . i., ..i..
P'lJfViiv., ...!.. ....
il -.in H'in.-tumuvu ua i
rail '""'I'fci in mat pectiou.
r ltovia Ml phi mi thH nrnirio nnrl
FP-tOdj lo,.l,u ...-.ii .,. itl i,,.
P1 has been too wet for the grow-
iTopa. Tim same is true ol
"S&OWn Pmlll ax in) In anmu
;"" where the low land Irnvt-
Pttll fcOWn. rinrlno Mm r...cl
wks cougirierablo grain has
'PutInnearl5iownsvil!. Tndi-
n'Hre fuvoruhln fnr nf IohbI h
"Snlom" on Mnrmlnm Answcroil The
Sireet Improvement (hicstion
Again Pisciissod.
EniTOii Statesman: Tliero is a
sainplu of the i'olk county rock
Muctuluni on the crossing of Suite
sireet in front of the bank of Lndd
& Budh, not much used, but enough
to show the worthliness of the rock
for any kind of street pavement. It
would pulverize to dust in a single
year. Give ua well graded, drained
and guttered stieets, covered with
the gravel that lieb almost at our
doors, and wo will have the best
roads in Oregon, which with little
repair will last half a century.
Statesman, May 17, 1S91.
The "Macadam" referred to above
consists of a few haudsfull of broken
stone thrown loosely on the street
wheie wheels passing over and
through It have caused it to grind
Itbelfjustas diamond will cut dia
mond. This is no moro Macadam
than is a loose pile of basalt blocks
Belgian pavement. Macadam is
formed by layers of stone cubes of
nearly uniform size thoroughly
rolled until they bind and hold
ilimlyin place, forming a smooth,
hard surfaco from curb to curb.
Nothing lets than a ten ton roller
will do the work well. If the cubes
aie not rolled until they bind firmly
and immovably, but aie lelt in
places loose, so as to move among
themselves they will grind each
other to ponder whatever niaterlul
be used. No flue screenings or sand
whatever niu.st be used except to fill
the interstices of the top course and
then only after it lias been thor
oughly rolled ton smooth surfuceand
binds B-ilidly together irom curb to
curb. This is Macadam, and when
resting on a good foundation, well
diaiued will make a good roadway
uud will not "pulverize to dust"
under ordinary traffic, or under
heavy traffic if it is enrried on broad
Sires, which act as rollers, while
utirrow tires under heavy loads
haye nbiiut th? same ell'ect on the
road as would a disc harrow.
It is not possible to make a good
gravel road where there is much
traffic. If no soil is used to hind
them, the gravel spheres will move
freely among themselves making a
heavy and disagreeable road for driv
iug. If sufficient soil or sand and
clay be used to bed the gravel it will
make a pleasant driveway for light
traffic, except when too wet, when
!t will become muddy just in propor
tion to the amount of the traffic,
and when too dry will become dusty
ind rough with only ordinary use.
The authorities agree that the best
stone from which Macadam can bs
made is fine trained syenite or a
basalt of similar quality. They are
better than granite, gneiss, sand
stone, quartz rock, or flint, tome of
which are harder, but more brittle
and difficult to break into the proper
cubical shape, and are not so good
as either syenite or basalt,
The exhaustive report of a compe-
tant civil engineer as to tho quality
of the basalt referred to above,
bas?d upon actual and severe tests,
shows that we have iu that rock
first-class material for either Macad
am or Belcian pavement and I have
no doubt the busalt boulder which
surrouud us and from which all our
gravel has been manufactured by
tho floods of ages, is better road
metal than that used on 90 per cent
of the best Macadamized roads
in the world. Pkoqukss.
Salem, May 19, 1891.
Injured Fruit Trees. Reports
come in from various localaties of
fruit trees dying from some un
known reasou. Tho trees leaved out
ind many of them were in full
bloom in the spring. A few weeks
later the leaves turned black and
fell oft. An examination proved the
sap was also black r.nd seemed
soured. Various theories have beeu
advanced as to the cause of these
trees dying. Ouo theory is the warm
weather last fall kept the sap up
too late. Another and more feasa
ble one is the late frosts this spring
injured the trees. It is claimed tho
frost caught the trees at a certain,
time iu blooming season when they
are- very tender. Some trees are full
of fruit while others iu the samo
orchard are killed, or at least seem
to bo killed. Mr. Stump's cherry
trees on his farm in Polk county
were effected in the same way some
six years ago anu come out, an
right. He thiuks the trees are not
dead, but will be all right next year.
The New Homestead. The
special Comedy Company of Harry
Hroww will bo at the Reed Thurs
day night In tho popular play enti
tled "Tho New Homestead." The
play is the counterpart to the "Old
Homestead" which was played
with success all over tho country.
The latest sougs are a part of the
pluy. The company Pt special
emphasis on their splendid singing
and dancing, knowing that even a
molo drama to meet with glowing
success must have good music Re
member the box sheet is now open
aud reserved state cap be had.
Gervais ntmaLAUY CASE.-Sher-'
"I I'--. M. Crois.au went down to
Gervals yesterday afternoon and
brought Joe Frldle to the county
J..I1 last night. Fridle Was arrested
".ir uervats Sunday on being mis
pected of having had a hand In the
robbery case which occurred in
Gervais Friday night. Uo was tried
1, r ?Urt "' Pl- in UuIllo
j.c.v...,.y, wiiieu resuiteu lu hiin
being held to await the action of the
grand jury, which meets next
The University UrncM Moirmtnt Nt.u
licforc the l'eni Sjinly
Action Necessary.
The Day Will lta Approiiriatelv
served A Hesiulniion or the
G. A. It. Men.
Preparations are still going on for
Decoration Day. The program for
the day's exercises will be given in a
few .lays. One part of the program
will be the uddress of Hon. II. H.
Nortliup, of Po.-llaud, which will be
given lu the opera house in the
evening. The day's exercises will
be given at the I. O. O. F. Uural
Memorial services will bo held at
the Congregational church next Sun
day morning, nnd will be eondueted
by Rev. C. L. Corwiu. The Grand
Army men will attend lu a body.
All old soldiers aie invited to be
present and hear the hervicesat 10:30
Sunday morning.
At a meeting held Monday night
the following resolution was adopted
by Sedgwick Post No. 10.
Resolved, That we deprecate and
snnly deplore the preseut tendency
towards converting Memorial diy
into u day of pleasure--snort a nil
dissipation; aud we, as a body of old
soldiers who love our country , its in
stitutions, its flag, would respectful
ly, and lu the name of our dead
comrades aud iu a spirit of loyal
duty to tho Hag they died to protect,
ask tiie citizens of Salem to ioiu
with us in observinir that day iu the
spirit in which we, assoldieis, have
ever kept it. We request that bini
uess, as lur as possible, be suspended,
and earnestly invite all to join us in
the observance ot this sacred day in
its tiue spirit, so that its les-ous nun
live to bring forth a generation of
loyal people, who shall love the old
Hug above all otliets.
State Treasurer Mctschan wont
down to Portland this morning to
attend a meeting of the graud lodge
of Odd Fellows.
Sheriff O. P. Cresop, of Grant
county, came in this morning with
Miss Anna Chamben, who is a
patient for the asylum.
John Duncan, driver of the Tigei
engine team, wont up to theSautiani
country today to spend a month in
recreation. lie will spend his leis
ure hours in fishing and hunting.
Seth R. Hammer went over to
Dallas today ou business, niul will
spend a part of the day fishing Id
the Rickeral.
Capt. M. W. Hunt, Deputy
Sherift A. T. Wain, Geo. P. Hughes
and V. M. Bushey are camped on
the Elkhorn, and are feasting on
trout of which that stream abounds.
They will be away for a week yet.
Jas. G. Birdsey, sheriff of Jackson
county, aud two guards brought O.
R. Myers to the asylum today.
Myers is very violent at times.
Bargains in wall paper, window-
! shades, dolls
and notions, at Bar-
' hi l U "' kid,e8 interested in
t L l "' cllqren mould
horiw.ri .Ulw'u"8 of the Kin-
uitL. ,ur.ch loiuorrow after
. Jo Hock. All are Invited.
hi. " . j.
ka for ir l w B mares, well
K u " M, Payne. State street.
f'ftthh!le take I" ,oad
LAI1 Kind., hav. irln unrl
l Court Btreer. Frua
ON A fcSTRiKH.-Tbe teamstera,
who have beeu at work on the Fair
mount park reservoir, went on a
strike yesterday for Wtfher wages.
A compromise lias been effected and
the men will wumo work tomorrow
ou tho compromised wages. Wort
men are too plentiful aud Sal-m jjj
tooHiiialirora sirlke to l carried
....w.r.iiiv. What the men are
paid on tbe nwiwil ,wa8 "
earned It 1 report! they were
learueo. i t . aIia
gelling o u ti
team before the strike.
Fow.Dmw.-Tlt glove lu the
. .j r inni imiKirtwl kid, for-
worm (,- --- ..,
I euei
gent's, 270 Commercial St.
County Clerk Babcockand Sherift
Croisau have had their oillces thor
oughly cleaned and renovated.
They believe in a spring houseciean-
iug. The republican party believes ,ne flrst of September.
r a t.init lulu, lrnn nlnatl nnlflfia I
The stock books for Jhe University
Park association are now open and
ready for shares to be subscribed, ln
met, couio nave already taken shares
The scheme of
how the work is to be carried out
has already beeu fully eel before the
people. There is no risk to run by
Uioso who subscribe for stock, to the
contrary the field Is open for a
handsome return to come in from
ihe venture while at the same time
the school will be aided by advanc
ing the money to it to meet the
first payment ou the laud and hold
tho option which which expires the
nrst of September. Tue opportunity
is now ripe to do something. Tbe
matter now stands on a pivot and
the friends must rally around l his
old Institution which has doue so
much for Salem and tho people who
have lived hero for any lenijth of
time. Tho aid now is not that or
donations. Tho managers of tills
nchemo have nut tho matter iu ii
taugible form that the peoplo would
uot have to make personal or llnau
olal sacrifices to aid tho school.
Those men who are not interested
iu the matter more than they want
to see the school and the city pros
per, believe the scheme highly feasl
ble and commendable and are sub
scrlbiug liberally to the stock.
Many persons who aro leading quiet
business lives p:iy little attention to
such moves and do uot fully appro
elate tue real ueueut ot Having a
good college in their midst, but
wlieu someone comes around and
shows them wherein they cm aid
such an institution without injuring
themselves they will add their
names to the list of those who are
The school will not be so far out
of the city as to bo inaccessible.
The school has agreed to give every
student, who comes from the city
and pays his tuition for ono quarter,
his car faro to aud from the school
each day for that quarter. This
virtually brings every part of tho
city to the school campus. Tho car
lines have agreed to give special
rates to tho school. Ono car line is
now completed and the other will
bo completed with in a mouth from
this time to a point less than a half
a mile from where the building will
be erected. When the buildings
aro up two line of street cars will be
running to tho very door of tho
school. The advantages of the
school being out of the city are
numerous aud need uot be cited.
The important poiut to impress
on the neonle of Salem and those
outsido who look forward to the
time when the Willamette uulver
sUy shall bo tho great bchool of the
northwest, and what her founders
hoped she would be, is to assist at
this critical time. The field is open
here for a creat school. Willamette
has made a fair start to accomplish
that end. But in the faco of all the
school has done the great 6chenie to
set it on a more solid financial basis
will fail if a certain amount of capi
tal stock is not subscribed in tho
next few months. The question
now arrises, will tho peoplo of this
nartof Oregon allow tho scheme
to fail ?
The matter is in competent hands
and men are in tho field now to see
what can be done in this city.
Many hopo it will be much.
Tho friends of this old insti
tution will await with interest tho
success which may attend the dlbrts
which are being put forth. It is the
Intention of tho managers to have
ali;the stock subscribed by tho first of
August if possible. Tho option ex-
Evcryhody Knows
That nt this mison the blood is filled
with ImpiiriiieH All those impuri
ties aud oveiy trace ofseroluln, salt
rheum, or other diseases may bo ex
lielted by taking Hood's Surstipurtlln,
the best blood purifier ever produced.
It Is theouly medlcineof vhieh "100
doses ouo dollar" is true.
Bargains in nll paper, wiudow
shades, dolls and notions, at Sar
gent's, 270 Commercial St. 3t.
When they hear of the
We are making lu those now and
Another Uirr Entkri'rirb.
The proposal of Ptdk & Co. to print
the c dilled laws of Saloni should be
rejected. There nio several good
Job printing oillces iu Salem that;
can do this work well and they
should be glyen the preference, lu
placo of sendlug money out of the
state. Even If Polk & Co. do offer
to print tho city ordinances free
gratis, they will fill tho bo.ik with
advertisements and take hundreds
of dollars out of tho city. Let
Salem newspapers advertise aud
Salem job printers print.
nhnnglng Drfpul to Victory.
Tlio&enliii of Slirrldnn nt W'lnMiestor
changed dcfenl to victory, tto when leoblu
mtver-uules lu the Muuio of lucfllolonl
lemcdlua full lo stay the jin cress of t lint
obllutite anil malignant loe, malarln,
ll'istuttor'a feKmiacU Bitters turns the
tide driven the enemy back. Nothing In
materia medlca, or out of It, compare
with thlsni mi opponent of every form ol
malurlnl dlsccc. I'hlllsnnd fover, dumb
ugup, billions remittent and ague enko It
matters uot ouo nnd nil nro oxterpated
by tho Hitters, To tnkn n course of tho
irrett nrrnaralUo In ndvnnco oftha mp-
liirlal i-cason, U to buckle on, ns it were,
nn tumor of proof which delles attack. 8o
fortltled.po protected, you shall bo scathe
less. Remember, too, that the Hitters Is
an erndlcitorofllvercoinplnlnt, eousupn
Hon, rtieumatUm, kidney complaints nnd
Fair or Fairer. Furrar & Co.
don't take a back seat for any firm
on earth, furnishing house supplies
nnd provisions at the lowest prices.
Nobby Spring Suits
And well they may, for we have surpassed ourselves this year. In quality,
stjle, fit, patterns, and workmanship. The goods we display thin spring,
excel all our former ellorts for
010, $12, $15, S1G.50. Wo can fit you
lu stj lisli and hnndsome garments.
See our $1 23 Nobby Straw hats worth f 1.7C. A big lino of mens S'ic
trw hats for 15o each.
Opera House Bloclv.
Produce taken. Highest price for wool.
Having just mado arrangemonts with "Honest Frank," tho California
Auctioneer, wo aro now prepared to handle goods of evcryldescriptlon.
Cry Public Sales I
Stock sales a specialty. All sales advertised freo of charge
Wisning to Discontinue
The Retail Notion Buslnes, wo will sell at public auction our entlro stock
of Notions, Queetisware, Glassware, Hardware, Stoves, Tiuware, Gent's
Fumislilug Goods, Etc., to make room for our largo consignments of
Bankrupt Stock that must be sold.
FARMERS wishing stock or other goods sold will plcaso notify us early in
the week, so It can bo advertised for Saturday's sales.
Remember the place, tho Old Auction and Commission House, Stale St.,
Near Court House, SALEM, OREGON, Auction Every Monday
and Saturday.
IHST FRANK, Auctioneer. II. R. MOORE, Proprietor.
Second Haud Goods Bought and Sold. dw
unllflrosu IescrliUvo price list frw.
Beth Winqpist, lutsellvllle,Ore,
Fir nnd .Murine.
U. W. HEELER, Agent, Bnh-m. Oregon
215 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon.
(Next door lo Klein's.)
Specialty of Spectacles, nnd repairing
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry.
Truck & Dray Line.
Good teams and
prompt work Is our
Of goods nt our storet We carry a full line
of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci
gars, tobacco and confectionery.
No. 228 Commercial St,, Salem
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Whitlow Glass, AVall Pa
nel ami Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
When iii Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc.
You Avill find it to your advantage to call on me before-
purchasing elsewhere, as" I have the LAHGEST RE
TAIL STO RE IN OREGON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad
dles iu most modorn styles,
Best mado in the world. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent
Buggy Harness and Wagon Iliu-ness as low as
the lowest. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but
was established by mo in 18G9 and by long experience I
know the demands ot tho trado. You can't miss tho placo
at tho si$m of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horso."
Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in
the past. By square dealing, I hopo for a continuance of
the same. E. S. LAMPORT,
289 Commercial Streot.
One hundred very cholco lots, which
will bo sold at J100 per lot, and on easy
terms uy
J, J. ROBERTS, 03 Btato Bt
Butcher and Tacker,
State Ht, nnd Court Ht. Tho best meats
delivered to all parts of the city.
Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay.
The best hotel between Portland and Ban
Francisco. Klrst-class in nil Its appoint
ments. Its tables nro Bcrved with the
Choicest Fruits
Grown ln tho Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
of Will lJroa., Albany ;and Corvallls.
Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines.
At Your Homes
Agents fot Northwest Insurance Co. Two
doors north of I'osi Otllce, hnlem,Or. Wee-
uioh anu now pans ior an Ncwing nucuincs
a.5-tf dw
A GOOD HAItdAlN Kor tho next ten
A days 1 will heltnt n bnrenlntholinnse,
lot nnd bam nt 370 Winter street. This,
property is situated ln tho best part of the
city, Is In lino condition, nnd will prove n
irnnrt Investment for tho mirchnMcr. l'oi
terms call upon or uddress wm. H. Arnold,
SU7 Winter Mrcct
5 IU lot
Bids Wanted-Stato Agricul
tural College.
Tho Hoard of Itecents of tho State Agrl
ClllllinU VOIIfUUUI la-liutl mviiu tuuuv.n,
separately, for the stoue basement, und
for tho erection nnd completion of the
three tory rrnmo imiiaingoi inoanun m
Hull, on tliorolleirol''urmatCornIIIS.()ro
con. Drawing nnd specifications will be
ready for inspection nt the olllco of Mr. W.
t I'agU. architect, S ilom, Oregon, ns lol
lows: 1st. Htone basement on Muy 1WI1.
18!)1. 2nd Thrcostoiy bulldlue, exclu
sive ol tho stono work of tho basement, on
JutiP 1st, 181)1.
Hid nro to be sont to the undersigned nt
Corvallls, Orccon nnd will bo opened us
follews: 1st. Kor tho stono basement on
.May 28th, nt 10 a in.; and, 2d. for the
three story Ibulldlnc on Juno Dili, 181)1, at
10 a. ra. fhe Hoard of ItCKonts do not
bind themselves to accept tho lowest or
any tender. WAIjLMKABII.
Secretary to tho lionrd.
Corvnllls,Or,Mnyl8, 181)1.
lu clean meu who keep cleau oillces.
Mr. Dove, wlio Is located aix
miles east of Sublimity, says fruit
aud crops nre in fine condition uov
er better. Ho says nearly every
body talks Alliance.
Our woolens coutain no shoddy or
cotton, but are nindo of the best
valley wool, worked up at our own
milU. Suits made to order on six
days notice. Salem Woolen Mills
The Freewater, Umatilla County,
Herald hiw been converted iuto tho
Oregon Alliance Herald. V. II.
McComaB, an enthusiastic and pol
ished writer is at the helm, und Mr.
W. A. Sample, state alliance organ
izer, Is a leading contributor. There
are nineteen alliances In that coun
ty aud a proper place for u state or
gan to hall from.
F-f ri .0 actv JMiik
P" rMMsm.
Personal. It Is not necessary
to go to every other house lu Salem
when you want carpels, mattings
linoleum, lace curtains and oilcloths,
In all standard and best qualities at
prices that aro fair aud as low as any
jupt go to J. H. Lunn's.
1Uo World I2nrJclii.il.
The facilities of the present day fot
Jie production of everything that will
conduce to the material welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first
produced the world wns enriched with
the only perfect laxative tnown, as it
is the only remedy which la truly
pleasing nnd refreshing to the taste
and prompt end effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, ot any time, and the better
it is known the more popular it be
The Overland Route.
T.nmiinr. T.nth. RhinLdcH und Bulldlne material. Yard east of Depot,
Salem. Wo manufacture all our own stock, ami aro prerared to fill any
order on tho shortest notice. ,,,.....,.. ,. , .
4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent.
U, 8, Pension and Claim agent. V.O
Box Ml. Halom, Oregon. Deputy County
Clerl- Vrlte for blanks. vr
"Tine State. "
Asscsscd'.nearlylpne.thlrdlot & million
GEO. M. BEELEK, Ulty Agent,
And special agent for Marlon county, Ot
lion will. ha Company,
J.O.GOODALE,Coburg. A. AVIIEELKH, Bprlngfleld.
Lumber, Lath.. Pickets !
Ants rv Ml XXSSi 252? 3"KSlE& KXlleT " ""
4 o N. N. MATTHEWS, Manoger, Salem.
-On Halo to-
Omaha. Kansas City, Cliicasco.
And all Points
Saturday Mutlneo,
Commencing Thins., May 21.
M. II. GOLDS rEIN.innuugor, wiwi mo
I'rlnce or uomeumus.
HiiDPorted by a strong company,
Giving the following plays curb nlglit:
TlllHtHDAY. 21nt Tbo New Homestead.
KIIIDAV, 2M-IUP Van Wlnklo"or tbe
..i..A .. on iianni''
SATli UAY-Ti-Under tbe (las Light.
Saturday Matinee Kor tho Ladles and
Cl'opumr prices, CO nnd 75o. No extra
charge for reserved seats, now ou wile at
Dearborn's book store. Buturdny Matinee,
price 'St and 60 cents.
All tha latest songs nnd mil lo of the day
Introduced each evening 1'ull ol Jhiu,
KrolloKtid Jollty,
- and - Sale - Stable.
One door west of Lunn's Dry Doods store
mi Hljiln Htrnet. Oulet family to.
lal attention paid to tranalent stock.
To Loin on Real Fitate Security.
Agency Pacina Htntes Saving, Loan &
Hulldlng Co.
SALEM, - Oregon.
6:12 dw
Just Received.
Clydestlalo Stallion.
liar Nouo, tho cyclone oi Nebrnstcn, is a
dark bay.Oyenrs old. white bind foot.oud
starluforenend. llrodbyTbos. Hinltb.ol
York Co.
sired by Walt-Kor-Joo,
Nebraska, weurbt 1700 pounds,
no, 1UJU.I uu
the famous brood maro, nginnddnughte
wag sired by Ileal Kxcbntig", he by tbo
famous Prince of Wales, Dam was Tniwy,
nr r nt.li. Mniuiluil
lnsurnncotlo. Will stand tbe season at
Conncll farm Just west of North Balem
brick ynrd, near fair ground. Owned by
It. Ityau. 4-Ml dw
The New Blacksmiths
Successors to John Holm, cor. Commer
cial nnd Cbomeketa streets, Balem, Home
shoeing a specialty. 4 0 If
Staple anil Fancy Groceries,
Crockery, Ulaiawaro, Lamps. Woeden
and Willow ware. All kinds ofnlll feed.
Also vuirotiiblesaod fruits ln tbel." season,
"Highest Price paid for country produce."
Wo (.illicit asharo of your patrnuage,
IMJ bJBtate street
Ui Court street, Ualem, Oregon.
& ISAHKitlt, Agents.
Jones &Bernardi
Vot tbo celebrated Frepeh Ico Cream
Boda. The most popular drink of
Jl can be
0A.rtft& "FS merly called J- iWffE
r-feTvnrft TTbTSTTOjrC
Bntli tie method nndresults when ! the season on the coat,
and reiresum;; i " "--'.rrr",
creutlv vet promptly on the Kidoejr
ton effectually, clurla cold", jeoj
S nnd fevera and eniw habitual
k ttte wd CI hottfca by all
m sm
COtMSHUi, ft.
sjm mcisoo.ciL
See Ben tlic President!
And thou fix your oye on priced
that nro made only at Salem by
Ben the Clothier.
Proclamation Is made by IJICN
KOllBTNKH, the pooplo's clothier,
ut his old stand where ho will tuako
Ihe following
Qood boy's pant, Mi cents 7ft cents.
A dandy nice twilr of jiants, good
eiiouuh to k'o to Sunday Buhool In
for H)
Good wear In boy's suits for 2 00
A better boy's suit iileofoiKun-
day wear.. 3 00
fttcn's overalls out to fit. Men's
working imtits, well made, for 11 00
Jemis iaut We will not men
tion It It is too low. Good woolen
working uion'iidri'M pauls fo" gun
day wear, p MUi8 00
M fHv, striped - -
cottonaifes pantaloons 1 95 to I 76
Theso are hut a few tests of our
olothlug stock, the gtwit low price
Itouse of Salem. We have n general
btiKik of elothlng, running up lo Ihe
tfnettt grades, we aim to onjry the
m(Ht wmpleto stoek of general ruer
obaudlse kept In Salem, mid our
irioe4 all around aro lower than the
IJuynlot lu
UiiU'hs you want to build
ou It,
Tho city water mains aro laid
through It. It U so near the Depot,
University, l'osloUloo and business
portion or tho city that Ills not nec
essary to ride, although tho street
oars run through It and leave every
twenty minutes for Commercial
street. North and East Balem. YOU
I'ARIC PROPKRTY-the proprle
tors will attend to that; but you
onti buy a better homo site there
than lu any other portion of tho city
for tho samo money. You will have
no dust In Summer aud no mud In
winter. Its orfi:ct drainage Insures
Its healUifuIncsg. Tho Jots are large
aud many of them beautifully shad
ed with yew, tlr, ash aud oak. Ifyou
waul to buy blocks of lots on specula
tion, unit let them lie unimproved
and let adjoining property make
them valuable, don't patronize Yew
It Isnot Built That Way
Ifyou want to s)oculoto on op
tions or bhwks of eight or ten lots,
go out lu the eouutry. NORTH,
tsouTii. kast or wmht, or to the sub.
urbs of Portland, Astoria or on tho
Sound, und luvest In a paper town,
or. what Is better, buy u ticket lu
tku Loulsluua lottery, but keep
swav from Yew Park.
l,oUttoldttt low prices nu long
time and easy terms to home seek
era. i-H
Henrietta, Serge, Drape cPAlma.
Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all
new shades.
Coin Spot, Rongallne.Sllk Warp,
Henriettas, French Novelties.
Hurrahs, Bwlvul. India Faille,
and Dots.
NormaiidleH, Fronch Zephyrs,
lirochu Zephyr, Toilet du Nord,
Seersuckers, Scotch Glughums,
A New line of trimmings
Call and examlno our uew stock
ol dry goods.
J. J. MLRWLI! k CO.,
Rush's new brick, corner Court
aud Commercial streets.
847 OanVl St. n - BALUM.
Garden Hwo and Lawn Sprinklers,
Aoniplete Una of HIovm nd Tinware,
Tin routing aud iduuiblng a spoeUlty.
Estimates for Tinning and
Pnimbing Furnished
100 HtatoHtreot, ration's Ulock, Balem, Or.
Upeclalutlentlon given to careful oin
pounding. W. E. McAFEE,
prksoription olhric
Liglit Roadster Safely, Lailies' Safety,
Kxpert, Tamlein tWifety.Voluntter, BeinU
(toads ter, Light lloudster, Itatlonal.
Hit 5WConi.L,Kaleni
Hloycles sold on the Installment plau.
At Salem, Ore.,
Saturday, May 83d. All owners of fins
4toek are Invited toeiblblt thtlr best colts
Krcefor all. Coma und have a Igood till'
6-11 td dw Committee,
Tlmlior and Timber LjuhIs.
I have some tine Umber land for sale. 1
ulso have three relluiuUhmnU to sell, of
1U0 aores each, that uin bo booshlcbeap la
llrt class location; handy to lu It. I also
nave some very cheap binds (hat will not
cost more rWir acre wbn all paid up.
I knowof some uood It. IU Una tltat M
very cheap that can tm bought oo very
easy Units; AIo of soma very Ueslrobl
uoverumeui ibuum idui i cu tocuie per
sousou homesteads or timber claims, rsr..
Ilea wantlue tooblalu tJovenimeot land
will do well lo come and see mo as 1 am
well posted lu all of the land law ami
lalMtdeeUtonsof tbo general laud oMee
and have had a loim MXertenc In ll'w
surveying biuluetis and ha vti made this a
careful study lor throe year and will guar,
aule satisoketiou In every rtMpret, can
give tbe very best reference. 1 have loan.
ted o r one thousand acres the last mouth
and can I seen at tuy residence oan bleoit
south of Cook UoM, OomwpondenoskeMeU
M. . w W MBl'liUKN,
I li
T'ggjj,l I n