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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1891)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOI" 4. rir THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, SATTTTCDAY. MAY 10, 1891. rii TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." NO. Gt Ton Can't Afford to Overlook tk Fact That l. JVLCir1 . JlJ 1 TON, j 98 STATE STREET: Has Special Inducements to Offer You In PKOTOG-BAPH ALBUMS, (Leather and Plush) of the finest quality. In FOLDED WEITING PAPER, of Ream Packages. In WRITING TABLETS, of superior quality, from 5 to 50 cents. In ENVELOPES, best XXX, cheaper than ever. H won't cost you anything to look at these goods. GENUINE OXFORD and BAGSTER'S Teacher's Bibles ' .elegantly bound, for sale at prices ranging from $3.50 to 10. J I n i i"nrn u Aivi m u THEIR EQUAL ! heavy and medium heavy Footwear, suitable for farmers and mechanics, every style at $1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $2. Better Values Never Were Than we are showing for I'Sunday-go-to-Meetuig and sich." Wecan please you at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Newest shapes, good fitters and never surpassed for wear. will stick to If you have To sell lots of goods at a small profit than to sell a few goods at a great profit. The lots-of-customers you while the few will leave you. This has been the policy of this honse and will continue to be so. not proven this to your satisfaction, do so at once by spending some of your money there. CRISSMAN & OSBURN, 4 BissELL Chilled Plows . Which are warranted to be the best Chilled plow in use to do good work, run as light as any plow made, scour in any soil, run steady, are easily handled or adjusted, to work Avell in dry, hard or stony land and not choke. If you want the best Chilled plows, buy the Bissell. They are the best built, the best finished and BiES&tE? cJsacsxaXaixi 3PXo,wr no'tot dew use. It will pay all dealers and farmers to get our quotations before purchasing elsewhere; as we furnish the best goods and our prices are the lowest, quality considered. We carry the largest and most complete stock on the Pacific coast of MACHINERY AND VEHICLES Of every description. Call and see us, or telegraph us regard- sg' your requirements, and you will receiye prompt attention. Agent for STAVER & WALKER, Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Ho tel THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. FUHLISUEDDAILiY.EXCElTSUNDAY, ur TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, in P. O. Hulldlug Entered nt the postoffce at Salem, Or., as seicutt-dm n nttrr. OUB SATUBDAY NIGHT. BROOKS & HARRlTT. Best Lines in. the City- Fishing Tackle. k BABY CARRIAGES. HSlBfflAl MS ARMS 8 AMMUNITION. State Street. Clark & Eppley ARE NOT OUT OF SOAP. They want the Journal readers to remember that they are headquarters for everything in the grocery and produce line. Remember the QUICK DELIVERY store when you want goods. lOO Court Street. raTPBMK I 1 1 LUJj Jul I m lUUi , inLnLniiiip w mm ! What part deceptions piny In our lives! Too great a part, to be sure. Yet, where to draw tho line between perfect frankness and true courtscy is the problem. How to deal square ly by your friend, yet not hurt his feelings and alienate his friendship. Tliere'8 the rub. In how far do we deceive ourselves and others, know ingly often and wilfully. Of course, this does not apply to a Journalist's work for the public. Ho is supposed never to deceive. Most people Jlke to be deceived, so much so, lu fact, that they think it shows poor judgment to bo strictly honest with them. You will say this is a bold assertion, but try to think how many times you have made an enemy by telling a friend the truth. For every time you have protlted by this experience and on the next occnslon told your friend what ho wished to hear, you have been a deceiver. But you will say such a lie is not harmful; It is simply a little conventionality which society requires; it is not an net for which wo aro responsible, but merely a passing compliment. Everybody does it, and we aro not responsible for it. Wo hear a lady ark her friend what she thinks of her new gown, and the reply of course 1b compli mentary to tho gown ifnotnlsoto the wearer, when tho truth is the interrogated friend considers the garment badly out of taste and noth ing to compare with her own. What is tho moral eflcct of such an apparently harmless custom or vice versa? Its degrading effect is twofold, first after thus deceiving a friend you must feel that you cannot fully respect yourself for It. You have shirked n responsibility to your friend and weakened your own strength of character. You have robbed your heart of so much of its virgin purity, and at the same time planted in tho heart ol your friend u seed of vaulty nud false pride which I cannot but grow into a monster to ever haunt and darken her future life. How much better is a friendship based upon candor and honesty ol purposeJ 1 your friend asks your counsel or opinion, give it honestly. If the answer does not set well, talk It over together, and both profit by tho difference of opinion. A con duct of this kind would prepare all to miet the rebuffs and disapproval of n cold world with comfort, whore- ns tho theory of false compliments will only tend to weaken your char acters nnd make you helpless In tho real struggles of life. Great tact la required to answer embarrassing questions. Wo aro never to wound tho feelings or de stroy the bonds of sympathy between ourselves and n friend, even by answering what would bo In n truth ful manner. Bllenco Is golden and is no deception In such n enso. Sometimes a blunt answer oven to n question that borders on Jmper- which will glvo public spirited men who belong to It nt least an even show with tho cinch element If thcro Is to be any such elcmout present. Twenty men who havo tho welfare of tho city nt heart who willuso S1000 carefully can do more than has been doue tho past year with n membership of nearly n hundred nud wild cat financiering. Let us got down to business for once, nud wel com thoreorgnnlzed board of trade. OO TO 1JKI BOCK ON PAVING. Tho paving problem has been settling upon n pretty good founda tion thanks to tho Intelligent nnd couscrvative action of tho city coun cil. Bids will bo asked for different styles of paying. Tho council Is ugreed that macadam pavement, well putdown, will do for residence streets. It has also agreed that permanent grades must be established and Hrst class concrete curbing, nud gutters of stono blocks aro lndispeuslble. Tho construction of n roadway Is then tho only problem. On n spongy, clay soil that has tho least possible natural drainage, n good macadam or gravel roadway Is only possible with thorough sub-drainage. Tho proper laying of drnln tllo will ouly ensure sntlsfactlory nud en during gravel roads. Tho under drainage problem met Intelligently and under direction nt a competent engineer who knows what under draiunge means as applied to road ways in wot countries, no hotter streets can bo built for tho money than with tho gravel that Is right at hand, This is not theoretical asser tion but Btntemout of well-known facts. Sunt. Lane at tho asylum can demonstrate this to tho satisfac tion of auy man who Is not pre judiced. Why argument la required to securo tho adoption of uuaor draining Is a mystery to some, who aro familiar with Its cfleots upon street surfaces aud general health of a city. It must bo remembered that thcro is quite nu clement In any community who havo not any in terest In economical expenditures of money for public works aud who are not particularly "interested that such work shall bo well douo or oudurlng lu its character. Extrav agauco in public expenditures aud reckless performance of public con tracts aro the order of tho day lu municipal government. This city lias publio olllclals who aro capable of going to bed rook on this paving business and wo believe will do so. Highest of all in Leavening Power. -U. S. Gov't Report, At?" " 883 m&& ABSOLUTELY PURE $& Journal City. printed nt tho Bouquet TI1K JOUHNAI, IS NOT IN IT. Regarding nn occurrence nt Salem tho Pendleton East Oreqoniun says: "Tho Journal knows tho facts, nud wo would llko to have them lu its Inimical stylo," The Journal nover employs Its "iulmlcul" style against Individuals unless thoy represent nbusea or cor ruption thnt nflect tho public, Saiem Journal. It Is probable thnt tho Journal objects to giving tho facts because tho individual lives In Salem, Is big aud physically healthy nnd to some extent aids In keeping tho Journal on its feet.--Ea8t Oregonlan. Tho nld probably consists of n subscription to one of our carrier boys. The gentleman referred to Is president of tho Salem Statesman publishing Co. SUGGESTED UOMMKNT. This Is tho lemonado men nnd fruit stnud harvest. Tho strawberry Holds about Salem look like snow banks. Salem is u prosperous community with no boom to react from. Tho Bouquet City Is n unme thnt Salem proposes to inako tho most of. Qeutlomen get in and Advertise tho Bouquet City In tho cast. Colt shows nil ovor Oregon indi cate that Oregon will bo in tho race for prosperity several years hence. Tho Hat of outry-makere for horso races at tho stato fair almost Includes n quorum of tho Oregon legislature. Oregon will fairly hum when sho harvests her Immonso grain crops of 1801 nud Bells them nt good Harrison prices. Till! OUVK IIRANC1I. As Prof, llork has got a good mauy alliances organized In Clack amas county, tho leading dcmocratlo paper thcro comes out nnd says: Tho farmers hold tho reins of gov ernment in their hands, but they don't drive tho team. If tho farm. ers stick together thoy will astonish themselves. Together with the democrats, who aro their natural allies In tho work of reform, thoy can demolish tho "grand old party" that Is owned and controlled by trusts, monopolies aud millionaires. Tho democratlo party aud tho farm ers' alliance agree that tho republi can party must go. Prepared to bo swallowed by tho democratlo Tiger, Messrs. Gontlo- men of tho Alliance Tho Athens, Ga., Banner lsono of tho foremost organs of tho Southern alllauce, but it is candid nnd It makes no secret of tho plan of the alliance so far as tho solid South Is concerned. Replying to a Nebraska paper, tho Banner blurtseut: "Our esteemed friend out In the wild and Do not mistake tho list of gontlo mon making entries for tho state fair horso trot for n roll-call of the Oregon legislature. Tho Portland crowd that salted Marlon aud Polk counties with a $40,000 brldgo for $80,000, got n set back on tho first round in court, tineuco or imbecility Is like striking I woolly west Is vory correct In no- Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. DECORATIONAY MRU VASES NEAR.- m 1 ISA ETS For the Finest Line go to GEO. F. SMITH'S, 307 Com'l St. Xa.A TT1fc-wni 4X. JKZJA ifc39 hi Wo can show vou twelve dif- Slfi8tylM of 0xfords, A. B. C. D. and E. widths. A ! v hue assortment this, and they aro reasonable in price. Remember we soil the best quality of au.-ack Over Gaiters V?' I,!Ur- We have all sizes and can give' a perfect fit. wm. BROWN & CO., dealers t1 Commercial Street. fc.RS IN FINE SHOES. ' The Oregon Land Com pany wishes to buy from three to five thotisandacres of land for a colony and $250,000.00, worth of Salem city proper ty, either in a body or de tached, for a syndicate of Eastern capitalists. Parties who have such property to sell and can give from- nino months to one year to consummate the tran saction will find it to their interest to seo The Oregon Land Co , of Salem, Oregon. tho person a blow In tho face, It Is a sad commentary that wilful deceptions In matters great and small become a perfect habit with many people. Often ono partner will not believe another under oath und a brother has been known to say that ho would not believe his brother under oath. Hen will He unnecessarily nil because of a fool ishly contracted habit of falsifying garrulity. With .Robert Burns tho discouraged scribo can register a printing ofllco vow, that Home books are lies fru end to end, And homo great lien were never penned; E'en ministers, they hue been kenn'd, A rouging whld at time to vend. E3Bi OREGON LID (MM Salem Truck k Dray Co. Drays and trees. may be found throughout liatfl aud IfcwmercUUStreeU. DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for order. Sell and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of- t . T.. nrnrtrft. the corner of State aud Uowoierd floe State St,, opposite B ... . r tne any at 10 JIKOHOANIZK. Tho Salem board of trade at lt Friday night meeting appointed a commit too to formulate a more per manent form of organization of that body and Incorporate the sumo under tho laws of tho state. A very sub stantial committee composed of Messrs. Knight, Cottle and Albert constitute this committee. These gentlemen favor a solid basis of organization, tho annual membership fee to bo fixed at not less than f&O puld lu advuueoandu membership composed of such por tions us havo a direct intercut lu tho careful pressing to the front of Baleni's best Interests. A board so composed of men of ability and financial backing would not waste nine-tenths of Its funds on beifgiug enterprises uud charitable Impulses, but would direct ail Its in' iluenrt-s to Eastern advertising aud intelligent handling ol local enter prises, would be a credit to Salem. The Jt-tH wild about the mistakes of the past, tho Utter. Rut careful businessmen should not fall to profit by them. There is a cause for ull things, and progrtM must remove nil ui'siuujcb lu ucuuuy uorciupiuciii. i We must have a new organization I I kuowlodglug that tho democracy of tho solid South und tho Southern alliance uro ono and tho name." Tho Banner goos on to say: "Tho alliance had its origin sub rosa It Is true, aud It Is a secret order to this duy, but so fur as politics aro concerned, tho alliance has ulwnys stood squarely and fairly uncovered, showing its face, tho lineaments of which are tho same as those of the democracy. "The ulllunco has business meth ods which aro prlvuto to tho order. und which aro rightful privileges of tho furmers for whoso protection they were planned. Hut, tho ulll unco operates upon no prlnclplo that I.i not straight out democracy to tho core. "Tilt deniocruoy and tho ulllunco are not two distinct political bodies, Thoy can can never bo so. The sumo men who form tho membership of tho ulllanco are the men tviio stand lu solid phalanx, forming tho de mocracy. Tho two orguiilzulloiiHure therefore tho sumo organization so fur us politics go." u . J - . . JLJ WOULD MOT aiVK A DUINKINQ MAN WOitK. Here Is a siecltiiou of tho Dallus Itemlzor's "Kill him quick for ho is not as holy us I uui" philosephy: Ncvercmploymilntemperatoinuii when you cuu get u reliable one that don't drink. No intemperate man Is 1 el labia. A morn humane method of deal ing with a drinking man would be to give him something to do when ever ho was able to work, The ItetnUer man would roforni him by keeping him Idle, sending hint to Sunday school ami making him read the Itemlzer the rest of tho week. The Sulem Humaue Society should look after this cruel editor. There Is one mier in Oregon that no publio official aids In keep ing on Its feet. It Is the CAPITA! A Sulem Insurance man aud capi talist went Hulling lu North Mill creek tho other evening. Their luck consisted of eoveral vest-pookct edi tions of Chinook trout. Thoro Is a chance for a war with Great Btltulu at last. An English critic has said that American womt-n aro not graceful as comparod with an elephant. No foolishness now, Mr. Blalno. Issociatcd Press Report and Digests of all Important News 01 To-Day. MISCELLANY. Tho ruilroud blockade that kept tho wheat crop of the Columbia Yulloy und Pulouso country from getting to market Is not ho bad since wheat has gouo up to nearly (1,00 a bushel. Tho odltor of tho JouiinaIj has two Jacqueminot rose bushes with ovor six hundred buds, nnd roses on thorn now in bloom. Whv should not Salem be called tho Bouquet I 1 '!! 1 I 1 u 1 TJ10 democrats of tho next houso could not if thoy would elect a speaker unsound upon tho tariff. Albany Democrat. This paper will next claim for its party tiio divine attribute of Infallibility. Until this bull was issued we had fondly cher ished tho hope that n dcmocrutlo congressman wus us liable to bo "un sound" on any question us other men, How's This? Wo ofl'er One Hundred Dollars ro wurd for any cuso of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hull's uuiurrii uuro. F. J. CHENEY &. CO., 1'ropn,, Toledo, O. We; the undersigned, liuve known K. J. Cheney tor I lie lnt 16 yeurs, and believe III in jwrfDclly honoruulft lu all business trunwictlons, and llnunrtally ubla to curry out uuy obligations made by their Unit. Wmrr i TiitMX, Wholesale UruggUU,;To- ldo, O. WAMHNU, Kinnkv A MAKVJK.Whdlesale Druggists. Toledu, O. jiuirs waturrn Cure Is taken In- temully, acting directly upon the blood uud mucous surfaces of thosys tern. Testimoululs sent free. Trice 76a (Kir bottle. Hold by all druggists. My friend, look hero I you know ana nervous your wir is. and v, know t hut Cartur's Iron 1'llls will relfeve how ou weak aud nervous your wlf is, and her. now wnv not bu about it nml lm v her u box T A woman who Is weak, nervous and steeple, aud who has cold huudsnnd feel cannot fell und act like u well person. Cur tors Iron Tills equalize the circulation, re move nervousness, und give streugtU uud rest. A limu's wife should always b the same, especially to her hutbuud, but If she Is WMik aud uervous, aud uses Carter's Iron r'UU. she cannot be. for they make her feel Hsu a uiiitrrent persou." so they all lug the road within tho UV unit HiKlr l.ii.l.Uml. .1.1 .,. Innl l( iHviwra .'.... uv .- ..waWMHB mJ WW VW Iluckleu'a AniltttHuUs, The llest Halve lu tho world for Outs, ItrtltMOfl 4irM IIImim Doll IFt.a.l.n 1uuu Mores, Teller, l-bapped Hands, Chltolulns, urns auu aii nam eruptions, sou posi tively cures rites, or U' jwy require J. it THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP. Nkw Yohk, May 10. Tonny won tho Brooklyn handicap by two length; Prluco Itoynl came In sec oud, Tea Tray third; time, 2:10. Thostart was agoodone.andBtirllng ton took tho lead, closely followed by Russell, with Loantaka pressing behind. At tho quarter Russell led by ono length nud Nclllo Bly had moved up to tho second place. Her paco wus hot to tho half mllo, Loan taka moving up again nnd ran neck and neck wlthRussell, Casta way had also passed tho leaders, and nt tho half ran third. They dashed uround at tho three-quarters, Loantaka still running neck nnd neck with Itus boII, Onco Again third nud Teuny fourth. Around tho mllo post .Loan taka and Russell ran as though chained together, still neck nud neck, but Toutiy aud Banquet wero pressing them oloso lu tho order named. In the stretch Judgo Mor row came very fast, nnd passing tho leadors took first place. Tcnuy also let himself out a bit aud took second place, still followed by Banquet, half a length behind. All hands started to rldo now, nnd Tenny, coming with a great burst of speed, passed to tho front, winning easily by two lengths. Tho second was vory closo, Prluco Itoynl, who had run unplaced all tho wuy around, making n spurt and wresting the placo from Tea Tray by n head. 11U8SIA AND JAPAN. Ban FitANcisco, May 10. Among tho passongerH on tho steamer Ala meda was Y. J. Ford, of Now York, who has resided In Japan for tho last four years. "In my opin ion," said Mr. Ford, "tho assassin who attempted tho life of tho ezarc wllz was not so much of an assas sin ns an over euthusiastlo patriot. There Is a groat hatred between tho Busaiuus' und tho Japanese. Tho Ilusslau church is tho finest and tullest in Yokohama, not even ex cepting tho palace of the mikado. Situated on a considerable cmluonce, tho church looks down nud over the palaco, a thing that is a capital crlmo In tho Jnpaneso code. Still the IUis slun consul lives at the Hussion church, uud for tho sako of Inter national amity the thing hus been tolerated, though not condoned. Lout full tho first Jnpaneso parlia ment was oponod by the mikado lu -person. On the way from tho Impe rial palaco to the houso of prallameat tho mikado hud to puBa tho Russian church. There was a great throug of .Russlaus nnd other foreigners assembled to witness the Imperial pageant. Tho Japanese wero so outraged by tho sight of tho hated. Russlaus gathered high nbove their hcuds uud looking down on tho mlkudo that they broke all bounds and fairly mobbed the church, hurling stones aud other missiles at the spectators at tho windows. Their most sacred custom had been violated, nud in their rugo they acted llko demons. The Russlaus defended themselves In turn. Thoy toro oir tiles from tho roof nud used them ok missiles. They did consid erable execution, aud In the melee i; great muny more Jupancso wero killed and wounded than Russian. Of course, this nflulr only widened the breach between tho Russians and tho Japanese, In spito of the fact that tho Russian government took no official notice of tbo occur rence. But this attack on tho czaro witz, following so closely on the event of lust full, will surely bring matters to a climax betweon the two governments, aud thcro Is little doubt In my mind that Russia will now demand Indemnity and repara tion for the attack upon the Russian church uud people." TUK CAHOADK I'OIITACIK. 1'ohtland, May 10. Governor I'ennoyor, who Is a member of, the board, said last night: "We havo been so deluyctl with rod tape nt Washington that lilglt water may Interfere with the work, but, barring such duluy, wo will havo the port ago completed within three or four month. WehavehoiHNsof coiuplet- 100,000 ap propriated by the legislature. Va nlso have to build wharf boats," TUB PON.NJJK THJUSUHK, Tuuukkk. Cal.. May J0. There U great excitement in Truckee over the discovery of a portion of th "V"01.0 Jf'y Perfect satUhioUou i ,r(nilllr i, JLi i, ,i.LiiA.,n ..w iiwuey wunusa. rnce, . cents per i r7Z,x -- " " iv or WM, i la 1840-7. V-l 4j3i -mi i Pi i T fl I" t 3 ! r .' "L ,tetMJ&Ma&ti. i