Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 12, 1891, Image 3

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    - -r -w x pr-ir-
,.M9 0FD.sciurnoN.
.50 00
WWJ in ndvnoce the price.
rtJw4d ir "pjwrs uro not delivered j
!$ir ''f ,'y CAIUUER. j
1 KKk'Bl)h ,.K 15rt8.
Kiiyb',,,mluMT1lmdVon"s"ond 15th
ooney f"r. g to cause no delujs m
,w ,nAi-.TAT,JoiMc.vAi. reu.!"'d the lK.ulde.8 In place. The
ihk KVP1' iiVe afternoon iiswicwiod , molt ale biowu lo pieces und remov
iiRT t nwmi
UiljUUtu v
n,w in Groceries, Crockery,
?3lel Mis. Oils Varnishes,
WSL rr-' , ' cr. Snle
ftn Baking Powder.
wheat net 00 cents per bu.
Stroma Restaurant still coutiu-
,nurttoEerva those Huperior meals
at;j wilts.
The Silent City. As Decora
tion day Is only a few weeks off It is
time some work was being done to
improve tbo lots In the silent city.
Many of tbo lots are neglected In
the extreme. Weeds and briers are
allowed to grow up until It is diffi
cult to And the graves. The bravest
person is compelled to feel sad when
viewing the neglected graves of even
dead strangers. Among the neg
lected lots Is that of Mr. Willson,
who donated to Salem the valuable
tract of land known as Willson
avenue. It seems that nfter he bad
done so much for the city If the liv
ing representatives will not look
tfter the grave and keep It in repair,
the elty should not allow it to grow
fild with brush. The graves should
tdbe repaired a little so as to be in
ivcsen table shape for Decoration
Av, but they should be kept neat at
ill times. Let everyone who has a
loved one laid to rest in the silent
city see that the lot is kept in good
coalition. A little woik will do
tfiaf. If the llvlnc representatives
have not the money to erect a mon
ument to mark tbo restiugplaco of
a departed friend, they can put in a
day or two each year cutting away
the weeds and briers and putting
outiiowers and shrubs to decorate
the grave. Some persons have
asked what was done with the $ 1200
which was made at the G. A. E.
fair in February. It has not been
expended in repairing the lots as
wus the intention. No new lots
have been purchased nor is It known
that any of the money has been ex
pended in any improvements on the
G. A. R. property. No doubt the
money will bo judiciously expended,
but it seems that some of It could
be put to good use in repairing the
lots at this time.
Accident at Albany. The Al
bany Democrat gives an account of
a serious accident In that city Sun
day for which two young men of
this city are partly to blame. That
paper says: "Sunday afternoon,
about 4 o'clock, Miss Mollie Lude-
wlck, residing with Mr. George
Cliue, across the Calapooia, and
MIbs Fraukle Tavlor.a step-daughter
of the state printer, F. C. Baker, of
Salem, weie coming along Vine
street, MIes Taylor driving, when in
turning east on Fourth street at the
ditch, being interested in a passing
conversation with n couple of young
nieu from Salem, the horse, a gentle
ouo, was allowed to take his own
tourse. This he did by running
one u heel of the sulky In which
'hey were riding, up the railing of
the bridge, tipping the vehicle over.
Miss Taylor was thrown out away
from the sulky, not being Injured at
all, but Miss Ludewlck was caught
la the seat under the Bulky. The
Wse tprnne forward and dragged
tbe unfnrtunateyoung woman about
"air a block. Her elbow was dis
located and wrist sprained, and she
Wa otherwise badly truised."
Peaches Injured. In many
Places peaches are said to be injured,
Probably from the cold ruins. The
eavt8 have curled and fallen oft,
wlilch yenerallv means that the
fn"t will full off also. While this
ms to be true in general, a few
orchards favorably situated are not
''Jured. Mr. Clarke's, which has a
western Blc-pe, is not injured. Some
others seem to be all rigl t.
JlHEAKiNo Clay Birds. The
rular monthly shooting contest of
""J eatent IUxl und Gun club was
"eld In Yew Park this afternoon.
te question of who will wear the
'""'ge for the m-xt month will be
titled. Frank FTnwn wn Mm nun.
jful man a month ogo, and has
Jutne proud wearer of the gold
Rfc since.
umpa and patent cIomjU, the beat
m ,uket, and at discount
ijnosa at Jf Ai Bemanj,, under
nfMn. fiiT-iwaasas
At the Reservoir. The Satem
wnter company have a much havler
tusk tlmti wiih nutlcipated in uiak
lug a reservoir on Fuirruount park.
After the few feet of surface soil
wiih removed tbo workmen encoun
tered a bed of boulders weigbluj
from teu to a huudred lous each.
They s re hurd and ditllcult to work.
m,,ft, ,,,,, rllli,.ii r .....
reborvoir will bo much more than
was expected. When the site wus
selected no one supposed that more
um" u fuw scattered buulders would
bo fouud und Iho remainder of the
be day " but a,
, U Uiure a only enough soil u,
ed by h.iud und with teams. Theie
ure eigtil leuuiB and twenty-two
men employed lu the reservoir and
eight or len men ou the ditch. The
latter men will complete their work
lu u week, but two months will be
required to complete the reservoir.
Cold Hkartei) Clerk. Mat ion
county has a cold hearted county
clerk as all who saw the touching
scene at the court house this after
noon will testify. A young man
dressed in his best clothes and a
white Imnkerchlef tied around his
neck, aud a young girl dressed up
In blue appeared at his office aud
cleared a license to weo ana some
ouo to tie the sacred knot tor their
weul or woe. While every oue else
was touched with compassion for
the young couple, the cold clerk sat
behind the oillce bar and forgetting
the days when he wus young and
sought favors from otlicials, refused
to grant a license until the ic
quired witnesses were produced
The young man lives lu Multno
mah county and is not acquainted
in Salem. At lust accounts the
couple were hunting for a person
who would fill the required mission
Paliji Board of Trade. The
Salem boird of trade will hold
another meeting tonight and make
an effort to rtbUecitute from a lapse
of cool enthusiasm which bus hov
ered over that body for sometime.
The board should now bo doing
elleclual work while so mauy peo
ple aie looking to Oregou, and es
pecially to the Willamette yalley
for homes. The work for the Salem
board of Hade is not all completed.
There is room aud opportunity for
more good work. The board has
done sonieiitectual work in attract
ing people to Salem and It should
not quit when the work is only
begun. A good attendance Is desir
ed tonight at 8 o'clock,
Salens vs. Chemawa. A game
of ball has been arranged for Tbura
day between tho Salems and the
nine at Chemawa. The game will
be pluyed on tho grounds of the
Salem team near the fair ground
and will be called at 3 o'clock p. in.
ladies will have an opportunity to
see this mime at no expenr-e as thev
will be admitted free on that uny.
The gentlemen will be asked an ad
mission fee of 25 cents. Thursday
is the dull day of the week; this
with the time of day will give many
an opportunity to see the inter
esting game.
News From The Mines. The
latest intelligence from the Sautiam
mines says that a new ten stamp
mill will be put lu by the company
of Linn county. Tho company is
more than satisfied with tho results
of recent work at the mines and tho
quality of re now being taken out,
aud will push the work vigorously
this summer. The companies of
this city will also make some develop
ments of their mines during the
summer Beasou. The snow will
soon all be off tho mountains, then
tho machinery can be taken f to the
Aniversary Surprise. Ou last
Sunday Mrs. Wm. Benson of South
Salem was very agreeably surprised
when on returning from church to
find tho family home filled to over
flowing with the merry faces of
three geueratious. The occasion
was the sixty sixth birthday of Mrs.
Wm. Benson. A splendid luncheon
was served and a delightful time
was had by the old and the young
who were present.
Will Locate in Alrany. J. K.
Adcox. the jeweler, who was form
erly doing business In Salem, has
decided to locate In Albany. Mr.
Adcox went to Fair Haven and was
i,or mhbed of almost his entire
u,.ir f twelrv and watches, This
was a hard blow on him, but with
i.i ..., nnd efficient work as a
repairer and dealer he will soon
recover from tue loss.
Looking Over the Fabm.
Governor Pennoyer was out look
ing over the asylum farm this fore
. ., TTP kbvh he found the farm
..,i .nn.iiiinn. Ho thinks It
advisable to buy 120 acres more to
,.,! .(, farm which now consists
nr am acres. This other land lies
adjoining the farm and la for sale.
r,...v Tim attention of
ullJoURNAL readers U called to the
announcement of Messrs. ear
Hamilton, who have unlimited
futrto loan both on building and
arm securities. They are also
. .. .i. i..nifli States Loan &
Hulldlng Awoctatlop. which Udo g
an Immense loan oouuw -
coast. ,
..,, Wade & Co. nave
their Albany Btoreln fine running
order, and have goods on the way
for their new stores at Corvalll. and
MUtmnville. This Balen. lion "
...... .1,,. out Its Pla"
,P 'ilbn.n.h ..
Wtt. . ..
.. . .. , KumeriDB up me glory, and n Inn
rol tleckg our brow;
The boys hvehtntled lively, and we are
plalnl; "In It" now.
Though fur away 'inougst strangers It may
beourfateto roam,
We buckle down and win the same as II
we were at home.
"Tail-end" Is a title that we do not. recog.
There are no nies on in, for wo are always
"onto" (lies.
We'll soon wlpn nut the memory of every
former suub
It's a daisy, Is our baseball club.
A tlilug to be remembered wus the pla) lug
that we did,
Eclipsing Sir. Kelly nnd the famous slide
he Gild.
As a publlo Institution we are torcraost on
the list,
VnduVn though cungress Is adjourned,
we'll mo that It's not mist-ed.
Tho circumstances mut excuo a yawp In
Joyful stylo.
it in itung that hasn't happened In so
very long awhile,
But conquest Is before us, from tho Rock-
les tn the "Hub"
It's u daisy, Is our baseball club.
.Washington I'osU
Badly Injured Horse. A flue
black horse of James A. Penueba
ker of Mebaina was badly Injured
yesterday afternoon by a team run
ning Into It. Gus Hydeu, who lives
on the Bush farm a few miles uorth
of this city, was driving down tho
street near Ellis & Whltuey's livery
stable when his team became fright
ened at the yard euglno of the
Southern Pacific company. The
horses started to run and Mr. Hy
den jumped ofl the wagon which
had a woodrack on It. When on the
ground he could not manage the
team and it broke loose from hlni
aud dashed down Commercial street
at full speed. The wagon just miss
ed a streetcar which was coming up
the street in front of the Capital
National banK, but the team of Mr.
Peuuebaker was not so fortunate.
This team was standing in front of
the hardware store of It. M. Wade
& Co., and a stove was beiug loaded
Into the wagon. The Injured horse
had on a blind bridle aud did not
see tho approaching team. The
tongue of the wagon struck the near
horse a square blow on the Inside of
the left shoulder aud pierced the
flesh to a depth of six inches aud
knocked the animal down. The in
jured horse was at the barn of Ellis
& Whicnev this morning and is a
badly hurt animal. It will not be
fit for work this summer. A year
ago $200. was paid for tho horse.
Mr. Penneoaker is a poor man and
will feel the loss of such au animal.
Mr. Hydeu feels that he was partly
to blame and offered to do what was
right lu compensating Mr. renne
baker. W. F. Micbaells the driver
on the car which barely escaped
a collisiou was the only man on the
street who showed a heroic spirit.
There were several ladies In the car.
When he'bttw tho team running
straight towards htm he turned
his horse to oue side of his car anil
set Ills brakes and stood at his post,
but luckily tbe frightened team just
missed his car.
Airs. Gerry A. Lyman tomorrow
night will slug oue or Ardltti's
waltz songs. Beats atPearboru's.
The Prescott Quartette tomorrow
night at the opera house will sing
Bradlev Bucks arrangement of
Robin Adair. Beats at Dearborns
A unique program will be given
Wednesday evening at the opera
house, under tbe direction of Miss
JeuneM. Long. Beats at Dearborn's.
Tho wheels for the new electric
cars have arrived. A man was ex
pected from Portland today to set up
the cars and make them ready for
use, but he haB not yet put In his
Tho awnings on the west side of
Commercial street between Ihe post
ofllce and Lunn's corner which do
not comply with the new law are
being taken down.
If the weather Is favorable a picnic
will be given by the Christian church
In Highland Saturday, A program
hasbeon arranged for the occasion
and a pleasant timo is expected.
John Mlnto returned home this
S. J. Uhadwlck, son of ex-Govern-orUbadwlck,
was elected mayor of
Colfax, Wash., a few days ago.
Mrs. A. V. Dennis started to
day for a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Davis, at Btayton.
Mayor A.J. Johnson, of Scio, Is
In the city today. He Is a son of
Alderman Johnson.
Mrs. M. E. Wilson, tho fashion
able milliner, has just opened anoth
er lot of the newest things In hats.
See them at your first opportunity.
Henry Helmkee.of Turner, started
this afternoon for his old home lu
Germany, which he leftnaily30
years ago, when a small boy.
Mlaa Manda Combs, who was
called to ber home In Prlraevllle by
the lllnesa of her mothtr, returned
last night and will graduate with
the clasa from the conservatory In
RrciIES. At the farm born In; the
Bw3do Hllto, Ave mile- -out .of
Bllverton. Saturday, May 0.1 801,
(Jeo. V. Jtlcbf, aged 71 year.
The funeral took place Sunday
afternoon and the remains were laid
to rtt in the Henry Warren
frv Mr. R cuea wm "
Sierofthe Waldo , HJ.U, If.
owned a large farm and I operated It
.uccewfully. A n died only a
Uvt days ago.
"" UIKP.
An Original l,ove Story to Ayprur In
The Journal.
Tho Journal will present Its
readers In next Wednesday's daily
an Intensely Interesting and excit
ing oilglnal story, with Its plot laid
on board the steamer lloa. mi the
occ ision of I ist Sitturdii 'a vxenrtlon.
it Is written by ouo of Oregon'
ablest writers of fiction, and will
ii'ijie.ir only In the Jdi'RNAl. All
who partlelicitid in that delightful
excursion should not fall to read
next Wednesday's Journal.
The Closed Season. Although
tills Is tho closed season of the year
so far as game birds are concerned,
thcru is constantly shooting shooting
going on south of tbo city. It Is to
be regretted that the Mongolian
pheasant Is to be disturbed this way
during the uestlug seasnu and South
Salem people aro going to enforce
tho laws unless hunters are a Utile,
more decent. May, June aud July
are sacred months for game birds,
aud should be respected by all hunt
ers. Tlio World Unriehsd.
The facilities of the present day fe:
die production of everything that will
conduce to llw material welfare and
comfort of mankind are almost unlim
ited nudvhen Sj rup of Figs was first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfect laxative known, as it
is the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the taste
and prompt and efftctual to cleanse
the system gently in the Spring-time
or, in fact, at any time, and the better
it is known the more popular it be
Brewster & White, tho commiB
siou merchants at 01 Court street,
have just received a large stock of
the best quality of hay, oats nnd
feed, which are being sold at the
lowest prices.
Great. Tho facilities for fits in
fine footwear are fluer than ever at
my establishment. Caterer to tho
best trade In all styles of boots aud
shoes. Klein, of Salem.
Miss Jenne M. Long, assisted by
her pupils aud Portlahd musical
talent, will glvo an entertalnmeut at
tho opera house Wednesday even
lug, May 13. Admission 50o; re
served seats 75c, at Dearborn's.
All Around... What you waut
in finding a place to trade Is a store
where you can get anything you
want aud can savo some money on
everything you buy. Bee Ben
Forstuer's prices on clothing In this
Bath tubs aud boilers the place
to buy them and save mouoy is at
J. A. Bernardl's, under Btelner &
Many new goods from Ban Fran
cisco, Including some rare bargains
iu uew shapes and trlmo, just In at
Mi-h. D. L. Fiester's, opposite opera
My friend, look herel you know how
weak and nervous your wife Is, and you
know that Carter's Iron i'llls will relievo
her, now why not be fair about It and buy
her box T
A woman who is weak, nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold handknnd feet
cannot feel and act like a well poreon. Car
ter's Irou I'llls equalize tho circulation, re
move nervousness, and give strength, and
A man's wife should always be the same,
especially to her husband, but If she Is
i'llls. she cannot be. for they make her
"feelllKeadlUcrent person," so they all
say, and their husbands say so tool
Both the method anaresulta when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
aver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem efiectually, dtopela colds, Iiead
acbeB and fevers and cures habitual
constipation permanently. For sale
in 50c and $1 bottles by all
CAUFORM rlU srtwr tu.
sun rRAHoma. on.
uuisviui. xff )twr
tOftx. V.Y.
Finest Line of French Can
dies. Made freh
Every Hay
106 State Street.
J. A. Bernardl says he can save
you money no plumbing every time
See him. Under Stelner & Blosser's.
For Rent. A ehlce double room
in postofllco block. luqulro at
Journal office.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
nnd Whitlow Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco
Posts. Grass Seeds. Ete.
To Loin on Real Estate Security.
Agency Pacific States Bavlups, Loan &
Building Co,
6:12 dw
At Salem, Ore.,
Saturday, May Zld. All ownera of fine
Hack are Invited toexlitbltthelrbest colts
Freo for all. Come and have a "good time.
T. C. SHA wT
f 11 td dw Committee.
Musical anil Dramatic Entertainment
Wednesday Evening, May 13.
And her pupils, assisted by tho follow
ing Portland musicians:
Mrs. O. A. tiyman, soloist.
Prescott Quartetto Club consisting of 11.
W. Hoftue, 1st tenor; F. Manson White, Id
tenor, Kred M.Qllmore, 1st bass; (loo. W.
Itoyt, Jr., ad bass.
Ocneial admission CO cts, reserved seats
75 els, at Dearborn's.
26Q Coml St. - - - SAIBM.
.Telephone No. 3D.
See Ben the President!
And then fix your oye ou prices
that aro mado only at Halom by
Ben the Clothier.
Proclamation Is made by BEN
FOR8TNER, tho people's clothier,
at his old stand where he will make
Ihe following
Good boy's pants, 60 cents 75 cents.
A dandv nice pair of pants, good
enough to go to Sunday School In
for..... 100
Good weur lu boy's sulta for 2 00
A better boy's suit nice roreun-
day wear 8 00
Men's overalls cut to fit. Men's
working pants, well made, for $ 1 00
jeanB pants we win not, men
tion ft; it Is too low. Good woolen
workhiL' men's dress pauts for Sun
day wear, f2 60to3 00
Nlco dressy, striped
cottonades pantaloons 1 25 to 1 75
These aro but a few tests of our
clothing stock, tho great low price
house of Salem. Vo have a general
stock of clothing, running up to tho
finest grades. We aim to cairy tho
most complete stock of general mer
chaudise Kept In Salem, and our
prices all around are lower than tho
Henrietta, Serge, Drape d'Alraa.
Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all
new shades.
Coin Spot, Bengallno.SIlk Warp,
Henriettas, French Novelties.
Burrahs, Hwlval. India Faille,
Talleta.Mack Grenadine, Stripe
and Dots.
Nnrmaudles, French Zephyrs,
Ilrootie Zephyr, Toilet du Nord,
Seersuckers, Scotch Ginghams.
Embroidered Triiiimiuf.
A New line of trimmings
Call aud examine our uew stock
ot dry goods.
Rush' ww brick, corner
and Commercial ttreeU.
Here's a Hummer.
Savo money by buying gooda at the following low prices.
Mcuand Boy's Straw Hats 10cle.lo$2 60
Men aud Boy's Crush Hats 60 cits, to 3 00
Men and Boy's btr Hnta - - 5 o' t 4 eo
All new goods Latest styles,
Fine, wide laco curtains 51 00to$4 60pr
Window Hhades, all colors 60 to 1 23 pt
60 Pr'n. Draperies, Pongee, Plush, and India Muslin In stripe, figure
and embroidered patterns.
All of tho above goods am 1801 stylo and tho prices aro very low. 600
Black Silk Parasols, f 1.60 to SO. 600Pr's. Ladles' Black Silk Mitts, 25o
Per. pair. Warranted all silk ann rast blacK. Come ami loot; at these
goods at the 0PEHA HOUSE CORNER,
Produce taken. Highest price for wool. A good match team of black
horses and a three seated hack for sale or trade.
When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc,
You will find it to your ndvnntago to call on me be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have tho LAHGEST RE
TAIL STORE IN OREGON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad
dles iu most modern styles,
Bost mado in the world. I am sole Manufacturer's Agent
Buggy Harness and "Wagon Harness as low as
the lowest. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but
was established by me in 18G9 and by long exporienco I
know the demands of the trade. You can't miss tho place
at the sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horso."
Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in
the past. By square dealing, I hope for a continuance of
the same. E. S. LAMPORT,
289 Commercial Street.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles aud Building materlnl. Yard east of Depot,
Salem. Wo manufacture all our own stock, and aro prorarcd to fill any
order on tho shortest notice.
4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent.
J, C. GOODA LK, Coburs.
Lumber, Lath.. Pickets !
Agents for Caburu Mills, Hprlngllcld Mills and MoKenzlo Mill. Olllco anil Yard on tho
west side of Twelfth Street near depot, Best Lumber In the Valloy.
4 2 N. N. MATTHEWS, Manager, Salem.
At 100 Chomeketa Street.
Panor Hanclng, Kalsomlnlng, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and
Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,
Estimates on all work In our lino. IOO Ohmokota Street,
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.,
Ssisli, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
-Houbo Finishing madette order.
New DIIT KILN, by whloh wo can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all
kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade and HIbU streots, Salem, Oregon,
Sasla and Door Eactory
Front Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho best class of work in our lino, at pricos to compote
with tho lowest. Only tho best material used.
Buy a lot In
Unless you want to build
on it.
The cltv water mains aro laid
through it. It is so near the Depot,
University, Postofflce and business
portion of the city that It Is not nec
essary to ride, although tho street
cars run through it and leave every
twenty minuted for Commercial
street, North and East Balom. YOU
1'AItK l'ltOPKKTY-the proprie
tors will attend to that; but you
can buy a bettor homo site thcru
than In auy other portion of tho city
for the same raouey. You will have
no dust In Bummer aud no mud In
winter. IU perfect drainage iusures
Its healthfujnesi. The loU aro largo
nnd many of them beautifully shad
ed with yow, fir, ash and oak. Ifyou
want to buy blocks of lots on specula
tion, and let them Ho unimproved
and let adjoining property make
them valuable, don't patronize Yow
It Isnot Built That Way
If you want to speculate on op
tions or blocks or eight or ten loU,
go out In the country. NOItTH,
south. Kast or wwT, or to the sub
urbs of Portland, Astoria or on the
Sound, and Invest In a paper town,
or, what la better, buy a ticket lu
the Louisiana lottery, but keep
away from Yew Park.
LoUkoldat low prices on long
time and easy terms to home seek
ers. 4-14
A. WHKKLKU, Bprlngfleld.
Boarding - and - Sale - Stable.
One door west of I, u tin's Dry Poods storo
ou HUita street. Quiet family teams.
. Hdcc
till attention paid to transient slock,
k. f:ltf
City Bell.
-k-rrvrniK Is horelivclvon that the assess
i nientrollof tno city of Halem, Oro-
Kon, for 1HUJ, will do suuiiiiuou to um com
mon Council ot the olty of .Haloin, May IU,
nui.attbo Uoiiucll cliHiniiers in Bnioin,
Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. m and all ponton
tlcHli Intr their assessment changed or
modified rhould have their applications
In for said change before said meeting of
"fi&Tt1"0"' M. E. UOODKr.r, Ilcoorder.
winning II
for hatching from Iho finest
brcedlufc stock In the state.
nir llrst and second nremiumson
Mtrht. Ilrulimiu: first and second ou ltlaok
Hiiunluli: first and second on Whlto U'g
horn; second ou l'lymut h Keck and I'.rovra
leghorn; at the Oregon Htato Kalr, Dally
Ort-goiilau.-8epl. IU 1MX)"AII birds award
ed these premiums will bo on exhibition
and open for competllan at tho txjullry
show, opening In Portland tliotti Inst,
fanciers und breeders bring out your birds;
boasting don't win" After having due
notice, no breeder dar'd show any Light
llrahma and White leghorn a nit illick
Spanish Is n surfirlen guarantee that nir
birds lead. I am netver afraid to exhibit
against the oldest breeders. My stock has
unlimited rouge. Can furnish eggs from
10 varieties at
living prices, uenuyourau
dress ou postal can
u laiiai
Catalogue freo.
CH BlHTlAN KOlllKK, Aurora, Oregon,
w la am
1). M. I'mmr A Cu'
IBiutrsUd, Dturiplivs nj Piksd
lio all svpUcsnM, sod lo UuMm'il
icimonnrv im Dtiicrinsasvtr. i
Kmy yn wlor GarftM,
titietr f tUiS Stid),
beuld d for lu Address
tH MtiMOMa la lb woivi I
..-"i""'- -" -- ...
MIW. J, H. UUHKUOIiDKK, l'roprtelou,
lluird l.v the duv or week, wllh or with
out rooms. A good homelike boardlyg
bouse. Terms runsontiuie. m
bark a ram, "
047 Oeml St. - - - 8Al,KM
Garden liote and Lawn SprinWea.
Aonmplete line of Woven and Tinware,
Tin roonng aim piuuifiug it specially.
Estimates for Tinning and
until frost, iicccrfptlvo price list free.
Bktii" vikquikt, KuM?Uvllle,Ore.
I ompnnr.
I Flro and ila-
Bakni. Oico
O. W. DEEIiEU, Agent. -
211J-S Commercial St., Salem, Oregon,
(Next door to Klein's.)
Spnclalty of Spectacled, and repairing
Clocks. Watches and Jowelry.
Truck & Dray Line.
Uood teams nnd
prompt work la our
Of roods at our store! TVe carry a full lino
of groceries, feed, crockery, elasoware, cl-
gars, looacco anu coniccooncry.
No. 2M Commercial HL. 8atetn
One hundred very choice lots, which
will be sold at J100 per lot, and on easy
terms uy
J. J. iiuujsuitt, no State tst.
and Packer,
'State Bt. and Court Ht, The best meats
delivered to all parts of the city.
Kates, $2.50 to 5.00 per Day.
Tho best hotel between Portland aiidSaa
Francisco. First-class In all Its appoints
inenla. Its tables aro served with tbo
Choicest Fruits
Qrowu lu tho Willamette Valley.
A. I. WAGNER, Prop.
U, B. Pension and Claim agent. P. O
Box asl. Hiilom, Oruxon. Deputy County
Clerl' Vrlto for blanks. w
"Tlae State."
Assessod;nearlyonethlrdloi a million
GEO. M. HEELER, Olty Agent,
And special agent for Marion county. Ul
rica wfti He Company, ?
Clidesdulo Stallion,
liar Nono, tho cyclone ot Nebraska, Is a
dark bay, 5 years old, white hind foot, nnd
star in lureneau.
ilred by Thos. Hmlth.ot
York Co. .Nebraska, well
eient nuu
1700 pouuds,
sired by Wnlt-For-Joe. tr
was sired by Ileal Kxctis
(No. 103U.)
ruinous rrinco ot vt
the famous brood l
of Louis Nanoleon. No. f l!.l Reason 810.
lnsurancoSlQ. Will stand tho seasou at
Connoll farm Just west of North Ralem
brick yard, near fair ground. Owned by
lUllyun. 4-13-tt dw
of Will Hros., Albany and Corvallli".
Pianos, Organs and Sowing Machines.
At Your Homes
AgentH fot Northwest Insurauco Co. Two
doors north of l'oat Oillce, Kalera, Or. Nee
dles and now parts for all Hewing Machines
::Mf dw
The New Blacksmiths
Successors to John Holm. cor. Commer
cial und ChemeknUi streets, Halem. Horso
suoeiug n specialty. iuw
anil Fancy
Crockery. Olawiware. Lamps. Woeden
and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed.
Also vwretablesand fruits in their season.
"Highest l'rlco paid for country produce."
Wosollcit aslmro of your patronage.
0-tf JlJBtato street
100 Hlate Htroot, ration's Dlock, Bnlein, Or.
Hpccutl attention given to careful com
w. e, McAfee,
Light Roadster Safely, Ladies' Safety,
Kxpcrt, Tandem Hafoly.Volunteer, 0eml
Itoudster, Mgbl Itoadster, national.
4 4 If JS8 Coin. L,Haleirt
lllcycles sold on the Installment plan.
U menu In tb mute. Lower rates I hB
Largest stock Iegul lllanks lo
ttie Htnte, a-d bll
. t-. tt: - . 7 m. ' . . ,
;esi uiscounv. hmuiw
nllng, anil calfclojue of
egslblanki - TiM.WAn'K,
Hteam ivinter Halem Oregoa.
Tinilwr ami Timber IahAj.
I have some fine tlmuerland for Mlt, I
also have three reilnoutihrnentii to wtl, of
luo acres each, that can be bouaUcliMtp t
first ctuss locatton; handy to 14. 1L I him
jiQvasouie very cheap lauds tliut will o
cost more lit W pr acre when nil paid ui.
I know of sum good it, n. Jod that W
vxrv iiheaD that can bu bought on very
tiv terms: Also of some very delrfctl
well posted lu all of the land laws mm
latest decisions of the geaeroi unit
iindLttve lutd a long exiteneuee
in IM
surveylugbusliiMs and have niaUe
caretwl study lor three yimrsunrt will .
aute saiUSbllon la every resfwet,
givetue vury uesireivnusre, "'" "t
ttd over one thotuaad neres tbe last nwerfi
and ait be seen ai my resiueneu ouo
Louth of COOK hotel. WtfffsiHmu
al Kxclmtig';, lie by tbe Jj
r Wales. Dam was Topsy, ffiSg
id mare, a granddaughter 'ij
IJUveruiiieu iuuub ii - iww r-
sons on tiouiMkH'lsor timber alaluis. rwr.
ties wanting to obtain Uoveraineut ld
win iiiiuiruinuiiie and tod mo as 1 a
county seat In Oregon.
lljil: .