Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 12, 1891, Image 2

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Iroublo oVer a tract of land. The
bitterness then engendered never
tiled. Saturday a lawsuit was
decided In favor of Holllwny. Sun
day morning, while William Holll
wny and Pleasant Holt were moving
a fence according to the decision,
Itufus Holt, son of Berry Holt, shot
them both down, Holllway dying
Instantly, and Pleasant Holt four
It urs later. The amount of land In
dispute Is one aw. Tho murderer
fled to the mountains, and has not
bei n apprehended.
St. Louis, Mo., May 12. The
Brotherhood of Painters have de
cided to make the strike general,
and about 1000 men went out home.
Bhussells, May 12. The strike
In tho Charlerlo district Is spread
Ing. The fouudrymen have struck.
Thirty-live thousand men uro out;
Hcvcral Iron works aro closlngowlng
to lack of fuel.
Oakmble, Pa., May 12. During
the progress of tho solreo-muslcale
given Saturday night by tho Melzar
Institute, a femulo seminary of this
place, two well-known students of
Dickinson college placed a long lad
der against the rear of the insti
tution, and tried to reach tho private
rooms of two of the inmates, with
whom they had arranged to spend
toe evening. The ladder was too
short, so the boys borrowed another
from a coal-yard near by, with
which to splice it. Two policemen,
happening to observe their opera
tions, waited until the collegians
wero well up tho ladder, and then
attempted to arrest them. The
lower one jumped and escaped, but
lost his hat, by which means his
name was ascertained. The other
was captured and placed under $200
ballon the charge of attempted houso
breaking. A warrent has been Is
sued for tho one who escaped.
Buumnoton, N. J., May 12.
Thero was a scene in St. Paul's
Roman Catholic church In this city
yesterday morning. It was the
tweuty-flfth anniversary of the or
dination of Rev. Father Trucoy, the
pastor of tho church. The priest
has not been on good terms with
Borne of his flock for many months,
nnd In tho course of his anniversary
address he became highly excited,
"I will grind to dust," ho shouted,
"the rottou-hearted devils of tho
congregation and hold their
wretched characters to the light of
day. Whilo I am hot as great a
man as Moses, I have just as much
authority over my people" Tho
outburst was a surprlso to many in
tho audience. As the priest con
tinued his tirade, many men and
women nroao in Indignation and
loft the church. Tho sormou is the
talk of tho town.
St. Louis, May 12. A prlvato
telegram received hero this after
noon, states that tho tow bout
Myohrlc was blown up by a boiler
explosion between here and Cairo
today. Two men aro reported
drowned, but the full extent of tho
dlator Is uot yet known.
can't ao TO MEXICO.
Cm ok Mexico, May 12. For
clgn Minister Murlscall says all tho
necessary steps have been taken, so
that when tho Etata reaches a Mexi
can port she will not be allowed to
Ban FuANCiBCO,May 12. Rlcardo
Trumbull, member of tho Chilian
congress and partisan of the Insur
gent party, was arrested last night
by a United States iiutr!iul for vio
lating tho neutrality laws In connec
tion with the shipment of arms and
munitions of wur ou tliu schooner
Robert aud Minnie and ou the
steamer Etata. His ball wastlxed
at $15,000 and was furnished with
John and Adolph Spreckles as
sureties. Trumbull was arrested on
board tho Oakland ferry boat aud
wuu on his way to Washington to
confer, It Is reported, with tho Chi
llaucouBiil. After his releuse he
stated that ko hud expected to be
arrested but had made uo attempt
at concealment. "Will you make a
light against the charge?" was asked
"A vigorous one, dor-end ou thut;
(111,08 I say, It amounts to uothlug.
Thero Is nothing In the neutrality
laws by wblck 1 can bo held,"
"What have you to suy ubout the
action of tho Ktata?" "Nothing.
Rut I might ndd t here U a precedent
for tho action In tho can) or tho
vteatuer Scandinavia, which put
out of tho Mexican port of Bantu
Rosalia with a Mexican marshal
aboard." "la the imeralda acting
bs convoy of the Etatu?" "That!
do hot know. If hhc 1h acting us
wnvoy, uti'ler no clicumtriuce
would he (ire on hel bmlutou,"
timiinii r n
Loss of Life and Prop
Italian Consul Recalled, The Czaro
Hvvitch WoundedThe WallalWalla
Affair, The President, State and
Foreign News, Etc.
White Cloud, Mich., May 12.
The five upper townships in this
county hrs been a surging sea of fire
ever since Sunday, and it is believed
not a single small hamlet Is left. A
number of freight cars aud logging
trains aro ulso burned.
Ludinciton, Mich., May 12.
Some of tho people who lived at
Wulkervllle before the lire struck
them arrived hero In a wretched
state. They say it Impossible to tell
how many inhabitants escaped alive
but they fear mauy died In the
woods whore they fled for safety.
The village hud 800 inhabitants and
uo ouo knows where more than half
this number aro at present. Ru
mors ot a largo loss of life at other
points come in, but verification Is
impossible, Tho entire county will
be swept unless rain comes today.
MECHANicsnuna, Pu May 12
DlsaBterous forest fires swept over
the mountain lauds of this county
since last Monday and ure still rag
ing. Fully ten thousand acres of
valuable timber lauds are burned
over. The valuable mining pro
perty of Alex, Underwood, near
Dlllsburg was destroyed. Tho
losses by llro already exceed $150,000
London, May 12. Gladstone
wenttochuroh Sunday and seemed
to bo enjoying his usual good health,
In tho afternoon, however, the
veteran statesman was seized with a
succession of shivering fits. Sir
Andrew Clark, Gladstone's fumlly
physician, though not pronouncing
his Illness to be of a serious nature,
dcclurcs Gladstone must not leavo
his room for several days.
New York, May 12. It Is stated
at tho houso of Walter Dumrosch,
whore Secretury Blultio la now ill,
thut tho secretary's condition Is
greatly Improved. Dr. Dennis said
thero wus nothing alarming about
Blalno's coudltlon, and advised
rest aud quite. Tho only mcdicluo
ho prescribed was pepsin for ludlgest
lou. Mrs. Blaine said: "Since tho
president wcut nwuy from Wash
ington Mr. Blulne has been working
very bard, and, the fact Is, ho has
been called to look after tho affairs
of tho department of state." Sho
denied ho had another attack of
vertigo, and said ho would bo ablo to
return to Washington In a few days.
Washington, May 12. It Is un
derstood that Pasqualo Cortel, Ital
ian consul at Now Orleans, has been
recalled by his government, and
that tho functions of his office will
bo exercised by another consular
official now In tho United States.
This action Is not inspired by tho
government of tho United States,
aud probably was taken by tho
Italian govcrumont either because It
was felt tho consul had beou indis
creet In his publlo utterances, or that
his usefulness wus Impaired,
Rome, May 12. Tho Italian con
sul at New Orleans, Senor Cortel,
has beou notified to return homo In
order to furnish tho Italian govern
ment with an oxuot account of the
events which bavo taken placosluco
tho murder of Chief of Police Hen
nessey. VicO'Couusul Pomu, of the
Italian eonsulato In Now Orleans,
will act for Consul Cortel In tho In
Walla Walla, May 12. Tho
rumors thut tho soldiers had shot u
comrado who Informed upon them
for complicity In tho recent lynch
ing, Is without foundation, Corporal
Arnold, arrested a few duys ago, nn
Sunday asked to soo the Commuud
lug officer. Six soldiers afterwards
wero arrested, It Is sup'Htscd, upon
Information given by Arnold, Two
soldlera deserted Friday night, aud
four mono Sunday. Arnold, the
day boforo tho lyuculug, had charge
of the quarters and unlocked the
arms rack, giving the men their car
bines, aud Is said to have been with
them wheu they wuyUld tho sheriff
tho day preceding tho lyuehlng
Tho MX soldiers arrested belong to D
troop, the jump us Jfljlcr, killed by
Gnmbjer Hunt,
nn ii i
Pueblo, Col., May 12. The presi
dential party has arrived at Salida.
Tho president received from the
citizens of Villa Grove a large box
of flno specimens of gold, silver,
Iron, copper, lead, zinc nnd coal
mined In tho San Luis valley. Tho
school children presented MrB. Har
rison with an album of pressed
flowers. The president's train
made a short stop on the hanging
bridge over thi Arkansas river In
tho Royal George canyon, in order
to nllow tho travelers to view the
grand beauty of the surrounding
canyons. Nearly all tho residents,
Including the G. A. R. nnd the
school children, were assembled at
the station. The reception accorded
the guests by Pueblo wus most en
thusiastic. An address of welcome
was raudo by Mayor Hamilton,
after which they were escorted
through the city by a procession
composed of G. A. R. nnd local so
clctles. The piesident received the
school children and made a short
visit to the mineral palace.
Colorado Springs, Col. 12.
The president and party arrived at
Coloruda Springs ut 0 o'clock lust
evening aud received tho heartiest
kind of a welcome. They wero met
by Mayor Spraguo and a committee
of citizens and given the freedom of
tho city. They wero then shown to
tho currluges and escorted through
the principal streets by a procession.
Tho purty then repaired lo the
hotel and had dinner, at which the
governor of tho state and wife and u
few leading citizens wero guests. A
public reception was held In the
evening and was attended by nearly
all the people in the city.
Denver, May 12. The presiden
tial party arrived here this morning
and met with u warm reception.
San Pedro, Cal., May 12. Tne
United Slates mun-of-wnr Omaha,
left hero for tho North yesterday
San Diego, Cal., May 12. United
States Solicitor General Taft receiv
ed a dispatch from President Har
rison directing him to go to Los
Angeles and take churgo of the
Robert and Minnie case for the
government. He left on tho after
noon train.
San FitAKCifrco, May 12. The
Charleston left San Pedro shortly
after 6 o'clock yesterday morning,
and was sighted ten miles out oft
Point Lomu, having made a ninety
mile run In six hours, or at a fifteen
knot gult. Thero wero additional
orders awaltlug her at San Diego,
but she kept ou her southward
course without stopping. Thero aie
uo telegraph stations south of En
seuadu, jUBt south of tho bounadry
lino In Lower California, so that,
savo such meager information as
may be brought north by ono of the
Panama or coast steamers, uothlug
further Is likely to bo heard from her
or tho Etata, until the Charleston
roturucs, or Ib hoard from at eomo of
the Mexican ports, which cannot
occur before Thursday or Friday
Washington, May 12. The sec
retary of tho treasury has designated
tho towu of Blaine, state of Wash
ington, u sub-port of entry, Puget
Sound collection district.
Baltimore May la Asbury
Green, colored, sentenced to peniten
tiary for assault on Mrs. Folsom
was taken from Jail ut Centervlllo
by a masked body of men this morn
ing and hanged.
Huda-Pesth, May 11. Tho crop
report to date shows barley, oats,
rye and feeding throughout Hun
gary are suffering greatly owing to
tho excessive heat which pre
vailed recently. The wheat crop
Is a fair average.
London, Muy 12. Tho Rome
correspondent of tho Stutulurd says
ho has oftlclul authority to deny tho
stutemout that Italy has at present
any Intention to appeal to tho powers
for a judgment ou the Now Orleans
Berlin, May 12. A dispatch ro-
eclved here from Tokto, capital of
Japan, announces that un attempt
was made upon the llfoof thoCzaro
witch, but that the Imperial traveler,
though seriously wounded U consid
ered In uo dauger of dylug. Tho
Cxarowltch was suddenly attacked
by u Japanese, with a aharnuword.
Before too Jupaueso could be over
powered, he Inflicted several severe
outs on tho Russian Prince, wuod.
feuded himself vigorously. No
cause is uuown tor me tmaoK,
San Fratvcisco, May 12.-Wheat
buyer, '01, $1.72.
Chicago Ills., May 12. Wheat
firm, cash ?1.04J July $1.00.
PANIC ON ijourse.
Paris, Muy 12. Af l-W) p. m.
panic prevails on Bourse here. Portu
guese securities have fallen to .80.
Paris, May 12.There was great
excitement nn the Bourse today,
and wide fluctuations In general.
Securities still rontluue. At one
t!moltwu8 difficult to effect sales
in Portugese and Spanish seeuiities
at almost any price.
New York, N. Y., May 12. Over
7,060,000 dollars gold coin was order
ed for export today.
mining officials.
Alhany, Or., May 12. The di
rectors of the Albany Mining and
Milling Company, yesterday elected
tho following efficers: President,
J. L. Cowan; vice-president, N. H.
Allen; treasurer, G. W. Mustou; sec
retary, J. V. Pipe. It wus voted to
put a ten-stump mill into their
mines in the Suutium district Im
mediately. J. W. Huzleton was
elected superintendent of the mines.
The company is more encouraged
than ever with the character of the
ore taken from the mine' and will
push the work vigorously this sum
J G Daly. J McFarluud, J Fried
laud, Miss Davidson, C Robeson,
Geo Senegle, Dayton,
G W Phillips, Scio.
S Soule, Independence.
L M Duncan, Macleuy.
G W St Clulr, N Y.
J H Thai, R Raymond, H E Plow
man, B F.
Leo Steemer, Salem.
M M Davis, Yaquinu.
J II Bishop, Wash.
F J Black, Halbey.
J H Lane, Boston.
U B Wheeler, J H Bceeher, Chi
cago. H R Klokf-s, Detroit.
C H Burcb and wife, Yumhill.
E C Mintou, S B Catterlln, D
Varner, O Ciesswell, A Call' A H
Salisbury, Salun.
L G Jones, A Graiget, G McCook,
M Wilson, A Klu', Portland.
Mrs Edmundson, W Wheeler,
Pearl Wheeler, Macleuy.
W and Mrs. Trever, St. Paul.
I Shufur and son, Turner.
(J W Cussler, Abercrombie.
C WBuir, Aumsvllle.
M Pmneroy, Slate Reform school.
H Peters, Whlteaker.
P Miuzcnmuil, Jcllenon.
Don't Feel Well.
And yet you are uot sick enough to
consult a doctor, or you refrain from
so doing for fear you will alarm
yourself and friends we will tell
you Just what you need. It Is
tlood'b Sursuparilia, which will lift
you of that uncertain, uncomfort
able, dangerous coudltlon, Into n
state of good health, confidence und
cheerfulness. You 've no idea how
potent this peculiar medicine is in
uses like yours
An O p p o r t unity. Children's
nilk cloaks positively at cost for ten
days only, at Chits. Calvert's. 6 Otft
A uow thlug No slight on quality
At tho Salem Cash Grocery.
For Sale. Two good mares, well
broken for all work. Both with foal,
Inquire of J. M, Payne, Stuto street.
Fresh. Sacramento strawberries
ut Furrar & Co'a every duy.
Rick Heartache ami relieve all the trouble Incl
dent to a bilious ktata of the system, luch u
DIulness, Nausea I)ro slues. DUtreta after
eating. Pain in the Side, &a While their moat
rvuiarkable success has been ahown In curing
Headaeiie, yet Carter's Lmu Una Piua
are equally taluahte lu Conttlatlon, curing
and preventing this annoy ing complaint, while
they also correct all disorder of the ttomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the boweU.
Kren It they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceleaa to tboae
who suffer from this dUtrcsalnr cemplaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be wilting to do without them,
tiut after all sick head
Is the bane of so many Uvea that here Is where
we make our great boast. Our pill cure It
while others do not.
CUrtia's Littuc U kb Tills are Tery small
anil very easy to take One or two puis make
a done. Tbey are strictly vegetable and dc
not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle acUoo
nleaao all who use them, lu vlau at tl cents
fire fort! Bold everywhere, or sent by mall
CA5TI1 iOSlUSX CO., Vn IctL.
MR bilk MM
Hptlls. H
Inconsistency, thou art the Jewel
that most people chase arier, and
successfully capture aud make their
The Jeisey cow, Mnpeiui, now over
15 years of age, gave l)7o lbs. of milk
In 31 days this spring, which yielded
78 lbs. of butter.
Ponnoyer Is spelling his name with
as big a "P" us he will ever get un
ices republican papers abuse bim
Into greater political pobuibllillts.
Tho papers are ppeakiiig of
Blultto's Italian attitude. Mr.
Blaine bus been mcwtly occupied
taking Anieiicuu attitudes.
George Francis Train Is not so
crazy, half-witted, Idiotic aud luibe
clllc ui some of his editorial critics,
when it conies to liuauelal success.
Tho American proverb thut a man
who is uot n fluaticiul success it) a
tool does not corral Train.
A suggestion to luteudiug summer
"Take a kodak with you, it will
joy und comfort give you, take it
then where'er you go."
You will enjoy it as well as your
friends who will enjoy the views
ufterwnrds in well as you.
There is no reason why Junction
City should not go ahead this sum
ine, with a $20,000 hotel, a $7000
school house, a fine church bulldlug,
all of which will be constructed this
season, and the probability of the
West Side bfing completed utun
early d.iie. Pilot.
A democratic paper has discovered
that stove covers have advanced
under the McKiuley bill, and that
now the woikitigman's dinner will
cost him more. As tin has got
cheaper under tho McKinley bill,
they can uo longer keep up the clat
ter ubout his dinner pail. But the
woiLiugman enjoys his dinner at
good wuges just tho same.
The Monmouth Democrat wants
i-omething new for a Fourth of Julj
piogram, and oflera a year's subscrip
tion to the person ulio will produce
it. It says: "Won't nomei.idy
pleaso invent some biaud new waj
of glorifying on the coining Fourth
of July? People of benae und sens!
bllity urc"veary,oh ,ao weary"of tin
barbarism of firecrackers and the in
anlty of nn average "fought-bled.
aud-dled" oration."
Baker City Demecrat: Hon. A.
Bush, a public spirited citizen, pro
poses to erect a drinking fountain m
Salem, where people, as well as tho
brute creation, can quench their
thirst at any time, day or night.
This Is one of the uiostcoinmenduble
moves ever undertaken by Mr. Bush
and a similar entcrpiising spirit dis
played by some big-hearted ltizen
of Baker would receive tho fullest
eudorsement of everybody.
After the talk and uewspapei
gossip over the matter, it now ap
pears that Governor Pennoyerdid
lecelvo President Harrison on hit
arrival at Solem nnd in a cordlal'i
anu gentlemanly manner, too. The
president became noted during his
late campaign for making short,
pithy and appropriate speeches; and
bis short talks during his present
tour bavo been exceedingly appro
priate. Portland World.
Tho Dalles Chrenicle: Three
mouths ago the Oregon legislature
passed a bill appropriating $00,000
for a portage railway at the Cascades.
Three days after, congress passed a
bill grauting the rluht of way. This
bill was promptly signed by Prcsi
dent Harrison and Is now n law.
Since that time," practically nothing
has boen done towards building the
road. Whose fault Is It? Wo pre
pose to find out. Wo will find out
and we don't care a plcayuutHvho It
Is the people shall know who Is to
Dayton Herald: Tho Capital
Journal favors Hon. J. H. Mitch
11 us piesident. Senator Mitchell
if uominated und elected to the
presidency of tho United States will
undoubtedly fill the place with
lonor to Iho country. J. G. Blaine
s again looming jp as a presidential
eaudldute. We have had, lu the
past, n number of honorable men
who bought after the presidency
until late In life, who never realized
We fear this will be the eudiug to
Mr. Blame's bright dreams.
Wallowa Chieftain: The trip of
President Harrixou and cumpauy
across the continent and their" visit
to the Pacific coast cannot fall to be
if great benefit to tho couulry. In
ouo seuse of the term It Ib a business
trip. Thoso who are criticising the
uffulr from any possible standpoint
tre simply showing a parsimoulour
Imposition unworthy an American
iltizeu, and are making themselves
as rld'culous as did those Kansas
and Nebraska furmere who proposed
to see In what kind or a car the
president rode during the trip. It
would be better for all concerned if
those who make, direct or execute
our laws aud government policy
were bctier acquainted with the
resources and needs of very section
of the country.
City Warrants.
Ture aro funds now en hand ap
plicable to the payment of all cltj
warrants "endorsed" before July 8,
1800. Interest will cease ou the
same from the date of this notice
E.J. SWAmiBn, Cltj Treaa.
Balem, May 8, 1801. dot
For Balk. Threeyeur-old bay
carriage horse, Morgan stock, sound
und gentle. C. Bodknhkimrr,
20th street. 4 20-2vv
The Oreat Spring Medlclne-Tlio llluocl
Utile LUe.
I lmebocn troubled with bnd blood for
om N onrtt; ptirrlmsed two bottlt-t iif Hlb
bnrd's Rheumatic sj nip, wlilrh tins curia
me. Aa blood purifier It linsuouiufil. I
tnke pleMR'ire In recoomiiKnaiiiB It nsn
toulc.ullcrutlvo, nnd reliable rheumatic
remedy. Very truly yon rs,
B. K. FKROUHuN, Jyitiin Rapid, Mich.
1 his Is to certify that w o kuo w Al r. r er
jusop, nnd billo .o the statement inline by
bim to be true. We uuhesltutliiKiy recom
mend this remedy ns wo believe It to be
the greuteBtfutnily n-medy on our helvcs.
Knton Rapids, Mich.
Sold by Smith a blelucr.
that Impurity ef tho blood whh Ii 1 1
ins unslglitly lumi s or swelling on t e
andsi-f the neck ; causes vnlnful um. i a
,ies t.n the anus, legs, or feet; dtti'lo a
ccis In the eyes, ears, or nose, often c.u.-
g blindness or deafness; Is the oilgln of
.miles, cancerous growths, or tho lit i y
; -r iiuiilfestatioiis usually nserlhid to
humorns" and fastening upon tho luiirs.
nscs consumption, and death. JUIng
e most ancient, It Is the most general ot
.1 dUeascs or affections, foi voiy few
persons aro entirely Irce fioin it.
How Can
It Bo
K3I v"
By taking Ilood's Sarsaparllla, which, by
'ho rcmaikablo cures it has accomplished,
,ften when other medicines havo fallrd,
iias proven Itself to bo a potent and ret ul
ar mcdicluo for this dlseae. Some o)
il.eso cures aie really wonderlul. ff oti
juiler from sciofula or Impuio hlco.l, bo
sure to tiy Hood's Sarsaparllla.
' Every spilngmy wifeand children have
iiccn troubled with scrofula, sores bio ik
ing out on them In various places. My
little boy, tlueo years old has been a
terrible suffcicr hast spring ho was i no
mass of sores from bead to feet. 1 vas
advised to use Hood's S.trsapaillia, and wo
havo all taken it. l'heresult is that all hsn o
been cmed ol the scromla, my little boy
being entirely free from sores, and all tout
ot my chlldicn look Lrlght and healthy."
V. n. Athertox, Passaic City, N. J.
Hood's SarsaparHia
soIdbyilniBKlsts. Sl!lxorf3 rrcjnrc.'bj
.1. 1IOOE J, CO., Apothecaries, Lov. oil, J 'Si
3QO Posos One Dolls1
Chlchcitcr'i ILnirllih Diamond Uracil.
Ortatnal and Onl Genuine. A
safe, suwaji reiiaoie. ladies bik ,l
Drugzlii tor CAlchMter' KnglUh Dia ffyS
.nonuSrand in lted and Gold ruetal-VS
Ho boxes, sealed with Uue ribbon. Vmt
fTnke no other. Rfu dangerou V
tubttitutlons and imitation. At Dnnrelttft
or Mnd 4c. In sumpi forparttco1ari,teitim
trials and "Keller Tor LndteA," in Utter
b? return HalL 10,000 TeitlmonUU
Ifama Paittr.
Chfoheifer Chemical Co.. Madlaon So a are
Bold bj all Local DroictUu, .f-- vm
W ii3
V fp
Fhe Racine and Columbus Buggies !
Bucks in all best Styles. Euin Furm Wagons. Full Hue Dog Carts.
Harvesters, Mowers, Cultivators, Ilaying Machiacry
Our S ecialty. Agricultur.il
l'" M..H. p
jj""j"' '" !
302 Commercial Street
WL l wL I
SI w
MkM Jf gg
uieilestiiiiior saving invention in tbo household line. Wnnlies al
vaiiMlesof goods from the fltuat lucu to the coarsest carpets, perfectly
cltau, without rubbing or boiling, without the u-o of chemicals or any
i,cuctivo process-only snap and der. The company owuing it oilers
jlOOO to anv peiwm who u ill (irolu.-o t family washer equal to the NEW
KHA In the following peint: Pi Ice. L,u r saving. Ilipidh v of wash
ing Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning ptrfeotly without damage to
clothing, bimplicity and rerlect con,tructi(.n. Hlze, weight and dura
bility, batlslactlon guaranteed or monoy refunded Solo Agents for
Marion county. tjw
liinsL l 1)1111
ir.... -...i i i ii i
ii juu foniempiatio tne purchase ot a mu
sical instrument write to us for an illus
trated Catalogue by mail.
P. H. EAST0N &. Co.. 310 Co ..'I St . Salarr,, Or.
1 tns a
kftr 'T5 .T3itlrl
II. POHLG, Blacfenii,
Formerly of Bcribcr A Pohle, two doors
west of the old stand, keeps n good supply
of wheels, axles, springs and general car
rlagehardwnie. 4:22 dw
Cheapest lots In town. 45 rold since
January 15. Call on
Bush-Breyman Blo,i
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day
None but white labor cm Jloycd In this
A good substantial meal o ked In flret
class stylo
Twenty-five cents per meal
Court street, between Journal Uflico uud
Mlnto's Livery.
Paper Hanger.
Leoveordernt Globe Real Estate Exchange
$500 Reward!
VKwlll pay theubovo reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, nick
headache, Indigestion, constipation or cos
tlvsncss We cunnot euro wltw west's Veg
eltnbleLtqer 1'IIIk, when tho directions are
stilctlo complied with. They aie purely
veyetabl, and never fall to give satisfac
tion. Sngnr cosittd. Iirge boxes, contain.
ingSO pills, l?5 cents. Iteware of counter
fell band n.ltnlions The gunnlnu mauu
fuctHiedohly by THE JOHN U. WEST
Co. Chicago 111,
Sold by Geo. E. Good, Druggist, 309 Com
street. Salem Or.
Pa siTiVEi,
ures vmmnrm
Rbonmatiam, Neuralgia, Cornf!
Till Osltfinls Fetitive nd Kgntlve
IM sy tU Enbt. Ei 5c, W ft $1
nrcsalAKv A Q..
J. Uw Ar i
"-" ,l.f.lT
lines more Complete than ever. dv
m ami lam-. ..., MIMlnnl,
W ..
i stoves, Ranges, Furnaces,
Tinware, and all House
rernishinj: Goods.
Chimney and
ocwer ripes,
Iron and
Buckeye. Force
Pumps. Pumps
ror urcliaril Spraying.
NcwErallydrauIic ClbthrsWasher!
Addition .
p rc4sMnjs&:'
maz i fiAT.4
II I II M. ..
Of all kinds Pianos, Organs, Violins,
Guitars, Banjos and Mandolins, (whole
ale and retail) over 800 of the latest and
in r : 1-1 n Mr i v 1 1 i
Who do All Klndslof
J As Chonp aa any Laundry in
Itue Country TJslnir W'hlto Uh
und dolus Hrst-olasH work.
CQT Ladles aud patrons luvlted
- .,-lv. uui lllirVM Ul IIU1UK
I 230 Liberty Street,
-w.u uummn
,.rH,'q!?rtel ror nM .. '
m .nm,.iive ccali, """a fori?
W'ilT-A ho..c. ,,i .7rr r'
fnnu.i ... .. glw
X' lo HU
L light housekeeping U,,&? fBi u ,
Centei street. Inlolre J '
.7iT.,- .... . aoj '
t.ereonnl timnri, Vi..,i"Jll.ll kl,.""
jny Hufe or (store.
. iDdt
tw oMito b 1 1 cut.
IT0IA.s,ft" AS.V. tuam5-
eeulr.il NobriiRUn, York : J ?iSi i I
counties WHuhl cu'auYn fc,ia."d,.nSi J
Uunonn.K1ltrun, North Cieftri
riOH R AL,E.-Ahout on ncre
I! hurn. with ruuulnt V," r ft
harn. A. bcnulirul locution rr.W
(llllioat second hi,i,.;.,..."r'L
rf -xsylum avenue utter cniiiS
going u Asylum. cnwimj
WZZSPXM,. WinTeTi.ll
rri.liainl Iw.io.n.. -, " -. -- "viuoulii
, , hwu,icimuiei'r in- tr...rM
permanent place lll bXI
I1TAIM1I..II !'..... . "
VV " ",";'.V"'u'rci rurcrouof .
aood prices. HalemlS'n'S ,t P'0.1?'
W.'fElh-An acll,e. rellahl. ...
I t biliary uio JS0 moiilhlv wiihT
crease, to represent In hSsovn'J,
respoii.lble .Now Yortlio,..O'S-ffS"0.n
mVVllH. Wa ,vu.,V .t.;,-.ITl.ou lt''r
.... ,, w Lib v'uult nun fffTritjt
agents, nnd will taite batk tloijgnV
sold If a county ugent fails tnaSriJ,
i.nd expenses itfcr u thlitj dm'trlnl ,
.. btt4v,.-.ttfallut tVi-n IMUU iiJI, yp fill
send liiigo lllubtratod uirculun unfi lnw
nii,uiDtvuti.i iuii;i m niiiL lenitOrT kn.
piled lor, on receipt of A ouecent itinii-
Address Kenner MnnufaeturlneiVi pKi
burg. X'a. I7dir
Ita. H. SHOEMAKER. toTiwT.l
t.'- -w, j -' ,w -'I UU04 UU
loarcl by day or ween with mZuiXi
-""-"- ,. Urn
i,mi.. " """"B
NICELY ftimished rooms t0 KL,m
board, In plummet. l.artofclt?nu,
street car llns, 0 Center strett m"
Livery, Feed and Sale Uu
W. H. GOULET, Prop'r,
All stock luitln niycurehalliectiin..
best of attention. Ttlerhone SoS, '
ner Liberty and Firry fctree!, ualfm .'
trry i,tree!, tftkm, i,.
K. II.
Feed and Boarding StaWc.j
Hay and oiil-sboldiiud delivered. 8tbl
on .cny biieii, dcr 01 toslouia,Si!e.
Livciy Stable and Feed M
The Bast Box Stalls and Corral In thiMt;,
Quiet, lamlly horstsa spedullj.
(In iear Willamette hotel.)
South of Willamette Hotel,
Hauling of all kinds. Best work.
agon at every train.
All work, either new or zvpalrinflto"
in mo pesi worKmnuimo di
Bhop south of post office.
Dissolution of Copartners
XTOTIOE Is hereby given that w
uay Deen aesoiveu uy mmn.. ----- .
J. O. Kleppln retiring from thtflra,
debts duo the late nrm are 'vyjr-j
Bmlth, Itoyal and .Alderson. aa
Smith lloyal and Alderson J9Jffi,
ble lor all debts due from iuu . "Jit , I
the carrying out of the confacUfor t"i
ana uuuuings uy mo ";rrTH '
AprlU.lMd. ftiS'SW;
4:18 4W KUUlAu.
Fniinrlfid n '1877.
lautst everhn-fi;on tb r 1
Book yourl order WW
Stamp for Catalogue.
ress J, M. GARRISON-
Eating Parlors & Candy Manufac
SOS Commercial Sir
Mush and Milk
Plate or Boup -sr-
urn nuke. Cottee or Tea-
beefsteak and Kggs
Mutton Chon and EfB-
Venlaou and Eggs
Saubage and ims
Kren oysters bj .j "-rriV
j r..t R.tl.rD!flllerSentl'""", .
I1UUI aua -6"-4i
A nhrletyofvegeubl
S?, .,reVWchrr.. ,
' CholcVlrsT im' '
always on nand. Fjn--SS
Porter House Htoak JgTZ&J?
Tender r,.m kihk ao'L-LSfc -: .
1 1
T)A8TUItA0E.-G. nd TT "- ,
r miles from town P.'"",fite ,
Watt, wo Oliem6Ryj;tia?Blw cVj.'V'
ba"OAIN.a M7---iii
salo In South Hnun,'.' d IwowTl
-.. ""Mtg
. - K I.
vr t
.' iii4-