Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 12, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. 4.
NO. 57
Yoo Can't Afford to Overlook tk Fact That
Has Special Inducements to Offer You
PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, (Leather and Plush) of the finest quality.
Tn FOLDED WRITING PAPER, of Ream Packages.
In WRITING TABLETS, of superior quality, from 5 to
In ENVELOPES, best XXX, cheaper than ever.
.. l ,.., nA-.ft.1iinnrfn1nnkn.i-. those foods. GENTJTN'E OXFORD n.ml tt A flSTFR.'S TnnnlWH Rih1nP.
H Wn "Rlncrnntlv hntind. fnr sale at nrinns ranmno frnm S3. SO tn Sin.
- a J I o o tt . .. - --
- Editors.
Canital Journal Publishing Company.
omoe, Commercial Street, In P.O. Hulldlng
KntcrcU at the postoalco nt 8alem,0r.,ns
tULC(DH n tttu
50 cents.
HP !
jiivv and medium heavy Footwear, suitabl for farmers and mechanics, every style at $1.10, 1.25, 1.50, $2.
Better Values Never Were
fa. n we are showing for "Sunday-go-to-Meeting and sich." We can please you at 1.25, S l .50 and 1.7 5. Newest
To sell lots of foods at a small profit than to sell a few goods at a great profit.. The lots-of-customers will stick to
, , ,i,;io 'rW ?pw will leave -vou. This has been the policy of this honse and will continue to be so. If you have
not proven this to your satisfaction, do so at once by spending some of your money there
Bisselx Chilled Plows .
Which are warranted to he the best Chilled plow in use to clo good work, run as light as any plow made, scour in
any soil, run steady, are easily handled or adjusted, to work well m dry, hard or stony land and not choke.
If you want the best Chilled plows, buy the Bissell. They are the best built, the best finished and
-.-. -. i i t- i. t ,,njnt-;nno Ufnro rmrnhnsinir elsfiwliere: as we furnish the best
it will pav aiL dealers ana iarmeis iug uui uuwv.-o - r ..B , i.i,-p;fi
coods and our prices are the lowest, quality considered. We carry the argest and in st complete stock on the Pacific
S of M A OHTNER Y AND VEHICLES Of every description. Call and see us, or telegraph us regard-
iayour requirements, and you will receiye prompt attention
The Journal recently replied to
the Alhauy Democrat, which cited
numerous strikes to show that pro
tection did uot help tho labor, that
the men were striking for increased
wages and that thoro was a vast
difference between striking for a
raise and striking ngainst a reduc
tion. Bradstreet's of April 25th says: "A
year ago it was stated that the coal
miners would, after the building
trades(nui8tly carpenters), demand
an eight-hour day. It Is slgnlficl-
cant that at several points at which
the movement was uppareutly de
feated a year ago employes have
since secured what was then asked
Among favorable features has been
uoted the amicable settlement of
elght-hovr disputes at Chicago and
Probably a free trader will' admit
that rcduclugtho boursof labor from
ten to eight without any decrease of
wages is tho equivalent ofau actual
Increase of wages, but whether tho
free trader will conccdo this or not
the workiucmau knows it. Ho can
appreclato the gain to him ift tho
freo trader cannot.
If tho fucts could be known It
would bo shown that most of tho
strikers In this protective country
are aggressive movements for ad
vances in wages.
ns to give that city the full benefit of
tho visit to this state. Under theso
circumstance?, It Is particularly uu.
(ortunnto for the state that tho na
turoofthe reception nt Seattle was
open to severe criticism. Wo sym
pathize with our Seattle friends In
their objections to tho management
of tho affair and trust that they may
be able properly to place tho cen
sure therefor. That Seattle Blioweu
to such very pdor advantage beside
Tacoma it Is uot creditable to that
city and is chiefly tho fault of the
gentlemen who arranged tho pro
gramme." Tho person referred to is a rcnouu
ced politician who lelt Iowa under a
cloud. As president of the State Ag.
riculturvl College he got Into trouble
with u student or rather got her
into trouble was forced from that
Institution, got his namo changed
by tho legislature; Influential friends
married him oil to an heiress, and
tho Western Union set him up with
a news monopoly at Seattlo In in
early day, when his wile's money
made him wealthier. Como west,
young mau, aud grow up with the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, An& in, "889
ffo Baking
5l Powder
Aoxmt for STAVER & WALKER, Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel
and Camp Goods.
New line of samples now on exhibition.
Com'l St., SALEM;
Clark eVEn
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds,
Fresh and time to name.
The Crane Store,
126 State St., Salem, Or.
The Oregonlan's plan of adopting
editorials from Eastern metropoli
tan papers has many advantugos.
It enables It to display a great deal
of learning while employing inex
pensive persons on the editorial
force. Its readers thus receive a
great literary benefit while its pay
roll Is kept at n small figure, us tho
cxpeuse of an editorial force to pro
duce original editorials is very law.
Its entorprlso in this direction Is
so refreshing that It is enabled to
comment unfavorably on moosback
legislation and a governor who,
whatever lapses ho has been guilty
I of. cannot be Hald to not bo
thoroughly original. Editorial
ability that relies on tho uso of
shears Is good enough for an unpro
gresslve, thinks the Orcgonlan.
There is nlso u vein of wise con
servatism in tho uso of borrowed
editorials. For unless a clipped
editorial has considerable merit and
is endorsed by readers of great
papers else vhero, It Is perfectly safe
for a great paper to uso it In Oregon.
The back-number plan has merit all
around. It is far more meritorious
than a rehash of tho Forum and
North American Review.
Guaranteed full weight and an Excellent Washer.
IOO Couirt Street.
Tho failure of tho Now York leg
islature to make an appropriation
for an exhibit at tho World's Fair
will throw the bulk of expense of a
display for the Emplro State upon
the Hebrew clothing and jowolry
merchants of New York city. More
than half tho states In tho Union,
havo failed to muko any exhibit ap
propriations. M. 11. Do Young ad
dressed the California Btato Com.
mission Saturday. It will bo seen
from tho tenor of his remarks that
the Golden State will lay Itself out
for a mammoth advertisement. Mr.
Do Youug said:
"I nm uu advocate for a state
building; I always have been; we
uocd It for advertising purposes.
We want an unusual exhibit. Go
to a wheat-grower nnd get him to
plant his wheat so that It will be
high whon wo want It, and, tako his
highest stalks for the exhibition; so
with beets and other things, muko
tho exhibit tho biggest kind of nu
advertisement for tho slato of Cali
fornia wo have ever had. Close up
tho Miuing Bureau hero and trans
port tho whole thing museum offi
cers and employes to Chicago.
Thero tho men could care for tho
muBcum, and after tho fair bring it
buck. Wo can lutroduco a bill In
tho leglslatnro to effect that. We
wauta great lumber exhibit, planks
as long as we can got thorn from our
trees, rough and smooth. Wo waut
exhibits of wines, fruits, wool and
othor things. Wo should have a
map of California, big as can he
made, hung up on tho wall, with the
with tho county lines. Wo should
have a characteristic Cullfornln
building with a glass nnnox in
which should bo grown all kinds of
California frultB, trees and flowering
liiirtaiit to
Best Lines in the City-
Fishing Tackle.
State Street.
VJ LCI L.v w
Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time.
The Oregon Land Com
pany wishes to buy from three
to five thousand acres of land
for a colony and $250,000.00,
worth of Salem city proper
ty, either in a body or de
tached, for a syndicate of
Eastern capitalists.
Parties who have such
property to sell and can give
from nine months to ono
year to consummate the tran
saction will find it to their
interest to see Tho Oregon
Land Co., of Salem, Oregon.
KiImi Tniolf ft Drav Co.
rivivt - y flcHUt8t.,opwHeb-
. t worki. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dv at
always ready tor ordjerw.
Bell mid deliver wood.
Iiv nut anil lumber. Of-
'"j -"- ---- - .- ..
The Oregonlan of Saturday says:
"Tho number of children enrolled
In tho public schools of the stuto of
Washlncton in 1800 was 54,432; In
the state of Orecou. 63,254. In 1890
the stato of Washington throw 64,
803 votes In election of member of
congress; in 1800 tho stato of Ore
gon throw 73,205 votes in election of
member of congress. Yet In the
United Btutcs census mudo tho pop
ulation of Oregon less in 1800 than
the population of Washington. Tho
census, as taken in Oregon, was a
farce and a fraud.
Uuder the official census Polk
county had less than ten thousand
population. If the above propor
tions, based on tho school popula
tion, are correct, Polk county must
hare over ten thousand population.
Tho towns in that county have
uearly flvo thousand and five tlioua
and furm population Is a very small
estimate about 1000 families. Polk
easily has 10,000.
The Tacoma nnd Bcattlo papers
are very severe In their criticimn of
the receptions tendered tho Presi
dent by the, respective municipalities.
TheTgcoma Globe ayn;
"The people of Seattle are Justified
In their severe criticism of the ar
rungrmeutH made for the president's
reception in that city. They have
many flue business blocks aud a
good deal of a city. Where, then,
wag the sense In rushing tho dis
tinguished visitor through the city
to unsettled suburbs upon the shores
of Lake Washington, end forcing
the thousands of people who wished
to see the president to crowd each
other and Interfere wilh the posses
sion at the docks? Or where was
tho sent in Inflicting upon the pres
ident a cold, wet ride on a cable car
up an almost perpendicular blufi
and crowding the chief executives of
the nation aud of the state Into a rick
e!v hack, drawn by a rough pair of
cayuses, driven by a hackman whose
coat showed a rent a foot In Jengtli
and looked like a rello of Donny
brook fair? It was generally under,
stood (hat the Itinerary of the presi
dential nartv had been so arranged
by a dlatlngulsbed cltlnen ot Seattle
"La grlppo" seems to bo gradually
dying out.
Tho prospects for a beautiful bar
vest are very bright at present.
Cattle In this reclon aro in remark
ably good condition for this thuo of
Old Mr, Chltwood was burled in
Rock Creek Cemetery April 80th.
Ho was strlckon with paralysis a few
days before his death.
Rov. Now. of Sclo. preached In
tho Butler school house and also In
the Kings Pnilrlo school houso, last
Sunday. Tho O. P. church has se
cured him to preach for them onco a
mouth at thoso pluces.
A Sunday school has been reor
ganized Jn ihe Butler school houso,
which meets every Bunuay an iu
Tho peoplo of QateHvlllo aro pre
paring for a rousing celebration on
the Fourth of July, auu a grunu
good tlmo Is expected. It will bo
held on tho old plcnlo grounds on
tho Linu county sldo of tho river.
Wo hear of no more efibrts being
mudo to find tho body of the
young man, who was lost In tho
mountains last winter. It seems
that something should bo don 0, and
perhaps tho myHtery that hangs
about his dlsuppearanco will uo
cleared away.
We had a slluht frost a few night
ago, but not hard enough to do any
Tlie I'ulMt and the Stage.
Rov. F, M Hhrout, Pastor United
JJrV'lurcu vuuruu, .ijiuu muuuu.
Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell
what wonders Dr. King's New Dis
covery has dons ror me. aiy -Uuiikb
wero badly dUeosod,and my parish
loueru thought I could Iivo only a
few weeus. 1 iook 11 ve uoiues or
Dr. King's New Discovery and am
sound aud well, gaining IM lbs. in
Arthur ixjvo, Manager amoves
Funny Folks Combination, writes:
"After a thorough trial aud convin
cing evidence, I ntn confident Dr.
King's jwew discovery ror Von
sumptlou, beats 'em all. and cures
when everything else fulls. The
greatest kfudutwa I can do my
tuousanu menus u 10 urge wcm w
try it." Free trial bottlea t Frv's
Drugstore. Regular 'lies 60c. and a
Tho census In Franco shows an
Increase In tho population, of 1,080,-
non vrnrlv. as comnarcd with an In-
www rf '--
creaso of 437,000 yearly In uermany.
Hon. John T. Rruiino, of thoEng
HhIi nnrhoment for Norwich, has
endowed a chair of economic sclonce
In tho Liverpool university with
Hourl Rochfort, In tho Paris In
transiqcaut, blames Isaac, tho sub
prefect of Avcsness, for ordcrlug tho
troops to firo ou tho rioters at Four
mles. A duel will result from tho
Duke Guntuer, tho kaiser's broth
er-in-law, Is under n cloud for ab
sence without leayo from his regi
ment in Berlin. Tho kaiser, to
whoso knowledge tho matter came,
has Intimated to his rclatlvo that ho
must give strict nttcutlou to hta
military duties.
The kaiser has given orders
through tho minister of publlo works
that uo persou shall bo permitted to
ride freo on government; rallwnys,
unless actually engaged 111 tho ser
vice of tho government, and that
officials allowing any violation of
this rule shall bo dismissed.
Tho appeal or tho Italian govern
ment to tho othor European govern
ments to unlto In demanding from
tho United States protection for res
ident aliens Is laughed at In Berlin,
in view of tho great Increaso of
Itn Han emigrants to America. It Is
belloved that Gormauy will refuse
to take nny part in such demand.
Three Alsatians, arrested near
Polton court, ou tho frontier, whllo
attempting to escape Into Franco in
order to avoid military servlco, havo
beon broHght prisoners Into Stras
burg and will bo tried by tho mili
tary authorities. This kind of de
sertion has become so frequent of
late that tho punishment will prob
ably be sovero,
A Hamburg dispatch sayB the
Countess Waldersco has been giving
some brilliant entertainments at Al
tona, whero nor husband is in mili
tary command, and that distin
guished guests havo como from us
tar us Berlin. Tho countess retains
much of tho beauty which bIio bad
when, aB Miss Loo, of Now York,
sue won tho heart of tho Prince- of
Tho worklngmon of Geestemundo
nronoso to nreseut a testimonial to
Schmalflold, tho soolalist shoomaker,
in memory of his championship of
tho socialist caiifio against Prince
BUmarck iu tho recent election.
Sohmalftold has received letters
from all nurtH of Germany and
Europe congratulating him on tho
run which ho made aguiust tho ex
chanccllor. A lively cartuquako shock was
felt In California Saturduy night.
Jennie Tucker, a 10-yenr-old Chi
cago girl, waa burned to death Sat
urday, by hor clothes catching firo
through an explosion of gasoline.
Look Ezell, a United States mar
shal, was murdered at RuHselvillo,
Ala., the 0th ItiBt. by ft gang of des
peradoes calling themselves tno
Sid Evans was accidentally killed
at Elko, Umatilla county, Thursday
ulirht bv tho accidental dlschargo or
a shotgun whllo out rabbit hunting.
J. M. Weston, n young lawyer of
Navasolo, Tex., who was despoudont
through 111 health, took his wife
aud baby and Jumped Into tho river.
Tho mother was rescued, hut Westou
and tho child wero drowned.
A lighted clearclto thrown care
lessly Into a pllo of hay caused it fire
that destroyed the stables of tho
Austin (Tex.) Street Car company,
together with twenty-two cars and
thirty-four mules; loss 126,000.
The American ship Tarn O'Bhau-
ter whllo entering Ban Francisco
harbor Saturday, lot her steerage
way and struck upon Potato beach.
She was then ruu aslioro aud
beached. She has a cargo of coal,
but the extent of the damage Is not
yet known.
England has annexed a strip of
territory which she bos hitherto
protected on the western frontier of
Bcchuansland, iu order to prevent
the threatened trek of the Boors and
Tho German kaiser and kalserlne
will reside during tho suinumr In the
new palace near Potsdam, where the
youug princesses of tho imperial
house nre already Installed. The re
moval of ttie court to the uew palace
had an ominous beginning iu tho
death or tho kaiserlne's favorite
Try thoso
Btro tig's.
la Town creams at
issocmtetl Press Report and
Digests of all Important
News 01 To-Day.
Washington, May 12. A report
to tho department of state regard
lug the death of General George
Pomutz, formerly United States
consul general nt St. Petersburg,
tells of hlB burial In Potter'B Field,
and ten years subsequently tho sud
den discovery of vnluablo deeds and
papers which had never neon
General Pomutz waa n brlllant
soldier of tha war, the friend and
comrade of Gen. Grant, and a promi
nent cltlzon of Keokuk, Iowa, and
ono of tho most accomplished of tho
United States representatives
abroad. Ho was appointed consul
at St. Potcisburg In February, 1860,
and promoted to the consul goncral
ship in 1874. Ho surrendered tho
offico In 1878 to make room for a
friond of tho administration of Presi
dent Hayes, and contiuued to live
in St. Petersburg, only a few years
elapsed until his death, aud then the
American residents made up a purso
for his burial. No ono appeared to
claim tho body. No ouo Beoms to
havo made any Inquiry from Jowa
aB to tho disposition of his property,
and It Is only by accident that Con
sul Crawford recently discovered
that two locked boxes belonging to
him contained the records of his
services aud deeds to town lota and
farina In Iowa nnd Missouri, repre
senting a largo amount of money.
iron wonicicns abic fok an ad
PiTTSnima, May 12. Returns up
to Saturday night Indlqnto that all
tho Pittsburg lodges, of tho Amalga
mated Association of Iron and Steel
Workers have declared for an ad
vanco from fC-CO to $0 n ton for
puddling next year. Tho 1801 acnlo
takes ofi'oct July thel. and during
Juno the AnnlBniniltd convention
will poBS upon the proposition to
demaud nn iucreaso. It Is thought
tho scheme will carry, although it
failed a vcarauo. That tho manu
facturers will concedo it with tho
market In Us present unsatisfactory
shape 1b uot certain. It !b eald that
tho determination to Bccuro an in
crease Is based upou a boom expected
to bo caused by world's fair work.
Columhus, Ind., May 12. For
some tlmo past tho freight trains on
the Louisville division of tho Penn
sylvania liuo have bqon used by
trumps between Indianapolis and
Loulavlile, greatly to the annoyanco
of trainmen, Early yesterday
morning, as No. 83 north bound,
reached this city tho front brake
muu saw bovcu tramps standing
near a box car ou a side track, and
noticed them enter a stock car,
With a club ho went to tho car aud
drove tho party out. Tnoy scattered
aloug tho track and climbed upon
tho cars. Tho brukeman secured
help and drovo them away again.
Presently they rallied, and attacked
tho brakenmn with stoues. A
moment later there was n pistol
shot and a man fell upon the plat
form. Ho wus taken to tho city
hospllul whero ho is now dying.
His numo Is John Easton. He Is m
English ship carpenter. At Frank
lin, twenty-five miles north of this
city, were fivo tramps who had
ridden to that place. When the
train stopped they attacked the two
brakemoti with knives, infiloting
wounds upon A. Gates that will
likely prove fatal. J, Gore, the
other brukeman, escaped with two
sculp wounds. But for tho assist
ance or officers (lie train could uot
have been moved.
London, May 12. From Ostro
hog, Posen, comes tho nuya of M
extraordinary allair. A mnn named
Koftun changed his religion, ho
having been a Lutheran, iu order to
marry u Jowess with whom he had
become infatuated. The yoUngr
woman married him aud for a time
they lived happily. Koftan w
perpetually Irritated by the taunts
or his former coreligionists, and th
thought of Ills apostasy preyed ot
his mind. A few days ago he waa
found dead iu his house, with a
written recantation of Judaism
lying besldo him. He had cut hh
Newport, Ky. May la.Two 0 r
thsroa years ago two neighbors, Berry
Holt and William Holllway ImmI