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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1891)
vj 4i vmitytWAPiiit" jailMfaMMMiiiMtWi ; n inniMriirri unittr iTTaMMhMfcaMa Bliilno's Six Questions. Secretary Blaine has made publlo his latest communication In tho Bchriug sea ntiitlor. It Uuildrcnscd to Sir Julian Putnicefote, the Urltlsh Ullnlstor, and reads as follews: Tho modificatlouK vlileu Lord Salisbury suggested lu the questions for arbitration do not wholly meet the yiews of tho president, but tho president changes tho text of the third and iifth In such manner as Will, It Is hoped, rt'KUll in un agree ment between thotwogovernmou s While Loid .Salisbury suggests a diircreut mode of procedure from that embodied In tho Hlxtli question, the ptesldeut loes not understand him actually to.uljuct to tho qucs tlon, uud he therefore assume that it Is agreed to. Tho six questions as now proposed by the president are as follews: First What exclusive JurUdiei Ion In tho sea now known a-j Bub Hum sea, and what exclusive rights lu the seal fisheries therein, did Itusilu assert and exercise prior ami up t tho tlmoof tle eessiou of Alaska to the United States? Second How far werotheseclulmB of jurisdiction as to the seal Nsucriet reoogulzed and coueeded by Greai Britain? Third Was tho body of water known as Behrlng sea included In tho phraso "Pacific ocean," as used in tho treaty of 1825 between Great Britain mid Russia,aud what rights, if any, in tho Bv'hrlng sea were held and exclusively exercised by Itussla after said treaty ? Fourth Did not all the rights of Russia, as to jurisdiction and as to the seal fisheries in the Bohring sea, east of the water boundary describeJ in tho treaty between tho United States and Russia, of March 30, 1807, pass unimpaired to tho United States under that treaty? Fifth Has the United States any right, and if so, what right, of pro tection of property lu tho fur eals frequenting tho islands of tho United States in the Behriug sea, when such seals are found outside the ordinary three-mile limit? Sixth If tho determinations ol tho foregoing questions shall leuvt the subject in such a position that tho coucurrouco of Great Drltaln Is necessary In prescribing tho regula tions for tho killing of fur seals In any part of tho wuters of Behriug sea, then It shall bo further deter mined: First How far, If at all, outside the ordinary territorial limits, Is It necessary that tho United States should exerclso an oxcluslvo Juris diction, In order to protect tho seals for tho time living upon tho Islands of tho United States and feeding therefrom ? Second Whether a closed season, during which tho killing of seals In tho waters of Behrlng sea, outside tho ordinary territorial limits, shall bo prohibited, Is necessary to savo tho Beal Ashing Industry, so valuable to mankind, from destruction, and If so, Third What months, or parts of mouths, should bo Included In suoh season, and over what water should t extend? New Appointments at St. Louis. Tho St. Louis Republic has tho following account of tho mayor's cablnctaud opening session of tho now city elllcials: Water Rates Scully: Well, bo tho Howly Moses, I'm an olllcer at last. Whin I go over to tho mild dart, It's a groat moil I'll bo, for my connlc tlon wid dtlio carporatlou. Chief Mike Hester: Whisht there! Fliat do a Cork mou know about watheror wathor rates? Health Commissioner Brenuan: That do a Donegal mou know about Urea? Inspector of boilers, Burke: Go away wid ye all. I'm lu this mosilf, and Dooblln knows Its business, by's. City Attorney, Butler: Did yo Ivor hear tho song "Glllohoy's Out of Jail?" Muster of Uulon Markets O'Mul ley: Nono that, now. I'll bet yo come from Belfast. Superintendent of House of Ref uge, Guiber: Y,m zhoutlomcn ulr out of zo soup. Vty should vat ees It go down wlz zee McGinty. Superintendent Imauo Asylum, Muoller: Goshen sio liiuaus, fur das Faterland hat clue uluoh on dlo crazy people. Reviser of Ordinances, Krtun: What Is all this row admit ? All: Who are you? Rovlaor of Ordinances: A plain, every-day, humble American All: Begorru, lets kill tho know nothlu' scamp. Palpitation of tho heart. nenoiuuoM, t rumbling, uerwuu tuudclit,cold Immln uud feet, pult! lu Hie uuulc.umlotlierlorini of weaKuo&aaru rollimnt by Carter' Iron 1'liU, inude niHtclull.- for tho blool, nervea fiuil complexion, All cae of weak or luino buck, b lokiu'lui rheunmtUm, will ttiul roller by iwIuk ono orcuiter's stiiurt Weed una Hiiiuoiuia backache plaNtera. l'rlre :il ittuU, Try tboiu, Ifyouaro uervoiu or dvapeptlo try Oir tor's l.lttlo Nurvo I'llN. i)htI make you nervuiiti, unit iu'rouut.4 miiktw jutt it) upcptlcjellher one render you luUemMo unit Ukm.0 little pills euro both. Ituckltiit'u AruliHMtlvo, Th llet Halve In tho world fbr Culu, JlruUo, Hortti, Uloeni, Salt Itheiim. Koer Huron, roller. rli)i.'d IIhihU, I'hllDlulitK, UoruaaudullHl'lii Kninttmii, mid im. Uvuly cure l'llw, or no xi required. It U guaranteed to lvo iHrfiH't antidilution or m ncy refunded. Price, U wnu nor box. (CARTERS YlVER "tti CURE Sick ITeadAche ami relievo all the troubles Incl dent tc a bilious state of the syfttem, such M )rjrwn. Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain In the Slile. &c While their mou remarkable bucccki has been sliown In curing SIC?I Headaciirt, yet CxnTEn's T.rrnjt LtrzR PiLtn are cqunlly Tahiablc In Constipation, curing and preventing Mi Ik anno) Ing complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowel. Eten If they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing cemplaint: hut fortunately their goodness does not end hero, nnd those who once try them will find these little pills valuable In so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. Hut af tor all sick head CHE Is tho bono of so many lives that hero ts where no make our great boost. Our pills euro It while others do not C'ahtkii'8 Little Livrn Tills are very small and very cosy to lake One or t o pills make a doso. Tlioy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action Blenm all who use them In vials at 25 cents; vo for $1 Bold everywhere, or sent by malL CASTES HED1C1KE CO., Mr Tort. Small Pill. Small Boss. Small Pries. 8A.L12H AIA.UICKT IlKl'OKT. A BynopsW of the Markets lluylng and Helling l'rlccK. URTAII. PRICES. HKVI8KD QUOTATIONS. 'T Hhouldora.Hugar curcd.pcr lb,12 bitcoh 12 to 15 llnms Hugur cured,,,16c " Heef 7(3)15 I'orlt 10 77k Mutton 10 im Vfiil-10 12ko. '1 imotliy seed 1'cr pound, 8e: selling lied clover seed I'cr pound, He. Whlto clover seed l'er pound, 20a';",' AIhIKo 18c por pound. Hcd top 10c per pound. Lincoln dross 'Jfyo per pound.t HVo (JriiBS 10a nor nound. Oichurd Urass..l7o per pound. itcitns oapcriu. Out meal at tic. New potalo-s 4o per lb. (Jreeu pens 10 por pound. StruRbcrrlcs, fcjpcr pound- ('tinned Krult1'eHclitn, a 00; uprlcot, J.1 00; tjlacltljerrloH, 8-1; corn, best grades U 00; tonritocs SI 60: Hiring beans SI 50; ifreon noiiB 81 85; per doz. In two lb cons. Fresh Vegetables. rotatoes 60c; carrots 60c: parsnips 75c; onions Ocfpor lb. KIhIi 8ulmon7 cents per lb;HturgeoH 5 7c por lb' sninll fish 810o per lb; snlt ttalmon, 7l0o per lb; .(Jhlnook salmon, Vi. IIUVINU VlllCltS. Wheat 87Uo not. Flour ler barrel. 85.50, best 19(1 lbs. Outs I'er bushol, 50 5ao. llurloy 1'or bushel, 0005o. llran rcr ton,S'21 00 at mill, sacked. Hhorts I'or ton, JZ 00 ' sacked. Clmp 1'cr ton, SZ5.00 " sacked. Hops Quoted at 21 to!J7o per lb. Wool ISO to 20c. Kggs 15c per dozen. I'otutocs l'cr bushel, 35a Corn meul .So por pound. f'liec'Mo IZfiJllopor pound. Dried plums 1'orlb. U7c J UrieU iiiuneH l'crlb. 10Ue. Imported primes 7Jo per lb. Iluftor Wift oo per pouud.for good Ird-10l2oporlbj Hams l'or pouua,Ul!c, llaconHlduH 1)10 por lb.; HlionlilerH 8l)o per lb. Chlckcus.. D to 12a per po jnd. Turkeys 10 to Proper lu, ateH0 7(((Hporlb. DuokH, l'Jkllo por lh tfprlug UbfckonH 18 to i.0o poi'ib. MARKETS Y TELEGRAPH. 1'011TL,AND. Wheal Vulley, Jl (H por cental, 1 lour standard, 525. Walla Walla 85 00; Oats Wlilto (5a to Ma per bushel. Illllstullk-llmii fJ02l; sit it ts, 321 to 25 ground barley, S28 to SO; cnop feed, 8.1.1 inlil(Uln, 825, par ton, IIay-81(i18 per ton. lluttor-.Orogon fancy dally, 22Xc; fanoy lucamcry 27; good to falr,1720; Call forma choice 2J Io25o. Kggs Oregon 15a porjdoi. t l'oultry Old clilokons, 85 0 00. l'otatoos Wvi ut 7o per cental. SOhucso Oiegou, 12 to Ho; California llkj. Sugiirs aolilon O, 6io; extra 0, 0Ji;dry gnmulatod, (j" cubo, cnishod and 1'ow dorud, io por pound. lieans Smull whlto, 3jjc t; pink 3i; bayos, f 1 Go; butter, 81 10; llmas, 84 50 per oontnl. Diled KrulU..TIio murUot Is llrm. Quo Que ted: Italian prunes, U to 10o; l'atlta and Uurmuu, lOo por pound; raisins, ?J 25 per box; plumiiiDr dried pears, lOtollcjsuu dried and fuotory plums, 11 to 12c; evapo rated pouches, 17 toSOo; Hmyrna tigs, 20e; Callfornlu tlgs,7o por pound, lllco OJVo por iouud. Hides Dry hides, W to Be; (o less foi oulls; groon over oS pounds, 7o; under 55 pounds, 3c; sheep polls, S0c81.25. HMOlf KD MKATB AND LAUD. ICuatora liuius, IS to l!le; broukfasta con, 11 o 12u; sides, U to lOo; lard, il to 12(o por pound. HAN KilANOISOO, 8n KiiANctsoo, May 7, WUoaUTtba woolc opened ou a quieter market. No. 1 white, ll.71 to 8) 7-; per cental. lIops..20UOopor pound. Hurley Kood 31 4531 45K lor cental ft 17;oUolco 31 50; common grade 31 45. OoU-OruySl Wto 1 05;bluok31 02 tol M ler rental Oalons..3l to i-(. l'otatoe75o;to Ko. JUHUhLANKOUMAltlCKTa. Oiuaioo, May7 Wheat, May 3t.01;July 31.00. Hoof l.tvo, 80(30 M. Muttou Live, I l.5(3J(1.75. Hotrs Live, 31.00 31.00 Veal 7 to lOo per ixiund. Old the Mtvry or It. Unman wretchedness touolies hittom lu tiou vlckues. Life Is held a leathers weight by the unfortunate ultlluted with It. Ivuj endure Its atroclouii Internal convulsions whsu Hosteller's Stcinmoh lllttern relieves them inntauterr Is'ol only relieve but pnnentN It U not ulwitys on tho "briny" that tiaxoler's uuusea U exierionced llailwny jouruo Ing, riding with ono's biektotho luiroos or looomothu some. (IliitM produeos It In super sriislthestoin iiutm llostetcr' Htoiitacll II Iter) U ul ) tho prompt ruined) The mlchtov huh propertied of bruakUh witter, the evil tutlueiiee of uiliunm, uut holeoomo or un uioiuloiuml fiHHl.extx'Mhefiitlgue, wlieth er liodtij or nu'iitiil, tliodyKiiilo tciuleu- tnxHliiy iMHlfUtMry piirtuilm, the iernle. hHuuniH'UoroxKMurotooxtremra nfhwt or ih)Ii1 or dainpuoM, ullofthojo are elt'i'ot mill) eimutonialtst by this genial prerv iillvv.ol Uenlth. Cures nl o rlu'ttmatisui, klduf) uud bullous trouble. PRICE'S jeaWBakfng UPewder: Usd lu Millions of JIomes40 Years the Standard ODD3 AND ENDS. New York, Paris and Berlin all lotrethor bare not so large an area us London. Never offer to go to the room of an In valid npon whom you have called, but Walt for an Invitation to do so. It has been calculated that a boo musk tuck 218,750 flowers for every ounce of honey gathered. Laugh and tho world laughs with you doesn't always hold good when you laugh too heartily at your own story. True friendship consists of knowing a man's very soul aud keeping what you know to yourself. After a Buffalo fire a caso of lamp chim neys that had come down from the third story v. ere found unbroken. To complete their growth tho nails of the left hand require eight to ten days more than tlioso of tho right. Tbolncomo of Lord Itevelstoke, the head of the house of Baring, will not in future exceed 3,000 a year. It was onco more than 40.000. Some of the working girls' clubs are dis cussing the advisability of joining a build ing association and owning their own club bouses. Diluted alcohol and thorough shampoo ing will remove tho stain from your hair. Do not use brass hairpins; small silver or shell pins are not costly and will not stain the hair. A fourteen-year-old girl who was sworn as a witness in a Camden (N. J.) murder case said she bad never seen a Bible before bhe entered tho court room. A German prescription for preventing cold sores and boils from coming to a head is to paint them flvo to ten times dally with equal parts of boraclc acid and water. The United States has now become the greatest iron producing nation in tho world, having produced 0,202,703 gross tons in 1800, against 8,000,000 produced in Great Britain. The Hungarian government favors a schema for an electric railway between Vienna and Buda Pestb, a distance of 150 miles, to run single cars every ten minutes, like a street scrvico, in two hoars and a half. Wash tho feet every day with soap and water and vilpe them perfectly dry ou every part, particularly between the toes. A good hard rubbing with a coarse towel will tend to keep tho skin healthy. According to a recently published polit ical encyclopedia, there are only three states in the Union Massachusetts, Con necticut and Ithode Island in which it is required that Toters shall bo able to read and writo. Love's Fond Hope Ulasted. Tho tender, budlike hopes of a LewLston youth who has been dreaming the first few winks of love's young dream are crushed, aud he sometimes thinks that be never will recover, but wo think lie will. He has been keeping a young lady in Raymond up nights a good deal lately, and Bhu has lHien reciprocating tho attachment. Tho only purty to tho affair who was not warmly and deeply in earnest was tho young lady's futher, and for some reason or other ho didn't seem to warm up a bit and didn't seem to puy much attention to It ono way or the other. Tho Lewiston young man has been over there a good deal, Ids dlseaso of tho heart keoping him restless at homo. Now and then ho has hitched up tho horse of his father-lu-law-nevcr-to-bo und has taken his girl out to drive in tho sober moonlight, and by a ju dicious care in getting the sleigh out noise lessly ho has finally learned how to evade suspicion and drive with ono hand ot tho sumo time. A large, mellow night came along nnd stopped at that town very recently, and the young mnn was caracoling the old mnn's horso over the hills gayly. Coming back he committed a "reat error. He tied tho horso with a ullp uooso, Tho horso did not dio. Ho was discovered before death hud claimed him for his own, but he was almost moribund and tho Hash that had erstwhilo been in his eye had flashed out. Ho was a depressed beast. Tho old gontlemun made no cliargo for the extra kerosene, coul and wood that had been consumed In the front parlor, but he says that a young man with such a danger ous familial lty with wlipknots can't have his girl, and the match is off, Lewiston Journal, i i . Anduluslun Kntliuilaim. If African women nre to bo transiorted to Granada to fitly adorn these ancient ruins, tho natUe Andaluslan damsel would vio with them for the right, for the Anda usiuu Is n far more beautiful gem, and worthy of being born n Hip shadow of tho Alhambra or the Alcazar. Jler form Is soft and flexiblo, tho qulnt ftifiuupo. pf tho wort "pliant'' applied fo her. She crouuhe, In the smallest corner; sho robs tho sharpest angle of )ts sharp ness by sliding stealthily around it; bIio winds hcrsupple body through the narrow est creyloe, JJpr sensfs partako daintily of whot moy bo offered to them, TJpr nosa lingers but a moment abovo the fragrant chalice of tho rose; her lips sip but a sjngje drop from tho fiery malaga and reject tho rent. Her most powerful sense. Insatiable, yet held in check by her, and holding others within Its wondrous ban, is her largo, beautiful eye. In tho midst of the snowy ppltljilor of her face this strange, black II it mo in the confession pf pie extremes which unite in her breast. Chicago pipbfj. yrtint u Small Hoy Can Do. Prince Morgni) (i tho namoof a little thlrteen-yoar-od darky boy l vjog n Shedd, Linn county, whoso career promises tx be, somewhat checkered If he lives, long; lumtgh, as It Is already decidedly spotted. Ho Js Iho lad vrhp a few months ago pur chased a gun ou a forged order, ghot off two fingers anil then before hfs, flnRurs, were well ran away from homo with prop erty belonging to others. He was captured, but tho grand jury refused to Indict him owing to his extreme youth. Not having a gun of his own any longer, ho concluded to make ono himself. Securing a gnspipe, (jo 'node a holo In it at till right place and plugged tho end with wood. Loading ., he touched it off with a match. The plug (low lu splinters, ono piercing an oar, and Hie powder scattered over his face, burning it some, yet po, Injuring htm seriously. Jle rushed Into tho bouse ant) to4 III mother a big man in a rubber suit had sho. him through a crack lu the barn. Port land Oregonlsn. Keeping Latup lluruers Clean, The other day a lady noted for her at tainments in houoekctplng showed me soma lamp burners that had been for many montlis, yet were as bright as it just purchased. In response to my lunulrles its to tho means used for keeping them so bright, Bhe told me that wheu she baked beans shu saved tho water In which they were boiled, and put the burners In that, boiling them until cleani thsu they were rinsed lu bolllug water aud dried, RKttNfcTS wNai. AOEMCttfeM t A ixuiiphlet of InfonnitloQ and iWJ ,ntct oi in taws. saoninK Jiow lo'B ;, uuiam j-sieuis, iweaia. -iTae m VUatU. Out JtUhU. UZ ht4.A . JIUmi fMIKM A CO.. t,aui nrsditr. JW Jk. sr;r gfcaw k J J? TT" i" 5 l I Which ts thu fslret. n roe or a Ifly J Which is tiit) sweetest, a peach or a peart Henry's coquntlsb, and oharminsf Is Mllly : Dora Is irenUo and lair. tlier. Bwwt as a flower tra her f ace when I kfrsod (TyOfo is the romance and clary of life.) Mllly. ray plnynmte, I love ,rllke a sister," Iiut Dcru I ohoaso Zor my wife. Tint's rhrhi. y ounff man, many ths tirl you love, by all means, If sbo'l Save you Enould he-heal h become delicate and her beauty fade after marrinro. remember thai this Is duo to functional weaknesses. Irreg ularities, or painful disorders peculiar to her sex. In tho cure of which Dr. Plerco's Favorite Prescription it jrnnranteed to jrive satisfaction, or money refunded. For overworked, "worn-out,", ''run flown," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-frfrls.' ho'isel leeTa, -.uralmr mothers, and tetbte women H-enerally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrl! tlon Is tho gTcatest earthly boon, belntr unequaled as an appetlzinj cordial ud restoratlT tonic, or strenth-k-ivr. Cepyrliht, lfM, by Woold's DlS. Mxn. MsT. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanse tho liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Ono a Dote. Sold by druggists. 28 cents a vial. FllOFESBIONAI. CARDS. RH. M. J. PATTON, Studio and Art Gallery in Eldrldgo block, opposite mlth'snrtstoro. Lessons given, pictures (or sale or painted to order. Those Inter ested are Invited to call nnd Inspect the larco colleoilon of, oil paintings on oxbl hltlon J. PATTON, M. D. Physician nud . Surscon. Offlce nnd resldenoo In Kldridge block, opposite OooA'h drugstore. Specialist on discuses ol women nnd chil dren, cnronlo and private dlsea&es. Con sultation lrce. J. J . 8 HAW. M. V, . HUNT W. II. PIIATT. SHAW, PHATT & HUNT. Attorneys at law. Ulrica over Capital National flank, Salem, Oregon. mlLMON FORD, attorney nt law, Salem, I Oregon. Oflice up-stalrs In Patton's block. Q T.R1CHAUDSON, Attorney nt law, of- KJ. nets up statrs in ironi rooms oi new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court itreets, SiUeni, Oregon. JOHN O'SHEA, Attorney nt law. Room oer Capital National bank. Collec tions a specialty. Correspondence solicited ryARCY&HINGHAM, Attorneys and J couuselois ut low, Sulom, Oregon. Having un nbstrnct ol the rceordsof Marion county, Including u Inland block Index oi dalom, they have bpeclal fucllltles for ex amlnlng titles to real estate. IJuslness to the supreme court and in thostato depart meats will reccUo piompt nttcntlon. ii. b RON U A M. R.N. H AYDKN . V. H. HOLM KB. Bonham, Holmks & Havdbn, Attor neys ut lu. Office In Rush's block, between State nnd Court, on Com'ISt. DU. T. C. SMITH, Dentlst,03 State street, Halem, Or. Finished dental openi tlons of every description. Pnln'css opera lions a specialty. MRS. M, U. MoL'OV, Physician nnd Sur geou. Olllco und rooms In lodging e. Front nnd Center street, near the foot of Million und Polk Co, bridge, Chron ic diseases a specialty. Curo or no pay. Conutiltutlon freo. WD. PUOH, Architect, Plans, Sped , tlcutlons nnd superintendence lor all classes of buildings. OHlco 2X) Com mercial St., up sUilrs, ri S. MoNALLY, Architect. Now Rush j, Jlreymnn block. Finns nnd specifica tions of nil cluhfcog of of bulldlngti on short notloe. Superlntcndoaconfwork promptly ooitfcil after. '2. 5-tf EJ. McCAUKTLAND.CIvll Bnnltary nnd , Hydruullo Kuglneer. U. S. Depulj mlncrul survoyor. City surveyors olllco, Murphy's Rlock, Salem, Oregon. Suti W. RIHT.-Artlst. Studio, Rush. i" Irov block. Clashes Thursdays and lUturduys. IJUSINFAS CARDS. A J. OLARIf, Btute St. Rarber shop. Two . chairs, kooiI workmen nnd careful uttendum.0 to nil customers. 411. SMITH OO., Contractors, Sewer , In?, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, : All wor promptly dono, Salem, Or. Leave ordors with Dugau Rros. 4:l6-lm JOHN GHAY.-Coutractor and builder. Fine Inside finishing a specialty. 4Si Commercial street, Halem Oregou. TORN KNIGHT, Hlacksmtth. Hon, O sboeluguudroiwlrlnsaspeelalty. Shop atthe foot of LHci t)' strrOt. 8alem,0regon. ' kaotf RIOK i ROSS, Illncksmlthf,, all kinds ol ) repairing and carriage wont, we have in our employ Wm Cnriot, direct from Kentucky, more familiarly known as 'tiled," a professional horscshoer. Give usutrlul, 4-U J03KPH FUSKH barbarund hnlrdress er. Hair cutting 25 cents, sinning 1ft tents. Ruth looms in connection. Rcstot work, 113 state street. p J, LA11SEN CO,, Manufrtoturo of all kinds of vehicle. Repairing aspcclal ty, Shop Htato street, IHte IH HEALTH. ! nictiau Oolilert RaliBin No. Cures Chancres, fin. nj ecconit it-e Bores on the Lege and Body; Sore Eire l"3rft.?f,et '0-'0Pl,rolord Diotchee SyhlIUloOtirrh, aliened Scalp, and all Primary form of the dlKW known u Syphlllj. lrlr, 3 OO per Uoltln. i."lcU"M. O"1''" UUm No.8 Curei-.Tjrtiary, UereurUiayphliitle Rheu uutliai, l'slnt In the Donee, faint In thi Head, back of the N It, Ulcerated 8or ThroaL SyphUItla Itaah, Lunije and con traeted Cord;, SttSneM o the Umb anj tradUtes l dlc from, til) (ysUai, whether cauietl by IndttrrtUoq cr abu ol Meroury leatln the blxd pure and healthy. Vrlee $5 OO per Mottle. he ltlonnua UolUett Hwanlih Antl. rtoto for the cure et Gonorrhea. Gleet, JrriUtlonOrar,ari4 all Urinary or Qenf UldlaarrangcoieiiU. Price) H 50 Pi Uotl m r l Hlchau'e Golden SpnUh In. lection, for severe caaeeof Oooorrha. IntUiunuioryr.lML 8lltut.c Price vi u i'bt auttie L KlelmwU Oolden Ointment lor the eft Vrtire heallno Brnhlhtle 8ora i iod1J"1f'iB- l!f,f'a 0l lr Box. and Drain treatment; loi ol phyalcel po jr. eavc i or OYecwork. rroeUaUoo, to Prlo 3 OO per Box. Temto and Nervine, Beat emyvhere, Q, o. U, toconlf Backed perexproM. THE RICHARDSuftU6 CO.,Aaottt 409 etc ft U MAHKET ST kH rraMclacej, trJe, "tHVaAM elKNT miK. Improve Your Strawberry Stock. TO HTItAWJlKItttY OltOWEIti. A tVonderful New Uerry Originated In Oregon Tlio Matteson There Hub been ortgiiialvrl In (he great strawberry region nbout Turn cr nnd Auinsvllle a new seedling va rlety,i)ropagated by Mntlf ton & Mot teson, at their HedHlll Beny Fitrtii. The first berries eeiit to tho Capitai, Journal oflice, Sukm, lust ieur were of this variety, und they were the most perfect Iruit in eery re spect that wua shown in this city. The berry is of n deep red clear through, high flavor, yet sweeter than most kinds. An expeiience in producing tho finer sorts of straw neriies, leads the editor of this pupe o say that ln does not know or A illPEHIOR BERRY IN FINENESS OF quality in every respect to THE MATTFSON. He has secured the sole agency from tbe uiiglnutorsuud now for the Ural time places u limited supply ou the market. Testing the fruit, nnd i description of its habits, leads the editor ut tho Journal to conclude lhatit liiis exuotly those qualities ihut must be sought after to produce ilne berries in Oregon. It is of high olor, great sweetness, rich flavor, meaty, film, not watery, no hard eutiter, nud exceedingly pulatuble. description. The eliminators have been straw berry growers for more tbau tweuty years and cnll this their "Best," be cause they have tried many new aud biuhly leeummended varieties .tod found this to possess more de sirable (jiuilities thau any other. The Mnttpsnu is un accidental seedling, originated fn Hi a single plant found u Heil Hill Farm six years ago. It is AN EARLY VARIETY, coming four lo six days before fhn Wilson. Hlpensallltsfiult quickly antl is gone by tho time the Wilson Is lu full blast. The berries are uh laigeas the Wilson, but it docs not "run to nubbins'' so much. It Is of a deep red color nil over and all through. The berry stems are short, bcarlug close to the plant, lhii8oftu escaping eaiiy frosts which kill others (the Shurpless especially.) It In easy to pick and eimily hulled. It is firm nnd thu moat ment y berry wo luueever seen. It piodueesetpual to the Wilsou. It is a perfect llovt ei Ing variety and does not need to be p anted with pnolher vnriftv to ge a full crop. The plant Is healthy uud stands drouth aud freezing well. It Is a sweet berry and retains its flavor well lien canned. In cou- clmllng his description ofthitnew berry, Dr. Matteson says: "Lasi season we had only two rowsot these ou our grounds. Old pickcii suld in uew ones, wheu picking Wlisous, 'Don't eat these. Wttl till you get on tho other side; then are two rows of the best berries ' And we had to pick those two row ourselves early in the morning li save utiy of them, and to keep pick ers from gobbling them all up. '1 be., would uot touch Wilsons if the could get these, and if nickers do not know what good berries are, no ono does.1' TERMS. The originator has plated tho salt of this uew plant in our hands nud orders will be booked nt following prices: 1 Dozen plants postpaid by mail, $1.00. 100 plants by express, $5.00. To savo express charges plants will be delivered at the Journal oflice to city purchasers, where orders cat. be left. Fifty plants will bo fui nisbed at hundred rates. Address, E. Hofer, CapitalJournal, Salem, Oregon. First National Bank RA.LEM OREGON. Jfil. K. LAUUK. l'resirtenl JH. J. RK-i, VicePiesldent ruiIN AlOIR, Cashier GENERAL BANKING. ExLtiungcou I'oitlaud, r-an hranclsco, New Vorlt, London aud Utmg Kong jought and sold. State, Count) und Cily rurrantM bought. Farmers aio cordially uvitcdto deposit nnd transact business vl tli us. Liberal advances made on tfheat, wool, hops nnd other property pt -eottoniiDie rates. losuranco on such so urlty cun be obtained at tho bank In most rellablo companies. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA KXl'liESS TRAIN KOH DAim BKTWEKN POKTLAFD AND 8. F. ""BoiithT Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - - $75,000 Surplus, -.--.- 15,000 R. 8. WALLACK, - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. 11. ALRKRT, .... Cashier. DintCTORSi V. T. G ray, W. W. Martin I. Jl. Marin, R. S. Wallace. Dr. Y. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert, . T. MoF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market- ublo prodtue, conblgned or in store either In prlvute granaries or public warehouses. State and C6unty Warrants Bought at Par COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. DrntU irau mreci, on npw j arK, umcago, Ban luruuiiu, ljouuou, inns, li' KninclHco. Uong Kong and Calcutta. Jerlln WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPlTALtSTOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a gepprql banking buslneis) In all It brunches. GEO. WILLIAMS Presiden Wm. ENGLAND Vloo President IIUOH MoNAIiy.w Cashier DIRL-CTORS: Geo. Williams. Win. Eng Innd, Dr. J. A, RloliarJson, J, w. Hobson. J. A. Ilakor. Rank in new Kxohange block on Com mercial street. 8:li!-tf LADD & BUSH, Bankers. JRQJJ fl'ULDlNO, 3A.LliIvI, - - - , OREOCN. Transact a general banklPE business in all dopartsneuts, 8,a-3m J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS N0S, 16 4 21. Leave order at R, M. Wade b CoV Ro table work or no pay. THE YAOUiNA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD nd (Iregnp Development company't teamshlu line. 22S miles shorter, 'JO hour sk time than by any ottiei toute. Hret isss through passenger and freight lint rom Portland and all points In the Wi amettovallsv to and from Bait Kronnlsc. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Bunaays). LeaveAloany ........ i.-ooPJd LeavoUorvullU ....... .1:10PM Arrive Yuqulua ....... &.30PM Leave Viujultitt ti:UAM Leave Corvallls . . .... 10:35 AM rrlvo Albany 11:10 AM O. AC. trulus connect at Albany aud Oorvalllj. ' The above trains connect at VAQUIN.V " ' Urrgou Development tVs Un ifHtiwmllrl.iwii Vnoulna and Ba SAILING LUTtS. Klmlday ' Wlllumelte Vfc7i353ajCIZjuL? Kunillon,HuuiUy. . - -my Willamette Valley. ThursdaZIZI 1 rarallou, Tueadav i ..... y i Willamette VaJley.laTdyZZT I r.?.v.'uui inlruay-,, . lltw woroiwuy rra'imPVi?Lt tc "anpe nag date without notice. . ir?u?J,n.?t'r",l'" Portland and all lllamtite Valev (wlnu lau mh rfoit wineclloo with the tiln oi nJI V AQU IN A HUl TB t Albee or t-oSUlVi indlf Ujatlnejt to u tnaclaox tkould imiruja to arr ve at Yaqmna tKVSJXli Drdateoralllnr, 4 etl,tnJ ttM.?Nwrfemy S?ig V.O. IKKltK Aot Uu" f-rt A Paaa. AjrU, Ortou Jljolflc It. K? tS, It H JUAaWELL.Jr.U.ntX,Pru"i'0r laa. AjU Orrou Dev,l0r7TO7nt Wi M Montronirf t ;7.0U p. m. 9:1b P. m. 10.15a.m. NoithT Lv. Portland Ar. I H.35 a. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 7:28 a. m Ar. Ban Fran. Lv. 9.00 p. m Above trains stop enly at following stn tlons north of lloscburg, East Portland Orgon City, Woodbuin, tiulem, Albany I'angent, Shedds, Halscy, Harrlsburg lunitlon City, Irving and Kugene. LOMhUUlta MALI, DAILY, $XO a. m. 10.52 a. m J:Jl) p. m. Lv. I'oillanQ Ar. I 4.00p.m, Lv Halem Lv. f l.OS p. m. Ar. Roseburg Lv. d:20 o, m Albany I.ociil, Dally (Kxcrpt Sunday. 5.00 p. m. 7.52 p.m. no i. ni. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland snlem Albany Ar. JU.OOa m Lv. I ( KB a, m Lv, I SOU a.m. PULLMAN BDFFBT SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, for accommodation ol second class passengers attached to crpress trains. tYest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: DAILY EXCKPT SUNDAY), 7:30 a. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. ""5 30 p.m. IftlO p. m, I Ar. Corvallis Lv. 1 12:55 p. m. A 1 A lhnntf nml nn 111., n An . t n jk aaiuuuj auu tUI tllUlQ LUUUOUb YtllU trains of Oregon Papiflo Railroad. KIVRBS3TWAIH (DAII.Y KCBPTaUSDAY 4:40 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8.20 a. m 7.25 p. m. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. 5:45 a.m. Through Tickets To all polnta EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets and lull intormation regara ng rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent Halem, Oregon. E.P. ROGERS, Asst. G. K. and PabS.Ag'i R. KOEHLER. Manasrer From Terminal or Interior Points the vww acme itaiiroaa Is tho lino to take To all Points East and South. It Is the dining car roate, it runs through vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND (No change of cars.) I'ompssed of dlnlngcars unsurpassed,") Pullman drawing room sleepers Of latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Best that can be constructed and In whlcl accommodations are both free and lur. ulshed for holders of first and second-clafcB tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. .... it.i. A continual!, line conr.e;tlng with all lines, atlordln; direct opd uninterrupted service. r Pullman alt r t Ions can be t,e oured lu advj . i. any agent oi tho road. Through tickets to and from all pnlnU In America, England and Europe can b purchased at any ticket omco of this cum Kull Information concerning rates, tlrn, oftrains,rotesundotherdetuilsfurnlshed on application to any agent or A , , . A. D. CHARLTON, w t.w JueX Afent, No lSid,,Ol4t2,eet' r' Wft8l"nK'ui k Health is Wealth ... work as (fieri ON THE PR. K. t WESTS Nere nnd nr-iii. wSIf.'-Vif ",,I?,M,'iv,7x lloi'. r Its. Nenotit hdiJil ie 'n rrn,"ni ,n '"mu H,tl S1,"2,,,idMh""-. I'-" f P"Vr earned ly vr-xrrtl.mnr ll. l.Mtu Kn.-l, box or-f U h.ixr f.r .vno, l hi mall reratid oh receipt .ifprlri? ' ! WEGaJAIlAKTEB SIX 1JOXE8 !? ,,nv wh wch order 'VJM MV, Vff VriU MQil the l)U-huaar ran JHVHFU4rw,, wnd li Ue inTn UN ELECTRIC And with this car line in operation NO AD. many inducements as ENGLE AAOO WIIO Orlrll 4-1 "Mil 1laTiC3 naf.TlTOfllTi 4-T rtln-Mlnv-a t).- 1 Asylum Avenue; vithin four blocks of the Elegant Ifri School Building, and ten blocks from North Salem nei school building. It has long been known to possess sop! rior attractions by reason of it being the highest, W thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to the City. Th Electric Railway will within sixty days be running its caimerf Twenty Minutes through the center of tKis beautiful Addition. Bringi it within five minutes of the Postoffice. If you nre seelj ing an investment None can offer better opportunities!! bring you greater returns than this favorite Addition. SAIvJBM The Capital City is bound to come to the front as anil Justrial an Educational Center. No other Capital in the United States offers as great an opportunity tot home seekeror or investor as the "Bouquet City" oft Willamette Valley. The first city in the Nerthwest: educational matters and second in manufacturing industaj Situated in the heart of the Willamette Valley vitM power and material at her door waiting for the masia wand to turn her into a city of the teeming thou Who of us todav nan nredinr, what the next decade bring forth. To those of you who are looking for a Now is the Time and ENGLE WOOD, the nlace to secure it, wB , A have vet the onnortunitv of nurchasinr from first J. A J X For the present we will sell a limited number of li mil nvr.Qlvnf rinna iirlinn n .-. n r-tmnna n? "f ftll tO Vf CV il I'.vnvitv Miitua Yxiuti uu uuuiutuut w- -- cent will be made. n un uiu Uiii .m imiwi Iff 1 M I V 1 I J."" Postoffice Block. H.V."MA". THEWS, Pres. . . V r. H, BARNES, S" f t .uAMhu .!& J&kaJti Ojfe AJJaJAM--