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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1891)
amntm;mujinwnmm9ammmmtmmmmmtmm w;";" QflSl JdCMil MAY 9, 1801 ..lltlTlON. 1 .,nS 0 OU fg (JO fftfi1"" "Yn nee tho price gtftf,ia $y" CAimiKK. l ""'... i.ueck. - 21CtK. uPi ..Antb. r ... .,.i mill &, carrieth2 delays m ML " ,0 w ""..". . . . . r.unl. !. nvrsn.'1 .!S. moon n'-ioclftUil "IM" IUB "" aaipatcbc IN SOCIAL CIKCLBS. Unlet NYeck in Socloty Aflcrnoon Toa Season Approaching Pic nics in Order. t Groceries, i XM Crockery, HU iaiers "' " n:i vanishes PSglass,' Etc. Sole Es W Epicure Tea and Big , Baking row. U5"aABKEP. L'hcat, netW cents per bu. Rw: 22 to 28 cento per lb. h"" ' mi! A PENNY. h tapawrtmeut of penny goods ftb'Jii'- Uht (elest candy out-la 'losca Lrasoiilyat Strong's. WE3TAC0TT & IRWIN. IFor a Fink Pabk. The state Is Llug some flue work iu the grove the fair cround campus, xue Fnder bush Is being eg tout, the trees immed and the ground leveled. the old 6backa and rotten lences, fcblib have marred the beauty of bat fine location and place for iatural sceuery for so many yeara, being removed. The business Jfflceof the Agricultural society is jeiug moved into a more convenient lace, and other important changes ire among the changes which are (tamed. This ia work which has heeded the attention of the state for tog time. To mnko the fair the ktKss it should be the people must mpleasant and attractive place o spend the week. Tin work llciMwit stop short of some nice Eunarfiis beiug put iu. This could Etta at a nominal expense, by Carta in an elest ilc motor and uliltig attaohments with an clec- Irlculre. Tills could be furnished from fbtelectrlo car line and the ex. iciiso would be a small matter. Not .ilydoes the lair need these lm- roTeinenls, but Salem as a city mis them. At the present tlnioi here Is no suitable grove in reach of 'iccity, which is in a suitable coudi on for a picnic ground; hence such treats are a rare thing, but at this pou of the year they should be pkly occurrences. For Irrigation, The following rticles of incorporation were filed hto the secretary of state teday: Special Delivery company of Port ed with O. F. Tratt, v. M. For- fcr and D.B. Freeman Incorporators; ppital stock $2000 Anna Creek Irrigation compauy, of Klamath Munty, David Crammiller, Geo. Ihepherd and S. O. Shattuck In- (orporators; capital stock $ 1250 tana Creok Ditch company, A. trance, Alfred Cranco, John Kirk- lrlck, C. Cunningham, A. A. Cun- plnglintn and J. It. Johnson wcor- wators; capital stock $3000. I Change in Ownership. There pubeen a change in the ownership Pf a part of the stock in the electric line, M. L. Chnmberliu has bought flie interest of T. H. Wilsou. Mr. Cbamberlin is now one of the beav- leststock holders in the company. bechance in stock necessitated a Pange In officers. T. H. Barnes VU elected secretary in place of T. -Wilson. No delays in extend- rt the lino to other parts of the I?. will be made by the change. FOR WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Next Wednesday evening, May 13, the Prescott Quartette, consisting of Messrs. H. V. Hojjue, Fred M. Gilmoro, F. Miuison White and Geo. W. Hoyt.jr., will make their first np pea ran co In Salem. Seats on palu Monday morning ut Dearborn's. Admission, COc; reserved seats, 7oc. THE CLOSING EXUKCISKS. The closing exeiclses of the Oie gun Institute for the blind will be held iu the M. E. church at 2 p. m. Wednesday, May 13th. Iuyitutlons are extended to all to come and see the work as conducted iu the school for these unfortunates. Tho school has passed through a very successful year and all seem satisfied with the work. Tho teachers have done their work well and the pupils have been content and havo progressed in their work. ANOTHER DANCE. Invitations are out for a farewell dance to bo given by the Assembly club at the Willumetto hotel May 12, which will bo next Tuesday evening. This is to be the last dance of tho season given by this club which has conducted so many pleas ant dauces during tho winter mouths. The invitations have been sent as fur as Portland, and a grand time is expected, as a large number who enjoy such exercise and amusement will bo present. OPEN MEETING. The youug ladies of the Phllodo sian literary society, of tho Willa mette university, gave an open meeting in their hall hi the univer sity building last night. Literary uud musical exercises with a live debate were the order for the even ing. After tho program was over a pleasant time was had in a social way. The young men of tho Philo dorian society were present, as were also a number of visitors aud guests. A very pleasant time is reported. OFF TO ALBANY. The steamer Win. M. Hoag pulled out from the O. P. wharf with over two hundred citizens of Salem this morning. The merry crowd was headed for Albany. The University baud furnished the music for the occasiou aud were the managers of the day's pleasuie. They took every thing in the way of eatables and sweetmeats to supply the wauls of those who hunger for those dainties The day has been a little too cool for a river excursion, yet the warm hearted crowd who wero on the boat will make a pleasant time of It and sei the scenery aud enjoy a day in the fresh couutry air. Theie were a large number of persons ou the bank to see them off. THE LONG ENTERTAINMENT. Wednesday night the opera house boards will be held by a musical and dramatic entertainment which promises to bo a little dlflerent from tho ordinary affair of that name. The dramatic part is vouched for by Miss Jenne M. Long and her pupils, while Portland will carry off all the musical honors. Mrs. G. A. Lymen. who made a flattering debut iu Port laud at tho Grand Archer concert, will be "the soprano Boloist of the evening, while Messrs. H. M.Hogue, F. M. White, Fred M. Gilmore and Geo. M. Hoyt, Jr., as a quartette, will lend their vocal talent to the pleasure of the entertainment. More extendsd notice will be found la auother column. THE DECORATIVE UNION. A. fair attendance was out last night to hear and-ehjoy the program given In the opera house for the benefit of the Balem Decorative union. The evening's entertain ment was opened by a double quartet from the Polyhymnia and Tyrolean clubs. "The Little Shaking Quarers" was given nest and was one of the most amusing and entertaining pieces on the program. The Indi vidual parts hi the entire exercises were well rendered and the long nmffram was carried out as published without a ruffle. The members of the Decorative uulon can well aflortl to congratulate themselves on ine abundant success of this entertain ment. The stage in the opera house was tastefully decorated with ever greens and wreaths of flowers ana cut bouquets. LADIES COFFEE CLUB. TheLadlesCoflee club was delight fully entertained on Wednesday by Miss lluss, at tho residence of Mrs. T. McF. Patton, ou Court street. Drive whist was the feature of the afternoon, in which MIsi Ella Dear born was successful iu winning the first prize, aud Miss Sallie Bush secured the booby. An elegant luncheon was served, after which dancing concluded the afternoon's i...nt. The "Lex uou scripta" "'J"'"""" ... . nf f.ilr 'riWH OUU KIU' " Small IttWAwAY.-Au exciting runaway occurrd at tho depot this morning while the people, wero awnmng the arrival of the 11:00 o'clock train. Job,, Morrit, was hauliug lumber from the Sautlatu lumber yard to a ear on the switch. Tho yard engine run some empty cars onto the switch where the car stood on which tho lumber was being londed. The approaching cars frightened the team nnd they became untimnngablo aud dutshed across the lot scattering the lumber In every direction. They soon parted with the hind wheels aud ran Into tho fence east of tho depot with the rest of the wagon. The dauiago was a badly broken set of harness. Fourth or July Matters. If Salem Intends to eclubrato tho Fourth of J uly this year it Is neces sary to begin work boon to that end. Another fact to ork ngalnst Salem In tho matter of the encampment being held at Eugene is, It will take the becond Regiment band. Tho band will attend tho encampment from necessity, and ns a further in ducement for it to stay there one day longer and take part In the cele bration, the peoplo of Eugeuo have offered it $150 to stay and assist them. This will make It necessary for Salem to go abroad for her band music for that occasion and this must be done soon or all the bands will be engaged. If a celebration is to be given In Salem this year it is time some active steps were being taken to assure a glowing success. The Oil Regions. All seems quiet in the oil regions near Hub bard, but tue people believe tho oil is still there. The machinery has arrived for the boring to give the matter a thorough test. S me of the Wells show as flue indications of oil as when first reported. Before the summer is over the question will be settled whether or not oil abouuds in the l onion about Hub bard. The indications are as favor able for Hubbard as mnny other places which have proved a rich discovery. SALEM IN FIFTY EIGHT. Ibuilniscencts of l'ioneer Days in Ore gouhen Salem mis a Villago. 0. W. Hellenbrand has a blrdseyo view of Salem which was mado in 1853. In addition to tho view the photograph of nil the leading business houses and the prominent residences are given ou the margin. John G. Wright Is tho only man who was doing business In the vil lage at that time ou his own respon sibility who Is yet here. T. McF Patton was a clerk In a storo. Tho city book storo was owned by W. Keuyon. W. S. Barker was ruunlng a furniture store in a frame building which stood where the Willumetto hotel now stands. John G. Wright was doing a grocery busi ness in a frame bulldlug near his presentstaud. W. C. Griswold &Oo. wero doing business in a two sory brick on tho corner where J. II. Lunn keeps now. This was the only brick building In the village of Salem. Palmer fc Htlpp kept a drug storo next to John G. Wrljrht. E. M. Plumondoii was In business on tho Bush corner. J. A. Julius kept a saddle and harness shop hi tho village. Cohen & Msh run the Uniou hotel which was nothing more thau a boarding house. Tills stood where Simon's cigar store now Btauds. Tho Marion hotel stood ou the present alto of Capital engine house. The Bennett house was on the corner opposite the armory. This was tho Brand hotel In the city In it was uiveu the reception to Sohuvler Colfax when he made a tour to the coast. Ttie first legislature held hi Salem was in the old Institute building, afterward the Willamette unlvesity. The next session was held In the building which stood on the present postoffico buildlug site. These 33 years have mado a marvelous change tn tlia bououet city, from a mere country village to a prosperous capital city with 15.000 inhabitapts. Tho "World Enrlohart. The facilities of the present day fot the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind arc almost unlim ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it Is the only remedy which is truly pleasing nnd refreshing to the taste and prompt end cfRctunl to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the mere popular it becomes. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Fnints,011s nnd Window Glass, Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Liiuo, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco I'osts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Here's a Huiviivibr. Save money by buying goods at the following low prices. HATS. Mcu and Boy's Straw Hats$2 CO Men nnd Boy's Crush Hats 60otB. to 3 00 Men nnd Boy's btitT Hats 60 cts. to 450 All new goods Ltittst Btylcs, CURTAINS. Fine, wide Inco curtains 51 220$&2pr Window shades, all colors - ......... 60 to 1 2o pr 50 rr's Draperies, rongce, nusu, anu limm musuu uifi ,"" and embroidered patterns. All of the above goods are 1801 stylo nnd tho prices aro very low. 600 Black Silk PrtrnsolB, f 1.50 to $0. 500 Pr's. Ladies' Blnok Silk Mitts, 25o Per. pair. Warranted all silk nnd fast black. Como aud look at these goods at tho OPERA HOUSE CORNER, CAPITOL ADVENTURE COMPANY. Produce taken. Highest prico for wool. A good match team of black horses and a threo sented hack for sale or trado. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Musical ami Dramatic Entertainment Delegates and Mrs. Rob't. H. Leabo, H. L. Brooks returned Returned. Rev. Whitaker, xMrs. K. Gill and Will W. from Oregon City 'aimers' Alliances. Prof. &rk organized tho following al- (JMices In Clackamas county last wk: Mulinn. with 28 members: ""k's, 21 members; Highland, 15; Wngwater, 20; Eagle Creek, 31; B-H'ly, 18; Clackamas, 11. On Sat- of this week Mr. Rorn will wganlze a county alliance at Oregon I "'?, before which time It is autic- : lPed that three more alll:uiee9NwilI uo orBuhjHl.-CIackamas Courier. Ail Alliance Paper. Tho Free- "Iter Ilcrulil ..r I.V...I...... (Irunnn. -"-.mjm, ui jumciu v.few.., US CDaiKrosI I... 11.1 lt.lna fcvu llBMUIIlt-, IIUIIULUI Olil- i Ul K..- - Jlomot. l Place of publication. It now' young ghui," Is tnat a. " (D'u'a the alliance banner and calls! be. religiously exc "Jed from tj, u ,toJr the Orrm Alii Wpmld. Limrmed circle; but "entre nous is T2ruir iv:z:rnV:z iy, i ii0 uiuancc is sprenu- iuiuiuiuu .- ..nuui iPWIy In Extern Oregon, and pered "sub roaa " lb t he ne are beginning to wonder how ! gentlemen of Salem MJV win auect the two nartlw. club, when "ine '"'' -', .' ..... .. innr nmi.LO w iii fv come," wuose - - " lue w"i" of this "rose this mornltg, where they went a few days ago to attend the convention of tho Baptist Sunday School aud Youug People's Association. The convention went into session Wednesday and continued for four days. A profitable meeting is re ported. . LOCAl'i ISRIEFS. Salem has got the name and will keep It thcfB'niquet City of the Willamette valley. Clackamas Ceurier: Salem calls itself the "bouquet city." Oregon City Cernier: Salem Is to havo u public drinking fouutaiu. It Is the gift of Hon. A. Bush, one of Salem's wealthiest eitizens. The Gervais peoplo inteuu organ izing a local buildlug aud loan asso ciation. Their ambition is to put up several brick buildings. Alliances are beiug rapidly organ ized in Clackamas. Nine have al ready been established "in that nnnntv. A couutv alliance will be organized this mouth. A lodge of Kulghts of Pythias will be organized In Woodburn the last of this month with a charter j membership of twenty. It is reported that Boh Ingersoll will bo in the Willamette valley on a lecturing tour durlug this month. Shad, carp, cat-fish, sturgeon, salmon aud trout, fresh at Davis & White's Court street market. De Leon & Juberg, at tho elite ton sotial parlors aro very busy men, and all because they do only tho best work and use the best mate rials. The Salem Woolen Mill Storo is selling more and more goods all tho time, aud Is constantly glylng bet ter satisfaction. $18 00 and $20.00 suits aro being sold for f 12,00 aud (13.00. All AROUND.-Wbat you want in fluding a place U trade is a Btore where you can get anything you want and can save some money on everything you buy. See Ben Forstuer's prices on clothing In this paper. For Bale. - Three-year-old bay carriage horse, Morgan stock, sound and gentle. C. Bodenheiiier, 20th street. 4-20 2w A n O p p o t unity. Children's silk cloaka positively at cost for ten days only, at Chas. Calvert's. 6 on n There are Many. But there Is only one Peerless Fast Black Hose, that Is guaranteed absolutely fast bluck. Bold only at J. H. Lunn'n 0-0-s. Examining the Haichery. -F. C. Reed, president of the Otegou Fish Commission, and tho other members of tho commission, havo been making an investigation of the fish industry. They report satisfac tory progress at tho Clackamas hatchery and have been on a tour of inlnnd investigation to see tnat there was no Illegal fishing going on. Tlioy nave oeeu mvn' ed by fish Commissioner Crawford, of Washington, to help him locate a salmon hatchery on the upper Columbia, for which au ap- nrouriatlon was lecently made ty tho Washington legislature, uue joint commission will go up tho Columbia in a few Uays anu exam ine the plans mentioned for hatch eries. m I'EKSONAL MENTION. -At- FAR! ) i Strawberry. Sears fromMny until frost. JJesorlptlve prlc liws rree, BETH WIKQUIST, imseilYiuc,viv. INUUBANCK Company. Firo and Marine. O. "W. BKELER, Aeent, - "Balem. Owf J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMLAJKEK, 2l5KCcmmerclilSt., - Satem, Ortgoa. (Next door to Klelu'n.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks. Watches nnd Jewelry. MOItGrAK & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. prompt work la our Good teims and stronghold. REED'S OPERA HOUSE, Wednesday Evening, May 13. MISS JENNE M. LONG And her pupils, assisted by tho follow ing Portland musicians: Mrs. G. A. Lyman, soloist. Prescott Quartette Club consisting of 11. W. Hoeue, 1st tenor; V. Mansou White, 3d tenor; I1 red M Gilmore, 1st bass; Geo. W. Hoyt, Jr , 2d bass. Gsneial admission 00 cts, rcserod seats 75 cts, at Dearborn's. D. B. GRIFFIN, M. D., Homeopathlst' 269 Com'l St. - - - SALBM. .Telephone No. 30. When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. You will fiud it to your ndvantngo to call on ine be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I havo the LARGEST RE TAIL STORE IN OREGON. Gouts' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best -made in the world. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD 1 Bup-p-v Harness as low as $5.60. Wap-on Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by me in 18 G9 and by long experience I know the demands of tho trado. You can't miss the place at the sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horso." Tlmnkiner mv customers for thoir liberal patronage in the past. By square dealing, I hope for a continuance of the same. -& ixa.mjrwjn.JL, 289 Commercial Streot. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of eoods at our storot Wo carry a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gars, tobacco and confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 220 Commerolal St., Salem riAKPET-LAYlNG.-l make a, specially of j caipet-iewing ana laying; carpcis taken up and relaid with great care. Iieavo orders with J. II. Lunn or Uuren A Hon. J.a.LUHHMAN. SANTIAM LUMBERING COMPANY, OK Mil!, CITY, Lumber, Lath, Hhlnglcs and Building material. Yard east of Depot, Salem. Wo manufacture nil our own stock, aud aro prorared to fill nuy order on tho shortest notice. ...,. i.. o i. j . 4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent. FOUND!' One hundred very choice lots, which vlllbo?oldatS100 per lot, and on easy terms by , J. J. ROBERTS, 05 State St. E. C. CROSS, anil Packer. -Htnto HU nnd Court St. Tho best meats aellvered to nil parts of the city. E. P. Thompson of Coos Bay, ex-fish commissioner, is in the city. Miss Rosa Mooro, a student at tho University, went up to Sclo' tills morning to spend Sunday at home. Mrs. Z. M. Parvln is home from a several weeks visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. N. Brown, in Heppuer Oregon. Tho sale of seats for the entertain ment next Wednesday evening May 13 will commence Monday morning at Dearborn's Miss Nellie Howe, of Dallas, who ha been soendlnc presidential week In the gay capital city, will return home Monday. Mrs. S. C. Sladden, of Eugene who has been spending a while In the bouquet city, returned home this moruiug. See Bcd the President! And then fix your eye on prices that are made only at Salem by Ben the Clothier. Proclamation Is made by BEN FORSTNER, tho people's clothier, at his old stand where ho will make the following BARGAINS FOR BO VS. Good boy's pants, 50 cents 75 cents. A dandy nice pair of pants, good enough to go to (Sunday School in for SI 00 Good wear In boy's suits for 2 00 A better boy's suit nice forSun day wear 3 00 BARGAINS FOR MEN. Men's overalls cut to fit. Men's working pauts, well made, for $1 00 Jeans pants We will not men tion It it Is too low. Good woolen working men's dress pants for Sun day wear, 12 50 to $3 00 Nico dressy, striped cottonades pantaloons 1 25 to 1 75 These aro but a few tests of our clothing stock, tho great low prlco houue of Balem. wo nave a general stock of clothing, running up to tho finest grades. We aim to cajry tho mrwt nomnlete Htock of ceueral mer chaudlse Kept in Salem, and our prices all around aro lower than tho lowest. J. O. GOODALE, Coburg. A. WHEELKU, Springfield. GOODALE & WHEELER, Lu-rxiber. L,atbu Pick:et3 ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Agenta MinMIU. fesfc-nk ?ttmtu00nvUud...rd " 4 2 N. N. MATTHEWS, Manager, Salem. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. HOtJSE - and - SlON - PAINTING, Tinting, etc. Varnishing and BJNUVY JilVUO. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rntcs, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day. The best hotol between Portland and Ban Franolsco. Klrat-clasa In all Its nppolnt- nu i the menu. Its tables are served wit! Choicest Fruits Grown In the Wlllametto Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. D.CSHERMAN, U. 8. Pension and Claim agent. P.f) wimn. uroiiuu. .lui.uii, Vrlte for blank, U, o. 1VUOIUU UUU Ul Box J31. 8nlem, Oregon. Uierr Deputy County w Paper Hanging, Kalsomlning, Wall Tin tl ural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. Natural CHURCHILL & BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, -AND- SHEET IRON WORKERS. Estimates on nil work In our lino. IOO Ohomelteta Street, INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "TtLe State." ABsessod;nearly!ono-thIrdlot a million GEO. M. I1EELEB, City Agent, And special agent for Mnr'ou county. 01 Uco vmi ie Company, Clydesdale Stallion. liar None, tho cyclone ot Nebraska, 1b a dark bay.Byearsold, whlto hind foot, nnd star In foroheiid. llred by Thos. Hmlth, ot Yorlc Co. Nebraska, weight 100 pounds, 1rml hv Wall.fnrJfi(). (No. 1030.1 UldJoo was sired by Ileal Exchange, ho by tho wuh xuy poieon. nu,H4.i cuubuu ?v. insurance SIB. Will stand tho hpiuon. at ftitnmis Prince of Wales. DnraWM the famous brood mure, agranddaug OflvOlllH isiipoioon psy. irranaaauguii JNo.(4BJ.) Reason Sit' ur Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. ' House Finishing made to ordor. Now DIM KIM, by which wo can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trado and lllgtt streets, Balem, Oregon. Pnn nEOTLEMEN. Dou't forget .nrl Prof. Alexander's free injure tocentiemen only to-night at tbe opera house. I)p, r.TTT"" "T ' ---. nrmiBTiai.-.jiiBB , , vh 11 vlul." UIT. ,, ' T-' which Is located .'MIssLela Wttters.MIs Minnie VHIghlaiid. In Pnllr ,..nttf. h few ve . . UMt Dearborn. Miss !!sw, .t .., ' ." " '" 7. ..... JWymau, '-"- JlllMl RolM", an-s u"' "-, M1M B-tlllB W TRADE wJtjMir, MABK Helen Mis Carrie Mixirrs, iw .. ' ' ?'"" '""" UllOWlul'riclniruIn t. lliulnfalilv rj'Wh "nntial session of the grand J?,b. MlbJ a)3,y8 Hj me, Miss Jen Eft "Wet, Willi Held in Jefferson ??'"! m,, Belli C-unou, MU June: m -p xt tr.wi..r. . nw""Jt-"- ... ., D(, Vl11 Mawn 8""" ud Z rZ Mood Ml Helen EdcMI o-vort alternate. ""T ?. .! nuie MU "". -rrento"BtrawLerrie' Mr.Straug. Mn, Bozorth and Mrs. MF ) ftEMEDAlhl 0C I A T X C A , mtmrnLv"1 4 Try those Strong's. ia Tosca creams at Cily Warrants. There are funds now on hand ap plicable to the payment of all city warrants "eudorsea" oeiore Juiy o, 1800. Interest will cease on the same from the date of this notice. E. J. Swafkobd, City Treas. Salpm, May 8, 1891. dot What It Costs. Must be carefully considered by the great majority of neople, in buying even necessities of life. Hoods tiar. saprllla commends Itsetf with special force to the great middle classes, be cause it combines positive economy with great medical power. It Is the only medicine of which can truly bo said "100 Doses One Dollar," and a bottle taken according to directions will average to last a month. p Foil Rent. A cblce double rom in poatofllce block. Inquire at Journal office. Jones d Beimnli Fineal Lines of French Can dies. Made fresh Every Tay . AT Just Received Sasti and Door Eactory Front Streot, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our lino at prices to compete with tho lowest. Only tho best material used. Council farm just west of North Balem uricit yarn, near lair grouuu. umiw uy H. llyan. 3-U dw GEO. C. WILL, of Will Bros., Albauy nnd Corvalll. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. skwino"machinks and ouqans RBPAIRHD AND OUCANED At Your Homes Agents fot Northwest InsuraucQ Co. Two doors north of I'ost OIHce, Halem.Or. Nee dled and new parts for nil Sewing Nachlnes 8.&-tf dw The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&HILGERS, Huppcdnnnt to John Holm. cor. Commer cial and Ohemekota streets, Halom. ilorso shoeing n specialty. i 0 tf DRESS GOODS. Henrietta, Serge, Drape d'AIma, Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all new shades. BUCK GOODS. Coin Spot, Bengallne.SIIk Warp, Henriettas, French Novelties. SILKS. Surrahs. Hwlval, India Faille, Taffeta, Hlack Grenadine, Stripes and Dots, GINGHAMS. Normandles, French Zephyrs, Brocbe Zephyr, Toilet du Nord, Seersuckers, Scotch aiughams. mm A New line of trimmings Call and examine our new stock of dry goods. J. J. MLIOTLE k CO., Bush's new hrlok, corner and Commercial streets. Court Administrator's 8ulo. Court of the Bute of Oj-e. gon for the County oi MuMou. Inlheinstterorinewiawoij. n. mw.- In the County Court van. Uccned Notice is adnilnUtnitor liercbglven than, M. W. Hunt. )roi lueuuuvvcuiiiicu w.ii uu of June IMl at 10 o'clock a. tn. at the West door of tbe cmirl Iioum of Mid Marion county, pursaanltoan oroer oiium county cSurtdaU April aoth. Ml sell at pubilflttuotiou f.r cash In hand, to tho highest and beslbldder tu following dw erfled premUen belonging touldentoie, wit: Ifrglnnlrg at thesw corner or ihi. I O. oi Catherine llagey. Not No, S7B. claim No.ttfc ihence Ktu Hies line of said cUtro n and W-lt chains tilii center of I one of tbe branches "f Tuddlug riven thence northerly roi owing iimiwhiw oi i-uw ding river 4rhatn more or Jem to the Clvl.loD Hue of uiio iMld branch of 1M ' claim No. t. thence W oa ald oi vision iUnndTMU)ehalus to the w lint of aRnaidelalra;thenoesposald r Imof claim aforesaid to tbe ?Uce of beglnolog I nd ooniaininK 11 acre of land, mort, or lew. being In.T'T n fc W. Hald land U situ. Ud Utwwa fl ad lx,nil rt of Hkitia. M "'fiyf,'j 6-flitw AdroluUtrator DON 'T Buy e. lot in YEW PARK Unless you want to build ou it. YEW PARK IS IN THE CITY. Tho city water mains aro laid through it. It Is ?o near tho Depot, University, Postoffico and business portion of tho city that It is not nec essary to ride, although tho street cars run through It and Icavo every twenty mlnuteH for Commercial street, North and East Salem. YOU CAN'T SPECULATE IN YJ'JW PAKK PBOPKIlTY-the proprie tors will atteud to that; but you can buy u better homo slto thero than In any other portion of tho city for tho same mouoy. You will have no dust In Summer and no mud In winter. Its perfect drainage Insures its healthfulness. Tho Iota aro largo and many of them beautifully shud ed with yew, fir, ash and oak. Ifyou want to buy blocks of lots on specula tion, and let thorn Ho unimproved and let adjoining property make them valuable, don't patrouuo Yow Park. It Isnot Built That Way Ifyou want to apcculato on op lions or blocks of eight or ten lots, go out In tho country, NOHTJI, Bourn, kaht or wkht, or to the sub urbs of Portland, Astoria or on tho Sound, und luvest In a paper town, or, what Is better, buy a ticket In tho Loulsluna lotU-ry, but keep away from Yew Park. 1,01s sold at low prices on long time and easy terms to home seek ers. 4-14 ttno ran oun catalcouk- phioki ATLAS ENGINE WOftKS, WANAPQlrtf INC. W.M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - and - Sale - Stable. One door west of I.unn's Dry Doods store on Htato street. lul attention pal . OulnL family teams. Oneo ild to transient stock. 6:ltf City Bell. -t-rnTUiKlii harebv srlven that the assess J mont roll of tuo city of fialeni, Ore gon, Tor l&ui, win De suumiueu to iun uou monOounoUolthocltyof Halem, May It), lHll.attho Council chambers In Balem, Oregon, nt 8 o'cloete p. m nnd nil persons deslilng their asfiessmeut changed or modified should have their applications In for said chango before said meeting of ttaeoounrii. K qOODKUh Ilecordor. 1 for hatching from the ftuest Ibrocuing siock in win suite, wlTinlne first nnd second premiums on Light Hrahmas; llist and second on Ulacie Hpanlshj tlrst and second on White tg hornj second on 1'lymuth floclt and Drown Leuhorni at the Oregon Htato Fair, Ually Orcgonlau.-Beit. Ill 1K "All blrus awara ed these premiums will be on exhibition and open for compctlton at tho poultry niiun. uiwiiiuii ... ...... T l, i ranciers anu iireeuum urmit u.; uiip i.nn.iin i,i' win " Afiur huvlnir duo notice, no breeder dared show any Light llrnhma and While lvcghorn and IllicU Himnluli Isn sulllelen guarunteo that my birds lead, I am netver ulnud to exhibit against the oldest breeders. My stock has unlimited rungo. uan ruruisu eggs irum rarletles at living prices, oenu yourau ss on posUl card Catalogue free ClIliiHTIAM KOfllKii, Aurora, Oregon. wtilUHm Sffl kCCAUftC THIT ARC THE BEST. H. M. Viksv ft to'. lUuiliil.d, I)icnpiie sad Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1091 wtllUuiUed FHCtl Ito all i(,lkl nd to U.I kvoo'.I l, in. v.i.i JSeiy penea uuoi uaratn, flew ir MtlB StJi. should ad for li. AaUicu D. M. FERRY . CO. u.inuni muni got Sdtiun la ll. wena 1 M.T. RINEMAN l)EAIJn IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, tamps, Woedea and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed, Also vevetablesand fruits In their season. "Highest I'rlco paid for country produce." Wosollclt ashure of your patronage. jijoiuiemtcci D-U BROOKS & LEGG DRUGGISTS 100 UtateBtrcet, ration's Illock, Balem, Or, PRESOR1PTIONS. Hpeclal attention given to careful cm pounding. W. E. McAFEE, PRESCRIPTION OLHRK, l( COLTJJMBIAS," -- s . i" ' ' TJIK COTTAGE. Mlta. J. H, IlUltKHOIiDKIl, Vroprleton. 04 COURT BTRfcCiCT. Ikmrd by the day or wek, with or with out roo.ns. A good homelike boarding house. Terms lua&onahle. BARK (6 TOEL, 347 Com 1 at - - HAIBM. Gsrden Hose and Lawn Sprinkler. ArMnpleU line of Wove and Tinware, Tin rooting and p luiublug a specialty. Estimatos for Tinning and Plumbing Furnishqdi Light Roadster Safely, Ladies Safety, Kxpert, Tundem Bafety .Volunteer, eernl Itoadster, I.lghtltoadster, national. C. M, L0CKW00D,Agt., Hit StWCom.eU.Hrtleia lllcycleH sold on tbn Installment plan. PRINTING. nitr nv win. T IlflV-'sr KSTA11L1BH. UmeuU u the htae. J?r rfe ha Mirtlaud. Lorgest stock Legal Dlanks l theHtU,tt'd biggest discount, Hendfw ,r ' HUau I'rlnUr Balem Oregoa N15 OK TIIK M ItaKWT ESTAHUBH- rioting, and caUloeue o K. fil. WAU&i Hteaa I'rlnier balem ureses. Timber and Tlmbor IiHH. I liave some tine timber land for rale. 1 also have threo relluauUhmeuM to sell.o 100 acre each, that two be J1?,:,fi'1i tlr.1 class locutlou; handy tn , It ,11, , have some very cheap lauds that will M cost more TA W Pr acre ; wln all paldHik I know of soma good It. It. land that very cheip thafoan b bought on very easy terms; AUo of some very, dwIraWf (joveriiment lands that I oaa Wte Jpf sons on hootads or timber claims. rf tl wanting to obtain (JownmeBt 1ms will do wellto come and see me as I us well Mtd Iu all of Ihe land lawtjSl latest 'decisions of the general land o and have had a Una expurienca tai1 surveying business and hae niude Wm careful study lor three yiM,: ante satU&ustlon in every JgfiafM.M give tbe very best refergnoe njMasrva . Ua oer one thousand aereaOIJrtiswjfiW and oan be seen at wr rosldeaoe om a aouttaofCookbot!. jrepodsjs. rrr4Co' every day. Kubu. I i