SWH.W y'WUf'W Vk y",',1 . ..tirlMO.N. - .ilTILHClV --- -....MS Of " sstfsfa v. .r vearc ' . .jirnnRfl the JOlW . . 160 rice nr rajBvm ':7.nEI.Ivr-i - I'6" .".., lt henna. . n"1vEIlYYCAHU1r.v c "" .- zz ;. ; Gucts .. -i iMh ti 1KL UU" " ..I ha II1UUU "" " . . loivVR . . rii v - ...in mi'iinn i ' - i":,0V .bscrlbe " Twi,erp: U ". .rricrs ft' "" delays in !''".. t. IM11- ru r.PiTAiiJu.,rL. .rrrd Km the afternoon - diipi"" : r. n II I'l . tn n v. II 1 UhK iV rAlimujuu, HU"Ulli ..-.. in Groceries, wockbij, In .,- nils. Varnishes, ...rofo. rauiw, "-'. .- .snes, ' . rM an( Rcr nls f0r tpitui - Baking W0B" "local market. Det82jeent8Peru- og to 30 eeuio ijoi .. Vhcat, k . .tit1 oW"- ,.,.tr.inil the bread at fK" "L": fltrfn, .'Thoy l(nnir'I WRcij ..- CJMtoaves for $1.00. . ...j ,!. ,...,.ftr mornlnc IrtSWWlKeu liraucYuj " c- WE3TACOTT & IRWIN. - mt1 Vinnr1 BOARD KCDUCKU. luuw uu." frhe Willamette will bo reduced 15.00 per week during the sum- ir season, auu rooms t tuu.- hate rates. Laudlord Wagner econcluderi to make this reduc- En inn Hih Hfii.son. and It Is to DO ed the Salem people who like . .,,, !.. 1,1. ktcltiss service win uppicuiuw " forts to meet them. The Wtlia- Sstteistho best hotel 'Salem has Berhad. JIS THi: IjINK OF i'KOOHESB. yem will probably have two more ail carriers in the near future. Icstmaster A. N. Gilbert has for- Med to the postofllce department Washington the report of the Usessdoue in the ofttce and the it of territory covered by the t:,t tuners. The met is oaiem !te carriers to do tho work foiJnmany cities of less impor- iooe. and where the business of the Seels less than it is here, is dele- ted to five or six carriers. With De presen' accommodations a part Ithe city la entirely deprived of the lee delivery system. Even five rriers cannot do all the work to Ire the city a first class delivery item. Salem is spread out over a be tract of land and the business flheolllce is heavy. The clerical tree In the oillce has more work bin it can well do. Salem is the hd office for a number of atae Lute which are not considered at b headquarters. It is in tho far rest and of little importance to the big east." Some of the people ack there imagine if a good build- PS and postofllce accommodations fere established in Salem a band of Ddians would be liable to swoop own on the city at any lime and atroy it. To some all is dark be- loDd the Rockies when they look Westward. But once over hero the picture is different. When l'ost- oaster-General Wannamakcr is in calem next Tuesday some one who not embarrassed with modesty would suggest to him that all this My is accommodated with three srriers. That will be en opportune Ne; the thousands who will ue on he streets rvill give Bale m a metro- ohtan appearance. PIlKPAIUNa F0K HARRISON. The Commit If os All Meet anil Report I'rosri'SH Another Meeting Tmlny. Cnpt. Sliei man reported for com. on music. Tho Regimental band, tho Uuivcreily band, Mt. Angel baud and others will bo present. The Suleru City baud has an mvlta tlou to asstst in the exercises. Tho committee ou invitations re ported that they had prepared an iuvitatiou which was sent to all cities, towns and colleges within reach of Salem for this occasion. Col. Ladue spoko about tho best place to receive tho presidential party, and udvocated tho propriety of receiving the party at the head of Court street, there review tho Hues formed, proceed down Court street to Commercial, then up State to tho state house, where tho addresses would take place. Capt. Sherman and nearly all present endorsed this plan, after a full and free discussion. Ex-Gov. Chadwlck, of the com mittee on reception, said his com mit teo desired to go at least as far as Albany to meet the party. Mrs. Moody asked for instructions as to decorations. Chairman Waite suggested that the west portico of the state housobe decorated. The meotiug adjourned to meet today at 4 p. M., at the council chamber, when fiual arrangements will be made and program announc ed. Pursuant to the adjournment of Tuesday's meeting, all the commit tees working to make the president's visit to Salem a success, met in the council chamber at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Fayorabio report were had from all. The committee on tluanco find little trouble to secure 'funds. If the weather only keeps favorable it will be a grand day for the capital city. ONIiY ONE HOUU TO STAY. The president sent a dispatch to the mayor of this city this morning to the effect that ho could only re main in Salem one hour. He also states that ho will be here at 8:30 on Tuesday morning, May 6th. It is important that the people from the neighboring towns and surrounding country bestir themselves early that morning iu order to be hereon time. It may be possible that it will be 9 ..'clock before the party ariives, but those who depend on him being late run a chance of not getting to see the chief executive while iu Salem. The Usual Outcome. Last Sun day four young meu of Albany, af ter Imbibing about all the bad whis ky they could carry, set out for a school house in Iientou county, a few inll.'s west of Albany, whero a religious meeting was beinc held. wltli the premeditated Intention of ureuKtng up the meeting. They suc ceeded In their eflorts, and the result of their spree is three wiser but sad der young men, and about G0 Hues milled to the county toilers. Is IT Lotteky. S. Erust. the upholdterer and furniture repairer, was arresieti iuh morninn on a charge of helling lottery tickets. Erust has been selling tickets for a raffle for a certain piece of furniture of Ids own production. He was held to await the action of the graud jury under bonds of $150. Some doubt that a charge of tho kind will htand. The accused has been a hard worker since he came to tialem and was not intending to violate the law. A WIIAliB ASIIORK. A Slxty-Threo Foot l'.lnikflsli Heaeheil Near Newport. News is just received at this city that a 03-foot whale was beached ou the sands south of Newport, It had evidently been injured by a-sword-ftth or thrasher and must hnve been dead before landing. The blubber averaged about four to six itielie thick and is producing a very line grade of oil. The flch was found and staked as Ids own by Calvin Harues, of Alsea bay, who Is cutting up the fish and will get about 400 tcallousof oil, that will brlug about 40 cents a gallon. A few years ago a 00-foot sperm whale came ashore near there. This last whale was lirst sighted by Mr. Brasfield, who thought It was a wrecked schooner coming ashore on a heavy southwest swell. jatkjgMtewiailiHHii There Is Horn. The man who has been bald for years thinks there is but little hope, but DeLeou and Jabcrg claim they can ieuew a heavy growth of hair. . -. Fresh Tomatoes Sroat t Glle. Gafkkh Okeen. The best lino of greens, cabbage, cntillflower, lettuce, radishes, and everything iu tha line at Clark & Eppley's, 1W) Court street. Remember wo havo the quickest delivery in the city. Pates foi de gras, Caviar, Truflles, Sardellan, Egg Nuddles and other imported table delicacies, at Sroat & Glle's. d2t. The Bncklen's Arnica Salve, Best Salvo In the world'.tor Cuts, uruisea, cores, Ulcers, sail liueum, rever Sores, Tetter, uhnpped Iliinda, ChllDlnlns, Corni aud nil Bklu Eruptions, and posi tively cures riles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. UM'ito f i T a li i. e. Ed. Herren, the commission merchant, sold forty-seven bales of hops lor a l'olk county mau a few days ago. Mr. Herren considered tho sale a od fue. The piice reallzeJ tothe grow er, was 27 cents a pound. The man was oliered Sj cents net tor the same bops last fall, and refused it, though his merchants here iu Falem advised him to sell. Ry keeping them he lost ?850. Contracts are being made for the new crop of lioj s at sixteen cents. Matrimonial. April has been a gayer month in weddingcirciesthan anyouefor some time past. lhe following persons have been granted licenses to wed from the office of the clerk of Marion county for the mouth iust clesing: April 1st, J. J. Jennincs and Martha E. Jones, aged 47 and 37; April Gth, G. Marthaler and Maggie Skaife, aged 35 and 33i April 7th, Hugh Casgrove and Jen nie Eggleson, aged 60 and 30; John Kitchen and Maud Reed, aged 20 and 18; April 8tb, C. B. Palmer and Agnes Aitken, aged 23 and 23; D. J. Steiner aud Paulino Gerber, aged 20 and 18; April 14th, W. A. Venable and Susio Hall, aged 29 and 38; April 18th, Chas. F. Doty and Win nie Tapp, aged 19 aud 18; S. C. Rice and Mercilla Brenkloy, aged 23 and 18; April 20th, Jacob Blngman and Matilda Matt, aged 29 and 19; Leo McCormlck and Mary Bone, aged 18 and 17; April 22ud, C. C. Gerber and Mary Gerber, aged 32 and 20; Anrii 23d. Harry Rook andJosio Curtis, aged 30 and 24; April 2oth, George Conner aud Helen F. Hoefer, aged 31 and 21; April 27th, George Landretli aud Mary Laudreth, aged 26 and 27; April 28th, C. A. Cook aud Amelia Claggett, aged 34 and 19; Conrad Dillman aud Barbara Mastleson, aged 27 and 17; M. J. Penter aud M. C. Vallett, aged 32 and 20; April 30th, Alex. Scharbach aud Lena Heller, aged 24 and 19. The average ago of the applicants for the gentlemen Is 29 10-19 aud for the ladles 23 years. PltOllATE COUKT.- of the estate of W. ceased, J. J. Shaw, tor, files his bonds -In the matter J. Herren, de the administra which are flxrd at $20,000, with T. H. Hubbard, David Simpson and J. H. Albert as surilies. J. I. Thompson, Squire Farrar and T. C. Sbaw were ap pointed appraisers of said estate. In the matter of tho guardianship ofjosie aud Grace Parish, minors, D. W. Lichteuthaler, the guardian, tiles his first account which is ap proved by the court. The New Judue. - The resigna tion of Judge J. H, Bird, of the Seventh district will take eflect to morrow and on the same day the new judge will be appointed. Those prominently mentioned for the position aro W. L. Bradshaw aud E. B. Dufur, of Tho Dalles. Being appointed by the governor one re quisite will be that they aro advo cates of democratic principles as endorsed by Pennoyer. The two meu mentioned are of that inclina tion. Playincj Ball. The Salem base ball team are improving the time these plpasant afleruoous by daily practice in handling the ball. The new ground will bo iu condition iu a few days aud active playing will be beRUU. The Albany or Cor- vallis men will probably be invited tn rnna down to play tho first game on the new grounds. C a it b i A a e s. Those who have carriages or vehicles and will grant th. iism of them for tho occasion of tho president coming to this city should report to the committee at once. It is necessary to have a largo number of carriages to accommodate nil tlm distiuKUished tmesis. The reports can be left with tho com' mittee at the office of either of the dally papers. Sun hats for 25 cts. at Calyert's. m I'rof. Alexander. Prof. Alexander Is a decided gen tleman, a fluent and eloquent speak er au'd master of the science of phre nology. His office has been crowded every day, and "standing room" ouly every night at his lectures. Success must invariably follow a profession conducted hi the spirit peiTading all of Prof. Alexander's work. Morning Oregoniau, Port land, Or. A superior phrenologist and the only platform speaker who ever held an audience iu Cheyeune. Chey enne Sun. We defy any dollar show to inter est an audience better than Prof. Alexander. His lectures aro cer tainly deserving of the wonderful patronage tbey are receiving. Beatrice Express. Prof. Alexander opens with a free lecture Friday evening at Reed's opera house. apr29d&w-lt PERSONAL MENTION. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Ulass, Wall Ta per anil IJordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay. Feed and Fence rosts. Urass seeds, Etc, Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. FINE NEW STOCK-LOW PRICES, Men's blue cloth suits-All Wool $10 Men's fine Tweed suits Plaid 12 Men's line diagonal suits - --- 16 Boy's suits Ages 4 to 12 - ..-$1.60 to 10 Youth's black cheviot suits Ages 12 to IS All now 12 Youth's blue cloth suits Ages 12 to 18 - 7 Every one of these suits Is a bargain. Largo stock of Hats Stiff, Crush and Stran'. Come and look nt theso goods. Bo sociable. ) COMPANY 1UU OlBRA HOUSE BLOCK. Highest cash price for wool. Produco taken. 2000 lbs. dried plums wanted. A good team of woll mated black horses, and a three seated covered hack for sale or trade. We Lead in m m if EVERBEARING iJffiSSSSSi irtnu uencripnv Beth WiwftDirr, nr until frost. JJencrlptlvo price list free juiasciiy injure. U. W. BEELKR, Aeent, JNHUUANCK Company. Klro and Ma rine. Ha lem, Oregon GEO. CYAN WAGNER, At 103 Stato street Is prepared to franio pictures nentlr nndatfowest living rates. Call around Bud examine his work. He also has a lino assortment to select from ot Wall Paper and Picture Moulding J. H. HAAS, THE WATCIOLAJODR, 215X Commercial St., Salem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Special ty of Spectacle, and repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Good teams and RtrotiKhold. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Bids for llrick Work. llirtswlu be received for tho brick work upon four two-story brick Btorcs Just north of tho Sute insurance Co. up to Monday noon. Mnv 4th. 1'lnns and pnerlflcattons way be Been at State Insuranco Co's ofllco Thursday at 9 o'clock. rnencniisieservea to rejcci. any ana all bids. II. W COTTLK. 4-Mtd E.U.PAHICUURST. 0 Received Architect McNally Is in Wood- burn on a business this afternoon. Capt. Sauford Watsou was a pas senger for Portland this afternoon. Rev. J. S. White is visiting Father Brosseau at Gervals this afternoon. Geo. Hlbbert, now in charge of the state printing office, went north this afternoon. J. M. Gross, a former real estate man here, is very low with la grippe at East Portlaud. V, F. Dugau is in Portland on business today and may not return before Mouday. Dr. and Mrs. 8. R. Jessup ai.d Miss Mao Carpenter are visitors in Portland this afternoon. Col, S. L. Loyell went to Portlaud today to see about procuring tents and other equipage for the graud encampment of the O. N. G. Prof, and Mrs. J. S. Knight, of the deaf mute school, went to Port land this afternoon, accompanying some of the pupils who are on their way home for vacation. Supreme Judge Strahan, of Al bauy, came down this afternoon. The court will announce a largo number of decisions today, tailing Mm nnrtnir term hero prior to DRESS GOODS. Henrietta. Serce. Drane d' Alain, Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all new shades. BLACK GOODS. Coin Spot, Bengaline. Silk Warp, Henriettas, Freuch Novelties. SILKS. Surrabs, Swlval, India Faille, Tafleta.Black Grenadine, Stripes aud Dots. GINGHAMS. Normandles, Freuch Zephyrs, Brocho Zephyr, Toilet au iNorci, Seersuckers, Scotch Giughams. All M1UI11M i ANTIQUE, mi i "1 "" " tiifSHi Old English, i$MSI SHIM' tiSHS4Wfnr - and 1 1"""" t IT II H I U Jl i I'l ' ,n,i n i Itl I II II II l II II II : 11(11. 11 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i win WQuiry, li I i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 1 1 . u 1 Oxidized Brass Butcher tUUUUUUUmwl Trimmings. il ML sp i ii &T iKb lit MM KK II -s fvl ! OBGrAir & MEADE, Truck & Dray Lino. prompt work Is our $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of coods at our store! We carry'a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, Glassware, ci gars, tobacco aud confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 220 Commercial Bt Salem FOUND! One hundred very cholco lpts, which will bn sold nl 100 per lot, and on easy terms by J. J. ROBERTS, 05 State St. E. C. CROSS, and Packer, HtatoBt, and Court Htr The best meats delivered to nil parts of the city. INTING. ANB OK THK IiAnaiCHT E8TABMSII. Umonts In tho Htnle. Lower rates than liimgs. A New lino of trimmings up court at Pendleton next Public Benefactok. Hon. A, Mi, the banker, ha3 decided to Iwta watering fountain for aul a's In front of his bauk. Arouno Iht corner is a favorite resort for i when not at work. Farmer e their teams there and doubtless .Bush has seen many teams ltliere for a half a day or more Ner the burning rays of a summer j without a drop of water. Being peat lover of ilunib animals and klievW In trpnHn tlipm kindlV. jhaa been led to tills benevolent 'H The watering troughs will be pranged us to allow a earn to - witnout tho phecK reins oeing "eneci. Beneath tho troughs will wput tubs for the canine tribe to ," their thirxt. These wilt form holding week. Mr. W. G. Cannon, of Middlclon, Cal., is In. tho city visiting his brother R. B. Cannon, of the Gold Mouutaln & Dry Gulch Mining Co. He is enioylug our fine weather, Call aud examine of dry goods. our new stock J. J. DALRWLE & CO., Bush's new brick, corner Court aud Commercial streets. See Them and be Happy, ON Portland. largest stock Legal Blanks In Ihehtutc, a Ml blgccHt discount. Ueudfoi prlcousiorjou priming, ana caiaiogut U'koI blanks. K. M. WAITK, Htwi-ii Printer Bolem Oreeon. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay. Tho best hotel betweonrortlnnd and Ban Francisco. Klrst-class In all lt appoint ments. lt tablos aro served with tho Choicest JFrults - Grown lnlho WUlamotto Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. I( BUREN &, S Jewelky SroitE Rorbed. Some time during Wednesday night lmrirlurs entered tho store of Mr. Adcock, in the Holly block, on Holly street, and stole watches, chains and riugs amounting touear- ly 000. The burglary was u . tremelv bold one. The entrance to the store was effected by a rear window. A knife was inserted and tho window latch turned; after raising the window they removed a number of bottles that were stand ing on the sill and set them down on a box on tho optside. Then they entered, passefl by flip bed in Which Mr. Adcock was sleeping soundly, proceeding into the store and rifled tho showcase of all Us con teuts. ' Aided by the light comjug fropi acro&s tlie street tuey ,, "B tlnri,..i .1 lln I "" -' " ' ' ....... l.t.. nrllnn fa,..!. vai pari, w; iuo ""$ i K-.ieCttd tho most yhiwiuid " WWan. WK... lI.M,l.ml hv 6etLllU IM H Jnr-Di. "n.i'w"v"" -V ,7 0f the UOOOS anu iuuuc b --- reporter, Mr. Bush said it bwltlaout being beard by the lneiifelecttd dumb animals he! " ' ..08e bt.d tbey pissed " fodeavorlmr tn benefit. Tlio u". ' t,....i Hr.ld. Mr. Ad- wnernf ," "..,., ..., it.,itrice.-M-7- ' ti ciiia couiu nun jjicuij .' Paces to cool their nurched lips. eaulmal had none In Salem, I Wt to make it .rilot lia wnlllll jffwwy put jn a ppat at onp ed t VOMrougU for ft puWio xlrohlntj j . for man. Mr. Ttunii first cock recently left Salem. - ABUSE Of ANJMALS.-A ic"itn fiftflpJqppVAiaO m.Mfc H man drfvK Pair of Jiorsw tbat wer for ft pulillo drjokluB reduced to sUI". Uud bones, and had " i ... i - . man m- Tiol. .v.til r uir. .in its breast hall as iartoe iiii. jjuoii ii nw triii u. "i " i e Hie gratitude oimauy a thlrityj as a big cheese. It was uloerftli v.nr,or his liberality. a.ud. tjo pn.s rupuipg ifw "- Umearertouthe Hm-'W; -' lecture is free, aud from all tbe press notices received, eybryoae Is prom ised a rich treat. Tjie PBESipEifT, Yes, lie la com iuc to Balern, but our city also has other attractions, and the greatest of these are to be seen at farrar & Co'b. Fob Sale. A complete outfit of household goods, In good condition. Call at room 13, Eldflflp Bock, A bargain, '" ftpr&lit - Court Lament f a When I on siauq, my Strret Citin. plank eldewallt the U. Aud view that mud pond o'er, think, oh, my is It not very grand npo stand m ufar the shore To see tho vapor and smell the fpiivn, . ,.... i..,.!,:......... ,mt afraid that the UdAnm.. m....r ... . . .. . .11. Inn tllllfllt KCt Uim iu. i-irpnn with tneir oiq- inaio wmu" - - - 'taesueiv-. ...ii i. ... .... n'.i ,. ..i.ioirtlio attentlou or fni . --""i "in pu ui tlie jvcru , iiii !- " ;, . , Iglit. Pv..u.. L., ...:. I v.,.tv vwe dtUwl t "FMn ou a Ilaneh-I ar amonri He wa advlned W We Veterinary, Z 'ttractiona for ii,. -....ni.,,,.11.,,1 .witned on account of expenv. i an. . , not healthy be; 8eveir .' ...- :.,...?. I. ;..., ..o....ll turn the animal ,, ''" and IIJBcadamUw I rny 6H.i . m buhhb uuve an tiieir , out rum .. - .,,.inir":l''6"v eee Tbatdotlj from ofl IU surface rlae, yutil H wakes my very etomach tifronml. Apd dull and dUy turua my eyes. I.m.Wd.bWTrvS,,l,r' orii . m buhhb uuve an tiieir , out rum - ,..or,,l gjpopulariiy and have gained lout to pa-lure. Tl.ere a wjn.l oowiedee of i,. . ...,.. ..' .. i. ,..,ni.d to the society ulIencelr,ti1oi , . .... ..i intini! of the ex. T,utwemayfromlloch flltb and etenchoe free. O.NTE FW-IX From Lake, not Lane. The Journal reported yesterday that Clint Brown had been pardoned out after a few weeks of cold chills on of the penitentiary after serving ten the sound years, It further stated that he w at sent from Lane county. The first was a fact, but the latter was not; it should havo been from Lake county. That was a typographical and not a willful error. . Smith Church. G. R. Shaw, W. A. Townsend and J. C. Snover, of Falrvlew, OregoH, are the trustees of the Smith Memorial Presbyterian church, which filed articles of Incor poration with tho secretary of state today. Tho amount of property on hand at tho time of filing the articles was estimated at 2000. Fair Weathek. For the first time in ft long while tho fair weather flag floats all alone from the signal flag today, meaning that May is coming in with regular Oregon sun shine and that the president will find nature as well as her children trailing to iecelve him next Tuesday. Opera HousEFriday uighttbe nnera house will bo crowded, no doubt, as. Prof. Alexander's Administrator's Sale. NOTICE Is hereby given that by virtue of an older and license of bulo duly ., ..n.ionui nnfinnterodnfreroidbythe county court oftbostataofOregon for Mo r;i....,.r. ,h.M Anv nfl)primbcr.l800. nuu i7i.4h.r '- - - - . . . authorlzlnBaPdeninowerlugmeiisaamin. Istratrlx ofthe estate of 15. H. Bellinger, deceased, to sell tbe real property of wild decedent hereinafter described, I will on Baturduy, the Mil day ol May. 1WI, at 1 o'clock In the niternoon of said day at the door of the county court house, Iu Ma lem, Marlon county. Oregon, bell at p'ibllo auction to the highest bidder for one-hall cash In hand on thoday of sale, and the balance payouie in uiuujuo 7!v".":'x:. est from tlio day of saleuntllpuld.utelght percent per annum (Deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on the land eo d and the purchaserJo pay all taxes on said mortgage.) all the flglit. title, Interest and estate.whlch said K. H.Bellluger.dercased, hart at his death. In or tothe following de scribed property, to wit: 1. The west nail of thSdJSttoni land claim of John II. .Be -linger and Mary U. Bellinger his wife. r.otl. flciitlon No. &i, claim No. 01 In tJS , u 8 west of Wlllaroelte meridian, and claim NoSUn t. 10 s-, . 3 webt of Willamette merldCln Marion county Oregon, con talnlng a acres of land, more or lens. 2 All that part f tho following bounded tracto" land lying west o the inldd e oj ibe , county road leading northerly Irorn hSlcm to Hpongsferry, wC Icl .tract J. boun. ded as roiiows, vn: mcbhiu.",., ':;--, ieuu . iu. """y," T,",-,n-itfnrt claim ol Thets'i: Kaiser and wlf7 at a point nortlVfri. west, 80.17 chains from the south east corner of said claim and run nine thence west to the west line of said donation claim; thence northerly along the west boundary line of ald donation clalmf a.70 rlmrns; tbence' wt W the east boanulry of suld claim-, tnenco aoutU HW Sst alon the east boundary of sam claim, i!LTU chains to the nlaoeof lieglnnlng, con Snlne llWl aorei' of laud njore or less, i?tuafed in V. 7 ft, ta. 3 wTof wi tametto me ? ffin m Marfan'oouniy, Wn. th nart owned by tlieestate of said decedent, being vent v seven acrw more cr leu. i V lilt Sour H)ln block four (t) In Bmlth'a addltfoatotbWwnofJerrerwn.lnilarlon county. Oregon, as the same Is markedaud eajit t,V. radi. tinmen north M' UBini. thence west 3. cu DON'T Buy a lot iu YEW PARK Unless you want to build on u. YEW PARK IS W THE CITY. Tho city water mains aro laid th much it. It is so near tho Depot, University, Postalllco and business portion of tho city that it Is not uec pfisnrv to ride. althouKh tho street cars run through it and leave overy twouly minutes for Commercial street, North and East Salem. YOU CAN'T SPECULATE IN YEW PARK PROPERTY the proprie tors will attend to that; but you can buy a better homo site tliero than In any other portion of tho city for tho same money. You will havo no dust In Summer and no mud In wluter. Its perfect draluage insures its liealthfulness. Tho lots aro largo and many of them beautifully shad ed with yow, flr, ash and oak. Ifyou want to buy blocks of lots on specula tion, and let them- Ho unimproved and let adjoining property mako them valuable, don't patronizo ew Park. It Is not Built That Way Ifyou want to speculate op op tions or blocks of eight or ten lots, n nut Iti tho couutrv. NORTH. south, east or west, or to tho sub urbs of Portland, Astoria or on mo Sound, and invest In a paper town, or, what la better, buy tloket In tho Louisiana, lottery, but keep away from Yew Park. Lota cold at low prices on long time und easy terms to home Beck era. 4-14 F When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc bo You will find it to your ndvantago to call on mo bo purchasing elsowhoro, as I havo tho LARGEST RE- j STO RE IN OREGUJN . Wonts' ana ladies oau- foro TAIL dies iu "m u oi"rVi.M?rir. Ti.V. '.A...I. in? a VHl dH UUI IMWV WUt - Mo to the plucft of begin'"."!',..,..,,. MllH. M. A. r.i.i.i;v"lf Utratrlx of tbe Kstato ol L. " . mtnlafnltriX llelliugfr, deceased. W4 it &l Ui'lUWAB1 Si THE BEST. uibianswii inuitial.d, D.CTlptJ sad FHc4 SEED ANNUAL r 1BB1 wlUUmM tttUt-l u ill spplkaats, od lo bit hum l atuomtn. iiuwkii"",""" rn Htm uttug irw, Flwr trfUMUtdu bouM Mod for U. Adtkess D. M, rCRRY A CO, DITSVIT.MIvn. in Smcmk b il cnai TnnQfor hatching from the fluent ililTrlTObreedlng stock in the state, winning first and second premiums on Light Brahmas; flist and second on "Jack Himnlsh; tlrst and second cn Yu)l ' horn; second on l'lrtnutn Itock and Urovrii Leghorn; at vbe Oregon HUite Kalr, Dally Or?2onlan.--Hpt.Iip"All birdu award ed these premiums will be on exhibition aadorntorcompetlUHi at the wiiiltry show opening in I'ort and the 4J Inst, Konclem and breeders brlngoulyourblrdsi boasting don't win " aSw hiving due notice, no breeder daiM shew any Light :na and wn iegnorn onu umv moclorn styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best mado in tho world. I am solo Manutacturer s ivgent for Salem. NOT TO BE U JN JJ.lfilU5U.LJJ I Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as low as 13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but win RRTJihliHWl bvmoin 18G9 and by long oxporionco I i . 1 1 I1.1. a ,! "7".,, n.,vH mioa 4-lift rlllPI Know tno aomnnas oi uiu imuu. x u n ' u"v i"uuw at the sign of "Tho Big Dapplo Gray Horse," Thanking my customers for their liberal patronago in tho past. By square dealing, I hope for a continuance of the same. E.S.LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Stroot. D . C. S I-I BR JVE AN u U, H, l'onalon and Claim ngent. I'.O Ilox Ml. Hulom, Oregon. Ucputy County Oleri' Vrllo for blanks, w INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessed ncarlylonO'tiilrdlot a million GEO. M. 11KELER, City Agent, And special aecntfor Marlon county. Ol tloo wfiii hn Company. niimirin c. innTCtnT 1UUA1A0 Mnm REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND NOTAHIKS I'UIIUO. Collections ilado and Loans Negotiated. SOOCOMMUROIA.L. STRKIJpf SALKM OREGON. 120-d-Aw-tf J. O. OOODALK, Coburg. A. WJIKKLKH, Hprliiulleld. GOODALE & WHEELER, Lumber, Latli. Pickets ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Agents for OoburgMllls, Hprlngtleld Mills und MoKeiulo Mill. Olllca ami . YarU on the Agenui for Jit .1 So b"r wolVxU Mtrcct near depot, hest Lumber In tho Vulley. 40 N. N. MATl'IIEWS, MunoBcr, Balcm. ti . . . SANTIAM LUMBERING COMPANY, Orf MILL, OITY, Lumber, I-atb, Hhinglea and IJuildlnif material. Yard cat of I)epot, Salem. Wo manufacture all our own Block, und aro prerared to 1111 any order on tlio HliorteHt notice. , .. ..... c . . , , 4:J7-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent. Clydesdale Stallion. iin-M.mn tlm nvnlnnn nl Nebraska, is a iwrK buy, o years om, wniio niuu iooi,uu y-i rah sired by Wiill-Kor-Joe. (No. ltKO.J Old Joe buy star In forehead. York i:o UrcdbvThoH. Hmlth.ot Nebraska, wclalil i.uo pouua. wm aired bv Ileal Exchange, ho by tbe famous l'rlnro of Wnlei. Uamwos Topsy, the famous brood mare, a grand daughter of Louis Napoleon. No.(IM.) fcason lu. Insurance JI0. Wilt stand tho reason at (Jonncll farm JuH went of North Bulem brick yard, near fair ground. Owned by It. llyan. -VMt dw SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 10Q Chemeketa Street. - and - Sign - IrVUNTiNG, M. J. PATION, M. D. Eldridgo Block, Salem, Oregon. Diseases of women and children; chronic and private diseases A SPECIALTY. In ofllco day and night. Consultation free. The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE & HILGERS, Siicfcsxors to John Holm, cor. Commer clal and Uhemeketu streets, Haleui. Horse shoeing n specialty. -tlitf M.T. RINEMAN UKAI.Ell IK Staple ami Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Utawware, Lamps, Woedea and Willow ware. All kinds of mill teed. Alwjveireuiblvsnud fruits Iu their seuwu. HlKhest l'rlce paid foroountry pioduea." wesouuu asiiure oi yuur ii.iiniu.iKu. in HOUSE P,,nr Hutiulnir. KnlBomlntntf, Wall Tlnllk oto. VarnlHliing and .ti i . i. ritiwn. Natural Wood I', Only J-'Irnl-clRStt Work, sSR" HNOW JlllOS. IH) I'DUtatestrvet QHURCI-nLL&BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers. Gas and Steam Fitters, AND" bpanfsb Is a suffleien guarantoe that my i.i.dairaiit I am netver afraid to exhibit aenln-t the oldest breeders. , My stock CM uiillmlted ranee. Can furntsU ewf ttum 1 vaVlethl. at ftvlntf price-. end"yourad OKM ti" postil car4 Culoue free !TutTiAa KooK, Auroru.ireKon. EGGS. O. W. PALMER, FACTA MA CO. POULTRY YARDS. OILROY. OAL, P. O. BOX IO. anr rezil' I Mil i and afibr UklDtf all the pulns poMlblala m-Hrjrury fowls.ll! ur of plrwtluK, the J4WW. I who iaT pltrtbeU orders with me. om cbolt toelTftu sal. WriU tor prle, Jfa',lon this rPr. i SHEET IRON WORKERS. XQQ OlmmoUwm Btroot, Vjt for Hat-hln- M Kood Ml any larPuultrv vard ran send out. I Mil t, from the linn pen I breed, from and (! Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co, Sasri, Dooi-s, Itllnds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House p-lnuning maao w rur. Kaw nilt KILN, by which we can always keep rf full supply of seasoned to of all kinds. Arrleultural works, uorner oi i ru uuu . -..w.. .-. - BROOKS & LEGG DRUGGISTS I0O HtutoHtreet, lotion's Ulock, Balem, Or, PWISSOKIPTIONS. Hpcclul ut teutlouKl ven Ui careful cm poundliitf. W. E, McAFEE, PWBBORIPTION OLISHK:. . i.i iir "COLUMBIAS," JMwMWMW,MMSISS-IISIS--.--"M " .... iL I V -..-- Ml HI HI Sh nd Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, Tho Vest class of work in our lino nt prices to mpete rith tho lowest. Only tho boat wmtorial ww Light Roadster Safety, Uilies'Safeiy, Kxpejt, Tandem Hafety.Volunlwr, 8ewl. Itoa (filer, 1-b.bt IlOHdsWr, llallaunL C.M.LOQ.KWOW.Aft., 44 tf W(jflji.tAlMi LlIcyclMtoldou tba lututnHWJfewu i 1 'I 1 J 11 l.. - JIBIOUl CAIICI IHIU1T. Mllll D 11 KUB T - - - caraofexnerSence. "-"! yn ftai U-i TST . - --- . mrnwr- AM.I .' nuu n i -j . - . . .jj -aietPftttonf. ecutlve oommltleeiDouia w I O