CAPITAL JOURNAL. "THE PEOPLE'S,!? APETC." SALEM, (XREGON. TTrtTRSDAY. APRIL 30 1S01. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY.'' VOL- 4. NO. 47 EVENING TTJST RECETVRD I -v . . r -r f m r DIRECT FItOM JIANUFACTU1UES AT I McF. RATION'S STATE STREET BOOK STORE ni..: mul RVnnv Sfcnfcionerv. Price on loO BoXeS, 1 prico ' '''"' '''' R fn SOp. fiOO eW , .V pi,nfn AlbuiUR . . . 9 On Pfio.1v BO Nflff -S? .,., i .ni.nsfc Stvle Visitinrr Cards : l s fn nn 15 uoz. rT' r 'iaf. cmui xxx at spinr a t, pr wrcs B0.000 i"v 1lnfTtl ;11Vnip.o or Ladies fine Gold Pens; Mabie. Todd & Bards Manufacture. At reduced nrifms. REMEMBER THE PLACE 98 STATE STREET. JMWMWMWW"iM"w"'"Mi"M'WWiM"WilWWliBMMIWBMMBWMWliiMaigiiMMWM ICRISSMAN & OS BURN, Agency For I. 0. NOON i CO. TMR CAiTFAl, JflUiiffi. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. PUBLISHED DAILY.EXCEITSUNDAY, BT T11K Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offlce, Commercial Street; In I'.O.llulWIng biilereil at tho postolllce at Sulcm, Or.,RH FC(OUU(litl 1) Mill. BWHEKSS and ftt 5 1L GO30lffl:m(a:X3X&O2Ck.Xa S17E&EiESa17. Bisskll Chilled Plows . Which are warranted to be the best Chilled plow in use to do good work, run as light as any plow made, scour in 1 i 1 ! 1 11.1 .1' j 1 i I- 11 K.. l-.n..l r. lnn1 onz-l nnf nhnl.'a any son, run sieauy, ure easily nanaieci or aujusteu, to wuris. wen in uiy, imiu ui owuj w" u hwuvvj. If you want the best Chilled plows, buy the Bissell. They are the best built, the best finished and IsBjsra? QSEOEaZEaiBESiD sfot :sro,w 3Tt totsies- It will pay all dealers and farmers to get our quotations before purchasing elsewhere; as we furnish the best pods and our prices are the lowest, quality considered. We cany the largest and most complete stock on the Pacific ilot MAUnlJNJjJlii AlND VrjlJlULIlio ut every description, uu mm bbb u, w icicgi. ..- jnjMr requirements, and you Avill receive prompt attention. lESEJESTsnE&rsr soirazoiBiEijESiK,, igent for STAVER & WALKER, Salem, with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Ho tel h Caiit Find Their Equal"! I shall, for the season of 1891, make a specialty of jLiifaDaL FORDS lly $1.25 line are the best value ever sold in Salem. Call and see my 83.00 line uf Ladies' Cloth Top Patent Leather Tip Shoes. A. KIvKIN, 211 Commercial Street ILEElir"" " Important to Owners of Land A DKMOURATIO VKTO. Governor Frauds, of Missouri, bus vetoed the Australian ballot lmv because of the provision which al lows u certain number of peoplo of any party to put up a ticket aud have it printed on tho ballot. Tho St. Louis Pepublic, (Dem.) uys: "If the party in power is to be al lowed to say what patty fchnll and what shall not oppose It, there Is nu end of party government ami of popular government. The demo cratic party was once a "a quasi party" which would have been sup pressed, under the governor's theory of government, as impertinent, cal culated to make tho ticket bulky and to be "tiresome" to tho voter. Tho paternal interest iu the health and physical condition of tho citizen w hich would restrict the number of names he is allowed to choose from, on tuo ground tuat it mora were printed for his consideration they would be "tiresome" to him, would have preveuted the formation of any of the great parties in American history. Such paternal solicitude is out of place In Missouri. Maintain ing liberty Is a tiresome busiuess, but Missouriaus aro a stalwart lot, not readily exhausted in making the effort, and they will goon mak ing it until and after tho Aus tralian ballot system is perfected in its own spirit, aud not made uu in strumentality thiough which one or two officials can exclude from u ticket tho names of qualified citizens of the state who wishto runfor olllce. Unless a man otherwise qualified for office has been convicted of an in famous crime, his constitutional standing as a caudldato before tho people of the state is not Inferior to that of the nominee of any party whatever, no matter how small his preliminary indorsement. Tako away this and the entire democratic system falls. Eut It cannot be taken away. The democratic party will resist all attempts to do it, as it has shown In tho passage of the act which the goyernor lias so thought lessly vetoed." then kept well cultivated there can be but ore result as a rule. On the contrary, If tho other conditions prevail, weeds will bo the result. Tho family tieo which should bear fiult for the healing of the race will bring nothing but leaves and often worse. Thero are noblo exceptions fotho rule, but the K. G. Idea would reverse tho exceptions into the rule. It Is u significant sign that intelligent and progressive uiotheis propose to make a study of childhood. GBNTHAli NEWS NOTES. Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time, 'J as. Aitkbn, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. THE BEST CANNED GOODS Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name. The Qrango Store, 26 State St., Salem, Or. BROOKS & HARRlTT. Best Lines in the City- The Oregon Land Com pany wishes to buy from three to five thousaud acres of land for a colony and $250,000.00, worth of Salem city proper ty, either in a body or de tached, for a syndicate of Eastern capitalists. Parties who have such property to sell and can give from nine months to one year to consummate the tran saction will find it to their interest to see The Oregon Land Co., of Salem, Oregon. pWW'AMU.HJI V,JSX8 mm i V . w. ill Fishing Tackle, BAB! MIAGIS. Jl OOHPANT. Bo AT .DTHEf MAr4p Who do All Kinds of UIDRT 11 i.. -tl.fln on onV TjfllltillrV 111 ithe Country UMng White Heir and doing first-class work. -Lad!en and patrons Invited to inspect our process of doing work. 230 Liberty Street, MM Li j GOODS DRAYS ANPTRUCKH y ror oruen. ellver wood lumber. Of opposite Ha ,m Trm, worij8 Drays and trucks may be found throughout 'em thl ? .rne? of Bute and Commercial struts. Salem Truck & Dray Co, f oposl the dav at aaiiDIA YIUOS Of all kindsPianos, Organs, Violins, i. .:..-. T,nina mifl ArniiilnliriB. ("whole- ( uuunia, iiiy - ..-..----I , - ' i alo uud rotail) over 800 of tho latest and ...1 ,lr SHEET MUSIC. If you contemplate the purchase of a .mil- T H LL a-eil instrument write to us for an illu.- J- W I- I- TIIE WELCOMK OF 1UK W1I.U notruns. Tho ladies of Salem who consti tute tho committee on decorntlou on the occasion of President Huriison's visit, have wisely resolved to rely mainly on wild flowers. In Oregon there Is a rich array of these lloral beuutk'b. Whllo tho orchards nre dressed In the snow-banks of fruit blossoms, so that the bills look like brides treading upon snowy carpets, the meadows are allame with the royal purple of tho camas Illy, and the forests blaze with pyramids of doc wood blossoms. Tho lowly dec orations of field and lawn aro the dandelion, violets, heart's-ease, trll lum and lamb-tongue?), whllo thou sands of roses aro rt'clnc with each other to expand their swelling buds In time to creet the President. Ver ily Oregon la tho home of tho wild flower, and the wild flower will bo a novelty as well as a rarity that will moio than hold Its own with tho cultivated. The western portico of the stato houso will bo literally coyered with flowers. Ilaiii or shine, they will greet tho presiden tial party and speuk with their myriad velvet lips and porfumed breath for the climate and peoplo of Oregon, with an eloquence not horn of artificial human greatness, but as tho voice of nature lu her loveliest array. Tlio wild Mowers ot uregon will make tho President's visit to Oregon one that he will never forget. i' - Tin; iwots Aiti: ni:sT. The Oregonian lias had Us usual Coos bay grapevine specl'tl that the steam schooner Geo. II. Chtinco was bar bound at Yauuina bay. This ns usual is a nilsiepnsentation. The truth Is, that last "Wednesday she had laid up at Alsea buy, Waldport. just a week bar bound, and not much show of getting oil. Coming from Portland tho Chance put Into Newport and discharged freight, getting out with no delay. The persistent lying about Yaquina to advanco Coos bay interests will not help Unit region nor tho Oregonlan. The general opinion of seamen is that Ynquina bar is fully as good if not better than tho bar at Coos bnv, aud both are better than Alsea Tho facts aro best in nil these mat ters, we think. There Is 112 to 11 feet of water on Alsea bar at ordi nary high tide. Tho Chanco is re ported drawing 10 to 11 feet. This paper has no Interest In any of the harbors and only seeks to prevent injustice to any. Till! KIOIIT 1DUA. Ex-State Treasurer Webb, of Salem, was interviewed by tho Port land Telegium: "Who do you think will be the nominees for piesidentV ho was asked. Mr. Webb, with a slijnifleaut shako of hid iiead, said: "Well, it won't be Cleveland. His ideas on the stiver question do not suit tho West, aud this region of country must bo recognized.'' That is a sound proposition. Tho West must bo recognized. Wall street nlouo must not be permitted to dictate the whole financial policy of this government. Wall street does not caro whether tho policy of this country is for a reventio or a protective tarrfl to long as it cun Hhnne tho llnnnolal polloy. It Is high llmo the West understood this. It is a sound proposition, and all Western men should see tho Im portance of this. Tho Wall street crowd aronfrakl of financial reform. They aro afraid of free sliver. Tlioy want to force tho Issue In future en tirely on tho tarlft aud against financial reformation. Tin: ic. a. idiia. The first meeting of a mother's class for promoting kindergarten work Ih hulled with delljjlit as a harbinger of the new educutlou iu Salem. Today a clansa of mothers Is to be formed who will themselves become kindergarten students. The Idea Is u grand aud noble one. It Is u true Idea, Therefore It la doomed to supplant all other less true uud Imporfect educational methods. As uowuoclety views with horror tho children who grow up wltuout edu. cutlon, so iu a few yeurs society will regard with pity children nottrulued from the beginning lu tho newer and battel way. The foundations and detull of a practical wystcni were laid out by that nobkwt chlld-noul Of aorumny, "redrloh I'roubel. Hla system Ntipp'uiiU nearly all the defects of home life. It l-mafeto say thut veneiatlon, artistic develop tiient, enrneitue!H, lliorouiihaeflH, love of work, enthusiasm and spir itual growth ure almost eliminated lu most American homes, Klip- pancy, Irreverence-, temper, tnvlul- Ity, Hhullownew, Idlenew, Inditler- ence and matt nullum ore the weeds lu nearly all our home gardena. The kindergarten tril.tM at the root of these eviU. The homeboll in whloh aullduood grown U like a garden. With good and gentle. tilth, good aeed well planted and . 20tu trt. A M'lUNMIV CONVKKT. A prominent lUiodo Island demo, crat has como out for protection to home industries. In a letter dated Pawturkct, It. I., March 20, 1801, addressed to Mr. Charles K, Sexton, secretary of the democratic city com mittee, ho writes: "Permit mo, through you, to present my resigna tion as a member of tho democratic committee. Tho undersigned Is a tariff reformer. Tho republican and democratic parties aro both turlfl ie- formers. Tho distinction between both on the question is ouo of meth od. Tho republican method Is by protection, supplemented by Its natural and logical complement, reciprocity. Tho writer had the honor and prllilego to hear Mr. Mc Kinley at tho young men's republi can club, of Providence. That political lineal descendant of Hamil ton, Clay and Webster made tho most masterly speech, upon the tariff question thut Khodo Island has ever heard. Tho presentation of the topic from tho standpoint of protec tion was complete. In matter, form and delivery It was ull but perfect. Its force, weight and urgunionts are Incontestable and unanswerable. It has left no doubt in tho writer's mind that protection Is tho life-line along which tho United Statea with leust Injury to Itself must follow In Its march toward ultimate free trude with ull the nations. Coming to such a conclusion tho Nutlonul ques tion which has been uud Is tho chief ground or politlcul contention between tho two purlins, ho feols thut ho could not hojiohtly und con sistently continue a member of your organization, since orguulcally you reprebont In u measure the demo crutio policy upon thin greut question. Ho does your organlutlon tho credit to believe thut you had rather havo an honest and outspoken opponent whom you respect thau u dishonest uwiceluto to be despised uud huh pooled. In closing, permit to ofl'er to tho detuoorutlo elty committee my thtuikB olo. JteHcctrully yours, lUeiiAiii) Ma irn v. Consternation wim created among the gambling fraternity when It wua announced that the first official act of Muyor Wuahhunie hud been to order the police toolono ull gam bllug houfco und pool rooms In Chlcugo ut once. Of litem were hur riedly nont out with niitllleutlona to ull houfees thut they mutt be elosod by night-full or bo pulled. The or der was quickly obeyed. Foil Balk. Three-yeur-old buy carriage hone, Morgan utook, sound 0. IJOJJLWHWMKIl, 4-202W The estimated loss at tho Harrls ville, N. Y.,flro Is$100,000; Insuranco $50,000. At Franklin, Pa., the Center block and a number of stores were buruid; loss, ? 100,000. At Bullalo, N. Y., Case & Go's tin, copper and sheet Iron factory was damaged (35,000; Insured. At Lob Gates, Cal., Mrs. Reyn olds' dwelling houso aud contents wcro destroyed by n lamp explosion; insured. A big forest flro Is raging about six miles southwest of Millvllle, N. J. Much valuable timber has been destroyed. The little hamlet of Hal leytown Is completely surrounded, and sorao anxiety Is felt. At West Brlmileld, Mnss., Bomo school children built u small flic. It got beyond control aud a high wind carried it Into tho brush uud timber. About 4C0 acres of land were burned over. A largo forco Is lighting It. Tho forty-fifth annual meeting of tho Association of Medical Super lutoudonts of American Institutions for tho iusnno, began Tuesday In Washington. Tho Chicago mining stock ox chnngo was formally opened Tues day. Visltlug brokers wcro present from San Francisco, Helena, llutte aud other western cities. Tho Pennsylvania legislature has adoptod a compulsory education law requiring all children between the ages of 8 nnd 12 to attend school at least sixteen weeks In a year. Tho American Pharmaceutical Association committee has reported in fuvor of tho metric system "as the ImsHofwolghtB aud measures, and havo been authorized to present a memorial to congress favoring Its adoption. Tho comniltteo appointed by the Montreal branch of the Irish Nation al League to arrange for tho recep tion May 8 of tho Parncll delegates havo decided to iguoro tho opposi tion of the clergy aud to go on with tho arrangmonts. Tho body of a womau, Identified usthowifoofa tailor named Imle law, was found behind tho military hospital at llonthon, on tho Polish frontier. Tho body wuh horribly mutilated, after tho manner of "Jack tho Hipper." Somoof tho wounds ovidoutly had been inflicted with the viow of destroying tho identity of tho victim. Her husband was arrested, but was released on proofs of ills innocence A surgeon of the hospital, has also been arrested on suspicion. A dispatch nays peoplo who are nrrlvlng In Paris, Texas, from points ulong tho Canadian lUver, iu Indi an territory, say negroes uro coining ovor from Oklahoma begging for something to cat. Their condition It Is said to bo pitiful. Many aro now trying to make their way buck to their former homo in tho South ern states. Mrs. Eaton, tho President's Bister, continues to show indications of re covery. She has less fever, aud Is hopeful and cheerful. The shock und bruises still conflno her to her bed. but her friends aro ull confi dent she will recover rapidly. This belief is founded somewhat on the fact thut sho la u woman of unusual fortitude, not easily overcomo by sullerlug. Whllo tho crowd yan pushing and shoving through to dlfleruut vessels that were to follow tho presidential party on tho boy, u neat llttlo tug, the Millie, lay quietly on tho south side of Washington street wharf. She was richly decorutcd from stem to stern with red, white und blue hunting uud In her cubiu were stores fit for a queon. Tho little tug was in waiting for nnothor of tho distinguished guests, Surah Hern hurdt, who boarded her ut 11:30 und soon wau out In tho strcum. Nearly tho entire company accompanied the famous actress. Tho Monterey la tho first of the hcuvlly-urmorcd battle-Hhlpa of the new navy to enter active bervlce. She hus been built under the net of congress of Murch 31, 1687, from de signs furnished by the government, uud will cost, exclusive of her arma ment f.1,028,000. Tho contract for the building of the vessel was signed June the II, 1880. Tho general dimensions of the vessol uro uu fol fel fol eows: Length over ull, 201 foot; loud wuter line, 250 feet; extreme breath, CO feet, mean draft, 1 1 feet six Inches; displacement, -1000 tons; thluknest urmor belt, 13 Inches; estimated speed, 10 knots uu hour, The urmu meut of the vessel will consist of two 12 Inch breech-loading rlllod cannon, mounted en barbette, with lfMunh steel urmor protection, the shield being eight Inches lu thick ness, which will lire u projectile weighing 8oQ pounds, the powder charge being 136 pounds; two ten luoli breeoh-Ioadlug rilled cannon, mounted en barbette with llj-liioh steel urmor protection, shield 7j Inches lu thickness, firing a prujuet lie weighing 600 pounds, tho powder charge being 860 pounds; six 0 pouud rupld'flrlug rilled cannon; nnir7 milliter Hotuhklss revolving can non; two one-pound rupld-llrlug rifled cuuuou. TELEGRAPHIC MATCHES. Vssociatctl Press Report and Digests of all Important flows oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. JOHN' I,. SULLIVAN. St. Louis, Mo., April 30. Having accomplished his mission, Frank Slavin, accompanied by Dr. John Dougherty, of Philadelphia, left for New York. Slavin aud his friend secreted themselves at tho hotel during the day, Slavin not even registering. Just before boarding tho train tho Australian said: "I camq here to nrrango n fight with Sullivan. I was met fuirly and squurclv by him. "We never met before and I cau say I was never received In a moro manly nnd courageous maimer. Our Interview has its points of regret to mc, but, on tho whole, I must be satisfied, for Sulllvau'fl manner was such as to Impress w 1th his sincerity." "But is John L. going to fight again V" "No. Sullivan Is no longer in the ring. Ho declared himself aud said he had retired, and said ho was bouud by contracts for two years that prevented his return to the ring iu any event." OVATION TO WADi: HAMPTON. Augusta, Ga., April 80. Tho Con federate Survivors' Association, of Augusta, gave an ovatlou Monday to General Wado Hampton and tho survivors of his old brigade. They met after a seperatlon of twenty-sis years. Tho Flret North Carolina, the South Carolina cavalry, tho Phillips legion, tho Jed legion, and tho Cobb legion composed tho brig ade. Addresses were delivered by Gonerals Hampton, Wheeler, Butler, Young, Major Busker and Major Butler of tho United Statea arsenal. Tho memorlul address was delivered by Pleasant A. Stovedull, editor of tho Augusta Chronicle. All busi ness was suspended, uud the day was observed as a holiday. IIIFLKD QUN TKST. Washington, April 30. Ordi nance officers havo completed at the proving ground tho final (est of tho third ten-Inch steel rltled-gun for tho double-turreted monitor Mlautouomah. With 230 pounds of Dubont brown powdorand 11 ft eon toiiB piessuro tho projectilo uttnlned a inuzzlo velocity of 2110 feet per second, probably the best result oa record for thia boro of gun using brown powdor. Al'l'AIKS IN CHILI. San Fkancisco, April 80. Tho schooner Fred C. Sam'ers, from Toltol, Chill, lni'i reached ort after u rather alaimlng experience in tho troubled waters of Chili. Captain Uoos told, with disgust, of tho ex asperating treatment ho had receiv ed. As he was entering tho harbor at Toltol fiylug the American flag, ho was set upon by tho man-of-war Covadonga. A whole broad-sldo was poured Into tho schooner, and but for tho miserable marksmaushlp of tho gunners, the llttlo schooner would havo been sunk. As it was tho main throat halyards were cut und tho sail caino down by the run. A topmast backstay was also cut. Tho captain tacked about aud was making ull sail out to sea, wheu a second shot brought him to. An officer of tho war-ship then cumo aboard, and great wits his astonish ment when ho saw what a mlstuko hud been inade. Ho assured Cap tain Itoos of his profound regrets and said that tho schooner had been fired upon In mistake for tho gov ernment vessel Imperlul, then about duo. People at Toltol, says Captain Hoos, ure on tho vergo of starvation. Flour Is worth $50 In gold a barrel and beef $2 per pound. l'AlllH ATiAKMKD. Paius, April 30. A ucrious feel ing of alurm prevails In official cir cles hero at the possibility of uu anarchist outbreak the 1st of May. As a result the military aud pollco authorities are taking the most ex treme precautions and maklngcvery preparation possible to effectually meet aud promptly suppress any disorder. Several violent anarchist manifestos Intended to incite tho soldiers comprising the garrison of Purls uud Its neighborhood to revolt, have been recently elrouluted by tho uunrehUts, It Is announced that from today until tho Muy duy ex citement Is ovor, no soldiers will be ullowud to leave their barracks, except on guard duty.or to bring In supplies, provUIuu, etc. Even tho olllcers are confined to their barracks. To well soldier of the gurrlson, 100 rounds of ball cartridges have been distributed. The military authori ties hud uUo urruugod plans of ciimuiiiiiieutlon witli the different military posts, tmrraous and forty aud have completed arrangements for the oonaenlnitlun and distribu tion ut points at vantagoof troops in omso of disorder. DHUWNKI). VananiA, April 80 A Bcotoh (Uhormuu, name unknown, was drowned lu tho Straits Tuesday afternoon. The ttcoldeut wu wit- ARMS 1 AMMUNITION. State Street.