Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 29, 1891, Image 2

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    ' Tnnffre --r
offered io liclp Ilcrbort, nnd tbo
hitter 1? practically dependent upon
htm for support. Young Gladstone
1ms ciuecl Lis father a good deal of
annoyance by lending his name too
generously to various fl;hme, and
it Is said thut Mr. Clladatnno Is not
sorry bo sco his son get u lesson.
San FitANCisro, April 20. Irwin
C. Htump, manager of the estate of
tbo lato Senator Oeorgo Heartit, who
owned n largo Interest In the Ana
conda mlnc., denies nil knowledge
of the reported sale of Iho mines to
the Itothschllds.
Isaimioad civil. SnilVICES.
New York, April 20. The New
York Central railroad management
has decided on civil service reform
among Its employes. Examination
will soon bo hold of men connected
with operating and motor depart
ment's. Tho company hopes by
this course to secure Intelligent en
pablo and careful men.
Jersey City, N. J, April 20.-The
police of this city arrested the man
wanted in Now York In connection
with Jack tho ripper murder last
week. Ho is supposed to be a sailor
and known as "Fronchy."
partnership dissolved.
Boston, April 20. The official
announcement Is made of the disso
lution of the Arm ofKldder,Peabody
& Co on April 30.
San Francisco, April 20. Wheat
buyer '01 ?1.70J. Season fl.OOJ.
Chicago, April 20. Close, wheat
steady, cash and Way $1.00J; July
San Francisco, April 20. Fore
cast for Oregon and Washington.
Light rain Is predicted for Portland,
Fort Canby and Olympla.
JuIjIEN Gordon, author of those
popular works, "A Diplomat's Di
ary" and "A Successful Man," con
tributes tho complete novel to tho
May number of Lippincott's Mag
azine. It Is call "Vampires," and
tolls the story of tho struggle of a
poor man to maintain an idlo and
luxurious and somi-lnvnlld wife.
One hears ofton of tho women who
work and slavo for ldlo husbands,
but horo tho caso Is roversed. There
is but little plot to tho story, but so
llfc-llko nro the characters, and so
keen tho discernment evinced of the
comedy and tragedy of life, that tho
novel muBt stand as tho author's
masterpiece In the body of tho
magazlno a sketch of Mrs. Cruger,
under tho tltlo of "A Successful
Woman," Is contributed by Mrs.
M. 13. W. Sherwood.
The third instalment of -'Some
Familiar LottorBbylloraceareeloy,"
which appears In tills number, Is u
particularly interesting otio. Tho
letters bring tho reader Into that ex
citing period or Mr. Greeley's life,
his presidential campaign.
Harper's Magazine for May
opons with llrat of u series of nt
traotlvo papers on "Tho Warwick
shire Avon," illustrated by Parsons.
Tho venerable F. W. Farrar, Arch
deacon of Westminister, contributes
tin impartial and appreciative
akotcli of the origin and work of
"Tho Salvation Army." Other ar
ticles in this number of tho Maga
zine Include a causerle, Waltor
Desaut, ''Over Johnson's Grave,"
short stories by A. U. Ward and
Caroline Earl White, tho continua
tion of tho serials by Charles Egbert
Craddock and Thomas Hardy, and
poems by W. D. Ilowells and Rob
ert UuruH Wilson. Tho Editorial
Department, under tho control of
George William Curtis, William
Dean Ilowells, and Charles Dudley
Warner, maintain their usual vigor
nnd intercut.
Appluton & Co. have printed a
new book by tho author of "A Social
Dopnrturo," entitled "An American
Olrl hi Loudon," by Sara Jcanetto
X)uncan. "In the lightor literature
of last year tuore was nothing more
Amusing than 'A Social Departure,'
by Sara JennetloDnno'in, of Canada.
It was long enough ago It could
not well have been lougor but each
reader wished that tho author might
write another book In similar stylo.
Well, she has done It, and shu could
not have taken a better subject than
"Au American Girl lu Londou."
N.Y. Herald. "Tho rnclness ami
breczlnow which mudu 'A Social
DetwrturV by tho Hauie author, lust
wouson, the best read and mast talked
of book of I ru vol for uiauy a year,
yermeaU) (ho new book, uud appear
between the Hues of overy paje. It
ts superfluous to hay that 'An Amer
ican Girl' h 'awfully retching,' "
Brooklyn Staudnrd-Uuiou, 11.50.
Ilucklea'a Arnk Kh ,
The, IUt Bjlva In luo vorUl.rur Guts,
Krato&rJaro. llor, sun ItUtiim, Vewr
orKi,Teitr. iliHiptl ll-uin, C'hlloluluit,
nuBaailHk.u Kr kwu, unit iwn
ffMUUlC3 VU IV0 llUfect MlUtACllOO
ir io m t. JPne, 9) oouuyer
Old Hutch of Cliicngo is Miss
The President Enjoying Himself,
Big Fire at Chatanooga, Annual
Report of the Union Pacific,State
and Foreign News,
Washington, April 20. A rep
resentative of tho Associated PrwB
this morning called at the Chinese
legation hero und had an interview
with Minister Yon, In regard to the
declination of his government to
receive Senator Blair as tho aeon d
Ited representative of the United
dtates. Yen said, through an Inter
preter, that ho received a cable irom
the Chinese foreign office which ho
was instructed to lay before sec
retary Blalno, without delay, ex
pressing the unwillingness of tbo
Emperor to receive Blair. Other
i ban this, Yen received no inslruc
.ions, written or otherwise, from his
government on tho subject. The
exact language of the cublo message
or whether they had reasons for this
action, ho failed to state. Person
ally, ho had a very high opinion of
Senator Blair. This action of the
Chinese authorities has not created
tho least excitement here, us It has
been anticipated by many from the
Ilrst. Tho proceeding Is not a very
unusual one and cannot be construed
as Indicating unfriendly feeling to
ward this government.
It Is tho opinion In official circles
generally that tho United States by-
Its own conduct is stopped from re
senting Minister Blair's rejection
and that after waiting for a length of
time sufficient to maintain national
dignity a now minister will bo ap
pointed by President Harrison.
Ciiioaoo, Ills., April 20. Ex
Senator Blair, the new Minister to
China, arrived hero this morning
and was questioned regarding tho
roport that thoChlneso government
had submitted to the department of
stato a formul protest against his
being sont to Chluu. J have re
ccioved no official notice of such
protest, said Mr. Blair, I may be
prouilttcd to doubt Its correctness
for the reason that tho stato depart
ment knows I am ourouto to China
aud if It decided to recall mo It
would havo done so without delay.
If I hear nothing from Washington
by tomorrow I shall proceed to San
Francisco and Ball from that point.
old hutch is JIISSINa.
Chicago, April 20. Thero was a
very panicky feeling in tho Grain
Pit this morning. July wheat
opened at $1.03$1.01, agulnst
$1,003 at tho close of yesterday. Tho
break In prices is caused by rumors
that B. P. Hutchinson, tho veteran
speculator, Is In financial trouble.
Hutohlusun is not to bo found upon
the iloor of exohuugo. Early rumors
said that lie had died but a later one
said Hutchinson was mvsterlously
missing. Vice President HammlH.
of his bank, suid his family had not
seon hlmsluco yesterday afternoon.
It is supposed among Hutohliison's
friends, that ho has wandered away
In n lit of temporary aberrutlon.
Tho actual condition of Ilutclitii
son's affairs is not known. What
ever Is his (liiauoial condition, It is
not bolloyed any one will lose any
thing through him.
San Francisco, April 29 Tho
president and party yesterday spent
the forenoon cruising about tho 'bay
in tho steamer "City of Pueblo."
At 2 o'clock tho Pueblo headed for
tho Union Iron works, ''where the
vessels which had been lying lu the
stream watting for her, got uuder
way, aud followed lu her wake,
making tho marlno procession wiv
oral miles In length. At tho Union
Iron works tho Pueblo was received
with tho blowing nt whistles at fae
lories aud on all steam vessels lying
Thocrulsor Charleston, which had
followed tho president's steamer nil
day, nuohorcd u short distance from
the Puoblo. Tho presldont was
taken otfln a tug and paid an official
visit to tho Charleston. By this
tlmo the bay for n mile lu overy di
rection front the Union Iron works
was studded with vesaelsof every de
scription, upm whoso decks there
were fully 20,003 people ivlao had
come there to wlttu'si tho launching
iiftb.3 armored coast definite vessel
"Monterov." lu ad litlon to those
ou the veU there were probably
40,500 (K'ople wh witnessed the
launch u. from the sho.e,
A Hll jdtttfonn Jiftd beer HilU
around tho bow of the vcMel, and on
this wore tho presidential parly and
other distinguished gueste, und also
the band from the navy yard. At
1:30 Mrs. Harrison pressed an elec
tric button, which sent the vessel
down tho ways; the navy band
played a national ulr as sho glided
into the water, and immediately
thero burst forth tho greatest noise
from steam whistles and fog sirens
that was over heard in that locality,
to which were added tho thunder
lng sounds of tho Charleston's guns
as she tired a national salute. Cheer
alter cheer also arose from tho shore
and from the decks of the vessels
Tho launch was entirely successful.
Tho Monterey glided into tho bay
and stuck on the soft mud in front
of the ways. The president and
party then returned to the Pulace
hotel lu carriages,
Menlo Park. Cala., April 29.
Tho President and Mrs. Harrison
and party left San Francisco this
morning for Pulo Alto, on a special
train. Short stops were made at
San Mateo and Itedwood City, where
lurge and enthusiastic crowds had
gathered. Tho President briefly ad
dressed them, at Menlo Park the
party were met by Senator and Mrs.
Stanford and a party of friends, in
whoso company Palo Alto stock
farm and Stanford university were
San Francisco, April 29. After
reading tho perverted accounts of
the Peunoyer Incident in the news
papers, the president was agreeably
surprised yesterday to receive a very
courteously woided telegram from
tho governor of Oregon expressing
sympathy with him on account of
the uccident to Mrs. Eaton, and as
suring him that the people of Ore
gon would regret uuy chongo In his
plans that prevented his going to
that state, where, tho governor de
clared, a very cordial welcome was
prepared for him.
Chattanooga, Teuu., April 20.
Tho lire which started In Campbell
& Company's furniture fuctory on
King Street, early this morning was
got under control at 7 o'clock, after
destroying property covering twen
ty acres. The loss is a quarter mill
ion of dollars, ou which the Insur
ance is over $1150,000. While this
flro was in progress a second one
broke out in another part of town,
doing damage amounting to J20.000.
Boston, April 20. Tho Union
Pacific It. JR. haoiBBued its annual
report today. It Is uot as unfavor
able us was expected, tbo delleit for
the whole system being only $275,
000. This loss, President Dillon
says, Is duo to tho lurge Increase In
operating expenses.
Boston, April 20At Union Pa
cltlo stockholders meeting to-day it
was voted to approve the company's
acquisition of $3,205,000 of tho Ore
gon Short Line and Utuh Northern 5
pei' cent, bonds and of tho collateral
trust bonds of same. Tho company's
guarantee of $13,000,000 Oregon
Short Lino and Utah Northern 5
per cent, bonds was approved with
as-ots for collateral trust, Tho only
change In the Union Paclilo board
wasthoelectIouofS.il. H. Clark
In placo of Holoomb. Presi
dent Dillon said the Blauket
trust mortgage Is not In shape yet
aud uothlug could be said about it.
Victoria, B. C. April 20. Lieu
touaut Sohwttlku, tho famous ex
plorer, arrlvod from the East, ac
companied by his wife and child.
Ho goes to explore tho Interior of
AtuBkn, under the auspices of the
Now York Ledger.
Rome, Italy, April 20. Owlug to
a strike of printers none of tho pa
pers will bo published Thursday,
Citv op Mexico, April 29. Gen
end Mejia, ex-minister of war and
a member of tho Pau-Auierlcau con
gress, Is dead,
Aii Opportunity in Real Estate
For Balk fob 30 Da vs. What Js
known as tho "Marblo Comer," cor
ner of Court aud Liberty streets.
Also 1 blocks uerobs thestreet north
of the East Salem school house.
This proxrty will be for sale for
the next 30 days. Inquire of
3:12-lin M. L. OUAMllURLAlN.
Clark & Kpplt have Just put on a
lino new delivery wagon, with
whluh they deliver heavy ortU round
uUo a light buck-board for uulek de
livery. Ifou wuni jour giocerlw
delivered quick leave your orders
wJib OiejH ut J00 fourt aireer.
S T A T B.
Marshfield, Or., 29. Mrs. Mar
garet Dunham, one of the pioneer
residents of Coos county, died yester
day after n savere at tuck of la grippe.
Marshfield, Or., April 29 Tho
new hotel, "The Garfield" Just c mi
pleted has been lent-ed to Matt
Wilklnsof Roseburg.
The Dalles, April 2!). The dent!
body of Mrs. G. F. Tucker ims been
found lu Mill Creek. It Is supposed
that while fishing she fell fioin the
bank, striking a reck lu inidHtream;
the water I shallow where the body
was found, and there Js a slight con
tusion over the temple. Deceased
was the wife of Dr. G. F. Ttieker, of
this city.
liiHlrumcuts Filed tor llcconl at tin
County ItMcorder's Olflri.
W Tl Ton' mi!' I'lfH tn W (?
WalKer uud wife 0 acres in t
5 s. r 2 W $ 2500
Htjitf of Orucon to A Pol in-
ka, 100 acres in sec 8(1, t 7 s, r
13 0 HW
State to same 120 acres lu
-ec 2, t 0 s, r 1 e l.'il
Chus Thomas to L F Pen
nington lot 12 of East Wide
fruit farms 1000
A MoArtuur and wife to A
U Grinsleud 100 acres in , seo
10, 1 0 s, r 3 e (100
Iti'tHi'v Klttti-liur tn .T W Ah-
gelerGJ ueies in t 7 s, r 2 w 195
IS uusey and wiie to .onn
V.sslot Olnblk 2 in Woul
but u 500
A M Clark, Newaru, N J.
J II Bui', Oakland, Or.
M A Miller, Lebanon.
H A Beattv, Boston.
R ( Roberts, Kalom.
L Georges, W Hash and wife, F
Stewart, Chns Osboru, FOweu,SF.
E Eastman, Chicago.
H H Allen, Elmlra, N Y.
W S Alexander, N Y.
E F Palmer, Portluud.
C L Talcott, Turner.
G N Coburg, Roseburg. .
W Bendorf, Lancaster, Wis.
R Kinney, H F.
J C Higgeus, Oakland, Cal.
A L Kirkpatrick, Kansas.
TRlgdou, Oregon City.
The Alba Hey woi.d concert com
Pny. I'oUlo Cultivation.
Th" pot-Hoes woio grown on the
durk loam found ou tho upland of
the valley. No manure was applied.
The ground was prepared by plow
In nud harrowing thoroughly,
Tho seed cut into pieces,
having two or three eyes
aud one piece, was dropped into
each hill; and tho hills were
placed three feot apart in tho rows
which were furrowed out threo feet
upurt, und four iuchesdeep.
No effort was made io bill up the
potatoes; level cultivation is thought
to be the best. This Is a point
which has been very well established
In practice, but it is not universally
adopted. Whou we think of the
matter carefully, wo are bound to
pco that Iho ground kept level and
stirred frequently ou top, will hold
tho moisture better tban when
tiiiown up in ridges; und moisturo
coming to the gtnund in the form of
ralu, will reach tho routs belter, if
the ground is kept level Some may
think that tiio potatoes are exposed
in the hill, If tho dirt is not thrown
up, but tills is not tho rase, if tho
potatoes are planted at a good depth
A small ffve-tpothed iron cultivator
was used for the most part, lb. tend
ing tho potatoes. May bulletin,
CorvulllB Experimental station.
Tho Host lUsult.
Every ingredient employed In
nroducimr Hood's Sarsaoarllla lu
strictly pure, uud is tho best of Its
kind It is possible to buy. All the
roots and heron are carefully select
ed, personally examined, aud only
the best retained. So thut from tho
time of nurcliaso until Hood's Bar
saparllla is prepared everything is
carefully watched with a view to
attaining the best result. Why
don't you try it.
''Bone Dust" the great lawn for-tlllzer.-Sroat
& Gilo's.
I have a llrst-class horeeshoer,
Just from Portland, formerly from
Chicago, will take the place ot J. J.
Harklus. Give him a call.
4-28-2t H. POHLE.
Children's hats for 25 cts. at Cal
TUero are innny forms of nervout debllltr
lu muu tuutylHtl to mo ue of Curler's Lit
llo Irou Pills. Tiuue wUo are troubled
with ucrvoiiH weaklier, u1lit iweaU, etc,
should try ttieiu.
liucuache Is almost Immediately rrl'eved
by wmrtnsone of furler' Hmul weed aud
liollmlouna Dackuoho Plusten. liy ine
aud Ijb fro from pain. Pric3xi .
rarany cae ( peryquinres, urepieu-
mm, wuuk moiuuriMiiui? tumi, uviiihi
try Cartel's Little Korvo PUI. Relltl U
sure. The only uervo luedlclji for ljio
puce in iiiemurituw
and all AGHES
" cures
Mrs. D. D. Pnttyman hud the
misfortune to have her right hand
badly bruised while utteudlng to
her cow on Tuesday morning lost.
Shn wns t.lug the eolf when the.
cow started up and the rope drew
unwind tho post, catching her hand
and bruised and lacerated It badly.
She bus carr.id it in a ding for sev
eral days.
Ileniy Osborn. who was hurt
some ulne weeks ago by a run-u-woy
team,' Is just getting uround on
We do not et shot up this way
while catching gophers. Wo sim
ply ue a small, steel trap tustead of
i gun which Is safer and surer and
nobody getB shot.
Our worthy townsman, Jap Mc
Ourren, Is at home again and re
ports borne of tl e jury boxes badly
vorn during the term he was on.
lilting duty don't eti'ch him again.
Win. Pearson, who lives bome 5
miles south, is lying dangerously ill
with consumption.
Professor Ali-xanilcr.
Of the iiiany men who have en
ered tbo lectuie field, there arc few
who have met with the success at
tained by Professor Alexander. We
"onsidcr him as ranking among the
Ilrst who have taken their diplomas
from our iustitule, nnd recommend
him to all us a clear und capable ex
pounder of the most important of
.-ill studies mental science. Fowkr
& Wells Co.
You mako a man re.ili that it is
a serious matter to be acquainted
with himself, Francis Murphy.
Temperance Lecturer.
His marvelous aticcess can only be
traced to one source his marked
ability as u speaker aud the intrln--ic
value of thosubject-mai ter so elo
quently, truthfully aud humorously
handled by him. His eflorts have
been appreciated, and all regret ills
irolug so soon. Ogden Standard.
Professor Alexander opens with a
free lecture Friday evening nt Reed's
Opera House. d & w-1.
For Sale. Two good mares, well
broken for all work. Both with foal,
Inquire of J. M. Payne, Stato street.
School huts for 25 cts. at CuJevrt's
A new thing No slight on quality
At ttie tsaleui uaii urocery.
Go to Win. Sargent's, 270 Commer
cial street, for wall paper, where yrtu
can get It trimmed free of charge,
4-27 3t
Calves' Foot Jelly for invalids
atSroat &Gl'c's
The Chlrf Rrmon for tno great tn
Bess of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is fennd In tbi
Mticle Itself. It Is merit that lrlns, and Uu
fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually a
eompllslies what is claimed for It, Is whal
has given to UtW medicine a popularity and
wle greater than that of any other sarsapa-
Merit W'mS fler before the publla,
Hood's Sirsaparllla cures Scrofula, Ball
Rheum nnd all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blek
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai
Tired FeellnR, creates an Appetite, strength
ins the Nerve, builds up the Whole System
Ilood'k Miiriniiurilla Is sold by all drag
rhts. $tislxfor$3. Prepared by O. I. Ho
Mto.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mata.
'a havo tho Exclusive Control of
Ant, don't ham to ofitr a prize to nil Ufa
Coodt, for H tho BEST UADE. vtry Com hold
leiot Addition .
CUcnptst lota la town. 45 rold since
Jauuary 15. Call ou
Bush-Breyman Bio"1,
EXPRESS N0S. 16 & 21.
Leave order at H, M.Wade&Co'a. Its
liable work or do pay.
llaullPK vf al kiudj. U't work
W awn ot e wy train.
AU vroxk, elllier new or impairing, dou
In the tl workruantlka iliii.
rJbop.outh of pat omeg.
Haying just closed our- Poiilnini house, 'Iki cntiie out-nut of clotliino- fr
Mills is now lmndled tit the HnltMii SUtfo. Thin give.'- us a Mammoth Htoo- "l ,?Ur
must l)e reduced at once, ami we will maJ'p v' 'Wcli
A nything over known hero.
A beautiful all wool spring suit as low as $3 0 for men. JBoys accord'
Remember these goods aio reliable, being made 'right hire of the best Oregon W i
We also carry a full supply of the latest 0o'-
Which are sold to corresiiond with our low prices on clothing
Xfl rIVl
1 Sri I I 1 b B
PM '- "
Greatest labor savltia Inveimoii in tbu household line. WusheH ul
vurietles of ypods from the tltiosl lueo to the cnurseRt curiea, perfectly
clean, without rubbing or boiling, without the io of chemicals or uny
destructive process only B.up unci w iter. The company owning it offers
iSlOOO to anv person who will produce a lumlly wuaher eiunl to the NEW
P! n A In tlin f.illnvi-i mr noiulu- Prli'i. r.illwir MlVlllff. IlunlllitV Of WllSh-
Ing. Variety of fubrlo wished. Cleuiing perfectly without dumape to
clothing. Simplicity und perfect construction, tji.e, weight and dura
bility. Satisfaction guaranteed 0r money refunded Solo Agents for
Marlon county.
Best Lines in Llie City
Fishing Tackle.
E3aas "l Sr?:i"il
Wm5xSnY W
iiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM.i&3vl 5S.MJ h?3
Salem Truck 4 Dray Co. H;
lem Iron works. Drays and trucks' may be found throughout the dav at
the fornor of State and Commoiclnl strpptw.
Improve Your Strawberry
to ktrawukkiiy groweiis.
A tVoiuUrfiil Now Horry Originated
lu Oregon The lUntteson,
There bus been oiiglnated In the
great strawberry region about Turn
er and Aumsvllle a new seedling vu
rlety,propngated by Matteson & Mnt
teson, ut their RedHIU Berry Furm.
The first berries sent tothe CAriTAL
Journal otllce, Sulem, lust yeai
were of this variety, and they wen
tho most perfect fruit in every re
spect that wur shown In this city
The berry is of a deep red clear
through, high flavor, yet sweeter
tban most kinds. An experience in
producing tho liner sorts of straw
berries, leads the editor of this paper
to say tnnt lie noes not Ktiow ot a
quality lu every respect to
He has teemed the sole ageucy
from tbeorlginutnrsund now for the
first time places a limited supply on
the market. Testing the fruit, and
a description of its huhlts, leuds the
editor of tbu Journal mcniicludi
thut it luis cxiutly those ijuuhtles
thut mut be sought uf'er to produce
tine berries In Oregon
It Ist.fhlgh
color, great sweet nes, rlvh flavor,
meaty, nrm, lint yu:ciy, mi liur1
celiter, uud exceedingly p.duluba.
Theoriglnutora have been straw
berry urnwern for more than twenty
years und rail this llulr "lttst," Iw
caue thivv have tried mativ new
aud highly rpcj'ioijirpdcjl vitrletle
uuu iouiki iiiu io pAif3 (nnreilei
siruhte qualities than tu.y mlur. The
Mutttt-iui Uuti nccidenfitl setlllnir.
orlgtiiutetl fnni a t-lngle plant f.iund
ti Red 11 ul Farm blx jears ugo. It .
coming four to xlx days before the ,
T" D 1 R ""H
L. U B fl I f l H
LUL.3 im
Commercial Street.
302 Commercial Street.
t Slr.es, liangw.
Tmwdrc, and all II us
Furnishing fioodi'.
Cliimiiey and
Sewer Pipes,
' lion and
B'ickeyp. Force
Pumps. l Pumps
For Orchard Spraying.
NcwEra Hydraulic Clothe sWaslicr!
my mm.
Who do All Kinds of
A a ninktt.t no onr T.nm.ilrv iti
Lij'Mho Country Using White Heir
und doing llrst-class work.
m fi5"Ijad;rs uud patrons invited
glo inypect our process of doing
230 Liberty Street.
dy for orders,
deliver wood,
fin 1 tnmtiar f)f.
V ti'ii Attlta Rt- nnnnallnKn.
Wilson. Ripens all Its fruit nulcklv
and Is gone by the time the Wilson
is In full blnst. The berries aro a-
large us the Wilson, but It does not
'run to nubbins" so much. It Is o!
a deep red color all over and al
through. The berry stems are short,
bearing close to the plant, thus often
escaping early frosts which kill
others (the Sharpless especially.) It
Is easy to pick and easily hulled. It
is Arm and the most meaty berry we
havo ever 6eeu. It produces equal
to the Wilson. It Is a perfect flow
ering variety nnd does not ueed to
be planted with .mother varietv to
get a full crop. The plant Is healthy
and stunds drouth and freezing well.
It Is a sweet berry aud retains Its
flavor well when canned. In con
cludinghis description of this new
berry, Dr. Mntteson says: "Last
season we hud only two rows of
these on our grounds. Old pickers
buui u new ones, wnen picKing
Wilsons, 'Don't eat these. Wall
till you get on the other side; there
are two rows of the best berries.'
And we hud to pick those two rows
ourselves early In the morning to
save uuy of them, and to keep pick
ers from gobbling them all up. They
would not touch Wilsons If they
could get these, and if plckere do
not know what good berries are, no
one doe?."
The originator b'aa placed the sale
of this new plant In our hands aud
orders will be booked at following
1 Dozen plants postpaid y mall,
$1.00. '
If 0 pjautj by express, f5.00.
To puvp express charges, plants wjll
be delivered at the Journal, ofltae
to city purchasers, where orders t-an
be left. Fifty plants will he fur
nished at hundred ruteo. Address,
E. Hofer, Capitai. Jouknai Salem.
Oregon, l
25c Want Colun
...Nr'tpes lurerU'rt for ONR m, Jl
t senieut lnwlb.1 in this .mhnnV'l1
tluin twenty-nve ceuis. umn torl
4 n
1 wl .in "feu, h S,eTuata0an 7? & ,
s.'ile lu Horn 1 1 mi '.n.li w'qtl for !
of W'.n. Simpson.
rriHRKK llALL-t.-JUrTU
1 watches und JevvoJrySnd.fel "n,
my sufo or Hore. At Bawv iS.f- . ,a
10(1 Stato Mtrcet. " luu'
V Mnlllnn I will tr;,.le for CA, otm
iroii.-r:.v,ul ,ve llireo Hn fUm, S
cenlr.il AcbriiRku, York, aud thmlltoi
comities WMild chnnge forlntdluOieuoi
Call on R. It. Rj-un, Norlli Salem. t-Bsi
rjlOlt S LK. About onrt acre of liLduj
I? bjrn, with runntnir wntpr In rtitof
ll..1n A h,ml.ftr..l I... . .1.... I. . .. 1 '."
u..u. .. uwiuiiidi iwvtii.iii iwr unozne la.
of Asylum Hveuuo uiler urusslo? bH.
going to Asylum. s $'
nOH8ALE-i well est .Uilshed buslc
1 uL20percenl.lt-s ban Invoice t3
reasons for seliliif. Autlrws,
l-2-5t . K. K.JiIubsal Office.
ITtOR 8ALK-Abnut ) corJs of wflloi I
1 woed: ubiuiliipeoo mn.ilr fm..."
can recelvou buiviiln by uipl.vlngatonc
to K. J. Ueatty. ()liuuia:a, Oregon
TIORSALE OHKAP-Heven hwdof hm
J oue sow, sis slx-monthf -old tin mod
sized i,hoats, one-half Polind China ul
oue-nau iierKsuire. Apply to
F. J. ileatty, cliema wa, Orepa 1
rOll HALK:-Kor oue week, to No.ll
ir il: a ";, um to, iumer,o noil
t ."- ' 'i. Miinuieii, f xi Iff
ijlOB KENT - House nndetable on north
V west corurr cif Center andUbertjfta.
iJUIUUL Cl LMklllW) "1
rjUJK riAl.K. About three acres ot hnt
l fill .HVlftlll AV,.rtl.a rwv.,1 JirAttln.
. .... urt nr. i.innl.i.ill.i .. ... I . ...
a prcat variety of fruit tra nnd ihmta.
bery; conenlent Ui Klei iric nllsay.Bt'iei
failluir water ou nri'inNm. V'ot wvi-Jco.
lars Inquire ut second hou6eontjMbin4 j
smouiAi) ium venuo going iroracuj.
irANTKD. At 7 Winter street, ll
Tr gnod, rell.tble girl or woiran tool
general hnusrwurk-. Good wageu anlil
perui-.uont plvco will b given to the r!H
person. ui
VNTK I ) lo conti jcl for crou uf foitj i
IT uciu for Ue years Egb' plum ill
.ood prices Kilem Ijind Co. 118 U
WANTht) An nctie, reliable mt-I
bal.iry $iOto(K0 monthly, with b
eiea-u, to rop.ebent in uis om kecuoui
ie.itK)u-ibio New Yoik house. Relerenwl
MANUKAUTUUliH, Lock Box 1585, et
X7"ANTKD OurageuU'nnkeJlOOIoPJ
T a momu tenuis uui luum ..
iimpitD w'n wimt f-imntv nnd cestui
ngeuls and wllltase back allgadditil
Rold If a county ugent falls to -clear l-i
and rxpent.es af'r a thlrU ctajm' trial, ij
ugeueralugeut les tban Jffiu. J' "J
HPllU Mlge lllUblTHieU Uircuuno m .-
pllort lor, on receipt of 3 one cent iW
AliUiy unfU'-o aim ficfc ii - -- -
TiS. .. . n...n l..nnf,iAiiii nor llftr
nnrc. fa. ,u-"-,
t.'ojrt slreets. o 277. Oooi.WI
bo.nd by duy or -wee a with or Wl
i. in m a . l.lrUU
ri'wi.v i-nriiichpii rimms to reot,"1
hnnnl in nli.iifcjintesl partofcllj,??!
vt,t nnr MnM 4(V1 1 'PUter ttrett Wt
nw.w -. ..H, ...
Feci! and Bonrdlag SU
Hay and oaU told and delivereJ. K
rivrrv Stalile auJ Feed M
The Best Box Stalls and Corral latin11 I
(In rear Willamette hoWJ j.
SALBM. - - " OREfl
South ofWlHum8,,,H,
i Sale A
Livery. Feed
11 t.t iPftin niycaretbaii ,
of attention. 1 jV
Liberty and Ferry "
Formerly ol Bcrlber fA
...t Af the old stand, kpV'rfil
nf wheels,
Seel., axles. iprluP " Jf I
rlage hardware.
Timber nnd Tin.b?r
I have .on.e $$$fil
Ihj Uavo three reilnq oj flV
jwj acres e. "- handJ '
uav Mime wv ?' 6e.rJ
oosl luoru -s " TJi K. Ifc jki o M
.Jovernrueul lo?f! 'f7ltmW':i
sons ou uanx'r"a i'rr- tr '
V-w 'p