JOIMJIL Vl'M- 18H1 foEHDAV m,jwjniro i of iliierulf lillf ? .rf?;l eer itionin, 160 Sif W "" ,eAMvr"he price f't,imr. irp,, " a fnt IBP.'.' "-,. ure !J:vnVcAniiiER R' ..flL'enKM" - 15 etc. f ivr - .. a cu. ,. fio eta i' ' for lr I. wee, fjr' CI ' pi)' I" utli JiR 15tli"w1" "-, will pie""0 ICTv KSvTt& ''M,,J i""""1 11! H''y mp1 . r HIP f. Dl . .KKH. ffililliuuuu.i, r. Joe Hrnnkerv. SffiSft-S ;'Sr Tea and Big . hiinir Powder. l,lUU""-0 LOCAL MARKET. ,.ri,t net 80 cents per hu. 2S-tat-8Bc.nt.perH, r,iirialnrays find tbc bread at Stf,lBI'$ bakery first class. They ntfgive S3 loaves tor i.w. C'uics baked fresh every morning. V3TAC0rr & IRWIN. Lv Joint Session. At 4 o'clock I this afternoon all the committees 1 appointed for the occasion ot tue president coming to Sulem met in Mm nnnncll chambers. The sud- committees, which were recently appointed by the acting committees were also present and reported the progress of their work. There la much work to be accomplished to make the occasion a glowing success and those who have the matter in band have little time to lose. The committee on arrangements have Issued a circular which Is being sent to tbe neighboring towns asking them to take part iu the exercises. The circular says: "An invitation fetendered your citizens to unite fith the people of Salem, on Tues- ljjMay6th,in honoring President Bii&ion and party, during their itf to the capital city. Please rim public notice that your com- manlty is requested to Join us en masse, on the above date and par ticipate In the exercises, which are being arranged in a manner worthy oftJie chief executive of the United States. Bring music aud flowers, j and help 'is to make the event a pleasant success, that will long dwell In the memory of our dis tinguished guests." The se rotary of state has freely granted the use ofthestate house for the occasion. Tbat will be an opportune time for a great day in Salem, and every thing is now favorable for it being sucb. Monday Night in Silveuton. The Odd Fellows of Silverton were loyal to their birthright and gave a celebration In their ball In that burg Monday night. They were also addressed by Judge Walton, of Eugene, In the afternoon, a good attendance was out to both exeiciees. In the evening Mrs. Fenton address ed the people of Silverton on the "Rebecca degree of Odd Fellowship." After the address an hour or more was devoted in administering the "Frazer" degreo to a member. This part of the program was also public. Those who understand that part of the order of the fraternity are aware that it is a grand and laughable farce conducted ut the expense of therueuiber being initiated. Those who were present report a gay time. The latter part of the evening was devoted to dancing and discussing fine supper. Day fou Sheriffs. On Monday this city was almost taken by visit ilugsheriflH. Jas. G. Blrdsey came la on the morning train from Jack m county. Wm. Mackay, of Ben ion, and O. P. Creaop, of Grant, fame In during the afternoon. Iu the evening this number was in creased by two, by the presence of v-h. Wells, of Polk, and J. G. Bowles, of Union. The four sheriff kl named brought patients to the "J uw, wlille Mr. Birdsey brought Unconvicts to the pen. H. P. Ford tf Wishlngtou county, brought a uRtry Indian to the asylum this '""noon. Six hherlfls from abroad 'Hpeu in Salem at once is not a bunion affair. 8ty Dollars in Finks. Five fien uCre interviewed this morning '" the recorder's court. Oue man w ncjulred to answer two charges n(l P'cnl cullty to both, and paid !nl the cltv's puffers about i-25. iwk ..-.1. ililt ;he of the ,)t,ier uep pald their !tUe season. , ". in all amounting to over ?30. 1 World tnrleh.d. The rvri-lm i , .,. J The facilities of tbe present day fot ft"mihL morning were nearly 00. At H.,,me AoAiN.-Mr. and Mrs. r. Albert and their daughter, m. Singleton, and family, will be 18 "I tt llav Or two in mnvj. Inln heir residence ou Mill a,,d Winter a t8 fwently damaged by fire, nevrroorbas been pntou and o Kn t,f pa,ut ,n"ltJe d out, JMta new papering and other at- -ve fixtures give U the pleaslDg SUCCESS WAS THEIRS. Odd Fflliws Ccleliratc tho Seventy- Second Anniversary of their Fraternity in Fitting Snle. Chonicketn Ioiljju.No. Iwlpe No, 18, T. O. O. 1 and Olive P., can con gratulate themselves on the succes attending their celebration in this city Monday. Owing to the rain the afternoon exercises were held In the opera house, but were well attended. The program while not lengthy was a very Impresslvo one. The rain during the past few days lessened the number of visiting brethren, which left tlio celebration largely iu the hands of the home lodges. The opera hnuso was filled to over flowing in the evening by these who h:d availed themselves of the oppor tunity to spend nue evening with the well established fraternity, Odd Follows. The exercises were opened wit li .choice selections from the Sec ond lleglmeut band. The Odd Fellows' ode was next sung by the choir which was followed by the trio, "Charity." Miss Serlber rendered one of her favorite selec tions In a pleasing manner. Prof. Parviu sang "The Good Samaritan." This was followed by the address of tho evening by Hon. M. C. George, of Portland, on tho subject "Odd Fellowship." Mr. George is a slow and earnest speaker and makes a deep impression on nn audience. He received tho close attention of the entire assembly, notwithstanding the opera house was packed to the very dnor and many were compelled to stand. The speaker had an easy delivery and his grace on the plat form added power to his eloquence. His address was a compliment to the Odd Fellowship and u laurel to hiimelf. At the close oftheaddreos the band played aJew selections while the floor was being cleared aud made ready fur a social dance. The orchestra took its place on the stage and those who did not care to dance hud the opportunity to hear some good music. The seventy-second anniversary of the Odd Fellowship of America was celebrated to success in Sik'in. Going on Apace. The work of laying new plank sidewalk in the southeastern portion of the city- Albert's addition is progressing finely and soon there will be n good walk to every man's door. This work will consume a large amount of lumber. It will take over twenty thousand feet to go around the prop erty of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Evans on Mill, Capitol and Twelfth streets, and Mr. J. H. Albert will piobably use up us much more. LOCAL BRIEFS. The president will draw a bigger crowd than the circus. Strawberry growers claim the re cent rains will insure a largo crop of that variety of fruit. j Albany boasts of having a new band and basball team, both having been organized during the past few weeks. Four new patients added to tbe asylum population run the attend ance up to 072, and Dr. Laue is making up btfils on the floor. A. Klein, the shoe dealer, was iu Albany Saturday evening and heard the Hoywood concert. He says It is simply grand, and .his name may be used to endorse it. It will be at the opera house tonight. Some modest persons have asked what Salem will do with the presi dent when he comes to Che city, to prevent him seeing the street full of mud. A bolder class have suggested that something be done with the mud. The Hevwood Concert company gave an open air concert In front of Ladd & Bush's bank this afternoon. Three of the horn players were ladies. Judging from the afternoon oninniA tha concert will be one of rare excellence. I have a Hrst-cluss horseshoer, just from Portland, formerly from Chicago, will lake tho place oij.j. Harkins. Give him a call. 4 28 2t H. PoiiMS. PERSONAL MENTION. Siierifl Croisau is in Portland to day. ' D.J. Fry and little daughter are slowly resoverliiR. Mr. and Mre J. J. Murphy are both reported better to-day. V. F. Boothby and Charley are convalescing. n Mr.i? Patton. the Btato street book dealer, went down to Portland today on Railroad Commissioner, Robert Clow, of Junction, came In on the afternoon train and is doing buniness at the state house. Mr. C. Cheval, who left St. Hll alre, Canada, arrived in the city yes terday. He brought with him a fine lot i.f pure maple sugar for his r.i..,i. nr course the JoUHNAii noknowlednes th compliments of 1 Reproduction of everything that will conduce 10 uc wu.ti.. -" comfort cf mankind arc almost unlim ited or Then Syrup of Figs was nrst produced the trorld wss enriched with the only pcrfw-t jaxauvu .u", t tha only remedy wh';h is truly pleasing oud rcfrcth'ng to the taste ..H nam. Kid effectaal to cleanse the sysleia -cnlly in tbe Spring-time or, In fact, ot any time, and the better it i known lU r-.on popular it 1 ONB N.QIIT IN SAt.EM.-Alba! Hey wood Is coming nnd will be In' oaiem tonight. It Is probably Raf. to say that this will bo the best troupe that hno-been In Salem fur some lime. Salem has been deluded a few times bv sotno company com ing along and claiming to be llrst claw and charging u high vttx for 1 iiumisMou, and when they were goun i in people were disgusted with tbem. The society editor of tho Joi'Unai. bus wateiii'd tho prtw eomiiieiiiH on lids troupe closely since it lias Ixvn mi this cm-', not the remarks that hav-f pnced.'il t la play, but finite thut had Keen plveu lifter It hud plued aud gone. The press notices which uro wortii souio thing and in geiier d can be lelied on aro very favorable to this troupe. The concert embrace a very wide range of amusements. Miss Miller Is at the head of her prnftsiimi as a viiiiiiiiiauwi aiiiu Jrie.vwonu is a clever impersonator. Many place him as a rival to Sol Smith Kussell, who magnetized tho world with his ability in tbemimicart. The troupe includes fourteen muslciuus aud artists, embracing vocal aud instru mental music on various in-tru. ment8. The program lias range enough to please the rude and the erudite, but the aim of the concert is to instruct as well as to amuse. tirade Up Marion Square. Mil. Editer: Before the city council proceeds to put a fountain in Marion square I would respectfully sugeHt that they hnvu It graded and filled up somewhat, so that it be not covered v ilh mud holes, aud that the old dead trees be taken out that the good ones may be preserved It would be well also to do some trimming and thinning out, that sunshine and good air may be ad mitted for the promotion of grass growlue and the evaporation of its now perpetual dampness. Until these things are done, tho plunting of a uice fountain in Marlon square would be like putting gold rlugs In a hog's nose. On the Squahe. A Narrow Escape. The Herald relates how C. N. Scott, late reeeiyer of tho old narrow guugo ruilroad, had a narrow crane from a fair prospect of drowuing on the North Santiam a few days ago. He was out with others looking at land, and on returning had to cross the river in askitr. In jumping from the skiff to tbe bank he lost his balance and would have fallen into tbe swift flowing stream if the quick bauds of a lellow voyager had not Intercepted his fall. Very few es cape when once in the rapids of the swift current of the North Santiam. A Good Record. Iu tho report of tbe quarterly examination at tbe Bishop Scott academy, Portland, published iu the Churchman, it is noticable that a Salem boy Frank C. Sellwood-Etands second of the tho eight given as rankiug highest iu tho Commercial department. His record Is 9.-10 out of a possble 10. He is a son of Prof. Sellwood, princi pal of the Nortli Salem school. m To Wed. County C.'erk F. J. Babcock today Issued a marriage license to Miss Amelia Ciaggett and Mr. Chas. A. Cook. Miss Ciaggett Is one of Salem's fair and respected daughters, and is an estimable young lady. Mr. Cook is a Western Union telegraph operator, of Port land, and is well spoken of. Motiiers'Kinderoarten Class. Mothers aud all ladies Interested in kindergarten and tho new educa tional work are Invited to meet at Miss O. Ballou's kindergarten, in tho Christian church parlors, on Thursday ufternoon this week, at 1:30 o'clock, for tbe organization of a "mothers' club." 28-2t. Ceming: to sek the Piihsident. The Director of tho Mt. Angel School has written tho committee of arraugmeuts that a delegation from Mt. Angel School, with the school band, will be present and assist In the ceremonies of receiving Presi dent Harrison. May 6th will be a gala day for Salem, and 10,000 visit ors will assist In the joyful cero moules. Disappeared. Wm. M. Barber, a furniture dealer nt Lebanon, went to Portland two weeks ago today, ostensibly to buy stock and pay his debts, but bus not been heard from since. His business affairs are not lu bad shape, and he leaveH a young wife almost distracted. Very Busy. A Journal re porter stepped Into Pattors book store and found E. C. Patton very busy selling rubber stamps to his many customers. JSveryuoay suouiu r,ipr from him. His prices are greatly reduced. Tbe llest IUirnlt. Every Ingredient employed In producing Hood's Sareaparllla Is strictly pure, and Is the best .of ts kind It fe possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully select ed, personally examined, and only the Lest retained. So that from the time of purchase until Howl's Bar uparlllala prepared everything is cKlly watclied with a .view to attaining the best result. Why don't you try it. Tub Building Boom. Tint l what Balem has just uow, and eon .....mra nnd others should be sure to order their lime, cvment, etc., of Farrar&Co.latonce. PRUNES.-James Altken, a Salem ..,, Saturday shipped n big lot . . . Pnrilaud. The lot of ' . ...... i , i.rt.tiit fSOO cash WM ."uuu"v ::,:r;.; ., ,nn r Dr. was the romaiuuci - --Reynolds. SCHOOL FOR DEAF JUTES. Tins Closing Examination in the Ore gon School-Reunion of Old Students. The closing cxaininatlnns iu the Oregon school fir deaf mutes were bold at the school today. The num ber of thoe unfortunate ones who have attended the bcliool this year is 33. Tbe schm.l is under thesuper intendeney of P. S. Knight. The teacher are Prof, lh-i.j. Irving, G. A. Pierosu and Miss Lizzie Early, a daughter of David E.nly, of the Wuldo Hills. Tbe last two men tioned are deaf mutes and graduates of the school in which they are now assistant teacbeis. The closing ex eieises were only such as are had at the end of any term, which includes an examination of tho branches studied during tho term. There arc six deaf minus iu the institution aside from the 33 pupils. These arc In the industrial and domestic de partment. Iu addition to their school work the children are tnuuht industrial work. Tbe girls are taught needle work, aud the boys arejjlvenln slructlon in tho art of printing am' making brooms. The requisite ma chinery is in the institution to kuc cessfully carry ou both brandies of work. The "Sigu" a monthly paper Is tbe result of the printlug depart ment. A large number of broom have been made during the year ii the department set aside for thai purpose. The school was unable to secure us good a quality of broom com last fall as they desired. Hence the quality of the product of broom was not us good as was hoped. An examination of tbe workmanship proved it to be good. Tomorrow, tbe old-time students ot the school will hold a reunion In tbe chapel. Some ot those who were pupils in tint sciiool twenty years ago, are back to attend the reunion. The school closes tomorrow, until September. School hats for 25 cts. at Calevrt's. MARRIED. COOK-CLAGGETT At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ciaggett, ou Commer cial street, April 28, 1801, Mr. Chas. Cook, of Portland, aud Miss Amelia Ciaggett, of Salem, Jtev. C. L. Corwin olllclatiug. The ceremony, which was an im pressive one, was pronounced in the presence of the family circle at noon to-day. Miss Ciaggett is a young lady well known iu Salein where most of her life lias been spent. Her character is exemplory and her presence will be missed from the capitol city. Her visits to Salem from her future home lu Portland will bo bailed with pleasure by her friends here. Tho groom is a youug man, of Portland, and those who have met him speak iu praise of his character. The young couple left on tho 10 o'clock train for the me tropolis where they will make their future home. DIED. BROWN. AnnieEllzabeth Brown, wife of Geo. W. Browu, died Monday morning, April 27th, at 7 o'clock, at her home iu Spoknue Falls, Wash., of la grippe. The remains will arrive here on tomorrow evening's Albauy express and will be taken to the residence of Mr. Thos. King, from which place tbe funeral will take place Thursday at 10 a. m. Mrs. Browu, nee Patterson, was born at New Concord, Ohio, March 10, 1857. ,Sbo removed with her parents to Des Moines, Iwn, In 1805, thence to Salem, Oregon, In 18(19, where she resided until April 20, 1880, when she was married to Geo. W. Brown, then of Salem. They removed tp Portland where they resided for several years, and about u year hgo on account of the heulth of their only child, a boy nine years of age, they removed to Spokane Falls, where they have resided until now. Iu December Inst Mrs. Brown visited balem to attend tho funeral of her only sister, Mrs. Thos. King. On returning homo sho took with her the Infant child left by her sister. Mrs. J. M, Patterson, or The Dalles, was with Mrs. Brown at her death, aud now has the caro of the child left by Mrs. King. Mrs. Brown leaves her husband and one son, Waller, aged ten years, an only brother, Mr. J. M. Patter son, of The Dalles, and many warm friends to mourn her departure. LENON.-At his mother's res idence in South Salem, John W. Lenon, April 28, 1801, of lullama (liiii of the bowels. Aged 38 yctra 2 months and 28 days, The deceaed was born In Deer Creek, Indiana, January 28, 1601, and Is the eldest son of Mrs. A. A. Lenon. Ho leaves a young wife to mourn his loss. Johu crossed the plains with his father six years ago. Tho funeral will be held at the South Salem Church at 2 v. -, Wednes day, April 80, from theuce to tho I, O. 0. F. cemetry. EGGS winning t- from Iho finest ibreedlDK K in ", ng nreinua ","? YiiV;:; ':!' . lr .. a En5n Ub flr and iend on Whli H-g-ij-izliorD' at thoOre)n mate rair. wajiy . . i. itri.n...i.. fir artrl IMMUQ (IU UldCft e1 lbe8 V rimunw win v ?-jr-,, " -.. n-iAn farttfimratlUlD at tbe poultry "" "f " -."..; iir. I . n rt VSJftWrU tneu 111(1. ilrabTna and WhIW Whom nt ,'',eh araloU the olilert breeder. My PeK lul ulliiiltid range. Can furnUU tfi Iruut . p?' SffiOS? ?uwr,Orlfov, Merit Wins. We ile-Ire to say to our citizens, that for years wu'hnve been selling Dr Klug's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and havo never handled remedies that sell us well, or that have given such universal satisfact ion. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them cvt ry time, nnd wo stand ready to refund the purchase price, If nulsfactory results do nut follow their use. Thexu remedies Imvo won thelrgroat popularity purely on their merits. At Fry's Drugstore. Sun hats for 25 cts. at Caiyert's. The Problem Solved An Universal Hloo.l Purlller. Found at lst tn lttbbnrd's Uheumatlfi Syrup A remedy which expels nil poison ous matter from the blood. A well known cltlren of West Lcbnnou, lud testifies to its value: It affords mo pleasure tostatothnt my wlfolw received great btneflt from Hll bnrd's Rheumatic Syrup Hum from nny medicine sho his over taken. Wo hnvo ued six bottles, and find It to bo tho best f.imlly remedy nnd tho greatest blcxxl purifier that we ha'0 ever used. It Is truly all It Is claimed to be by Its founder. You ennnot recommend It too highly. Yours truly, F. WAU.ACK, West Jjjbnnon, lnd. Sold by Smith a Blelner. JOHN HUGHES, Boiler in Groceries, Paints, Oils ami Window Glass, Wall Pa per anil Border, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRESS GOODS. Henrietta, Serge, Drape d' Alma, Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all uew shades. BLACK GOODS. Coin Spot, Bengaliue.Silk Warp, Henriettas, French Novelties. SILKS. Surrahs, Swlval, India Faille, Tafleta, Black Grenadine, Stripes and Dots. ' GINGHAMS. Normandies, French Zephyrs, Broche Zephyr, Toilet du Nord, Seersuckers, Scotch Ginghams. gs. A New line of trimmings Call aud examine our new stock of dry goods. J. J, DALRWLE I CO., Bush's new brick, corner Court aud Commercial streets. DON 'T Buy a lot la YEW PARK Unless you want to build ou It. YEW PARR IS IN THE CITY, The city water mains are laid through it. It is po near tho Depot, University, Postofllco and busluchS portion of the city that It Is not nec essary to ride, although the street cars run through It and leavo every twenty minutes for Commercial street, North and East Salem. YOU CAN'T SPECULATE IN YEW PARK PROPERTY the proprie tors will attend to tlint j but you can buy a better home site there than in nny other portion of the city for tho same money. You will have no dust lu Summer and no mud in winter. Its perfect drainage Insures IU liealthfulness. The lota nro large aud many of thorn beautifully shad ed with vow, fir, ash aud oak. Ifyou want to buy blocusotiois on specula tion, nnd let them He unimproved and let adjolulng property make l hem valuable, don't patronize Yew Park. It Is not Built That Way Ifyou want to speculate on op tlousor blocks ofeight or ten lots, go out lu tho country, NORTH, south, kabt or WK8T, or to the sub urbs of Portland, Astoria or on the Sound, nnd luvest In a paper town, or, what is better, buy a ticket in tho Louisiana lottery, but keep away from Yew Park. Lots sold at low prices on long time and easy terms to homo seek ers. -114 SiiniiiionH. In the Circuit Court of tho Hlateof Ore con, for Marlon county. David Hwank.plalnllll ) vk. l-Huniinoni. Nancy Hwanlt.defendaut 1 TfNancyHwaulc.deleurtant.lnUieabove entitled action. In the name of Hie MUiU of Oregon, you are hereby rt(Ulred w ap pear and answer ihe oomiiluint of the above named plain-lit, In the above eu titled court, no on ni with the clerk of raid court, by the flrt day of Ihe next reg ular, the June 1W1 term of said circuit court, In the city of Hilem, Marlon otunly, staieof On-k-ou. on Monday the IStb day of June. 11, and you are hertby notified lhatif you fall Uiappearand answer said complaint as hereby nxjulrwl, the j'iamtHf will apply to I he court for tbe relief prayed r In aid complaint, to wlu TLat tho mar riage contract now existing; between you and plslntlirtx) dissolved by tke decree of said court, and that you be adjudged to pay the costs and dUburse'i-enu l this actlonand tor such other and further ro ller as In eq.nty roar aipur Just and . sonable- rwld demand and prayer 'being based upon the ground of your wilful rie srrtlvn and abandonment of the rlaintlfl lor mors than oae year last naai. l'uo. llihed m the Cai-itai. JouuVai. fr six wtk by order of lion. Ueubeu I. Ilolse, iudgaofitha circuit court ol tbe state of Irrxon, for Marlon eouoly.madeat cbam- and state, on the I Ah day of April, lel. ilVVUHH. Flitter and. 4;lMw Atlonf for Malatlfl. Received Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. FINE NEW STOCK-LOW PRICES. Men's blue cloth suits AH Wool $10 Men's line Tweed stilts Plaid - 12 Men's lino diagonal suits - 15 Boy's suits Ages 4 to 12 - - $1.60 to 10 Youth's black cheviot suits Ages 12 to 18 All uew 12 Youth's blue cloth suits Ages 12 to 18 7 Every one of these suits Is h bargalu. Largo stock of Hats Stiff", Crush and StraiV. Come und look at these goods. Bo sociable. phi mm Opera. House Block. Highest cash price for wool. Produce taken. 2000 lbs; dried plums wanted. A good team of woll mated covered hack for sale or trade, ADDRESS TO Within 6 years. Not less than 100 Salem. The entire va'loy will make an Therefore wo have just laid iu P. 20,000 20,000 l.OOO Gallons Linseed Oil. Wo also cany tho largest stock in this valley of Paints, Glass, Brushes, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Alabastino and Fire Brick. BEST MIXED PAINTS IN THE MARKET By Can or Barrei. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock ery, Glass Ware. GILBERT & PATTERSON. PAINTS. OILS. MEB ) When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc, You Avill find, it to your ndvantago to call on me be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have the LARGEST RE TAIL STORE IN OREGON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern styles, . HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best made in tho world. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD 1 Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by mo in 18G 9 and by long experience I know tho domands of tho trade. You can't miss tho place at the sign of "The Big Dapple Gray Horse." Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in tho past. By squaro dealing, tho same. You Can't I shall, for the season of 1891, make a specialty of LADIES' OXFORDS. My $1.25 lino aro the best valuo over sold in Salem. Call and see my $3.00 lino of Ladies' Uloth Top Patent Leathor Tip Shoes. A. KIvKIN, 211 Commercial Street J. O. GOODALK, ColnirB. GOODALE Lumber, Latti, Pickiets ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Ani fnr rntinrir MIIIh. Hiirlniftleld Mills nnd McKenxio Mill. Olllco and Yard on the west Hide of Twelfth Mreet near 42 N. SANTIAM. LUMBERING COMPANY, OK MI 11 OITY, Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Rulldlng material. Yard east of Depot, Salem. Wo manufacture all our own stock, and aro prernred to till any ordor on tho shortest notice. .,. ..... - , . , . 4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash. Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. ' House Klnlshlnit iiado;to order. New Dltt KILN, by which wo can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trade und Illgu streets, Salem, Oregon. Sasli. and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The best class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tho lowest. Only tho best matorial used. REED'S OPERA HOUSE -THK- ALBA HEYWOOD CONCERT COMPANY. Tuesday Evening April S81Ii. nil Muslu which was lo have been given tm tho sun susi. FAMOUS ATTKACTION8 : Mr. Alla Heywood, imalchless Imper sonator. . . ........ Mr. Dewey lieywood, unrivaled flute soloist. MlMAnnfoMlller.unrlvaled violinist. M'lleOlgt Wldreu,iwedlsli prima dona hlguor Aulonlo JovIdu, Italian tenor. Mr. Clint Jleywood, euphonium soloist K. A. Couturier. Ulrector aud master cornrllst. Henrietta y.iminsrmau, piaun accumpa uUt. with other excellent usltanu. io.trve.1 unlstlt cillery fift ticket oil sale ut Dearborn's ttatuiday morning. CIo to Win. Bureeiit'u, 2fl) Conimer c(u street, for wall paper, where you cqn get it trimmed freo of charge. 4;7 3t iH m il black horbes, aud a three seated THE PUBLIC: o. IS THE FIGURES SET FOR Salem's Population now houses are going up now In unprecedented building growth POUNDS !0F STRICTLY PURE WHITE) LEAD! I hopo for a continuance of E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Streot. A. WIIEKLKU,Birlngflold. & WnEELiEIt, depot, licht Lumber In the i Valley, N. MATTHEWS, Manager, Salem. Cheapest lots In town, ii rold. since Jauuary 10. Call on RIGDON & ROORK Bush-BreymanBlorl' "TIT HARRIS, Express nos. ib & 21. Leave order at It, M. Waded Co', llo lluble work or no pay. J. F. WHITE, EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hauling f all kinds. Heat work. Wagou at every train, 8. ERNST, Upholsterer. All work, either new or',rpulrlug, done tn the best workmanlike shape. Hiiop south Qf rost offlce. Find Their M ! Depot Addition EVERBEARING 858Si!Si& until frost. Descrfpuve.prlco list rreo BKTH WINQUIST, Kasscimue.uie. INBURANCK Company Fire nnd Ma rine. U. W. HEELER. Agent, - Balem. Oregoa - GE0.G. YANVAGNBB, At 103 Stato street In prepared to framo pictures licntlr nnd at lowest living rates. Call around nnd oxaiutno lila worff. lie also lias a line assortment to select from ot Wall Paper and Picture Moulding, J. H. HAAS, THE WATCmiAJOJH, 2I5X Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Noxt door to Klein's.) BDectnltV of Spectacles, nnd rcnnlrlmr Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. MORGAN" & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Good teams and prompt work Is our stronghold. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goods at our storet T'o carry a full line of grocorlog, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gar, tobacco aud confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 226 Commercial BU, Balem FOUND! One hundred very choice lot, which will bn Bold at $100 per lot, and on auy terms by J. J. ROBERTS, 05 Stnto St. E. C. CROSS, Butcher and Packer, Btato Bt. and Court 8t. Tho best meats dcllvorcd to ell parts of the city. RINTING. ANK OK THK LAnOKBT KSTAI1UHH- Inienls lu tho Btate, Lower rates than the State, a-d biggest discount. l'ornana. uirgasi siocic i.cgai juianss iu . Lnrcos Bend fot pricoiisiorjoD priming, ana cataiogui legol blanks. E. M. WAITK, rlcollstorjob printing, and catalogue of Btcani Printer Balem Oregon. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OR2BQOM Hates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay. Tho host hotel between Portland and Ban Pntnclsuo. First-class In all Its appoint ments. Its tables aro served with tho Choicest Fruits Grown In tho Wlllamelta Valley. A, I. WAGNER, Prop. D.C.SHBRMAN, U, B, Pension and Claim agent. P.O Rex isl, ClerV- 1U1UIU, UrOKUU. 1JUIHU. Deputy County Vrlto for blanks. w INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessed ncnrly(ono-tlilrdloi;omilllou (IKO. M. HKEMCH, City Agent, AndHppclnlagoutfor Marlon county. Ol- noo wnn mo wJompany, iiiao oi REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND NOTAItlKSll'DUMO. Collections Mud a nnd Ixians Negotiated. 3QO COvINtlSKCI AIv STRBBT SAL12NI OREGON. 120-d-&w-tf (JluileHilale Stallion, liar None, tho cyrlono ot Nebraska, Is a In r l bnv.fiviuirs old. whlto hind foot.ana dark bay.Syiiars old, white hind foot, anil Htj.r In foiflmail. llrcdbyThos. Hmlth.ol York t'o. McbnisKii, wcil-iii ituu pounas, sired by Walt-Kor-Joo. (Wo. 1(X,) Old Joe was Hired by Ileal Kxohango, he by tho famous 1'rlnco of Wales. Dam was aojwy, tho famous brood maro, a granddaug of Louis Nanoloon. No. (m.) Heuson laaauguier Heuson 110, insiiranceglS. Will stand the season at Counell (arm Jimt west of North Ralem brick yard, near fair ground. Owned by It. Ilyan. 4-13-tI dw M. J. PATTON. M. B. Eldriilgc Block, Salem, Oregon. Diseases of women and children', clironlo aud private diseases A SPECIALTY. In ofllce day and night. Consultation free. The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&HILGERS, Huccessors to John Holm, cor. Conimer clal und Chemeketu streets, Halem. Jlorso shoelm;aspe'lulty. tfltf Paper Hanger. I-ave order at Globe Ileal K ta to Exchaot BROOKS & LE6G DRUGGISTS 100 HtatoHlrcct, ration's Jllook, Bulom, Or. r-'mssowPTJONS. HjiectalatleutlouKlven to careful cm pounding, W, E, McAFEE, PRESOWIPTION W.BRK. "COLUMBIAS," LighiRoailslcrSafcly.Ladies'S!. Estmrt, Tandem Bafely.VoluutWHr, $wai Itoudstur, LlaUt KoadsUir, HatlUB!. C.H.LOCKWOOO.Aft., 4itf iwlCoM,t.ttsillili m ta 1 i flj ;,yl 'wJl if I comes. H 5