"5ix" uj,uf. mwWWWtywvww''-"-vr' J i, "J l-'i'-iLJLJ.ul,''!??i L'-"-i ' ''" .umiuminiM jl Ol. ":.n..i iftimx.ll. TIIR DRRSinRNrs TOT th.i .1 rU'iilii tflM'-" ""- """'" null, our uoh BIUI'IWA- M.il" i)K SBIW ' .1 iwr j cur,.. h) Pxw."-; ,,; .d . pnj K,. . u) .ii nir Li i iG?iffrsSAKa till ' " .n tliei"""7' ..,! it r"i ....... SunvOAuruKi CH. Clf. ,.rlr - . 3di J, .", b7""","","TI"(I'n lRt unit. I Mil "'". Mllli-Tw''. " " 'r WlOrM ... ,n ni' ..! niinnr rf him ...j. hi uimoi' . . - . rJTTo We" ordI.T . .. I ' v-- . M,nn nu .'" r.. Hir ria " . .... HitliiVM B.iert 'rJ ". I .J B,rt.l o ,,.,T., JilUIOAl, M-S'i; u "" t! r '" ' cl-'i'- ' jLiiiiitr t p D' Cfliceres. trocKery, leners . - -.. Vnrnclfi, eilers m Netware, raima, y-i -., .... yairiTs. U '3l "" .'tfinnWirlass. Etc. Sole rushes, )lluw"B' i l n i for Epicure lea ana Dig i?'i ntr rowaer. W(JAI MARKET. !,.,.,, net80 cents per l)U. tlona JCUc "' W- ... t .. n rwl flirt Krnnrl nf. rfflfirVB,,,,u ""- ""-" "" ,,,,'., tofcery first class. They rdfjre 33 loaves for 1.00. lutes bakeii fresh every morning. WESTACOIT & IRWIN. ATutPLn Birthday. Tho very wily parlors at the residence of Br.Ji-ssup, were the scene of n de- tlilful social gathering Thursday fening, in honor of the doctor's Irthday. His age none dare ask; (it nil voted him "twenty-one and pvrarus. ' nuv. vv imimci wuu iuu ioby prize, and Frank Dearborn krried off the first prize in the iaine of Memory. All did ample Iu3tlce to the delicious refreshments, jerred by the charming hostess and fcetson. iwicn guest was me recip- Ut of a lovely little souvenir of Ibis "triple amance" (iirtuauy, bUchwas also the birthday of Mrs. tars, and Master Jessup Strang, htagraced the occasion with their fc-suce. Among the guests, were liiudJIrs. Keller, Mr. aud Mrs. &ibB,Mr. and Mrs. Litchfield, lUfemMrs. Rogers, Mrs. Rristow, Mi George Brown, Mrs. George plMey, of Astoria, Miss Carpenter, iffiss Cannon, Rev. Wliitaker, Dr. Kne, 8. F. Dearborn, Geo. Morris, lad Mr. Strang. i Seed Cleaning Out. The foot Uge over South Mill creek has m closed up on account of ttie un- Jcondition, which whs a timely ti. Since that was dono souk; of lie people, who live in South Salem lad are compelled to come through ihe covered bridgo to get into the Ituinaj part of tho city, have com- ll'llflft! fit lio t-tIr1vA tint linlm ?r Itoperly cleaned for a foot passage, p tie fact Is nothing has been done latbatlinoat.all. While this is a lllmatterand one easily remedied EEhoald be looked after. The street pm!s3loner has had all be could )tolook after matters of more im fiance, but his attention being M to It will doubtless see that it ((leaned up. Tne foot bridge will 'put In repair as soon as con- lenient and again opened to the 'abilc. Electiuo Alarms. Horace toe and H. H. Allen, who repro t the Interstate Firo alarm com ply of Omaha, are in tho city con- ping with tho city council in ftS&id to establishing an electric wealarm system in Salem. They !an exhibition of their system alhe council chambers yesterduy WDoon. Tho alarms represented T these centienien nro in iiha in aJ cities. In putting such or PI other system of alarms many are to be considered. The pnow belncr shown Ihlh nil van. over many of those which teen usod for a longer period. K e has all tho latest improvo- TllAnnilnntl .hIII n l...na Ml -"vwuiiwi Will 1111 IU vcai I 'l"larm SVStpm until tliov Imvn lulled themHolvua Jlint- tlir.T nra ttUnjtthi,CIlf IsSPKTfr. - T.-.l l"Wnrt . IfJ VUUUIV UIIUIIIIIWMUU1LIB, iEiMi "i" worn, up uif VlttlM.L."""' -"i u- wreu Stoiwtt y C(Ulrt fro,n Ij,,,u I n,.Jll,nika a Joint Insnecliou of ""tttMi..,. - . . .. ,. .. mt,.v ""ugeoverinorsnnuan ' m . "" mnes JVfouud the bridge mucli fafrenaipJ k... ...i .i... nhntfn I ullnV MOBeed i"rt 1 -.-, uumniiiij hi inn tM the rivtT Httlo can be niL, Iha 1Bn '""St more than put In """SlDtln., .rrr-.9 bridge lias fer. mui Tliutn years. Tlie r "ID a badly decayed condl- fc..JUd Waldfl thlllkHllllllMMl "fein, 'J2tJdl to repair the up- aem: ,f,lunul f' ' P" ned I I 8arae 0P,'o whb -vihb joint courw. iSSS9Jyrt of ""'tlioM J"st Pral'rt lufrtorrone'W, t,u,U8a," l'' bnoTo? pul,n hla KrHlii token ,y b,Bn nf Prrriy, 'wmiDg. aor,Inl'rvediiiethod .f ySm,t t7u at CpI. UcU,atClverfm - Tlio Sovoral Commiltoes linring for it. iXLlflliBOHIXG TOWNS TO BE IXYITFI). Jloro Tinio May Ho Snout Hero than an JLour-Salem Sure or a Grand Time. The oominltteo of arrangements foi the iit of Presldeut Harrison met In Ihe council chamber Tliurs .l.iy iiftRriiixiu at the call of Chaii maii Wullo, and held an earnest iiUMlneiB busslon. Tliey were all present exueit Mr. Ileudricks, and everything relating to the reception t!id the best manner of conducting It was pretty thoroughly discussed In the mutter of the school chil dren of the city participating in the reception, there seems to have been a misapprehension abroad. It was never the intention of the commit tee that they should form in the line nf parade and march, hut that they bo runted along the Hue of review .in State street in full view of the pres-l'lent and the pageant following, iiid that no persons should be al lowed to nhstructtheir view or crowd or molest them. Such was the unanimous opinion of thocommittee at thii nieetiug. The short time now allotted for the piesident's stay would not nllow of his visit to the high fachool, nor would it be in good taste to cart him around fioin pillar to post. Again, there are several other educational institutions in the city besides the public schools such as Willamette university, tlio Sisters' academy, the school for deaf mutes the school for the blind, the Kinder giivten, etc. tho pupils of which will be admirable features of the oc casion as well as those of tho public schools, aud will enjoy seeing the president also. No final details were determined upon fully, though a general outline was agreed upon. To carry out the results of the deliberation, sub com mittees were appointed as follews: On band music Mnj. P. E. Hodg kin, W. F. Dugau aud Capt. D. C. Sherman. On procuring carriages Frank Davey and W. F. Dugun. To prepare an order of parade and line of march E. M. Waite, Major Hodgkln and Capt. Sherman. On invitation R. J. Hendricks, E. Hofer and Maj. Hodgkin. This committee will prepareaud send out formal requests to the several educa tional institutions of the city to have their pupils out; also to the people of Dallas, Independence, Stayton, Siiverton and other towns to join Salem in the welcome to the presi dent aud to bring their bands along. A motion was also adopted inviting the secret societies of the city to turn out in organized bodies. Hon. Geo. H. Burnett was ap pointed marshal of the day with au thority to appoint his aids. Maj. Hodgkin, who is secretary of the committee, was appoiuted to re quest from Secretary of State Mc Bride the use of tho state capitol for the occasion, and to consult with that gentleman and the other stato officials as to their pleasure in the arrangements for the formal recep tion and introduction there, It was decided to call all the com mittees together at tho council room next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, but when it was afterward realized that on that day would occur tho Odd Fellows' anniversary celebra tion, the circus and some other inter- estiug events, it was thought best to change the time of the meeeing of the committees to Tuesday after noon. In tho meantime the com mittees and sub committees will have much of their work done aud a comparison of notes can be had and final arrangements mapped out. The finance committee, now com posed of Jap Minto, M. E, Goodeli, J. L. Mitchell aud O. M. Smith, have irllttle work to do and have been trying their band somewhat today. Gentlemen of thecity, make tho work of that committee as easy and pleasant as possible. Tho outlay needed, when spread around among you all, will fall very lightly and will redound to your credit and ben efit in a ten-fold ratio. The com mittee comprises all rustlers, how ever, and they will have no trouble lu raiting the funds. This reception is not only a local afTuir, but a state affair. It Is so looked upon even by other points In the stiito where receptioua are lu preparation, and Balem must not be found wanting in nieetiug tho ex pectations of Oregon as tho capital city. A large number of carriages will be needed to carry the presidential party, the. members of the reception coninjltteehpd special guests, and for this purpose the kindness which bus always characterized the good people of tfulem when called upon for tho use of their private vehicles, will be again solicited. In order that tlio sub-committee may know the number or private carriages up on whtuli they can depend, so as to determine Imw many to bo hired, iIiomi volunteering carriages will ple report to .Mr. Dugan or Mr. iJ.ivcy.i.rlnlhe JoUH.VAt office or rflHUemai', H8 mkiii as nlble, so iliMt :i report can be lundo Tuwday V"illg. w-..i..r. ...iili nn 1h ihifithlnK by h.lvt. livery reJde... should take a nride In 11 its complete success. 1 EverylxHly, aud especially the children, should be armed with flow day the cholcpnt nmi "Nor the occupants are burled id their delicious sweetness, then strew the approach way to the cnpltnl and the steps th.reor with the remain der Mowers arc nature' loveliest glrtH o man and this presence is a universal harbinger of pleasant feel ings. Salem is notably a city or flowers the year round, almost equal to a semi tropical city, aud no place north of Sail Francisco can ex cel the display in this line It la pos sible to make, therefore, let all do the best they can. The mil program will bo publish cd in due time, and will dejiend some upon the development of the next few days. 1,'linlrrann Wallo has telegraphed the presidential party of Hie preparations in pro gress and asking that a stay of a few hours be arranged, Instead of one hour, as promised. Should this be granted, tlio exercises can be made much more interesting and the decorations throughout tlio city much more elaborate. In any event, Salem's capitol will be "merry as a marriage bell" on that day, and those who miss being in the swim will lose much pleasure. in i'ROBATK. In the matter of the estate of Amnnda Kimball, dc ceasee, LeouaHelleubraud, adm'x, makes application for compensation for unusual services. The same was allowed... In the matter of estate of E. J". Humas-on, deceased, the ad ministrator flies his final account. June 1, 1591, at 10 o'clock a. m., is the time set for hearing the same... In the matter of estate of J. S. Sulli van, deceased, a petition to set aside certain property for the widow was allowed. ..In the matter of the guar dianship of Josephine Raultin, a minor, the trustee files the receiptor funds held Tor said minor... In the matter of estate of Chas. Swegle, deceased, A. Bush, administrator, files his final account. Time set for final hearing was fixed on the 10th day of May, 1891. LUUAL 1JRIKFS. Chas. Calvert is recovering from an attack or la grippe. The entertainment at the M. E church. A first-class entertainment for 25 cents. Ulatsop county forwarded $1705 of its state taxes to the state treasurer yesterday.. Strawberries are now in the Salem markets.. Sixty cents a box is asked for the first lot. Mrs. D. A. Hendricks is quite ill with measles at her home in Athena. Weston Leader. fiupt. Miles is bappj' over the ar rival of a fine Oueco colt by a stand ard bred mare. The stormy weather is still upon us but all is favorable to crops aud fruit. A driver that will leave his horse standing in the hail and rain when an oil-cloth lies on the seat, needs to learn more humanity. The Salem water company are laying a main out to Eighteenth street. The Salem water system is becoming a big thing. The dancing party to be given this evening in Murphy's hall will be a full dress affair and promises to be an enjoyable one. Tho Assem bly club which conducts the dance contemplate giving one more dance in the opera house and make it the closing ball or the season. The law class graduating rrom the Willamette university will hold their closing exercises in the chapel to morrow evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. An interesting program has beeu arranged for the occasion and the public are invited to ut teud. Those will be the first exer cises of the forty-seventh com mencement of Willamette uulver blty. Mrs. Padgham's primary school kindergarten in tha Presbyterian church is making a fine record in the care of the little folks' educa tion, and its continued success is ev idence of a healthy sentiment in fa vor of advance ideas. Parents Inter csted In the work of a joint kinder garten and primary classes should step around and see this school. PKKSONAL' MENTION. John Gray returned from Portland this morning. Hon. Ed Hatch, of Polk county, was in Salem today. Senator Jefl Myers, or Scio, was doing business In tho capital city today. Pror. and Mrs. E. A. itennett, or Vancouver, Wash., are visiting in Salem. Recorder M. E. Ooodell, is hunt ing snipe down at Lake Labial) today. SatnBtott, an attorney or Port land, is is the city toduy on legal business. Prof. A. if. Reevea, of the Philo math public schools, is doing bus! nesa In Salem. Tienutv Sherlfl D. P. Smith, of Linn county, brougnt m& wc Knight to the asylum for Insane today. Rev. M. V. Rork, of Salem, held services In Weston Sunday last. Four Immersions were made on that day.Weston Leader. Frank A. Ward, of Astoria, an old friend of a Joujo'ai. scribe, has lieen appointed deputy Uulled Stales collector of Juneau, Alaska Art Exhibition. Look out for thp Brt exhibition at the Singer Manufacturing comiumy r u., Commercial Btreet, commencing April iota. 4-iu-ir TIIK JimoilS OUT. Another Dnmnfje Suit Rent-hi. ti t'Ioc Jlmlun rue w Ti-lal Overruled. Tlie Leonard damage suit esse was given to the attorneys at 8:80 tills morning to give their arguments. Geo. 1). Young, of Portland, spoke first In behalf of the plaintiff. Ho was on the floor from . 8:80 to 9:25. Col. N. B. Knight followed and spoke until 10:55. Ho argued in favor of the railroad company. Judge Del Stewart addressed the jury last lu tho interest of the plain till. Mr. Stewait is an ex-Iowa circuit judge and Is a fine speaker, not only being eloquent, but firm and In earnest, which makes a deep impression ou the hearers. He thoroughly reviewed the evl deuce on both sides aud explained it with touclilug effect for his client. At 1:30 o'clock the judge began Ills instructions to the jury which were firm and brief. Thojury then retired: The following are thojury In this case: Jap McKern, H. F. Jory, A fcclielberg, Wm. Frost, Ab Smith, l'eter Mauer, A. L. Shelley, A. Sav age, W. It. Robbius, J. J. Price, A. D. Baker, K. D. Jones. The iurv retired at 2:15, aud on going to press they had not reached a verdict. The case or Julius Kumll vs tho Southern Pacific company which was in the court all lust week and the one which the jury nivored with a verdict of 51500 was before the court this afternoon by a motion for a new trial. The attorneys sub mltted the case to the judge without argument and the motion was over ruled without any remarks. It is rumored the railroad company will appeal tlio case to tlio supreme court. . The Grippe in the east. Mr. T. G. Albert is in receipt of a letter from a biother who is lu the mer cantile business at Keokuk, Iowa, which says alxnit half of the peo ple of that city are down with la grippe and many of tlie older per sons are carried off by it. Among tlie latter was Mrs. T. G. Albert's father, Mr. John Burns, a highly respected resident there.many years. Two or her sisters were also very low for some time, but arc now get ting better. In that country the disease is attended with ratal results quite frequently. University Paric Articles in corporating the University Park association wore filed with the secre tary today. Tlie incorporators are John U. Wright, J. O. Johnson, H. W, Cottle, David Slelner and Wm.N. Ladue; with a capital stock or $100,000, divided into shares or 100. each. The office or the com pany will bo In tills city aud the object to handlo the property on which an option was receutly given tho Willamette university. It is proposed to put this property on the market at ouee, in fact it is on the market now. Filing. Frank Desliam, J. O. Jones and David Upton today filed articles Incorporating the Frankfort Transportation company, or Astoria; capital stock, $15,000 Tlie Eureka Land compauy, or Portland, was also incorporated by II. C, Camp- bell.P. F. Smith, Wm. Kllhngworth, C. F. Swigert aud A. McCrum, with a capital stock or $100,000. "Annie Laurie" Aud "Robin Adair" by Mr. Adair, or Eugene, and the ladies quartette in "Bye-Lo Land" will be well worth the price or admission to the eutertalnmeut at the M. E. church tonight. Don't miss it. Admisslou 25 cents. The Kilgore residence on tho By- bee place, one mile north or Jack sonville, was burned to the ground Wednesday evening In slKht or a large number or town people, pow erless to render any assistance. It was occupied by William Chastain and fiimlly, who, it is reported, lost everything. No one has learned how tho the fire originated. The loss cannot now be oven approxi mated. Tun Buimhno Boom. That Is what Salem has Just now, and con tractors and others should be sure to order their lime, cement, etc., of Farrar&Uo., at once. MAIUtlEI). ROOK CURTIS In the parson ate parloro or the M. E. church, or this city, April 23, 1801, at 3 o'clock n. m.. Harry Rook and Josle 8. Curtis. Rev. C both or Marion, Oregon, E. Uliueofllciating. -kT.T"WS W.TVTTfiVSl va . -H'-- .r rw: t MMm 1 Si!XSiW5Jrt i It Is not Built That Way and refreshing to tbo taste, and acta! If Wautto 8I(M(U,uU) on op, gentlyyetprompUronUieKjdne7,lt,ouorb,ockHOfeKht or ,pn l,lver ana iwwejfl, cieanea tuo ef- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- .i.AU .A fovara n! ourM habitual -.Sn,.SnnTw.rTnnniiiW Votbalo w uvu iu v """ y . druggJBU. wurunmn riv otnut tiK fMAHUSCO. OAL, J lOVismu, ff, r I9M, Tlio Jiew Discovery. You have heard your friends nud neighbors tulkhg about it. You may jourelf lie one of tho many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it Is. H you have ever tried It, jott are one or its staunch friends, because the won derfot thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. Klug.s Now Discovery ever after holds a place in tlio house. If vou have never used it and should he afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Luug or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at oueo and gtvo it a fair trlab It is guaranteed every time, ormouov re funded. Trial Bottles Freo at Fry's Drugstore. Clark & Epploy have just put on a flno new delivery wagon, with which they deliver heavy orders aud also o light buck-board for quick de livery. If you waut your groceries delivered quick leave your orders with them at 100 Court street. School hats for 25 cts. at Calevrt's. At the meeting or the Irish Na tional Federation on Wednesday nt Dublin, tho statement was made that 500 branches had beeu formed with in the past six weeks, aud that al ready 4700 were subscribed to carry out the purposes or tho orgaizatlon. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, raiiifs, Oils and Window Glass, "Wall Pa per and llorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, new advertisements. REED'S OPERA HOUSE -THE- ALBA HEYWOOD CONCERT COMPANY. Tuesday Evening, April 28tli. nil -Musln Uileli wns to have been eiveu on tho 2! th lust. FAMOUS ATTRACTIONS : Mr. Alba Heywood, imntcblcss impcr. Ronutor. Mr. Dewey Heywood, .unrivaled flute bololst. SllfB Annie Miller, unrlvnlcd vlollnlnt. M'lloOlgu Wldgren.Mwcdlsb prlmmlona Slnor Autnulo Jovlne, Italian tonor. Mr. Clint Heywood, euphonium HOlolst. E A. Couturier, director aud master coruPllst. Hemietta Zimmerman, piano accompa nist, with other excellent nnilBtanti. Reserved seats 81: enllcry 3cj tickets ou salo at Dearborn's Haturiluy morning. fj DRESS GOODS. Henrietta, Serge, Drape d'Alma, Camel's Hair, Home Spun; all new shades. BLACK GOODS. Coin Spot, Bongaline. Silk Warp, Henriettas, French Novelties. SILKS. Surrahs, Swlval, India Faille, TafIetn,Black Greuadlue, Stripes aud Sots. GINGHAMS. NormaucUes, French Zephyrs, BrocheJZephyr, Toilet du Nord, Seersuckers, Scotch Ginghams. Embroidered Trimmings. A New lino of trimmings Call and cxamino of dry goods. our new slock J. J. DaLRTUTLE k CO. Bush's new brick, corner Court and Commercial streets. DON'T Buy a lot in YEW PARK Unless you waut to build ou It. YEW PARK IS IN THE CITY. The city water mains are laid through It. It Is so near the Depot, University, Postolllco and busliios portion or the city that His not nec essary to ride, although tho street cars run through It and leave every iwenly minutes ror CommorclalJ street, North and Jiast rialem, VOU CAN'T SPECULATE IN YEW PARK PROPERTY-the proprie tors will attend to that: but you can buy a better home site there than In any otherportlon of the city ror tuo sumo money, you win nave no dust in Summer aud no mud In winter. Its perfect drainage Insures Iih liealllifulne, The lots are largo and many of them beautifully shad ed with vow, flr, a'i and oak. Ifyou want to buy blocks of lots on specula tion, and let them lie unimproved and let adjoining proprty make them valuable, don't patronize Yew Park. go out in the cuntry. w ntry. NORTH. south, east or v urbs of Portlaud, wwr, or to tlio sub- Astoria or ou tho Bound, and Invest In a jwjier town, tku LoiiUiluna lottery, but keen away from Yew Park. Lotskoldat Jow price ou long time and easy terms to borne peek era, 4-H Receivec BUY YOUR- Lace Curtains, Window Shades, While Spreads, Satines and Fancy Flannels of the OPERA HOUSB BCOOK Call and see our olegaut, new lino of Highest Cash Price Paid for ADDRESS TO P. 20,000 Within 5 years. Not less than 100 new houses are going up now in Salem. Tho entire valley will make au unprecedented building growth. Therefore wo have just laid in LmKJyJ jj 1,000 Gallons L-insejed Oil. . Wo also cany the largest stock in this valloy of Paints, Glass, Brushes, Oils, Putty, Tarnishes, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Alabastine and Firo Brick. BEST MIXED TAINTS IN THE MAHKET By Can or Barroi. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock ery, Glass Ware. GILBERT & PATTERSON PAINTS. FARMERS, LIVERYMEN AND OTHERS When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc, You will find it to your advantage to call on me bo fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have tho LARGEST RE TAIL STORE IN OREGON. Gouts' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern stylos, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best made in the Avorld. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD I Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as low as 13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by me in 18 G9 and by long experience I know the demands of the trade. You can't miss tho place at tho sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horse." Thanking my customers for their liberal patronago in tho past. By squaro dealing, the same. Yon Can't Find I shall, for the season of 1891, mako a specialty of LADIES' OXFORDS. My 1.25 lino are the best value over sold in Salem. Call and seo my $3.00 lino of Ladies' Cloth Top Patent Leather Tip Shoes. A. KLKIN, 211 Commercial Street SNOW THE At 100 Chomeketa Street, House - and - Sign - Painting, Paper Hanging, Kalsomlning, Wall Tinting, etc. Varnishing and Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. SNOW BROS. J, 0. GOODAIiE, Coburg. GOODALE Lumber, Lath.. Pickets ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Agents for foburg Mlllx, Hnrlngfleld Mlls und MeKenzlo Mill. Otllce end Yard on tho west slUo of Twelfth tttruel ncur depot, Uet Lumber In the Valley, 4 2 N. N. MATTHEWS, Manager, Salem. SANTIAM LUMBERING COMPANY, OK JVIIIvt, OITY, Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Building material. Yard east of Depot, Salem. Wo manufacture all our own stock, aud aro prcrared to fill any order on tho shortest notice. 4:l7-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Susli, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing made .to order. New DHY KU.N, by which wa can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock of all kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner ofTrudo and Itlgu streets, Balem, Oregon. Sasti and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tho lowest. Only tho best inntoriul used. ILPOHLfiJIactai, KormerUotKcrlber i'olilc, two doors west of the old stand, keeps a good supply of wheels, axles, sprlpg and general cur rlage hardware. m dw To Properly Owners. All property owners lu Palem mo re 3ulred tu council wllli sewers In scoor anoo with ordinance llv irdar tit AimifnltfrA An h1tli ftml pouee. 1 31 H .. ... -. . r. V-..V....-...W - ..--. .. .. JI.l'.MJTO, Marshal. S. ERNST, Upholsterer. a11 work, tlther uiw or, repairing, doc la the best workmanlike shape. MUopsouth of post ofttc, Produce Taken. THE PUBLIC: o. "Wool. IS THE FIGURES SET FOR Salem's Population POUNDS I0F STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD! OILS. I hopo for a continuance of .tt. . LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Streo Tkir Equal ! .- IMS- YEAR ROUND A. W1IKKLKH, Springfield. & WIIEELEE, Depot Addition . Cheapest tots In town. -IS rold slue January 16. Call on 1UGD0N & HOORK Bujh-Breyman Blo-' J. G. HARRIS, EXPRESS NQS, 10 & 21. I,vi ordw at It. II . Wade A CVs. IU lUtle work or no pay. J. RWH1TB, EXPJRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Jfjiullug )f sit kiudii. l)ut work, SYsjon, utmry train, Strawberry Hears fmtntHnv until frost. TJoscrlptivo price 11S tree Bktu Winquht. KiMsellTtlle.Ore. mrnmi 1N8DRANCJS m nanr. Firs and Mu rine U. W. DEELER. Aeent, Kaleni, Oregon GEO. G. MWAGNBu, t 103 St Atn Atrrftt l nrimntwt in ftoimn picture neatly and at lowest living rote. Cml nround mid nxm-nlnn lili vnrk. Tin also has a line assortment to select from ol Wall Paper and Picture Moulding. J. H. HAAS, THE WATOIBIAJOJR 2I5K Commerclil St., - Silem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Bpeclalty of Spcctncles, ana repairing Clocks. Wntchoannd Jewelry. MORGAN & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Good teams and stronghold. prompt work Is our $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of icooda at our store! Wa carry a full lino or groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gars, tobacco ana confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. ffifl Commercial St., Hulera . FOUND! One htiDdrcd very choice lots, which will be sold at J100 per lot, and on Can y terms by J. J. ROBERTS, 05 State St. E. C. CROSS, Butcher and Packer, Stnto Bt. anel Court Bt. The best mcata delivered to all parts of the city. RINTING. INK OF TIIK LAnaKaTESTABUBH- Umcnts n the Htntu, Jjowor rates than I'ortltuid. largost stock Legal Dlanks In tho Htntc, a -Hi biggest discount. Send for price nsi or joo printing, ana catalogue Icgnl blanks. E. M. WAITE. Hteam Vrfntw Balem Ortcou. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON'. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay. Tho best hotel between Portland andBan Fnmeisco. Klrst-cluss In all Its ncnolnt- nients. Its tables nro nerved with tho Choicest Fruits ' Grown In tho Vlllatnotlo Valloy. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. ti D.C.SHBRMAN, U, B. Vonslon and Claim agent. V.O 1)0x031. Halom, Oregon, Deputy County Clorl' Vrlto for blanks, w INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State. " Assc8sodncarlyone-thlrdloi"amilllon GEO. M. IJEELKB, City Agent, And special agent for Marion, county. ON tl cm) wild the Company. k REAL ESTATE BROKERS AMI Xt'OTAlUKSli'tinUO. Collections Slado and Ioans Negotiated. SOOCOMMBiROIAL STUH5BT SALBM OREGON. 120-d-&w-tf Clydesdale Stallion. llur None, the cyclone ot Nebraska, Is ft dark biiy.Oynurs old, whlto hind foot, and y.oyiuirs oiu, wnuo ninu jooi.nna orolieud, Ured by Tho. Hmltli, ol star in jorunuuci, jircu vy 11 sired by Walt-KorJoe. II IVUI luht No. lOiW.) Old Joo was sired by Ileal Kxcunnge. he by by the famous 1'riiieo of Valei. Dutu was Totwy, tho fatuous brood rnaro, a granddaughter no con. no. lim.l Reason 110 InsurancetlS. Will stand tho season at Conuoll farm Jnt west of Nortbt Balem brick yard, near fair ground. Owned by It. Ityan. 4-13-tt dw M.J.PATTON.M.D. Eldridgo Block, Salem, Oregon. Diseases of women and children; clironlo nud private diseases A SPECIALTY. In oIlco day and night. Consultation free. The New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&IIILGERS, Successors to John Holm, cor. Cummer v 111 aim uneiiieaeui streets, tiaiem. iionto suoeiug a specialty. 4 10 tr EX K. HALL, Paper Hanger. Iftveonlsrat Globe Ileal Estate Kicliangw BROOKS & LEGG" DRVGGISTS 100 HlatoHtreot, rutUm'S lll-clt, ft.lem, Or. PRKIJORIPTION8. Hpoclat intention Blvea to careful com pounding. w.e, McAfee, PKKSOrIPTION Ot,lCKIC l COLUMBIAS," Light Roadster Safely, Ladies' & ltxifrt,Taactmi!ttatoy,VoliiuUr,8iL Uott&ter, IJght Hcrndsty', KaUewU. CMaOCKWOOO.Ast, J&.J&Mwa it, d3&at j afflaMVt.,