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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1891)
m m i Highest ofall in Leaving Power. -U. B2 a ABSOMTElSf PURE CAPITAL JHOKNAIj KUJf. WAS I)OINd HIS IJKSf. "Somoofmy flret wlfo'B children are quite anxious I Miould die," ald a Salem man, "nnd I,fttn doing my best to accommodate them-" 'How bo?" asked a friend, "Well, to begin wltli, I'm an old, crippled soldier." "What else?" "I am a hard drinker." "Hivoyou taken any other pre cautions?" "Yes; I am under tr-utmant by three physicians." His children should not feulun grate'ul for such efforts. WHY PAPERS LIE, "I've stopped that paper," said a Salem granger. "It Is all lies." "Just whero you are ofT," said a sharp lawyer. "How so; you don't mean a paper should be liked for Its lies?" "Yea, I do. People like to see a lie In a paper. The smart ones smile, and the Ignorant ones swallow, do they-are all suited." A HOY'S ECONOMY. A Salem lady who was behind In her calls and fairly dreaded to m-ike som3 of them, read In tho paper of one lady on her list -who had died. "There's one call you wont never have to make, mamma!" Was the laconic exclamation of her four-year-old. Salem real estato men should here after make their advertisements of this country read: "A lino Italian climate, but no Italians." ii-nv icu bizi:d up jouiiNALisjr. A Salem newspaper colporteur ran agilnsta blunt, stubborn matter-of- fact working mun. "Take this paper; it is on the side of tho people." "Yes, and I cati tell you why," said tho man of labor. "I would really Hko to know." "Tho big papers ure on the side of capital and against tho people be cauw they want to be whero the 'pllo' Is. Tho llttlo ones are on tho sldj of tho people becauso they aro too hislgnllloawt for capital to buy." Tho Journalist had business else where. A HOCIBTY NOTK. Answer to Mrs. B., of Piety Hill: "Tuoro might bo nothing Improp er in serving pio-plaut snuco nt your coming party. Good homo cured drlod apples, howover, would bo moro stylish and nicer, especially with a llttlo lemon extract put on them." A IIUSSIAN JOKI2, Tho other day, says tho Now York Itecordor, as a Joko-lovlng youug woman wis being escorted through tho Barge olllce by Colonol Weber slio itialstOvl on conversing with uveryono of the emigrants, of what ever nationality. This was some whutof a taxou tho gallant Colonel's llngutatlo pjwers. At last they oamo to a great, hulking girl to whom tho lady wished to talk. "Hut this In a Russian girl," mild Colonel Wobor, "I can't talk to her,' "Oh, I know one Itusslan word!" said tho young woman. "Just Hay Dimhonkft' to hor." So tho obliging coluiiel leaned over and said "Dushouka!" Tho girl llusuod suarlet, put one Hiigor in her mouth and laughed a foolish, sheepish laugh . "What doos that word moan?" asked tliocolonol suspiciously. "It imans darling,"' coolly re plied Ills companion. ZEXA ITKMS. Mr. Jasper Skull'o spent lost Sun day at Falrllcld. Mr. and Mm. D. G, ncury nro very low with la grippe. Bhorlir W, L. Wells was down In this part of the county hunting up Jurymen for tho May term of circuit court. A. J. Purvluo started for Portland last Monday whoru ho was called to attoud tho U. S. circuit court as a Juror, A Bcamp killed a Mongolian) pheas ant horo last Saturduy. Ho ought to lw put through for It, as thu bird aro laying, and by killing them now will destroy tho eggs as well, Bom 0110 will pay for tholr fun noma of thes days, Trouble never cornea Muglo It l Mid, Tho Cavltt family nro nllottM I with slclt UPS ut present, WhllaJ. K. P. Cavltt was under medical Ul4 to MfHlw 9f Jipwes aB5Baking! S. Gov't Report, Az" v. 1883 Baking treatment at 8alcm, Miss Salllo was stricken down with meailcs while teaching tho Jtlckrcall school. Tho Itsv. Frederic Post hnd a very narrow escape from death the other day. He was in his brother's saw mill, below Wheatland, when a piece of board struck him on tin head and rendered him unconscious for two hours. Had It struck him half an inch lower it would have tilled him. Wo aro sorry to hear that our county court have seen fit to in volve our county In a costly law suit. We honestly owo tho debt nnd wo ought to wy It llkomen. We don't go much on men's honesty who will tako advantage of a tech nicality. Our county judge said that he wishes to put the county out of debt. It is rather a poor way to involve us in a heavy law suit. Chnlncil to tho Itock. Promctheu was chained to tho rock wrhlld vultures gnawed his cntralln. Bo are many people ciiu inert to tho roclc of prcju aico while nil mannei of violent metllcfno Itilllct InJtiryH upon tho sensitive llnlut; of mo Hiomucii nnu iniiHiincii. uiey are ap parently linmovablo In I ho holler that to experience benent they thy must keep Uosinic vriuiuniHuu iiicuiciiiep. uhichhuiu action of thesnls powerful nnd excessive, they are not satisfied. They would din trust n rem dy of gentle notion, however pircctlvo. It is not by such purblind extre mists as these that t he ucksa vledged t.iei Its of Hoiitettcr'8 Blonincti Hitter ure rec ognized. That henlgu regulator of the stomach, the bowels and the kidneys ap peals to the rational not only nppeals.hul Is awarded n Just valuation Constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia and kidney troubles yield to IU action. 80 also do ma. lurla and rheumatism. SAXEM 3IAUKKT IUSPOIIT. A Kynopsls of the Markets liming and (tailing I'rlcoa. ItRTAIL PHICKS. ItEVlSEI) QUOTATIONS. Hhoulderx.Bugar cured, per 1U,12 Ilrcakfast bacon VlL to 15 Hams Hugur cured, per lb, l(c. ucei ( 10 Pork 10 & 1V Mutton 10 mn Veal 1012c. ifilKc. Timothy Rocd1'or pound, 80: selling iit-a clover hceu t-cr pound, no. WhltocloverBCcd Per pound, UOc. " Alslkc 18c por pound. lU-d top lOopcr pound. Lincoln QrasH 12jo per pound, Kyo Orass lOo per pound. Orchard Urnss..l7o por pound. Deans Bo por lb. Oat muni nt i(e. Canned Frulu.I'enclics, 8,1 00; apricot, J.I IX); blackberries, $.1; corn, host grades ft 00; tomatoes 81 GO; string beans 81 CO; grcou peasSl 85; perdoz. In two lb cans. Uieon KrulU. Oiiolco app'cs 75(3 l.'JOo per box; pears 75o per box; potatoes 50c; carrots 60c; parsnips 73c: onions do por lb. t-lsli.JjalinonrkdlOoporlb; Hturgcou 6 7o per lb- small Huh 810a por lb; suit salmon, 710o per Ih, HUYINU I'lttOEH. Wlicot Ti'Aa not. Flour Per barrel, 15.00, best lDfl lbs. Oaht Per bushel, 60 04 i'2c. Hurloy Por bushol, Wc. Jlran Por ton. Sill fiO nt mill, sacked. Hhorts Por ton.nao&O " sackod. Chun Por ton, VUXB " sacked. Hops Quoted nt i!l to20o per lb. Kggs 16c por dozen. Potatoes Per bushel, 35o Corn ineul So per pound. Ohocso 12Ho per pound. Drlod plums Por lb. k$7o.; Drlod limned Por lh. IlKiJlio. Imported prunes 7Xo,per lb. nutter 'j&ASOo per jKiund.lor good Ijird--10VrJo por lb. Hams Per pound, llgtl'io. llacou sides W(10pcr lb. Hhouldors J(uo per lb. Chickens.. D to 12a per po.iud. Turkeys 10 to lSJionur lb, Oceso l&H por lb. Duoks, I'JXifoUo por lb Hprlng UhlokoiiH-18 to JOo por lb. MARKETS BY TBbEdRAI'H. l'OHTIiANl). Whcat-Vnlley,14 toil JHWalla Wulln Jl. 10 to II. 12 percental. l'lour standard, S 1.(13 Walla Walla JI.SO . Outside cradea, M SO, Oats Whlto 00a to 01c, "gray CO 0 to 68 per bushol. Mlllsturm-llran f 18O10; shorts, tlO to SO ground barley, t)0 to HI; cnopfeed, rJi inlddllugs, f2. per ton, liny S10O17 per tou. lluttor Oregon fancy unity, 82)0; fanoy crcamoryii7(; good to fair, 2.27J;Call forma choice !Ho25c. l'gs Oregon 18a ICustorn Sftj por do Iultry-Old chickens, JO 7 00. lotntoes Uant 75o per cental. Uheoso Oregon, 11 to ISo; California Ulol&o. Sugars Golden O, 6Jo; oxtm O, CJfcdry granulated, ir; cube, crushed und Pow dered, oio por lMiund, lleuus Small white, UJCoQI; pink 8; buyos. t 60; butter, t CO; limns, SI 60 per cental. Di led KrulUTho market Is linn. Que ted; Italian primes, 10 to llo; Potlto and Ourmau, loo ier )xuud; rnlslna, $2 -n per box; plummer dried pours, 10 to lie; sun drlotl and faetory plums, 11 to 12o; ovapo rutcn peaches, IBtoKVj Hmyrua tigs, 'JOo; Uallairulu tlg,Oo per pound, Wee 0)p per jiouiul. Hides Dry bides, h) to Do; H less for culls; green over 65 poundi, 4e; under 66 pounds, 80; sheep pells, 8rM3$l.SJ. 8MOK1CD MKATS AND I. A III). Knatru hami, 11 to 12ic; breakfast la con, 10 to 12c; sides, 0 to 10c; lurd, 8 to lOJfo er iKutid. HAN KO.VNCI.SCO. HAK KitANOUiu, Apl.16. WliftiU. tho week oiKuied on a inileter market. No, 1 white, flJSO to f I Mtf; per cental. llorut SftiWOo pr iHMiiut. Ilnrley feed It &VJ1 37ft pr cental II tTicUolco tl !K; comiuougradotl 83. Oat-(lrtiyJl W lul 77X;bluckiil Wlol lor rental- OnlonsJl to U(. l,ulatow76o to (), MlhUhia-NUOlM MAIIKKTS. Cllltuuo, Apt. 10- l)er Live, 8.7694.10. Muttou Uve, fl.6O0H.Xk. Hots Uve, U6 fWO Veal T to tOu per pouud. 40 Years the StandartL rowaer Hurrah for n I'lncky Woman. Mrs. Mary Lease, of Kansas, the lady who has made a national repu tation for herself in tho sunport of the farmers' nlliauce, addressed an andleiiee of good size nt Music hall yesterday nfteruoin. Hero Is a rep resentative bunch of some 'of her sayings: "I defy any republican or demo crat to givo a reason why he is a democrat or republican except that his daddy was one." "Tho men who hovered near the Canadian liue and never smelled war in all their cowardly lives are the men who have kept the North and South apart." "Which is worse, the b'ack s!acry of the past, or the white slavery of the present?" "The West and tho South are two peas In one pod." "Republicans always say that democrats are corrupt nnd should bavc no place on the face of the earth. Democrats say the same thing of the repupllcans. We will satisfy both of them by taking charge ourselves." "The difference between the two dominant parties Is that one is in and the other wants to get In." "Wo asked for tho enrth In Kan sas, and we nearly got it." "Tho alliauce plow is strong enough to turn a furrow and bide both the old parties from the light of day." Kansas City Times. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all tho troubles Incl d-nt to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side. &o While their most remarkable success lias been shown In curing Hc&daciie, yet Cartek'b Liver Pills nro equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing tills annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of tho stomach, stimulate the liver and regulato the bowels. Even If they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who onco try them will find Iheso little pills valuoblo In so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. Hut after nil sick head ACrlc Is thn bane of so manr lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills euro It while otners ao not. f Unren-H I.ivrn Pills are verv small and very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doso. They are i-trletly vegetable and do not grlpo or purge, but by their gentle action pleaso all who uso them. In vials at 25 cents; flvo for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by malL CABTZI ItEHCMB CO., He Tcri. MH Ufa. Small Slice. M. T. RINEMAN DKAI.F.U ;iN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Qlnsswaro, Limps, Wooden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. Also votfetahlesand fruits in their season. "Highest I'rlco paid for country produce." Wo solicit asharo of your patrouago, IM) ha BUito street THE COTf AGE. MltS. J. 8. MJIUCHOLDEH, Proprloton, S4 QOURT STIEECT. Hoard by tho day or week, with or with out rooms. A good homollko boarding house. Terms reasonable. J-1'J Bon Ton Restaurant, B. W. LEWIS. lTrooW Meats, Oyaters, Kto, Always on Hand, Ol'JJN AT ALL HOUH3. Ulb Commorolal Stroot, S-A.LUCM, - - - - - - Oregon $500 Reward! WK will pay theubove reward for any cusoof liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, Indigestion, constlpuuon or cos tUeuess wo cannot euro wit w west's Veg oltabloLlqor l'llls, when tho directions are strlotlo compiled with. They are purely vegetnbl, and uevorfull to give satisfac tion. Hugarooated, Largo boxes, contain ing SO pills, 23 cents, Iteware of counter felts and mltntlons. The genuine inanu ruoUrod ohly by THIS JOHN U. WEST Co. Chicago 111. Bold by (leo. K. Good, Druggist, SCO Com street, Halem Or, Coming iii all ifs Superlative Splendor ! The Grandest! The Greateitt The Uestl McIVIAI-ION'S mr TTXTirnnn ni I JJ. Hippodrome, Museum, Wild Animal Exposition Grand Free Internatiouul Horse Fair WILL EXHIBIT AT Salem, Monday, April 27. KLlarged to four tliuw Ha fanner site, 100 limes moro grand! A cltyofteuUt A world ol wouduntl AnAmttlogGtltky of CnJ Champion Arvnlc Stwi. V 1IIII)A 't't' mammoth, tuas JUl UliJUlU ihejnwModoiMfHURra. tt uuliuul known til IiKtory, a jmndoroiu moving mouutaln; weigh itv) J bt. moro thu auy Kleplinul uver eeu. JO-JO. Kurojw's OreulMt l'nr.slt Ami all the Wondsr, An ill-fmtur hiw. Moro ausvlntviy liewMol ttuuolil aB,t nr, In uy oitim vxlilbittoii lu .ll)llOM. Nature's Marvels ami Apt Artistic Suptti ) InriuleA Genetal Jublto Occasion For All, TWJ UIIAM) HXUllUTIONS DAILY, tvmin otn at l and T p. in. Vvt f-iriw tMtt nun hour anorMtrs. For MtticuUis, ui bulloilu boards, llth- (oriti oa id luo vartoun advertuiug mc- CARTER'S I Sver "Si J PIUS. (Ill Ml J&ttfejtH TTOHES AND 3KOE. Tho reason why a woajon Is afraid of a rnouso Is a profound tnytry Indeed, ii. hss nerer been very clearly proren thai eho Is. Out como women pro constantly In Eucti a nervous, lrritible condition that the ftigbtost thing annoji and slartlta tbem. Tbe vautt of thj unfortunate ftato of affairs U usually somo functional derange ment; (oma diftrcsting or painful Irregu larity, some derangement or peculiar weak ness Incident ti her scz ; or, it mar be dus to inflammation, uloemtloivjpr dtsplao tnent, of tome of the pc-lrio viscera, or to nther orgnnlo ledou peculiar to her tcx. Vrom whichever onus it ynav nrlw.. Tir. ncrcoa taronw rra Ttmcdy, eo certAin in Diet Ita manHfac.urt 5n:f;Uli, undjr a ffi '.itlstacUon lu every for It will be promrf toothing and itrengt'' rorllo I'reBjrintlon r, - ., j- . .. . '.7T" jptlon i & positfrt curatlvo rtsulto i sell it, throuph antto of Itt, frivinft so, or money paid refunded. Aa a lintr nervino, ' F&. Sidtnbi tty, irritability, exhaustion, proi- autxiue ncrvoua uiiiiuii. ajBLcriK, Fp;irr5 nnu oincr ncrr ou Eymptomi ntt.tit".-.nt upon duwaso of the womb. It lndu m rerVcjblnir sleep iod relieves anxiety nnd despondency. Copjrljht, JS, by 'WoaiD's DiS. JIed. ASTX. OH. PIERCE'S PELLETS S'S laxative, or Cnth:irtl n, according- U, 4 . of doss. Uy Drusistb, C3 cents n vial. I'UOKkSdIONAIj CAIinS. TILMON FOItn. attorney at law, Saloin, Oregon. Olllce upitnlrij In ration's block. EltATT Jt HUNT, attorneys at luw, Haloui, Oregon. Ofllco oer NaMon.-il ink, Commercial street. Money to loan J J. 8IIAW, Attoiney-at Utw, Halcui. , Oregon, tlillce first door to tlio It-rf at head of stalro In the rear of Ladd A Hush's bank. ST.IUCHARIWW, -ttnrncy nt law, of , flceupstniiH in trout rooms ol new Hush block, ooru-r Commercial unci Court streets, Salcin, Oregon, TOHN OSilKA, Attorney nt law. Room t) over Oipttnl Nrttlotml t'ullec tlonsahpjol ill. CorrespondeuCdboliclUd rvJAJWY IUNGI1AM, Attornoys und JL counselors nt law, bi'lem, Oregon. ilavlngnniibHlnictoltliercroidsofMaiioi, county, including a lot and block Index 01 "alein, they have special facilities lor ex amining lilies to n-ul eslute. Jluslness in tho supieine court nnd In tliusluto depart ments will lecolvu pionipt attention. IJ. F. HON HAM. H. N. HAYDF. W. 11. IIOLMhS. BONHAJI, IIOLMFH & IlAI PEN, Attor nuysutluw. Olllec in Hush's block, bciwppnStntound Court, onWnn'lSt. Dll. T. O. HMITII, Dcntlst.B-i Otate street, nlom, Or. Mulshed dentul opera tions of every description, I'ululess ouera iloiiH a special ty. T US. M K. McCOY, Physician nnd Hur 1X litou Oitlco und roonirf lu loJglus House, Frout and renter stieets, near tin fool of Marlon iiud Folk Co, bridge. Chron ic dlKf-.ibtM n specialty, due or no pay. Consultation free. r fi. McNALLY, Architect, Now Hush J. Hi ej'inau block. Plans and specifica tions of nil classes of ofbulldlngn on short uotice. itperiniiutcnc()orworu promptly tf15 UUill'll uiicr. , WD. I'UUII, Architect. Plans, Spocl , llcatlous aud superlnUndence lor all clubi-cs of buildings, Ofilco 2U0 Com lueicial St., up stairs, J. McCAUKTLANU.Clvil Sanitary and ilvdrnuliu Kiurlnuer. II. s. ixnuir uuuerul surveyor. City surveyors olllce, Murphy's Hlock, riulom, Ortgon, AW. HKST.-AUIst. htudln. Hush. . Hroy block. Classes Thursday nnd ciuuruuyH.; ItUSINIWS OAUDS.I All. HMITII A CO., Contractors, Sewer , lnir, Cemeut Bldewulks, Kxcavutlug, fc.10: All wort promptly done, Salem, Or. Leiivo orders with DmruujHroK, t:15-lm f OHN OltAY. Contnictor nnd builder. O Flnolusldo nulshing a specialty. 4S5 Commercial meet, hulem Oregon. IOHN ICNKIHT, Hlacksmlth. liors tt shoclugnndrei-nlrliigaspeclalty. shop Ht tho foot or Liberty street, Balciii, Oregon, 2.V0tf RICK A UOS, lllacksnilthf,, all kinds ol repairing nnd cnrrlngo wiinc. , e have lu our employ Win Carrot, direct from Kentucky, more familiarly known ns lied," n proiesslounl horseshoer. tllve us a trial. 4.11 JOdEPlI FUSKK barbarandlmirdrcss cr. ilalr cut! lug Scouts, shavlm; U cents, uatli looms lu connection. Ik'stoi work, matato street. O J, LAH8UN A CO,, Mauufacture:ofall kinds of vehicles. Hcpnlrlng nspeclal ty. Shop 43 Htato street, GEO. C. WILL, of Will Hrod., Albany aud Oorvallln Pianos, Owans and Sewing Midlines. SEWiNo'iiAcitiNKa nnd okoans RBPAIRBDAND OtBANKD At Your Homes Agents fot Northwest Insurance Co. Two doors north of Porn Olllce, Ntlem.Or. Nec dlesand now pans for ail Sewing Niirhlne? !fc6-lf dw Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batcholor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hour ol the Dai None but white labor m.myd In tbU eitabllilimpiit. A good sutuilaiitliU moal 0 hod lu first ohibn slyla TTiUy-nv ceuta jr meal .K K D V K O M T Court itrret, blweeii Journal Office am Mlnto'n Im cry. MRS. M. J. PATTON, ARTIST- Ktu-tioand Artexllery, In UUrtds Illo J Salem. lwtu kvu. IMciunm tnt s.U oriwiuted to ordor. It). ..t. .!.. ,.p ti 1 i.. I l.VWMIVlllll W IllliUllH-l'SIllll. VTOfli'H 1 lie.-, by given tUtit the ro i rurl blp nrtohr tucUUng b iluy hffit iv4 Wy wwviwl o-nrtit, ! 1 J. O. KlxpHH inUrtm; from tbel)rui All druMduo ltt IhIm tfrm ur nayHMe to gioltjt, tjrtyyj and AMttfc.ii, a',U uld I. ftllXW. Uim fmm th A. hXaXt tbv Mrrytitv out o( tiui ttminuHa for wv.rk audbuldlMsabytbelnietlrm. Apr.KlWl- T.J.hMITH. ! First National Banlc i i ii i ii t i in w W v mil iuji BAliEM ORKdON. W'M. . I.AIIL'K. Idt. J. KK1 Ntil.Il", OHiN JIOIU. - - 1 rrei'-'-i ui i ritliloui - - - rr-phlei GENERAL BANKING. ! Kxctmnge on rortlunrl, y-iu KmpcIsco. Kcv or', Ixindon ucd Houp Kouf hourhl nnd fold. Mate, und Cll I war- .tils bought. Kurniers art- cordlalij ' li!t-d lo deposit end trnnret lmglui ivltli ug. Liberal advuncc mue (in client, wool, hop nnd othei property Pi pnsouubie rnteo. iQnuruntti on such so i urity (an be obtained nt tbp be nit lr i nirx' reliable compaclwi. Capital National Bank I CAI CM nRFROW unui-iii viivivii Capilal Paid np, - - ?75,09l) - - 15,1100 iarpms, ft. B. WAI.fARK, - - President. W. V. MARTIN. - Vice-President. J. IJ. AIjUKHT. - - - - Oniiilt-r. DIRLCTORS. W. T. Gray, V. V. Tdnrtiu .1. M. Martin, it. tt. Wiillace. Pl.W.A.Cusl'lt, J. U. Albert. T. McF. 1'htlon. . ! LOANS MADE I ro mrracrs on wucni ana oiner nutrKi-i. ai.ic pru'iucc, c-jiikij;uiu or u ttuiir either in prlvateiti-annrlesor public ereJiouses. Stale aud County Warranii Boudit at l'.ir COMMERCIAL PAPER 'Uncounted at ri-ntoiinlilc rale. 1' lruvu dlrwt on Ser. Ymh, Cbtaigo, Han l'ranclsco. i'ortland, Liu. don, I'arls. Kcrlin Hum! ICoDjund Caloutln. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. I'APITAUSTOCK, all Soliscrihed, $200,000 (TrnuMii't n general banking biibln-s in all IU branches. (1IX). WILLIAMS. W'M. EN(!LANO HUGH Mt'NAKY- 1'realdeii Vice I'residc-nt Cashier DIItKCTORS: Geo. Wllllam,Wm. Kng lind, Dr. J. A. Itlchnrdson, J. V, Hobion. J. A. uaker. Hank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8.-1M1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers. IKON BIIILDINO, SALEM, ... - OREGON. Transact a general banking business In all departments. 3.2 Sin HELLENBRAND'S Rating Parlors 4 Candy Slanufactorj, 2BB Commeiolal Street. B1.L OF KAUE: Ice Cream 10u., 15c. and 25 cents Ootlee, Tea or Chocolateaud Cake..l0 cent Alush and Milk 10 cents r'late or soup 10 cents ilot Cake, Collce or Tea 15 cent- 'leefsteuk and Ekks ffi cc nts t'ork Chop nnd Kirss 25 cents Mutton Chop and Eggs 25 cents Veulbon and Erks 25 cents Saubaye und E;gs 25 cuuts liamand Kegs 25 cents freeh Oysler.i nny stj le 25 cents 25 Cent Regular DlnnerServed From 11 to3 0'Clock , A nice vnilcty of vegetables, etc., eta Vlso tea, colleo or milk with all 25 cent meals without extra charge. Choice Cliflu s, Impottcd an Domestic, ilways on uaud. I'orter Hou'ie Steak nnd Eggs 50 cents To'ider Loin Steak and Eggs. 50 cent Kigr.PTOEW? PureI catarrh Bkeratiam, Nenraigfa, Corns . HEADAOHE, And ALL PAIN. Tai OtllfiriU PeiltWe and HrgtlT JIIiECTRIO COUGH CURE wait cfiLDt, citovr, consuhftiqh. IU lj U Bnccif U, Eui loo, 60 4 tl arvlagTq.. Pm . La Anstlt OiA, Health is Wealth I Dlt. E. C. WESTS Nerve and Uraiu Treatment, n guaranteed mecIflo for Uyb tena, Ultztness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakclullncsft, Mental Depression, Holten Ing of the brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, pre mature oldnge, barrenness, loss of power caused by over-exert Ion of tho brain. Each box contains one Month's treatment, gl.oo 1 box or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mall prepaid oh receipt of price, WE G ITA RANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any caso. With each order le celved by us for six boxes, accompanied with J5.W, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the mnney it the treatment does not street a cure. Guar antees Issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug gist, fc-ole agent, 300 Com. St., balem, Or. fts? te"8 Ge 0 ft A " moan's Ivy -rr. hub u vi Lfi UAS HEALTH. L Itlcrinu's Oolden Balsam Xo. 1 Cures Chncr, flnl and second $uevr Sore en th Lest and Body; Bore Ears Eye. Note, etc, Copper-colored Biotchei. bn)hllltlol"Unh.ulcad Scalp, and all primary (orma o( primary (orma o( the dlaeaaa known ai BjpnilM. -rre, uo pr Uoltlit. lUilin. l-rlre. I lllclmn' Oolden Ilalaaui Xo.a Cure TerUary. Mercutlalife-plillltlo Ilhu inatiam. l-aina la ta Uonea, film la th UmJ. back of tha Neck, tlctrattd Sort Thro SyphlUtlo Raah, Lumpa and con. traded CorJa, BlUTne&a of the Umba. anj tradlcatrt alt dUeua from the iv.tem. whether cauMd by uvlUvrrctlon or abnu ol Utrcury, learta? tha blood pur and bMllby. VrlM Is 00 p,r ifottl" Lo Hlchau'a Oolden Nimnltb. Antl. dot a tor tha cure at Gonorrhoa, Gleet, Irritation Orarel, and all Urlnaryor Gent tal diuu-rangeiDtoU. Vrleej f 4 09 pt l ItlchBaU Goldeu NinUH In. trctloit, loraerer caaeaot Gooorthni. lulUaiuiaiory Gleet, 8trlturea,4a. Price SI 50 per llottl.. -" lor tho cOectlro bealingot SrphlHtio Son 1 andarunUoM. VrU.VlWp Box. and Brain treatoMat; loaa of phyalcal po er. eawaa or oreMrork. IToatratlon, eta Irte MOO pr Ilox, Tulo and Ncrvltt, Bent rber, C. a li, aocnrtlr nacaed Uftf THE RICHARDS 0RU8 C0.,Aflsnt4 MM it 411 MAKK.CT Mr , hut JPraws, oU iVt-jjj I URAUA filfiJ ffitMVk VVT'vllflB' EAST AND SOUTH -VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line .'AUII MNIA KX1-KK8S TllAIN nu lAIf. r.WWKEN FOnrUArD AKD 8. T. tfoutli. i Nrtriii." 'Ke p. m. Lv. 1. 1 Lv. 1. 1 Lr. n. I AT. I'ortlnnd Halcm Kan Krnn. Ar. I l)::ii a. 111. Lv. I 7:2Ub. m Lv. I MH p. 111 v:io p. in. 10:15 n.m. n- Above trnlus stop only nl following sth tloru north of Hiweburg, Enst Portland Ufgon City, Woodburn, tnlem, Albauy Tangent. theddrt, Ilaley, Harrliburg J unction City, Irving ar. d Lingerie. " lutinaiio mai ;. pah.y, M lu liTT Lv. -frtlandAr. l.n). in. lt:52 11. in 1 Lv Salcni Lv. 1: p. m. 5-40 i. 111. ' Ar. iuseburg Lv. oaH a. m -. Ilmny Local, Dally (Kxcept biinitay.) fiji p. ni. I Lv. I'ortland Ar.'l IW0 & m titi n. m. I Lv: salem Lv. I C.-f! L . m l0 p. m. I Ar. Albany Lv, 1 5:00 n. lu. PULLMAN BCITFT SLKEPFJIS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Kor accommodation ol seoiirt ' I lisscngors attached to espros ttnins. 'Vest Side Division, Between I'crllan'! and Ceryallis: VAII.X (KJCCEIT lil'MlAV). 7:30 a. in.Tl.v. 12:10 p.m. I Ar. "lyoHlann Corvallls A"r, . I fi:'l p. in -. 12.55 f. n? Lv At Albany nnd CorvallU connect will trains ofOregon 1'nclfla Railroad. SXI-UKI3TRAIX- (DAI1.Y KXCIUTHCVI-AV 4: Ulp. m. I Lv. Portland Ar.T"k23 0. in 7.25 p. in. I Ar.McMlnnvlllHlA. m Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH Kor tickets f.ud lull information regard ing rales map?, etc.. apply to the. Co-Mpj nj-'s ngont Salem, Oregon. E.P. ItOOBllS. Vi-i.u U. K. and Pass. A?'l K. KOEHLER. Manager From Terminal or Inferior Points tlie VT TT IA1111 K( II1C WO! ). Is tho line to take To all Points East anil Sontli. It Ik the dining car route. It runs through vestibule trains evtry day lutheyturu ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cais.) CoinpesPd of dlnlngrars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers Ol latest O'lUlpinent TOURIST Sieepin Best that can be constructed aud lu whlcl aocoimuod.itkns arc both free and lur nlshcd for holders of first and tecind-claf-tickets, and ELEGAJ-IT DAY COAOniCsJ. A contlnr.oi ? Mue cor.'in:tlBs with si lines, aflbrdln tiirPlt .rtrt uulnlennptcr service. Pullman sle r ' r" lous can be se eured in advi 4 any agent 01 tho road. Tbiough tickets to and from all polnti In America, England and Km ope uiu h purchased at any ticket offico of this com pany. Full Information concerning rated, Unit of tralus,ronted and other details furulshtci on application to nny agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Atslsiant General Passenger Agent, Ko 121 First strcot, cor. Washington; Port land, Oregon THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development compnny'i steamship line. s!25 miles shorter, 20 houn l-ss time than by uuy othei loute. Klin class through passenger and freight lint ft-om Portland and all points in Ihe VI lamette vallev to and lrorn Ban Kraucisn TIME SCHEDULE. (Kxcept Hundays). LeavoAmany l.OJPA Leave Corvallls ihj p w Arrive Ynqulna ....... o:;jo p ,v Active Vaqulna ........ u:ii a K Leave Corvallls IDA'S A i' Arrive Albany 11:10 A K O. A O. trains connect at Albany anc Coivallls. The above trains connect at YAOUIN flth the Oregon Development CVs Lie ifKlwir.ihlilns Ix'twwm tAniilim mid ha Francinoo. SAIMSU BtftlS. STEAMKKS. VltOM YAQUXKil Farallon. Friday, June !f Williiiuelto Valley, Tuesday July Fnrallon, Sunday Willamette Valley, Thursday " 1 Furallon, Tuesday " 1 STEAMEKd, FltOM SAN rilANCIbtX Wlllametto Valley, Friday June !fi Karallon. Tuesdayn July 1 Willamette Valley, Sanday " 6 Farallon. Thurcday ." k Willamette Valley, Tuesday ." a This company reserves tho right tc change sailing dates without notice .,. ".Passengers lrorn Portland and al Willamette Valley points can make clox, connection with the trains of tin VAOUINA HOUTK at Albany or Corvallls and If destined to Hau unclsco, should arrange to arrive nt Yaquma tho evenlnr before date of sailing. Pufcnser and Freight Ratf Always tin Lowest, i-or lnformatlun apply to Slessrs HUL1IAN & Co., Freight and Tick Agent aw and 'Ml Front bL. Portland, Or. o ' CO. 11OU0K Ao't Oen'l Frt. & rasa. AgL, Oregon laclflo It. 1L Co., O H.HA8WEI.L,Jr.GenUFVrtl14'0r Pass. Agt. Oregon Dorelopment Co., M Montgomery t,; THE TYPE ODELL WRITER. fM will buy the Opkli, Typk WRitek with 7S characters, and JI5 for the Sinqlk CaskOdell, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combines simplicity with Dukabil jty, Bj-kkd, Eask ol Oi'KiiATioN. wears longer without cet of repairing than any other mathlne. Has no Ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substan ,1.a,iPlc.kel P'ated, perfect nnd adapted to ill kluds of lyjie writing. Llko a printing pieris, It produces sharp, clean, legible manukcrlpL Two or tell copies can be made at ono writing. Any Intelligent per ot. 4i become an operator In two days. W coffer JIOCO to uny operator who can equal the work of the Douulk Cask Reliable Agents nnd salesmen wanted .--.-.. .H.v.uvur w umicti, x-orpuuipuici ihlet giving Indorsements. Ac. ODblT5?PE WHITER ; ca, ' Kuurroa 85 and 87 6th Ave. nhlnn.A !' vmvMaU, Alia FOREST CROYB POETRY YARDS, Founded m 1877. 1000 young ;fowls for sale And tbe flnewt ever bre4 on tbe Paclfle Coauu njk your order early Am icholoe.7electlona. '2 nd Stamp for Catalogue. g Cars Address J. M. GARRISON, Work Has uommenced OjST n rpTDiP LLLb oil And with .tliis car line in operation NO AD DITION to the City can offer as great or as many inducements as This addition lies between the Garden Road and Asylum Avenue; within four blocks of the Elegant High School Building, and ten blocks from North Salem new school building. It has long been known to possess supe rior attractions by reason of it being the highest, heal thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to tho City. The Electric Avill within sixty days be running its cars every Twenty Minuts through the center of this beautiful Addition. Bringing it Avithin five minutes of the ing an investment None can offer better opportunities or bring you greater returns tban this favorite Addition. SALEM The Capital City is hound dustrial an Educational Centex-. No other Capital City in the United States offers as great an opportunity to the home seekeror or investor as the "Bouquet City" of the Willamette Valley. The first city in the Northwest in educational matters and second in manufacturing industries. Situated in the heart of the power and material at her door waiting for the magicians wand to turn her into Who of us today can predict bring forth. To those of you and ENGLEWOOD, the have yet the opportunity of For the present we will sell our present prices when an cent will be made, NOW Postoffice Block. H. V. MATTHEWS. Pres. T. H, BARNES, Sec the 1 S stir- i fir Railway Postpfllce. If you are seek to come to the front as nn In Willamette Valley with untdi a city of the thousands- what the next decade rifl who are looking for a howd place to secure it, while J purchasing from first hand a limited number of lots advance of ten to twenty p ss the lime f II IWH1 JiilJJ uuluiilliM 1 amiiUt WI-3Q0J-P IQtU-dw yaretqrove,Orpjjif j 4j