Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 20, 1891, Image 4

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am a m-cn carn-T u! U'rri - - 55 A TjIEIvr. OB-EG-OIST.
r J O B f J ' Pi 1 P4 I bK.
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Pine Printing a Specialty.
Latest Stock of LEGAL BLANKS in the State, and the BJG6EST DISCOUNT. No one can cut my rates for Printing, and keep clear of the Sheriff.
"The Crrital Cumiot Kqnn! It" Job
xxvlU, 7, the Eminent Wlvlne'a Text.
' Xlellclon I I'nr Superior to tliO Cri
tal Id All lelrble Qunlltlea.
New York, April 10. The eagerness to
hear Dr. TnlmnKo's sermons at The Chris
tian Hcrnlfl services on Snndny cvonliiRs
In this city continues onabatcd. As usual,
tbero writs this evening n dense mass of
people waiting outxido .the Acudomy of
Music long before tho hour for commence
ment, and every scat In tho huge building
was occupied la a few minutes after tho
doors were opened. Dr. Tulmaga had
preached to an Immense audlcnco in the
morning in the Brooklyn Academy of
Music. His text was, "The crystal can
not equal It" (Job xxvlli, 7).
Muny of the precious stones of the Bible
have come to prompt recognition. But
for the present I Ufeo up tho lc&s valunble
crystal. Job, in my text, compares saving
wisdom with a specimen of topaz. An In
fidel chcmlit or mineralogist would pro
nounce tho latter worth more than the for
mer, but Job makes an intelligent com
parison, looks nt religion and then looks
atthecrystnl and pronounces the former
as of superior value to tho lattor, exclaim
ing, in tho words of my text, "The crystal
cannot equal It."
Now, it Is not iv part of my sermonlo de
sign to depreciate tho crystal, whether it
be found In Cornish mlno or Harts: moun
tain or Mammoth Cave or tinkling among
tho pendants of tho chandeliers of a palnce.
Tho crystal is tho star of the mountain; it
is tho queen of the cave; it is tho eardrop
of tho hills; It finds its heaven in tho dia
mond. Among oil tho pages of natural
history thero is nn page moro interesting
to mo thnn tho pngo crystallographlc. But
I want to show you that Job was right
when, taking religion in ono hand and tho
crystal in the other, ho declared that tho
former is of far more vnluo and ixsnuty
than tho latter, recommending it to all tho
pcoplo and to nil tho ages, declaring, "Tho
ciystal cannot equal it."
In tho first place, I remark that rollglon
is superior to the crystal in exactness.
That shapeless mass of crystal against
which you accidentally dashed your foot is
laid out with moro exactness than an
earthly city. Thoro aro six styles of crys
tallization, and nil of them divinely or
dained. Every crystal has mathematical
precision. God's geometry reaches through
it, and it Is a square, or it is a rectangle, or
itJs a rhomboid, or in some way it hath n
mathematical figure. Now, religion boats
that in Iho slmplo fact that spiritual accu
racy is more beautiful than matorial accu
racy. God's attributes nro exact. God's
law exact. God's decrees exact. God's
tnniuigemcnt of tho world exacU-novor
counting wrong, though ho counts tho
grass blades, and tho stirs, and tho sands,
and tho cycles. His providences never
dealing with us perpendicularly when
thoso providences ought to bo oblique, nor
lateral when they ought to bo vertical.
Everything in our llfo arranged without
nny possibility of mlstako. Each llfo a
six sided prism. Born at tho right tlmo;
dying at the right, tlmo. Thoro aro no "hap
pen so's" in our theology. If I thought tbls
was a slipshod universe I would go crazy.
God Is not an anarchist. Law, order, sym
metry, precision, a perfect square, a perfect
rectangle, a perfect lhombold, a perfect cir
cle. The edge of God's robo of government
novor frays out. There aro no loose screws
In the world's machinery. It did not just
happen that Napoleon was attacked with
indigestion at liorodnoBo that ho became
Incompetent for tho day. It did not just
happen that John Thomas, tho missionary,
on n lieathun island, waiting for an outllt
and orders for another missionary tour,
received that outllt and thoso ordors in a
box that floated ashore, whllo the ship and
tho crow that carried tho box were never
heard of. Tho barking of F. V. Hobert
son's dog, he tells us, led to a llnoof ovouts
which brought him fiom the army Into
tho Christian ministry, where ho sotVed
God with world renowned usefulness. It
did not merely happen so. I believe In n
particular providence. I beliove God's
geometry may bo hcon In all our llfo moro
beautifully than In crystallography, Job
was right. "Tho crystal cannot equal It."
TUG ih.vksi'Aui:kci' ok nKuaio.v.
Aguln I remark that religion Is superior
to tho crystal in tratispurenoy. Wo know
not when or by whom glass was flrit dis
covered. Deads of It li.tva been found in
tho tomb of Alexander Soverus. Vasi'H of
it are brought up from tho rums of Her
culaneuni. Thuro wero female adornments
mmlo out of It thivo thousand years ago
thoho adornments found now attached to
tliu mummies of Egypt. A great many
commentators believes that my text means
glaas. What would wo do without tho
cryhtalf Tho crystal In tho window to
keep out tho storm and let In t hn dy; tho
crystal over tho watch defeudlug its dull
est mivshlnery, yet allowing us to sen tho
libur: tho crystal of tho telescope, by which
the astronomer brings distuut world so
near ho can inwet them. Oh, tho trl
umplia of tho crystals in thu celebrated
window of ltoueu nud Salisbury!
But there is nothing so transparent In n
crystal as lit our holy rollglon. It is a
transparent religion. You put It to your
eyo ami you sou man his sin, his soul, his
destiny. Von look at God and you boo
something of tho graudour of his charuutor.
ItU a transparent religion. InlHlels tell
us It is opuquo. Do jou know why they
tell us it Is opaque? It is bucuuso they aro
blind, Tho uutural mau roeelveth not tho
things of God beoauso they nro spiritually
discerned. Thcro U no trouble with tho
crystal) the trouble is with the eyes which
try to look through It. Wo pray for wis
dom. Iml. that our woe might bo opened.
When tho eyo silvo mires our bltiulnua
, then wo turn that religion U transparent.
It U a trutiHiKirout Ulblo. All tho mount
I nine of tho Ulblo txime outr-Sluiil, thu
mountain of tho law; I'UkuIi. tho mount
ain of prespect: Olivet, tho mountain of
instruction; Calvury, the mountain of o
rlflco. All the rivers of thoHlblooomeout
I'HldekeLortherlverot paradisaical beauty;
'Jordan, or tho river of .holy chrUm;
Cherlth, or tho river of prophetio sdpply;
Nile, or tho river of palaces, ami tho puv
, rlvor of llfo from uuder the throne, clear
iw crystal. Wlille reading this Blblo after
our eye have been touched by tjrnutvu
Jlntl it all transparent, and thoturth rods.
now with cruolllxlQH agony and mow with
, Judgment terror, nud Christ hpjmnim Iii
toiuu of hU two uuudnxl and fl' y ix
t titles, as far n I oi couut Uj- thu
I 'bread, tho rock, tho capUtu, tho wiwiwii-
' dnr, thu couquuror, the tr, unit mi nud
beyond ny capacity of mlno to rvhwn
(them, -rriniiurvnt ruuRioui
1 1 1'kttVIDHNCK ia rXLLUCII).
1 1 Tha orovidenoo that eiued tliuk Iwforil
Veeamet nolluoltl. Now you find God i
M trjinjj to put you, down. Now you mi-
ierstand why you lost thut child, and why
you lost your property; it was to prepare
you for eternal treasures. And why sick
ness came, It being tho precursor of Im
mortal juvenescenco. And now you un
derstand why thov lied about you and
tried to drive you hither and thither. It
was to put you in tho glorious company of
such mon as Ignatius, who, whon ho went
out to bo destroyed by tho lions, said:
"I am tho wheat, and tho teeth of the
wild beasts must Drat grind mo before
I can become pure bread for Jesus
Christ;" or tho company of such men as
Polycarp, who, whon standing In tho midst
of the amphitheater woltlDg for the lions
to come out of their cave and destroy him,
and tho people In the galleries jeering and
shouting, "Tho lions for Polycarp," re
plied, "Let them come on," and then stoop
ing dowu toward tho cave where tho wild
beasts were roaring to get out, "Let them
come on." All, yes, it is persecution to put
you In glorious company; and whllo there
aro many things that you will have to
postpone to tho future world for explana
tion, I tell you that It is the whole tendency
of your religion to unravel and explain
and interpret and illumine and irradiate.
Job was right. It Is o glorious transpar
ency. "The crystal cannot equal It."
I remark again that religion surmises
the crystal in its beauty. That lump of
crystal Is put under the magnifying glass
of tho crystallographer, and he sees In It in
describable beauty snowdrift and splint
ers of hoar frost and corals and wreaths
and stars and crowns and castellatlons of
conspicuous beauty. Tho fact is that
crystal Is so beautiful that I can think of
but one thing In oil tho nnlverao that is so
beautiful, and that Is the religion of the
Bible. No wonder this Blblo represents
that religion as tho daybreak, as tho apple
blossoms, as tho glitter of a king's ban
quet. It Is tho joy of tho whole earth.
People talk too much about their cross
and not enough about their crown. Do
you know tho Blblo mentions a cross but
twenty-seven times, whllo It mentions a
crown eighty times? Ask that old man
what he thinks ol religion. Ho nns been a
cloho observer. He bos been culturing an
(esthetic taste. Ho has seen tho sunrises of
a half contnry. Ho has been an early riser.
Ho has been uu admirer of cameos and
corals and all kinds of beautiful things.
Ask him what bethinks of rollglon, and be
will tell you, "It is the most beautiful
thing I ever saw." "Tho crystal cannot
equal it."
Bcautliul in its symmetry, wnen it
presents God's character it does not pre
sent him as huving lovo like a groat pro
tuberanco on ono side of bis nature, but
makes that lovo in harmony with his
jiistlco a lovo that will accept all
those who come to him, and a justlco that
will by no moana clear tho guilty. Beauti
ful reltglon In the sentiment It Implautel
Beautiful religion in tho hope It kindles!
Beautiful rollglon in tho fact that it pro
poses to garland nnd enthrone and ompar
odlso an Immortal spirit. Solomon says
It Is a lily. Paul says It Is a crown. Tho
Apocalypse says it is a fountain kissed of
tho sun. Ezeklcl says It is u follaged cedar.
Christ nays it Is a bridegroom come to fetch
homo a bride. While Job in tho toxt takes
up a whole vaso of proclous stones the
topaz, and tho sapphire, ana tno enryso
prasuB and ho takes out of this beautiful
vase just one crystal, and holds It up until
it gleams in the warm light of the custom
sky, and ho exclaims, "Tho crystal cannot
equal it."
Oh, It Is not n stale rollglon, it Is not a
stupid religion, It is not a toothless hag,
as some seem to have represented It; It Is
not a Meg Merrlles with shriveled arm
come to scaro tho world. It is tho fairest
daughter of God, holruss of all his wealth.
Her cheek tho morning sky; her voice tho
muslo of the south wind; her step tho
dauco of tho oa. Como nnd woo her. Tho
Spirit and tho brldo say como, and whoso
over will, lot him como. Do you agreo with
Solomon and say It is a lily? Then pluck
It nnd wear It over your heart. Do you
agreo with Paul aud say It Is a crown?
Then let this hour Ira your coronation. Do
you agreo with tho Apocalypse and say
It Is a sprlnglug fountain? Then come
and slako tho thirst of your soul. Do you
believe with Exeklel and say It Is it foil
ugod cedar? Thou como under Its shallow.
Do you bellovo with Christ nud Bay It is a
bridegroom como to fetch homo a bride?
Then strike bauds with your Lord tho
King whllo I pronounce you everlastingly
one. Or If you think with Job that It is a
jewel, then put It ou your hand liko a ring,
on your nuck llko a bend, on your forehead
like n star, whllo looklug into tho mirror
of Owl's Word you ackuowlodgo "tho
crystal cannot equal It."
Again, rellglou Is superior to tho crystal
In Its transformations, Tho diamond is
only n crystallisation of coal. Carbonate
of llmo rises till It becomes calclto or ar
ngonlto. Ued oxide of copper crystallizes
Into cubes and octohedrous. Thoso crys
tals which adorn our persons and onr
homes and our museums have only boeo
resurrected from forms that were fur from
lustrous. Scientists tor ages have been ex
amining thcbo wonderful transformations.
But I hill you In tho gospel of tho Son of
God thc-rels a moro wouderful transforma
tion. Over souls by reason of slu black as
coal and hard as Iron God by his comfort
ing grace stoops aud says, "They shall be
mlno In the day when I make up my
"What," say you, "will God wear jewel
ry?" It ho wanted It lie could inake the
stars of hvavou his belt aud have tho even
ing cloud for tho sandals of his feet, but
lie does not want that adornment. He
will not have that jewelry. Wheu God
wants jewelry ho como down aud digs it
out of tho depths and darkness of sin.
Tlnvso souls uro nil crystulllxatlous of
mercy. lie puts Uiom on, and ho wears
thorn in the presence of tho whole universe,
lie wears thorn on the baud thut was
nailed, over tho haart that was pierced, on
tho tumplus that wero stung. "They Bhall
ncss into liglit. From coal to tho notftalre.
"The crystal cannot equal It."
But, my friends, tho chief transforming
power of the gospel will not be seen in this
world, nnd not until heaven breaks upon
the soul. When that light falls upon tho
soul then you will Bee the crystals. Oh,
what a magnificent sotting for th wo jewels
of eternity! I sometimes hear people rep
resenting heaven In n way that is far from
attractive to tue. It seems almost avulgar
heaven as they represent It, with great
blotches of color and bands of mu6lc mak
ing a deafening racket. John represents
heaven as exquisitely beautiful. Three
crystals. In ono place he says, "Her light
was llko a precious stone, clear as crystal."
In another placo ho says, "I saw o pure
river from under the throne, clear as crys
tal." In another place he says, "Before the
throne there was a sea of glass clear as
crystal." Three crystals! John says crys
tal atmosphere. That means health. Balm
of eternal June. What weather after the
world's east wind I No rack of storm
clouds. Ono breath of that air will cure
tho worst tubercle. Crystal light on all
tho leaves. Crystal light shimmering on
the topaz of the temples. Crystal light
tossing in the plumes of tho equestrians
of heaven on white horses. But "the crys
tal cannot equal it." John says crystal
river. That means joy. Deep nnd ever roll
ing. Not one drop of tho Thames or the
Hudson or tho Rhine to soil It Not one
tear of human sorrow to imhltter it. Crys
tal, tho ralu out of which It was made.
Crystal, the bed over which it shall roll
and ripple. Crystal, its inflnitH surface.
But "the crystal cannot equal It." John
says crystal sea. That means multitu
dlnously vast. Vast In rapture. Rapture
vast as tho sea, deep ao the sea, strong as
tho sea, ever changing as tho se.v. Billows
of light. Billows of beauty, blue with
skies that were never clouded and green
with depths that were nover fathomed.
Arctics nnd Antarctica and Mediterraneans
and Atlantlcs nnd Pacifies in crystalline
magnificence Three crystals crystal light
falling ou a crystal river; crystal river roll
ing into n crystal sea. Bnt "tho crystal
cannot equul It."
"Oh," says some one, putting his hand
over his oyes, "can It be that I who have
been In so much Bin aud trouble will ever
como to those crystals?" Yes, It may be
lt will bo. Heaven we must have, what
ever clso wo have or have not, and we como
hero to get it. "How much must I pay for
It?" you say. You will pay for It just as
much 'is the coul pays to become tho dia
mond. In other words, nothing. The same
Almighty power that makes the crystals
In tho mountains will changoyour heart
which is harder thnn stone, for the promise
is, "I will take away your stony heart and
I will givo you a heart of flesh."
"Oh," says some ono, "it Is just the doc
trine I want. God Is to do everything, and
I am to do nothing." My brother, it Ls not
tho doctriuo you want. Tho coal makes
no resistance It hears tho resurrection
voice In tho mountain, aud it comas to
crystallization, but your heart resists. The
trouble with you, my brother, is tho coal
wants to stay coal, I do not ask you to
throw open tho door and let Christ in. I
only ask that you stop bolting it and bar
ring it. Oh, my friends, w o will have to
get rid of our sing, I will have to get rid
of my sins, uud you will have to get rid of
your sins. What will we do with our sins
among tho three crystals? The crystal ot
mospherc would display our pollution.
Tho crystal river would be befouled with
our touch. The crystal sea would whelm
ns with Its glistening surge. Transforma
tion now or no transformation at all.
Givo sin full chance in your heart and
tho transformation will bo downward in
stead of upward. Instead of a crystal It
will be a cinder. In the days of Carthage
a Christian girl was condemned to die for
her faith, and a boat was bedaubed with
tar and pitch and filled with combustibles
and set on fire, aud tho Christian girl was
placed In tho boat, nnd the wind was off
shore and tho boat floated away with its
precious treasure. No ono can doubt that
boat landed at tho shore of Heaven.
Slu wants to put you in a fiery boat nnd
shove you off in an opposite direction off
from peace, oil from uoU, out from heaven,
overlastlngly oft"; and the port toward
which you would sail would bo u port of
darkness, and the guns that would greet
you would be tho guns of despair, and tho
(lags that would wavo at your arrival
would bo tho black flags of death. O, my
brother, you must either kill sin or slu will
kill you. It is no wild exaggeration when
I say that any man or woman that wants
to bo saved may bo saved. Tremendous
choice! A thousand iicople nro choosing
this moment between salvation nnd de
struction, between light and darkness, be
tweon heaven nnd hell, between charred
ruin and glorious crystallization.
I vra. . JjATH'K. -
jafikSN i
aiional Bank
Tic rpRson why a woman ls af mid of a
mouse ls a profound cystcry Indeed.
It has never been very clcariy pre 'ca that
ilioU. But Bom women ero c.t'iantly In
Eunh a nervous, lrr'table cocdi t o that tho
slightest thlny snnoji. aud s'j.rt.ts them.
The cause or thia unfortunate state of
atfalra ia usutlly some functional derange
ment; fomo dittrcsslctr or painful lrr-fru-Urlty,
soma dcrcnsreaient or peculiar weak
nets Incident to her sex ; or, it may bo due
to inflammation, ulceratloa-$pr displace
ment, of Eome of tho tielvo vlcceu, or to
other orpinlo lcsiotis pccilla.- to htr sex.
Vrotn whichever cnuai It ma7 arise, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pros, r'ptlon Is a positive
remedy, so certain lc curative results
that Its manufac.ur .sell it, through
flrurolats, under a ct inite of lt pivinff
snlidlnction ia every . e, or money paid
for it will Mo pronnf refunded. As a
toothlnc and stren;rfl uinor nervine, " Fa
vorite P-eiriptlon " suhduca nervous
oxritabi.ltr, irritability, oxhaustlon, pros
tration, hvsteria, spawns and other nerv
oui symptoms, attendant upon dl.ea.ia of
tho womb. It Induced refresh! x sleep
tod relievos anxiety end despondjacy.
Copyright, HS33, by World's DIS. Mid. ASS'ar.
I.axntivp, or Cathartic, according tu &.M oi
dos. lif Urusjisva, Si cent a vial.
rTLMON FOKD, attorney at law, Salem,
Oiegon. Office up-stalrs In Patton's
Pit ATT i HUNT, attorneys at law. Salem,
Orecon. Olllce over Capital National
Hank, Commercial btreet. Money to loan.
T J. aHAW, Attorney-at-Law, Salem,
1 . Oregon. Offlce flrst aoor to me icu
at bond of stairs In
Hush's bank.
the rear of Ladd A I
n T. UK HAIIDSON, Attorney at law, of
VO. flee up stairs In lront rooms ol new
Bush block, corner Commercial and Court
btrcets, Sul em, Oregon.
JOHN 0'-KKA, Attorney at law.
j over i.apuui xiuiionai uhuk.
tion!! u .-peciitlty. Correspondence solicited.
DAHOY A BIXQHAM, Attorneys and
couoFelorn nt law, S.ilem, Oregon,
iuvlng an abstract ol the recordsof Marion
joumy, including a lot and block index ot
ttalein, they have special facilities lor ex
nmlulug titles to real estate. Business in
the supremo court and In the Btato depart
ment will receive prompt attention.
Bomiivm, Holmes & ILodeu, Attor
neys nt law. Olllce In Bush's block,
between Slate and Court, on Com'l St.
DK. T. 0. SMITH. Denlit,02 State street,
Hnlein, Or. Mulshed dental opera-
i-aiuj reopera
tions ot every ileocrlptlon
- JT"ii5nt
Vlto i'rt'siiiel.l
- ( ashler
yxfhuiiitetiti I-nrtland, Ban l'niliclsco,
New Yorl., Loo (ten nnd Hon? Kone
bouylit nnd told, tftute, County nnd City
wotninttf! tiUk i'nimem mo rordlnlij
luviteil to depopit tmd tinnnacl business
witb up. Liberal advances niiulc on
wheat, wool, bops nnd other pre; erty pi
rcnsouiiUiu jutes. Insurance on 'iioh se
curity ven bo obtained t the wik in
most reliable roijii miles.
Capital National Bank
ihpila! Pnid up, - - 75f0fl0
.Surplus, ...-.- 15,0011
It. B. WALLACE, - - P:.'! 'ant.
W. V. MARTIN, - Vlce-Kelrfeut.
J. II. ALHUKT, -- - Csuhler.
W.T.Oiay, W. W. Mnrt'.u
J M. Martin, K.S. Willi u.
Dr. VV. A.Uusltk, J. li. Albert,
T. McK. PirtUm.
To farmers on wheat und oiber ninrk
nolo produce, con'luni'it or in more
either In prlvuta i;rannrlo.sor
jpublle warehouses.
Stele and County Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted at reasonable rutti. Droit
drawn direct ou New York, Cbliugo, Ban
Kr.molsi o. Portland, London. Piu is, Berlin
Uouc Konc uud Caleuttn.
CAl'ITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 1200,000
JTrnosact n general banking business'
In all Ub branches.
Wm. ENGLAND Vice Pieildcnt
DIRECTORS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm.Eng
land, Dr. J. A, Richardson, J. W . Hobson.
J. A. ISaker.
Bank In new Exchange bloct on Com
mercial street. 8:12-tf
LADD & BUSH, Bankers.
Traniict a general banking business in
nil departments. 3:2-3m
Eating Parks 4 Candy Manufactory,
296 Commercial Strset.
Ice Cream.
.10c., 15c. nnd 25 cents
Coflee, TeaorChocolateandCakc 10 cents
niusu ;inu .-uui-. ---iu l-cuih
Plate of Soup 10 cents
Hot Cake. Coflee or Tea 15 cents
Beefsteak andEegs 25 cents
Pork Chop and Eees 25 cents
Mutton Chop and Eggs 25 cents
jo cents
Mr, m
sp, 1 i r
iy. M. E. McCOY, Physician nnd Sur-
KMin. Office nnd rooms in lodging
'. Kiontnndl Center streets, near the
fool or Murlou nnd Polk Co, bi Idgo, Cbron
U distunes n specialty. Cure or no pay.
Consultation tree.
P. McN ALLY, Architect, New Bush
Orevmnu block. Plans and ipecltica-
Ibns of all clKhses of of bulldlngx on short
notice. Supeiintendenceofwork
oolcftd nfter.
WD. PUOH, Architect. Plans, Sped
, ilcatlons and superintendence tor
all classes of buildings.
merciai si., up stairs,
Olllce SIX) Com.
IJ1 J. McCAUSTLAND.ClvIl Sanitary and
li, Hilrnullo Engineer. U. h. iteputy
uilueral suiveyor. City surveyom olllce,
Murphy's Block, hnlein, Oregon.
Drey block.
Artist !tudl. Bush.
Clusses Tiuirsdnys and
A VetUh Stun.
Tho fetish man under any name ls the
authority on all matters connected with
relations of man to the unseen. Ho is the
exorclser of spirits, the maker of charms,
and tho prescrlber and reKulntor of nil cer
emonlul rites. He can dlscovor who "ate
tho heart" of tho chief who died but yes
terday, who it was who caused tho canoe
to upset and givo three lives to the croco
dile nlid the dark waters of the Congo, or
oven who hlUihted tho palm trees of a vil
lage aud dried up their sap, causing the
supply of malnfu, or palm wine, to cease,
or drovo away the ram from a utstrict nud
withered its fields ot ngulia (ground nuts).
All this is within the ken of tho Ntranga
Nklsl, nud ho is appealed to ou all these
occasions to discover the culprit by his In
sight luto tho spirit world, and hand him
orhcroer to the Just cuastUcuimt of an
outraged community. This is the only
substitute for religion that tho African
savage putittses. Its teuets aro vnguo and
unformulatetl, for with every trl bo and
every district belief varies and rites nnd
ceremonies aro ns diverse its the fancies ol
A B.8MITH A CO., Contractors, Sewer
J. lmr, Cement Sidewalk , Excavating,
Etc: All work promptly done, Saloni, Or.
Leave orders with Diienn.Uros. -1:15.1m
TOllN GRAY. Contractor and builder.
fj l-'lne Inside finishing a specialty. 4h5
Coniniorclnl street, balem Oregon.
Venison and Eees..
Sausage nnu iiggi
iinm ana eggs.
JS cents
.25 cents
Freeh Oysters nny style 25 cents
25 Cent Regular DlnnerServed From It to3 O'Clock
A nice vnrlety of vegetables, etc., etc.
Also tea, coffee or milk with all 25 cent
meals without extra charge.
Choice Cigars, Imported an Domestic,
always on nand.
Porter House Steak and Eggs 50 cents
Tender Loin Steak and Eggs.50 cents
Health is Wealth !
-A.V i
(!I 'Vsft
v J.1
. I
flvrca wm rm
IOUN KNIGHT, Blacksmith. Horso
O shoeing nnd repairing a specialty, hbop
at the tool of Liberty street, Haleiu, Oregon.
RICH A BOSS, Blacksmiths, all kinds ol
repairing and carriage wont. ,e
have In our employ Win Carrot, direct
from Kentucky, more familiarly known
ns "Red," a professional horseshocr. Give
us atrial. i-H
DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve nnd Brain
Treatment, n guaranteed specific for Hys
teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by tho uso of nlcohol or tobacco,
Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Holten
Ing of the brain resulting In Insanity and
leading to misery, riccay and death, pre
mature oldago, barrenness, loss of power
cnu ieil by o erxeri Ion of the brnln. Each
box contains ono mouth's treatment, Sl.00
H box or six boxes for S5.00, sent by mall
prepnin on receipt or price.
To core nny case. With each order le
ceived bv us for six boxes, accomnanled
with $5.04, wo will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the maney II
the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar
antees issued only by Geo. E, Good, Drug
gist, Mole ngent, S09 Com. St., fenlem, Or.
JOSEPH KUHKE barbar nnd halrdres.
er. Hnir cuttlng25 cents. shuvluK lc
ccuts. Bath looms In eonuoutlon. Bvotoi
work. 113 State street.
O J, LARSEN A CO,, Manufacture.of nil
kinds of vehicles. IUjulring a.Speclal
ty. Shop 45 Stnto straot,
u "shita z,s -sKtb. :.;.,'-; "!M,';.'v..,:1,,",ra,"""u'""'-KJ-
I make tin my Jewels." Wondorful trnus
formation! "Tho orystal CAunot eijual it."
There sho In, i wait ot tho street, but aha
hall 1m h fcltr of charity. Thoro ho is, n
sot tu tho dltoh, but lie shall prvaoli the
KivuhjI. Tlu'r. behind tho bars of a prison,
but lie shall reign with Christ forever.
Whure kin ubouuiltMl grace shall inuoli
mora Utiound. Tho oarbon ltocomo thu
solitaire. "The crysUl cannot equal it."
Kow, I havu no HWiUit for thoso people
who nro always enlarging iu Christian
mtwtlHjM about their early dhuipntlon. Do
uutvo into tho particulars, my brothers.
tjliuply nay you wuro sick, but make no
dUpluy of jour ulcers. Tho ohlef stock in
trndo ot (wmuu ministers mid OltrUtlau
worker seems to Iw their early erimwt mid
dtksipatious. The number ot pkoU yen
picked nud the tnunlwr of ohlekesk you
stole mnko very oor prayer mwtlnjr rlnst.
orlu. lliwldtM that. It dlMourasM other
PhrUtiau poplo who never got druukcr
stalo niiythlng. Hut It U daiant to know
thut thc who woru furthoit dowu bv
bin brought highut up. Out of ttfvml
njrfdpm luto eterual liberty. Oat of ihuk
Glave In Century.
When eight Quaker ladles had an ap
point muut, nnd t-eveu wero punctual, and
the eljjhth, being thrvo minutes too luto,
bogau iipologlihig for keeping tho others
waiting, the) reply from one ot them was:
"I nut sorry, friend, that thoo should
have wuetud thine own three mlnuus; but
theo. had no right to waita twenty-one
moro ot our time, which was not thine
Of Washington It is Bald that wheu UU
wcretary, ou oui Important occasion,
was late, and excused himself by saying
hU watch was too slow, tuo toply was:
You v. HI havo to get another watch or I
another becrvUry."
Napoleon ued to say to UU tnnrsbals:
"You my ask auy thing ot tue but
tlme."New York Ledger.
of Will Bkm., Albany and Oorvallli-,
Pianos, (kins and Sewing Viwm.
At Your Home
Agents fot Northwest Insurauce Ols Two
doors north of Pot-k uniee, alm, Or. N ee.
uieaaudnew parti Mr all titwiugrsaohlnes
V - &A WW
T ri..
Si UULuEfl
Xj Ulchau's Oolilen Balsam No. 1
Cure Chancre, first and second stages;
Bores on th Lega and Body; Sore Kr
Capital City Restaurant
Yva, II nought It.
TomWliM prttty roscl Ylie did
jou gt itf
Jack (boiuvttuUy) A lady uvo It to mo.
Tom (oruoUyHA urJdniiljrr--l,uok.
-f v m mm m f
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
WarmMeals at All Hours q! tlicDaj
Nena but vhi.U labor emotoyi in thl
A good suuuntlal meal 0 ked In ntsV
class style
Truly-flv ccnU per meal
Court stmt, bttweon Journal Urtloe unJ
illnto'i iavry.
rrloiary torm; ol tha dlaeaM known a
Syphilis. Price, 85 OO per Bottle,
be menau's uoltten Unltam No.a
Carta Tertiary. ilercurlalQyphlliUo Bbeu
roatlam. l'alna in the Bone, faint la the
U!d c kvf.?.,th?.NockJ Uleeratod Sort
Tfcroitj 8yrhlUHo Raah, Lnmpa and con
tracted Cord;, Btlffneu of th. Umba, and
cradlcau all dUeasa from th inlia,
whether eud by IndlarreUon or abuse
ol Mercury leainj tha blsod pur and
healtby. Vrlres OO par llottie.
I.O UlcliftuU Golden HvanlsU Ami.
dote (or the ear ( Conorrhcsa, Oleet,
Irritation Grarel, and all Urinary or Gent
UldUarrangemenU. PrUati sa per
L ItlcUau Goldea Bpnalah la.
lecllon, forarere caaeaot Oooorebaa.
lattammaioejr jGleeu BtrtKnrta,e. Prleo
, 91 JU per Bottle.
't-S. US',vG.?W,, Olatmant
tor U 3ectlr healbif el SrphUitlo Sore.
aoJtrer.ttona. PrU.'tl 6&pr BoS
? J,nUr.'1 "tt Pllta-Nerr;
nd Brala treatatot; luaa c phytleal po
w. excta or onr-worfc. 1-roatratiaiveta.
Tonlo aud Nervine,
009 it fill MARKET ST ,
Sua FraHclac, OtU
M Has wiiiiiw
ox 'vns
And Avith this cai line in operation NO AD-
DITION to the City can ofler as great or as
many inducoinents as
This addition ies between the Garden Road and
Asylum Avenue; within four blocks of the Elegant High
School Building, and ten blocks from North Salem new
school building. It has long been known to possess supe
rior attractions by reason of it being the highest, heal
thiest, most fertile and sightly Addition to the City. The
will within sixty days be running its cars every
Twenty Minutes
through the center of this beautiful Addition. Bringing
it within five minutes of the Postoffice. If you are seek
ing an investment None can offer better opportunities or
bring you greater returns than this favorite Addition.
The Capital City is bound to come to the front as an In
dustrial an Educational Center. No other Capital City
in the United States offers as great an opportunity to the
home seekeror or investor as the "Bouquet City" of the
Willamette Valley. The first city in the Northwest in
educational matters and second in manufacturing industries.
Situated in the heart of the Willamette Valley with untold
power and material at hei door waiting for the magicians
wand to turn her into a city of the twenty thousands.
Who of us today can predict what the next decade will
bring forth. To those of you who are looking for a home
and ENGLEWOOD, the place to secure it, while you
have yet the opportunity of purchasing from first hands.
For the present we will sell a limited number oV lots at
our present prices ween an advance of ten to twenty per.
cent will be made.
im if li,
H..V. MATTHEW, Pres.
Block ,
T. H. BA3NES, Ssc.
7 mo.
- t -".
-'V...Miii iiiiiiaiyiiiiMiftfiriiTyii'il .t.'-&'