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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1891)
fif v -T- "T"wffr B. "TTHrfrty Tj-iPV v A !- If-' BRUM Ai3imosv $88 ,j Cry. 'jiwfcfl joo g 'q UNlVh'HSITY NOTES. The Umo for tho next musical ro clrnl has beon set by Prof. Purvln for Wednesday ovcnlug May fitli. Prof. Starr lins boon nbseuton bus iness a fow times this wceis and a ntiraborof bis recitations were con ducted by D, II. Glass. E. Q. Boughton representative of the Gaakell Literary Club of Chic ago is nt the University arranging Yorsomo agencies that uru to be taken by tho students. Miss Hansee has been quite Hick for several davs and not able to leave her room. Also Miss Paul and Mies Gun have been nbsout from their classes on account of sickness, hut all were Improving slowly tho lust heard from them. Messrs. Caldor, Jiosebronk, Ban ders, Steeves and Hay Purvin are circulating a paper to procure the requisite number of names to make up tho excursion to bo given by the band on Saturday May 2nd. At tholastmeellngof the literary society of the young ladies an Inter esting discussion on the Frouch rev olution was led by Misses Carrie Glcason and Alma Mills. The young men .who visited tho exercises will call again when they have not time to Btay long. The graduating exorcises of the College of Law bv tho class of '91 composed of J. F. Allanle, O. N. Nel son, J. B. Donnoy aud C. II. Spaul ding, willl bo held In tho chapel room, Saturday evening, April 23. Tho programs are already arranged and in circulation. FAIIBI AND HOME NOTES. Now Is tho tlmo to order youreggs of reputable breeders. Seo ads. in this paper, Tho JouitNAii man has potatoes well up planted March 1st. Tramps In search of delicacies, pleuso take notice. Have you sowed or planted some corn? If not, got ready to do bo. Next t a good supply of roots for winter, corn fodder, groou or dried, is excellent feed. N Political fences will not bo repaired in Oregon much this year. The nearest campaign Is a twelve-month uwny. But that need not prevent farmers caring lor their own fences. A well known cultivator says Unit tho greatest mistake mado in sotting out orchards is to snpposo the trees will grow and bear good crops with out caro, attention and cultivation; aud another mistake Is to plant ppplo trees on wot land without iindcrdrainiug, which causes tho apples to grow knotty and rot on tho trees. Here Is an Item for successful dai rying: Give your cows plenty of puro running water, regular rations of salt, and time to go to and from patture. Keep your bams aud utonsllH clean. Allow tho cans to stand under covor, but where, there In u circulation of puro air. Strain tho milk Into tho cau Immediately after being drawn from tho cow through any good aorator. Portland Pacific Fanner: Wo buy at tho grocery storo butter made in Minnesota, eggs laid by hens In Kunsasj poultry raised and dressed in Missouri; bacon shipped from Chicago and C'iuolnuali, and our farmers nro complaining of hard times and saying that farming in Oregon doesn't pay. Well, friends, It does pay, nud pays well, but to liiako It pay tho farmer must keep out ol debt and work his brains. II. B., Benton Harbor, Mich., writes 0. J. Farmer: prefer now laud for strawberries, as nature ' eeoms to niaiuiro the laud best; next a black sandy soil with considerable vegetable loam in it. For fertilizing, if you want nizo only do uutcaio lor quality or llrinnvas uso plenty of nitrogenous manures, but for these two last qualities uso potash and lime slaked in water. Sharpies lias made tho most money for me, but it will not do well in a locality nubject to spring frosts. JeswIoliM not done well with me. A wilier In tho Couulry Gotitlu man nays: A common mistake ami x ouo which often means llfo-long bondage for tho farmer aud his wife, Is to buy a becoud farm after they reach middle lire, aud run In debt fora part of It and lnorvaso their cares mid labor without liiervaalng tho net prollls. To any farmer eon tomplatlng lucryublng his acres when ho Is out of dob't.jind making a good living, I would give tho same advice that Punch did about nmrrylng- llllm nMiJAM mtr "i nu'M mt mmmmm lui'V -sillfC isfisv&ftcim Vd to WlUp pf Hoipcs r vx udmoj SajuaArsi uj jiejo jsatiSjij "Don't." "A man's life conslsteth not in tho abundance of tho things which ho possesseth." News Fjiosi Polk. The Polk County Observer says: There seems to be a numerous number of dead cattle through tho hills this spring; and Bomo comp'ainl is mado by citi zens that the owners do not bury them, as they should, to prevent any sickness arising from such a source. On page 78 of tho Oregon laws, such nuisances to tho public, Is fully explained, and tho remedy for thosaino Is given. Tho well known strengthening proper (lrof Iron, combined with o.lier ton let rnila most perfect ner inc. nro found If Oiirter'H Iron Mils, wlilob strengthen the nerves and body, and Improve the blood ind complexion. There is no one article In tho lino of medi cines that gives no largo a lettirn for tht money as a good porous strcngthlng plan ter, such as Carter s Smart Weed and Del ladonna llackncho Masters. Thoso unhappy persons who sutler from nervousness and dyspepsia should um Carter's Little Nerve Mils, which are made expressly lor sleeplos, nervous, dy spopslr Riill'ercrs. Price 23 cents. BALISM AIAKKUT KEl'OItT. Synopsis of tho Markets Buying nud Selling l'rlcos. IIKTAIJ, ntlCKS. RKVISKD QUOTATIONS. HuouldoHjjugur curcd.por lb,12 llrealtfast bacon ISUtoJS Hams Hucur cured, per lb,l(c. iieei imti-o l'ork 10 J2VJ Mutton-10ll! lSlite. vcai iuqiizkc. Timothy seed Per po"nd, 8c: selling Hod clover seed Per pound, 1 lo. White clover seed Per pound, 20a " Alslko 18c per pound. Itcd top luoper pound. Lincoln Grass 12o per pound, llyo Urass 10c per pound. Orchard Urass..l7c per pound. llenns 5o per lb. Out meal atUc. Canned Kriilu-1'enohcn, 83 CO; upncot, 33 00; blackberries, SJ; corn, best grades i'l 00; tomatoes 81 CO; string beans I CO; green peas SI 85; per doz. In two lb cans. Uieeu FnilL.Uholco 75l.'J0c per box; pears 7Go per box; potntoes 60c; carrots 60c; pursulps We onions do per lb. I'lHli-Julmon teioo iicrlb: HturgcoH 6 7o per lb- smiill fish JlOo per lb; salt sulmou, 7l0c per lb. 11UYINO l'UICEH. Wheat 72io not. Flour Por barrel, $5.00, bes, 100 lbs, Oats Per bushel, 60 k Sto. Hurley I'er bushel. 00c. Jlran Per ton, SHI CO ut milt, sacked. HUorts Per ton, $20 CO " sacked. Uh) Pcrton,$J-J.60 " sacked. Hops auotcdnt 2lto20o per lb. Kicks lCcper dozen. Potatoes Per bushel, 35o Corn meal 3o per pound. Oheeso l'Jllo per pound. Dried plums Per lb. C7c.; Dried prunes Pe,- lb, Iul2o. Imported prunos7o,per lb. Huttor 'J5& Wo per pound.for good Iiiird-lol2oporlb. Hums Per pouiul,l)12o. llacousldcs 010 per lb. Hhouldors Ko per lb. Chickens.. 0 to l-o per pound. Titrkoys 10 to 12cpur lb, Oeeso 7(38 por lb. Uncles. TJKCMltt per lb Sprint Chickens 18 to 0o por lb. MARKICTS BY TELEGRAPH. ... .. ..A...'- POUTLAND. Wlicnt-Vnlloy,81 WA tof I .GOWalla Walla Jl.-10tofI.-12X percental. Plour standard, 81.0.") Walla Walla SI 30 Outside grudos, $J 80, Oats-Whlto Wo to Bio, 'gray 58 o to 58 por bushel. MlllslunTi Dran 818Q11); shorts, J 10 to 20 ground barley, 30 to 31; coop feed, J20 middlings, tl per ton. Hay 31017 per ton. Uutter Oregon funoy dairy, 32o; ranoy croamery37K;EK)d to fair, 'O&nyCoW forma oholco "J to23o. Kggs Oregon 18c Kastorn 20o por doz Poultry-Old chlekons, 0 6)7 00. Potatoes Coo at 75o por ooutul. Chcoso Oregon, U to 15c; California U to 16c Hugttrs Uoldoa O, 6ic; extra 0, 6dry granulated, j cubo, crushed and Pow dered, (fl per pound, lleuiis SnuiU white, 3)4cl; ptnk 3; bayos, (1 &'; butler, f I tO, llmus, SI 60 per cental. Dried Krults.Tho market Is tlrm, Quo Que ted: Italian prunes, 10 to He; Petlto and fJermau, lOo por pound; raisins, SJ S3 per box; plutumor drlod pears, 10 to lie; sun drlod nud factory plums, 11 to 12a; ovapo rutou peaches, lBto20o; Hmyrua tigs, 20c; California llgs, Do per pound, ltlco fljc por pound. Hides Dry hides, 8)$ to Pc; ) loss for culls; green over S3 pouiKW, ie; under 65 pounds, So; shcop polls, U0c1.23. BMOKHD MlVTs) AND LAUD. Eastern Imnis, U to 12Je; breakflvst bu oou, 10 to 12c; sides, V to UK); lard,fc to WJo iter pound, HAN 1MANOIHCO. Ban ',ltAosco, Apl.18.-WheaU.the week openod on a tiulotor market. No. 1 white, 91.&0 to 1 51)i; per cental. HopK.v0yt:;0o per iouud, Uurloy-l'Vcd II al 7Wj tper oontal fl 47; oholco fl S3)(; couituoagnulotl 35, OatM-Clrayfl Wtol 77i; black;! DO tol ler cental Onlon..f I to 4)f. Pottoe7Sa to 80, MlSOhLANKOUa MAUKLTS. ClIlUAQO, Apl. 1(1 Hoof Live, 3.75a,10, Mutton Live, f l.60ffl$5.73. ItogH Live, fl.OJ (3.20 Veal 7lol0oporpoutul. Ohnlnvd to thu Itock, Promothcus as chained to tho rook while vultures gnawed hU entrails. Bonru niiuy proplqptuuuetl to tho rock of preju dice while all maimer of violent medicine Inflict lnjarj s upon the ki'iuitlvellnlugot IhONtomschnnd lntthtlnes, Theyuroiov IMtontly Iminovublo lit tho hellof tliat to exporlouco btiuellt the they must keep tluHltig wlthilnwtlo ii.vdleliu's. Unless Hie uetiouof tluwols-iKiwerful and excessive, thoy are not kitiUlted. 'Ihey would (lis trnit urenudy of gsutlo notion, however eiti-ctlvo. It Is not bysueli purblludexliyt tuUtsas thtwo that thu acknowledged mer its of Hosteller's tstomnou Hitters uru reo Ojttlicd. That bstilgu regulator of the ktotuaeh, the IxihoU uud the kidneys np iteals to ttio nitloual-not only uppmU.hut Unwuwed ajul vuloatlon Coiutliwtlon, llvwr ootiluiut, tlyspuutla uud ktdary ttoulileyittld to its action. SouUodopitt. lurla uud rhou mutism. w iih 0 1 40 Yeare the Standard. r IWli 0BT"l i Astoria Bulletin: An Eastern Oregon paper Is finding fault because Geo. W. Hunt has made nearly $2,000,000 out of his railroad deals in the post four years. Tho most of this money was made from subsidies received along the line of rond, aud it lsdaimed that Hunt "worked" the people for his own benefit en tirely. Tills is n mistake, and East ern Oregon owes more to G. W. Hunt than to any other man living. He opened up to the outside world thousands of acres of the finest wheat laud in the world. A Portland merchant, speaking In the Telegram about the discrimina tion in eugar rates to that city, sajn: "The reason I supposo to bo this: The refinery people are endeavoring to locate (he biggest part of their trade in tho Washington towns at tho expense of Portland. They have u large refinery In the East, nud it may be they can ship from there at a lower rate, owing lo tho railroad facilities." The corporationlsts know no poll tics. They aro ready to supply you republican principles in the Oro gonlan or democratic pilnclplos in tho Telegram. You puy your money, take your choice, and they Ket your voto either way. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so web known and so popular as to need no special mentiou, All who have used Electric Bitters slug the same song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist aud it is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Bait Rheum, and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and proveutas well us cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Iu digestion try Electric Bitters En tire satisfaction guaronteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Fry's Drng-toro CURE Sick Ileadaclie and rellere all the troubles Incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain In the Side, &o Whllo their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Ileadachn, yet Caiitkr'b Littlk Liver Pills are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, sUmulato the liver and regulate tho bowels. Even If they only cured Ache thoy would be almost priceless to those who sutler from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end hero, and thoso who once try thum will find thoso llttlo pills valuable in so many ways that thoy will not bo willing to do without them. Hut after all sick head ACHE Is tho bano ot so many lives that here Is where wo malto our great boast. Our pills cure it whllo others do not. Cahteu's Littlk Liven Tills are vory small and very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. Thoy aro strictly vegetable and do not grfpo or purge, but by their gentle action S lease all who uso them. In vials at 23 cents; ve for SI , Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. castes uzcicma CO., Uv Tett MfiH Ml So;;, Small Price. M. T. RINEMAN UKAI.KK JIN Staple anil Fancy Groceries, Crockory, Glassware, Lumps, Wooden nml Willow waro. All kinds of mill foed. Also veuetablesaud fruits In tholr season. "Highest Prico paid for country produce." Wo solicit a share of your patronage, IM) ha Htato street MRS. M. J. PATTON, ARTIST, Htudlo nnd Art gallery, iu Kldrldco Work Bnlom. Lessons glvon. Pictures for sale or pumtcd to order. Bon Ton Restaurant, B. W. LEWIS. ITesh Moats, Oysters, Eto, Always on Hand. OPKN AT ALJ 110UH3. 3IS Commerolul Street, S-A.LLCM, -----. Oregon CALIF0RM P SlTlV2 ry CwWMw V-lmzi CATARRH Bkemmatism, NcuralgU, Crne HCADAOHt, And ALL PAIN. TU Osllf.riU FultUs d HitlT VILKOTRIO OOUOH CURB CUItt COLBi, CKQVf, oqxsvmmoii. JillktUCncrUU. KmV 16., W t) iwiihwi ft om r '. Las Ajunics.oa. Suuunons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Htato of Ore gon, for Marlon county. lkivld Swank, pluluUft ) vs. Bummons. Nancy Hwnk,daAmlant. J 'l'oiNano),uuk,detmlant,iitheaU)ve entitled action, la the name of tho Htate ofOiYgvn, j ounio hereby required to up pear uud mhwit tio complaint of tho uboxo named pluln'ltl, Iu the tibove ou tliliHliHirt, now on tll with tho clfrkof Hhl U by th first day of the next reg ular, Ihe Juuo m term of said rtroult iwirl. In thoeilyof Kilem.Marloa county, slate otOnon, on Monday the 13th day of June. lhUi.nudyou nro heruhy notified that if ou nill In pXNir and nuswer Mid complaint h hereby mjulretl, the platnlin Id uppiy to the court fir tho relief ptaj eu t it Vm dcO'nplitut,towU: Thatthemn rug cxalmci imw extstlrg bet wren you anu ih inUtrbr ttltselvtil by tledorHof ud ii. ami tli yon b udjudtted to ivy lh-- sst-tt unit ifiurM "tiU ot tli 1. el ,in hii 1 larsiuui otljuf and lor' her rt tlefaj. inopoty nm HpHur Jutland rMS hn i e tvdd.iiimud uud pntyrr M'4"-thi ground of your wkirul ill fcrritonand nU-tudiiiuiuut or thtla ntttl lir mufo tlwu hub yr Ul pvsi Into UUed In tho OAfiTAi. Joimikai. for U wmVii in- ordr of lluu. Itevtlt V. IUrtu". iuilfoariu utrwulv iwtrt of thu tl i Oiijou, fur Marlon auly,iuHdsut phHiu. Inir. in thc4iy of Httiom. ", iwhl muty una state out lie 1 th iav or April, Ml. HL'rTriU KluWrund VttJi1TiiVST, ilMvr AtorByfrtrjnlntltt, CARTER'S rt4ujwmr.ij "O.ah, let me eeo.wbat do you rlre fot a cold on the clif tti " aslc-d Jonrs, fn r tort 1 of indifferent tone, of a doctor with whom ' ho was sllffhtly Bcqjaiutcd, m he met iilai , on tho street. "Adico," was tho laconic 1 rcpiy. 00 co wo. nro navise you noi to neglect that bsokln? cough and drowsy feeling-, the coated tougu, th falling: P- fotlte, tho indigestion and reneral mil udo and debility that "tired feeling," or so many cxprc--a it. Tako Dr. ricrce'i OolCen luteal Discovery, in tlma, and it ttIU cot diEtpiiolnt. It Is Dot oolt tho most iro&icitul alterative, or blood cleanser, known to raedlcal science, but olio posseuos superior nutritlro and tonic or itrenitb-glringr properties. It Im proves digestion builds up both !W1j and strength vehen, from any cause, ther am reducod beloir a healthy standard For .Bronchial. Throat nnd Lung Dis eases, nccompr.nlfi ,-ltli lingering couz!ii the ''Qolden Modiccl Discovery" is abso lutely itncqunlcd oa a remedy. Tor Wen'- T ungs. Spitting of Blood, Short Breath, Consumpiivo Wight - sweats, a'ld kindred affections, it surpasses all otUct medicines. It's tho only lunc remedy, cold by druifcisti, ruaratrted to bonent or cure, la orury case, or money ref undcu. OSi nCCCDEP ! UrrLlir,'! W 55E3iiiS jasagassid for an Incurable case nl Catarrlt iu tbo licai., hy tho proprietors of Dr , fanes uautrrn nemrar By it mild, soothlnir end heallni; proper ties, it cure tbo iroret oases, no matter ol bovr long- standing. Only W oente. ftol? br druf Jiatfi oveiTtrhAfA, PltOFESSIONAL CAltDS. II. K. BON HAM. B N.IIAYDEN. W. If, 1IOLMBH. BONnAM, Holmes & 11AVDF.N, Attor neys at law. Ofllce In Hush's block, between Suito aud Court, on Oom'l Ht. 31IL5ION FOrtD, attorney at law, Salem, Oregon. Ofllce up-stalra In Pulton's ock. EjHATT a HUNT, ntloi ncys at law. Hnlem. Oregon. Ofllce over Capital National auk, Commercial street. Money to loan J J. BHAW, Attorney-at-ljiw,!.iIcm, , Oregon. Oilico first door to the left at head of stairs In the re ir of Ladd & Bush's bank. ST.RICIIAKDSON, Attorney nt law, of. . flee un stairs in iront rooms ol new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Haiem, uregon. JOHN O'SHKA, Attorney nt law. Room over Capital National bank. Collco msa specialty. Correspondence solicited SARCY& BINGHAM, Attorneys nnd counselors at law, bolem, Oiegou. vlng an abstract olt he recordsof Marlon county, including n lot and block Index 01 Salem, thoy hnvo special facilities lor ox nmlnlug titles to real estate. Business in tho supremo court and In thestato depart ments will receive piompt attention. DR. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, 02 Plato street, Haiem. Or. 1'lulslmd dental oocia- ttons ofoverydescrlptton. P,ilu;csHoj,era- tiuus u speciuuy. DR. J. M KEEN13, Dentist. Ofllce over the White Corner Court and Com. merclal streets. DM. II. SMITH, DEN'TIBT.-Ottlco at his resldeueo 171) High btreet near Agricultural works, MBS. AI. Ii .McCOY, Phyhlclan uud Snr geon. otllco und rooms in lodging ie, Front and ('cuter streets, near the foot of Marlon und Polk Co, bi Idge. Chron ic dlseates a specialty, euro or no pay. Consultation lice. CR. McNAIjLY, Architect. Now Bush . ilieyman block. Plans aud specifica tions of ull classes of of buildings on short notice. HupuriutendencoofworK promptly ooued after. 'J 5-tf WD.PUOH, Architect, Plans, Spec! , tlcatlous aud superluteudeuco lot all clahscs of buildings. Otllco 'i'i Com merclal St., up stairs, ITI J. AlcCAUSTiiAND.Clvll Sanitary und Ii. Hydrntillo Engineer. U. w. l)iiuty uilncral surveyor. City surveyors olllee, .Murphy's Block, Balem, Oregon. W. BEST.-Artlst. ktudln Bush. , Brey block. Classes Thursdays uud Saturdays.; lUISlNKSS CARDS.! AB. SMITH A CO., Contractors, Sowor . iue, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating, Etc: All work promptly done, Salem, Or. I.euo orders with Dntran.Uios, 4:IMin 7-) IOK ROtH. Blacksmiths, all kinds ol XV) repairing and currhigo work, vv e nave in our employ wm Carrot, direct tV.ll, 4VVilfc,.IVJ , lll.ftd ,,,11111111,1 niioivit as '"Red," a professional horseshocr. UIvo usuinui. -lit MRS. H. 8HOEMAKEH, Cor, Front und Court streets, No 277. Good table rd by day or weok with or without rooms. 4:11-1 in JOSEPH FU8KE barbar andhalrdress or, Hnlr outtliig25 cents, shaving 15 cents. Bath lowa li co.nn?ctlon, Bestot work. )3tato street. p J, L.ARSEN A CO,, Manufacture of ull kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ly. Shop 1 State street, . TORN (IRAY.-Coutrnotor nnd builder. I Kino inside finishing u specialty. 4s5 Commercial street, Salem Oregon. IOHN KNIGUT, Blacksmltb. linns J shotlti((uijdr.rnlftnftpectity. Shop at the foot of Idberii'ttri't'l, Mulem, Oregon. i20tf GEO. C. WILL, of W1U Bros., Albany and Corvallls. Pianos, Qrejqs and Sewing Machines SKWlNli MAUHIMK3 Ultd OUOAf-S RBPAlRBDAND aiiANKD At Your Homos Ageuts fotNorthwestlusuraucoCo. Twi doors north of Post Otllco, ulein, Or. Neo aies unu new pans ror an Sewing Nac Naohlue Sii-tf dw Clydvtuhtle Stallion. Bar Noue, the cyclono oi Nebraska, Is n dark bav,6yea old, white hind foot, and star In forehead. Bred by Tho Hmtth.oi York to. Nebrusku, wulght 1WO imuuiU slrwt hy Wull-Kotxloe. (No. ltW.) Old Jim washlrtd hv Real Kxohurge, ho by the r.iiuu j Prlnr of Uauitni Totv,y, th fumous brood mar, a gmnddaugiitei Of luU Napoleon No. (l.) ferusoii K10 luKUruncol.a. Will Kt.ud the iwxiu at Con 11 oil fariu Juh wrt of North Sale bin k jurd, mar fair ground. Owned by It limn. 4-lt-u dw $SOO Reward. w J w 1 Jh thrati rwnrt tar u IWM'iir ,hr ullPjiUint, JlI-lU, slOn ltiiult lUillgtnou.oonwHiwtloiior cos tUmiMvs H0PHi)utt ouru vllw vru-t's vet w ,Ml.t tr iiik w io the directions re ktikUiiitlvti wltlL They ht purely r"vu.tK, hkU uoxeflHll u (tvi witl-rao-ll.iu. Kngur ouHled. lJr:ebuj(w,cutalu lug Ul txlU. .4 ivtltk. IWHHia 01 counter. let's u3 luilaiuii Tin- nuluo msnu fuvtrlohly by iHfc JOllN v. WKST Bold oy "Uea K. OcxJ, DrujgUI, 8C9 Oom sUft,dJdcui Or, snjsmimmnniir . 3 327o Erf -i L YS. C-T. Wiiww jij1' nfm tut LWtgti i First National Bank HALI5M OIIKGON. WM. N. I.ADUK. DH. J. tthVNOI.I- Ioi iiom, PresirtMi l'ieiUeiii i.'tithl'-: M GENERAL BANKING. Ecnnnreon Poitland, "nit Kiwliciseo New Yoru. Iondon and Ilonj ilont lH,uj;ht und sold. Htato, fin ntj id City ' i-rnnls bonght. 1'Tunner nlv cordlll iLWtod to deposit tmd tronrftt-t busine: with us. Liberal ndvn:ie. t,"nfls on wheut, wool, hops find oilier prujicrtyi-i 1 rtuMinnbie rates. Insurnuce on such ro- cnrl'y can be obtained nt the 1-nuR In I n st ifllublc nompAnles. Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. I Capital Paid up, 875,090 15,000 ' .Surplus, R. S. WAMjACK, - PeildetiU W. W. MAHTIN, - VtcoPirsldent. J. H. AI.UK11T. .... cnshlor. ! DIRlCTORSi I W. T. Gray, V. W. MnrUn ' J. AI. Atnrtln, It. rt. W-illnce. 1 Or. W. A.Uut-lek. -I. H. Albert, T. Mi-F. Pattou. I LOANS IVEAD1S 1 To farmer on wheat and other market nlilo produce, consigned or in storo 1 either In private ;rnnnrles or public wurehouc. Slate and Coanly Warrants Bought at Tar COMMERCIAL PAPCR Discounted at rea-oii.-iblt riIgh. Ijra:t drown direct on New York, Chicago, Sun l'ranelsco. Portland, London, Paris. Berlin tionu' ivongnno unieuun. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Snbsrribtd, $200,000 frrausact n ginern) banking business in all Its blanches. OEO. WILL1A.MH.. Preslden Wr. KNOLAN1) Vice President HUOIi AIUNAUY Cashier DIRECTORS: Geo. Williams, Wm. Eng land, Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W. Hobson. J. A. Haker. Bank In new Exchange block on Com mercial street. 8:12-tf DRAIN TILING. The undersigned aro prepared to fut nlsh tho best quillly of tiling for under drain, lng at lowest prices. A1URPHY DKSART, Near Fair Grouus, Salem, Oregon. Capital City Restaurant Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day None but wblto labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial meal o ked In first class style Tweuty-flvu cen ts per mejil RED FKOT Court street, between Journal Ofllco nnd Ailuto's Livery. HELLENBRAND'S Bating Parlors 4 Candy Manufactory, 295 Commeiclal Street. BlLOFKARE: Ice Cream 10c, 15c. and 25 cents Collee, Tea or Chocolatoaud Cako..l0 cents Mush nnd Milk 10 cents Plate ot Soup 10 cents Hot Cakes, Coileo or Tea... ....15 cenU Beefsteak and Eggs . . 25 cents l'ork Chop and Eggs 25 cents .Mutton Chop and Egs 25 cents Venison nnd Eires 25 cents Buusage nnd Eggs 25 cents Hum and Eggs . 25 cents Fresh Oysters any style 25 cents 25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From II to3 0'Clock A nlco variety of vegetables, etc., etc Also tea, collee or milk with all 25 cent meals without extra charge. Cholco Cigars, Impoi ted an Domostlo, always on imiid. Porter Hpuse Steak and Eggs 50 cents Tender Loin Btenk nnd Eggs. 50 cents Health is Wealth I DR. K. l WEST'S Nervo and Brain Treatment, n guaranteed speciflo for Hys teria, Dlrziness, Couvulslons, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, ileidacho. Nervous Prostration caused by tho use of alcohol or- tobacco, Wuketullnnss. Mental Depression, Soften ing of tho brulu icsultlng in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, pre matura old nge, barrenness, loss of power canted by over-exert lou of the brain. Each box contains ono month's treatment. 81.00 a box or sis boxes for $5.00, sent by mall on rvevipi ui price. WE Q UAJl ANTEE SIX BOXES To euro tiny case. With each order le eelvedby us for six boxes, uccompanlcd with fo W, wo will send tho puiohaser our written guarantee to refund tho mnneyll tho ticntment dors not etlecl a cure. Guar antees Issued only hy Geo. E. Good, Drug gist, Hole iigenl, Tin Com, St., balem, Or. Jt cTiS 1 Sichau's ox1 W.C AN wi3au? V - k HEAUTHi "iJ'b'i Z77. I ortAtS &50( aLn -Mtt" Fl atccv fSMBB Ii UlclniuU dolden Ilalsam No, 1 Cures Chancres, flnt and second suns Bares on tho Lejrs and Body; Bore eW gbre-,KcM.t ete.. Coppcr-oolored Blptche? &nhllltlal'taTih.Ulfeud Badp, and ali prloisry forms ol th dlttus known si SjiililIU, Price, Si OU per Uottle. L,e Hlclisu'l Oolilen Oalsain No.S Cu,-TS!.tillrTl "jjeu'WHirpMIIUu Hhen roatltui, Vo In th Itontt, rains in the lUadTUck ct th. Nock iCblC Throat, SyphUltio Hash, Lumps and con. IraeltJ Cords, Btlffne. of th. TUmbs, anil eradlcaUs all dlwaM from th system, whether caud by laJIKrttlon or abuw ot Mercury, lcalmr th blood puro am heatbr. Vrlc. H 00 per ifotU lo UlchMU'a Golden HvaidiU Ami. dote for U euro ot Qonorrheoa. Oloet. Irritation Orarel, and all Urinary or Gent UldliarranfcsunU. I'rlto ti 50 pes lloltln. l llUtinu's Ool,lM 8pLU In. Wtlon, farsereie caaesot Oonorrhoia. Tr,tUiuinatory01tt,Btriturta,4e. Prlc3 81 8 u per Itottlo. ? "5u' Oold.n Olntmmt lor th ff rlivs heatiraol Syphtlitlo Borva. MdnipUoAI. VrUt 00 pr Box. ,1 HlcUu' Qoldon rill-,.Ntt, r and Itralu treatmeot; loa of phyaleal po Prlc 83 OO wr Uox, Tuo bii4 Norylnc, Suit errnre, C, a l) seauol Moaed lorcxpnsta, " THE RICHARDSDRUB C0.,Ageuts 600 3t SI1 HXAKKlVr ST , taM a'raHChco, CU NHI1AR IKHT m((. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line .UUPOKMIA KXPKRiS TKA1JJ UVS DAII.V J1KTWKEN I-OItTIrt) AXD S. f. South." j tToft iTT Ar. I B.35a. iu. liv. I 7:2(1 n. m l.v. l):00p. nt 7.-OC n. IU. I Lv. Portland Salem tfclb p. m. 1 Lv, 10.15 a. in. Ar. Kan Fran. Above trains stop culy at loltowlng sla ttons north of ltcxehurg, hast Portland Oregon City, M oodburn, fuleni, Albany Tangent. Shedds, Hiihey, Hnrrlsburg Junction City, Irving nud Eugene. IlOaKlIltllU MAl.L, UAll.Y, tM a. ni. I Lv. 10:32 n. m I Lv f:40 p. in. Ar. Portland Ar.) 4 00 p.m. haiem Lv. I l.-Ui p. m. Bosebtirg L. 6:20 a. m Albany Local, Dally (Except Sunday.) f'-tW p. m. 'rjiu p.m. tn) p. m. Lv. Lv: Ar. l'ortlund Balem Albany Ar.JV.WK m, Lv. .Wi .in Lv. (".U)n. in. TOLLMAN BUFFET SLEBPHIS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation oi second cln passengers attached to erpress trains. ft'est Side Division, Between Portland and Ccmllis: 1JAII.Y (EXCKIT SIWDAYJ. f:au a. in. I Cv. PdftTariii Ar. ("oTSO p. in. 12:10 p. in. I Ar. OorvalllB Lv. 1 12:55 p. m. At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Hatlioad. EXPHEbS TKAI.H (DAILY KXCEFTSUMJAY 4:40 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8.-20 a. m. 7.25 p.m. I Ar.MiMlnnvllleLv. o:l5n. ni. Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH For tickets nnd lull information regard, ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Co.opa njrs agent Haiem, Oregon. E.P. ROQEIW, Asst. U. F. and Pass. Ag't P.. KOKHLER, Mauager From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Pacific Railroad Is the Hue to take To all Points East and South. ltlstbedlnlng car route. Itrunsthiough vestibule trains every day In the year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! (No change of cars.) Composed of dlnluguirs unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room (.leepcrs Ol latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. IJest that can be constructed nnd In which accommodations aro both fiee aud lur- nisnea ior uoiaers oinrst nna socond-clas tickets, and ELEGAKT DAY COACHES. A contlnuoi i Uco conPoMlng -with all lines, uflordlnx direct nrt uninterrupted service. Pullman sit"-'" -"w ions can bo se cured in advi i - . j any agent of the road. Through tickets to and from all points In America, England nud Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of this com pnny. i" un iniormatton concerning rates, time i iraim, rumen uiiuouierueiuiisiurnisnra on application to any agent or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First street, cor. Washington; Port land, Oregon THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON -PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' steamship line. 'J25 miles shorter, 20 hours loss time than by any other loute. Flret class through passenger and freight lint from Portland and all points iu tho WU lamette vallev to and lrotn Ban Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Hundays). Leave Albany ........ lXJPM Leave Corvallls 1:40 PM Arrive Yaqulna 5:30 PM Leave Yaqulna 6:45 A M Leave Corvallls - .... 10:35 AM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. & a. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at YAOUIN.V with the Oregon Development Co's Lin jfHleamshtns between Yanulna and Ha Francisco. SAILING PATES. SrEAHEHS. FKOM YAQUIKA Farallon. Friday, jlme 27 Willamette Valley, Tuesday July Farallon, Sunday Willamette Valley, Thursday ' 1 Farallon, Tuesday. n J WTKAMKHS, FROM BAR FRANCISCO Farallon. Tuesday ....... July I Farallon, Thursday " in Willamette Valley, Tuesday " 15 This company reserves the right tc change sailing dates without notice, wmi .-Passengers lrpm Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make olost connection with the trains of the r AQUINA UOUTE at Albany or tt&aUlB and If destined to Ban Francisco, should arrange to arr(vRt Yaqutna the evening before dftte of sailing. I'isstngtr sad Freight Rates Always th wpPmam1" lfo" apply to Messrs HULMAN 4 Ca, Freight and Tlek! Agenta 200 and 201 Front t. IMrUand, Qt. 0.0. HOOUE AQ't Oen'l Frt. A Pass. Agt,, Oregon Paciflo It. it. oa, O n.HAaWEU,,Jr.GenUFrtP4,0r Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 804 Montgomery st.; THE ODELL TYPE WRITER, Willi THnhnmnfom nnrflll r. .u nt.i" CA8KOUKI.L. warranted to do better work than any machine made. ,Ji comhlnes Bisipucitv with Duraiiii, jtv. SfEKD, Eask ot Operation, weara longer without cost of repairing thin any other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the orerotor. It Is neat, substan- .n,t-u,1CikeWatcd,Jcrfectana adapted to ,lnd' "I tyi writing. Like a printing pren, It produces sharp, clean, legible manuscript. Two or ten copies can be made at ono writing. Any intelligent per son am beomne an operator In two days. gto rk cJ thVrtonnwUcrsS a.!!1'JblerfAeenU nnd salesmen wonted Special Inducement to dealers. "" ixt immphlet giving Indorsements Ac S5Bnd76tU Ave. t'Ulcairo. 111'.' oijud FOREST GROVE FOCLTIIY YARDS, Founded m 1877, !000 YOUNG IF0WLS FOR SALE Ao.1 the finest tver bre4 ou the FnelU C"iU Book your order early for Icholcejielectloru. Send Stanp for Catalogue. Address J, M. GARRISON, WH-aw t 1 life goes down. The Electric Cars through Englewood will go, and on to the Fair Grounds. ENGL will be running elegant Vestibule cars every twenty min utes through the center of this beautiful Addition. Bringing it within five minutes of tho Post Office. BI ffl ffl TM And secure yourself a home while you have yet the opportunity of purchasing from first hands. The University is going North to its new location. This will make ENGLEWOOD inside property, and double in value in the next eighteen months. Keep Your On Engle- WOOD. SALEM H. V. MATTHEWS, Pres. ' IIIIE1IT. Tho tetor board of life goes up, The teeter boaidcM IaIOOD Within sixty days the Electric Railway Company e UND MP! , 'ostoffice Block. T. H, BARNES, Tffl FonitQroTe,Orefo.