Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 18, 1891, Image 3

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    fofiwi JOWUWL
ArUlL 18, 1801
NW "' ,,Uii per '""--'
Vbrmnu "--
PXnv n't"? V-.... ..v HARRIER.
f'T.mPf.lVBH'" .B.
ffOKB l" . loiy.
.? for k'; "..,,. E", m.'
!MinM.r-- Xr: ,.. ftd 1Mb
Meet'"0 nn-lTAIiJOfnIAIi rCU
Groceries, wocmjij,
Be s Windowglass, Etc. boc
lBfUS eV, Fnicure Tea and Big
Baking Powder,
Wheat, net 72 cento per bu.
28 to 35 cents per lb.
..il -rLV.nn o titPlinf'k
u: r B
'arfCfcWcn, ureeniurue.
Boiled Salmon.
n Patties, Minced Turkey,
"jjmb Tongue und French Peas.
jjlcken with Dressing,
f Com,
Tomatoes, Mashed Potatoes.
Orange Custard.
Coffee. ' Milk.
Candy and Nuts.
President Harrison will be in JUis
City About May First Mass
Meeting Monday Night.
Mayor D'Arcy received a telegram
from tlio presiuem-s puny uiih
ifternoon, which contained the
: pod news that the party would
I tap in Salem. Their date here will
IVntoutMay first.
knass meetnig is called for
! iloijij night to make all arrauge-
' crate for the reception.
What Will They Do. Some
persona nave begun to nsK, will
Polk couuty allow the bridge suit to
enter the courts iyrooi tlio pres
ent indications it seoms it will,
lowever embarrassing that may be
Vtb.e two counties which have
ktttofore labored jointly and in
iinnouy. Few persons will deny
that there was n mistake made in
counection with the bridgo work,
' but that fact does not exempt Polk
county,wuich aided in that mistake,
from help paying its part on tho
lame. Some are inclined to wonder
! id what attitude Polk couuty must
ltltself,to nskMarion county to
pay for its errors. If the case gets
Into the courts' it will be an expeu
Meune from the fact itcould ntft be
tied before a jury in either Polk or
Won county, Judge Boiso being
iitsidentof Marion, Polk county
raid iu all probability desire tho
aw taken out of this circuit for trial.
Polk county will probably tee the
! oiatake and pay the sum asked by
Ncontraoters and have the case
with drawn before court meets,
which will be the first monday in
8amiaji Lumiseu. It Is ac
knowledged by all who have cognl
unce of the facts that no better
lumber timber for general purposos
Fowjanywhere than lu the moun
Uns along the North Santlam river.
There la now a yard In this city
Kpplied from those forests, the pro-
wet of the big mills owned by th1)
, swtlam Lumberlnir Co., at Mill
i Oty. This company is composed of
wible busiue-w men of Marion
I nty Lee Brown, Thos. Sims,
v H. Hobson and John Shaw, of
&Jton and thev will nut ho (na
tion the mirkefc that will not
fitevery requirement. They have
plete equipments, too, for turn
wt tho best of rough or dressed
'Wria all dimensions. The coin-
rjirwua several thousand acres of
llst timber iu the Cascades,
,utnbles them to compete with
JWllion th" coistand they will
thslryard In this city is lo
Tt south side of the Turner
.rUt We Junction of Thirteenth
"tjfltliJ.,f r ii.u i ilmwit.
9 Till be U cmr.e ur tliecoin
'' Wperlntendeut, Thos. Sims.
f'esic Season Coming -The
to, sonwll soon be here and
"the time to have the resorts
Bled UD and Hio undomrnivth
r'ayao that
the grounds may
Iveaml dried out. A few
, parties have already tweu wen
lt for m. A......I... ..t,...i..
;7fl wltl' tlH'Ir baete well filled
Whtt I "'"''icay unn "
toUtra wmn,ry l,ur8 manage
fcomn U lurK mm,lx'r of eople
Mh Clly eVefy J'""" to tin lr
teal J'?"08 wMvh a" M In o
W11 addition.
rCl!0H AND Phvbioai. CUIr
WalnTi , , Ame8,vill rm-lve pu
Tim !a88e8JnuingWednea
".?mvIyof.tb,.week al
r "WTed at any time. 4-14?.
dikr & PiTMBSON,
. i.. n
anytime. 4-H2t
.'lHns Kuinli Awarded $1500 five
Da) liefon the Court.
Tho case of Julius Kumll, of Eu
gene, against tho Southern Pacific
company, wblc'i has occupied the
attention of the court since Tuesday
morning was submitted to the fol
lowing Jury ut 11 o'clock this foro-
noen: T. Vuu Wueenuove, It. Whit
ney, Frank Ruskay, James Keuna
dy, John Harrltt, W. H. Phillips,
Lewis Weiitz, V. It. Townsend, T.
Smith, S. H. Cooley, Phil Bowers,
V. E. Her.
After being out about two hours
ind a half tho jury returned a ver
llct In favor of tho plaintiff for
pir00 and costs.
The wise vnt given to the attor
neys List night for argument. The
Attorneys to address tho jury were
A. 0. Woodcock, of Eugene, on be-
hulfoftho plntntl.'I. Ho was All
owed by N. B. Knight and Judge
E. C. Bronuugh for tho defence,
rilmou Ford closed tho arguments
for the plaintiff this forenoon. It
has been nn expenssve trial, owing
to the time and large number of wit
nesses subpcQiined.
Tho Leonard case against the same
company is set for Monday. It will
probably bo in t lie court us long as
the one just ended.
Tun City BuiLDiNa. It seems
iow that the council has not sold
the city building after all. When
h&sale was made tho buyer Sam
Adolph, unders'ood that he was to
pay otic-third down and tho rest
whou he touk posession. The coun
cil was of the opinion that the
contract called for one-third when
the sale was continued and the
remainder when the deeds were
$lven. The deeds were offered a
'ew days after the council con
tirmed the sale. The use of the
uuildlng was" also reserved until
the first of September. It was
learned from members of tho coun
cil that satisfactory arrangements
could possibly be made with Mr.
Adolph, but he seems now not to
urge his claim. It has also been
aid that the property would pro
bably go to the next lowest bid
der. Mr. Hubbard, but some of the
council will not consent to that.
Tney say the property Is worth
$20,000. The laud itself will be
wortli that iu a few years. Tho
natter will bo settled at the next
council meeting, which will be
Tuesday evening of next week.
Paint Abounds. South Salem
hill seems to be full of paint, or a
material suitable to make paint
from. John Stauley, who has been
digging a ditch through his property
on Bush street, has discovered a
material similar to that found on
this side of the' hill. The mineral
seems to abound in that part of the
city. Samples of the first discovered
have been sont to Prof. Condon, of
Eugene, and Prof. Starr, of the Wil-
lametto university of this city, to be
A Free Lunch. A tramp went
to tho home of J. D. Roberts, of
Woodburu.a few days ago, and find
ing no one at home he pried open
the kitchen window and entered the
house. A little girl who is staying
at Mr. Roberts', on returning home
from school discovered him leaving
the building, and immediately gaye
the alarm. Upon examination It was
found that he had not helped him
self to auythlug but a square meal.
Will Play Ball. Joe Leveque
and Matt Stanley arrived in Salem
last night from California, and are
now members of the Salem base
ball team. The club has no
crrounds at present on which to
play. Tho lease has expired on the
Highland grounds and the Oregon
Land company refuse to renew the
lease. An eilort will be made by
the club the coming week to secure
suitable grounds where practice can
be had at once.
New Link. Raro and delicately
tinted shells of the Pacific coast,
Bouveuira made from the big trees of
California, view albums, etc., at
Geo. F. Smith's, 307 Commercial.
Call and see them;
The Building Boom. That is
what Salem has just now, and con
tractors and others should be suro to
order their lime, cement,
Farrar & Co., at once.
etc., of
Oreoon HousK.Mrs. B. J. Sharp
will lake charge of tho of the Ore
gon House the 13ih of April. As
toon as possible everything will be
made pleasant and comfortable for
those who wish a quiet boardlug
, 4-1 1-1 w
place. l
REMOVED.-The stove and tin
Btoro of Barr & Pelzel has been re-
..h from next door to Ladd &
Bush's bank to 247 Commercial, two
doon north of Red Corner drug
tore. J'7'dtf
LADiES-IfyouarecloTe buyers
of durable and fashionable shoe
look up the figures made by Klein,
the Saleiu shoe man.
AnTExinniTioN.-Look out for
,he art exhibition at the Singer
Munuracmrlng coimmpye offloe
Commercial itrt. "Ti'u-
April 10th. 4 10tf
A Uahgain.-Tvvo hundred extra
ir.. Jouhnal olflce-
n few day.
Beei, CoK.-8ultable for Oregon
-good reliable sml, cllirK
Kppley's grocery, Coun.trt.iw
poll t 3rgenU
On Tuesday evening the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Krausse
was tho scene of tho most enjoyable
aflalr of the season. Tiie occasion
was a "pink Greeenaway" given by
the young ladles of the Avenue
i.uiiintiuu, i in, iinriurH nnii iiin
Ing hall were beautifully decorated
with pink ribbons and flowers, ami
tho picture presented by the gay
throng In costumo, "en masque,"
vas one not soon to bo forgolteu by
those whoso good fortune It was to
bo there. At 0:30 tho grand march
took place, after which dancing,
curd playing and "tlddledy winks'
was the order of the eveulng until
midnight when the doors ol the
dining hall were thrown opeu and a
lunch, such as ouly tho young ladles
of the club can prep ire, was served
to all. At about 1 o'clock the parti
cipants were grouped and "flash
light" photos were taken by Miss
Myra Albert. Dancing was again
the order until the time for break
lug up, whbti all left feeling that
they had passed one of the moat en
joyable evenings in the history of
Salem's social doings. Those present
were: Miss Kate Dalrymple, Miss
Jessie Dalrymple, Mls Rita Lous-
dale, Miss Louise Heulat, Miss Kate
Dearborn, Miss Grace Gilhugham,
Miss Ella Hirsch, Miss Lulu Hlrsch,
Aliss Grat'o Sroat, Mis3 Edna Moody,
Miss Helen Edes, Miss Buss, Mrs
Geo Brown, Miss Cotter, Portland,
Miss Messick, Miss Gusta Palmer,
Miss Nettle Meredith, Miss Myra
Albert, Miss Gertrude Holverson,
Mr3. Geo. Shirley, Astoria, Miss
Nellie Litchfield, Mr. Joe Albeit,
Mr. John Westueott, Mr. Paul Sroat,
Mr. Harry Keller, Mr. Henry Myers,
Mr. Hugh McNary, Mr. Otto
Wilson, Mr. Frank French, Mr.
Clare Baker, Mr. Max Buren, Mr.
Phillips, Mr. John Phillips, Mr.
Ed Crawford, Mr. Homer Craven,
Mr.Harry Singleton, Mr.Geo Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Patterson gave
a birthday party to Mrs. Patterson's
grandmother, Mrs. Buckingham, at
their home on Gaiety hill on Tues
day evening in honor of her 81st
birthday. The old lady Is one of
the pioneers to Oregon, having
come here 35 years ugo and since
that time has lived in Salem. Iu
her girlhoods day she was a pupil
of Dr. Whitman, who was murdered
by the Cuyuse Indians in tho Whit
man masacro near Wa'la Walla in
1817. Mrs. Buckingham has had
tho misfortune In her old ace to
lose her eyesight. This occurred
about three years ago, otherwise she
Is in good health. She received
several nice presents. At tho party
were: Mrs. Dr. Belt, Mrs. Huelat,
Mrs. Albert, Sr. Mrs. Jos. Holman,
Mrs. R. S. Dearborn, Mrs. S. Bo
zorth, Mrs. Jos. Sellwood, Mrs. E.
N. Cooke and Mrs. A. L. Bucking
ham. tonight's debate.
The big debate of tho season will
take place tonight in the ball of the
Alka-Hesperiau society, In the In
surance building. The question is a
live one aud is discussed in all circles
and clubs, still it Is not ouo on which
all agree. That is the reason the dis
cussion will bo atte.idod with Inter
est. The question reuds: "Resolved,
that tho country should bo put on a
war footing Immediately." Judge
Pratt and Dr. Cusick are the leaders
in the debate, and will be assisted by
able speakers. The discussion will
onen at 8 o'clock. Visitors are wel
come and ladles Invited to attend.
After one more week tho society will
probably close their meetings until
after the summer vacations are over.
During the short evenings the meet
ings of the society as well as other
social doings are notso well attended
and it Is considered best to adjourn
until about October.
the circus is coming.
Queen Jumbo and Jo-Jo will be in
Salem Monday April 27. Tho an
nouncement of the coming of McMa-
hon's Circus heralds the advent of
the largest animal known to history,
as well as niauy new Interesting ar
enlc featuses destined to create quite
a furore. Tho car arranged to bring
her majestic majesty from the At
lantic to tho Pacflo was found to bo
too low, causing a few days delay,
to enable tho car builders to raise the
roof and lower the floor between the
wheels. It was the doubtful wheth
er tho car eould go through the tuu-
!. .... morn. The movements of
the big one across the continent be
ing telegraphed from point to point
caused much enthusiasm amoug
tho people along tho line, immense
crowds catherlug at tho stations,
nnlv to be disappointed, as the
weather was cold and tho masta
dou could not be exposed.
Excursion to Albany.
The Willamette University will
give an excurblou (o Albany on Sat
urday May 2. One of tho largest
boats that can be had to run
that far up the river will bo used.
The success of the excursion giv
en by the school last year, when
many had to be refund tlckets,a the
200,the number allowed ou the boat,
had their tlcketsa week beforehand.
Tho excursion will be given under
the auspices of the qnlyeoilty bqnd
which will furnish mqslo for the oc
casion, A grand time Is expected.
. tt .i rnmnaov by last
u .. A It Allm MBV
u,e kluu ou wenmu. . -.
gave n wldo range of characteriza
tions which stamped him ns a
genuine artist and put him iu Rrcat
favor with the audience. Slcuor
.Invtna n,un ... .... I
--.... r iuuut .uiwui ii
range, power and sweetness. Mr.
Couturier is tho best corneter heard
here since Levy camo many years
ago, and Miss Miller is a violinist of
merit. Dewey I Ivy wood 'h playing
of the flute proved him to be a mas
ter of that instrument, aud Clint
Heywood excited much admiration
by lils solos on the euphonium.
Nevada City Transcript.
This compauy will be In Salem on
Tuesday evening April 30.
PEUSUNAh mention.
Mrs. J. H. Brooks and her
are both victims of la grippe.
JudsouFoss, a Chicago friend of
the Journal editors, is In the city
Prof. Rork organized three alll-
nuccs iu one day In Union county.
This beats the record.
Hunter Forsytho and family have
moved to Marion, where they will
make their future home.
Miss Rosa Moore, a student at the
university, went to her home In Sclo
today to spend Sunday.
Silss Hausee, dean of the Woman's
college, has been away from her
class in the university several days
with la grippe.
A. B. Gleason, a pioneor to Ore
gon, who lives In tho north end of
the couuty, returned from a trip to
California a few days ago.
The Gervais dance, Thursday
night of last week, was a success so
cially, but not financially It is re
'ported a calico ball will be given in
a few weeks in that burg.
Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Whyte, of
Tacoma, are visiting with Piof. and
Mrs. Arnold on Piety hill. Mrs.
Whyte Is a sister of Mrs. Arnold.
Mr. Whyte says Salem Is tho most
attractive city he has visited ou tho
D. G. Diruick, who has lived in
Marion county for 30 years leaves
next Monday for Tillamook, where
he Intends to make his future home.
Commencement at the Baptist
cqllege at McMinnville this year oc
curs June 3rd. There will bo uino
graduates, two from the academic
dcpai tuients. Of this uumbur only
three will be "sweet girl graduates."
Rev. John von llerrlck has re
signed the rectorship of St. Paul's
Protestant Episcopal church, Sacia
meuto, which he lias held for over
thiee years. During this time the
church has been gieatly Improved.
The Stanford, Crocker and Ray
mond windows iu this church are
among tho most costly in America.
The rector resigns ou account of ill
health and need of lest,
Penitentiary. Service will
conducted by Rev. F.
H. G wynue,
D. D., at 3 o'clock in tlio afternoon.
PncsiiYTEitiAN. Tho pastor will
preach in tho morning at 10:30, aud
in the evening at 7:30. Sabbath
school at noon. Endeavor society
at 4 p. m., aud 0:30 p. m.
EvANQEiiiOAL. -The pastor, E. S.
Bollinger, will preach at 10:30 a. m.,
and 7.30 p. m. Eudeayor meeting
at 0:30. All are welcome.
Unitarian Society. Rev. H.
H. Brown, minister. Services at
10:30 a.m. Theme, "The Incarnate
Word." No eveulug service. Sun
day school at noon.
Christian Ciiuhoii. Services at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Endeavor meet
ing utC:"0. Subject for tho morn
ing. "A Successful Life." Evening
subiect. "God tho Savior of all
Men." P. It. Buknett.
The following Is tho stationary
report of tho Evangelical ehurch:
orkqon dist. c. O. I'OLINCJ, i e.
Brooks, J. Bowersox; Salem, E.
S. Bollinger; Albany and Browns
ville, A. Parker, under P. E.; San
Francisco, T. Bulier; Sweet Home,
T. A. Yost;N. PuRet bound, A. It.
Johnson; Rockford, P. Desgranges,
under P. E. Mllwauklo, Portland
aud Cauby to be supplied.
Stand Your Oronnd.
When you make up your mind to
take Hood'a Sarbaparllla do not bo
luduced to buy tome other prepara
tion Instead. Clerks may claim
that -'ours U as good as Hood's" and
all that, but tho peculiar merit or
Hood'H Sarsaparllla cannot bo
caqualed- Theiefore havo nothing to
do with substitutes and insist upon
having Hood's Sarsaparllla, the best
blood purifier and building-up
An Opportunity in Real Estate
For Sale for 30 Days. What is
known as tho "Marble Corner," cor
ner of Court and Liberty street.
Also 1 blocks across the street north
of the East Bajptp school Jous.e.
Tlila property will be for sale for
the next 3Q days. Inquire of
3:12 im M. I CHAM J!EWAIW.
Sim lats for 2ft cte. at Culvert'.
For Balk-t-Two good mares, well
broken for all work, Both with foal,
Inquire of J. M, Payne, State etreet.
Wall paper Bargent'B.
Children's bat tar 2ft eta. ot Cal
vert'. ., .nil . l.wll.
i bUnerCHj irwn unuuu. '"
Nearly Frantic.
Him It ever been your mUtortuno to bo
brought! to frequent contract villi n per-
bou ox-eicly nervous. If so, you must
i bo nwnra Hi it trivial run ten, unnoticed by
mo vigorous, drlvo a nervous invnita 10
tllO VCrgO Of lllstmCtlOU. It IS OS UUnCC-
MwnrT to twrtleulnrlro
nry to pnrllculnrlro tlieso ns It
lbloto lainrd luminal them, f
Is Im
possible to kunrdncnlnslthem.
nfthnnnlla nannilv llimpifo.
fho root
ally Impel feet digestion
nnd nsslmllntton. To assist thwo func
tions, nnd through their renewed, com.
fileto dtscbnreeto reinforce wenk nerves,
n conjunction with other portions oftho
physical orKAuWtn, is within tho powerof
llut-li-tter stamieli UIUts, systematically
nnd continuously used There Is no dls
uppolntment here, no mutter w hut or how
grievous me ni'iures or oilier socnuca
tonics. No Kcdallve or opiate avoid both!
can compare with thU lnvlEoratlnc
nerve tranquilizer. Constipation, blllous
ncss.mnlnrla. rheumatism, kidney troubles
nro cured br It
Friday. Yon cannot afford to
miss the entcrtalument in tho M. E.
church Friday evening. A good
program has been arranged.
School hats for 25 cts. at Calovrt's.
tho use of Hood's 8nrs.iparilla, Sevcro
cases cf scrofula, upon which other prep
arations li.ivo been powerless, jlelit to tho
peculiar curatlro powers of this medicine.
Distressing cases ot d)spcpsl.i, excruciat
ing cumphtuts of tlio kidneys and liver,
ugonizlntc Itch Btk fj
nblj cases ot catarrh, and aches and pains
of iiicunntlsm, aro cured by Hood's Sar
& 'r!lh. It put tiles tlio blood, and at tho
io tlmo tunes tho stomach, creates an
Me, and glics strength to u cry f ttne
. i ot the body. Gtioltatrlal.
General Debility
' For four j cars my wilu suffered with
hro tumor bunches ou tho glands under
the arms, ami general debility ot the wliolo
sjstem. blio becamo so poor In health
tint wo weio on tno crgo of despair
regarding her recoery. l'hjslclans did
not seem to undcrsttnd her case; at all
cicnts sho never deilved any benefit from
their; treatment. Sho finally concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Tho Immediate
effect was so marked and satisfactory that
sho continued to tako It, and this e tho
result: Sho lias gained In weight
From 84 to IIS Pounds
and k stronger and In better health than
she has been Toi ycai s. Tho bunches under
her anus have diminished, and wo believe
Hood's Sarsaparllla will bo loo much for
tlicm In tlmo." J. J. Noucuoss 220 Com
meiclal Street, Boston, Mass.
Mood's SarsapariJIa
SoM by iltti.' ;UtJ. Sl(lxfor?5. Prepared by
0. 1. HOOD & CO., Aiothecarlos, I.owcll, Man.
tOO Doses One Dollar
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oilu
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Dorder, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Teed and Fenco
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
Coming in all its Superlative Splendor!
The Grandest! The Greatest! The Ueitl
Hippodrome, Museum,
Wild Animal Exposition
Grand Free International Horse Fair
Salem, Monday, April 27.
ELlargod to four times Its former size,
100 times more grand 1 A city of tents I A
world ol wonders I
An Amazing Galaxy of Crowned Champion Arenlc
kKN .11 M Hll HlvomastodOH.tiieliirc.
est nuimtu Known iu
a pnnueroiiH iiiuvwb wuuuHwi
133 lbs. more than auy Klephant
weigh 2033
tjt:r rccui
Europe's Greatest Curiosity
And all tho Wonders.
An nll-fcature show. Moro absolutely
new act than old and new In any other
exhibition in America.
Nature's Marvels and Apt Artistic Suprem
acy Unrivaled. .
General Jubilee Occasion For All.
Doors opon at 1 and 7 p. m. 1'erfonti.
anre one hour aftcrwai..
For particulars, see bulletin boards, lith
ographs and tho various advertlsiuir mo
dTums. w-J(MO U-18-V5
Buy a lot iii
Unless you want to build
on it.
The city water mains aro laid
through It. It U va near tho Depot,
University, 1'ostolJlce and uusIuohs
portion of tho city that It is not nec
essary to ride, although tlio street
cam run through It aud leavo every
ivvoniv minutes for Commercial
street, North and East Salem. YOU
CAN'T HrKUUljATis i xiiv
1'AHK PitOl'KHTV-tho proprle
tors will attend to that; but you
can buy u better homo alto there
than in auy oiner portion ut mo cny
for the same niouey. You will have
no dust In Summer aud no mud in
winter. It perfect drainage Insures
its healthfulness. Tho lots aro larjro
and many ofihem beautifully shad
ed with yew, llr, ash andoalt. Ifyou.
Want to UUy IUOOKU Ol iois on hjwvuiu;
Hon. and Jet them lie unimproved
and let adjoining- projjerty mane
them voluoble, ijon't patronuo vow
It Is not Built That Way
Ifyouwantto speculate ou op
tions or block of eight or ten lot,
go out in mo country, imuivioi
soui'Ji. KAirr or wmbt, or to tho sub
urb of Portland, Astoria or ou the
Sound, and luvcut Jn a paper town,
or, what Is belter, buy a tloket Iu
the IkjuUIhd lottery, but keep
away from Yew I'ark,
Lrfita sola til low pnees ou iohk
time and wisy termu to home wek-
Lace Curtains, Window Shades, White Spreads,
Satines aud Fancy Flannels of the
opera, house; block -
Call and see our
Highest Cash Prico Paid for
Within 6 years. Not less than 100
Salem. The entire va'ley will mako nn
Therefore wo havo just laid In
l.OOO Gallons linseed Oil.
Wq also carry the largest stock in this yley of
Paints, Glass, Brushes, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, Lime,
Cement, Plaster, Hair, Alabastino and Fire Brick.
By Can or Barrel. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock
ery, Glass Ware.
When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc,
You will find it to your advantage to call on me ho
foro purchasing elsewhere, as I have the LAltGEST RE'
TAIL STO RE 1 N OREGON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad
dies iu most modern stylos,
Best made in the world.. I am sole Manufacturer's Agent
Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as
low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but
was established by mo in 1869 and by long experience I
know tho demands oftho trade. You can't miss tho place
at the sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horse."
Thankincr mv customers for their liboral patronage in
tho past. Bv square dealing,
n.i J
the same.
You Can't Find
I shall, for the season of 1891, make a specialty of
My $1.25 lino aro tho best valuo ovor sold in Salem.
Call and see my $3.00 lino of Ladies' Cloth Top
Patont Leather Tip Shoes.
211 Commercial Street.
Lumber, Lath, Shingles aVid Uuildlng material. Yard east of Depot,
Salem. We mauufaoturo all our own Btook, and aro prerared to flu auy
order on tho shortest notice. ........ . , .
4:17-lm-dw THOMAS SIMS, Superintendent.
J. O. GOODALE, Cobum.
Lumber, Latti. Pickets !
Agent for rburi Alllls, HprlnEi
went Bide of Twelfth l
fleld Mills
trcot near
Sash and Door Factory
Front'j Street, Salem, Oregon.
Tho best class of work in our lino at prices to compote
with tho lowest. Only tho best material used.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.,
Snsli. Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
' House Finishing made 'Ut order.
New nnv JULJf, by which wj can always keep a full supply of seasoned stock or all
kinds. Agricultural Works, Corner of Trado and Ulgn streets, Bulein, Oregon.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
OTICK Is hereby given that. the
IN partnership heretofore existing be
- -.... i t. ir .( mi1 warai win tt inn
ben dcsolved by tnulual concent, 1
. li. Klennln retiring from the firm . All
.. Bi&JaK niMfklVHIl IIV
d'ebUdua the le Arm ru payable to
umiih (tnvii and Alderson. und said
Hwlth.IloyuUnd Alderfcon aro rwponsl-
PIS lor ull oeomuua iiuuiiuowui u ".
thotairrylugoutofthe fnl'BcU for wojk
and buildings by tt Jal? tm.
Anrll 4. Imjl. i.j.pniiii
r AN't KD. T r contract fur crop Of forty
f aore for five years Kgrf plums ut
Kood prices, kialem iJind Co. i:18 tf
)enot Addition .
(niatest lots la town. 4S rold slur
January U. Cull ou
Duth-Cfcvman Clock,
elegaut, new line of
Wool. Produce Taken.
Salem's Population
now houses aro going up now In
uuprecedontod uulldlug growth
I hope for a continuance of
289 Commercial Stroot.
Their Equal !
A. WHEELElt, Siirluglleld.
and MoICenzio Mill, onico und Yard on tho
depot. Ilont Lumber In the Vulley.
N. MA1TI1KWS, Manager, Salem.
! tmuuummammmmmmmmmtamimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
South ofWillomtittti Hotol,
Livery. Feed and Sale Sialics
W. H. G0ULET, Prop'r.
Alt stock left In jnyearoshttll ieclve tm
beet of attention. Telophou No. 'it. Cor
ner Liberty and Yetty street, Malera, Or.
Fccrf mhU KnrdiiiK Stable.
llav unil ruilu-itiland dllverel. Htabla
ou Kerry street, back of foftloftlce, buleui.
Jv order ut it.M.Wftdo4C'.
until frost. Descriptive price lUt free
hetii wihquut, iiusaciJVJiie.LH-e.
I Fire Und Ma
U. W. HEELER, Agent, Baleln, OrccoB
rAtlKlStnte street Is prepftred to iratno
pictures nentlr and nt lowest living rates.
Call around nnd diamine his work. lie
also has a line assortment to select from ot
Wall Paper and Picture Moulding.
j. H. HAAS,
215 Commercial St., Salem, Oregon,
(Next door to Klein's.)
Bocclaltv of Spectacles, and renalrlnt
Clocks. Watches and Jewelry.
Truck & Dray Line.
(lood teams and
prompt work Is our
Of goods at our store) TVe carry a full lino
of groceries, feed, crockery, clasairftre, ci
gars, tobacco and confectionery.
No. 526 Commercial BU, Balem
One hundred very choice lots, which
will be sold at 9100 per lot, and on easy
terms by
J. J. ROBERTS. 05 Stnto St.
Or Trade for Real Estate.
A good Bpan ol work horses, well broke.
'i 10-im Turner, Oregon.
and Packer,
Stnto St. and Ceurt St. Tho best meats
uellverod to all parts cf the city.
"Tlae State."
Assessed noar)yone-thtrdlotTamilllon
GEO. M. BEELEB, City Agent,
And special agent for Mar'on county. Ol
tlco with Hie Company.
Highest Cash Price t
01 Court street.
monte In tho Btato. Lower rates than
'ortland. Luinroot Btook Ieeal IllanRs Id
thoHtate, a-d Ijlggest UiHcount. Head for
price lUt of Job prfnllng, and cataloirue ol
legal blanks. TS. M. WA1TE,
quiu'u rimiur ot&tviu vfAevuu
Mates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Buy.
Tho best hotel between Portland nudEan
Francisco. Klrt-claBB In nil Us appoint
menu. Its tables nro servud with tho
Choicest Emits
Grown In the Wlllainolto Valley.
A, I. WAGNER, Prop.
U, 8, l'enslon and Claim agent. 10
llox Ml. Halom, Oreaon. Deputy County
Clori' vrito for blanks. w
Eldridge Block, Salcn, Oregon.
IilseaseH of women and children; cbronla
and private diseases
In onice day and night. Consultation
ShcrJlPs Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue ot
nn nToniitlnn dulv issued out of the honor
able Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon
of Marlon, on the 20th day
or March. lB'Jf. and to mo directed ur
miH tr ri AlranttkA lltmtl n.
iiiiiiriinnt unil drvroo dulv rondered
d docreo duly rondered, en-
tertdnf Vccord, and docketed la and by
suld Circuit ourl ou tno via nay pi oo
nmry, 181)1, In certain suit then In wid
court pvudliiK, wherein Corbltt and Mn
clcay were ptulntlUri and .Monroe Cleaver
ana uolummi uioavor wero defendants,
In luvorof plolntlUs and ngalnst defend,
nnu, by which execution I am command
ed to sell the real property hereinafter
described, and outot the proceeds of such
sule to pay the costs aud exponse of such
sale. TliocostHanddUbursemontNnf wild
suit taxed at I W.W, the sum of J0 qp attor.
noy fees, und tho further sum of IJ10.50
with Interest thoreon at the rale of 10 per
centum per nnnuin from and after January
eih.lKOl.I wlllou
Saturday, the 10th Dy of Hay, 189f,
at llmhsurot eleven o'clock In the fure.
noon oliiaid doy, at tho vrnt door of tiw
county court house In Balem, Marloa
County, On K'i. sell at public auction t
tho lilKheat bidder, for comIi Iu hand, on
the uuy of sale, all the rlnt, title, Intereal,
mid etaUi which Monroe Cleaver and Col
umbus Cleaver, or either of the defendants
named la said decree, had ou .or alter tho
ami day of January, IHtt. In or to I ha
following described real property, to will
IleKluiiW at thoiwrnerbeiweeii section
3 and 10 In T , H, 11 i W. of Willamette
filcrldlon, Marlon County. Oreoon, and
running thence west about 41 rod and
17 llnka to tlio middle of a publlo road
leudluv Ironi llulte Crcok to what won
known iu Butliun fity, thenoo souiherly
in the liilddloofsald road to the south
cornerofn tract of bind qwued by Uwmw
u.iii,..i.. in lin IlioiiMt nMi.f Inf. tkAINL
40 rods west of the section Hue, between
section and 10 aforwwldj thence south
so rod, thenco west l rods, to the 11a
between lleiilamln tltaver and Ueorg
Hettlxmler aonutlon land claim, thence
south 11 rods, theme et 815 rods and
llnks.thenco north U rods, theiice wei 8
rods,'ihenc north 10J rods, thenc w
M0 rodit to the place of bcKtunlair, outl
tint MM erc more or le. savin 4j
oxceptiiiBlroinMiearxive tract of hb4
acres deedel to J. Jl. l-almer, tf aorf
deeded ti J M, Myer and aoroa
toColumbu cieaitr.ftUor said prnmhsstv
belnln Mariou ouuty,Oreon.
aImo lha following; real proieriy. to wltr
Hftflnulnu at the northeast cortier of tcvr
dotiutlott bind claim of Wm. Ulovwr ftvo
wife lu T tt, B. K one (I) wst of Ms
Wlilminetu meridian, Marlou oounu
Utitts of Oregon, Uienc soutU forty (ew
clulus, I heuw west forty! W) chain, Uwaji
nitftli forty (W) chalus, thence muM rty
i elmta to the Ue pi bttlnuln. m
lalnlnK ISO acre of lund.ull being lat4
lu Mnrlor)Uuly.ilijofOr4(OB.
Marlon CouBt,0s
,.ora J