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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1891)
- VTW"?" .wt?imh -tint hvhjsjni !rflw:?i'KW:Frvn t ip i? MISCELLANY. MBS. CLEVELAND'S PET. Cleveland, 0., April 18. Baron, tho handsome Imported spaniel, which was presented Mrs. Grovcr Cleveland while alio waa.miatresa of tho White House, has been ad tulrcd by nil lovers of dogs at tho Cleveland bench show, but no body thought the little canine would carry away two lilue ribbons. Buch is the cae, however, for be side taking first prize In the class for spaniels of all breeds over twcnl-elgbt pounds, Baron was de clared to bo tho best dng exhibited at the show, and was given a special award on that account. Baron was entered in tho show by G. W. Folsonl, a relativo of Mrs. Cleveland. VIOLATION OF THE LAW. San Fkancibco, April 18. A suit was filed yesterday in tho sup erior court by tho people of the state of California, upon complaint and Information of Attorney- General Hart against the Ban Francisco stock exchange. Tho complaint is filed for the purpose of preventing the defendant from doing business. Tho attorney general claims that the exchange, by its members, con ducts business .in violation of tho laws of the state ugalnst conducting lotteries, gumbling and games of chance, and is therefore illegal and against public policy. SAYS IT IS NOT SO. Talahasse, Fin., April 18. Mc Clellan, who was charged in demo cratic caucus last night with having attempted to bribo Ilcpresontatlvc "Whltobust to vote for a call, has published a card today denouncing tho statement as false. nUUCILAllY. Nokwalk, Conn., April 18. Birglars fired a small barn on the outskirts of town last night and whilo tho police and others were watching tho blazo thoy entered Jackson's Jewolry storo and secured $15,000 worth of Jewelry and dia monds. DIED OP LKl'llOSY. Sacramento, April 18. Fritz Hams, tho Yolo leper, who has been quarantined on an Island in the overflow soveral miles below tho town of Washington, died n fow days ago and was burled yesterday. Ho has been afillcted with leprosy for years. His relatives aro taxpay ers of Yolo. CANADIAN IMPORTS. Washington, D. C, April 18. Secretary of tho Treasury Foster was asked today about tho proposed changes, which it Is said aro con templated In the prceont system of transportation through tho territo ries of tho United States, of goods shipped over tho Canadian roads uuder consular Bcals. The secretary replied that tho department did not want to Injure tho busluoss of Cana dian roads. Tho slnglo prluclplo which tho department wanted to hayo established in tho matter was thn protection of American revenue. Tho department would treat these goods proeisoly as though they en tered at Now York or any American port, destined for au inland custom llOUHO. flOVHKNMIJNT SHU' 11UHN8. New York, N, Y., April 18.-Tho Itovenuo Cutter Chandler took tiro In tho bay today and Is probable u total loss. kills m:u OHII.J), Fort Wayne, Ind., April 18. Tho wife of George Murphy this morning shot her llvo-yvar-old daughter through tho head with a revolver, killing hor instantly. Tho woman Is declared insane. MARKETS. Chioaoo, III., Apr. 18. There wait another booln In wheat this morning occasioned by higher price abroad and possible poor crops throughout Europe, May option opouodat $1.10 and within out mluuto had sold up to (1.11 . From thero May continued to nil vauco steadily until quoted at f 1.15 and July, $1.10 1, By 11 o'ulouk market fluctuated down, May sel ling. at 11.12 and July at f 1.00. SAN Fkanchco, April 18.Wheat buyer wawn, fl.73. Anowthlng-No slight ou quality At tho Baleui Cuih Grocory. TIib Muring Mvrilolue. All who it-ttllioUio iieclly or purity Itif ha blootf Scow tliul,lllbtmnfij MiuuiimU' -yrupouiiUt relluU uixn Mr. U. U Uot 1 lutve miUVivu Imonniv lute mid rluiuiiintUm fur ,ui Hanuiii, aiiui ive miUVivU liuon. ana rucuiiinlLm llinoa tur. and tried muuv iciuihIIm. Ueuiluvi 'wrd's Hvruii i toiigm u Umlu uni lounrt oi mo 41 htinou wu. 1 lmo uw turd iimrUntU hii h mi rtxiorva iny ham hi a tvtuuoi to bMllliy ncllou, Mini tlouv morula jmrll; My blood lliun Huyllwug 1 linvv e vi tuhvii 1 ntfOHiuuiisil li huh uuudciiul bliuKt l mil ioUie, vrytmljruurj li. U. Jtobiusuii, MnwlmJl. MICH. $oiA liy touiliu Mnur. Riot in tho Region. Coke TDK PRESIDENTS TRIP. Families Starving in New Bruns wick, Shipload of Smallpox Lan ded in New York Other News. CIEESTEMUNDE ELECTIONS. Berlin, April 18. Tho latest returns from the election for a mem ber of ttio reichstag from Gecsto munde, Hanover, show the poll to stand as follews: Bismarck, 7657; dcbmalfiold (socialist) S023; Piatt (guelph) U343; Adloff (freisiulgc) 2010. Tho apathy ot electors is re markable, not over 40 per cent hav ing voted. This state of u flairs is largely attributed to the fact that tho nationalists were supine, mus tering but a bare one-fourth of the voto cast by them at tho last elec tion, and to tho additional fact that Prince Bismarck abstained abso lutely from taking any part in the contest. niSMAROIC DECLARES HIMSELF. Frederichsruhe, A prill 18. Prince Bismarck, in receiving a dep utation ot Kiel conservatives, said: Tho emperorwould do well to de list from conceding further reforms, and revert to tho conservative policy maintained by his grandfather. Priuco Bismarck insisted upon Ids right to express au opinion on current affairs. This speech pro- sages the indomitable opposition of I tho former chancellor to tho govern ment. MAY HE DEFEATED. Berlin, April 18. Tho final re turns from Geestemundo show thut there is aremoteclmnceof Bismarck being defeated for tho reichstag on tho second ballot. He gives no sign of retiring. A dispatch containing a voreo addressed to tho emperor in rogard to Bismarck appeared in this city and met with an enormous do maud. It requests tho emperor to pacify Bismarck, tho great historical liguro of tho omplro, to whom tho emperor can make advances with out tho sacrifice of dignity. ANOTHER FIOHT IN COKE REOION. Scottdale, Pa., April 18. A hun dred coke strikers attacked tho dep uty shorlfi'at Lelslngrlng lost night. Shots wero exchanged tho guards finally compelled tho strikers to re tire but only after ono of tho depu. ties was shot and It Is feared fatally wounded. Shorlfi' McCormlck will now ask tho governor to call out tho troops agalu. THE COKE REGION.- Gheensuuho, April 18. Tho cor ouor's inquest on tho Morowood riot wiw complotod yesterday aud tho caso was given to tho Jury, who will render their verdict ou Monday. DESPERATE STRIKERS. Scottdale, Pa., April 18. Tho report has just bcon received that tbo strikers blow up tho water tanks at tho Kylo works of Frlok & Co., early HiIb morning. No guard was about aud nobody was hurt. THE PRESIDENT'S TRIP. Little Book, Ark., Apr 18. Pres ident Harrison aud party recloyed a cordial woloomo at this point. A military saluto was fired as tho train approached this city, aud tho president was oheered by tho crowd assembled, Ho and tho remainder of tho party wero escorted to the stato house, whero au address of welcome by tho governor was res ponded to by the president, Sec retary Husk, and Postmaster Gen oral Wanamaker, after which tho president held a public reception. Tho party left last evening for Tex arkaua. ' INVITATION FROM MEXICO. Citv Of Mexico, April 18. Col. Vlllanoura has left for Jl Paso to meet President Harrisouou his ar rival there, aud invito him in tho uamo oftho Mexican government to visit this country. President Dla found It lmposslhlo to Jeavo Mexico uow, owing to the- press of official business and because cougrcaslslu session. THE PRESIDENT IN TEXAS, PALLsriNE, Tex., April 18. Tho prealdout arrived hero at H o'clock this morning and wtu greeted by a largo crowd assembled at tho utatlou. Ho mado a speech and held a short recoptlou, SHU'-LOAJOF 8MAU.1 Nmv York, tf . Y April 18. Threo huudttd or tho 085 fttccrago passengers ou board tho steamer Fuldu, detained at quaraull.Utf ou a won nt of smallpox, havo beeu tak en ll aud landed ut tho barge otllco rhoothem wo veut lt Huflmun' island, Another FOREIGN. FAMILIES STARVINO. St. Johns, N, B. April 18. A dispatch from Tlcklo Cove says terrible destitution prevails there aud that a number ef families are actually starving. Unless speedy relief Is afforded death from starva tion will result in many cases. PLEORO-I'NEUSIONrA. London April 18. A caso of pleu-ro-pneumonia has been found among cattle shipped here from tho United States. THE IRISH TROUBLE. London, April 18. In tho com mons Thomas Sexton, one of the members from Belfast, who wus loud ly cheered by lheMcCarthyltles,and by tho liberals during tho course of tho debate ou the Irish land bill, strongly condemned Parnell's at titude when the latter mado an at tack upon tho llborals' policy. Sex ton paid tho liberal's position was not changed, but Parnell's attitude had undergone a change. Parnell, before a full house, again turned on Healy and Sexton. They were, ho said, trying in an under handed way to destroy the bill. He ofiercd to withdraw his amendment if Morley would withdraw bis, and allow tho house to divide on Sexton's amendment, which would fulfill a dual object. Morley assented, hut the government insisted upon a di vision. Since Healy, across tho floor of tho house, renewed his challenge to Parnell, tho Cork unionist leaders there sent Parnell absuranco that they will leave him a clear field to fight out the battle, aud that no unionist candidates or non-unionist support will obscure tho issue. This oflor doprives Parnell of tho last ex cuse' for not facing Hoaly; buthc will not fiidit. Tho decision of tho Cork board of guardians calling up on Parnell to resign, shows that ev ery chance ho had of success had yanlahcd. KERRY ARRESTED. London, April 18. Capt. Kerry, liberal member of parllament.agalnst whom a warrant was issued on charge of having procured a girl for Immoral purposes was arrested to day. Tho prisoner was arraigned In court, Miss Breckett was present and detailed at length the tactics adopted to inveigle iter into wrong doing. POLITICAL. UECOMINO REPUHLICAN. Chaulkston, S. C, April 18. A significant political meeting was hold at tho state capltol yesterday. It was tho first whilo ropublican meeting ovor hold In tho state, aud is said to bo largely tho out growth of tho alliance wavo which swept over this state last year. At tho meeting wero mauy citizens who have heretofore been associated with tho straight-out-and-out demo cratic party. Among thorn wero Br. Bowen, Mr. Haunam, of Spartansburg; James Hunter, of Union, Dr. Monroe, of Uulon, and othors. Flfty-ono clubs wero repre sented, Tho meeting elected dele gates to the republican ioagno cou vontion which moots at Cincinnati, April 21. This movement is re garded with some concern hero, taken ns it is in consideration oftho roportcd declaration of tho alliance in favor of a third party. Tho white democrats who aro hi it say that the old democratic party has been elbowed out ot exlstenco by tho farmers' movement, aud as they will not subscribe to tho plat form aud principles of tho movo mont, they will go Into tho ropubli can party. Thero are so mauy democrats lu this stato who are disgusted with the Tllhmin adminis tration Unit thero Is some dauger of tho now movement developing into a slampedu from tho demo cratic party as It exists lu this stato at present. Notions of all kinds at Sargent s. A Wonder Worker, Mr. Frank Huitimui n vounir man of Burlington, Ohio, states that ho has beeu under tho caro of two prominent nhyslciuns. and used their treatment until ho was uot ablo to net around. Thoy nranouueed his caso to bo Consumption and Ju curaiiie. no was piwttuueu to try Or, King's Neiv Dlsoovery for Cou cumpilon, Coughs aud Colds aud at thut tlluo waH uot ablo to walk across tho street without' resting. Ho found, botbro ho had used half of a dollar bottle, that hp was muoh better: he eoutluuod to una it aud Is to-day enjoying good health. If you havuauy Throat. Lung or Cheat Troublo try lu Wo guarantee satUfaotiou. Trial bottle free at Fry'n Drugstore. lluckWu't Anilo8le, llMt lUlve In the world. for Cut. .T rwver r rcaul U guuruuti to kIvo ixrfcii MUtmcUon or manor nvfumlid. f Yim. u roeuu ber iK. ' r ' nnilvu, norra, Uioen, imii iiimum. Horv,tite.'iitpi(l JUnd, ChUotlu, Com .u4 ell Hklu trupltom, ud jol lively curt PilM. oi uo iwy rcautra. It FINANCIAL. VANDERBILT TO HEAD OFF OOULD, CniCAOO, April 18. A story Is told here which throwa new light upon the trip of Cornelius Vander bilt and party to the far West. It is said tho movement of Vanderbllt is for tho purpose of headingoff Gould. It has been asserted that tho ten- year traiuc contract witu mo Northwestern has been Ignored by tho Union Pacific slneo Gould ob tained control, though tho business, is being largely diverted to the Mis souri Pacific. When it was found that Gould had no Intention of at tending the meeting of the advisory board of tho Western Traffic associ ation this week, Vanderbilt, Depew, Uosslter and Twombly immediately started west on a speelal train. It is said that their object was to reach Denver in advance of Gould, aud bo the first in the field in making pre liminary airaugemenlB in carrying out their plans. These plans, it is alleged, Involve the ultimate exten sion of the Northwestern system o Ogdcti. When this is done the Northern Pacific will parallel the Union Pacific its entire length, and will possess an Immense advantage lu having a Chicago terminus. It is said that this step was contem plated for a lone time by the Van derbllt Interests, but the scheme was .tbaiidoued when the traffic con iract bctwreu the Northwestern and the Union Pacific was perfected. OOLIJ SHIPMENTS. New York, April 18. Lazard Frores has ordered ?1,160,()0) gold coin fur export. Total this week $.3,200,000; . HOl'KL ARRIVALS "WILLAMUTTIJ" T J Iltitctilnga, L M Maurer, Chas Holbrook, W 11 Wheeler, 8. F. C A Chandler F M Kegg, C J. Miller, Philip 8 Bates, Chas S Hill, M Winter, Portland. W J Pond, Port Townsend. Jo Starkweather, S D. E L Rector, E Davis, M Good man, Gcivais. E a Hyde, Scio. G D Hurst, Geo H Teuny, N Y Ed R Hoilinuu, Cleveland, Ohio, cooic. Peter Hondeison, Med ford. SOHnlliiKin, Hillsboro. J A Knight, Woodhuru. F Fiistiiiiller, A E Selnier, Albany I H Pierce, Griswold, Iowa. Fruuels Feller, Buttevlile. Jiunes Ore, Kent, WaBh. M Colwell, Walla Walla. R Hunt, Cal. Silas Oates, St Louis. Ellas foatcs, Texas. A G Allen, Staytou. W S Thomas, Turner. Ren J MeCown, Joo McCowu, Portland. Placorville. C J Rolius, S Thomas. V A White. Whitealtur- G W Smith aud T Cloud, Kan. W R Townsend, C P Guiles, J Armbrecht, Z T Smith, J W Harrltt R Whituey, Salem. Mrs Molllo Cllne, -Eugene. E Sims, Kansas. Tho VTorlil rnricliod. The facilities oftho present day fox die production of everything that will conduce to the material -welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlim ited, and vhen Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it 13 the only remedy which is truly pleasing and lefreshhig to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, lu fact, at any time, and the hetter it is known the more popular it be comes. BprhiR Medicine, I)r Gium'H Improved Liver I'llls on ac count or ttiolr mild action are especially adapted tor correcting spring dUoidtra, audi as tuipuro blood, tired brain aud ach lu,: and worn out body. They uct prompt ly ou wiu j.iver anu iviuueys; urive out au Impurities from tho blood, and ninlarla from tho system. Onlv one nlll for u dose. Try thorn ihls spring. Bold at 35 couth u box by Hmllh.i steincr. Both tho method nnurcsults when Syrup of Fica is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to thptasto, and acts gentlyyet promptly on tho Jvjdneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho B)s tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipation permanently. Porealo in 50o fxi. $1 hottfea by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. SAM FKASCISCO. CAL UHitsmu.Kr. tiwrtosK. r. THOMAS & JOHNSON"" ItKAL ESTATE 1IK0KEKS ANl NOTAlUKfUULlO. CcJlectlont Mado and Loan Negotiated. BOQCOMMBKOIAl, STRBBT SALKIVt OREGON, gJlPffidg iU are cured by Jf. acoiis tot Z0r& according to 11 according Directions SoreThroaT' W0lJNDSXln3.SWEU.INGS 'HE CHARLES . V00ELER CO.. Baltimore. Hi. BROOKS & LEGG DRUGGISTS 100 State Street, Patton's Block, Salem, Or. PRESCRIPTIONS. Special attention given to careful com pounding. W. E, McAFEE, PRESCRIPTION CLERIC. LADD & BUSH, Bankers, IRON BUILDING, SALEM, ... - OREGON. Transact a general banking business In all departments. 3:2-3m J. P.WHITE, EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hauling of all kinds. Best work. S ugon at every train. T-he New Blacksmiths SPRAGUE&HILGERS, SuercvMs to John Holm, cor. Commcr i-lal und Uliumeketu streets, Halem. H ir e ihoeing a specialty. 4 II If E. K. HALL, Paper Hanger. Leave ordprnt Globe IlealEstateExchange 'c havo the Exclusive Control of o Anu don't have to offer a prize to sell this hois, for Its the BEST MADE. Every Can holde ONE AHD ONE HALF POUNDS. GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM. ORE. 25c Want Column. N-.tlces Inserted for ONK CKNT PEIt WOi'.W EACH INSEItriON. No adver tlsemeut inseitedln this iroluinn for lf than twenty -ttve cents. WANTED. A steady, hardworking man u.edto clienntm: ord clearinc land to go Into timber east of Portland for tho sunimer. Wages reasonable, but p.iy sure. Man with small famliyjust from the ISast Drcferrud. No ono who drlnus or visits saloons need apply. Inquire at 22U Church street, Salem. 4:14 lw rTANTEn To trado a town lot In Capl- yr tat I'urh- Aaamon lor mmuer. a. Olluser, 122 Mill street. !l:29-tf !?OK RAiiB. A cood parlor set. Innulro I' at 11. Uinmouil's inuslo house. A bar gain. 4-8 lw WANTED. A ghl wants a place to do gflieial liou3J work, Inqutie at O. W. Kruiilrlek, ou church street one door souiu or iNow uenuiiu cuurcu. -7-ai Tc IO KENT. A lurnlshed frout room for hub burnt ami wire, or for a sluirlo per bud, uuiuuii. uiainonas mutic noune. 4 8tw 7OUHALE. A largo houbO and lot In V Bouth Suleni, with twenty bearlne frust trees. Apply ot 11. It. Page, ono block uorth of brick sioro, 4:'J-2w rrn aitc ?! t.... nmiin n.c I; tresh milk. Perfectly gentle and well broke. Can bo seen st my place. Price 125 to ?30. 1. Fcoley, beven miles Bouth' west of Salem. M-IiO dlw w-lt ITIOU UK NT.- House and stable on north L' est corner of Center and .Liberty Bts. linqulre at same, A-1 NK;KI.Y furulsheil looms to rent, with board, Inpleasantesl partofclty.ner street car lines, 400 Center street itoU tf I7IOH SALE, CHEAP. Cart and hurness 1 Inqalio at H. H. Westacott's stable. X:17-ot FOU HALE. A parlor set at u bargain. No 1M7 Cottage street. ITIOlt SALK Two njumo pianos for sale very llli-nioud'e, music kouse FOlt HALE. A new house containing nlno roms, nicoly situated In High land Addition, counseled tlth the city waterworks ami Is convenient to street car Hue. Term- reasonable. Imxulro of M.J. Uorrunco, uortli west comer of Center and Liberty stieets. ;Ut-lin TANTED. A girl or woman for nen 1 V eml servam work In a small family. I Apply oradditfcs with refeieueeat Joua- Auomce. KI N DEIUI A It I'KN: Mrs. Padgham's t Miliary School and Kindergarten lu e.vlon room oftho Paesbyteitau Church. A I1A1K1AIN. A hotiso and two lots for IX sale iuoiiinaaiematuuly faoo. In .. iTT. .. .if" U' II Uii.iii..n n.Q.r iiuTieuf V. 11. Simpson. ll:S-tf WANTED -Au active, reliable man sitlary i 0 'o tm) monthly, with In crease, to represent lu hU own section a respoitilble .Now York hems, ltolrrenees MANUKAUrUltEH, Look Box 1JS5, New York. Fit SALE. About three ncrea of laud ou Asylum Avenue, good dwelling home, conveniently armuged; large barn, ajrreat vatlety or fruit tree uud shrub, bery; convenient to Electric railway, ne er falling wuter on premUes. Kor partial. Ian Inquire at second house on rlglit timid side of Asylum A venue going irom city. 12M If COLUN'IBIAS," Liglit RoadsierSafety, Ladies' Safety, Kxpert, Tiintlem Safety, Volunteer, 8-ml. HoaiUter. Uv'ht Ko4dter, Rational. C. M. LOCKWOOD.Agt, -lf MJan.'.,KafUi the cbrrXoK. MICi. J. H. BUUKHOhDElt, 1'roprieton, OA COURT STKBET, llcArJ by the day or week, with or with out, A cooa homelike boarding bouse. Term retoonuble. 4-1 i M llft VvWlL80jV,lUCeuterstr,.Ber the bride. tjodlrr icui we,k. m and other flower fur a e. in lrt with each BOTTIE CSdfeaf82 m) SALEM WOOLENs Haying just closed our Porthuul house, tho entire out-put of clotlnii- f Mills is now handled at the Salem Store. This gives us a Mammoth Stf h muet be reduced at once, and wo will luake '' PR CES , S13RINQ SUITS IN GREATYARly A beautiful all wool Remember these goods are We also carry a full supply Which are sold JU'XJUUUStSUBUlJU VitllS MXUH SALENS BAKER & SlRANG, 302 Commercial Street. flKg-ary 3 wwn M m 'YAjfe-gi i va; w iH Greatest labor saving Invenlioii in the household line. Washes nl varieties of (jodds from the rluetit luco to the coarsest carpets, perfectly clean, without rubbinir. or bolliuK, without tlie use of chemicals or un'v "lestructive proces-s only soap and water. The company owning it offers 51000 to uuv verson who will produce u family washer equal to the NEW ERA In the following peints: Price. Labor saving. Kapidlty of wush ing. Variety of fabric washed. Clctnitig perfectly without damage to clothing. Simplicity and perfect construction, size, weight and dura bility. Satisfaction guaranteed or Alarum county. wyrff?aM.vj-gTtvTOByriypgr''fi'Tww, mprove Yoy TO STKAWIIKIinV UllOWEIH. A n'onderful New llerrj Originated In Oregon The Mattcsun. There has been originated in tho great strawberry region ubout Turn er aud Auiusville a new seedling vn riety.propagated by Mattesou & Mat their EedHill Berry Farm. The first berries sent tothe Capital Journal olllce, Balem, last year were ot this variety, and tuey were the most perfect fruit in every re spct that was shown in this city. The berry is of a deep red clear through, high flavor, yet sweeter than most kinds. An experience in producing the finer sorts of straw berries, leads the editor of this paper to say that ho does not know of a SUPERIOR BERRY IN FINENESS OF quality iii every respect to TUB MATTESON. He has tecured the sole agency from the originators and now for the ilrst time places u limited supply on the market. Testing the fruit, ami a description of its habits, le.uls the editor of the Journal to conclude that it has exactly those qualities thut must be sought after to produce flue berries in Oregon. It is of high color, great sweetness, rich lluvor, meaty, firm, not watery, no hard center, aud exceedingly palatable. DESCRIPTION. The originators have been straw berry groweis for more than twenty years and call this their "Best," be cause they have tried many now and highly recommended varieties and found this to possess more de sirable qualities than any other. The Matteson is an accidental seedling, originated from a single plant found on Bed Hill Farm six years ago. It is AN EARLY VARIETY, coming four to nix days beforo the BROOKS & Best Lines fti BABY CARRIAGES. HBiBielill GOODS ARMS 9 AMMUNITION. State SflW JL& Salem Ti'uek dc Dray i; m Mi llgiMMlliB mil li m m i vSmrmMmi ?Ti?nQljil:'W m-J r v jc - 5j Tv.'jik3frt v Vj-..4r; FMwwcfiEhhvk m fiSSftJlTOWjyJ! I li A 0 y Fa Anything over known here. sprmr suit as low as !0 for men. Boys accorl' reliable, being made right here of the best Ore"- v ' of the latest to correspond with our low prices on clothiuo- WOOLEN ISLL . 299 Commercial Street. KZRZXBMUXSZBnCE3MUX Stoves, Jiiingi'f!, Furnaces, ' Tinware, and ail II m Furnishing liwik fliiruiiey anJ Scwit Pipes, l'i'Jiulii'ie. J rumps. S Wnnfl HVUII, Iron and Buckeye Force 1'Dinps. Pumps For Orchard Spraying. NcwEra Hydraulic CiotliksWasherl money refunded Sole Agents for Wilson. .Ripens all itsfiuifc quickly and is gone by the lime the Wilson iriiufull blast. The berries tire as lurge as the Wilson, but it does not "run to nubbins'' so much. It is of a deep red color all over and all through. The berry stems are short, bearing close to the plant, thus often escaping early frosts which kill ot hers (the Sharpless especially.) It is easy to pick and easily hulled. It is Hmi and the most meaty berry we nave ever seen. It produces equal to me wiisou. it is a periect llow erlug variety and does not need to be p'anted with another varietv to get a tun crop. The plant is healthy and stands drouth and freezing well. It is a sweet berry and retains its llavor well when canued. In con cluding his description of this new berry, Dr. Matteson says: "Last season we had only two rows of tlieso on our grounds, old pickeic said to now ones, when pickiuc Wilsons, 'Don't eat these. WaH till you get on the other side; there are two rows of tho best berries.1 Aud we had to pick those two rowfc ourselves early in the morning to save uny of them, and to keep pick era from gobbling them all up. They would not touch Wilsons ifthe could get these, and if pickers do not know what good berries are, no one does.'' , TERMS. The originator has placed the sale of this new plant In our hands and orders will be booked at followiug prices: 1 Dozen plauts postpaid by mail 100 plauts by express, $5.00. To sa vo express charges plauts will be delivered at the Journal olllce to city purchasers, whero orders can be left. Fifty plants will bo fur nished at hundred rates. Address E. Hofer, Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. HARRlTT. jn the C'ity- r Strawberry ock. Fishing Tackle. Street. Who doAll Kinds of LAUNDRY WORK .. "." "w a u.V i.nuinlrv n Aq ri .. im V",,n,rv L'slt.g v.,,,,. Ilcl. rTLadtts nud patmns Invited 230 Liberty Street. Co. "PH JJ14!'. onjtl and lumber, e: T CUT o'n Woi TTI-1,-0 ,-... - ' K-iJ.VJlKM-rO,l All work, either now nr,i-pnril,. l lu tho best workmanlike shaw6 t. . -..... w I'wu UHU't!, JIS 17 Wl?h?".MkI12SK y JEr f Ui and "ltrl!.f'rKffi ff W rciiirn JUuIl. 10.Miir. (Kros si! IV fr? i,.-xsas- rr i - r ffigftgi I2 ZstES-' lEAllMSPAPi OfiMaH THE CHRONICLE rants wlta Uii palel newspapers in tne United States. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on atria; coaau a leaas ail in ability, enterprise mdtm THE CHRONICLE'S Teleeraphto Keporar ne iniesi ana most reliaMe, Its Local Ksnti fullest and spiciest, and 1U Editorials ftoo t aDiest pens in the country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and !n will be, the friend and champion of the pewit against combinations, cliques, corporations, i pressions of any kind. It will be lodeiMteJJ verythlnsr, neutral In nothing. 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