Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 10, 1891, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, A"3 t. "885
V6 Bakii
icareMejnmi h i VWSffl.'Sa'E
Tho growing vegetation remind
us tbatBprlngU here.
The snow la plainly visible on the
mountains abovo us.
Uncle HurveyJWard still remains
single, which adds much to the sor
rows of his many friends.
Mrs. Lamson teaches the sprinj;
term In tho Hock Creek dlsliict, and
Mits Ball, of Albany t aches ludl
tr.ct 09.
Itev. Few, Cumberland Presbyter
Ian minister ut Solo, preached 11 very
Interesting sermon at Mill City Sun
day morning. Wo hope he will
como this way again.
Mr. Lccley has concluded to put
In a tramwuy Instead of u fluino as
reported some timo ago.
Wo understand that a sash and
door factory will be put In immedi
utely where tho old saw mill used to
boon Hock creek.
Thcro seems to bo a great deal of
grabbing for la grippe and nearly
everybody gets more than they want.
It Is in u light form though, and no
cases havo proved fatal as yet for
which wo are' very thankful.
Th measles havo been going the
rounds In some parts of our neigh
borhood. Wo hear that Mr. John P. Jtotj
ertson, of Salem, Is hero and Is will
ing to tell us what ho knows about
alliuncss. (Siuco writing the above
wo learn that Mr. .Robertson is sick
and will bo unablo to speak.)
A woman wus drowned in the
Santlarn river abovo Coo's station,
April 0th. Hho was crossing the
river on n foot log and is supposed
to havo lost her balance and fell in.
Her body has been recovered.
Itev. Noly, of tho C. P. church,
will prcaoh at Mill city uud also at
tho King's Pralrio school house
next Sunday.
Q. A. II, Encampment. Tho A -
torla papora nro full pf G. A. It
news and tho city is running over
with Grand Army people. An ex
ourslou to tho Jetty at tho mouth of
tho Columbia rlvor was on tho pro
gram for this morning. Tho follow,
ing are tho representatives of Sedg'
wick Post No. 10: J. Batchelor,
Mra. C. Morris and daughter, F. JJ,
Bouthwick, 0. E. Cllno and wife,
"W. H Brown, It. A. Crolsan and
wlfo, J. II. Smith, W, N. Laduo, W
H. Folger, W. II. Simpson nud
wifo, Mrs. Jones, A. N. Gilbert and
wife, J. II. MoCormlok and wife,
and I). C. Sherman.
It would bo a splendid ndvortlso
tnent of tho progress of Salem in
itducatlonal matters, If each of the
proposed new school buildings had
a room planned for n kindergarten
boa of persons have examined the
olay ami ochro which was discovered
lit the southern part of tho city and
m numcrouH names are given to the
iinuonui. inuwu uetu inioiinuu give
it about us was reported In yester
duy's JouitNAii. Some havo even
ventured to call it cinnabar, but
there Is nothing In tho material to
warrant such a conclusion. CI mm
bar is heavy and Is a bisulphurot of
mercury, nud sometimes contains
carbon. Tho material found In
Salem doubtless contains some sul
phide of Iron, but uu mercury. An
old miner whooxamlned It yesterday
pronounced it equal to tho material
from tho Solo paint mines. Then
a.'ems Utile doubt that-tho clay Is u
line article for tiro brick. Samples
o both will be sent to Prof. Condon,
of tho state university, and Prof.
Starr, of Willamette, to analyze ami
pass their opinion as to Its eomposl
Hourly Fruutlu.
limit ever bon vour mlmoituiio to lia
brought luto Iriiiueut ooutruet Willi u jhm.
ouexixivuiy nervniu, iiko, yon iuum
utiitwurolhiil trivial cmtnt'H. uuuotlcpd bi
tho vlgoruu. drlvo u noovous Invalid 10
tne verite oiiiwirncuou, u wn iiiiiifu
tuitMry to iwrtldtlurli'.u tlioo us It U lin
tKHulle to kuunlni(iiti)til tlittiii. Tho root
oflhuerllN immily ImporlVol dl(t-Mlnu
and uiulinUuUoii. Tu melt iheo fiiiip
lions, and through llwlr rououtnl, com
iileto dWohurgo lo rulnturco uuk iieru,
In txinlunolloii 1ltl1 otlior norltonkof tlir
11I1 yntml orgauUm, U wlllilu tlio iwwcrof
iloiusr niuiimuu inner, yiuiuiionny
mid aiattnuoimly untd. Thno I no ili
q ipoluunonl liuro, noinutUr what or how
rrtcvoiu the failure of oilier tocnlttMl
ulM, No hhIuUio or opinio avoid iiotlil
onu coiiniaro with thin linUnpiiui'ir
uorve trmuiiilUHT. t'oiikllmitioii. hlilou.
ne. malaria, ruuiiiattnn , kidney trouble
nru curvy vf u.
llockltm'a ArnlcuSutte,
Tho Ileal Hulve lu tho world Air t inn,
IlruUwi. Horim, Ulcer, rUll Itlntum. rvver
HorM,'lnr. Chnptwd llund. I'lillululim,
Oonuuiid ullHltlu Kruiillotni, uud ihI
thfly cuie rilun, or un nay reoulrvd. It
1 Kuurnulcod to kIvo iwifivt nalWIuilli n
or money re-lunded. i'neo, ss.wmw jnr
fcWM M bmwimi unarm iin
s.vrjni jiAitKKT iiuruitT.
A Synopidi of the Markets Ilujlug and
Bulling I'ricoH.
ltBTAIL, 1-ltICES.
Hhouldem-Hugnr ctircd,pcr lb,12
llrcukfiiftt bacon 12 lo 15
llama Hugar cured, per lb, l(o.
Uecf 7I6
LOrk lUft 2U
Mutton leffllWc.
Tltnntliy wed 1'er poiiml, 8c: soiling
lied clover Heed l'er pound, lie.
WhltocloverKeed l'er Kuud, IWc. "
AIlko lSc per iHHind.
Hcd ton IOo icr pound.
Lincoln (J runs ltyjo pur pound,
Kyo Uni IOo put pound.
Orchard UniM 17c per pound.
Ucnns 6c per lb.
Out liiual nl i)c.
Canned Kriilu.I'cncliM, W 00; npncot,
M (X); uluclcburrloH, $); corn, bunt gradon
S'i 0&, tomiiUKit $1 -60; Htrlng bcuiiH $1 !,
icon iK'imSl H-'i; pcrdoz. In two lb cjiuh.
Uipoii KrulU-C'lioIco nnii.es 7.V31.'j0o per
box; pcure 75c per box; potatoes Ojc; cnrroUt
yjc; parsnips Tee: tinloiiHUc peril).
l'Jsli.Jiilinon telOt! perlb: Hturj-coH 6
7c per lb' Htuitll IIhIi SlOoper lb; Halt hulinon,
l&lOo per lb.
IIUYINt) 1-ltlCEH.
VheaN-70o net.
flour l'er barrel. $5.00, best 100 lbs.
OiiU l'er bUHbt'l, M m bio.
Hurley l'er bUHliel, UJc.
Ilrun l'er ton, l(l CO ut mill, incited.
SbortB l'er ton, JJ) 50 " Hacked.
Clmp l'er ton, ttiJiO " hacked.
Hods tiuotecl ut 21 to2o per lb.
KliKniSc per (toen.
Potatoes l'er bUHbel,35c
Corn meal 3c per pound.
Cliccso l'M&lia pi-r pound.
Dried plum I'erlb. 07c.:
Dried prunes lur lb. lOiic.
ImiHjrted prunes 7o per lb.
Ilutlcr Utia per pound.fbr good
Utrd 10l2c)crlb.
Hams l'er M)und,ll12c,
Jlaconsldos U(3)10pcr lb.
Hhoulders (iUc per Hi.
Chickens.. Mlo lie pcrpojnd,
Turkoys 10 to 12Jcpor lb,
Ducks, l'il 1c per lb
Hprluu Chickens iOo per lb.
Whcnt-Vnlloy,S132J tofl.iOWnlln Walla
Jl.WKIoJl.85 percental.
Klour standard, JI.W
Walla Wntlii J 1 3d
OuUldegradcs,3 80.
Oats VVhltoOOa to lo, gray 50 o to 58
per bushel.
Mlllsluil'i Until Jl8ll; sh it ts, 810 to 20
ground bailay,J0to31; coop feed. SB
uilddllngs, $25, pur ton,
Itity 81017 pur ton.
lluttor Oicgon fancy tlulry, 32c; fancy-
cicaincry37;good tofulr, 2527ii;Call
forma choice- 25 to 28c.
Kggs Oregon 18o Kastcm 20o por doz
1'oullry Old chickens, JO 507 00.
l'otutoes 65oat 75o por ojntal.
Choose Oicgrtn, 11 to 15c; Cullformu
15 to IOo.
Hugars-Goldcn O, 6J-ic; extra 0, 6;dry
Kranulalcd, US cube, crushed and row
dorcd, (fc per pouml.
llcuns Small white, 3cl; pink 3;
bayos. I 5dj butlur, SI CO; limns, gl 60 per
Dried KrulU-.Tho murkct Is llrm. Quo-
ted: Italian prunes, 11 to 12c; l'otlto and
Ucrmau, IOo por pound; raisins, $2 25 per
box; plummur dried pours, 10 to lie; sun
dried and factory plums, 11 to 12c; uvapo
niton pouches, 18 to 20c; Smyrna llgs, l!0c;
Calirornlu lltfs,Vo per pound,
Itlno OKc por pound.
Hides Dry hltlos, bi to Oc; less for
culls; green over 63 pounds, Ic; nuder 55
pounds, 3c; sheep polls, 30c31.25.
Kastom hams, 11 to 12c; breakfast ba
con, 10 to 12c; sides, 1) to 10c; lard, H
to lOJto por pound.
Ban Kiianoisco, Apl.2, Whoattho
week opened on a tiuletor marled. No.l
whlto, 1.60 to Jl 51'i; por cenlul.
Hops..2fta80o per pound.
Unrlvy h't'otl 81 ij)l ;t7fi iper cental
II -I7;cliolco 81 3SJJ; common grado 81 !5,
UatH-Qniyft 72tol 774; blackJl Wtol
por contal"
Onions.. I to iy
l'otntocs75o to bO.
OlllOAOO, A pi. 8
llcof Mvo, !I.75(J.10.
Mutton Live, 8I.50S8V75.
Hogs lilvo, 81.50 $1.50
Veal 7 to IOo per pound.
This is is what you ought to have,
to fully enjoy lite. Thousands are
letirolilug lor it dally. Thousand!
( dollars urn spent annually by oui
people I u tlio hope that they nmj
attain this boon. It may bo had hi
all. Wo guaranteo that Electric
Hitters, if iibed aceordluir to dliuo-
tloiis will oust tho demon Dyspepsia
ami install Instead Kuneimy. iJoe
trio Hitters for Dyspcsla and diseases
in uivu. , oiuiiiiiuii, null jvuiiiub
dold nt 60o ntul ?1.00 per bottle b
Fry, Druggist.
A Mlt'hlgtu Oimlral lCallioail Kuiplojo
While employed as agent of the
MImIiIi'iiii I'ontral iiallroad Com
nany, at Augusta,Mleh., my klduuyt-
tioeiuno tiit.ea.Hi.il, nun iroui nu un
poverlshud and Impure slate of tin
iliinil. niv lumii'IiiI health was on
1 1 rely uudormlued. i consulted the
leading physicians of this city ami
Ann Arbor, ami an pronouueeti m,
case itrlghl's illont.c. In Oetobei
last, I began taking llibhnrd't
Uhiumatlo Syrup, and am to-day a
null num. It iiMtnds 1110 liUslslll'O tt
iciidor bullbrlng hmuaulty any good
Hint I can, mm i wish id Hay mat n
fstliegieattMt blond, kidney mid Ilvoi
uiedluliiolit tho world.
li. liAitxu.HUK, Agent M. C, H. H.
Albion, Mich-
Sold by Smith A Stumer.
Hprlng .Miilloluo.
Dr Uunu' IiHpoel Uver 1M1U on no
. .....a -. il..l kllil liklt Ik IIA lib Iliaallll II V
iitclk u liuiuiro bluud. Ummi bratu tout tvol-
i....ivin.w Vnii ilut liln.ui. mill nuiLirik
mini UiooU'iu. only niu pill Aruitibe
... . . Il.l . lIidIh.i W..1.1 lit 1 t lUlllll U
1 r 1111111 (IM iooiiik rii n ii tui m
Ihx by Hmllli A Bloiuer.
A filummllis Organization,
A pocloty for the protection of th.poor
will bo in order next. A numbsr of en
terprising men in Npw York havo wltliin
tho weok completed the organization of
a corporation which has for its object
an exhibition of the slums and poorer
quarters of New York to sightseers. A
number of guides havo bci'it procured,
nnd their services may ho had on a regu
larly scheduled prico list, and map3 of
tho town aro printed on which tho slnms
aro indicated, by dark Blinding. Full
protection is guaranteed to persons wish
ing to seo "tho poor man in his homo,
tho laborer in his hovel, tho opium joint,
fan ton games and Italian dens whoriTat
times thirtv neonlo livo tosrethcr in a
room twenty feeE square." I should not
mind being a "poor man in his homo
some timo when ono of tho prying and
insolent agents of this particular concern
pushed his way in.
The patronage of tho rich is asked for
on tho ground that slumming is tho most
absorbing of diversions. The organiza
tion or too concorn is one entirety to tuo
silly nllectationsot society people towani
an interest in their lowly neighbors. Tho
rich men nnd women ot tho town havo
boon muffling themselves in ulsters, and
pulling soft hats over their eyes, and
wandering through Mulberry, Iletter
and Delancey streets at midnight under
detectivo escort, with short gasps of dis
may and with a tremendous ado about
tho novelty of it all. Most of their par
ents vrero born in tho slums, by the way,
and a good many of their fathers an J
mothers might havo given them poinli
about the lifo of tho peoplo from pev
sonal experience.
They entered into tho bedrooms and
eating rooms of tho paupers of tho tine-"
ment districts at midnight without a
suggestion of hesitAncy. Tho manners
of tho poor havo been admirable, for it
is not recorded that these impertinent
Intrusions havo been followed by any
fractured limbs or broken heads. They
havoborno tho insolence of tho attention
of tho 400 without nn outbreak, but they
should bo polite and return tho call
Tho visit of a group of tattered outcast"
at an exclusive danco on Fifth avenue,
and their forced entrance to tho house
under police escort would havo just as
much sense and decency in it ns the
slumming of tho rich. Blakely Hall in
Brooklyn Eagle.
True Humility.
Sldo by side in tho accounts of mining
disasters thero is something that makes
tho heart sink with horror and some
thing that makes it glad with a proud
respect for human feeling at its best.
Tho lifo of tho coal miners at best i3
hard, uncompromising toil. It makes
existence n daily treadmill. Tlio cheer
fulness -which goes with somo ocenpa
tions in tho field of physical labor seems
to bo lacking in the minor's. Dolving
In tho bowels of tho earth, where no ray
of sunlight can penetrate), and where
oven tho flickering candlo which lights
tho gloomy holo is itself a menace to
lifo, tho minor picks his living and earns
Busienaneo for his wifo and children in
tho hardest way.
Then thero is tho unspeakable horror
of explosions, of suffocation from ilro,
or water, or earth; for in mining dis
asters all tho olemwits soem to rise
against the grimy toiler. But in these
crises tho truo, warm hearts of his fellow
workers show tho exquisito fiber of their
Tho roscuo at Jeanesvillo is a beauti
ful oxnmplo of this. For nineteen days
miners were held in a living tomb, un
ablo to do a thing except wait nud suffer.
But their brethren wero digging their
way to them, working in relays unre
mittingly, though with no greater hope
than that of roBcuing tho bodies of the
entombed. Is thoro any human heart so
insoiibiblo as not to feel tho beauty, tho
pathos of this? Such men nro a glory to
their race. Now York Evening World.
wupt iii iirhuir or nu urn,
A rccont dispatch from Olympin, Ore.,
to Tho Portland Oregonian says;
Thero was quite i touching scene en
acted In tho houso this nftomoon. Rep
resentative Parcell, of King county, is a
coal minor employed lu tho Franklin
mines, nud was elected to represont the
laboring element. IIo introduced a bill
somo time ago providing for tho pay
ment of laborers with cash at stated pe
riods. In advocating his measuro Par
cell, while not a fluent talker by any
means, displayed great earnestness. Fi
nally ho went to pieces completely, and
sank into his seat overcome After si
lently weeping for a few moments he
again took tho floor, and fought against
tho bill going back to tho committeo ou
labor and labor statistics, claiming thoy
wore trying to kill it. Tho speaker's
earncstnoss won for his bill sovornl
friends, nnd it was ultimately referral
to the judiciary committeo.
Tho Poor of l'urli.
Tho Parisians aro congratulating them
selves on tho care thoy havo taken of
their poor during tho cold weather, m
compared with tho much groator misery
iu Berlin nnd Loudon. No coses of
starvation havo been reported in Paris,
and tho liberality and enorgy of tho
government, directed by President Car
not in person, havo been ollectivo in re
lieving tho multitude of destitute who
have flocked to tho city.
A luter for Itullroudtr.
Uu. Sheridan onco said: "Wo havo In
this country a mighty army that can bo
disciplined, mobilised and placed ou a
war footing iu ono uuinth, 600,000 btrong,
ooiwisting of bmwuv and bravo railroad
uiwn, who are familiar with danger, fer
tile iu resources ami quick in action.
Thy would maka tho ideal army of the
world, nnd oould whip their weight Ju
t- -
To ConlUcato Cortitlu l'ortitnr.
A rouiKrkablo boheine of ooutlkontion
for tho publio lwueQt U before tho
French oliumber of deputing. The bill
bubfUuiUally propows that uuloss a de
ceftd permm has direct hir the prop
erty shall go to the etnto. That is, ool
laturtit helm aro to be cut off, Tho prop
erty la to bo itsd for the extinction of
nauporism and tho publio debt, Paris
Bheamatlsm, Ncura'gla, Corn.
KLsotkxo ooucur cuns
cum coidi. CMOLf. oaiiicunan.
Ved ia MUIipns of Homc940 Years the Standard !);. "H , X1.2l
Tlio equivalent. In EmrlUh money, of
13,500 WSJ onco oSpred by en old Icdr In
London for tho return of n farorito est
which bad strmrod or been stolen. Peoplo
called her a " crank," and perhaps ho waa.
It la unfortunato that ono of the Rentier
vox should ever until this title, ret many
do. It la, ho.TCver, frequently not thefr
fault. Often functional dernnjcemeaU
will appaivntly cltaniri' a Troman's entlro
nature. Don't blatno euc.i sufferers If they
are "cranky," but trll tlicrn to ueo Dr.
Plerco'a Farorito Prescription, which is an
infnlllblo rcmody for " female rrrakneMcs."
" 1'avorlto Prescription "has cured thou
lands of puor, bed-ridden suffering: women
of "femalo weaknc33," painful irregulari
ties, ulcerations, oriranlo displacements and
kindred ailments too numerous to men
tion. It is tho only raediclno for women,
(old by drug-sluts, under a positive
gnirtmt" that It will. In every caso,
plvo satisfaction or tho prico (Jl.OO) will be
Wom.D'B DigPEttSAnY Meoioat. AiBO
0IAT1OH, Proprietors, Iluffalo, N. V.
Pnrely Vcgctahlo and Perfectly
IlnrmlexB. Uncnualcd as a Clver
Pill. KmallBJt, Cheapest, Easiest to
Take. Ono 'Xlnj, Snear-coaMil Pel
let a Ho-c. Curpfl Sick Hendurlio,
UlltoiiH j lentlarlic, CoiiBtipatlou.
Eudigeittloii, Bilious Attacks, nnd all
dornnpemonts of tho Stomneh and Uowels.
& ocuta n vial, by driiftjlaU.
J neys ut law. Olllco In HusIi'h hlock
between State and Court, on(;om'lHt.
rpll.MON FOItO. nttornoy nt law, Saleir.
J ' Oregon. Olllce up-suilrs lu Pattou'
nllArr a HUNT, attorneys at law. Salem.
I Orcicou. Olllco over Capital National
liiiulc, Commereliil street. Money to loan
J J. SHAW. Attoraey.nt-Lnw, Balem
, Oregon. Olllco tlrnt door lo tho lei.
at head of utalrs in the rear of Ldd 5
Hush's bank.
ST. KICHAUDSON, Mtoruey nt law, ol
, lice up stairs in iront rooms ot ncv
misu uiocit, corner commercial ana Coun
itiectSjSalein, Oregon.
TOIIN O'HIIKA, Attorney nt law. Iloom
t) over Capital Nutlonal bank. Collec
tloiiBa specliilty. Oorrespondence solicited
D'AKCY & U1NGHAM, Attornuya and
counselois nt law, Snlem, Oregon
liiiN Ing an abstract ol tho records of Mai ion
county, Including a lot and block liulox oi
dalem, they havo Hpeelnl lacllltles lor ox
ainlning titles to real estate. Business li.
the supicmo court and lu thostutu depart
incnts will receive prompt attention.
DU. T. 0. 8M ITII. Dcntlht,D2 State stieet,
Halem, Or. Finished dental opcia
lions of every description. Painless operu
iloua a specialty,
DK..I. M KKKNU, Dentist. OIHceovei
the Whlto Corner Court and Com.
inerclul sticets.
Dlt. II. SMITH, DENTIST.-Olllce Ut
his lesldcuco 17U lllgb street near
Agrlcn tural works
MKS. M. liMcCOY, Physician and Hui
gcou. Olllco and rooms lu lojgltij.
noiue, Front and Center stieots, near tin
foot of Marlon and Polk Co, bridge. Chron
ic dlKeanes a specialty. Curo or no pay.
Consultation lice.
0. ,
Itoua o
MoNAI.LiY. Architect. New Hush
llrey mull block. Plans and bpecillca
of all classes of of bulldliiL'H on short
notice. Huperiuteudeacoofworkpromptlj
oolttd urter. i 6-tf
WD. PUOH, Architect, Plans, Sped
, Heat Ions and superintendence toi
all clashes of buildings, OBlco 11(0 Com
mercial St., up stairs.
EX. MeOA UHTl.AND.Clvll Sanitary und
, Hjdraulio linglueer, U. H. Deputy
uuneral surveyor. City surveyors otllct,
Murphy's illock, tJaloui, Oregon.
AW. llEST.-Artlst. KtudK Hush.
. llrey bloclc. Classes Thursdays and
iiusini:ss OAitn.-M
JOSEPH FUHEK barbiirandlinlrdrcss
or. Hair cutting Scents, shavlni; 1
cents. Haiti looms lu connection. Hestoi
work. 1136tutOhtict't.
O J, LA11SEN CO,, Sluuufaoture.ofnll
kinds of vdhlclmi. Itopairing a special
ty. Shop 15 State street,
OUN OitAY.-Coutmctor nnd builder.
O Flue Inside Mulshing n specialty Jti
i ouiiuorelul street, buluui Oiegou.
JOHN ICNIUHT, Hliicksmllh.
UIKtUllKt-Iklltl tlilcttk(r uiiiliilti, L"l..i..
- -.-' !, V'llllll, DIIVV Illllj tsUWI
it tho lK)tof Uheity stieet, Salem, Oregon
Guardian Sale.
Notice ts hereby given that tho under
-.uiiiimI tlio duly iipiHiiiiUHl gu rdliiu i f ih
iMTson and eolates of Klincr II. Scott, A1
vlldii s-iHtt and Alexander 1). Fcott iniuo
nelrsofA 1). Soott deceased, will ms hh-I
iuurdl.iu by virtue of an ouli'r inado b
lion Win Waldo, County JuiUe for Mai
ton eouniy.Oreijon.on the Stli day of Ai
n IS I imiponerliMCttud licensing the nn
If rslunwl to sell the lutereaisofMild mln
ois lntholaudshvrtluafterdueilbed. Tin
iiiiderslciUHl will In purkuaiuvof Nild or
dcrund license on theHtlidny otMav, 1--91
1 1 he lijur ot ono o'clovk p. in of said da
in Iront tifthewiuntj court bouse itixir o
-aid Murlon ceuniy in the slate of i regno
oiler for sale at nubile auction as pro tiled
"y law, and will kuix-k nit and sell to Ih'
tilKtioM ami uei bldderu.lt he right, title
tid Interest nfonl'l minors Inand to tin
nillowlngoe orlbeil Uuds tewlt: lleglnnliu
it s w eoiueroleluiin No. Ibi, uotllleHtlon
No. HA), In T. Bu , . 1 , In Marlon oouut
)rii)u; thtiute tt 75 eh tins to tin
middle of Pudding river; thence nori
n'3.1 v I0olnlii; itieuvo norih 51JW w
I elmlns, theui-e uorihi!7.t' nlii: them',
norlti JPJO', w. 160 ebuluf; il.niw mint
WVV. eh lilts; Ihrneo N -HP8& w, &J
'Unlia; tliouce W. SM eliuluo; thain-s.
UW eluiltts, to the place ol Ugluuluir. eon
talBlurSTWaornsofluud. "'
AIm tow No. 1 ami i m bPwk No. 51, Id
Ibe twn trf UervaU, eonut of MaMon
slate ot Orim, aoeordliK to tiie map o
aid hwn, ou rirt In the ottliw of the r
Mtrderof auvyaurs of sa't MarlouCo
Oresvu, Turin of ale, eash In hand,
v. . . . .. ,.j,-!g?6T,lliwrtllan.
lVtd April Stli, 1SI.
F"Wr, ifjrcui are vdiic to breed ytwi
'.S.'. l "' p' "" u T" 1 "
I n ' f- l-o ins Unrslallluus ar Hiaklugltn
"-'nl ti lubsiaUe. Vivian, a tlix
Ma . .'iwr-a. IWo. an Impo.te
Fr ; h I o Imnw, Ixaek In itOiHr. weigh
H ?""' bJll Fipaeh Pom
'.VK.iT J. " ' 9Ml'twlnroti
whlt Wth ario( m a dtrk dsHiJo cry
roadtter. Najvdtfcrti ta a sled ,;y jf,,
ohiu. aw lm
jl'.ini.ilAitJ.lliiy.iul idildgoH.OCk
oaiuui tuus kivu. ic urea for tale
ir )MlMHt to onler
First Na
DIl. J. IIKYN01.1).S,
Vict Picsldeiit
. . . t'nslilei
Exchangeon Portland, Han l-rnnclw)
New York, London nud Hong Kent
bought nnd sold. Stale, County uud CIl;
warrants bought. Formers urc cordlnllj
Invited to deposit nud tr;itintl buslnus
wlth us. Liberal ndvnnces made m
wheat, wool, hops nnd ot'jcr property r.
rea-'Onabio rates. Insurance on such se
cnrlty can be obtained nt the bank li
most reliable companies.
Capital National Bank
- 575,001
Capital Paid Dp, - -Snrptos,
II. B. WALLACE, - - President.
W. V. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALUEUT, .... Cashier.
W. T. Gray, "W. AV. Martin
J. M. Martin, K. S. Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. H. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
To farmers on wheat and other market'
ablo produce, consigned or in store
either In private granaries or
ipubllc warehouses.
Sfafc and County Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted at reasonable rates. Draft
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San
rutiflMY, Portland, lmdou, Paris, Berlin
llong Kong and Calcutta.
OAPITALiSTOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
iTransact a general banking buslncES
In all Its branches.
Wm. ENGLAND Vice Prcsideu-
HUGH Ml'NAKY Cashle.
DIRECTORS: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. En
land, Dr. .1. A. Richardson, J. V . Uobson
I. A. itakcr.
Bank In new Exchange hlock ou Com
merclal street. 8:l'J-tf
The undersigned are prepared to fin nlsh
the best (inallly of tiling for under drain
ng nt lowest prices.
Vear Fair Grouns, Salem, Oregon.
Lamtal City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Warm Jlcab at All Hours ol tliellaj
None but whlto labor em .myed in thit
A good substantial meal o . ked In llrst
lass MJ le
Twcuty-tlve cents per meal,
Court street, between Journal OIUco and
Mlnto's Llverv.
Health is Wealth 1
DR. K. C. WEsTH Nerve and Hrnn
rreaimeut, a guaranteed specific tor Hys
cria.Dlzviliiess, t'onvulsions, FltN.Ncrvou
Neuralgia, lietulacho, Nervous Piostrntlor
nused by tlio ii'.o of alcohol or tobacco
Wnkelullness. Mental Depression, .Soften
ingof tho bniln lesultlngin insanity nnd
ending to misery, lecay aud death, pre
naturuoldage, barrenness, los of power
muieil by ovcr-eterMonof thebrnln. Each
box contains ono month's treatment, S1.0C
i box or six boxes for 8".00, scut by mall
prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any case. With each order le
celved by us for six boxes, accompanied
vlth fo.iw, we will Bend iho puichaser oui
written guarantee to refund the maney I
'ho treatment does not effect a cure. Guar
intces tsMied only by Geo. E. Good, Drug
tlst. Sole agent, S0( Ymi.8t.. halem.Or
$? 0 L9 aichau's
iV.if AN
m rnrN
Bit "
hZsr- mum
--" JJ j JU u Ji 1 VI
Le niclian! Ooltlen Balsam No. 1
Cures Chancres, fmt. and second sta"e:
Sores en tho Legs and Body; Sore Ears,
Uj-es. Nose, r to., Coppcr-colored Blotches,
Syplillitlol'itarrh. diseased Scalp, and all
primary forms of tho dlieaso known at
Sjphllii. Price, f?S 00 pr Hotlle.
La Illclinu'a Onltlnn llultaiu No.S
Cures Tertiary. Mcrcurlaiavphllitio Uheu
matUm, Talus In tho Bones, Pains In the
Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated Sort
Throat, Syphilitic IUh, tumps and eon
traded Cords, Stlffnca of tho Limbs, ami
cnullcatu all disease from tha system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
of Mercury, lcavinp the blood pure ami
healthy. Price S5 00 per Pottle.
I,o Klcliuu's Golden Nnanlslt Antl.
iloto for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Oleet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Genl
til disarrangements. Price 93 00 nor
U Ulcliuu'a Golden flpanl.li In.
Jnctlon, forserero cueiof Gonorrhcca,
IntUmmatory Gleet, Strittures.&c. Prlca
$1 f.O ier Ilottle.
Le RIoluiH'a Oolden Ointment
for the tlli-ctive heallngof Sythlhtlo Sores,
and eruptions. l'rlre$t 00 tier Ilox.
Lo "'el'nu'a Golden inils-Nerrr
and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow
ertxiess or overwork, lTostratlon, etc.
Price 83 00 per Hox,
Toitla nud Nervine,
Sent everywhere, C. a D securely nocked
per express.
800 A: 511 JIAUKI'.T 8T ,
San 1'raucUco, Oal
-ciuna CNT FRCP
WOwlUSuy the Odku. Tvpk WRitrh
with 78 charieters. aud 15 tor the bixqu
Caskudklu warranted lo do better work
thau auy machine mude.
longer without cost of repairing thin any
other iivnehlue lias no Ink rlblSn to
bother the operator. Ills nent substan
Hal. nlektl Ptatea. perfect am? adapted ?o
all kind of lyiM) writing Like a prlnUuK
prw. It prodWs sharp, dean. lcgYble
umuusorlpi. Two or ten mpiM Jn be
made l oue writing. Any Intelligent w
vol. can become an operator In two AAv.
oIIklu r XU cSI
ItoTttible fentir an,) ujluu wsutMi
flWll luduXu.. nt to dwtllrs WB,,t
STuOfJl UkAH" ' "S
10 Acres for Rent.
A oboloe tmm only on rul from Saietn
Terms liberal. Apply to
Tinwirn rr.rn
""" JUIWJO,, (
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta. JLine
Hirrwiiiut' roHTUAfii asi, r.
jjc'p. in. i r-
0.11 p. ui
I ffiw
Ar. f u.
Lv.) TrtMn,
I v. B-nl p. in
1a. Silom
10:10 a. in. Ar. r-mi Kniu.
Above trains flop only til foiToulil stu
tloiis north of lio'thurg, lust I'l-rtlntid
Orgon Oily, Anoilhinn, tab in, A I bun;
Tangent, Shedds, llnlsrj, Ilnrrlcbuig
Junction City, Irving nnd Ettgine
:C0 a. m. I Lv. l'oitland Ar. I 4.1X1 p. m.
ld:52 a. in Lv Hulern Lv. 1:0m p. nil
"i:I0 p. m. I Ar. Roscburg Lv. iljiM a. n
Albany Local, Dally (I'.Tcept Sundny.)
j:00 p. ni.
"Jb'l p.m.
I):00 p. m.
:00n ni.
haw i. in
Lv, 1 0.0(1 a. in,
ifot accommodation ol second class
passengers attached to express trains.
.Vest Side Division, Between Portland
anil Cervallis:
7:3Uu. in. C. l'ortfiind" Ar. ' 6::Vj p. n
12:10 p. ni. Ar. Corvalllfl Lv. 12:o3 pn
At Albany nud Corvallis connect wltn
trains of Oregon I'aclflo Uallroad.
I: Hi p. iii. I Lv. Portland Ar.1 tfiii; u. ni.
7:i!a p. ni. I Ar..McMlnn illi-L . i 5'Jin. in.
Through Tickets
To all points
tor tickets and lull information regarO
ing rate maps, etc., apply to the Compa
ny's agent .alrm, Oregon.
S.P. KlKiUlv!. Asst.U. K. and PflPS.Ag'l
11. KOKHLI-.K. Manager
From Terminal or Interior Points (he
Northern Pacific Railroat
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining car route. It runB through
vestibule tialus every day In the year to
(No change of cars.)
Compesed of dinlnginrs unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing loom i-loepeis
Ol littcbt uiuirmcni
Sleeping Cars.
Best that can bo constructed and In u hlch
accommodations are both free nud lur-
nisuca lor noiaers ot nrst ana second-class
A coutlnuoi
lines, allordin
Pullman sic
ured In adv
the ro.id.
.Jtw cor"'! ;tlng with all
olro-'t. T-f' uninterrupted
-" Ions can be Ke
nny ugent oi
Through tickets to nnd from all Dolnt
In America, Kugland and .Europe can h.
purchased at any ticket offlceol thlscniii
Full Information concerning rates, tlim
of trnlns.roHtesandother details fuiulsher,
on application to any agent or
Assistant Geneinl Passenger Agent, No
121 First Btreet, cor. Washington; Port
land, Ot ego u
And Oregon Development company'i
.tOllMlk.ltl.i llnA )nil Mmlmtn. !..........
t time than by any othet loute. Fin I
(rom Portland aud all points in the Wh
amette vallev to and lrom Sou Franclsct
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sunaays).
Leavo Albany 1:00 PAS
Leave Corvallis 1:10 PM
Arrive Yaqulna 6:30 PJ1
Leave Yaqulna -6:45 AM
Leave Corvallis 10:35 A It
Arrive Albany 11:10 AM
O. & C. trains connect at Albany and
The above trains connect at YAQUINA
with the Oregon Development Cos Lin
jfSteamslilnahetween Yaoulna and Ba
hnnillon, Irlday, , jlluo .
Willamette Valley, Tuesday m v
Kamllon, hunday . .'
Willamette Vulley, Thmsda j
Farallou, Tuesday l." 1
illamelte Valley, Friday June "-.
juralion, Tue-sdnyn , Julv i
A'lllumette Valley, Sanday...".. "
Fanulon. Tlmrhday . "i. n
Wlllnmette Valley, Tuesday. " " r
Till, nminni. ii.nr'.i .""".-.
ohange tailing dates without notice.
..mVi ..",? r"seiniiiw-oiiinua nnd al
Willamette Vnllnv nnht, ...i ,.,..!,. ..i . :
connection with tho train, of 'n!
VAOUINA HOUTKulAlhan orUorvnllTk
trmuge to arrive at Yuqumn the evenln
leloie date of sailing.
Passrngfr aud Freight Katrs Iwsy tbi
i?i?fSii A?r tnCutTQ apply tr idttsn
IIUL.MAN & Co., Freight and Tieke
AeenU'Juy nnd 202 Front at. I'orllund.O?
CO. llOGUt; Ao't Ocn'l Frt. &
Pass. Afft.. Orppnn fnnlflnn 1, r-
O H.IlA8WELL,Jr.GenTO!"il0r
Pass. Agt. Oregon Development
Co., 301 Montgomery st.;
$ 5 OO Reward!
WEwMpaytueabovo reward for uni
ueof luer complalut, dispepnla, stck
juudache, Indigestion, conlpallou or coV
lones we cannot cure wltw wont's v
'"f''ier ni'-. hen the dlrwionsVA
.trie leooiuplled with. They mo purely
egetabl. and uever fall to give sit" fac
tion, feugar coated. Lni-ge boxes contain
jugaopliu is cents, lleware" 'Sunil?.'
telis and nutation.. The genuine manul
- J- JL I .Jl. 1 J J
j-i 1 1
Tlio fofov Itiinivl nf lifii nn ... HM. j.
. .,w w.w v,x mu gw u, xnu teeter boajjJ
liie goes down. Tlio Electric Cars through J2nofo
Avil.1 go, and on to the Fair Grounds.
Within sixty days the Electric Railway Companj
will be running elegant Vestibule cars every twenty m
utes through the center of this beautiful Additk
Bringing it within five minutes of the Post Office.
j TO ffl 11
And secure yourself a home while j'ou Lara yet A
opportunity of purchasing from first hands.
me University is going North to its newlocatrl
This will make ENGLEVVOOD. inside property,
double in value in the next eighteen months.
Keep Tour ft On If
uwn rowif
I .fl I l ill 1 1 ( j
Eating Parlors & Candy Manufactory,
268 Commorolal Street.
11, AH . . .
Plate of Joju . ?UJ
IM Ckw. ttewTeZZTn cISS
Utik ud lr. ;;!
Bautageaad lg. -n U
llanTind S&vtZZ 3B "
25 Cwt Rtgvlif DiMMSedrllt3 0'Clotk
A utee variety of equable,, etc. etr
HlUwllh.mlMi, ,V,W CUl
hwa nandU,,)",u,, a .
unertiouMriteakand Km" ,,..
T. i3WtfJ
, -ist Tt1'
Journal omev,