'EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. "THE PEOPLE'SPAPER." SALEM, OREGON, EBTDAY, APRIL 10 1891. "TO-DAY'S JSHSHW8 TO-DAY." NO. 343 VOl" 3. FOUNTAIN H -- -- V NS 1KB capital journal HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. ONLY TWENTY CENTS EACH t "Entirely new line of ruled and unruled writing tablets both letter and note size just received. ATT- T AcF. PATTON'S i I'UBUSIIED 1)A1L.Y.KXCE1TSUNDAY, BY THIS Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Inoorpomtcd.) Office, Commercial Street, in P. O. llufldlng Entered at the postolllce at Salem, Or., as ftccEd-datt n.fttttr. IHas he sell Been in 3BjffituB2EBS2CJ Your Midst, It Was None of Your Friends this Call 1X JL" JBssl -&. ajr jebl Jtr jar& jl 3jj jsih sss Have died the ignominious death they deserve, we killed them. Look here if we did not. 11 butter molds for 25c 2 lb molds for 30c Butter Ladle 10c 240 Tooth picks for 5c Good black ink only 5c por bottle Wire hair brushes 10c 12 good lead poncils for 5c. COM a ANI SEE OUK PICIGES ON TINWARE ! Extra larsre dishpans only 35 cents. Small dishpans for 25 cents. All other lauds of tinware. AND IT WILL JPA Y 1' O U IT see our shoes from 50c to the best nana maae, m, astonisningiy low prices, umureuas Trom oucro $i.za. ouiety OjpoHoZ. U10CKS, gUlUIUlLCCU 1U1 uv.lyv. iuuuwi. V'"V vuv,. vuuuv. juniia xv,. UUi UUw.v,10 wlv 5c. ilair comos iu ana idc. uome in ana see us. zu Uiimuumuiiu oiiiuuo. 13 CAPITAL ACCUMULATED LAUOKT A speaker at the Grange defined capital as utcatuulated lubor. The census Is suld to show that 40,000 futnllies own ouohult the property in ibis country. They did not euru it, nor the monoy ou which it was accumulated. Credits do not repre sent cupital produced by labor, as a rule, yet the stock-aud-boud credit system has manufactured million aires faster than any other process, Iu 16G0 $45,000 lu gold would buy $100,000 in circulating medium. Iu place of this could be got $100,000 in government bonds drawing G per cent, uud $90,000 In un issue of national bank notes tbut could be loaned at current mterest. Was this capital created by labor? Cmo in out of tlio rain secure somo Salem real estate. nnd Salem Is not yet developed any whero near her real resources. Englewood Is the busy place. 0EXEKAI. NEWS NOTES. pins 2c a i,.ju ' W Lf M "glia 1 f "WfOt --a -iT4SK62&iraB: sli && SL-F828?JS U 3j 0 jKija.Btaa' -- GO TO HENRY SCHOMAKER j If you want a Plow, Harrow, Cultivator or any Agricultural Implement, from a Hoe "Handle to a Threshing- machine. AGENCY OF STAVER & WALKER. DElIORNlMi A NKOh8slTl Air. Weeks, a prominent and suc cessful Howell prairie dalrymau.has just recently had his entire herd de horned. Ho said the old cows took It pretty hard, but young cattle did not mind it at all. The llow of milk was uot checked and tho cattle went right on feeding. Now his cattle all crowd together uuder the sheds and a fow old cows with sharp-pointed, long, Mexican horns do uot keep gentle animals with pretty, crumpled horns out in the cold and away from tho fodder. He says dehorning Is a success. The more highly bred animals are, the less inclined they are to vlcious ness. The more an animal is petted, the more defenceless It becomes. One thrust from a steer-horned brute caused the agricultural editor of the Journal to almost lose a high grade Jersey cow. She lost her fluo calf a few weeks before Ub tlmo and her usefulness Is almost destroyed. The time will come when thojowner will only bo permitted to let animals with dangerous head-gear run at large at his own peril. Dehorning is the only protection. Tho April issue of Tho Kinder garten (Chicago) Is ouo of tho rich est numbers that have over appeared. Every page rings with helpfulness, beauty and truth. Whero is Salem's new freight depot coming iu ? Is It uot time for Salem business men to ask reliot at tho hands of the railroad couamls- sloulind secure more creditable and adequate facilities for their Immenso freight business at this city. Tho Highland Park peoplo are going lu for n kindergarten In the lecture room of their new church. This Journal cannot divest Its mind of the belief that Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, would bo a strong man for the republicans to place on their ticket lu 1802. Capi tal Jouiin A h. And this Journal can not divest Itself of tho well-known fact that uo freo coinage ir.an can get tho ro publlcau nomination . A 1 b a u y Democrat. How about a frco-coluage demo crat getting tho democratic nomina tion? As the Democrat has raised the question, perhaps It would tell tho peoplo If It would support au anti-silver man for president? The Oregon Land Co., -with Ita- b Oregon, WW uhuu t ttit nrv m m Ll) UjLI) IS a (In the State Insurance Building) and branch offices in Portland, Astoria nnd Albany, Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for tho purpose of buying and sub-dividing large tracts of land, and has during the past two iyears bought and subdivided ovar 8,200 ucres into Fife to Twenty icre Parcels The success of this undertaking is shown In the fact that out of 280 tracts placed on the market, 225 havo been sold. We claim that ten acres, ol choice land in Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 160 acres of wheat in the MMBpplVolley. We also make valu able improvements in the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. we i Rell a small tract of land for the same price per aero as you would we to pay for a large tarm. for Pamphlet and Price List. . .-.......-gMyrfwWHiMMiMiBCMMBMWMWI Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., toft, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. THEGROCERS Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time, WANTED, A GOOD PUDDING. CHILDREN'S When tho Portland Oregonlau discusses tho subject of silver its statements are always rickety. In a recent article it mild: "Wo take standard dollars at their face iu gold, though they are lutrinslcally worth ouly 73 cents each; fust, because the government Is pledged to redeem them, and second, because wo bo lievo in Its ability to keep the pledge." Tho muu who penned the abovo statement Is absolutely Igno rant of tho subject ho discusses. Tho government has given no such pledge, either directly or indirectly. A standard dollar Is declared by law to bo worth us much as a gold dollur, and that Is why thoy pass sido by sldo at par. Tho writer who says that silver dollars aro redeemable in gold is probably unaware that ut one time standard dollars were at u pre mium over gold on a ratio of slxteou to one. and will probably command JAS. AlTKBN, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. -THE BEST CANNED GOODS- Choicest Fruit's and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name. rha Orange Store, 126 State St., Salem, Or. WM. BROWN &. CO. FX3SST3EB - - SIE&OSSS - An easily-prepared, inexpensive, easily-digested, toothsome, appetiz ing pudding for children (and then it will be just as good for adults,) is a greater boon In a fumlly than u fancy chaudeller or a ten dollar album or velyet-bouud blblo made only to look at. Children aro attached to their homes us much by what they find at meal time as by well-appointed parlors, if not moro. Small children need sweet dishes, and in place of candies and tarts and cookies all right at times onco a day a sweet flavored, baked pudding Is a remem brance, ono of tho sweet honio influ ences, that will bind your ohlld, as Shakespeare says, "with hooks of steel." Now, dear reader, do not ily up and tell us this is too prosaic and culinary for tho Journal's editorial column. Nothing Is too good ror the children and anythlug that is not too good for thorn Js good euough here. Send ns a recipe that meets tho conditions of tho first sentence of this urtlclo. Do uot bo afraid. It will not bo published. Wo shall have it tested along with other recipes and then tho one thut is con sidered the ideal one will bo given our readers as tho result of tho Journal's eflort to got tho best children's pudding. - - HUGGKSTKD COMMENT. A threo-mlle driving park out on Englewood avenue, Is among the Salem Improvements that will bo mudo right away. Advices of Wednesday state that St. Petersburg la virtually in a slato of siege. During tho post two days police have ransacked every house whero thoy suspect that evldeuco may bo obtained of nihilist plot tings. After tho arrest of tho would-be as sassin, Shamolklu, Tuesday, tho fact was communicated to thovzar, but uot to the czarina, and their majes ties went through tho Imperial guard as if nothing had happeUcd. The czar, appeared as uncoucerned as ou any other parade and was more than usually gracious in mauuer. He lias ordered that tho imperial thanks bo conveyed to tho police officers whoso vlgllanco probably saved his life, and has stated that ho will take occtislou to conyey further marks of his appreciation. Tho aoyero mens tires ugaihst tho socialists have ex tended to Marburg, Germany, and authorities thcro havo Issued orders that uo more meetings of tho social ists shall bo permitted lu that place, where the students of tho university are strongly tainted with ideas of social democracy. Of !uto tho Mar burg socialists have become demon strative and ngresslvo in thoir pro. pngandlsm and tho pollco assert their assemblies toud to promote sedition and disorder. A demand has been made upon tho Rev. Samuel Small to account for funds collected for tho Utah uni versity, of which Mr. Small Is presi dent. When asked about the matter by a Press representative, Mr. Small replied: "I havo been expecting some such malicious attack from this man, tho Rev. J. Wesley mil, whom I recently forced to retract his slauders, and whom I am preferriug charges ugalust of conduct which will expel him from tho Methodist ministry. This Is his lust effort to muddy the water and hldo his own evil dollies. I urn ready to answer to any authorities for nil my acta. I huvo dono nothing wreng: have nothing to conceal; Invito tho ut most nubile scrutiny ofallllmvo done and four nothing lu tho results ol any such Investigation." Tho teuth annual session of tho department of Oregon, Grand Army of tho Republic, convoned In Odd Follows' hall, Astoria, at 2 p. m. Wednesday, and was culled to order by James A Vumoy, department The other officers pres- issoclntcd Press Report and Digests of all Important News of To-Day. . MISCELLANY. a similar nremiuni If we puss a freo I commaudor. fJ coinuco act without taking tho pre-1 out were: F. M. Miller, junior vice K, -House FlnlshlnK made (to order. P SMM GOODALE & WHEELER, Lumber, Latti. Pickets ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. U f0r cburg Mills, HnrlngfWd M11U nnd McKewje i Mill. V&ly. wen uau of Twelfth blreet near depot. UetrtLuii" oer iu ' ualem. . 4 2 xr . m. MATTHEWS, Manager, Baiem. 4.1 1 .-. - TjgaMagpaioMiPPg''""PBin"M'iM- ' ' " 3es:e&:s E2EL Sasli and Door Factory Front, Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho best class of work in our line nt prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best nmtenaiubeu. ... .xTTxrnnrKR m 1 A TA (H UHAVOn""--- irrt & lira n. gssaf Inm works. Drays and trucw may be found throughout tne any l& comer of State and Commercial street. Salem D 231 Commercial Street. Cash Paid for Wool and Hides. Salem, - - Orogon. a e BROOKS & HARRlTT. Best Lines in the City- Fishing Tackle. IBL BABY CARRIAGES. tMIMSHUU. GOODS ARMS S AMMUNITION, State Street. Silll the city grows J Bee tho ad vertisement for bids for grudlng, bridging und electric wire poles for Cupital City Electric road extension to the fair grounds which appears In the JotmNAb. What has become of the Port of Portland scheme for deepening the Columbia? Is the new Columbia Improvement enterprise a substitute? Real estate men say Portland deal ers, hotel men uud capitalists almost universally give this valley and Sulem especially a black eye and talk up the Puget Hound cities. This will not pay Portland in tho long run. It would pay Portluud better to help this valley. A furmer sold twenty-nluo chick ens at Sulem today for 11 cents a pound, alive, nutting him 116.20. They were Plymouth Rock ttradrt, uud It U quite evident that there la moacy In the hen. Motto for form ferm ers: "Get u hen on." Let a section of our fctreeta be un- dordralned and snivelled projwrly for a trial. A town cannot have too many real estate men good outs. They are the life of a growing country. coinuco caution to muko our ratio harmonize with that of the Lutiu union. S. F. Chronicle. i " Newberg 0. A. R. Celebration. Tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tho organization of the Grand Army of tho Ropubllo was celebrated at this place In tho Armory Hall, on Monday evening, April 0th, by Kil putrlnk Post, G. A. It., Woman's Relief Corps, Sous of Veterans, uud Invited frlonds. Tho evening' exercises woro com menced by tho reading of the gen eral orders from national headquar ters, Instructing posts to observe tho anniversary In a sultublo manner. A nlrculur letter was ulso read, whloh contaltied a brief history of the G. A. R. A short progrum was then render ed by tho members of tho orders, which was followed by short speeches by commanders of tho G. A. R. Commander Roll uniiouuced a re cess for u general good time. Under the instruction of the ladles, a squad of 8. of V. marched to tho residence of Comrudo Culne, and returned laden with woll filled baskets, which had been prepared by the W. R. C. Tables were soon constructed and filled with the good things which tho baskets contained. The supper was a cotnpleto sur prise to most of the old veterans. Tho ladies hud not fulled to provide tho army furo baked beans and colfue which was enjoyed ui woll us the toothsome dainties. While these preparations wore being made tho old soldiers enjoyed themselves hy singing old army songw, making the hall ring with tho old familiar songs "Marching Through Georglu," "John Drown' Uody," "Tho Durkey's riotig," and otheis. After all had done Justice to the bounteous repast, some of the cuUos were sold by auction. Commander Culue then presented tho highest priced cake to the most popular young ludy Iu tho room. The young ladles nominated for the contest were Miss Edith Deskins and Mlsa Tlbodo, After qulto au exciting time voting for tho decis ion, the cuke wus presented to Miss Tlbodo, she receiving 255 und Miss Deskliid 18-5 votes, which at five cent a vote, amounted to (22. The receipts of tha eveulug were given to tho W. R. C. for the Relief fund. The "HoyH iu Blue are Growing Gray," the title of ouo of the eougu sung during the evening, can but remind us thut lu a fow short years at Ut, the lust one of tho "boys," who so bravely defended our be loved couutry In the bourn of peril, will have dropped out of the ranks and paused to the other shore to await the grand reunion. Let m then kindly remember them and cheer their remaining days. commander; W. S. Myers, assistant adjutnut-gouerul; A. G. Johnson, assistant quurtormastor-gcueral; F. M. Johnsou, chiof mustering ofllcer; Rev. J. F. Ellis, chaplain. The senior vlco commaudor, Inspector, Judge advocuto and medical director were absent. About 110 delegates wero present, roprcsoutlng about half tho posts of tho stato. An oak gavel, cut from a tree ou Lookout mountain, whero tho groat battle was fought Novembor 23d and 21th, 1803, was brought thero for thouso of tho oucampmont. It has Imbedded In It a mlnnlo rlllo ball, and was presented to George O. Bears, of Portland. Ho guvo It to George Wright Post, No. 1, of which ho Is a member, and thutpost sent It there, for which a voto of tuaiiKs was gfvon them. Reading report of tho various otllcere was next in order after tho roll of offlccrs and delegates hud been called. Reports were pre sented from tho dopurtme.it com mander, assistant Adjutant-general, assistant quartermaster -general, Judge advocate, chaplain and chief mustering ofllcer, which wero re ferred to appropriate committees. Thero wero four past department commanders present, as follews: N. S. Pierce, G. E. Cuukln and A. E. Hortwlck, of Post No. 1, of Portland, and M.L. Olmstead, of Joo Hooker Post, No. 20, Rukor City. From tho reports tho following statistics are ebtained: December 31, 1880, there wero 46 poitb and 1002 members In good stundlng, with 3 delinquent posts and 158 suspended members, Tho net gain for tho year hus been 7 posts and 238 membors. Thero has Leon expended for relief t.1087.80. Twenty comrades havo died. Tho totul receipts havo been 11003.21; disbursements W-10.16, leaving a bulojico of 823.00, cush ou hand. For supplies sold thoro has been re ceived (371. 30, tho cost of which was $183.87, leaving a profit of $187.43 on supplies sold, Tho assets of tho de partment are 1823.00 lu cush, uud supplies which cost $103.53, making $020.02 us the totul assets. Seven posts, with 112 members, have been mustered during the year, and tho order In the department is lu good condition. Ono huudiod ami sixty-two o trlehes nt the California ostrich farm near Anaheim wero sold at private sale for fGOOO. Tho salo wui udver tlsed to tuko place ut publlo auction, but the birds wero bought In prl vutely before the wile begun. Tho birds woro ussowwd at $11,000 aud were claimed to be worth $30,000. Tho buyer repreeentH n local com pany of capitalists aud speculators. Patrick llreuuan, aged 102, died Wodnesduy at Hurley, Wis. He voted Tuowluy, and hud voted at every presidential election since the tlmo of John Quluoy Adams' elec tion, lie leaven 101 deaceudauts. AMATEUR EXn,0BIN3 TRir. London April 10. -A St. Peters burg dispatch says that Russia will consider as au act of war auy inter ference by Italy with tho Russian expedition starting in threo or four days for Abyssinia. Russia regards tho Emperor Menelek at tho inde pendent sovereign of an independent nation, and will tolerate uo obstruc tion lu dealing directly with klm. Tho expedition is under tho com mand of Lieutenant Mashkoff, a very determined man, of approved courago uud a powerful physique. Ho Is 33 years of nge, and has served two years in tho army of tho Cau casus. The second in command is a monk named Tlkhou. Tho expe dition expects to bo about two months on tho journey. A substan tial habitation will be erected thero for ubo during tho rainy Beason, uud excursions will be mado iu vurious directions to gathor scientific facts und mako inquiries as to the history and condition of the peoplo. Tho expedition will remain threo years In tho couutry, and make an attempt to reach tho great lakes from a direction uot yet attempted by Europeans. It Is this part of tho program that excites English Jeal ousy, uud It Is feared may lead to underhand attempts to lnjuro tho expedition, or at least to defeat its objects. Lleutonaut Mushoffls con fident, howover, that with tho friendship of Menelok, which ho has overy reason to expect, he will bo able to resist auy hostile attack. A PIOUS SWINDLER. Richmond, Va., April 10. Lewis Booker, ono of the most prominent citizens of Richmond, was arrested Wednesday night, charged with misappropriating funds belonging to tho Vanwlncklo estate Tho amount of his shortage Is put at over $100,000. Mr. Booker la treas urer and a leading member of tho St. Paul's Episcopal church, a part ner lu a largo Insurance agency firm, and was regarded aa one of tho safest aud most exemplary men lu tho community. Ho had In lato years had tho management of sev eral largo estates, Ho positively refuses to mako auy statement, aud his friends are at a loss to account for tho disposition ho has mado cf the money. Wednesday morning bills wero filed In tho chancery court attaching his property nnd making various parties defendants to tho suit. When tho news leaked out sovoral days ago that thero was something wrotig In his affairs, It was generally believed that tho whole trouble was due to errors of Judgment lu Investing In his fidu ciary capacity, but now it ia opouly charged that he sold trust securities and appropriated tho money, Tho : cuso Is uot ballublo, and Mr. Booker, who Is suffering from an old wound, Iscoutluod In one of the station houses. This defalcation affects uo business Interests. THK WHEAT MARKET. San Francisco, April 10. The steadily advancing tendency of tho wheat market Is at presout tho chief topic discussed on 'change Indica tions aro that local exporters, or those who had tho forethought to buy heavily somo tlmo ago, will net handsomo returns. Probably not a fow of tho producers who sold earlier lu tho season now regret having dono bo, though In each season there ure those who hold on too long for a rulse, and finally have to accept much lower prices than might have been obtained nt other times. Aa the whoat situation is uow largely of a speculative character, tho Imme dlato futuro is more or less uncertain us regards values, though somo of the shrewdest speculators do not hesitate to take their chances by buying right along on u rising mar ket. But tho bulls apparently havo reasons for their course, whloh aro to be found In recent reports, otll elul aud otherwise, respecting tho world's prospective supply and requirements. California Is now close upon another harvest eeasou, and tho arrival of new wheat will affect vulues to some extent here unless producers receive sufllcleut oucourugemeut from abroad to pur sue a holdlng-on policy, Tho years 1880 and 1800 aro the only ones on record In whloh California wheat was received at tide-water as early us tho month of May.' the judob was anory Rome, Go., April 10. Judte Madilox took a hand Iu the Fry-Waters-Delta aflalr, growing out of the MoICeo murder trial. Wlwa tho court was called to order at 8 o'clock there was a largo &tteudne, among those preseut being tb brothers of Mrs. Delta and tk Water boys. Every one expected that Fry would mako soma remarks about a noto received from DIU, but ho had nothing to say, Ju4 Maddox, however, Ihnd thU t rt Jti ill ? " ,ti v! EiS" ja