- -Mpmpwujjuiiwwi mmiioj-nminrmnn AAfiaUaCT kcmmIm w.fKMVItf LjMl!U?nra!4SMnuuM I'i ppim JorwAL FMlLJlJSiL wDM CBor-aprws,--ni IifBoi.Kl?tf;SwJoon?Ai'1'H''JS in ?.4v,n",c.?. the price bo " f' .liJ n-Toem arc nov '"' KKfiitrtbeomoe, "'..tfAr. .r . 'ruvnYCAUiUEn. ' ib ffprK. a-, tM r,.f f.,riw" - . Dy nin """' j.. lui. nnu win I i"" V.'. '"... imv ,n?r I" ,. to CJiUse "-.- VX!Z" . .,. .. EVt '"'. P.fSiriiOOU HHHOClrtUM llV l,U? " ejui',r OLBO&r & PATKRSON, ealers h Jg Wg, ilassware.ramu.,"-. . rushes, "in e nnuune -;'- . R. mte tor tpiw. n.l,!rr PflWder nts tor cpiw'" -" iriAiira i Hfi mm u u b CanDiMs l0CAl. MARKET. ,t not 70 ccnta per bu. ; H0P3, jctlve; We till continue to give a square csl"' ... ntpnnir'H rtstau- nrjIforSoCtw" - M ' 4 tee si'PI'ly nf California fruits ill arrive tomorrow at Strong's Ltsura"t. variety of caudles maue M everyday at Strong's restau- fciDt. WE3TACOTT & IRWIN. ; The Si'Hinq Clip. Some atten lion is already being pam 10 w Ipring clip of the valley wool. The airket now stands at twenty eenm ! pound for uuwashe I valley and a few cents less for eastern uregon ff0ol. Ah a general rule, the valley ffleece is freer from sand and dirt jtliau that from most any other part loftue slate. From that fact, me wool here brings a better price. Tne fnberof the valley wool Is said to be inner aud of a better quality inau ol the fleece from Eastern Oregon and IWuhliigton. Articles of wear made ot lley wool command a better price lathe nnrkels. Iu a few weeks Isliatai; will bo begun, when many mil put their wool on the market at JflSK. mere are a large uuiuuer Ifibeep In the valley, prinnipally iu 'the foot hills aud on the high lauds ' where they do best, and where the lauds ate less proflt.ibie to cultivate. Fine Polnt at Law. The quea- tioa was brought up in the city coun cil Tuesday night, regarding the part of North Salem which was i omitted from within the city limits. Sfrnwofthe couucilmeii were of the opinion that part ot Salem was a!ill within the ulty limits, from the fact that the uowchaiter contained no repealing clause. They cluimed I that the old charter was in effect un 1 til it was repealed by a new one, and this has not been done. The coun cil was divided iu opinion. The matter will probably bo looked up by legil authority. It is a fl no point i at law. An Artist Coming. Miss Lueia I B. Grlflln, the celebrated imperson ator, character sketch artist and mimic, will give one of her popular entertainments in Reed's opera house Friday evening, under the auspices of the Kuigbts of Pythias. Those who heard Miss Griffin when (he was In Salem last fall will desire to hear her again, and those who did not hear her at that time will be the first to secure their seats. Miss Griffin bos just closed a very success ful engagement of a week in Port land, where she was greeted by a "ill house every night. Seats on ale at Patton's book store. Two Insane Patients. Denutv JohuHallyJr., of Umatilla county, bought Lee Chaflle to the asylum kst night. The unfortunate young Wii imagines some one Is continu wy following him to convert him iwieliglon, which he has no faith j . Tne other patient was Myrtle ' ifollon 1.. u ll t. , -""i ii year-oiu gin iium 'Vashltlirl.m n,,.,l., CI. n n..m 'might to Salem by Deputy Sheriff P.Ford. Her hallucination is "at demons are following her, and 11 times she is a devil herself and at overtimes a God. ABBOR TWir 'Pl. .... ..!!, of Ilia fotihBaletn school have dtcided to Plulbe with the East Balem oluithe way of planting trees oddeeor.it .i.i ' ..i i , "HllfJ IIIUIlKUIIUUIIUUIIiio. ,. . V afternoon they will hold w Arbor day exercises in the new "' bulldimr. The exercises will "'flllur to those recently given In 'ut Salum 'em. Not AX A lirmcjti rPl.n Irtal IluIIO "e Northwest Reform Journal ' "ls what purports to be a like M.. 11II1Z11I" 111 HUH I" IV. ' -0.t f. 1. , ... .,.. I 1 !'-t Jnirnui .,i i ,,,,. r..r..r..i . It ! --.-. .. ..... I v.w. ... ... .. "" mimiIi for iluinuirea ou its CI i Su h l,,r'sturfa ought 'o Mi4!e u crlmhiu! uflcnae. Corval- j M,n,-- j ttftl,Tl -" I KTicrLTiiRK.Secietary Luke' fr.,.,, t'ervallls: "Please keep ' ". '.' """'"y fru,t Krowere "ware ,.r ... . " .""". """"" tei i tural society meet. In the ""Jte Chamber, eanlfnl .... ii, u.i, .'' 1le meetlinr nmmiu. -.' ff',,Mteme and UWCU Interest! crested." Oentlenjeu, atUudl TO IMPROVK THE HOADS. Salem Ilrivlns; Association lo Become a Permanent Organization. lu pursuiuico to tlio call in tlic JouitNAXi Inst evening a large num ber of persons met 'u tbo olllco of the city recorder last night to take steps toward efTectlug a permanent orgiinizutlou of the Balem driving umnelation, Napoleon Davis wtii chosen chalrmau and C. B. Irvine w.'cretary of the meeting. Mr. Duvli stated that the object of the meeting wns to have all those interested In having a piece of roud near this eliy In good repairs at ull times, to associate themselves to gether to accomplish that object. My motion, Dr. J. AI. Keene, Win Eughuid and E. P. McCornack were appointed a committee to make a selecllou of some road and estimate the probable cost of putting It iu good order and keeping It sprinkled during the summer. G. H. Burnett, u. is. irvino anu u. a. niiey were appointed a committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws. Both committees were instructed to bo prepared to report to the meeting to be held in the recorder's office to morrow night. CUUKT IX .SESSION Judge Waldo ami the County niissionors Hold Court SherifTK Report. Coin- The county court convoned yester day nfternoon iu the April term. A number of bills ngalnst the county weie ordered paid, and numerous petitions read and disposed of. The following is the first day's business. In the petition of Itobt. Reid and olheis, for a change iu the county road, leading from Silver Creek Falls to Mehama, the report of viewers was reud first and second time, and the road established. The petition asking for the vaca tion of Hyde aud Claude streets iu Brooklyn addition to toatem, was allowed. The supervisor of road districts No. 20 aud 23, were each allowed 600 pounds of powder to be used in improviug the roads in their districts. The pe'ition for a new road from the donation land claim of R. Edgar, uear Turner, to the home of .Mrs. MeKiuney, near Sublimity. The iamo was ordered established. The petition of D. Buyer and others, for a count' road to be built near Woodburu, was allowed. E. Nlbler was appointed supervi sor in road district No. 33, Mr. Thornberry having resigued. E. Ruse was appointed supervisor of district No. 03, A. J. Cooley having resigned. SUEKIFF'S REPORT. Sherifi E. M. Croisou presented his annual repoit to the court foi examination. The amount of taxes due from the county, as shown by the tax roll is, 102,097.78; of that 5-144,039.02 has been paid to the county treasurer. The following is a summary of tho repert: Tax roll for 1890 $ 102,097 78 Suenil s assets 1,930 95 To balance $164,628 73 Paid to treaurer $ 144,039 02 Errois and rebate 2,743 29 Delinquent taxes rolll- 17,846 42 To balance 104,628 73 Stole a Watch. Chas. Cobbin was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of stealing a silver watch and a rolled gold chain from the pocket of Chas, Morrison, who was in a drunken stupor In the rear of tho Arcade saloon. Cobbin was given a hearing before Recorder Goodell this morning, when he waived examination and was held over to await the action of the grand jury. His bonds were fixed at 5160. He went to jail, but will probably be out by tomorrow, as he says he can furulsh the bonds. Cobblu does uot have tho appearance of a theif, though there were several who saw him fake the watoh. Not the Hop Louse. The Insect found ou some prune twlga and over which the Dallas papers made much comment, supposing them to be the eggs of hop lice turns out to be the eggs of clover mites, (bryobla pratensis.) Mr. R. S. Wallace, ol Salem, sent a specimen to Prof. Riley at Washington and he so de fines it. 9 Chossino Wanted. There is no crossing over the S. P. track south of State street. People from South Salem or Turner are compelled to go north to State before being able to cross either way. The council bhould act npon this nntti-r, for at present it is a source of great incon venience. "H" Company. This new mili tia company has secured enough members to form, and at tbo meet ing tonight at the armory at 8 o'clock sharp, there will be an or guulzatlon effected. Salem young men who are not already enlUted should step to tho front and join the ranks. Pure Chdrkdales. ru.in. in a previous nmunuc- IJlllllS " I--" niii.liinr. maiiv are und.-r the im urt-Bslou that my horses, D.tlmnro nnd Scotchman's Pride, re Shires, while the iiodUreeH now in my l session bhow them i- ih? !'" " Uh, uiydivdales direct from Scot- ,'um1 ,.an ue en at Huffman' h ' ut of Willamette hotel. -I...U i he 111 M lie nun i"i- barn ut rea 't flWU p. H. BB.vn.HV, I'rop. ti. intul dettrvase iu national banknote circulation blnoa Feb. 28, 18C0, is 118,685,229. PAINT MINE IN SALEM. Red Ochre in nn Abundance in This City Fire Clay Discovered. The men who are making the ditch for the Salem Water company reported this morulng that they had discovered a material in tho hill south of the covered bridge, which had much theappearauceofthe paint brought to Salem from tho Leba non mines. The attention nf a num ber of persona has been called to the material today, and many of them seem to think there is something in the report that a mine has been dis coverd In Salem, Tho ditch is about three feet deep where tho ochre is found. A small vein is seeu uear the bottom of the ditch. How much tliero is of the material is not yet known, but indications are for an abundance. A pioneer who lives on the hill a short distance beyond the place where the meu are at work, says when ho dug his well years ago ho passed through several feet of just such material not know ing that It was of any value. A sample of tho ochre was left at this ofllce today. It has very much the appearance of tho true article. It shows plaluly the oxide of iron, but possibly uot a sufficient per cent to make it a valuable article for paint. There is no doubt but the material can be found iu large quantities The only question that remains, is it of the right quality. The people lu South Salem are greatly excited over the new discovery, aud think they will soon bo in the heart of a mining district. Another discovery was also made a short distance below tho ochre, This was an excellent lire clay, There Is no doubt about this, for It lias been Known to be there in a small quantity for years. The dig ging of the ditch indicates that the foot of the hill Is made of this clay after a few feet of the surface of the ground is taken off. There was an outcrop ut one place from which several loads of clay . have been hauled aud found to be a Hue clay for fire brick. The ochre seems to bo ou the south side of the summit of the hill, while tho clay is ou the north. Filed. Nelson James, Henry Blackman and George W.rivMiggart filed nrticles of Incorporation with the secretary of state today for Hep pner Park association; capital stock, $5000. The Union Power company, ofPoitland, was incorporated by J. B. Hammond, P. F. Moivy, C. F. Swigert, Geo, B. Markee, D. F, Sheinauand H. O. Campbell; capita! stock, J50.000. 110 1 EL ARRIVALS "WILLAMETTE" M M Bradeu, Sau Francisco R Eaklu, Murio.i Heury Crlbben, Chicago Geo. H Holland, St. Lewis Chas. A Ingalls, Boston Edwin Junior, Portland R H Jewell, Sacramento . Chas. Cill, Portland A W Armer, San Francisco Maurice Winter, Will Goldman, Portland I M Peare, Cinclnuata COOK. Alfred Cresswell, Wm. Burlee, C H Devenport, Portland N G McDonald, W J Campbell, Eugene B W Clayton, J B Miller, St. Jee Missouri J A Feuger, Sau Francisco Tom Harris, New York Win. Heywood,;Russell, Kansas MARRIED. KITCHEN -REED. At the home of the bride's parents, 445 High street, at 8 p. m., April 8. 1891, Mr. John Kitchen and Miss Maud Reed, Dr. L. L. Rowland officia ting. PALMER-AITKEN.-At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Aitken, on High street, at 8 o'clock last even ing, April 8, 1891, Mr. C. B. Palmer and Miss Agnes Aitken, Prof. Thos. VanScoy officiating. The relatives and a few Intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony, which was an impressive ono. Tho bride is the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Altkeu, aud is an estimable young lady. During the past few years she has taught school and during vacations has kept books in her father's store. The groom is a highly respected young man of Mt. Angel, where he Is engaged in the general merchan disc business. Tbo newly man led couple weut down to that burg to day, where they will nuke their future home. Tbo TVorlil JJnrldied. The facilitiea of the present day foi Jie production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and corafortof mankind arc almost unlim ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more popular it be comes. - 2WtwSRyTB iwti.,wi - u paicci ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, lull PERSONAL AMI LOCAL. Keep your eye on Eiiu'leu ood mid see It gro. Mr. O. G. Ravage is a victim of la grippe. Miss Ada Calvert Is among the list of disabled with thegiipno. Rhubarb (pie plant) sells at the stores for 10 coutc n pound, or 3 lbs for 25 cents. Geo. Pearce, of Wade & Co., is iu Albany, Invoicing a slock of hard ware at that point. During the mouth of March there were 201 cases of ecirs shinned to Portland from Newberg, Oregon. Mr.Woodworth.of Howell Prairie, was a passenger ou the 11 o'clock tralu Ho is on his way to Eugene. Oapt. Pruttls holdlug out well for his first wtok at his old place lu the county clerk's ofilcv, after his long Illness. R. J. Mnybell, manager of the ! Wright, Barrett & Stlllwell paper manufacturers of Portland, was in Salem today. South Salem has uot only beauty In her favor but has struck n paint mine that will enable her to paint the town red. Rev. L. Brosseau, of Gervais, camo up to Salem last night to nt tend the Catholic mlssjou, now in session lu this city. Chas. de Leou aud family aie gone to Gervais, where Mr. do Leon will conduct a grand ball given by the Gervais Hall association. Mr. J. A. Horseboy, who lia beeu confined to his room with la grippe for several weeks, is improv ing and will soon be ou the stieett. again. Several young Salem gentlemen who are inquirers will take notice that comets are more lu vogue than ever among tho dudes of the East for lawn parties. Misses Grace aud Josie Parrish, who have been vlsitiug In f'nlem, tor a week, returned to Tiicoum yester day to resume their studies in the Annie Wright seminary. Fivo you us men were arrested in Corvallis last week for disturbing the peace of that city late at night with n "horse fiddle." Three of them plead guilty and were fined $5 each. The other two stood trial and were acquitted. Lillian F. Smith, the female ilile shot, who was lu Sdem last fall, writes from New York that sho is going to return to Oregon to hunt, theu have a boat built and go down the Columbia river to the Pacific oceau and then to Sin Francisco. Sho will then take the boat to the world's fair und put it on exhibition. At tho same time she will bo ready to arrange a match to shoot aguinbt any one in the world with the rifle one Krjo'y Both tho mclliod nnuresults when Syrup of Figa is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho f a3te, and acta gently yet promptly on tlioKidueys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tbo sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in 50o ana 61 bottles by till druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYMJP CO. SAN FRANCI&CO, Chi. tOVISVIUF.. KY. HFW YOIK f V. Administrator's Sale. NoriOE is hereby given that by Tlrlue of an order and license of mlo duly made.renderedttndcDteredorrecordbythc county court of the state of Oregon fur Mp. rton county on the 2d;day of Uecimbor.lMX) authorUlugiiPdcniiKJwerliig mens admin istratrix of the tuliuo of K. 11. liclllnger. deceased, to sell tho real iropeityofK.ild decedeut lierelnnfler described, 1 will on Saturday, the Hlh duy ot May, 18-11, ol 1 o'clock iu the alUrnoon of wild duy ai ll. .!. nrilinnnilnlltnADrl lirillBM 111 HfL lem, Marlon county, Oregon, ik.II ut p'iMU auetiun tothohlKUest bldrterTor one liaH cash la baud ou the day of sale, and the bal ince payable In blx months with Inter est from thedy of sale until paid, ut eight percent per annum (Deferred payments to lie secured by mortgage on the land so Id and the purchaser to pay all taxes on said mortgage.) all the right, title, Interest und eHtate.whlch naid 11. ll.llclllnger.decoabcd, hat at his death, In or lo the following do scribed property, to win 1. Thew iiW of the donation land claim of John II. He linger and AluryC.Ilelllnger, his wife, Notl ustlonNo WIali.iNo.0flnT V H , 1 S estof Wlllamelte meridian, nnd claim No.M.lnr. 10 H it. 3 win of Willamette meridian. In Marion county Orpgon.oon lalnlng sa) acres of lund, moreorliws. 2. All that part fine following bounded tract of land lying west ot the middle ol tho cwunty road leading northerly Iron, Salem Ut Hpongs ferry, which tract Is boun ded as follows, Ik Ueglnnlngat a point on (he cast line ol Die donation land claim ol Thomas 1) Kaiser and wife, at a point north 12 M' west, 30.17 chains from the south east comer of said clulrn and run iilngthencowestlothe west lino of said doimllon ololm; Ihence northerly ulong ihe et boundary line of said donation claim. 22.70 chains: thence oast to tUogusl boundary ofsuld claim, tbeuoesouth WW east aioiig iuorv ""'j "; ' . "' 22.79 chalks totheplacoof olniilng,con- situated In T. 7h , u.H w of wlllameiie me- . ji . l-., nia Ivairin tlttl till r I owned by lliettoteof wilddwwdent beluc 4. ufl four (I) In block four U) in Hmlth'i. nauiuuu uMurwwuiiiiituivi"---Miniy,irfKoo,albewirfielmttrKedttud .... ... ..... ..I .. wlrt nfljllllrin ai-sigouicu on m i'itv "i ', ?:,,",. liu strip of land adjunioximld lot fuur 4, abo dicrllM d aid liouuded fl ' u.ult. Iltfilnnlngotthssoulli entrqw at &H rcd; Une north l7 d'ales: I.l liro woi y i"m-i .... ...- - SUCH. M A IlKI.UNOKIt. Ad-i.loislrutrli of Ihe Kslatc ol K. II. Km nger, decrafccd -r WirJm TTin,tv for CUAlTtl U tbO BmI, KJuliMi to Vto, pd l&i. BM br druzlau or uot by mill I 50c, B.T JUmIUo. WrB, r. H Cole's Critic. I Ennou .Ti'tTRNAL: The farmer who Mhetri1 Mr. Cole's lecture without nn rev, ami related tho same to the Statesman, of April "th, lias been in Salem, trying t borrow somo money to pay for t lint seed grain, and tinds how it is himself, no had to give $3 worth of ills best real estate, under a quickstep mort gage to get S1, and when he got home his neighbors would nut take ! it as money, saying it was only second-class evidence of an old debt owed by the government ever since tho late war, and uot a legal tender between man aud man. Ex-Farmeu. Foil Rust, Most desirable roomo for offlco or living purposes. En quire nt tho Jodrnai, ofllce. Clark & Eppley, at 100 Court street, don't have time to do much bragging, but if you will call around and give them a. trial they will sure ? 8llV0 yu mm,0-v on provisions, An Opportunity in Real Estate Fob Sale roil 30 Days. What is known as the "Alarblo Corner," cor ner of Court and .Liberty streets. Also 1J blocks across tho street north of the East Balem school house. This property will be for Bale for tho next 30 days. Inquire of 3:12 lm M. L. CHAMBERLAIN. Go to Putton's book store for reser ved seats at the entertainment to bo glyen by MUs Griffin at tho opera house ou Friday night of this week. They Simiout. Those seeds fur nished by t'urrur & Co. never fall to glow, and If you want a good artlelo don't fall to see them. Removed, Tho stovo and tin store of Burr & Petzel has been re moved from next door to Ladd & Bush's bank to 247 Commercial, two doors north of Red Corner drug store. 3-7-dtf Free delivery, low prices, fresh goods ut the Salem Cash grocery, 803 Commercial street. i-SJ'V' rjftCOBS I1( ; y TSaCE BEST. Neuralgia. -J. Ojdcu, Mich.. May 17, 1800. "A hilf bottlo of iiur Invaluable iiedlclnc, St. Jncolfi 111, cured nioof rLcu matlsm and rlieu imtlc bu cllliiB of tho oice. Itisthobcst,u ho universe." J. M. L. PORTI.R. Ilagcrstown, JId , April 21, IBM. "I.nndothcrsofniy family, have used St Jacobs OU for neu ralgia aud found lt a epeedy, cflcctlvt cure." Mns. Aones Keliat IT HAS NO EQUAL. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oila and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Horder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NI!W AIIVKIITIBOIKNTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Friday Eye, April 10, LUCIA 1). THE RENOWNED ELOCUTIONIST, Will glvo ono of lier famous and In imitable ENTERTAIN MBNTS Kor tho Ueneilt of CENTRAL LODGE NO. 18, K. P. Do net fall to attend. FOREST GROVE FODLTRY YARDS, Foundedam 11877. 1000 young :fowls for sale And theitlncst ever Ibrciljou the. I'aclflo Coast. Hook yourl order early forcholco elections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, lftlldw Koret Grove, Oreeoa. GEO. C. WILL, of Will Ilros., Albany and Corvallis. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. jjjkwino'macjiixks and ohoajts RBPAIIWDAND OLBANKD At Your Homes Agents fot Northwest Inmirauce Co. Two doors north of l'oal Ulllce, Halem, Or. Nee dles aud new parts for nil KewliitfNuchlnes 3.6-tr dw EGGS. O. W. PALMER, FANTA CLARA CO. POULTRY YAIIDS. OILROY, OAb, V. O. BOX IO. Keen fur !iHtohlni;aiiKood hh any reftu larl'oultry yurd mn neud out. 1 Mill titu from tho huiiih pen I brrod front and after Uiklngull the I'ulnn joHIbleIn tnallUKiny fowls, J fuel miro of ploanliix the public who may uliieo their order with tne. Home eboliw ftiMik foi wilo. Write for price. Mention tiiu piiiwr. i-w 1111 Tuxpuycra, Tnlie Notice! Your utate and county taiM lor Mfirlon rounly fur the yur lgj0hould bo pi I ut ouoenaout wlllMxin be added. If. il L-'llUlllAn. 2 IJ-lf. Iiwlfl and tux enllt-fttor. rn & REAL BSTATB BltOKKRS AM HOT till IWI'lllllIC, O ileetkinn JlHd RHd Iauii N(Ktbild. SOOCOMMUKOIAITKIfUT SALEM OREGON, 1.20.l&w-tf MEN AND BOY'S HATS. Lion tirnnd slilT lints- A new lino lately opened. All the latest styles and best qualities. Crusher flats, all the latest shadei. Prices run from Wo up. Splendid bargains. STRAW Just oponrd nud displayed In clothing window, tho large and best assorted lino of straw hats ever brought to tho city. Bo suro to call in aud get one before they are all gone. Young uien's nobby hatp, middle nged men's lints, bo'n huts, children's lints, old men's hats; huts enough to supply tne whole town, straw uiitf. if living bought these goods from very low. l)V m OPERA. HOUSQ BI.OOK- Tennis nud bicycle shoes just opened. P. " " ADDRESS TO 20,000 Within 5 years. Not less thnn 100 new houses nro going up now in Salem. Tho entire valley will mtiko uu unprecedented building growth Therefore wo hnve just laid iu 20,000 1,000 Gallons Linseed Oil. "Wo also carry the largest stock in this valley ol Paints, Glass, Brushes, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Plastor, Hair, Alabastino and Pire Brick. UESTjMIXED PAINTS IN THE MAltKET By Can or Barrel. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock cry, Glass Ware. GILBERT & PATTERSON PAINTS. OILS. FARMERS, LIVERYMEN AND OURS When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. You will find it to your advantage to call on me be fore purchasing elsewhero, as I have the LA11GEST RE TAIL STORE IN OREGON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad dles in most modern styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best made in the world. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD I Buggy Harness as low as 5.60. Wagon Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by mo iu 18G9 and by long experience 1 know the demands of the trade. You can't miss tho place at the sign of "The Big Dapple- Gray Horso." Thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in tho past. By square dealing, 1 hope for a continuance of the same. E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Street. isLu m ff ffjHE M vStoiiti2ii aswavMi mgaafiBfff Siasli and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. Tlio best class of work inour lino at prices to compoto with tho lowest. Only tho best material used. J.C.aOODAI.E,Uoburi. A. Will.l.l-KH.HpriHBiicm. GOOD ALE & WHEELER, Lumber, Lath. Piclcets ! MOULDING, SHINGLES, &c. Aconts for Cabare Willi. Hprlngfleld Mills west slue of Twelfth wtreet near 4 o N. 3enot Addition . CucaneHt lot In town. 41 rold uliico January IS. Call un IUGDON & JROORK IBush-Breyman Block. QNK OK TJIK LAIIOICMT KHTAI1I.IHII. menu In the Htatc. Lower nitt-H than ..irtland. Ijiruml ulock Ugal lilank Ir UieHUit,ad bleatitt dUcount. Heudfoi price lUt of Job printing, and mtnloKiie of (esol blank. K. M. WAITK, HUui'ii Printer Halem Oregon. S. ERNST j Upholsterer. All work, ulther new or rpairlnif, done In the butt workmanlike Kluipu. Hhop koutli of pot olllce. Dissolution Notice. Thflrfiiof iiriKiku ft (Mix nnvinir out w3ll ariirililp. all jx'xinn knowinit ifiililM4vv liufeblwl to the lunm urn rc outl to Cttll unit otllti at oneu. Saw It.w JHIOOIW& COX. Notice of Dissolution. The parlnewlilp liereloforH onUllnit le twfii JamiM Denlmin aud Jume I). ItUh iirdwin, undir the firm nwo of Jnnif IHiuImm 4 On., Ii4 by iriutual wimtfnt Iiihj dHoIvd. Juiiim Iih niwlllnou tlnue lb IhiiIiimm, er-lleet all bllUaud M.umaull ikiiHlulMaftbeuld ririu. JA11K8 J111171 IIIITIIIHSI. ilris ii. HiuJlAUU.-viPi. Blem,0., ilorcU8,ll llJUm HATS.: irom iuo up. tho fuctory, wo have put tho prices Troduco taken. THE PUBLIC: o. IS THE FIGURES SET FOR Salem's Population POUNDS I0F STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD! Who do All Kinds of As Cheap ns any Luuiitlry iu tho Country Using Wlilto Heir und dolnfr llret-closs work. AT mil... n a. .1 nnf ..H l.,.,llr.fl M JOsaj JUUUICB 11I1U IJIUIUUD 11IVIIUU p io lnapect our process of doing worlc. 230 Liberty Street. and MoKenlo Mill. Olllco nud Yard on the dopot. Ilcst Lumber in tho Vulley. N. MA'rriJIiWH, Mnnnger, Bnlcm. . K TF. WESTAfiOTT. LIVKHY, Feed and ISonrdiig Stable. Hay and oatu wild and delivered, Htable on Kerry Htreet, buck of Tonlofllco, Hulcm. Oniion. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Willamette I lotol, SA.L15M - - - ORfCQON THE CLUB Livery, Feed and Salo Stables W. H. G0ULET, Prop'r. All utock left In iiiycuronliull recelvo the bcntofultentloii. Telephone No. !!l. Cop jier Liberty nim rerry mreew, miiem, ur J. P.WHITE, I3XPJUSSB AND TJIUUK LINK, Ilnullntf of all klndM. llent work. Wurou ut ovury train. BROOKS & LEGG DRUGGISTS 100 HUitoHlreet, I'atton'n Illock, Balem, Or. vumaoi-tiPTioua. Hpcclaluttentlou xlvun to careful tm poundlnj;. W. E. McAFEE, PKlCSOKim'ION OUIRK. . J. PATTON. M. D. KldriJc Blitk, Sa!u, Ortgoo, I)lwiut of women and children! chronic aud private dUnuwi A SPECIALTY. In ufllca duy and ultfUt. ConiulUUnn UDNDKT WORK Lt Hears from Mn, b I Ml utlA tt . e price nsi iree llusseltrllle.Ore. OKTll WIKdUIBT, INBUItANCli Company, Fire aud Ma rine. U. W. UCEIiEIl, Agent. - Hnlera. Oregon GEO.G. VANWAGNER, AtiaiStatoiitrcet in prepared to frnmo plcttirci ncntlr mid nt lowest living rates. Call around nnd examine hli work. 11 o also bns a lino assortment lonclcct from ot Wall Paper and Picture Moulding. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 2I5M Commercial St., - Salem, Oregon! (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, nnd repairing Clocks. Wntchcs nnd Jewelry. MORGAN" & MJEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Good teams and prompt work Is our stronghold. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of eoods nt our store! "Wo carry a full line of groceries, feed, crockery, glassware, ci gars, tobacco and confectionery. T. BURROWS, No. 32S Commercial Bt Bnlcm FOUND! One hundred very choice lots, which will lm Bold nl 5100 per lot, and on easy terms by J. J. ROBERTS, 05 Stoto Bt. FOR SALB Or Trade for Real Estate. A good span ol work horses, well broke. Address MAHTIN THOMPSON, 1 10-lm Turner, Oregon. E. C. CROSS, and Packer, StatoSt, and Court St. Tho best meats delivered to all parts of tho city. WANTKD-Our ngenU mako J100 to 8300 n month eelllng our goods on their merits. Wo want county nnd general agents, and will tnko buck all goods un sold It' a county nucnt fulls to clear S100 and expenses nfcru thirty days trial, or a general agent les than 5250. Wo will send largo Illustrated circulars ond letter with a special oiler to suit territory ap plied lor, on receipt of 3 one-cent stumps. Apr'y nt once nml get In on the bom. Address Kenuor Manufacturing Co.. I'lttf burg. I'll. 1 dAw tf KlflMllllll. l,, , LEADING PAPEI DFTHE m &tfmi COAST i& Tim dlllONIOLK ranks with the Ereatut nevvftpapera Io the United States. TUB OHROXIOLK has no eqiml on the I'dctfle coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news. TUB OIIHONIOI.K'8 Tolegraplilo Reports are the latest and most reliable, tts Local News tua fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from Ibo ablest pons In tho country. TIIK OlIItONICLK has always been, and always will bo, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or op. presslons of any kind. It will bo independent In rerythlng, neutrul la cotblng. XIIIC NEW OIIRONIOLB HUItUINO EVERBEARING until frost. Descriptive the: daily, Uy Mall, rostnjre I'ald, ONLY $6JYO A YEAR The Weekly Chronicle THE . Greatest "Weekly in the Country. TItB WKKKLY OIIllONIOLK, the most brll llant and complete Weekly Newspaper In tli world, prlnU xr pilarly 84 columns, or twslve vnks, of News, Literature and Oi-neral Informatloot also a maenlOcent Agricultural Department. 1.50 For ONE YEAR (lucludlntr postage) to any part of tbo United Htalea, Canada and Mexico. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. DO YOTT WANT ANY or TUB GEEAT PREMIUMS The WeefChronicle? " READ THE LIST; yulirrloe, Bportlo Ootnt and Weekly one year 18 74 BswIiifMaclilna and Weekly una yr W Winchester 44-odltMr Illdo and Weekly on yr - -. . 14 W Taritst Iluts, 83allbor. and Wekly m Tnlf . ' W. ii.tfviami wkly ona year K Uap of th United Stale. Canada and Mtileo, aaa wtmiy on yr a JCnlf and Wklrthnw mouths M. 7m " Tlia aboTO KaUs luelud thai l'ret saent of I'usUko on tbo l'aper. AUfiilKWs M. U. rta "VOtrNra, d JTopiletor O. T. OiroalsjD, BAN VHANOtSCO, OAfc. T1iBf!lrftnlflt!onof thaGirKOXICLl . U equal to that of ALL THK Of IM 8ri FrancUco Momlne l'irji Q 'Z i m J-: I Ji.fl .1 t i i VJ