CAPITAL JOURNAL. "THE PEOPLES' PAPER." SAIiETVr, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1S91, "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 335 yOli. 3. EVENING FOUNTAIN PENS ONLY TWENTY CENTS EACH Entirely new line of ruled andunruled writing tablets both letter and note size just received. AT- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. HOFER BROTHERS, - Editors. rUBUSHEDDAILY.EXUElTSUriDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In I. O. Building Entered at the postoince at Salem, Or., as second-elate, rcattir. T McF.'" PATTON'S l. Has Ye sell Been in Your Niidst, It Was None Of Your Friends this Call . a - J i-L. lU a v- Iams-i'Mtva ivts-l I I I sir 4- l- y-v I Vrlf 1 "!- 1 lim SI W 1 rti- xx ,i:j v.q KYnnminin ih ueutn liiuy ucaci vu, w ivihuia tuuiu. ojuub. uuiu n uu uni huiv i iu wr mold-? for 25c 2 lb molds for 30c Butter Ladle 10c 240 Tooth picks for 5c- only 5c per bottle Wire hair biushes 10c 12 good lead pencils tor 5c. COMB AND SEE OUR PRICES ON TINWARE ! Extra large dishpans only 35 cents. Small dishpans for 25 cents. All other ldnda of tinware. ANJD IT WILL FAY y.OU -Good black ink m naa fmm Mp to the best hand made, at astonishingly low prices. Umbrellas trom 60c to 1.25. Safety : ou o Ar.i i' ocka. sruarauweu iui uwoiyo xuuiwio. wmj w. v.,v,v. : """" -"- j-"-r " "v puxo -2 Hair combs l0 and 15c Come in and see us. QBISSMHN S& OBBITJE&SSr, 201 Commercial Street. GO TO HENRY SCHOMAKER If you want a Plow, Harrow, Cultivator or any Agricultural Implement, from a Hoe Handle to a Threshing- machine AGENCY OF STAVER & WALKER. The Oregon Land Co. -with ita- Oregon, die a (In the State Insurance Building) and branch offices In Portland, Astoria and Albany, Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also City and Suburban Property. The Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for the purpose of buying and nub-dividing large tracts of land, and has during the past two 'years bought and subdivided over 3,200 acres Into Five to Twenty Acre Parcels The success of this undertaking Is shown in the fact .that , out of "280 Utracta placed on the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres, ol choice land in Fruit, Will Yield a Larger Income than 160 acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. Wealao lnake valuoble Vovemeuts in the way of roads, clearing the land, fence a, etc. we mluiio.,..iw . -tiA r h omn nrlra ner acre as you would mil u lUUUI UWIi Ul WUU IUI " - j t wve to pay for a large farm. for Pamphlet and Price List. Of all kinds Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjos and Mandolins, (whole ale and retail) over 800 of the latest and mnat. nnnnlnr SKRRT MUSIC. If you contemplate the purchase ol a mu sical instrument write to us for an illus trated Catalogue by mail. P. H. EAST0N &. Co.. 310 Com'L'St., Salem, Or. FREE. Jas AlTKBN,, GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. -THE BEST CANNED GOODS- Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds, Fresh and true to name. fri Orango 8tor, 2Q State St., Salem, Or. I hW uum JUll JJllUrJi, THEGROCER: Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. THE SINGEU MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S Vibrating Shuttle No. 2 LATEST AND BEST OE ITS OLASS. THE ITALIAN TUOUHLK. The Evening Journal was the Hist paper to bring the people of Salem tho news that the Italian minister had been recalled by his government, pending negotiations of the difllculty at New Orleans, wheio a mob executed the Mafia connected with the assassination of Chief of Police Heunessy. Our dis patches will give the details of tho news, and the question for euuoriai discussion would seem to be whether the Italian government has a state case against this country, that would justify it in acts of open hos tility. Grave questions of inter national law are Involved, ns well as a complication betweeu our federal and state authoiities. If Italy has any cause for griev ance iu this instance it is founded on the failure of tho authorities of the state government of Louisiana to secure trial by ury of accused per sons who are in part naturalized Italians, and in pait subjects of the Italian government. This is aggra vated by the assertion that there would be no prosecution of members of the mob nnd that the grand jury would uot indict and the further fact that tho executive of the city nor of tho state took tho least pre caution to prevent the killing, nor seem inclined to attempt any repara tion for the wrong done by the mob. The question then arises can a city or state government commit an act of hostility against a foreign power that the federal government can be culled to account for? If tho state government fails to secure justice to satisfaction of a foreicu nation, is it the obligation of the administration at Washington to securo justice within that state or bo hold respon sible under international law ? This raises the whole quettiou of state aud federal relations, and teally of sovereighty. This nation cauuot bo placed In tho attitude of upholding mob law nor yet should it be expected of this nation that there should always be immunity from mob violence, when it is a well known fact that mobs do prevail over law in nearly all tho older countries, Including England, Scotland, Germany aud even Italy. The readiness to condone mob vio lence shows a low state of public morals aud a low estimato of tho nriccless treasure of a well-estab lished system ef' courts and justice, ft. is a weakness of the stato and Federal governments that they do not make at least a seeming eilort to punish mobs when they tako the administration of Justice out of the courts. The administration should demand at the hands of tho state government of Louisiana that It make every eflort to convict tho lead era of tho mob and bring to justice tho olllcers of tlio court of justice that fulled to convict on sufllcient testimony, or tho Jurymen that al lowed themselves to bo Intimidated by the Mafia. One good effect may bo to put a check upon tho immigration lu largo numbers of tho galley slaves, con victs, nnd banditti of Italy. Tho Italian prc&s has not concealed the fact that tho trouble at Now Orleans was brought on by tho preseuco of these lawless classes. The prospect of war with Italy is not grpat onough to bo worthy of discussion at rlresent. Tho case demands care ful action aud respect for well fouuded principles. Our new design of Vibrating Shuttle Machine Is the latest dovelop nt of that nop""" principle, containing special patented improvements, at makes it: . . . ,, , . ment ulinl mntroo - . . i. .V-i. i .n.l.ltia lii tlia tnnrlrph i3 2 luX?'" Z?, ZT t o wo id.' It requires absolutely no Sd-ThSy Vibrator that makes a perfect stltch-a result heretoforeat ..inwf o family machines only by our Oscillator. 4th- The only KKl-ch can Avtmm lightest to heaviest cotton without change Tof tension, covering tho whole range of family work. . TTr,I,,rtrrrrtr X'Vlliiti ur tj u j ii-tii win. 1 It has a far shorter needle thau any other maehlno of lis cfafl. ii. ItlZtberi U rlKh t. i. V' ,i. i.....,, o.wi itnut fnn.i nrmiinmntlc bobbin winder. J. i '. A.- iout .,.wi iwHt stitch regulator. By simply turnluga screw the stitch can be lengthened or shortened while tho machine Is run nng at full speed". No fining necessary; it .lays wherever you "'":. u'iiiii . - i...r...i..., nf ,. oTt.ittia rumiltf ftpu-lfiL' ma. rnn uimuuiu ivumuuuui ,. ,,.l'.w ..,, --- ieaye it. chine, BURT CASE, Agent, 327 Commercial street. Salem Tract A Dray Co. IflSl , V flee 8Ute 8U,oproeltej- e Iron work.. Dmy, B(i trucks but L found throughout the daw at Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co,, Sash Doors, Bliuds & SlouWinga, TnniiBg & Scroll Sawing. irinu Pfnlihtnf madelto order. . t. ,I,K a ran 1WT kP full UPp1y Ot VOUOntA itOCk Of ll Nkl"dj; AgritwJVork.UorLirrofTnMle nd Jlln ilwli, wuew, unroo.. The New Session Laws. b. n. no. 08. fixes fees of county clerk and sherill and time of holding county court In county of Harney. In ef feot,May2Jst. s. n. no. 07.- Amends peo, 1 of Layman liquor law by adding therete: "Aud In cases where any college or university Ih now or shall hero ufter bo located at a distance of one mile or more from tfio nearest place thereto, where such al(.s are now being made under such licenses no such llcenso shall bo grunted for such sales within tho distance of one mile from such college or uuivor slty, Provded that tho provisions of this act shall not apply to any city or town uov Incorjwrated." Not approved. In effect May 21st. a. . no. CI, Changes Sec, 3271, which allowed uny city of 16,000 population or over, "to tuko private property Tor public use, is changed so thut cities or towus of less than 15,000 jopua. lion can so tuke property upon vote of the people, I u effect. H. ii. no. CO, Provider times, and pjaees for holding circuit cour,t In bUlh Judl clal district In Unptlllu couotyj 3d Monday In Jan. Jot Monday Jyno und No vember. x In Marlou; 8l Monday lu May aud 3d Moiiduy lu November aud 2d Monday iu Sept. Baker: 3d Monday in J.uue, 1st Monday lu Dec. , Malheur: 2d Monday In Jnnuary and 1st in September. Grnnt: 4th Mouday iu April, 2d Monday in November. Harney: 3d Mouday in May, 4th Monday In October. Iu effect, s. u. no. 09. This act gives a judgment or decrco of tho United States coutts tho same ell'ect as far as a lien is concerned ns rendered by a stato court. Can be now entered upou tho recordsof any county by tho clerk of tho courts. In eilect May 21st. s. n. no. 60. To Authorize CoutractiuK forTraus- portntion of tho Insane, Idiotic and Convicts when in tho Custody of tho State, aud for Transporta tion of tho State Militia. Bailroads, constiuctiou of which was commenced after this act and finished within thrco years after this act goes iuto elltct, shall bo eu tltlcd to contract with the stato for currying its insane, idiotic, convicts and militia for a term of llyo years in lieu of all taxes. Does not apply to railroads of less than thirty miles in length. In eilect May 21st. s. u. no. 73. Authorizes the admission of aliens as attorneys to practice iu tho courts of Oregon, If such person shall have declared his intention to become a citizen aud become a resident of the slate of Oregon. Iu eflect May 21st. s. ij. no. 00. Fixing salaries of county judges as follews: Baker, Graui, Harney, Wasco, $1000, Benton, Clatsop, $000; Clackamas, Umatilla, Union, Coos, Douglas, Jacksou, Llun, $1200; Co lumbia, Wallowa, $500; Curry, Gil Hum, 400; Crook, $000; Josephiue, Washington, Klamath, Lake, Lane, $700; Alarlon, $1500; Multnomah, $3000; Morrow, Folk, Yamhill, $800. Sherman, Tillamook, $800. In ef fect. s. n. no. 01. Makes it lawful for co-operativo corporations in loaniug their own money only to their own stock holders, and ouly lu proportion to the amount of stock held by snch stock holder, lu case there aro two or moro applicants for tho money ofl'efcd for loan, to make tho loan to such stock holder or stock holders as ahull offer tho hichest premium of any nature for such loan and tho giving and receiving of suoh prem ium shall not be regarded as contrary to tho laws of tho stato In regard to tho rate of luterest ou money, but only tho means of determining which of two or moro stock holders shall remain tho same. Not approved. In off cct May 21st. s. u. no. 53. For Collection of School Taxes. Each School District Clerk where in School Taxes are Levied iliall within 30 days from Date of Lovy make an Assessment Itoll of Tax able Proporty of District, carry out tho Tuxes Levied thereon and Deliver same to Board of Directors. Tho Board shall constitute aboard of equalization to Increase or decreuso valuations, mako corrections, etc. but shall mako no increase without pioper notico to party Interested, and shall give ten day'w notice of tlmoaud place of meeting as such board of equalization. Thoy shall authorize tho district clerk to collect tho taxes so levied, and tho clerk shall glvo propor notico that such taxes are due aud will bo delinquent in 00 days. At tho end of the CO days tho clerk returns tho roll aud within ten days the board shall order him to certify u list of tho delinquents, together with tho assessment roll, to tho county clerk, whoshall immediately deliver n transcript of the same to the sheriff, who shall proceed to cel led tho said delinquent school taxes, tho same as other delinquent taxes, nnd pay tho same to tho school clerk whoso district is entitled to the same. In eU'ect now, 8. u. NO. 05. Fixing lees of sheriff of Coos coun ty and of clerks and sheriffs In Curry, Clatsop, Columbia, Josephine, Klamath, Lake and Tillamook counties, 8. II, no. 107. Appropriates $70.15 for rollof of David McCully on accouutof money paid stato for supposed swamp land to which tho state could not puss title. Approvrd; In eilect. H, 11. NO, 70. Amends Bee. 3312 rolatlng to In corporation of denominational schools so that hereafter it shall re quire a. two-thirds vote of tho board of trustees to accept tho provisions of tho law relutlng thereto. Aj proved; in cirect. 8, li. NO. 04. Appropriates $100 for rullofofT, O. Ilarklns, who prepared an Ore gon memorial stono for Wash ington monument in 1681. In effect May 2lst. B. II. no, 08. Amends section 3000 of Hill's Code, relating to mechanics' lions so ns to Include teamsters and dray men, whoso liens are mudoofllko validity with other workmen or fumlhherfof material. Approved by governor. In eilect May 21st. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. rElMAFUIC DISPATCHES. Tho Clatsop mill mess houso at Astoria burned down on Monday, loss about $1800, Tho carcass of a sperm whalo uluety-flvo feet in length was wash ed ashoro ou tho beach near Capo Arago, below Emplro City on Sunday- It was promptly located by its disebverera and preparations made to securo tho oil and bone. Tho head gave 800 gallons nnd tho remaiulng portion 120 barrels of oil. Bloomer Bvlyeu, about 19 years of ago aud a grandson of T,P. Dovaney, living about six miles west of Scio, was grousa hunting on Sunday aud sat down on a log to rest. In draw- lug his gun over tho log he grasped it by the muzzle aud iu such a mauner that it was discharged, the oharg"o passing through nnd mangling his hand lu n terrlblo manner. It was amputated at tho wrist Monday morning, Tho young man died Mouday evening. Laura Kraumer, of Chicago, re fused to glvo up a llfo of sliamo to become heiress to $90,000. Her parents accordingly had her arrested and committed to the Home of tho Good Shepherd. George Waggoucr and other citi zens of Corvallis hayo combined to purchaso n farm about eighteen miles south of this city, containing 6G0 acres, and engage extensively in fruit raising. Tho company is near ly formed and It is tho iutoutloh to plaut 100 acres lu pruuo trees this fall ond another hundred a year from then. Thoy also oxpect to plant several acres iu small fruit. Tho postmaster general has In formed Representative Herman, iu reply to previous application made to him, that tho Rogue River Valley Railroad Co. declines to transport the malls on its lino between Med ford and Jacksonville for tho com pensation provided by law for ordi nary railway sorvlco. Tho postmas ter general decides that It is not dis cretionary with tho department to allow a greater compensation than Is provided by law. A dispatch from Nice says, that a regular press bureau is maintained at Monto Carlo by aud In tho Interest of tho gambling establishments at that place. Moat of tho stories ot largo winnings and people breaking thn bank aro Bout out by this bureau for tho purpose of attracting wealthy tourists from Europo nnd America. Tho stories, it is said, miiifimllv havo no foundation. Tho bureau Is not permitted to sond out reports of suicides und othor sudden deaths excopt lu vory raro Instances. Tho bureau was started in tho in terest of tliu Monto Carlo gambling department about thrco months ago, and has added greatly to tho busi ness of Monto Carlo by eilcctlvo ad vertising. Previous to that M. Blauo had sovcral Parisian newspaper men In ills pay, and tho press busi ness was handled through Paris, Instead of as now directly from Monto Carlo. Blauo claims some of Ids Journalistic friends in Paris were too oxorbltaut and persistent in ilmlr demands, and that ono or issocintcd Press Report and Digests of all Important flows of To-Day. MISCELLANY. Hltibard'i UlitunHtlc tua Liver t'llli. Tho till jure tc'lentlflcally compound wl A uniform In ftrtlnn. No UlUilaJ lutlD o tommonly following tle ue ".P1.",'! Toey are dnptxl iu Ijotu ndulu nudclul- TUB KINOAID TIUAL. "Washington, April 1. Iu tho Klucaid trial yesterday tho defense Gontlned Itself to au attempt to prove that Taulbeo inado threats against Klncald, and that thoso threats had been communicated to tho defendant. Tho most important witness was Mrs. Mary Mlllmorc, who testified that on tho day of the shooting Donnelson had told her of tho troublo between Taulbeo and Klucaid, and had said Taulbee had warned Kiucnld to -arm himself, Ho had also told her that he had been with Taulbeo a good part of tho "day In ordor to keep hhn away from Klncald. BTMKURS aOINO TO WOKK. Rochester, N. Y., April 1. A good many striking clothing cutters have boon taken back to work. At a mass meeting of trimmers, cutters and foremen yesterday resolutions wcro adopted in which they sever their connection with tho Knlghto of Labor, and declare their Inten tion of furthering tho Interests of their employers. It Is thought, In vlow of tho above action, that tho clothing manufacturers will decide to tako back all tho men. THF ITALIAN IilllROaWO. Washington, April 1. Thoro was a commotion among stato de partment officials whon tho fact btcamo know" that Baron Fava hud been recalled. Secretary Blaiuo is conllned to ills homo again by tho recurrence of his old molady. Stato department ofllclals declined to discuss tho matter. Fava has not demanded a passport as at first reported. A detrumd for passports is an extra measure It is taken when tho war feeling runs high and the minister's person is in dauger at tlfo hands of tho populace A recall under, tho circumstances of this case Is a serious matter. Thero should be no attempt to disguise tho fact, but It does not sluulfy that mutual explanations land diplomacy cannot restoro tho Biuiua. A charge d' afTahes, Marquis Im porlalo, Is left In charge of tho Italian legation, so tho severance of diplomatic relations cauuot bo re garded as complete. Just what tho status of this official Is, cannot ho known, excopt through ills official acts. It Is stated that ho la lu charge of "current affairs." In this caso further correspondence botweon the governments of tho United States and Italy must tako placo directly botweon Washington and Borne. AMERICANS IN ITALY. Washington, April 1. Late yes terday afternoon erroneous reports respecting wirn iii circulation moro of them threatened to eflect nucgeu- outmges on American citl nafuty. We guarnnUxi a ina euro uiud. ihwu ntuiul null bllllOU. neu'aod, u no appetiser, they excell any ilianvllll tttrfbtit thry iiuveiioixiuiii Initio cure ache, coiutlpatlon.d. nu on aiouuuy iu wtvimuc 1 other preiiaraUoo" Wallowa 4th Mouday In H-b., toii(uttlttr,MUau, mi tho olosluir of his establishment un less their demands wore compjled with. When it comcB to a light or a foot race Astoria Is lu It. Pity wo can't putsomo of tho same energy into somoof our subsidy-raisers that tho local sports dUpluy, It took two hours to ralso $17,000 for tho Hull Fltzslmmons mill moro than was raised lu two mouths for the saw mill. Astorian. Thoro is an old lady living in tho town of Mount Forest, Ont.,Canada, of tho name of Wilton, who has seen eight generations, flvo of which aro living quite near at prcsout, writes a correspondent to tho Oregonlun. Slio lias u son, a daughter una grand son living wltli their families in Mount Forest; two sons, two grand daughters aud thoir families in Manitoba; a son and a great grand son and their families in Dakota; a grandson in Minedomt; a grandson und granddaughter and their fami lies near Morrlokvllloju son, a son-In-luw uud families lu Wisconsin; two grandsoiiH.a grundduughlor and their fuimllcslu Michigan; a daugh ter and four granddaughters und their families In Wiurtou; u daugh ter visiting In Wlartou; a son und family and two gruudsuns lu Port land, Or.; u daughter uud family in Nuskowln, Or.; a granddaughter and fumlly in Astoria, Or.; three granddaughters, n great grand daughter and a ureal grandson and their families In Toronto; n grand daughter and family at Woodland, Kgreinont; a granddaughter and fumlly ut Inglewood, Out,', a grand son and family at Lion's Head, Out.; a grandson uud family at Palmers ton, Out.; a granddaughter uud fumlly ut Cots wold; u gruudsou at Niugaru Falls; a grandson at Ottawa; a great granddaughter ami family at Druccbridge; a groat grandson at Jauesvllle. fa.: a ureut grandson at Novnr, Out. Sho hiut descendants hurled lu diflvreut oouiuterlwt, In cluding Merrlekvllle, Jtoseville, Woodbind, Wlartou, Detroit, Baud Bett'ib, Port Huron, Jtoxcoiiimoii, Mloh Winnipeg, Man. i Donald. IJ. V.; Hiokory Corners, 111 i Uurford, Out.; Dupseath, Duk , Uwrgolown and Boston, Out. zons in Italy. Careful inquiry at tlo department of stato fails to dis close moro than two complaints or this character during tho pust six months. In ono ,caso au American cltlzou, who was In tho habit of crossing tho Piedmont boundary lino, was suspected of smuggling, and whon ho refused to allow Italian custom olllcers tosearch his carriago for contraband articles, he was nr rested und made u bitter complaint. In tho other caso an Italian return ing from tho United States was arrested for alleged brigandage In 1880. It appeared upon consultlug tho records that ho had been in cluded in tho proclamation, so ho was released Just as our stato depart ment discovered ho had been fraudu lently naturalized In this country. i:x-Bi:cuirrAHY hayaud's vjkw. Wahhinoton, April 1, Ex-Sccre-tury of Stato Bayard treats" tho Italian matter lightly. Ho said if Ritrau Fuva had been recalled It is likely lie lias done something to dis please tho government, and that ho has been simply relieved. This Is Indicated by IiIh leaving a secretary u charge or the legutlou. It is absurd, said Mr. Bayard, to regurd tho recall of the minister or suspen sion of diplomatic relations, us nu evidence or war. TIIK OOVKKNMKNT'H VIKW, Washington, April 1. The vlow Kukou by tho administration, as it U understood, is that tills govern ment hus done all that can be done lu the matter. Even ir they had completo legul Jurisdiction In tho case it could only assure tho Italian government that It would I prosecute tho persons guilty or au uttuck ou tho Itallaus at New Oilcans. It could uot uwuro tho Italian govern ment that It would punish them, as Italy desired. That would bo tor tho grand and petit Juries to deter mine' Tho Italian government has been told that tho presidcut deplores tho ubhorruut occurence, and that the government has taken steps to Investigate the mutter. Part ol this Investigation was tho ascertainment of the natlouttHty of the Italians 1 killed, and this has not been learned. 4