"""jy win ft nwrii'iriiinfrfiiiir I r.iiiWii'""'rcMWTii"W'ftv-T . felia Imagined nbronzocupld was Ibo source of her inspiration, nnd began a regular system of worship. In Hutrers have been told that the fam ily have moved away from the city. It is said Mrs. Glflord has been put in tin Insane asylum for treatment. ANOTHKR OOMKT. Mount Hamilton, Cal., Mar. 31. A small, fairly bright comet, with tall 15 minutes Iour. was discovered by Prof. E. E. Barnard at the Lick observatory. Tho comet is moving rapidly southward In tho direction of tho sun, one degree a day. This makes tho fifteenth comet discovered by this observer. COMPANY I WINS. PoitTLANct, Mar, 31. In the com petitive drill last night between companies "I" and "C,"O.N.Q., the former won. VE8SELS in distress. New Bedford, Mass., Mar. 31. A steamer Just arrived from Vino yard reports two vessels In Vineyard Haven In distress. ILLNESS OF SENATOR PALMER. Chicago, Mar. 31. Bouator J. M. Falmer Is sick In bed at his home in Springfield, and owing to his ad vanced age, fears aro entertained in regard to the outcome of hlsdllncss. He has been affected with a cold for two or three days past, which has now developed Into a well-defined caso of "la grlppo," and he has been compelled to take to his bed. Generul Palmer's soven-ty-fivo years havo never weighed heavily upon him beforo, but ad. vices from Bprlngfleld aro to the oflect that his physicians ate worried at tho outlook, particularly as there aro symptoms of pneumonia, or what has tho appearance of this dread disease, noy, developing. DEATHS IN NEW YORK. New York, Mar. 31. Tuoiocord of deaths since noon yesterday up to noon today Is 140, seven of tueso re ported havo been from la grlppo complicated witii other diseases. There aro 100 pollecraou on Iho sick list today. ITALY WANTS TO FIGIIT. Tho Directors of Iho N. Y.,N.II. & II. tt.R. Indited by tho Grand Jury. SUGAR TWO CENTS LOWER PEIl POUND The Coke Trouble, Highwayman in Cal., Judge Fitzgerald Charge to New York Grand Jury,'Big Fire at La Grande, Foreign News, Etc. CRIMINAL. 1'ltOIIAllLK MURDER. Riverside, Cal., Mar. 31. Sun day morning two Frenchmon wont to Spring brook, a small stream west of town, to wash their clothing About an hour atterward children llnvred a dead man lying in the odgoof tho brook, Investigation proved it to bo Lonis MIcrlett, ono of tho Fronohmon. His skull was crushed with a heavy rook, and his IB IT WAR WITH ITALY ? WASHiNaTON March, 31. Baron Fava lias presented to the stale de partment his recall by the Italian government nnd has demanded Ills passports. The department Is (great ly surprised becauso it was wholly unexpected and becauso Investiga tion Into New Orleans matter is not completed. Reason for recall is"King oPItaly Ib dissatisfied with progress of adjustment between tho two coun tries In regard to New Orleans massacre." Tills action can be con strued into no other way than an actof open hostility on tho part of the Italian government to' the United Stales with which it has heretofore been on friendly terms. Secretary Jllnlno has just been seen by Associated Fress reporter and absolutely refuses to Bay ono word. AMERICAN CITIZENS IIKLOIIY ITALY Washington, Mar. 31. It is reported that eighteen American citizens havo been seized and im prisoned In Home to bo held its hostages. AT FLORENCE INSTEAD OP ROME. Washington, Mar. 31. Ilk now reported around tho stale depart ment that It was at Florcnco that eighteen Americans wero thrown into prison Instead of nt Home as first reported. Also it is said othe.d havo sufi'ured tho same futo in Italy. In all cases Italian ofilcers refused to glvo the Imprisoned porsons any reasons for tholr arrest. this morning. Works are In opera tion with reduced lorce, nnd nu effort will be made li keep them running. Workmen are arming, nnd serious trouble in expected lie foro (he strike Is over. With the exception of FresldcnlQompcrH, all the members of the executive board of American Federation of Labor, nro in this city, for tho purpose of holding a conference on tho critical situation In tho Coko region. An efibrtwill probably be made tocflect a compromise and end tho strke. FOREIGN. DIRKCTORS LIAULI2. New York, Mar. 31. Cliauncoy M. Dopow appeared beforo the grand Jury yestorday as a witness in its in vestigation into tho recent New York CcutrnI tunnel accident. Later tho Jury waited upon Judge Fitzgerald and asked lilm a number nf auctions. In tho course of his reply tho Judgo said that if tho di. rectors of railroads havo control and management of tho road, It is their duty to soo tliut tho requirements of face badly cut. His pockets wero tho law for tho safety of tho travel- lug pubho nro rogarded. Any por sou concerned in tho commission of an net as a mombor is a liable party, Tho law says that some porson shall bo responsible. Theso people control tho management of this road. They haveaclearduty Imposed upon them by statute If thoy havo violated tho statute an indictment Hhould bo found, and, lot mo say that, whllo it Is proper in coses wlicro persons of eminent standing In community havo serious charges inado ngulnut them, It Is well to carefully inquire into all particulars, yet tho law requires that tho sumo law should bo enforced against them as against any one else; If the facts warrant, a Judgment should bo found. Judgo Fitzgerald's words created a stir in court. In reply to further questions, tho court said tho directors could bo olmrgcd with mlsdomcauor as well as tho corporation. There la no uouut lu mo mum or any person who was In tho court room whon the Jury tiled out, that a truo bill will bo found acaluMt the dlrectorsof the road. dirkotors induti:i. Nkw Yohic, Mar. 31. Tho direc tors of tho Now York and Now Haven aud Hartford It. It. Co., wero today Indicted by the grand Jury for misdemeanor In connection with tho fatal collision In Fourth Avenue tun nel ou Feb, 20th last, thereby thoro wore six lives lost. Among those Indicted are: Chauucoy M. Depow, Win. ltnoknfeller, and Loverette W, limliinrd. robbed of overytulng valuablo. His companion, named Benjamin Logoack, wns arrested aud is now in Jail. HICUIWAYMKN AGAIN. Rkdding, Cal., Mar. 81. Carl 11. Brings, a business man of Redding, was held up by highwaymen last evening whllo going to Shasta. Tho etago como down a dlfl'erout road and escaped. This indicates that tho stage robber who has been pur suing his calling Is still In that vi cinity. OARROL CINT3 ICtailT YKAR9. Ottawa, Ills,, Mar. 31. In tho oelebratod caso ol "Jimmy" Carroll, tho supremo court has rendered nn opinion tifllnulug tho Judgment of tho Knox county court rendered In 1887. Carroll was tried for burglar izlug tho Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Qalesburg during tho no Boneo of all imiploycs, oxcopt Cash ier Little, on July 3, 1870. Carroll was Beutonoed to eight years' Im prisonment ill July, 1837, but his lawyers have slnoo been lighting tho caso. This bank robbery was a peculiarly audacious work, with a sequel almost unparalleled In criminal history, tho participants, flvo in number, being trailed by detectives for years, nnd though fighting desperately, logally find othorwlse, none escaping prison except William Ilurko, alias "Hilly, the Kid," who is believed to havo been killed. Among other robbors wero John Laruoy, alias "Molly Mutches," and Paddy" Gueren, Wrothor ot Eddy Gueren, who Is ow serving lone torm in a French prison. STATE. LA ORANDU 11UHNH. La Oiundk, Oro., March 81. Tlw business ortlou of La G ramie WW totally destroyed by firo this VMcaiug. Tho following business H MsWiMi u-om luiriwul. (Milimini ili-v W " - ....- Hvifi a.vQ. ( toro; J. U. Tnoraon & Co.; MwCuthy & Kel!.y; H. D, River A i,; Jhhi 4 Holbrook'a n.iloou; McCoy & 'rhustou'n barber . Tho firo hi now guder control. SUGAR TWO CUNTS LOWKR, Nkw York, Mar. 31 .-Tho duly on sugar comes oll'nt 12 o'clock to night, nnd wholesale store will oion then to meet tho demand from retailors. A dlfi'eroueo of two cents per pouud will, It Is anticipated, re sult In enormous sales, as tho retail market Is practically bare of stook, NO SUGAR AGUHHMUNT. JNKW York, Mar. 31. Have meyers deny that there Is any ugreo. ineut between them aud Spreokles regarding tho division of territory. TUK WICK DISTRICT. Pjrrauuuri, I'oiin, March 31. TUB POPJ5 IS UNWIILL. Komk Mar. 31. Thepopelssufl'ur lng from u soyere nttuck of stomach trouble. His condition is such he Is compelled to keep to his bed. ORANVILLK DYING. London, Mar. 31. Tho latest nows from tho bedside of the Earl Granville Is, that tho distinguished statesman is slowly sinking. ORANVILLK DKAD. Earl Granville died this afternoon. T1IK TROUI1LK IN INDIA. Calcutta, Mar. 31. Tho official dispatches received here today by the government, confirm tUo report of tho rnnssacro of Ghonrkas, at Maulpur in Province Assam, nbout 470 of these natlvo soldiers were slain by hostllo tribes, men of As sam, after two days' fighting. The fate of tho l!rltisli officers In com mand of tho OhoorkiiH aud of chief commissioner, James W. Quluton, is still uncertain, but Iho viceroy of India, marquis of Lansdowne, be lieves that all officers and olllclals havo either met death or that they aro being held as prisoners. In ad dition to tho disaster at Maulpur It Is believed a force of British troops, composed of a detachment of 200 soldiers of Uongal Infantry aud about eighty Ghoorkas, who wero marching from Sliillong to Maulpur, in order to relnforeo tho cseort of Chief Commissioner Qulu ton, havo been attacked, and havo shared the fate of their comrades at Maulpur. TUB GERMANS ACTIVE. London, March 31. Last even lug's advices from Berlin state that unusual activity has prevailed for tho past three days in tho war office aud that an umisual number of em ployes were busy at Tho office today. Tho oinruror lmd n long uiidlonoo with Chancellor Caprivi and the high officials, aud It looks as though an importnut crisis was on tho tapis. There Is no doubt that the move ment of thu Ilusslan troops near tho German frontier aud the evidence of cordial Inthnaoy between Russia and Franco havo caused much anxi ety in Berlin and it is possiblo tho alarm caused by the apprehension of war may lead to military changes. Besides tho thought that Russia and Franco may bo preparlug for war, tho German government Is said to bo much stirred up over tho facts tiiat have been disclosed In regard to tho socialists' propaganda In the army. SOCIALIST WOR1C. London, March 31. Tho military authorities of Berlin havo come Into possession, through recent arrests, of evidence showing that social democracy has been spreading Its doctrines through the army and navy and has made many prose lytes and that the propagation of socialism among tho troops Is not confined to Germany but Is system atically carried on throughout Europe with tho exception of Russia, nnd that all the armies of Western Europe aro honeycombed with tho subversive Ideas of tho pledged enemies of established institutions. The kaiser, It Is stated, has given directions that the evil shall be dealt with most radically, so fur as Germany Is concerned, and any officer or soldier detected lu spread ing tho prohibited opinions shall bo punished with the utmost severity. Thu Information obtained has also been sent to Austria, Belgium aud Italy for tho war offices In thcx-o countries to be ou their guard. GOING TO PASTURE. Let down the bar for Ilrlndlc, For bonny Ross nnd Nell, The pretty noil-eyed erenturcs, WithoacU a tlnUllnir boll. We hoar tho rippling muslo Thnt faint nnd fainter grows Ileyond fie purling brooklot And prist tho tweet wild roso. Knco-drep In long lush clovor Tho dmnty thing! will stay, And browso nnd dream for hours, This lovely summer day, Tho whllo ourmorry laddlo And little sunburnt las, Llko trloUsotno colts In pasture, Are tumbling on tho grass. When drift tho twilight shadows Across the cherry-tops, And sing tho hormlt-thrushos Sweet vespers in tho copse. Then, near and nearer sounding, Tho tinkling bells will come, And little lad nnd lassie May "call tho cattlo homo." Thogcntlo-stepnlng Drlndlo And bonny Uess nnd Nell, Full-uddored, take tho pathway Acrost th" dimpling dclL And when tho nmplo farmstoad Is hushed beneath the stars, Tho bells will sleep in silence Uehlnd tho sheltering bnrs. Uarper't Young Ptoplt. THE THUNDER-STORM. An Explanation of Its Origin nnd Dovolopmont. :joj twdmatod ftO.OOO, lusur 1 18,000. Fro originated frum Thero was no riot lu tlw Coko Ivnjlue. rruloiit but iiIhUL aud alii- nulet Iflhero over warns vpeoltlo for nuy ono etmiplulnt. tlieu Curler' Utile Liver Tills nro n upoalflo Air siok iimdnclio, unit every woman should know tills. Only ono pill u doae. Try llioui. Alwuya uvold harnh purgative pills. Tlip.vilrxl make you lok unit then ivt you oontlptoa. Uurlvr's l.Ulto Liver I'llls ivtruloto Hie UoauUuuiI muke you well. IKwo, onu pill. More imimx of lok limdnuliu, blltousttcss, ooiiktlputlou, uii b (Hina in Wm time, Willi to nimlliUito. ami Air ! numey. by ustiiKtlutvr'itUttlo Liter 1MU, limn bs uny other inwuiit. Fluo uxotlo crockery Smat A Gilo's. I'Vesli eulery, uspuruKUs and cab b.igo at Clark A itpploy's. ItlbbarJ' HlwUivnllo aim l.lvvr Tills. ounded wln ulll. OMf Ur KdHUIml IU ImJIi intuitu anil nlill. ilrwiiwlth iHiflWi MfoU'. Wo KiM.nntr MlHt vVttOliwihin.awimitoWt mi billkms- mr ",, nnr, i.,-vl.f, lucjr 0141 U w.ir. iiivhu.ihiu ITT Haillli a 5lcl;er, sole tn, A writer In tho St. Louis PotLnitpatch, spcultlng of the development of thunder storms, calls .them Immense Loydcn jars In tin- sky, and supports his statement by cx plDinhift their origin. Lot us, ho says, flrst obt ervo an nverago summer thunder-storm os it is developing over us. Tho atmosphcro is sultry nnd oppressive. Tho heat of tho Bun seems more penetrating than usual. If wc look toward tho sky wo shall bo likely to nolo a lack of its usual transparency. Kmall inky-looking clouds will bo soon hav ing an indistinct and rugged outlino Tho rlf.ttds will increaso in volume. Small ones will unite, forming lurfter bodies, nnd theso will rapidly grow in density and overcast tho sky. Tho heavy cloud masses will bo ro( n to approach neurcr tho earth. Occa sionally somo section of tho cloud mass will bo illuminated by lightning, and after an in terval of twenty or thirty seconds a faint rumbling thunder will become nudiblo. As tho storm develops and draws nearer tho intervals between tho flashes of lightning nnd reports of thunder will shorten, until, when tho storm is at its height, many flashes will bo followed almost immediately by deafening ernshes of thundor. By this timo probably a heavy rain will be falling, vary ing ut intervals In intensity. Tho storm will conttnuo from ono-half to nbout two or thrco hours, when tho lightning and thun der will diminlsii and disappear, and tho ruin-full will graduallyceaso. When wo now venttiro out wo shall encounter a cool, ro frouhijig broezo, which will at onco havo an invigorating effect upon us. Tho rays of tho sun breaking hero and thero through tho cloud9 and falling upon tho rain-drops on tho grass and trees, will givo to tho sur roundings tho most pleasing aspect. Having briefly described tho thunder storm as wo nil soo it, lot us now investi gate what wo have scon. While tho thunder-storm was dovoloping tho air was op pressive nnd wo felt languid nnd uncomfort able. This wns duo to tho great amount of moisturo with which tho air was saturated, together with tho high temperature Tho wr.rm, vapor-laden atmosphere, oxpandod by heat ana rising to a Ingnor altitude, was replaced by coolor nir flowing in under it. This accounts for tho rofroshing atmosphere which wo oxporicuced. Tho great amount of moisturo In tho air during tho dovolop mont of tho storm accounts for tho lack of its transparency, nnd also for the indistinct outllnos of tho clouds. As tho uprising air roached a hlghor altitudo and encountered coolor winds, its moisturo was condensed nnd wo saw it in tho form of clouds, which, us tho action continued, precipitated rain. Tho most difllcult phenomena to oxplaie, but which aro at tho samo timo tho most in teresting, aro tho lightning and thundor. Nothing deflnito wns known about light ning untilBonjumin Franklin demonstrated by inonns of his woll-known ltito experi ment, thnt lightning nnd electricity nro ldonticnl. ills experiment is oxplnined in tho following lottor written by him on Octc bor 10, 1753: "Muko n small cross of light sticks of ce dar, the nilus so long ns to reach to tho four eornors of a large, thin silk haudkerchlof when extended, Tio tho corners of tho lmndkorchiof to tho cxtromitlos of tho cross, so you havo tho body of a ltito, which, being proporly accommodated with a tail, loop aud string, will riso in tho air Hko thoso mndo of papor, but, being made of silk, is litter to boar tho wot and wind of a thunder gust without tearing. To tho top of tho up right stick of tho cross is to bo llxod a very sharp pointed wire rising a foot or more above tho wood. To tho end of tho twino, next tho hand, is to bo tied a silk ribbon, nnd whoro tho silk nnd twino join, a koy may bo fastened. This kite is to bo raised whoa a thundor-gust npponrs to bo coming on, and tho porson who holds tho string must stand within a door or window, or un der somo covor, so that the silk ribbon may not bo wot, and earo must bo takon that tho twine dues not touch tho frnmo of tho door or window. As soon as tho thunder-clouds como over tho kito tho pointed wire will draw tho electric flro from thorn, and tho kite, with all tho twino, will bo olectrilled, and tho looso flhimouts of tho twino will stand out every way nnd bo attracted by nn approaching lingor, anil when tho ruin has wot tho ltito aud twino you will llud tho electric lire stream out plentifully from tho koy on tho approach of your kuucklo." Having found that lightning and elec tricity aro the snmo, wo must endeavor to explain In what mnnner this ntmosphorio olectriclty Is gonorated. Many theories hnve boon advanced in oxplnnation of this question, and, whtto little is positivoly known, tho theory generally accepted is that tho olectriclty is Konorattxl by tho frio tioa of ttiQ.Uquut parUclos of vapor lu tho air against each other, against tho earth and agaiust tho air. Some havo claimed that evaporation Is tho cause, but expori moats havo shown thnt whorover electricity wns gonorated by evaporation friction was the real cause. Lightning Hashes appear in different forms. Zlg-wtg lightning, as Its nanio im plies, is a long irregular lino of light, nnd Is tho utost commou form. Ball lightning Is a round bull of lire, moving so slowly thnt tho eyo can follow it, and oxplodos with aloud report. Bheot lightning is a diffused glare of light, which Illumines tho edge or surface of a cloud. Zig-wg light ning is caused by the diBchnrgo of u largo quuatity of electricity passing through tho air, which, on account of its resistance, be comes compressed at various points aud turns tho current asido. Tho xig-iag path la sometimes four or ilvo milos iu length. The phonomeuon of ball lightuiug has uover boou satisfactorily oxplalned, al though it is known to bo tho result of an extremely intense discharge of olectriclty. Sheet lightning is tho reflection of ilg-uig liKhtnlnjirUirinjith tho cloud mass, and mnv. tOonoluilwl ou fourth ps.) MARKETS. San Fiiancisco, Mar. 81. Wheat buyer, season $1.53j. Chicago, Mar. SI Wheat steady cash $1.03. Jesho Pouudstouo writes: I havo carefully readall the Alliance papers and literature that I havo received, and tho inoro I havo read and thought of this movement tho more firmly am I convinced that unless tho wisest and soundest judgment Is exorcised in tho management of this organization it will result iu being a curse instead of blessing to the firmer. When you think for a moment what a power tho farmers of this country united will exercise, one almost trembles at the results should that power be diected in tho wrong channels. I am not in favor of going so slow that wo never make any headway, but I am in favor of going slow enough to be sure that the road wo are travliugis the right one. That the farmers of this count ry aro uu Injured class, that they havo grievous wrongs that must bo righted, no one who understands the situation will deny. It Is only to bo hoped that their trials aud troubles havo not caused their judgment and discretion to desert them, and that in attempting to bring about reforms thoy do not com mence at tho top insteud of the root of this true of evil to accomplish them. This is a largo couutiy. Tho policy of tho Alliance, if it is in tend J to benefit tho farmer iu every section, must likewise bo broad and national in character, Let us bewaro of schemes that look fair and inviting ut a glance, but will not bear a close inspection, 51jo Wcrt,i Uxirlclicd. The facilities of the present day fot -he production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and coxufoitcf njaa!.iad are almost unlitn itcd, nnd when Syrup of Figs was first produced the voild was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring-time or, in fact, at any time, and the better it is known the more popular it be comes. ri'iiiioiincixl JVrfect liy u rr.ictlcal KiiSlneer. 1 hnve beenn ureal Mitt'erer from rhen ium Ism for j-Gven. curs, nnd heurli-gof ib .iiciossorillbbftid Itlieumntle Syrup con cliulm! togivo ltd tilnl. 1 lme ltul Hit cunillva properties of tho mineral springs tillhout'fliulliiK relief from that or anj theriomrcu until 1 Iried Ulbburd's Itheu iwitioHynip, which lm drmi wonders for me. I c ,n unw walk with cutlie livedom Horn piiln ami my ccnunil health li verj inuub Impiovcd, It is a. splendid remedy ,'iir the blood mid dobll UUd system. I'iiui llmiMAM, KhginciT W liter Woiks Ulgltnplds.Mloh. Sold by Smith APtelner Foil Runt, Most desirable rooms for oillce or living purposes. En quire at tho Jouunal. oillce. CARTERS ITTLE 9HH 1 SVER B PILLS. Sick Headache nnd relievo all the troubles Inci dent to a bilious state of tho system, such as Dizziness, Kauscn. Drowsiness, Distress after eatinp, Tnln In the Slilc. Ac Whllo their most retnarkablo success has been shown in curing Ilcadaei . yet CUnTr.r.'s Littlk Lrvnn Pills nre enuMlv Tahi.iMc In Constipation, curing nnd preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of tho stomach, stimulate the liver and regulale tho bowels. Kren if they only cured BAKER & STRAl 30? rnmm,.m!.l n v,,WLW cvrppT Stoves, Ache they would bo nlmost priceless to thoso who suffer from thh distressing complaint; ht. fnrtiinntfilv their n-oodness does not end hero, and thoso who onco try them will find theso llttlo pills valuable In so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. Out after all sick head Pk trues Is tho bnno of so many lives that hern Is where n make our Rrent boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CAnTErt's Littlk Liven Pills nro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They nro strictly vegetable and do not fjripo or pume, but by their pentle action plea'ie nil who use them. In vials at 25 cents; flvo for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by mall. CASUS HEDICWE CO., Kev Tcrk. B. l!!i M liangw, Tinware, ar,rf taliiiijr nv. I...U.IIIJU &Krtf, Pumps, n run i.j Bk wills. a ilydiauhc CiotlitsWasW Greatest labor saving invention In the household linP , varieties of foods from tne llnest face to tlic coarsest curtwt Hl clean, without nibbing or boillnp, without the m-e of chuuiea'l H nnurriii'tivn iirni'PKH iiiiiv mrnii hum unmr ' nu .. vi n 5100J to iinv person MR Email Boss, Ml Fries. Chlchtitcr't Enell.h Diamond Arand. raeiYROYAL PfiLLS r5 a A'c fr Orfelnnl and Only Genuine arc, ftlwayi rellnbl.. lADicc.'k. .mond Brand in ltcd and Gold nicul-ty&9 lllo bora, icalcd with blue lllibcn. Vy iTnkolio other. Rffiue dangerout v tulttitvtlona and mttationM. At Drneriitf or .end 4o. In Ittmni f ir nartloolirf, testlmo nl.li and 'Ilrllerfiir I.ndlo.," in Utter by return luU. 10.UUII T..tlmAn1.!. Afint. leaner. Dilohfitcr Chemical Co., 3Io.dl.on Raunrc, Sold bjiU Local Drattliu. "-tUAmVPm Taxpayers, Take Notice! Your state and county taxes for .Marlon county for the year ISiiOshould be pul at onco as costs will soon be added. K. M. UKOiSAN. 2-13-tf. Hherillnnd tx callecter. -only soap ami water. '1 lie company owi In , i. "l who will produce a fumllv wn,h .r ,'r..w.i ' K ERA in the following peints: Price. Labor Hiving. ja . ,, ,"B,KE Uleanlng perfectly wJtlicuit ilnn. i... T7i,t,., Arf..i.i. ...F.i,..f1 jiiK. vuiiutj' ui iiiunu v.tciin.,i. wiciiijiuy jjcrieetlA' Wltlioul fn clothing. Simplicity and perfect construction, fc-lze, wilifl.i . i'li I.IIU.. Bnlli,rnnli, ,,n.T,l,wl n -... t. i , JK"1 Wld All.. .Jinij. .ii.ii5,1,vi.iu.. tuiuuun, ui llltilil-v Jl'llllHII'll K(, ,, A. ."' "fcWIIH, Marion county. m M WILLAMETTE Salem, Or. Ilnlcs 82.50 and $5.00 a Day Open to the public Thursday, Sept. 11, 18U0. llest hotel hetneen I'Hriliind and San Krnnelsco. Alms to bo flrxt class In nil Its appointments. Its tables lUOBcrvetl with tho choicest fruits grown In tho Wil auietto alley. A. I. WAGNER, Proprietor 10 Acres for Rent. A choice tract only one mllo from Sulum Terms liberal, Apply to IiOFER BROS., Jouriiul oillce. MRS.D.L.FIESTER. The Lariat Stock of Buy gasoline of Hroat & Gilo. Of the choicest Mylcs. Tho lntet htylc Irom San Kranelsco nnd the erst, A flni lino of novelties. Ladies Jlnvlted to call Inspect and compare pi lees. rS WW VJSv ONU JSWJOTT Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tho tnsto, and nets fentlyyet promptly on tho Kidneys, liver nnd Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- nehes nnd fovors nnd cures habitual constipation permanently. For Bale in fiOo and SI bottles by nil druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. to,,,,,.,... SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LDUISVIUE, KY. fclV YORK. U.V. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. frJO will buy tho Odkll Ti vk WHiteii with 78 characters, aud 515 lor iho Sinol CabkOuki.l, warranted to do better wort ihunany mnchlHO made. It combines Si3in.tcirY with DuiiAlili. i'iv, Si-EBj), Ease oi OrKavrniK, wean longei without cost of ropalrins; than anj t.ther machine. Has no Ink ribbon to bother tho operator. It is neat, substau ilal, nickel plated, perfect nnd ndapted ti ll! kind-, ol type writing. Like n printlnt prcsi-, ii prouucea snarp, clean, legion iimuufceilpt. Two or ten copies can bt liiudont one writing. AnylutelllKeut per ;or. ciin become nn operator in two days n eorersiiA.'u 10 i,ny operator who mi equal the work of tho Douhi.k Cam Oiikll. Ilellnble Agents nnd salesmen wanted sptclnl lndueemcnt to dealers. Kor pamphlet giving Indorsements, Ac. nddrcsd OUELL TYl'E WIUTKIl CO., nH and 87 5th Ave. Chicago. 111. ui2(ld HELLENBRAND'S Eating Parlors 4 Candy JIanufactory, 295 Commeiolal Street. m,L OV FAKE: te Cream 10c, 15c. nnd 25 cents 'ollec, Tea or Ohoeolat uitud Cake.-lO cents Mut-h and Milk x HI cents I'lnto ol Hotip 10 cents 1 lot Cakeu, cfoilee or Ten 15 cents beefsteak nnd Esgh VB cents i "oik Chop nnd 1 w 25 cents lutton luoii venison nnu -oufcngeand Mumiiuu Kirns. eeh Oysters any stylo 25 cents 25c Wart CoW IiVtlccs IiiKerted for osv m,.. I lecment inserted iu this "oinmVW i nnu iwenty-nvo cents. "" F 4S IOH RALE. Flvo iil'aii iiiinc. i'iriaii it .... w wn broke, i 'an bo seen iitm75 ya to J..U. 1. Feeley, seVen mil-J?9 west of i-ulem. "Jffl JOUUENT.- IloiiReniidfctuiSJS: i1 wcht com. r of Center and l hnquln ut sumo, ""iiv MJ'!ELYniniIshed rooms lo reoUWi AtrSPJSK'""'?"' WJt ,vuicLtfuvei KJUtl l1 Inquire nt It. 11. estacott's stablt 3:17-51 JTtOIt SALE. A parlor set nt a bamt. J No. 187 Cottage street. E- EOR HALE. Two hqu.iie pianos for.,1. very chenp.nt DUmiond's music koSJ T7IOH HAI.E.-A new buisTetir, P nlno looms, nicely situated In hi.i! land Addition, conneclen vitlt the if, waterworks and is convenient tuttiMp. line. Terms lensonablc. Inquire ofuj Porrnncp, north weet corner of Ccnt and Liberty stieets, j', ?d EkBs.::::::::::::::u:::25 !!! x soth ol ",ilem:,Kv1?,aU'e t m C Eggs 25 cents JM ters any stylo 25 cents 25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From 11 to 3 0'CIock. rpOTItADIC-A Rnfe, genlln pony.fcr, a . .. r . ,, . , J- C0Wl inquire utthVsolnce. iff A nice variety of vegctabhs, etc., etc. "' Also tea, coHee or milk with all 2.T cent minis without cstru .Imrse. Choice Cigars, Imported nn Domestic, ilwiiy.s on nand. t'ortei House Utenk and Eggs 50 cents IViidir Loin Steak and Eggs...50 cents B. K. HALL, Paiier Iliuior. Leave order nt Globe Iteul EslateExelmnge SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE and PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, ""'O.ANAPOLIS, IND. I7PtpiCJfor bnlclittu' from the Hue' ILtJ IJTIOIireedlng htiwlt In Iho state, winning llrsl nnd hhmimI preinliimx on l.ttcht llriiliiuii.t; nrst n ud second on Ulucl SpaiiUlr llr.t and mvoud on White lc liom; Kccoiidonriymmlittiickuudllroui l.eghouv at tin Oieson siatn Fair, IJ .llv OrvKnliin. Sept. Ill MJ"AH birds nwnrd edtluoopteiimiiua will bd on exhibition aud open fur isiiupetlton at tho poultry show, oicnliu In nullum! tlio'Ji lust, FniuUcrs and breedci-sbriugnut yourblrds botiktlng di.nt xmh. ai cr lmUng du notice, no breeder dared shoiv nuy Light llrnlinia nnd White Leghorn nnu Ul-.ck !-ianl.n U a biiilloliii guarantee thnt my birds lead. I am uetver nlnud to exhibit against the olriet breeders. My btock hat uullmlted nuito. t'uu furuUli eggs fmii' Ittvarleliosiit living prleoi. benuyourud dreH on kmU1 oaid Cntnlnuo free. CHUISTIAN KociiKi!, Aurora, Oregon. nSlsam BI04UIC THEV ANC Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be IwcenJ. U. Ilrlihuw, bcott Uozorth, ot &i em, Orotniu, under the llrm luune ol UrldgM .t llozorth, ha, by tiuitimloon oent. been dlwilvo.1 J. if. llrldgs will continue Ihe biwlnrt, onlleet all bills nnd ultimo nil Uubilltitw of tho late nnu. J. 11. IIIUDUKS. .. . ... S01T HOZOltTIL S.i.im, Keb. 10, 1)1. 3-16-5-w THE BEST. D. M. Kekrv ((. Co'i lllmtrattd, Dejcnptivc and PriMd Seed AnnuaU For 1 891 will be m.Mr.l rn r C i lo all applicants, and to lasttcason'ii acuiiomen. it is better than ever. trery person using Gardtu, Fltwtr or FiilU Sttdt, should send for it. Address D. M. FERHY &.CO. DETROIT. MICU. sjgest Seedsmen lo Ihe world J SPBS $1 WILL BUY A LOT if goods at our store! We cany a full line 1 gioeciles, fied, ciockery, glassware, cl ,'ni., tobacco aud confccllonery. T. JiUItROWS, No. as Commerelal St., Salem WANTED. A girl or woman for. era I scroi n t tynrk I n a small &BV Apply or address with icfi-icuieat Jotl nai. olllio. A GUEATltAKOAIN.-Thebcstan i J piece on the balem I'mtrie. CaU nl Him wiiu v. u. v lsuer, next door to Posl ollice. aa-lm KINUERGAItTEN: Mrs. radgbam'i I'rlmary School nud Kindergarten in iession room of tho I'neobytejlan Churcu. ABAUQAIN. A house and two lots fot salo lu South Salem at onW wa. In- quire of W. 1). Simpson. lltf M.T. RINEMAN DCALEK JIN oiauic aim ruucv u. Crockery, (lIls.llo, Lamps, Wooden and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed Also vegptnbluMiad fruits In their ten sari. "Highest l'riee paid ft.r country pioduco." Wobollcit a share of jour pationage. j estate street U-lf ti Apamphletof Informatloa andsb-l" Ym struct of tho laws, showing How toif lmObtaln Iatent, Caveatu, Trade,V VwgSMarks, Copyrights, lent Jut.A&J Vutddm. MUNN & co.yiarv AjIOl Orondwur, KT FOR SALE. B venly-nlne and one-half acres of land WANTED An active, reliable man salary K0 to $80 monthly, with In I'leasc, to represent In his own section a responsible Now York house, Kelerenctv MaNUFAUTUHEH, Lockllox 1585, New York. IOK fALE. About three acres of land on Asylum Avenue, good dwellkg lioufe, conveniently unnnged; large bam, ngieiit Mulcty of fruit tiers nnd shrub, oory; com enlcnt to Electric mllway, neer lulling water ou premises. For particu lars Inquire nt second house on riglit band side ot Asylum Ai'cnuo going Irom city. 12:1 tf VX7 anted To trade a town lot In Capl YV tal 1'nrk Addition for lumber. A. Olinger, 122 Mill street. ll.-29-tf LADD & BUSH, Bankers, IKON BUILDING, SALHM, - - - - OREGON. Transuct n genernl banking butlness In .ill departments. ' 3:Wm EVERBEARING. until Host. lK-scilf)tivo pi k-e list free Sinn i iquist, Hiissellvllle.Ore, z-i mill's irom .-aicm, hj riom Iudepend uu; IV, miles from steamboat landing: Ji H a mlfi irom school house. House, barii, I' olio llOUse. wood nnd MiIM.-i-.ii l,-.iioo Wo havo iho Exclusho Control of O lhe in I, sure etfiiUtlilly com. HuuuHiiuiiu ui aiHiii. mi Kiipliui mi witiilneitly following Dim ii.o J7 T for Qiro np Xotico of Dissolution. The jrlnenhlp hwetofoiw ejslllngb twevu Jmiiu liaalutui uml .lim. u ui..,. anlson, under tl IlrHi utime of' James Deuhei'u Jk iy, U Uy mutual ooucent bevn dUtidveil, Juntas Ueohun wllloou- ...mo ui uMuow, miwi hii miuand iu unie ud ilMluliUeh otheold flrm. .lAJliWDBVIUU. JAill) I). HtOMAllDSON. Srtle.u. o , .kUroft . 1L tvim am morris. h S fellw" 50 2 SHilJiPS T tlty liens In cultivation; balance piistnrc our springs on tho plnce; lino young or ' 'd, small fruit, etc. Call at the i-Incn. o iddresB O.L. Weaver, Dencer, Marion Co. fcon. 2-lulmda.v DEAIN TILING. Tho undersigned are pieparcd lo furnlsl the best quainy of tiling for under drain ng nt lowest prices. AlimrHYdDESAItT, Nf ar Fair Orouns, Salem, Oregon. ERNST, Uphiolsterer. All work, cither new or ropnlring, 'J iu mo vest worKniuuillio siiaj c Bhop south ol post office. GEO. G. VAN WAi.NEIt, AtKUStntesliset Is pr. pared to fnuit plituiers iicntlr iiiidtitn tut 11Idki, Ciiiliirouud uuu e.niului his woik. ulso has a lino nssuitmetit lo select fifw Wall Paper and Pic' ure Moulding. FOUND! One hundred very choico lots, which Slb.e.fla,,taiw lcr lt- ud on "as? J. J. ROBERTS. 05 State St. JFOIt SALE Or Trade for Real Estate. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCIOrAiaiK, 2I5K Commercial St., - Salem, Ottp INp.it dnnr to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, nnd repaln1 uiocKs, waicnesana jewciry. 4U I uny It.Jofl ' 73'' Gurp rii" i i- r ttBALan in WaschM, GkwAs and Jewalry. 8. lr )-rMrtb ml Mtf tunM OrJ ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. GILBERT & PATTERSON, SALEM, ORE SUACOBS oil CWa 8UBE1Y. 4 A COOd Rnnn tl wut Kah.., ...H i Address ' M aktiv ' ? ?.?l?e Turuer, Oregon. 21tJ.im SPRAINS. 0hto4MI.rUHwy. 0ee rrcsident and GeHml Manage. ClDelQaH,Obio y foot suOdiIy umed and tatv m very tavrr.T. lt-4'tn.w rpraiiKd ankle. Th' ' l F It -it i o ii ur St. .uit rwUktl at ni lu a diuf Irax BRUISES. Hon Ton Restaurant, B. W. LEWIS. fresh Moots, Oysters, Eto. Always on Hand. ni'KN AT ALL 110UUS. -1H i-ommerolul Stroet, " - - - Oregon m U. W. I'EELER, Agent. INBURA'Ci Mre and Wl rlne. Balem. Ortf E. C. CROSS, and mm lit Dolphin Street, Baltimore. Md.. Alt'r 18, UN lubriiu.xlba: lytahlpandsdol fcdl aid WHrrvsl ,.' nlf Kt JacoUt . onUtl) ,ur, 1 siw."Wii r n4l, v i XanUr of m.u aw. I LasWai,... THS CHARUJ A, VOCEtER CO.. BaHIaora, ut. SXi "ti.aM i Wp LU S 5 Slato Ht. and Court Pl.-The best we11 delivered to all parts of tho city. J. G. HARRIS, FXPRESS NOS. 16 i Ji Leave order at n. M. Wade A Cos. liable work or so )ay. M. J. PATTON. M. D. ndriJge Black, Salem, Oftgea- ..hiidreojebronw tMseases oi wqmeu " nud private dlseast-s A SPCIAlTY.-T"l.,t,1K la otllco day d night, (,,w, fwe. I