Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 28, 1891, Image 4

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Highest of all in Leavening Power.-U. S. Gov't Report, Afo ", "885
cflB IJH
Both old parties might as tfell
prepare to meet a third opponent In
tho campaign of '02, viz: The Farm
era' 1'arty, alliance or whatever you
desire to call it. There are reasons
to believe that It will make a formi
dable fight, although its principles
are very crude Indeed. Heppncr
Hays tho Salem Capital Jeurnal:
"The Oregonlan takes consolation
that California's now sen-itor Is u
rich man." It says: Ho is a sue -cessful
business man of considerable
experience In busiuess life. Ho is
not as rich as Hearst wus, but he
has a million.' " Hero is a news
pnper bo stupid as not to bo able lo
recognize sarcasm or satire when ii
sess It. Oregoniau. That is a poor
way to get out of a dllemna by
backing out.
Athena Press: The majority arc
tollers. If they manufacture pro
duce and consume more than all
tho rest they aro as much right to
govern as aro men of tho professions
named. Yes, directly or indirectly
the tolling masses pay tho burden of
taxation. Where tho troublo conies
In consists in tho fact that tho major
ity aro compelled to pay tho taxes of
these mlddlo men, yet they aro not
Hfl capablo of making laws, oil no.
Lebanon Express: A prediction
that the alliance will sweep thoslate
of Oregon is not without foundation
when we remember that a largo per
centage of the Increasing population
aro members of that organization
and tho stato Is rlno for reform. The
industrial classes have despaired of
any satisfactory legislation through
tho old parties and they very natur
ally turn to an organization which
oilers somo amelioration to tho Iu
boriug classes.
S. ti. In Monmouth Demecrat:
Nothing Is more cortaln than thai
tho westoru and southern states will
soon co-operato. When that period
arrives, tho bnlunco of power by
which tho plutocratic stales now
govern tho Union will lmvo no
power in It. Tho first national elec
tion in which farmers vote .together
is the end of plutocratlo domination
iu America.
Elgin Itecerder: Tho working
olass of this stato hold tho balance
of power lu their ballots If thoy will
get logothcr and eil'eot a thorough
and pormannut organization, and
then cast their votes for members of
their own class Instead of the pro
fessional politician.
Mr. Frazer 1ms soveral carponters
at work, finishing tho house which
lie purcha8ed,a short time ugo, from
The members of tho senior class,
who took part lu tho chapel exer
cises last Friday morning, wore Mr.
E. W. Wester and Mr. W. A. Gil
more. Mr. Mayes, master of tho state
grange, visited Polk county laHt
week. Ho paid the normal a short
Visit, and made a fuw well chosen
remarks to tho students.
St. Putrlok's day was observed lu
tho usual way, with tho bluo rib
bona. Tho followers of tho Saint
were numerous and enjoyed them
selves hugely.
Last Tuesday Mr. S. titaats deliv
ered anothor very interesting lecture
to tho students of the Normal. Mr.
Btaals has given a number of leotures
in tho past which were all very good.
Mrs. Campbell, wife of President
P. Ij. Campbell, died last Friday
the SOtli lust. Tho funeral services
were hold tho following Sunday, at
11 a. in., at tho family icsldenee.
Tho luternieut took place lu the
cemetery south of town. Mrs.
Campbell was beloved by all who
know her, She leaves a largo elrolo
of frlonds, who sincerely mourn her
Kr uiurknMo Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtail), Plalulluld,
III., makes tho statdiictit that t-bc
caught cold, which settled on her
Iuhkb; hIio was treated lorn month
by her family physician, but grow
worse, Ho told her she wus a hope
less victim of consumption and that
no medicine could euro her. Her
druggist suggested Dr, King's New
Discovery fur (.omuiumtlou; sho
bought a bottle aud to nor delight
found horself benefited from the
first dose Sho continued Its um.
and after taking ten bottles, found
herself sound and well, now docs
her own housework aud is as well as
8he ever wan. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery at Fry's Drug
atore. 8&
yed In Millions of fjornvs--
r I WW If U fe EaM QIinAl ,
H HI M Uy 7
in. i rvi r C
' I rfA III I 1 am a am jg nm
mm m i tv neri mmMtmrn n mmm -
w vy 5ir Uffycri
A HynopulH of tho Market Diiylnciuld
Helling Prices.
HhouldcrH-Hugar cured.pcr lb,12
Urciikfant bacon 12$tol5
Hums Sugar cured, per lbJlCHc
Ilccf-715 ,
Pork-IUw lVAr
Mutton IOCS UlAc.
Veal l0a12Uc. , ,, . ,
Timothy need Per pound, 7Kc; Belling'
lied clover need-1'er pound, lie.
Whlto clover Reed Per pound, HOC "
AUlke lSe per pound.
lied top loo per pound.
Lincoln QrasH 12c per pound,
Hye Uriifw 10c per pound.
Orchard Orass 17o per pound.
ISeauH 5o per lb.
Oat meal at Uc. .
dinned Krulu.Pcncliefl, J3 00; apricot,
J.1 00; blackberries, J; corn, best grades
ii W. Umutoen 81 60; string beaiiH Jl Of,
green ihsih 81 85; per dor. In two lb cans.
Uieen KrultOholco uppies 7.l.'J0o per
box; pears 76o per box; potatoes 60c; carrot
60c; parsnips) 7oc; onions Gc per lb.
MsU-JJalinonAdlOcperlb: Hturjrcon 6
7c per lb- small Hsu 810o per lb; salt salmon,
710o per lb.
Wheat 70 net. ,
Flour l'or barrel,?!. 10, best 1WJ lb.
Oats Per busbel, 60 (A 52c.
lfurloy Per bushel. Me. ...
Until Per ton. Jill 60 at mill, sacked.
Bhorts-Por ton, m 60 " sacked.
Chun-Perlon.WtfiO " sacked.
Hods 'luoted at 'i to20c.pcr lb.
Ks 16c per aozun.
Potatoes Per bushel, 35o
Corn meat !!o per pound.
Cheese 12Mc per pound.
Dried pluiiiB Perlb.(J7c.
Dried prunes Per lb. 10l!2c.
IniK)rtcd prunes 7Jo.per lb.
llutter WtpXio per ixiuud for good
Ijird 10f4t2cperlb.
Hams Per iMiund,ll(12c.
llncoti Hides UiaiOper lb.
Mhoulders ftfa peril).
Chickens.. 8 to lie per pound.
Turkoys 10 to 12cper lb,
Oecso 7W8 per lb.
Ducks, 2x2ftUa per lb
Spring Chickens iOo por lb.
Wheat VtMeyfilW'A tojl, 15 Walla Walla
Xiy tojl BO percental.
flour standard, 81.25
Walla WnllaKI Oft-'! bO.
Outsldoirades, SI 80.
Oat Whlto OOj to 01c, gray 60 o to 68
per bushel.
MHLslillut Ilran 8181V; shirts, 801 to 20
ground barley, $20 to U0; cnop feed. $25
middlings, 825, por ton.
Hay 81017 per ton.
llutter Oregon fanoy dairy, WiVfi funcy
crcamory37;good to fair, 2537K;Cull
forma choice 25 U)28o.
Kggs Oregon. 18o Kustorn 20o por doz
Poultry Old chickens, $5 600 00.
, Potutoos 76oat7.3o per ontul.
Choose Oregon, 11 to 15c; California
15 to lflo.
Bugiirs Golden O, lc; extra 0,5; dry
grauulatcd, Vt; cubo, crushed uud Pow
dered, 7Jo per pound.
lloaus Small white, !,cl; pink 3;
boyos. $1 78; butter, $1 60; itmoi, 81 60 per
cental. t
Dried Krult..Tho markot Is llrm. Quo Que
ted: Italian prunes, 12J4 to He; l'otlto and
tiermau, lOu per pound; raisins, $2 25 por
box; pltimmor dried pears, 10 to lie; sun
dried and factory plums, 11 to 12o; cvapo
ratcu peaches, 18to20e; Binyruu Ugs, 20c;
California llgs,Uo per pouud,
lllco " P"r pound.
Illdcs-Dry hides, 8 to 8c; i less for
culls; green over 65 pounds, -Ic; under 65
pounds, 8cj sheep polls, U0c31.2-.
ICustoru hams, 11 to 12$c; brenkdist ba
con, 10 to 12c; sides, U to 10c; lard, 8
to 10Xo per pound.
Han Kjianoisco, Mar. 2il. Wheatthe
week opened on u (niloter market. No, 1
whlto, Kl 60 to 81 5I); por oontal.
Hops20!!0opor pound.
llarloy Keod 81 :Mk3l :'7Ki Per conlal
81 17; choice SI IWJ-il roiumougrado81 35.
Oats-OniySl 72tol 77i; blaok$l UOtolOS
lor cental1
Potatoori..76a to 80,
MlBOfcliANEOUH MA11K 10T8.
Chioauo, Mar, 20,
Uocf I.lvo, i to)5 10; dressed, Ik).
Mutton Live, I to 6c; droKNod;8c.
Hogs I.lvo, 6 10; ilressod,8c.
Veal 7 to IOo por pound.
A man who has nractlcod medl
oltio for -10 years ought to know salt
muu sugar, read wnat no says:
Tolkdo, 0 Jan. 10, 1887.
Messem F. J. Cheney it Co
Geutlenianj I have been lu tho
general practleo of medicine for
most 10 years, and would say that
in all my praotico and experience
have never seen a preparation that 1
could prescribe with as much confi
dence of success iih I can Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by you.
Have prescribed It a great many
(lines and its elleet is wotiderful,and
would sav In conclusion that 1 have
yet to find a caso of Catarrh that It
wouiu not cure, u iney wouiuiaKoit
according to directions,
Yours truly.
L. J j. Goilsuch,M. D.
Ofilcc. Slfi Summit St.
Wo will give f 100. for any case of
Catarrh luat cannot no cured wmi
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken Inter
nally. F. J.CiiHNHVitX'o Props. To
ledo O. tSTSold by all Druggists,
76 wnts,
A Pinirful Heritage,
Th traimmhikhm of bloud tuluts entail
liiirAil wiiwiiiouci, tlioo(i iilllkHmlhuvi'
nix'il tiiimrlf)- the IiUhhI eery Kprlng. Neg
UHt of thUoftnn Iruda so fwirlul eumpll
milim of illkwutM. A guiitlemun vluu
fHiully were gimtly ntUloleilwrlliw list luu:
My wife uud tmbo, funrlitm mouth old,
uud n boy of lo have miltVirod loryeunt
trom hervHlltary soroftilaor King's evil. J
lmo umploywl tho luwt phykloituis, but
l(i nil unOiiiigto relieve thain until 1 tried
Hlbbaids Itheiimntlo srup. Have iuihI
lourteen botllwi, and llud lo m y nvtouUh
liitMH they ureeiitlrvly oured. Words win
not dekurluv tho value of your iiuhIIoius us
u blmid purlller. 1 nlmll reoomuu'ud It to
ull who ure troubled (rotii impure blood
Jiihii uullurwWM Jr. Deulcr lu gioo rli
und irONllon, Ahienu, uu-h.
tor kule by suiitlt A steluer.
40 Years tle Srandwl, j
A Uoycott Can He Mnde Jntt as En"ectlT
Under Any Otlifr Name.
Tlio agitation in Now York city on bo
half of saleswomen and cash girls is
taking practical shape. Sevoral efforta
to assist tbeso overworked and under
paid creatures havo'been made hereto
fore, with very small results, but it looks
now as if something will bo done. Tho
present movement is being pushed by a
number of well known and influential
women, many of whom belong to tho
"upper ten thousand." While tho work
ing women's unions are not taking an
activo part, they aro in sympathy with
tho movement, and will givo it all tho
help they can.
Tho organization which has taken up
tho clerks' causo is known as tho "Con
sumers' league" Mrs. Charles Russell
Lowell is tho president, and In tho list
of officers aro tho names of several other
prominent womon. It is said that "thero
is no boycotting system in tho Consum
ers' league," but that will not make any
differenco, as tho president says: "We
shall let tho public know which stores
treat their employes properly. Wo will
publish tho names of such stores 6oon,
and tho public-will havo tho opportunity
to distinguish botween the 'fair houses'
and the other kind." Tho following cir
cular has been sent to tho heads of tho
largo retail houses in tho city in which
women aro employed;
The Consumers' league of tho city of New
York In lbs constitution declares its object to
be tho follewing: To ameliorate tho condition
of tho women and children employed In tho re
tail mercantile houses of this city by patron'
zing, as far as practicable, only suoh houses as
approach in their conditions to tho "Standard
of a Fair House," as adopted by tho league, and
by other methods.
A fair house Is ono In which omial pay Is
given for work of equal valun, incspcctlvoof
sex. In tbo departments where women only
aro employed, la which the minimum wages
aro $0 per week for experienced adult workers,
and faU in fow Instances below $8.
In which wages aro paid by tho week.
Iu which flues, if Imposed, aro paid Into a
fund for tho boncflt of tho employes.
In which tho minimum wages of cash girle
aro 1- per week, with tho samo conditions re
garding weekly payments and fines.
A fair house Is oue In which tho hours from 8
A. M. to 0 P. M. (with three-quarters of an hour
for lunch) constitute tho working day, and a
general half holiday la givenonono day of each
week during at least two summer months.
In which a vacation of not less than ono week
is given with pay during the summer season.
In which all ovcrtlmo Is compensated for.
A fair houso la ono In which work, lunch and
retiring rooms aro apart from each other, and
conform in nil respects to tho present sanitary
In which tho present law regarding tho pro
viding of scats for BnleBwomen is observed and
tho UBo of scats permitted.
A'falr houso is ono in which humano and
consldcrato behavior toward employes is the
In which fidelity and length of service meet
with tho consideration which Is their dno.
In which no children under fourteen years of
ago aro employed.
Agreement to bo signed by head of retail
mcrcantllo house:
I, tho undersigned, hcroby express my desire
to conduct my business upon tho principlce
laid down in "The Standard of a Fair Uouso,"
as adopted by tho Consumers' Licaguo.
I further agree- to allow a committee appoint
ed by tho Consumers' league to visit any part
of my business promises ond question myom
plojos, and I agreo to answer to Bald committee
Inquiries as to tho following points (the Con
sumers' leagno pledging itself that such Infor
mation shall not bo published in details:
IUti: or Waoes. Ilouns Woiikkd.
Holidays. Hr-Kh Tmns.
ovkittime. sanitauy conditions.
Tho same circular has been mailed to
thousands of ladies in this city, leaving
out tho "agreement" at thoond and sub
stituting the follewing:
The condition of membership shall bo tho ap
proval by slgnaturo of tho object of tho "Con
sumers' league," and all persons shall bo eligi
ble for membership excepting such as art
engaged In retail business In this city, ctthci
as employer or employe.
Tho members shall not bo bound novcr tt
buy nt other shops.
Tho names of tho mcinbura of tho Consum
ers' league shall not be inatlo publio.
Democracy and Industrial federation.
But, I shall bo told, yon cannot regu
lato industry on a publio foundation
in a day. Whcro aro tho organs, tho
functionaries, equal to Bitch a task?
Where Is tho political honesty, tho sin
coro and largo minded patriotism, with
out which a resumption of state rights
would Issuo in peculation and jobbery?
My answor is that if democratic institu
tions cannot dovolop such men and
such qualities thoy aro doomed by in
herent worthlcssness to corruption and
But thoy can aud will; for tho social
problem, which is, at bottom, that of
transforming slaves (by whatever uamo
called) into freo and independent citi
zens lias arrived at its present stago
under Divino guldauco, and wo aro not
lapsing through capitalism into tho lower
conditions from which wo havo escaped,
but aro passing onward to federation as
the crowning task of democracy.Itev.
William lliirry iu March Forum.
The Uueiiiplojrd in Australia.
"Tho streets of Melbourne aud Syd
tioy," says a gentleman from Australia,
"swarm with tho uuoniploycd. They
aro not vicious nor lazy; on tho contrary,
many of them aro intelligent to a do
greo. It is common to find among this
army of unemployed graduates of En
glish unlvorsities young men of culture,
whoso families stand high in social cir
cles at home.
These young mon ure lured to Aus
tralia by tho romantic charm that seems
to unvtilop now countries at a distauce,
and thoy expect to secure a competence
iu a very briof time. They go there, livo
high while their money lasts and only
learn their mistake wheu ovory shilling
la gone. 1 could secure tho services of
1,500 intelligent, young, hoalthy mon for
10s. a week and loard. Tho ranches are
glutted with help, aud experienced help
at that."
"Thus the blind giant of modern cow
morolaltsm staggers aloug tho course of
over boasted civilization, uud thus do
tho poor, toiling slaves of useleos, waste
ful production turn tho treadmill that
grinds their hoivs for tho future into tho
dust of present despair." dipt, Hunt
ington. A Detroit man has offered to givo $M,
flOO for tho benefit of the working people,
providing a suggestion as to iU applica
tion cau bo mode that will meet his ap
proval. Sujrgcetiona jure being mud by
contributions to tho city press,
ures UAiMnnn
Rkesttutlim, Neuralgia, Crns
Ti 0llfnU riltiv ul It!ii
witt eou, cjovr, cQASvarw.
fiUriil9ncUW, SufcM,Mttl
Cji Til
bad lort her heej and couldn't tell wher
to And them." So tho old nursery rhyme
says, and It goes on to bid her "Leave
them alone and they'll come homo and
bring their tails behind them." All tbla
may bo true of lost sheep, but If you have
lost your health you cannot afford to
leave that alone. It will not come back
of its own accord. Home people brag that
they never bother about colds. Thoy " let
them go tho way they came." Alas I too
often tho victims go to a consumptive's
prave. Until very recently a cure for
Consumption, which Is universally ac
knowledged io be scrofula affecting tbo
hings, would havo been looked upon as
miraculous, but now people aro beginning
to rrallzo that the disease is not Incurable.
Dr. l'lerce's Golden Medical Discovery will
cure It If taken In time and given a fair
trial. This world-renowned remedy will
not make now lungs, but It will restore
diicascd ones to a healthy stato when other
means havo failed. It Is the most potent
tonic, or strength restorer, alterative, or
blood cleanser, and nutritive, or flesh
builder known to medical science. For
Lingering Coughs, Weak Lungs, Spitting of
Blood, "Liver Complaint" and Dyspepsia
or Indigestion, it is an unequaled remedy.
cures tho worst cases, no mutter of how
bog standing. (0 cents, by druggists.
E.I. McCAUHTLAND.ClvIl Sanltnrynnd
. Hydraulic Knglneer. U. H. Deputy
mineral surveyor. City surveyors olllce,
.Murphy's Illock, Hnlotn, Oregon.
f0NKA3i, Holmes & Haiiien, Attor-
neys ut law. Olllce In Bush's bloclt,
letween State nnd Court, onCom'ISt.
MILMON FOKD. attorney nt law, Salem,
1 Oregon. Olllco upUilrs In l'atton's
nltATT A HUNT, attorneys nt law. Salem,
I Oregon. Olllce over Capital National
Hank, Commercial street. Money to loan,
J J. HHAVv. Atlorncy-nt-Lnw, Salem,
, Oregon. Odlco llrst door to tho left,
it head or stairs in tho roar of Ladd &
Hush's bank.
t T.HICHAHDSON, Mtornoy ntlaw, of
lO, llco up stairs In front rooms ol new
iTush block, corner Commercial nnd Court
trcets, Salem, Oregon.
JOHN O'HIIKA, Attorney nt law. Iloom
O over Capital National bank. Collec
tlonsa specialty. Correspondonco solicited
DIAKCY&MNC1HAM, Attorneys nnd
counselors at law, Salem, Oregon.
Having an abstract ot tho records of Marlon
county, Including a lot nnd block index oi
jnlem, they liuvu special facilities for ex
amining titles to real estate, lluslness In
the supreme court und In tho stato depart
ments will rccolvo prompt attention.
Dll. T. C. SMITH. Dentist, 02 Stato street,
Halom, Or. Finished ilcntnl opera
tions of every description, rainless opera
tions a specialty.
DIl.J. M. KEENE, Dentist. OfllceoVer
tho Wiltp Corner Court and Com.
Dll. H. SMITH, DENTIST. Olllco ut
his residence! 1711 High street near
Agricultural works.
MIIS. M. E. McCO V, 1'hyslclan and Sur
geon. Olllco aud rooms In lodging
house, Ftont and Center strocts, near the
foot of .Marlon and Folk Co, brldgo, Chrou
lodlseabos a specialty. Cure or no pay.
Consultation tree.
B. MoNAI.LY, Architect, New Itush
Ilrevman block. I'luusundsDeclrlcu-
onn of nil classes of of butldlncs on short
notice. Supcrlutendencoof work promptly
ooneu uiicr. zo-u
WD. I'UOH, Architect, Finns, Speel
, llcatlons and superintendence tor
all classes of buildings. Olllco 'Xi Com
mercial St., up stairs.
4W. JIEST.-Artlst. Studio. Hush.
, Ilrey block. Classes Thursdays and
Its. K. ci, ltONCO, barber nnd lliiilr
diosser. SbuiuDoeim: ladles' nnd
children's hair a specialty. She will be
pleased to see all heroht customers nt her
shop opposite tho Opera Uouso.
JOSEl'H FUSKK barbar and hairdress
er. Hair cuttlngUJ cents, hhavlng 1,"
cents, llnlh looms In connection, llest ol
work. IKlstnto street.
I) J.LAHSKN&CO,, Manufacture ull
kludsof vehicles. Repairing npeclal
ty, Shop 45 Stato street,
KO. HOKYK llnrber and Hair-dress-lug
parlors. Hunt bathslutbucltv.
icouunuiclal street, Salem.
IOHN QUAY. Contractor and builder.
0 Flnultibhlu nuUhlng n specialty. -IS!
Couuuerclul ktreot, twileiu Oregon,
IOHN KNlailT, lllacksmlth. Horst
t) shoelngandrepulrlogaspeclalty. Shop
ut tho fool of Liberty street, Salem, Oregon.
lu the County Court of the 8Uto of Ore
gon, lor the County of Marlon.
Iu the matter of tho guardianship of the
pui-Nousuud estate ot Kliner II. Scott, Al
wtlda N.xMl, und Alexuudor D. Soott, ml
nor heirs of A. D. Soott, deceased, nnd
Ellen Scott. Citation.
Whereas, appllmtlon hnvlugbeun inadi
In due form of law to tho above eutltlett
court, on tlu 10th day of February, A. 1
IStil.by Kllen Hoott, th duly appointed
ilualltHHtnud noting guardluu or wud mi
luirs, forau order uuiTlleeuku nuthorlxlug.
einiHiwvrlngaud dlreotlug uurto sell tut
real estate belonging to said minors nuu
desorlbcl ns follows, to wit: lleglnnlng at
thes.w.rorntroIelaliuNo. SO, uiHltloHtlon
No. lia,tln T. Us , 11. t -, lu Marion county ,
Unguii; Iheuiv east 4U.7S chilns to the
middle of l'uddliig river, llienre norlh
4JaOw., lUelmlnslheuw north sW v
1& chains, thence norths T&v'MtiuLthein-v
north l-WO, w. 4S0 clwln.; thence nortli
Wirw. ehslus; tln-noe n WW v.uv.w
rhnliik; tliouoe W. 81 Ai vlutlns; then.H.
.(H ehuttis. to the plm-r of tx glunlug, con
talnlng 81 w acre t Und.
AIm lotNo. 1 ml a In block No. M, lu
the town or UervHls, comity of Matou,
stale ot Orvu, aiMordlng to the map oi
Mild town, on record lu the offiw uf the rn
conter of oouvyHnvw of said Marlon Co.
Aud wlieremt Mild euurl lw Uxed us
Monday, the (Bli iIh) of April, A. 1. It9, ut
1 o'olocs p. iiLofsahntHy at tuwoourl imiu
or said court lu the court houo In the cliy
or tMlem, tu mid eouiity aud itate, ut
tliellniwaud plaiv of luartlig any mid all
oljjet'tloua to the gmutlug of Mtlvt order
(aim iuiw.
Therefore to Wiuer II. Seo Alwllda
Scull, Alrxutidar J. Soil aud to their uexi
..b... ...... ..B .11 ..A.. ....
Ml mil mm ... Mti iirntHH KIHIW1. or UU
known lutertMmt In Mid MUtle, greeting
In the name ol I toe bLt tl tirMi.u, -....
I Ud well of j omiro hrby vltad aud rv
quired lu U and appear at wld lluie aud
plaoe lu Mtd court (Urn uud Un to kliox
wai.o lfauy you liateur Ifeuy uliu why
said orqer uud ituatw should uot Ukue u
prayed tor In "Id petit tun.
WUiieMlluHou WillUm Waldo, iud
of tneiumy court of tho ttnte otoregou
for Iho iuul tl Marion, wlih the Mai oi
wild court ataxed. Uu id day oi I-oi. A
M., leDl. IAUU
tuuuf County cterV
First Nation
WM. V. I AUL'K, -Ml.
.1. kkYnomj,
i tesidei i
1 r cldci.t
KxchaoKonn l'ortlund, fun Fioneloco,
New York, London Mid Hong Konp
bought and sold. Htnte, ( ounty nnd City
Whrronts bought. Farmers me inrdliilly
Invltf-d to deposit wnd Irmmicl huslmiw
l with ns. Liberal luUniMif. made on
WUCUl, WIFUl, IJU)n liuu Ullil-J Uciij ri
reasonable rides. Iusurance on such se
curity can be obtained nt the bank In
most reliable companies.
CAl'ITAIdSTOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000
Transact a general banking business
in all its branches
.... I'rcHldi-n
v Ice President
DIIIECTOIIS: Oeo. Wllllami.Wni. Tng
land, Dr. J. A. lllcliurdson, J. W , Hobsou
J. A. I taker.
Dank In new Exchange block on Com
mercial street. 6:1 Mf
Capital National Bank
capital Paid up, - 75,U0
Surplus, ...... 15,000
It. W. WALLACE, - 1'restdent.
W. V. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. ALI1EUT, .... Cashier.
. T. (Jruy, W. XV. Martin
'. M. .Martin, H. H. Wallace.
Dr. VV. A.CiiHlek, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
i-') tanners on wtieat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store
either In private granaries or
ipubllo warehouses.
ilate and County Warrants Bought at Par
Uncounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San
c muciKco, i uruunu, ionuon, uris, uerun
uong Kong anu Calcutta.
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meals at All Hours ol the Day
None but white labor employed In this
A good substantial meal o xilced in first-
class style
Twenty-live cents per meal
Court street, between Journal Office nnd
Minto's Livery.
Health is Wealth !
Hit. E. V. WEST'S Nerve nnd Brain
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hyb
tcna, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
Wakelullness, Mental Depression, Molten
Ingof the brum resulting In insanity and
leading to misery, decay and death, pre
mature oldage, barrenness, loss of power
crnued by over-cxcrtlon of the brain. Each
box contains one month's treatment, 81.00
a box or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mall
prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any enso. With each order ie
celvod by us for six boxes, accompanied
wlthtS.U), wo will Bend tho purchaser our
written guaranteo to refund tho maney II
the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar
antees Issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug
gist, fcioleagonl, 309 Cora. St., halem, Or.
f - cf I Bldiau's
'.w -r r.
Le Itlchnn's Oolilen Daliam No, 1
Cures Chancres, fin', and second stages;
Sores on tho Legs and Body; Sore Ears,
Kycs, Nose, sic, Copper-colored blotches,
Syphilitic CAtarrh, diseased Scalp, and all
primary forma ol tho disease; known al
Syphilis. Price, SS 00 per Bottle.
Le lllclmu's Golden llulsmn No. H
Cures Tertiary, Mercurial ifcphllltlo Rheu
niatlsin, 1'alns In the Bones, fains la the
Head, back ol the Neck, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, Srphllltlo Ilash, Lumps and con
tracted Cords, Stillness ot the Limbs, and
eradicates all disease from the system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
ol Mercury, leaving the blaod pure and
healthy. Price 85 OO per Ilottle.
Lo ltlclinu's Golden HunnltU Anil,
itoto for the cure el (Jonorrhaia, Gleet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Gnl
tat disarrangements. Price 84 50 per
1 Ulcliau's Golden Spanish In.
jectton, tor severe cases ot Qonorrhaik,
lnlUmuntory Gleet, StrWturts.&c. Price
81 50 per Ilottle.
La Ulchnn'fl Golden Ointment
lor tho cllcctlvo heallnget Syphilitic Sores,
and eruptions, lrtre$t Ob per Box.
Le Illrhau Golilen Pills Nem
and Brain treatment; loss ol physical pow
r, excess or over-work, Prostration, etc.
Price 03 OO per Box.
Tonlo ana Nervine,
Seat everywhere, C. a 1), securely puked
per express.
600 & 511 NARKET ST.,
8an FrancUco, Cat
lliils for School Domls.
"-,n-w iiiua.is w ill w IT101 Up IO
2 o'clock i. ill .ofTuiday, the 7th day of
April, A.D. IMll, by the boanl of director.
which luoludto the city f Kalem. for the
purohusoof fourteen thousand six hundred
and tiny dollars bouds or said district oi
niinli ilanAi.l It. n , I ..k .. tli. ...a.. a., l. .
der may designate aud payable both prln-
nlfiln Ufi lnt..rll lit nlili. Va.i va.i. i
Fninplkcoorln the flty of Baleni. nl the
option of said suiwssfnl bidder. IIqiuU to
run.VO ysMia; lutervt payable semlan
uuatlynttliarateorfix per rent iierHnunm.
o bids will be considered ul lr than par
.uiuc. .. "" .vnp me ngutio re
ject auy or all bids,
IV. Al. AUK.
, , F.H.BM1TH7
&W W Directors.
Location orSdiool lliilldlng.
Irlot No. 31. ol Marlon caiuty. t ire.iu, will
,J'2,.D,rrl.',v,:!'I,""m,,u'u iTisly, April
t he ntx. ISWI, at a ovioelt p. m. fur the j
tlon cm the uevr sotiool bulldlBg, to be erec
tea iuu suuimiv iu the Muth e.irn
lxtrtiau i of said dUtrlct lVru having
oik or ui wk. io si or ooaaieiu u d fee
ttniiwlll nldi i-rttMut a Uiv.-.LU .- .V
that Urn board my examiue and coukider
ocatlonofsadftchool bulMins: """""
ri St WAITE.
W W Jrtcto.
Htvrij j a RAt r
j4Pf "
ws. mum
Mm mm
Southern Pacific Route
Sliasta Line
o.w.imiiNrA Kxri'.r? tbaik iiom haiia
7 AC p. m. l,v. fort land Ar. I lisBn, in,
0:lh-p. m. I Lv. Sinlem 1a: 7:2t) n. m
llhl5H.ni. I Ar. 8?un Knin. Lv. ) Wjp. nl
iluii-. l.nlna.tnnuhlu al l.tll.twlll.r ull.
llIC lIUIIll nii'' t.uij ... ...." ...
tlons north of Horburg, Fnn l'oitland
Orgon City, oodburn, tnle-m, Albany
Tangent. Wbedds, liiilscy, ilnrrlnburg
J unction Clly, Irving niid Kugene.
nosr.nuuo mai.l daii...
J.-00 X"ni77 Lv.l'orthTnd "Ar. 1 J.W p. ni.
KVtf a. in Lv ttalem Lv. 1.-th p. in.
5 10 p. m. ' Ar. Hoseburg Lv. d:21 a. n
Albany Local, Dally (Kxcept Sunday. I
fi:0U p. m.
7:52 p.m.
U:00 p. m.
Ar.JK.lO;. m
Lv. IiWSi .m
Lv, I E.-OO n. m
l-'or accommodation ot second claw
passengers attached to erpresM trains.
.Vest Side Division, Between Porto
arid Cervallis:
i:Sn. mTTLV. l'ortluuif"Ar."
12:10 p. m. I Ar. (prvtillls Lv.
"6:30 p. m.
I36 p. in.
At Albany nnd Corvallli connect wlti
trains of Oregon l'aclfic llallroad.
4-A0 p. in. I Lv. l'oitland Al. I S?Al. n
7.2p. m. Ar.aic.MlnnvllleLv. i SiiSn. in.
Through Tickets
To nil points
Kor tickets and lull information regard
ing rates niapo, etc,, apply to the Compa
ny 8 agent. Salem, Oregon.
E. ItOOEllS, AsU U. K. anil t'ass. Ag't
It. KOKULKH. Manager
And Oregon Development compnuy'i
Btenmshlp line. 225 miles shorter, 20 houn
lsstimethnu by any otliei toute. Kirti
ciass through passenger and freight lln'
from Portland nnd all points in the V1
lamettc vallcv to and lroui San t'ranclso
TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcepl Hunnaysj.
Leave Aloany 1:0U1'A
Leave Uorvauls 1:40 I'M
Arrive Yaquinu .--.... 6:30 1 M
Leave Yaqulna - - - - - -6:15AM
Leave Corvallis - .... 10:35 A M
Arrive Albany - 11:10 A y
O. & C. trains connect at Albany nut
The above trains connect at YAQUIN V
n'lth the Oregon Development Cos Lie
fBtimRlitnn hm.wppn noulna nnd Ha
I'anillon. Friday, June 2
Willamette Valley, Tuesday July
Fa nillon, Sunday "
Willamette Valley, Thursday " 1
Farallon, Tuesduy " 1
Willamette Valley, Friday Juno 2",
Farallon, Tuesdayn July 1
Wlllametto Valley, Sanday " t
Farallon, Thursday " It
Willamette Valley, Tuesday " II
This eomnnnr reserves the risht tr
change sailing dates without notice.
jn. ts. russengers ironi rortianu ana ni
Willamette Vallev nolnts can make cIom
connection with the trnin of tin
YAQUINA UOUTK at Albany orCorvallis
and if destined to Snn Fr-inclsco, hhoult
.irrango to arrive ui xaquina tne evenini
before date of falling.
I'lussenirer anil Freight Kates Ahvnvs I h.
Ijowest. 'or lnlormatleu apply to Messrf
I1ULMAN & Co., Freight and aicke
AgenU 200 and 202 Front rC., Portland, Or
C.C. HOOUK Ao't Oen'l Frt, A
Pass. Agt., Oregon Paclnc II. It. Co..
Corvallis, Or
O II.IlASWELL,Jr.Ocn'l Frt; A
Pass. Agt. Oregon Development
Co., mt Montgomery St.;
From Terminal or Interior Points (lie
Mora Pacific Rata
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining car route. It runs through
vestibule trulns every day In tho year to
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dining tars unsurpassed,
Pullman drawing room sleepers
Ol latest equipment
Uest that can be constructed nnd in which
accommodations are both free and tun
nisnea ior noiaera or nrst una second-clat.s
tickets, nnd
A continual 8 Mon Yinr.c Mhif iriti oil
Hues, allbrdlcg d'rect. and uninterrupted
Pullman sltero r--nr 'Ions can be se
cured In advi 1,00 Mi." .r, uny agent oi
the road.
Through tickets to and from nil points
lu America, England and Europe can be
tui.liuoacuu.uuj ucuuiouice 01 mis com.
Jb ull information concerning mtos, time
of tralus.routes and other details furnished
on application to any agent or
A??.!8&nt. General Passenger Agent, No.
121 i Iret street, cor. Washington; Port
land.Oregon Oregoniau Rail Road Company.
General otHcej Frout nud T, Sts, Portlan
roni Toward
IVirtJand Stations. PoHian.i
Silver. Coburg lMrt'nd Part' A
iouiio man ,iii 1.1...
l-VAJt AIlIilAVv
7 45
If 00 Portl'nrt Hl(' j ni
0 !K
10 25. Woodburn 1 40
11 21 Slh-ertan l'J IVi
6 07.llrowusville. 7 -iO
w -. i.onurg. a 00
Connoetlnna nt Wivulh .itl. a n .-..
trains to and from Protlaud and at Tull.
u.u n.iii iruius 10 ana ironj Albany,
Alrlle mall
i.v AM in
.Portland rAWV.
Duudee .1 unction
8 1a
ti7; , TrrrO.,""sT e
in.ot"i-.;-L" "i ""? ?intiou fox stle al
am tor Mile at
s. n. savrr.
wj uen. Bupu AGen.rgt, lw. Agt
' J""""T VIIAn. TV
Nodco of Pinal Settlement.
XTOTICKU hereby glvenbat 11m hiuImv
: S3JS5 JB?ifffiitf 3 ?g
triecoun houie in the mi, " "hKS S
""OttolJ andtttte, an" that ibi w,u
i AMieU tbU ITth day of February 11J1
4 TTAniTP7:l'II7T
life goes down. The Electric Cars through Englewood i
will go, and on to tho Fair Grounds. -
Within sixty days .the Electric Railway Company
will be running elegant Vestibule cars every twenty min
utes through the center of this beautiful Addition.
Bringing- it within five minutes of the Post Office.
1 m w in
And secure yourself a home while you have vet the
opportunity of purchasing from first hands.
IIh liKn
The University is going North to its new location.
This will . make ENGLEWOOD inside property, and
double in value in the next eighteen months.
I A All YAllP lillll lln ml A1
IV(30J J OliJ p-Ull Jill!!
-The tetei' board of life goes up, Tho teter board of
jn f
UUM jftJI.,