Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 28, 1891, Image 2

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    r-Ty ffarer-TTjffwnrqtf'JH jgy ""'
Cotamauicatlon Bays. "Wo give to
jrmir project Ibo praise that It merits,
and at the Bame time as a toketi of
fraternal love, wo give the npostolio
It la Mid that the art dlrectorsblp
Of the world's fair lias beon tendered
to Prof. Halsey 0, Ives, of tbo St.
Louis school of flue arte.
San Fbancisco, Mar. 28. A dis
patch from Portland stating that tbo
Canadian Pacific steamers would
cut rates on flour for the Orient
from 50.00 to$5.G0, led James Hojfg,
vlco president of Spcrry & Co,, to
say teday: "If tbero is going to be
any rate cutting up North 1 expect
wo can depend upon tbe Pacific
Mail Steamship Co. to follow suit.
Portland flour ought not to success
fully compete with California flour
In a fair market."
San Francisco, Mar. 28. A
Washington special says: Concern
inn the rumor that ho was tired ol
efforts being mado to oust him from
office, General Eosecrans said that
ho did not intend to resign and did
not believe tbe president Intended
to remove him.
Galley, N. M. Mar. 28. A. E.
Cas8ldy and Pat Lynch wore killed
to-day In iho Caledonia coal mine.
Tbo rock foil in.
San Fbancisco, Mar. 28. Twen
ty three hundred boxes of opium
was purchased this morning by a
syndicate for $17,400. Tbo Chinese
who had planned to purchase the
opium, wore outwitted and overbid lo
the extent of about $5000.
Prrrsmma, Peuuu., March 28.
Nelson Reed, senior proprietor of the
Pittsburg Commercial Gazetto is ly-
mi? very low with La Grippe. Ills
recovery Is doubtful. ,
Norfolk, March 28. A report
hasjuut beon reached hero that a
cotton laden ship is ashore at Ocra
cokolnlot Just north of Capo Hut
Lewis, Del., March 28. Five ves
sels aro roported nshoro along tho
Delaware coast. It Is not thought
that nny lives aro 1obUv
New York, March 28. It Is roporU
ed this morning on stooic oxchango
that Charles H. Meigs is dead who
has br-eir a member einco 1803.
Providence, R.I., March 28. Up
on report of Attorney Genoral Slocum
who examined tho papers. Uovoru
or Davis refused to allow extradition
of Thomas Grant wanted In Conn.,
for cmbezzolmcnt, forgery and Jail
breaking. Tho Attorney Genoral
found tho seal upon tho requisition
was uot tbo stato seal of Common
wealth but merely tho sign manual
ofBulkeys prlvato tocrotary.
Sl'INQ FIELD, Mass., Mar. 28
Charles D. Letto, Inventor of carti
rldgo Is dead.
St. Louib, Mo., Mar. 28. Gov.
Frauds lias Issued u proulumatlon
ordering a strict quarautlno agalsnt
Southern cattle, on account of Texas
Tho State of Muss. Finds out
tho Stntuo of S. Adams is
one of Washington.
Camden, N. J., Mar. 28. In n
clump of i roes near Eighteenth and
Federal streets, tbo dead body of
Netty Byiui,n woman about 40 years
of age, was discovered eurly yester
day ihornlng by Peter Myer, who
was on his way to work, and tho
appearance of tho woman led to tbo
belief that she had been knocked
down, outragod, and lelt dead. Cor
oner JoflTorsou drove Immediately to
tho scene. Tho body of tho dead
woman could only bo reached by
tho coroner forcing himself through
a crowd of a hundred men aud
women gathered around tho body.
The woman lay on her back and her
left cheek was bruised, evidently
recently made, while hor forehead
wMiuucli discolored. Her clothes
were disarranged, and a red shawl
and hood wcio thrown four feet
away. In tho pocket somo trinkets
and only CO cents were found,
itmilug a post-mortem exumluutlou
iy tbe county physlclau, tho body
removed to tbe morgue. Con.
wtabltw are busily engaged In I uvea
i tilting the case, nud will probably
kav several persons under arrest
A SvM-djc llmftly.
JOr, E. Hulden; For coughs, colds
vn4 all broiiohlul airbotlotiB I win
aWwyour Kthereal Cough Hyrup as
novweln remedy. It bus oured
uw uloker than anything that I
vrud John Jackson, Block
teu, Large tlzu $1,W, Biuull 60 itmu.
Jrof Bio by all drultf.
Brigands in Montana, Married
Forty Three Men, Woman Mur
dered at Camden, A Nihilist Plot,
Heavy Snow in Pensylvania, Etc.
Boston, Mass., March 28. A com
mission has decided that tho bust in
stato bouse hearing tbo Inscription
"Samuel Adams" is not a bust of
Adams but a bust of Washington.
Tbo commission accordingly recom
mends the substitution of Washing
ton's name for thut of Adamc. As
lliestatuo Is spoken of In numberless
school books and In official docu
ments It will cost sovcral thousand
dollars to remedy tho mistake.
Portland, Or., March 28. The
British Bark Abeona which arrived
here from Antafagosta Chill, brought
1,037 sacks of silver oro consigned to
local firm oach sack contains about
2-50 pounds of oro. The customs au
thnrltles aro puzzled to know the
value of tho ore in order to fix ad
valorem duty. Somo of tbo oro will
bo taken to Linneton smelter for re
duction in order to fix tho duty.
Butte, Mar. 28. A man named
Maiden Hold to S. Silva, A. L. Sar
sena, Peter Westerman, Abram
Olllla, K. A. Imway and Jacob Kor
man tho Avaluca and Mayflower
mining claims, located five miles
from Bonlcla, In Jefferson county.
The consideration agreed upon was
$4000, of which $1300 wan paid down,
and tho balanco was secured by
notes, payable In six months. As
soou as Maklca received his cash and
notes, ho loft tho mines In the hands
of tho purchasers and camotoButto,
Instead of placing tho money In a
bank, ho gave $1000 to a woman
with whom ho boarded to keep for
him. A short tlmo after tho sale
was mado, Maklea had occasion to
visit tho ""mines. Ho owned two
other claims near, which woro not
Included In tho deal. "Wliou bo ur
rived at tho cabin ho formerly oc
cupied, he was met by tho men who
purchased tbo Avalaca nud May
flower claims, and commanded at
tho muazlo of shotguns to throw up
his hands. Maklca was then taken
Into tho cabin and told that be
would bo killed unless tho money
and notos woro returned. Ho de
livered up tho notes at once and
gavo his captors an order for tho
$1000 In tho bauds of tho boarding-house-keeper.
Sarsetm camo to
Butto and got tho mouoy. JIo also
got a blank mining deed aud took
It back with him. Maklea expected
to bo released when tho money ar
rived, but ho was disappointed. Ho
was forced to sign tho blank deed,
aud thon tho names of his other
mining claims wero written In It.
At tho end of another ten dayH ho
was sot froo. The, deed had in the
meautlmo beon recorded, Maklea
was told that If ho disclosed any
pftof what had taken place ho
would bo killed. Ho came direct to
Butto and mado a Bworn statomont
of tho abovo, and officers wero to
havo beon sont out Wednesday
night to arrest tbo men, but thoy
had beou warned of what waH taking
placo and sont un agent to Maklea
to say that they had boon offered
$20,000 for tho chums, aud that If bo
would not prosecute, tho sale would
bo mado and he would bo given
$5000 of tho money, On receipt of
this lurormatlon, Maklea refused to
Blgn tho warraut. His sworn stato
mont. however, Is In tho hands of
tho officers, and tho district attorney
of Jefferson county will Immedi
ately proceed ngalust tho men,
Pmtntujta, March 28. Somo sou-
nation was created hero today by tbe
chargo that Fits Simmons tho drs
Dorado who murdered Detective
ailkhiBon last Saturday was tho real
murrierorof fanner Umborger for
wliluh crliuu David and Joseph
Nicely are to bo executed at Smner
wt, Pa next Thursday. The Nice
ly wero couvlcted on purely clr
eumstuuclal evidence and have
steadily protested their Innocence.
JiANOahtku, Mur. 2S. Tho snow
fall In this country Is about over.,
Boow on level moatures about 10
juuhtt nud turnpike nd country
roads are blockaded wl'h drifts from
6 to 7 foot. JLUudhie ml Columbia
it. il. Is badly blocked, a uuniber uf
one train is unable to proceed with
three engines. The telephone ser
vice is also crippled.
Winchester, Pa., March 28.
Storm still continues hero today.
Snow has been falling 38 hours and
has reached a deptli In some places
of 3 feet. Tbe country roads aro Im
passable. HEAVY SNOW STOItM.
PiTTSUUiia, Penn., March 28.
The heavy snow storm which' pre
vailed here last nightand this morn
ing has ceased, and weather Is clear
ing up In outlying districts, The
fall of snow Is flvo Inches.
Taooma, Mar. 28.John Forens,
a gambler and barleuder, quarrelled
last evening with his mistress, Mol
lie Adams, at the Hotel Leon. The
quarrel ended by tho woman shoot
lug him several times. Forens will
probably dlo. Jealousy was the
cause of tho shooting.
Portland, Or., March 28. Esth
er Lyons formerly tho leading lady
at "Cordroys Music and Theatre" to
day entered suit against J. F. Cord
ray and Co. to recover the sum of
$17,784 for breach of contract and
damage dono her reputation.
Paris, Mar. 28. A handsome
Englishwoman named Eveline Neal
was arrested in this city for marriage
frauds, She Inveigled forty-three
men to murry her by advertising
horselfasa wealthy widow. The
last victim was ti viscount, who al
most ruined himself by gambling.
London, March 28. Tho impor
tant capture of a gang of counter
feiters at Dobra, In Posen, will prob
ably lead to tlio unearthing of an
extensive nihilistic plot. It was
found that the counterfeiters weronot
vulgar criminals, several of them
showing signs of good training and
rellnment. Tho gaug wero betrayed
by a woman, a Gorman, who ap
pears to havo been tho mistress of
tho chief counterfeiter, a Buxslnn
and was by him discarded, ho sup
posing Bhekiunv nothing about his
criminality, of which, however, slit.
was fully aware. The couterfellers
wero taken by surpilsu and made a
ilcsimrato fiuht to escape. At flfbt
thoy almost succeeding in overpow
ering tho police, but tho arrival of a
small but timely reinforcement
turned tho scale, aud tho gang wero
compelled to surrender. Tbo coun
terfolt money was Intended for
circulation In Bussla, and tho police
think that the counterfolteis'don was
reallya bank from whluh the nihi
lists derived tho wherewithal to
opcrato against tho Russian govern
ment. Tho capture has excited
lively Interest In St. Petersburg as
well as Berlin.
Queiiec, Mar. 28---A residence In
Eastern township burned last
night and two persons perished lu
tho flames.
Oitawa, Mar. 28. Tho mlnlstur
of justice has applied to U. S.
authorities for extradition of James
Brothers who aro wanted at Hnltou
Ontario on a oharno of forgery. The
Brothers aro now at Oakland, Cal.
Cork, Mar. 28. Tho jury In tbo
trial of Mluhnol O'Brlou, Dalton and
others charged with rioting and ua
saulttug tho police nt tlmo of trial of
O'Brien aud Dllllou at Tlpperary,
today announced thoy wore unable
to agree to a verdict In tbo case of
aill and Dalton, but rondored a
verdict of not guilty aB to tho other
Wabiiinuton, Mar. 28. Director
oftho Mint Loach said today that
after July next probably no more
silver dollars would he coined, but
silver ivrllttoutes be printed Instead.
BoBTON, Mar, 28 Thomas C
Lutl'rop, cashier Boston Car Spring
Co. has gone Into Insolvency,
Han KdAKciso), Mr. S&. Wlituf,
buyer, easau, 1.631.
PoRTL V.ND, Or., Mnroli 28, Wheut
milling ISO A. 148'per cental.
Ciru auo, Mar. iM -Wheal fliiu,
flvlubt troJoH urp bejug abandon), I pasji f I Olf.
riutocray Tersns Democracy The-Com-
ln(t Billionaire anil the Waceirorker.
Oyer the Roart Traveled by Olil Rome.
Time the Producer Were Awake.
Shakespeare says, "All the world's a
stage, and all tho men and women mere
ly players." At present It might bo said
that all tho world's a court room and
alt tho peoplo litiganta. In a genoral
wav the woild Is divided into two great
classes, tho rich and tho poor tho for
mer living at tho expense or tho latter.
The evils growing out of snch a state of
affairs aro everywhere apparent. This
country, blessed by an opulent provi
dence with an abundance of everything
necessary to the comfortable mainten
ance of at least GOO.OOO.OOO of souls, with
a population of only 62,000,000, shows a
startling record of want and misery-
Gradually tuo money power Is aggregat
ing to Itself all of tho products of labor
that it is possible to extract by dint of
strategy or force. Tho caso beforo tho
tribunal of tho land is JP lutocracy vs.
Democracy. Bcason sits supremo upon
tho bench, aud on the decision depends
tho future of tho country. Shall it bo a
plutocracy or a democracy?
Wo havo, in form, a democratic gov
ernment, but tho power behind the
throno is cold, glittering gold. Behind
everything, from tho casting of a singlo
voto to tho passage or suppression ot any
measure brought beforo the great legis
lative bodies of the land, its concentra
tion in tho hands of tho few is tho one
thing to be most dreaded by tho toiling
masses. This matter is likely to be
re rarded with apathy by tho general
public, or turned abide by tho remark,
"Nothing will coino of it in my day,"
backed by the thought, "After mo tho
flood." But, according to tho estimate
in.ido by Thomas G. Shearman, at the
present rato at which this evil is advanc-in-f
forty years henco will see tho billion
niioin this country surrounded by an
est.do bo vast that the groans of his vic
tims cannot penetrato to his sonsitivo
Tlie terrible curso of rapidly accumu
lating private fortunes hovers like a
bli.,'ht over tho United States. Class
legislation and law made monopolies,
liko tho vampire, sucks tho life blood of
our constitution. Tho halls dedicated
(by tho forefathers who freely spilled
their blood to throw off the yoko of the
tyrant) to a government of, for and by
tho people aro now the fortified strong
holds of legalized marauders. Truly tho
tabernacle has become tho rendezvous of
tho usurer.
And all this time the most miserable
victim holds in his hand tho instrument
designed to strike off his fetters, and
why does ho not nso it? Oh, ho does,
hot each time it is to drive the rivots a
htllo deepor aud fasten them a little
inoro sccuroly. Bo does this to secure
tho pleasure of fivo minutes' stroking
from tho "Iwss," and a scrap of animal
comfort which, if judiciously used, will
last through tho day. For this ho is an
American cilizenl For this ho exercises
tho noble privilege of tho ballot! Will
he continue to help the billionaire (and
his own ruin) to come, or will he, by tho
ab ilition of tho abuses necessary to tho
existence of that monster of wealth,
mako his advent impossible?
Tho masses must assort themselves or
tho fato of Rome will bo ours. After
sketching tho downfall of that empire
Philips Thompson goes on to say, "Tho
systematic oppression of tho laborer
sapped its manhood, destroyed its
strength, rotted tho magnificent struct
ure nt its foundation."
Tho description of tho causes of Home's
overthrow presents such a startling par
allel to tho causes now at work in ovory
modem land that it reads liko a slightly
overdrawn presentation of tho evils of
American or European society today. Is
history repeating itself? Aro tho groat
empire and tho groat republic traveling
over tho same road that led old Home to
the abyss? Look where wa may the
8.11110 sinister phenomenon presents it
self tho accumulation of wealth and
tho decay of manhood. Tho claims of
manhood aro disregarded; only thoso of
tho moneyed interests nro regarded by
law givers, who aro as much owned by
tho monopolizing class as though pnr
chasod in oioi) niarkot.
Tho whole advantage of tho great in
ventions designed to improve tho condi
tion of mankind has gono to the exploit
ing classes. Unless a thorough recon
struction of tho industrial system arrests
tho tendonpy to demoralization by in
suring healthier conditions for the devel
opment of the workers, tho same enfeo
bloment and degradation of tho race
which proved tho ruin of auciont civil
ization, based upon slavery and caste
supremacy, will assuredly sap the system
reared by capitalism upon a liko founda
tion of industrial serfdom. Henry A.
Robinson in Grand Rapids Democrat
It Speaks for lUeir.
When a mother seeks to precipitate
herself aud three little children, ouo an
infant, into tho rivor as the oidy escape
from tho sufferings of hunger end want,
as a mother did last night, the thought
will como that the charitable organiza
tions of the city where this occurs can
not bo all they should be.
If there are auy proper objects for
municipal charity a starving mother aud
children crying for food sboidd bo fore
most among them. Something is wrong
when despair can drive to such desperate
remedy as death In the wintry flow of
tho rivor. The thought of thi little
group of anffureni Booking to cast away
life too wretched to bo endured is a
heart breaking one. JJot moroy aud
charity reach a staying hand to such
aching woo. New York Evening World.
A general congress of tho railrtad em
ployed of France will tako place at Tours
ou May 1. A pension fuud to b-i estab
lished by tho government and t) e eight
Uonr day will Ins demanded,
gTjj&CfflBS Oil
May IT, 1KU.
"My )wutUar-livT
u4tfU f4m in ttU )
(I? Knmr St .
Sail rrsiwtue, Cal
.Uh a, mm.
Uf ttlfoaBd Itaih
Uavrt l4t aOUctnl
nltli Uuto-Urk u.l
rr throat, and bat
n4.Jran. ut
nw tY uwt ot fri
Highland Quaker Church.
Sermons by Rev. Douglas, at 10:30
and 7:30.
IJaitist. l'reachlug by the pus
tor, Robt. Whltaker. Morulug
subject: ''Did Jeus Rise from the
Dead?" Evening: "Disciple of the
Tomb." Sunday school at noon.
Evangelical. Special service.
Morning theme "Tbo Great Vic
tory," In the evening tho Sunday
school will give tin Easter enter
tainment Appropriate decorations.
Presbytekian. The usual ser
vices will be held at 10:30 a. in. nad
7.30 p.m. Morulug f-ubject: "Tho
Vacant Grave." Evening: "The
Great Invitation." Sabbath school
nt 12 m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30 p. m.
Episcopal. Rev. Win. Lund
will preach both morning and even
ing to-morrow, Eatter, ut St. Paul's
Episcopal church. Morning service
nt 10:30 nud tbe evenlug services at
7:30. Sunday school Easter service
at .'! p. m. ConimunioiMifter morn
ing service.
Unitaiuan Society. Rev. H.
II Uiown, minister. Morning ser
vice at lOtfO. Theme: "The Easter
Hope of the Resurrection 1" At 7:30
p. in. nil Eister service and exer
cises by the Sunday school. The
public welcomed. Hall, corner of
Court and Liberty streets.
13 .J Harris, W D Pope, Win Her
nm, J ('alder, II Wood, J S Suther
land, M 0 Tliorsen A D Broau, K A
J McClane, S E Joseiliu, Geo Wil
son, 10 Wasserman, L P Flint,
A C Coulter, E Van Damme, Lars
Olson, Amity.
Wm Miller, FJ Dufly, Chicago.
R H Jewell, Sacrumeuto.
G JJ Hoyt, Jeilbison.
E J Underwood, Woodburn.
H D Floyd, Reston.
J Kaskel, SF.
J W Walker, II E Smith, Oregon
iver Wmm
JHus. m
Suullowcr seedB are very fine
for fowls; every farmer should have
a large natch. The yield is enor
mous when properly cultivated
They put a rich glossy appearance
ou poultry, make them shell out the
eggs, and keep them very healthy.
Tlie Mammoth Russian 1b tbe best.
In tlie list of old breeds again
coming into popular favor, aie the
iiralimas and Partridge Cochins.
Tin y are good winter layers, good
for early sillers and mothers, aud
art! decidedly good table fowls.
Mrs. Babceck: Tho keeper of
poultry must be a specialist. He
must work for a purpose, and for the
highest possible standard of quality.
A few varieties are better tbau
nany. Next, tho quartets must
e comfortable entirly comfor
table; there cannot be success with
out comfort. Care follows. Tlie
fowls must be warm, aud warm all
he time. By a warm house we do
not mean an oven simply a bulldiug
that will protect the birds from tho
extremes of cold. The hens are
ivarmly clad, but to iuduce them to
lay eugs in winter they must be
warm. Plenty of sunlight will aid
in theso respects, with a structure
made to keep out tho cold.
hat it Costs
Must bo carefully considered by the
5 rent majority of people, In buying
jvoii necessities of life. Hood's
arsapuriila commends itself with
special force to tho great middle
elasses,bec.iUbo It combines positive
'onouiy with great medicinal powr.
It is tho only medicine of which
an truly bo said "100 Doses Oue
i)ollar,"and a bottle taken according
to directions will average to last a
Prof. Van Scoy went to Rjseburg
Friday and is expected back ou this
morning's train.
A. A. Station! a member of tho 3d
yearoluss, lias accepted a situation
u n governuiont surveying party,
ind will bo ubseut from school tbo
last term.
On account of tbo absence of Miss
Vines no recitation in Elocution will
occur till next Thursday, aud the
collego rheloricals for Wednesday
will bo postponed.
A number of new students aro en
tering for tlie fourth term's work
while a good many wll bo obliged to
leave to attend to the spring's work
ou tho farm.
Miss Krebs, i nnislo student from
Brooks, executed a very uloo piano
solo at rhetorical exercises in chapel
on Wednesday.
The prizes oflored by tbo Collcglau
were presented to tbo winners last
Thursday by Prof. Vau Scoy, as fol fel fol
eows: Historical production wou by
O. N. Nelson; Story, by Miss Alma
Mills; poem by E, R. Fletcher, and
tho contestant for the production In
muslo wero given three weeks more.
An Interesting program is out fori
thejoiut meeting of the socltttles ou '
April 3rd. Tho Phllodorlaus havo I
for discussion at the next meet lug
"Revived that High Tariff will ul-.
tlmately become the law of the U. S."
W mud's i.j and Retail. We'
have this day appointed top Simon
cigar Iiuiim) assole and' general agent
at Sulem for tho Flor'de General
Arthur cigar. M. A. Gunst & Co.
A Suf yupa tf jnlea.
llrbnitf Pilot ro known by Uwblnro
ilKvppi.plrttUup.RiUklng lutCBM llchtuit
Khvii warm Tbl ftmii navrellM llllnil
mMttr hihI protruding. yMJ hIouco to
Dr. Uoaaiikoa I'Uo teinty, which acU
illieclly nu 10 nanw lh il. aWrb lu
liibni.ftUajaluuitua'aitu oOVcia a peiman.
ul cure. Ml cvuu U Ujrf ut ur mall:
t rtltd trie. Dr. ItonKo, PbUadclphU Pa
oldtyHumtiktJtlur. r
Tho VroRtrntlng Bhocks
Ofmnl-irlniri'vernnot to bd counterne'ed
bynnlnluB wllhnny lU-Kreuofcertn uiy.or
for Any lenlu or time. The enullontlon
and prevention of dlsraiBCS of n mtaoinotlc
typo nro nucoruilned pos.lbllillPs I hero w
more preventive clllcucy in the line bolin
Ic medicine, Hosteler's Stoninch Hllters,
tlmu in thealkntoldf. driign and polimnfl
which . formerly llio only rto-isjnlied
mem -f removing nnd nnttripntlnir nt-t-ietci
of f ver nud ngne nnd billions rmnll
tent. I Ida ugreenbie rcstorutlve renews
the f nd feuen?.v, and Is uot tioly n po'-thokp-clfle,
but tepilri tbedniniiguto tho
goneial health Inflicted by nil ftbrllecom
pliilnUparUiklDgotthe malarlnl rlininc-
nibbnrd'i HhetimBtle nun I.lver Plllo.
Tho'. nii.unnKipnttnriiUr comnoiindi-d
andiiulfoini In action. No Brlp'ng pain
so commonly iouowmg mo uao ,",".?
Toey are adapted to both adults nnd call
drenwlth perfect s.ifcty. We gun nntee
they have no equal lu the cureofHlck head
ache, constipation, dyspepsia nnd billions
doss ar d, as an appetizer, they cxcell any
other preparat Ion 177 ly
runs high In this city over System
itnlldor. naevcrvbodv is lisluir it for
catarrh of the Stomach, Consump
tionDyspepsia, impure blood and
to build up the System it certutniy
must be an excellent preparation,
when everybody speaks bo well ot
It. d&w.vr
Derangement of the liver, wlih constipa
tion, injures the complexion, induce pun
ploi, sallow skin. Itcmoie tho ctmso bi
using Carter's Lltllo Liver Pills. Uue n
dose. Try them,
Whydon'tyou try Carter's Llttl Uxor
Pills? They are n positive cure lor sick
headache, aud all the Ills prod need by dis
ordered 11 rcr. Only one pill a dose.
The action of Carter's Little Llcr Pills
Is pleaant, mild nnd natural, They gen
tljjrtlmulate the liver, and regu ate tho
bowels, but do not purge. They ate ,-uiu
to please, Try them.
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Dronsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, Sc Wlille their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CAmrn's Little Liver Pills
are equally aluable In Constipation, curing
and preventing this anno) Ing complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate tho bowels.
Eren It they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing cemplaint:
hut fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them
But after nil sick head
$k Kriyiiag
Is tho bane of so many lives that here Is where
ne mako our great boast. Our pills cure it
wnue otners do not.
Cabtbb's Little Liver Pills aro very small
and very easy to take. One or tn o pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action
S lease all who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
vo for $1 , Sold e erywhere, or sent by mail.
CASTES llEElCIltE CO., l?ew Ycrk.
Ml, Mite, M&isfl.
CbloliMter' Enll-li Diamond Brand.
P 7v Orlstnal and Only Oenulnc
Ar.i.iw.j. i.iuuia U.DICB KflK
ii.ggi,t ior HKAHtn-l B ngiun Via ,
mend Brand lulled and Gold metal
Ilia boxes, lealed Uh blue ribbon.
Takanaflth.,1. IlefuM danaerouM
nbltltution ami tmltatlanA. At rirnffHati
Or lead 4c In llanpi fornartlonlara, testlmo
nlali and "lteMf-fror l.Afll.f In IMtr
br return iluU. 10,000 Teitlmonlala
AIM Palter.
Chlrhrater Chemical Co., Modlaon Hnnare,
Sold b all Local Dnnlau. . . i.
M tol
Taxpayers, Take Notice!
Your stato and county taxes lor Marlon
county for tho ear 1880 should be pal at
onco as costs will soon be added.
2-13-tf. Sheilfliuid tax colleotei
10 Acres for Rent.
A choice tract only one mile from Salem
Terns liberal. Apply to
Journal 'Hi -e.
Tho Largest Stock of
Of the choicest styles. The latet style
from Ban Francisco nnd the cast, . flue
line of novelties. Ladles Jlnvlted to call
inspect nnd compare prices.
S20 will buy the Odki.1. Tvrc WKiteii
wlth7Seharacters,audl5 for tho Singli
CaskUiikli,, warranted to do butter work
than auy machlHO made.
It combines Simplicity with Dtnunii.
itv, BrEED, Ease ot Oi-kuvtion, wiMit
longer without cobt of repairing than anj
other innehlne. Has no luU ribbon ti
bother the operator. It Is no it, substan
tial, nickel plated, perfect and adapted to
all kinds of type writing. Like a printing
press, It produces sharp, clean, legible
manuscript. Two or ton copies can be
mado at one writing. Any intelligent per
son can become an operator in tw o days.
WootTer JI0CO to any operator who enn
equal the work of the Douiii.e Case
Reliable Agents and salesmen wanted
Special Inducement lo dealers.
For pamphlet giving indorsements, Ac,
address pnELLTVPK WHITLH CO., '
85 and 87 5th Ave. Chicago, 111.
-..., ..wipuTt and Pnetd
I Vn 1 HOI jii a - . -.H J
tSZEThB K" I" "."
1 v..,.v. i'rm,ttt yvri
'r - --- a u. AStUTU
u. ni. rrntiv a -
302 CDmmercial Street.
W4' 1 rs "
iSp fi
Stoves, liangi-s,
lu-wnrr, viA
rurn.snii.g Gocd
wmiiiey uji
1 1 fi -uf
J Pumps.
1' ii .
ior uitisaiii ft
lion nj
-.-&asiii srraxs
firoitft lnluir snvliiff Invention In tie I oft-el old llhe Wuslitg h ;
varii'llesiif t'totW front llu-liru"-t Intr tc tic t-i tstbt n,i tt, iitrfd-ti
cliiiii, without rtililiinj: ni Ik.IIIi fi, wiiln.ut tin- ie tl ela iniails or a, !
destriii'tive proceK-tiiily h n tnitl wM r. '1 he et nipuny i,w nlnir It ntul
$1000 to un v . erson who uill iiliue u fiituily wnsher eitnd to the NFv
EUA In the fo low lug peints: Price. LnLor m iiifr. Itnpldlty of BaJ
uiz. VuriH.v of fulirle w'tn-lnd. Cle.iiilnjr jififeetly witl.i.nt tltinin t
iniiiitiii- .vuiiiiiir'nv iiiui ocrii'i'L 1'iiiisi ruiMiiiii. .-.ivf . u-iiniii . . .i ., '
money refundrct cc e Ap,gfi
j. laa. - ....,..-- ..- - ( -
bllltv. K-itisfitetlou cniininteed or
Aim on cctmtv
Salem, Or.
It:Us $'-2.50 mid $5.0() :t llnj
Open to the public Thursday, Sept. 11.
18IKI, Host holel bclMei'ii l'-1 tltinrt mid
San Francisco. Alms to be (lr-t t-las-i In
all Its appointment. Its tnhlisuesei veil
wlththocholccslfrultsg!ciii in the WH
nmette valley.
Ealing Parlors 4 Candy Manufactory,
2Q6 Commeictal Street.
Ice Cream 10c , 15c and Hi cents
Collee, Tta or Chocoluteund Cake 10 cents
Mush nud Milk 10 cents
PtntA nr Snun 10 cents
Hot Cako. Ctillee or Ten 15 cents
Ileefsteak nnd Eggs 2,1 cents
1'ork Chop and i!.gcs racenis
Mutton Choi) nud Eggs 25 cents
Venison and Eggs 'in cents
Sausage nnd Eggs 25 cents
Ham and Eggs 25 cents
Fresh Oysters nny stylo 25 cents
25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From It to3 0'Clock
A nice variety of vegetables, etc., etc.
Also tea, collee or milk with all 25 cent
meals without extra charge.
Choice Cigars, Imported an Domestic,
always on naud.
I'orter House Steak aud Eggs 50 cents
Tender Loin Steak and Eggs 50 centb
Paper Hanger.
LeaveordeKnt Glob6 RenlEstatoExchnnge
25c Want Columal
Nitlcen Inserted Tor ONE CKNTtmV
WOH1) EACH INhhKTlKN. No,u 1
Livnivuiiinriicuill HUH MllUmn lOrW
tiiim tMenty-llve , ents. '"
1 . Ut ItENl' - House nnd nlnbie on
V wast corner of Center nud Llbenrh
Lnquli-i' ut same, ij1
VIi El rurnlvlie ! moms to rcntm '
1 ho.-nil,inpl,HHitiifs ) artnrtlSrV, T
lt(-et Oil IilKS, KUt. Ul Mtf. t fi7 I
TfUlt A LU, t HUAl'-t ait and hacKS
L1 iiiqiine ulit.Ji. UtM.tcoIt'sstabe."
r?0I'"AJ.E Ajvirlt.- set nt a bargalu
JL. yj ioi Jifit,L Sl'tei
JTtORSALE TttOMnum iiai.os forab1
very cheap,at lib timnn'f. music liou i
TTIOlt HAI.E. A IIC hiiusc cintnliin i
V nine roeins, nicely -IHiatert lu mj ;
land Addition, coin t '.ett Mllh Hie tu :
waterworks and Ih o i ul.nl lottreitcsr :
line. Term- icn'nnnh i . i squire uf a j
Dorrnnce, ninth uc l corner of Cenlw '
nndLlbeit htitutw. .VHni
I 7011 BALK 12 ncic- of land i ra,P,
) south ol tfalem. buqulicut tliianOice.
8:2 lm
mOTKADE.-A fnto, irenlln punv, tri
JL cow. Inquiient tii.s oltice. '2i5(j
-ITITANTEI). A girl or woman for fen. II
Apply or addrev. wllh H'firenre ut Jori.'
NAI. olllce.
GHEAT II KGAIJN.-'J he best Zttt i I
plcrtton theHalcin 1'ralilc Call at jl
Of txids in our store! We carry a full lino
i (rrnitnc'P, ieeu, tiocitery, giasswaio, ci
arn, lohncco and confectionery.
No. Wb ComnicrGinl St., Salem
Staple anl Fancy Groceries,
Ciockory. Glassware. Lamps. Woeden
and Wl low . ae. All kinds ol mill feed.
Abo vet" iiDioMudiiults In their season.
"Highest I'i Ico paid for country pri duce."
Wc solicit a share of j our patronage,
'-' Isaatutu street
A pamphlet of Information andab-
airaci oi ino iaw, snoninK lioir lol
uumm i-iueuiB, vaveaia, TraaeA
juiuao, vopyrignis, cni JTtt.,
, Addr.w H1UNN & CO.
jjul Ilroiiilwiiy,
new lark,
Beventy-nlne aud one-half acres of land
ilX miles from Salem, J from Independ
ence; K miles fiom steamboat lauding;
,i i lutiu limit suuwui uuutu, iiouse, uaru,
.moke hoiibe, wood aud chicken houso
Ffty acres In cultivation; balance pasture;
four springs on the place; Hue young or
hard, small fruit, etc'. Cull ut tho place, o
iddiess C. L, veuer, Peucer, Marlon Co.,
'Ircgoii. 2,l(tlmdAw
The undersigned are prepared to furnish
'hebestquallly oftlliug for under drain,
'ng nt lowest prices.
Vcnr Fair Grouns, Salem, Oregon.
..nMeJluVJ?re.rt.cry c',""co lo'8' wl,lcl
Will ! kiilii nt SlfYi iuip 1 nn.t .- .,.
terms by ' "uu "" l"
J. J. KOBERTS, ftr Stuto St.
Or Trade for Real Estate,
A prvul snnn l nn.i. ,. . ,. "
, v - ,.. . "ma iiMiur, wen oroKe.
Address MAKTIN'llinMivuiv
Al6-ln Turner, Oregon.
Hon Ton Restaurant,
KresU Meats. Oysters. Etc.
Always on Hand. .
Ol'KN AT ALL linillM
CIS Commerolal Street.
SALEM. Orlcon
mlk with L. C. Hslier. next door to h.l
ouicu. 2211a
t'rlmarv Scliool and Kliidei-iMmi
session room of the l'acsbjteiian Ch.
ABAUGAIN. A houtn and tvro lou ta
sulo in South Snlem ut onlr ?M. In
quiteofW. It. Simpson. n.tf
WANTED An nctte, rellnWe man
salary S.O to itO iiiomhly, -Willi In
cicase, to rep.esent lu his ov n section a
responsible Now York house, Kelrreuctr
Irtolt SALi;. About three acres of lend ,
1 on Asjlum Avenue, good dwelling
house, cousinicutly arranged; large barn,
atrrent ailety of fruit trees and sbroti.
bei-y; con enit-nt to Electric railway, luver
falling water on premh-is. For purtlco
lars inquire nt second house on right Land
side of Asylum Avenue going lrom city,
12:4 tf
"ITTANTED To trade a town lot In Capt
VY tal Park Addition for lumber. A.
Olinger, 122 Mill street. HStf
AWNKHH OH" t'OVVS. For service.
W pure-bicdted Polled bull. Tcrnu I
to, casn. At my place in oaiem, j. u.
Fahiiisii. lM-a
LADD & BUSH, Bankers,
SALKM, - - - - OREGON.
Transact u general banking business In
all departments. S.
until frost. Descrlptlvo pilce list me
Bkth inuuist, ItiibBellvlllftOre.
All work, either new or repairing, f&
in tne Peal worKinunilite suapp
Shop south of post olllcp.
.. ,., ...... . ,. h tn fnurt
AlllUOIUlUMHUk l I'ltl'-1" , Vilk,
pictures neallr und nt lowest lIvinpT,
Call around aud exnuiluu his ,u,r!lmrf
also has a fine assortment to select la
Wall Paper and Picture Moulding-
Zl'sH Commercial St., - Salem, OrP
.x, . -a LTlAtn'iLl
Specialty of Spectacles, apd rff"?
LjiocBs, watcjies ana jeveir.
TT IVovtum
j. ire anM
rlnf, m
ii w nvwT.vn Amnt. . 8alcra,na
, ., , ..m.., ..-..-.
t?.. n. fiBOSS,
nnd nm
... -..- ki a
ucuvvrou iu uit i - -
lM nrornt IL M. Wad "
liable vork or po par.
1 Hdriilge'BIoel, Sil-n. l
, Jn oflTcc day n,bl' l