Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 26, 1891, Image 1

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    -iT" "-
oino in a
ed from
Uome to
2 hours
'our self
lis. Tig
J While
'' crops
yOl" 3
geen in Your Midst. It Was None of Your
Have died the ignominious death they deserve, we killed them. Look here if we did not.
TTiTwter molds for 25c 2 lb molds for 30c Butter Ladle 10c 240 Tooth picks for 5c Good black ink
Jp. sell liw ""'"' , , ,,i ii7: l. . i i i,i in i l i :i i. . r
onry OC
Extra large dishpans only 35 cents. Small dishpans for 25 cents. All other kincU of tinware.
To see our shoes, from 50c to the best hand made, at astonishingly low prices. Umbrellas trom GOc to $1.25. Safety
pins 2-c a doz. Clocks, guaranteed for twelve months, only 90c. Coffee mills 45c. Lamp burners only
C3EMC&S3MEEK3JQ" 5 OSBTTiE&lKr., - -
If you want a Plow, Harrow, Cultivator or any Agricultural Implement, from a Hoe Handle to a Threshing
The Oregon Land Co
CO 31
(In the State lnsurauce Building)
and branch ofllces in Portland, Astoria and Albany,
Has for sale a largo list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also
City and Suburban Property.
The Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for the purpose of buying
and sub-dividing large tracts of laud, and has during the past two years
bought and subdivided over 3,200 ucres into
Fife to Twenty lore Parcels
The success of this undertaking Is shown in the fact that out of 280 tracts
placed on the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres, ot
choice land in Fruit,
ill Yield a Larger Income
than ICO acres of wheat in the Mississippi Valley. Wo also make valuable
Improvements In the way of roads, clearing the land, fences, etc. We
can sell a small tract of land for the same price per acre as you would
have to pay for a largo tarm. "Zs
for Pamphlet
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds,
Fresh and true to name.
rhu Orange Store,
126 State St., Salem, Or.
Salem Truck & Dray Co. 11
- T U flee St
yun works. Drays unci trucks may bo found tlirouguuui iu .- -.
Hie corner of State and Commercial street.
per DOtue wire umi uiusiies ivi; i guuu. luuu punuiis
and Price List.
ivs ready lor oruei.
.,,) .lollror WOOd.
.l ..ml liimtter. Of-
f, v'. M.. U...
V flce8UteBt.,piu'f-
If you contemplate the purchase or a mu
sical instrument write to us for an illus
trated Catalogue by mail.
P. H. EASTON &. Co., 310 Com'I St., Salem, Or.
mm m
. Commercial Street.
The Best for the Money all the Time,
Vibrating Shuttle No. 2
Our nnw rimlen of Vibrating Shuttle Machine Js tho latest develop
ment of tbat popular principle, eontainingspeclul patented Improvements,
what makes It :
1st The lightest running machine iu the marKet.
d The simplest machlue in the world. It requires absolutely no
3d Tho only Vibrator that makes a perfect stitch a result heretofore at-
KAnfif In fnmllv niiiplilni-s nnlv 1)V our Oscillator.
4th The only Vibrator which can
vithout ciiange ouension, covering mo wnuiu nnnu u luumy
1. It has a far shorter ncedlo than any other machine of Its claw.
2. It bus tho simplest thuttlo made: you can't help threading It right.
3 It has tho latest and beet form of itutnmallo bobbin w Inder.
4! It has tho latest and best stitch regulator, lly (.Imply turning a sorow
the stitch can be lengthened or shortened while the machine Is run
ning nt full speed, iso rasiening necewmrv; h oiuys wuensyt-r you
leave It. Tne Ultimate Perfection of a simple family sewing ma.
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co.,
Sash Doors, Winds & 3IouIdings, Turning & Scroll Sawing.
Iloue I-tnlkhlDC madefto order.
Wer DKT KILN, by whlop we uau lwakeep'ft full lupply ot kewoned itock of all
kind. AfriciHlursU Worki.Oon erofTwae ana Hlgu nireeu, bIem, Orioa.
Been Received
Friends this Call
lor oc.
2G1 Commercial Street.
Of all kinds Pianos, Organs, Violins,
Guitars, Banjos and Mandolins, (whole
ale and retail) over 800 of the latest and
most popular SHEET MUSIC.
sew from lightest to heaviest cotton
wn uonimereini street.
published daily.exoeptbundAy,
Caoital Journal Publishing Company.
OfUeo, Commercial Street, In P. O. Uulldlng
Kntered nt tho postofllco nt Snlem,0r.,n8
8C(ond-elnFt nuttir.
The habits, whims aud vices of
the rulers of tho national conglom
eration of Europe have always been
the blessing or burden of their sub'
jectB, whoso lot it was to accept Iu
slleuco the traditional sentences
which were pursued, In many cases,
hundreds of years before they were
born. A licentious and squander
ing Hessian duke sold his subjects
to Qeorgo III of Great Britain to
assist in shooting down the patriots
of the American colonies. We
quote tins one instanco because our
own peoplo had to sutler hardship
aud death because a ruler of a small
European principality had left the
path of virtue to lire in debauchery
and vice. The 18th century
was the pel tod of immorality and
vice iu high places, and tne punish
ment which followed was severe
and Impressive. It required a war
of twenty years to furnish human
blood enough to print a red letter at
the end of tho bloody struggle
which culminated and terminated
In the battle of Waterloo. Napoleon,
the great puuisher of kings and
nations, was Bent to bt. Helena, aud
the once proud empire ol Germany
which Napoleon "with tho consent
of tho German princes" had dis
solved was not restored. The great
tst part of the present trouble In
Get many dates back to tho first
peace of Paris. When Napoleon In
vaded Germany the last timo, the
Gciman armies met him under the
promises that their empire would
be restored after the daring usurper's
power would bo broken. This
turned out to be a deception, a He,
which was held out to the honest
people, so that they would believo
they were not dj ing in vain. After
Paris was taken, Napoleon banished,
and a weak Bourbon prince declared
king of France, the German empiro
was not restored. English aud
Russian intrigues prevented tho ful
fillment of the high-sounding prom
ises made by the kings and dukes of
Germany to their patriotic subjects.
When peace was declared tho people
weie not satisllcd, because tho dearly
uchieved interruption of lighting
beneiltted tho kings only. Tho
peace rested on an unnatural basis,
and was foul to the core. This was
the time of tho restoration of tho
kalserrelch (empire).
Then tho French nation was with
out a government, and felt relieved
when her ambitious aud daring hero
was taken caro of. Wo often thought
it was Blsmark's great mistako
when ho consented to tho corona
tion of William iu a just conquered
foreign laud. But like common
human beings, tho leaders of the
German army were possessed of au
overbearlug spirit after all resistance
had disappeared. Tho sacred cere
mony of crowning an emperor was
turned into a malicious insult, to a
peoplo which, under any circum
stances, Is entitled to u high degree
of consideration. To place the
crown of Germany upon tho old
head of William, while ho was at
the French capital, was an Insult
unworthy of great statesmen Ilko
BIsmark, Moltke, and Frederick,
tho crown prince and commander-in-chief.
This sacred act ought to
have been dono on Geimau soil as
an act of peace, as an atonement
for broken promises by tho king to
tho people; but as It now stands, tho
crown of Germany will always bo a
crown of thorns, pricking tho proud
head of a nation which has proved
Itself heroic and even generous on
many occasions.
Every mistake Is the mother of a
family of errors. As long as the
Iron Chancellor was at tho helm
of state, this first great mistako was
neutralized. But ns soon as he was
out of tho way, tho woman who
was Instrumental in his removal
was selected to commit tho second
mistuke. She went to Paris, visit
ing tho artists, but she also wanted
to seo tho place where her father-In
law received the crown, the pros
pectlve ornamental headgear, under
tho shadow of which she enjoyed
the title ofempresaforufew months.
This straw of vanity broke the
camel's back. Tho press of Paris
protested and tho artificial lady was
reuqested to go home; and homo she
went, and the world in general Is
more than ever convinced that
any present reconciliation between
France and Germany is imposslblo
During tho second half of the 10th
century tho Hate of morality In
high and hlgluHt places, has greatly
Improved, and tho present ruling
families average pretty well with
the so-called common peoplo who,
by the grace of God, are blessed to
bo ruktl by princes born for that
special purpose, Two of tho pros
peetlve ruler of Kuropcau nations
have lately died under doubtful cir
cumstances, aud ull that wo call
learn out of (bete mysturloun cases
is tho fact that the grace of God 1ms
not prevented love nfTulrs aud sui
cides, In thoso places where ethical
forms stand above natural laws.
Air. Cleveland declares that tnrltl
reform is to bo the sole isslio in 1802.
This Hatters tho free trade proclievl
ties of tho mugwumps of New Eng
land aud tho ex-rebel free traders of
the solid South, aud is tho only issue
on which hit. Cleveland cau get the
nomination for tho presidency. He
puts this siuglo idea to tho front in
his own interest, because euough
democrats can agree on that to se
cure him tho nomination.
Tho force bill, so obnoxious to
democrats generally, aud even ob
jected to by mauy republicans; cen
tralization, that holy horror of all
democrats; personal liberty, Jell'er
soulan simplicity, local seltgoveru
nieut, democratic economy and free
silver coinage; all these are as
uothlug to Grover Clovelaud iu
riding his hobby of tarlil reform.
It Is not to bo expected that the
democratic ex-president, who has
degenerated into a Wall street cor
poiatiou lawyer, should worry him
self about au inadequate constantly
contracting currency system, when
ho can ride upou tho necks of his
party by simply declaring for that
meaningless uncertainty tarill re
form, which ho promises shall bo a
panacea for all evils.
No one can understand w hy some
die. Many deaths nro a mystery.
Death itself is unfathomable.
But a good many people get sick
and die for causes that aro not very
apparent. Half tho sickness in this
city at present is probably duo to the
fact that a great part of tho city
stands on soil that has not tho least
natural drainage except by filtration
vertically down thiough tho surface
boil, and there it is held in suspen
sion, generating gases ami poisoning
tho air, and wells and streams.
All tho refuse from a family will,
in u few years, fill thesoll all around
a house and bam. Then, look out.
People get sick aud die. They cau
seo nothing. But the poison Is there.
Whole blocks of such earth-poisoned
dwellings In Salem.
Enforco tho city ordinances to
compel peoplo to connect their
drains and water closots with the
sewers and tako city water.
Moial; Better havoyour premises
fixed up so that no refuse or ofral or
wastognes into tho ground; bettor
nay a water bill each month than
leo tho doctors and undertakers,
and you will feel a good deal better
Tho appointment of Hon. Peter
Paquct as receiver of tho U. S. Land
olllce, gives universal satisfaction to
his constituents, and tho people
throughout tho land district gener
ally, Mr. Paquct is one of the
pioneers of Clackamas county and a
respected and energetic citlzeu of
Oregon City. There were several
notable aspirants for this position,
but Mr. Paquct distanced all his
competitors, aud is in every way
competent to All this important po
sltlon. Enterprise.
This is a commendable appoint
ment. Mr. Panuet is a man who
worked out his timo as a carpenter,
becamo a builder and contractor,
employing mauy men, and lias tho
interests of tho people at heart. His
selection, over u senator who Bold
his votes for a free pass to Washing
ton and back aud a promise of this
ofllce, Is one that Is not only credlt
ublo but in a certain way u rebuke
to tho bossism that seeks to employ
federal patronage to influence leglsla
Tho associated press has for
mouths had only evil to report of
the alliance legislature of Kansas.
It is treatiug Parnell in tho same
manner. It Is perfectly unreliable
when It has any Interest in being
Tho facts and tho truth seem to bo
that tho alliance legislature, as stated
Ina public speech by Speaker Elder,
has reduced tho levy of state taxes
from four and u quarter milU to
three and seven-tenths mills, eflcct
Ing a reduction iu tuxes of $750,000.
The appropriations by tho alliance
Uglslaturo uro $2,100,000 against
8,088,000 appropriated by tho pro
ceding legislature. Hero Is a total
saving of $1,1311,000.
Tho Impoverished state of Kansas
must ftel tho benefit of this icduo
tlou In stale expenses.
A .Sovereign Keuinly.
Dr. E. Helden: For coughs, colds
and all bronchial affections I con
sider your ISthereal Cough Byrup as
a sovereign remedy. It has cured
me quicker than any thins that I
ever used. John Jackson, Btoek-
toii.L,argo size $1.00, small 60 cents.
For sale by all druggists.
DoruiiKeiimnt of tlio liver, Willi oonttliKV-
.---.. . . . i . . . . - i
nii.iiiiiirtwiiioooiMDiaxion. iiiiiucti in
mo, b.iuow mm. jicinovo me tsuuno
iuIijk Curl or" l.lttlo
Una u
auw. iryllieni.
Why dtm'tywi try I'htIdt' 1.1111 I.lvur
lllln T Tliey are a iwlllvt wire lor klek
Uwiduolm, urnl ull (lit) Uin (irodurod by dl
ordered Utur. Only one pill u doe.
Tlie notion nfCiiiltir' l.lttlo Uver 11 1 1m
U pfeutunt, mild miiiI imlurnl, 'J hey ittm
lly itlrnulaieilie liver, und rrnulule tliu
bowitU, but do not purge. Tliey urn kure
iopieae, iryintiu
Herbert Bruce of Columbus, Ind.,
Is 13 years old, but weighs 210
Three deaths occurred In the Doan
family at Sprlngvllle, Io., under
Christian sclcnco treatment before a
physician was called.
At Fort Eeuo, I.T., gravo trouble
pxlsts bctweou tho civil and mili
tary ofllclals becauso of tho salo of
liquor to Iudians by troops.
World's fair architects expect to
save $1,000,000 by substituting stall,
a French material, for marblo and
granite tu tho buildings.
Search Is to bo made for a supposed
old find of silver on tho headwaters
of Laughlug creek, Ind.
Heuryltoth, ofBticyrus, O., Is to
Inherit his wife's property if ho vis
Its her grave 10 times lu five years.
Threo school'boya near Memphis
burned down the school house bo
causo thoy wero kept oftor school
Preparations for holding the
We&tcru States Commercial Con
gress In Kansas City April 14 have
been concluded.
John Froycr, of Jamaica, L. I.,
winked atn pretty girl on tho tralu.
Sho enticed him to a secluded spot,
whore he was sandbagged and rob
bed. Tho postmaster-general has issued
orders that no post offlco In the
country shall bo opon on Sunday
after 10 a.m.
"Diamond Jo" Reynolds' estate
will reach nearly $10,000,000. He
loft no will, but his iutentious will
bo carried out. Among other chari
ties provided for a magnificent train
ing school for boys will bo estab
lished. A serious accident took placo four
miles northwest of Summerville at
the residence of J. Finchor. The
paronts went out visiting leaving
tho children at home; tho oldest
girl whjlo working around tho stove
set her dres3 on flro and observing It
told her brother to throw water on
hor. Ho being excited siezed some
hot water of! tho stove and throw It
on hor burning hor seriously. Tho
flro was put out by tho children but
not until tho child was badly burned.
Sho is still allvo but iu a dangerous
condition. Elgin Recorder'
A.Dick of East Boston wants fleas.
Ho advertised for them lu the
morning papers' and when seonsaid;
"oh,yes, I waut lloas. Thoy aro
qullo essential to my prosperity.
For-four generations my family has
had fleas. You see,my great-grandfather
was an English soldier, and
having beeii mado a prisoner of war
ho was thrown Into prison and
caught them thoro. Ho became,
foudof thorn, and tho habit ho con
tracted has clung to tho family down
to my generation. Why' I don't
want to get rid of ' cm,"
'My father mado a fortuuo in fleas
and thoy have furnished mo with
my living so far. I am a trainer
of lloas, Ieducato them to do tricks
and run a flea circus. In thirty-six
hours lean mako a good, intelligent
Ilea do most any simple trick'
You would suppose lloas aro com
mon enough, aud ho thoy aro on
general principles, but I havo been
in Boston fourtcon weeks and
haven't got but two so far. I want
females, becauso thoy aro largor aud
longer lived than tho others,"
Postmaster Genoral Wanamakor
Is busily engaged In tho preliminary
work neccssury to carrying into
oiled tho now postal subsidy act'
Ilo has had a long conferenco with
olllcers of the Inmau steamship
company on the subject, and has
also taken steps to ascertain the
views and desires of shippers at all
prominent Southern ports. Largo
shippers and others Interested at
Baltimore, Norfolk, Savannuh, Pen
sacolo, New Orleans and Galveston
havo been communicated with and
invited to submit any propositions
thoy may deslro as to now lines of
communication with South America
or other foreign ports. Judge Tynor,
assistant attorney-general for tho
postolllco department, on Tuesday
submitted to tho postmaster-general
bin interpretation of tho several sec
tions of tho subsidy act, upon which
his opinion bus been solicited,
Dr. R, W. Haiti, a prominent phy
sician, committed suicide at Fludlay,
Ohio, on Tuesduy by taking 63 mor
phine pills. On the wall of his olllce,
lu which ho was found dead, was
found a calculation in which ho had
figured how long It would take him
to die, This schedule showed when
the first effects of tho poison would
bo noticeable, when ho would be
come intoxicated and whou ho
would lose consciousness. From
this It was gathered that ho took
tho morphine at 7 o'clock und ex
peetod to be dead by 10 o'clock. Ho
hcomed to havo mado u mlstaKo In
his figures, as he was found dead at
8:45. Dr. Buhl was u native of
Heidelberg! Germany, 48 years old,
and was a highly educated man.
Ho practiced mudlcluo for somo
time In St, Petersburg, Ruuslii, bo
foro coming to this couhtry. Do
mcwtlo trouble was the causo of his
Self-destruction. He leaves a widow
and four children.
NO. 330
Associated Press Report anil
Digests of all Important
flews of To-Day.
Philadelphia, Mar. 20. Tho
firm of Whitney & Sons, car wheel
manufacturers, is financially em
barrassed. Tho firm is now com
posed of John R. and James S.
Whitney, surviving sons of tho
founder. Rumors of tho embarrass
ment of tho firm were confirmed by
James S. Whitney, who declined to
glyo any details boyond admitting
tho bare fact. Tho car wheel works
wero founded by Asa Whitney in
1843. When tho works wero built
they wero among tho finest in tho
country. Au lmmenso trade was
built up. Tho founder died in 1874,
leaving an estate valued at $1,000,000,
and the management of tho concern
fell to his three son, George, John
R. and James S. After tho death of
the father It was found that ho had
left a large dower to his daughter,
who had married Bishop Howepof
Reading. This dower was secured
In tho manufactory. A couplo of
years ngo It was found tho luterest
of this inheritance had not been
regularly paid, and an appeal was
mado to tho courts. An order was
made assessing tho unpaid interest,
and tho plant Is said to have been
mortgaged to Bectiro Its payment.
Gcorgo Whitney died lu 1885, leav
ing an cstato valued at $300,000.
John R. Whitney had also retired
from tho firm, but at tho timo of
placing tko mortgago ho was con
strained to como back to it, and is
now senior member. Since thon
tho works havo been doing a fair
business, but hayo beou gradually
falling behind younger establish
ments. Last year tho rating of tho
firm by commercial agoncies was cut
down to between $200,000 and
$300,000, but their credit was gocd
for that amount.
Little Rock, Ark. 20. Yester
day morning a planter, claiming to
belong to tho first families of Louisi
ana, boarded a train on tha Valley
railway at Pulaski, near tho state
Hue. Ho Bald that ho was looking
for a family of negroes who had left
his plantation for Oklahoma, and
that ho intended to bring "the
d d black rascals" back or kill
them in trying to do so- When tho
train reached Parkdale, a well
dressed negro man accompauicd by
his wife and thrco children, boarded
tfjo train. Tho planter told tho
negro that ho was under contract to
work for him during tho year, and
that unless ho returned at onco to
tho plantation ho would kill him.
Tho negro replied that this was a
free country, and that ho was goiug
to Oklahoma. With au oath tho
planter drew his revolver and shot
tho negro through tho head, killing
him instantly. Tho planter then
walked out of tho train, and after
assuring tho mauy spectators pres
ent oti tho platform that that was
the only way to break up tho d d
negro stampede to Oklahoma," re
turned to his homo Iu Louisiana.
Tho namo of tho plauter la not
Cuuuao, Mar. 20. A. G. Spald
ing will retire from baseball and
business cares, and will onjoy the
fruits of many years' labors. Spald
ing has mado all his arrangements
to retire tho first of tho mouth. Ho.
will also leavo Chicago, tho scene of,
so many of his triumphs, Spalding
will hereafter mako New York city
his place of residence, but ho will
spend tho summer months at Long
Branch, whore ho has purchased n
cottage. James Hart and Adrian
C. Anson will bo loft lu charge 0
Spalding's financial Interests in thh
city. Anson will havo entire ohargt
of tho Chicago baseball club
Spalding says ho is entitled to t
good loin; rest for his years of linn
work, This move Illustrates Spald
lug'H refusal to accept tho chairman
ship of tho national board of control
of tho supremo court of baseball.
HA LI PAX, N. S., Mar. 2Q.-Tat
tier, late United States consul, wh
fled from theprovlncotoeseapoproj
edition ou a charge of au attempte
assault of a little girl Is undor arret
lu Boston. Tho Plctou autuorltlr
will tako steps to brim: him back I
trial. Tantier, who Is married, Is
man of mature years aud Is a sout!
oruer. He was osiisul at PJctou f
a couple of years, and was a proK
ueut member of society. Quo aft
noon last mouth ho culled into 1,
otllco u little daughter of ft we,
known citizen. A companion
the child Informed somopoop'e wl
found the cousul acting lu a im
outrageous manner. He vroa',
rested and released on ball. At
the examination ho wan mot ou i
Street by tho father of the little gj
who gave him tv severe beatl;
Tanner loft town a day or two laj
uccompauled hy his wifo, who it,
said not to hay0 known nuyw
Aft -iiL-O.