Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 25, 1891, Image 4

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    -.-" -n jro-isr ps";.3(pjs!rg(
"7SfV-,;-WJ""l5W str"r "iy;
Highest of all in Leavening Vowcr. U. S. Gov't Report, A, , '889
s&sggm vwwivi
As Effort to Enforce the Xnv State
Laws Against Discriminations
in Freights.
The following is a copy of ono of
tbolndlcttnunta ngalnBt E.P.Ilogers,
the general assistant freight agcnl of
the Boutliem Pacific IUI.U0. TI10
other indictment baa reference to
discriminating charges made
between Lebanon and Albany and
Tangent and Albany.
In the Circuit Courtof LlnnCounty,
Btate of Oregon.
State of Okeoon, PlaltitlfT, ")
vs. j-
E. P. RoaEns. Defendant. J
E. P. Rogers, accused by the
grand jury of thocouuty of Linn,
by this indictment, of tho crime of
charging a greater compensation for
carrying freight of the saino eliiss
.for a shorter than a longer distance
In the same direction, committed as
The saidE. P. Rogers, on tho 18th
day of March, 1890, being the
Msistnnt general freight agent, and
ever since said date and uow being
tho assistant general freight agent
of tho Southern Pacific company, a
corporation engrtged in tho
transportation of goods, wares and
merchandise, operating a lino of rail
road running from tho south
boundary of the stato of Oregon and
through the Willamette valley und
tho city of Albany, in Lluu county,
Oregon, and the station of
Mlllersburg, in paid Linn county,
to tbo city of Portland, In
Multnomah county, Oregon, dld,on
tho said 18tb day of March, 1800, in
the county of Linn and state of
Oregon, then and there being tho
agent, as aforesaid, of said Southern
Pacific company, wrongfnliy,
unlawfully aud willfully charge and
receive audsuflor and permit to bo
charged ami recloved a greater
compensation for carrying u similar
amount and kind of freight from
Mlllersburg, a distance of 74.0 miles
from East Portland, to East Portland
than from said Albany, a distance,
of 79.4 miles from East Portland, to
East Portland, by thou and there,
on said 18th day of March, 1890,
oharglug and receiving from V. J.
Ooltra, tho sum of 10 cents per oue
hundred pouudB, in car loud lots for
carrying wheat from said Mlllers
burg to Buld East Portland over
mid railroad operated by said South
, ers Pacific company; whereas on
tho 10th day of July, 1800, defendant
wrongfully charged and received,
and suffered to be churged and
received, from Ieom, Lanning &Uo.,
tho sum of 7J cents por huudred
pounds, in carload lots, for carryluu
Hour from said Albany to said East
Portland over said railroad operated
by said Southern Paclflo company.
Bald wheat and said fiour so
carried as aforesaid, being property
of a similar kind aud cltu-a, and the
rates so charged, as aforesaid, being
for car load lots, and tho rates so
charged, as aforesaid, being tho
freight rates of said Southorn Puoif
flc company, betweeu tho poluts
abovo mentioned, established aud
in forco frota tho 1st duy of
January 1890, to tho 1st day of
August, 1600. Bald crime being
committed contrary to tho stat
ues in such casea mado and pro
vided, and agulnst tho peace aud
dignity of tliottute of Oregon,
Dated at Albany, In tho county
aforesaid, tho 17th day of March,
winbsbks. V Jl Ooltra, 1 1) Miller,
O K Huddlceou, 1MJ Marshall,:
J Lanning, Y L Jester, CI 1-'
Simpson, uud W 1? Oronby.
Oeo.O.BIngbum, District Attorney.
Itrmnrknlilo Ittwiin.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, I'lalnllclil,
III., makes the stuttintiit that the
caught ool I, which sullied on her
lungs; she was treated lor a mouth
by her family physician, but grow
worse. Ho told her she was a hope
less victim of consumption aud that
110 medicine could euro her. Her
druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption; she
bought u bottlo uud to her delight
fouud herself benefited from the
Jlrst dose. She continued its uo
aud after taklm; ten bottles, found
herself sound und well, uow does
, her owu housework and is as well as
,ho ever was. Free trlul bottle of
this Great Discovery nt Fry's Drugstore.
Hprliig Medicine,
Dr. aunu' Improved Mver i'UU 011 no
oouut of tbelr mllU action uru twixvlnlly
adapted fur corroctluir Mrluir dltordera,
uel tus I inn une blood, tired bntlu 11 tut ucl.
locuml wornoul body. U'liey net lirtimtil.
lipurHirhmi lb? bioml, itrt iimlurin
front tho ytoni. Oiily 0110 illl lor doo.
Try lliet.i ht prlnK. Hold nt St inu u
box by Hmllb a Btiiirr.
SALEM ar.vnrcET kki'okt.
A HynoptU of tho MnrkoU lluyliictnml
Helling Prices.
HETAii, rittCES.
8lionldera-HuKitr ctired.iwr 1,V2
Ilrenkfast bacon 12)4 to 15
Ilnmn Hiijtar cured, per lb,lGc
lleef 7015
Pork 10 YLV.
Mutton 10 12kc.
Timothy seodl'er nouiid. "liter.
ltcd clover seed I'er tound. 13a
Whlto clover wed Per pound, iMc.
Alslko 18c per pound.
ltcd top 10c per pound.
Lincoln dross 12o por pound,
ltye OraRH 100 per pound.
Oi chard Urais-l7o per pound.
Ileang cperlb.
Out tncnl at ija
I'jinnod Fruli-.PcnchcH, $3 00; npticot,
1 00; blBckberrlen, H; com, bout gradoH
'l 00; tomatoes 1 60; string beiilm $1 CO;
green peim Jl 85; or doz. In two lb caim.
Uieen Fruit Cliolee apples 7.'x3l.'J0c per
box; penn) 76c per box; pottoe W)c; carrots
60c; pirenlps Toe; onions (Jo per lb.
KlHU-HolmontkaiOcperlb; Hturj-con C
7o per lb' smnll llnli 8l0o per lb; nail xalmou,
7I0o per lb.
nUYlNll l'KICKS.
Wheat 07Uo net.
Klonr ler barrel. J 1.30. best 100 lbs.
(mis Per bushel. M) Ci 52c.
llarloy Per bushol.OOc. ,
limn Per ton. CHI to nt mill, sacked.
Hhorts Per ton, fc 60 " sacked.
Cli Per ton, itUO " narked.
Hops Quoted at 2ltoU0c per lb.
Hus?1 15c )cr dozen.
Potatoes Per bushel, S5o
Corn mail Ho per pound.
Ohceso 12llopcr pound.
Dried plums Porlh. 0fl7n.
Dried-nritnoit 1'crlb. 1012c.
Imported prunes 7'per lb.
Iliuler ;iOf).Vio per pound for good
Iird 10(il2operlb.
Hams Per pound,! I12c,
liacon sides OitilO per lb.
Hhoulders KftiOo peril).
Chickens.. to Ho per pound.
Turkoys 10 to 12cier Hi,
Ducks, 12XHo por Ih
W heat-Valley ,1 W'A WnllajVnlliilS74
I'lour standard, Jl.2
Walla Walla t COC.'l SO.
OutsldoSmdcrt, S3 80
OiiUt Whlto GOa to 01c, gray 60 o to 6S
per bushel.
Mlllstumt-Uran W&W; shirts, $91 to 20
ground barley, J20 to 1)0; cnopfecd, J2.1
middlings, 25, per ton.
Hay 1017 per ton.
Hutter Oregon fancy dairy, Mc; fanoy
creamery37;BOod to fair, 2527K;Cull
forma choice 25 to 2Ho.
I'ggs Oregon 18o Knstorn 20o per doz
Poultry Old chickens, to 60S 00.
Polntocs 75o at 80o per cental.
Cheese Oregon, II to 15c; Cullfornui
15 to 10c.
Hugars Golden C, 4ic; extra 0,6; dry
groniilulcd, OK; cubo, crushed and Pow
doied, 0o per pound.
llcans Small white, 3Ji3lj pink 3;
bnyos. Jl 76; butter, t: 60; Umax, 85 60 per
Dried l'rulU-.Tho market Is llrm. Quo
tod; Italian prunes, 12i to lie; Petite and
(Icrmun, lOo per pound; raisins, 82 25 per
box; ptitniinordrlod poors, 10 trtTfcjsuii
dried and factory plums, 11 to 12c; evnpo
ralcn peaches, lt'to20c; Hmynm Ilgs, 20c;
California flgs,Uo por pound,
Itlce CK" per pound.
JIIdo-I)ry hides, 8J to 8c; H less for
culls; grcou over 65 poundt, -lo; uudor65
IKiunds, Be; sheep nolts, U0cS1.2J.
Eastern baim, 12 to'llo; ibreakfast ba
con, lOi to llo;sldes, 0 to 10c; lard, 8J
to 10a per pound,
Han Pjiancihco, Mar 10. Wheal tho
week opened on a quieter market. No. 1
whlto, 81.60 to 81 51; por cautal.
IIops..lU3)Wo por pound.
llarloy Keod 81 lfl& WJf; per cental
81 I7;cliolro 81 10; eommongmdoll .'15.
Outs-OraySl Wtol 77Xi black8l OOlollU
per cental"
OiiIouh..82X to ;m.
Ciiicauo, Mar. 11). Wool 31 to !i7o per
llcof I.tvo, i ton 10; drosNcd, lo.
M utton 1.1 vo, i to 6c; drvhsed,8c.
Hogs I.lvo, 6 10; drCHned,8o,
Veal 7 to lOo per pound.
Ilniipy Hoohlcrs.
Win. Tlmmons, Postmaster of
Idavllle, lint., writes: "Jileotrlo Jilt
tors has done more for ma than all
other mod Id lien combined for that
bad feeling urging from Kidney and
Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer
aud stockman, of same place sayH:
"Find Kleotrio Hitters to be tho best
Kidney aud Liver medicine, made
mo feel like a new man." J. V.
Qurdnor, hardware merchant, same
town, says: Kleetrlo Itlttora Is just
tho thing for a man who is all run
down and don't euro whether he
lives or dies; he fouud new strength,
good uppetlto and felt Jtut like he
hud a new leofo on life" Only 60ots.
u bottlo at Vty'n Drug Store.
Doruugemont of tho liver, with romillpa
tlon, Injures the compluxlou, induct) pirn.
pie, sallow skin, llemove thu wuiso bj
lining Carter's l.ltllo l.lver Pills. Ono u
done. Try them,
Why don't you try Carler'n l.ltll l.lver
PHUT They nro a ikuHIvu euro for sick
ueadaoho, and all tho Ills produced by dls
ordered llrer. Ouly ono pill a dose.
ThoartloitofCikttor'H l.ltllo IJver 1M1U
Is pleawuit, mild und tuttuml, They gen
tly stlmtilutu tho llvur, uud rvtiuliito tin
bowels, but do not purge. They uro mire
to please, Try them.
Tho Host Halvo lit tho world for Cuts
llriiNok. Horn, Uloers, Hall lllieum, Kevw
Horea.Tottur.t 'hupped UuiuU, CIiUuIiiIiik,
tVru and all Hkln KruptUius, and ihmI
lively cures Piles, or no pay ixmulriJ. D
U guaranteed to glvo perl'eol MitUluettou
or money refundeit. Pneo, XS .cents hi
lllbbarj'i lltitutuitla una l.lver PUN.
These pllisnro selontltlonlly oouuoutidel
ud uulrorm In action. No griping pull
oeommoBly fotlowliiir the tne or pills.
Taey are tdaptotl tu both adults nmlehll
drauu'llli jwrfeet safety. Wo uuii'untet
they Ititvuimeoual liitheouroofslekhmU
nolle, euntiiHlloti,dTsKtuIn und bllllu
uc aud, ks Mil appvlUer, they excel! mi)
other prepiirntioit 177 ly
Uatltlt A Steluer, tole ts.
I vH f
m II W m
Ili I
I Jt
VjicJ In NfflUau of U?ati-40 Yeara the Standanl I
til Air flhlp Differs from Others as an
Kiigln Differs from n Hen.
Dr. L. J. SchifTcrstein, of Effingham,
lias invented n flying machine on which
ho is now experimenting. Ho says:
"3Iy theory of a Hying machine- la
that of tho inclined piano in combina
tion witli a propulsl vo forco and a buoy
ancy chamber Just enougli to provont
injury to tho macliine in case of an ac
cident when up In tlioalr. To make
tho idea plainer, supposo you liavo tho
machlno high up in tho air; tho Inclined
planes nro then set so a to allow of a
descent at a great angle, Just n. little
short of a direct fall, say at an anglo
of 22 dogs, from tho perpendicular.
"Now, when the machine has acquired
a great momentum tho inclined planes
nro so altered that tho machine will
take a inoro or less horizontal motion
or direction, nnd after n whilo agaiu
changed so as to make tho machino
tako an upward direction. It is also at
this stage of tho flight that tho propell
ing forco is applied and continued till
tho greatest altitude tho machine is ex
pected to reach is obtained, when again
tho forco of gravity is depended on to
carry the machino through about two
thirds of its lllght through tho air to its
"Tho dominant idea is: First, to uso
tho inclined plane both as a supportivo
nnd as n propelling agent; second, uso
tho forco of gravity as a priino propel
ling agent, and third, to only uso an
artificial propelljng agent to carry tho
machino upward. After that tho forco
of gravity, acting through tho acquired
momentum and applied according to
the theory of tho cycloid, will shoot tho
machino Just liko n projectile about two
feet in a horizontal direction for every
foot of fall.
"Tills action can bo compared to
what sailors call tacking, only instead
of being in a horizontal direction, liko
a sliip at sen, it will bo more or less In
a perpendicular direction. By this plan
about half tho propelling forco will bo
saved, and again, when going against
tho wind, it will rcquiro less artificial
propelling forco to ralso tho air ship."
Cor. Chicago Trlbuno.
Tho Itoolf of Life.
Every man makes tho book of his
lifo day by day as ho lives, and .at his
death the pages uro turned over by hla
friends, and by his record each ono Is
Judged. Each later lino in tho poem
of lifo should add something to tho
opening lines. Each succeeding year
ehouid carry one's politics, character,
creed and religion a Iittlo higher. Ono
of tho dangers to this country is tho
Increasing tendency to dovoto life to
pleasuro seeking.
Nothing should displaco laughter. It
adds to lifo. But tliero is not a more
pitlablo spectaclo than that of an adult
lifo wasted in pleasuro. Some control
utility should riso in overy adult lifo.
Tho census takers could not tell how
many peoplo in this country aro do
voting themselves almost wholly to
Tho rapid accumulation of woalth
may havo lured a million, perhaps two
millions, of peoplo from thoir useful
ness. Next in ovil to tho dovotion to
pleasuro is tho struggle for notoriety.
Tho book of lifo should bo shown only
to its writer. Certain parts of lifo aro
inoxpressiblo, and overy soul has a
world of its own In which thoro can bo
no reporter's footprint. Professor
;Uunc Hearing Btvullows.
Joint Desbouvrio, who resides at
Iloubuix in Franco, lias exhibited there
fifteen swallows that ho has trained
after tho manner of carrier pigeons.
Tho swallows woro sot freo, each one
marked with a colored ribbon, and
thoy dispersed in all directions. In fif
teen minutes later tho first ono returned,
and perched on ono of Dosbouvrio's
fingers; ono after another tho others
camo back In quick succession. Des
bouvrio Is of tho opinion that swallows
aro fttr superior to pigoons for tho car
rier service in timo of war. Thoir (light
is hlgiior and swifter, and thoy aro
moro reliable, smarter aud mora easily
Thoy need not rest when fiylng long
distances in order to partake of food,
beeauso thoy eon do so on tho wing.
Thoy aro albo trained with greater fa
cility than pigeons. Desbouvrio has
also succeeded in retaining a number
of swallows during tho winter in per
fect liberty, and thoir migratory in
clinations did not carry thorn south
ward, so that oven tills obstaclo would
not Intorforo with tho systematic train
ing of swallows for the carrier sorvieo.
Toronto Olobo.
Drnwlne n Iitfarene.
"You havo boon so long about tlto
minister's hand, John, that I daro say
you could preach a sermon yourself
now," said a gentleman ono day to a
bcndlo of his acquaintance.
"Oh, im, sir," replied John; "I
eouldna preach a sermon." Then, ni
ter a brief pauso ho remarked, "But
xirliaps I could draw an iuforenco,
"Well, John," wild the goutleman,
humoring tho quiet vanity of tho
beadlo, "what inference could you
draw from tills text t 'A wild ass
tumlToth up thu wind at her pleasure?' "
(Jero. ii, St.)
"Wool," roplletl Joint, "tho only unt
urul liko inference that I oould draw
frao it is Just tills that sho wud suutl
a lung time nforo she would fatteu ou
It." Gentleman's Magazine.
HouieUtlK III Name.
,rVhy do you always refer to your
black valet as your 'rettUuert' "
"Becausoho njwayskoops overy thing
ho finds." St, Joseph News.
BJtennutlsm, Neuralgia, Cerns
Ti OsllhreU Nihil ui)ljtlT
rHrC.,P J. C Ayt WL
Itld lott her shocp and couldn't Ml wher
to find them." So tha old nursery rhyms
tiys, and It foes on to bid her "Leava
them alone and they'll come homo and
bring- thoir tails behind them." All this
may be true or loit sheep, but lr you hare
lost your health you cannot afford to
leave that alone. It will not corns back
of Its own accord. Borne people brag- that
tbey never bother about colds. They " let
them ftp the wy tbey came." Alas 1 too
often the victims so to a consumptlvo'a
crave. fJntU very recently a euro for
Consumption, which Is universally ao
knowIedKed to be scrofula affecting the
hiDtrs, would bava been looked upon as
niimculoua. but now people aro boglnnlnfr
to realize that the dlfc&ie Is not Incurable
Dr. Fierce'! Golden Medical Discovery will
cure It If taken In time and given a fair
trial. Thli world-renowned remedy will
not make new lungs, but it will restore
duoasod oneg to a healthy state when other
means have failed. It Is the most potent
tonic, or strength restorer, alterative, or
blood cleanser, and nutritive, or flesh
builder known to medical science. For
Lingering Coughs, Weak Lungs. Splttlngr of
Dlood, "Liver Complaint" and Dyspepsia
or Indigestion, It Is on unequaled remedy.
First Nationa
VM. K. LAWK, -I'll.
J. ISkYMd.l'K,
- 1 rtwri-i.'
let l'ieldei.i
Exchange on 1'ortlnnd, bun Fmnclro,
New York, London nnd Hong Kong
bought and Hold. Btnte, County nnd City
wnnnnts bought. Farmers nre cordlilly
Invited to deposit end troinnrl btirtnppr
with us. Liberal ndvauecH mude on
wheat, wool, hops and other pruperty ft
reasonnoie rotes. Insurnnce on sueli fo
entity can be obtained nt the bunk In
most reliable companies.
CAPITALlSTOCKrall Sabscribed, S200,000
I Transact a general banking buRlncsa
In nil its branches.
W'M. ENGLAND Vice I'resldenl
11 VQ H AU'N AHY Cabhier
rurcs the worst cases, no matter of how
bog standing. W cents, by druggists.
EJ. McCAUKTLAND.CIvllBanitarynnd
, Hydraullo Engineer. U. H. Deputy
mineral survnyor. City surveyors olllce,
Murphy's lllock, Salem, Oregon.
11. K. BON HA M. n. N. II AYD11N.
ncyB at law. Olllce In Hush's block,
bctueeu Bbitonnd Court, on (Jom'lHt.
rnlLMON FOIID, attorney nt law, Salem,
L Oregon. Olllce upstairs In l'atton's
PIIATT A HUNT, attorneys nt law, Salem,
Oregon. Olllce over Capital National
Kauk, Commercial street. Money to loan
J J. 8IIAW, Attorney.at.Law, Halem
, Oregon, Olllce llrwi door to tbo left
at head of stairs In the rear of Ladd A
UuhIi'h bank.
Q T. Ill CHAHDSON, Attorney at law, of.
O. fire upstairs In lrout rooms ol new
Iniali block, corner Commercial and Court
streets, Salem, Oregon.
JOHN OMHKA, Attorney nt law. Ilooin
(J over Capital National bank. Collec
tlonsa specialty. Correspondence solicited.
JyAllOY & U1NQUAM, Attorneys and
counselors at law, Salem, Oregon,
avlng an abstract ol the records of Marlon
county, Including a lot and block Index oi
dalein, they have special facilities for ex
amining titles to real estate. Business In
tho supremo court nnd in thostute depart
ments will receive prompt attention.
rvll. T. C. SMITH, Dentist, fU State street,
J Salem, Or. Klulshcd dental opera.
lions oi
' overy description
lions n specialty.
I'ulnless opera-
D11.J. M. KEENE, Dentist. Olllcoover
tho White Corner Court and Com-
uierclal streets.
Dll. II. SMITH, DENTI8T.-0II1C0 at
his rosldeneo 17U High street near
Agricultural works
MllS. M. E. McCOY, Physician nnd Sur
geon. Olllco nnd rooms lu lojglug
no, Front and Center strcotn, near tin
foot of Marlon nnd Folk Co, bridge, Cbrou
to diseases n specialty, Ciru or no p.iy
Consultation freo.
SB. i
. Hre.
118 Of I
McNALLY. Architect. Now Hush
llreymnu block. I'lans and ipeelIU
of all uliuiues of of buildings ou hhort
notice. SuperlutcndeMceof work promptly
ooked after, 26-tf
WD. FUail, Arohllcpt, Finns, Spccl
, llcntlons and superlnteudcnco loi
nil cnuses of buildings, Ofilco 1310 Com.
merclalSt., upMulrk,
A W. IIEST.-Artlst. Ktudlo Hush.
A, llroy block. Claiea Thurhdays aud
US, K. c, HONCO, barber und hnlr
dresser. SbnniooolDg litdies' and
cliUdioii's hnlr a riperlalty. She will be
pleased to see all her old customers nt her
shop opposite thu Oporu House.
JOSEPH KUHKK b:ubarnndhalrdrcs4
er, Hnlr cutllng-l cunts. kIuivImc 1
cents. Until looms In conuectlou. llestoi
work. llHt-tatobticet.
n J.LAltSENAlCO,, Mjnufttcture;ofnll
kinds ofvehU'les, llemlrlugapeclnl
ty. Shop lBtnto street,
(i EO. HOEYK-Hnrbor and Hnlr-drcss
IT. lug parlors. Hucst baths In thocltj.
mi Commercial Street, Salem.
IOHN OUAY.-Coutractor Mild builder.
i) Fine Inside flnUhlng a specialty, m
Commercial street, Salem Oregon,
IOHN KNIOHT, Hlncksinlth. Horhv
O shoeing nnd reimtrlugn specialty. Shoi
at the loot ol Liberty street, Snleiu,Oni;nu
In the Omuly Courtof the Stato of Ore
gon, lor tho County of Marlon,
lu tho mutter of the guardianship of tin
pervoiisnnd estate ol 121 mer II. Scott, Al-
UiU tiiU, und Aloxuuder 1). Scott, ml
nor lu Irs of A. D. scotl, dccetuul, uud
i: leu s-eutt. ClUtlon.
Whorens, application having been miulr
lu duo 'form of luw to tho ulnio entitled
n mi, ou int. iuiii uiiy oi rvuriiary, A, t).
IM'l.tiy Kllen tUxitt, th.' duly upioiited,
Himlllfo land acting gnardliin ofw.ul mi
nor, to.nu order iii.d IK-eiue luiihorliliiL-
ollllKIWiilnir unit lllrtvlllli.' her lo uill 11..
rati eMute bvliiuglug to wild minor urn
dtvciliioU u follow, to ttit: lUvlnnlnc at
tlios.w.tHiinorotcluiiuNu. M, udUiUxukh.
No. lUMln T. 0 8 , u. I w , lu M rli-ii eounl
ortwoiij theiiee rut W75 fli.lns to tht
mlildlo of I'luldlng rlterj theuco tuirib
ITflb'W,, I0ohalnj 111 rm norili artW t
I cIihihh; t honro north 2 Tie iuln: theiier
north SaW.w. 360 obnln; themw nortl
JiUw. S i'liilu; Ihvneo N 41WW w.V.
ehuli s; tlieuco w. SlAI cliiiln; then.-.is
'W i Imliu, to the place of U-giuulug, con
milling 87 O) acre of laud.
AluoloUNo. 1 Hint i in block No. SI, li.
thu town of Uervuls, county of MaWon,
state ol Oregon, according to the map oi
aid town, ou record lu the offlou of the rtv
uirdrrof fOtivejuucCH tu salt! MitrluiiCo.
Alii whemtH kaut uu hut. tlxeU .
Mouilss, the th da of April, A. !. 1)41, hi
I o'clock p. in, okald iiny at the murt room
ol Ktid iMurt tn the CiKltl lioun lu the vi
of alem, lu .ild county uud itate, u
Hint meand phira of Inuring any uud all
)tJ Uou to the grautlng of kald ordet
and leeuMK
llemfora to Klmer II. Ecott, Alwlida
8eo t, Alexander l. eitl and to their nexi
tiffja ud to all ivrwius kuuwL or uu
knoyutnlwoifd In mid i.tnte, grveUug
In the name uf lu state of iregou ytHi
uud each of you are hereby olttfd uud re
.U red to be nnd appear al Htd time aiu
W ee lu kald court thu uud there to shot
Ue If auy ou have or If uuy exUt4 win
ytldpnler and lleeuse should uot Iwueu
I rayed tor lu luttd petition.
Wliurtslballuu M'llllaiu Wuliln li,H,.,
ertheuoauiy court of the nu titiiregtm
for the oouuty f Marion, ulth the mu! t.
said court utlUod. this ail day ol reb. A
liMU lAttel.r
,-. F.J.fUUCXXK.
iAl.l tUttlyUrV.
imiECTOIlS! Geo. Wllllains.Wm. Eng
land, Dr. J. A. Klch.-irdson, J. W, Hobyou
J. A. linker.
Hank In new Exchange block on Com
mercial street. 8:lMf
Capital National Bank
Capital Paid op, - $75,000
Surplus, ...... 15,000
II. H. WALLACE, - President.
W. W. MARTIN, Vice-President,
J. H. AIjHEIIT, .... Cashier.
V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin
J. M. Martin, II. . Wallace.
Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. H. Albert,
T. McF. Fntton.
To fanners on wheat nnd other market
able produce, consigned or m store
either In prlvutogninarlesor
ipubllo warehouses.
Slate and County Warrants Bought at Par
Discounted nt reasonable rates. Draft?
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Ban
Francisco, Portlund, London, Paris, Herltn
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Capital City Restaurant
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r,
Warm Meals at All Hours oi the Day
None but white labor employed In this
A good substantial meal oir ked In first
class style
Twenty-five cents per meal
Court street, between Journal Oftlce and
Mlnto's Livery.
Health is Wealth I
DIl. E. C. VEST'S Nerve and Brain
Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hys
teria, DUzltiess, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous
Neuralglo, Headache, Nervous Prostration
caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
Wnkclullness, Mental Depression, Solten
Ingof the brain resultlugin insanity and
leading to misery, decay and death, pre
mature oldage, barrenness, loss of power
can Bed by over-exertion of the brain. Each
box contains one month's treatment, SI.0U
a box or six boxes for S5.00, sent by mall
prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any case. With each order te
celved by us for six boxes, accompanied
with $5.00, wo will send tho purchaser our
written guarantee to refund tho maney 11
tho treatment docs not effect a cure. Guar
antees Issued only by Geo. E. Good, Drug
gist, Sole agent, 30U Com. St., balem, Or.
Lo nichnu'g Oolilen Balsam No. 1
Cures Chancres, tnl and second stages;
Bores on tho Leys anil Body; Sore Ears,
Eyes, Noso, etc., Copper-colored Blotches.
Bypmlltla Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all
primary forms of tho disease known ai
Syphilis. Price, S5 OO pep Ilottle.
Lo Rlcliau'a Golden lialsam No. H
Cures Tertiary. McrcurlalSyplillltlo Rheu
matlsm, Pains In tho Bones, rains In the
Head, back of tbo Neck, Ulcerated Sore
Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con.
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and
eradicates all disease from the system,
whether caused by Indiscretion or abuse
of Mercury, leaving the blood pure and
healthy, l'rlce 93 OO per Ilottle.
IiO lllclinu'a Golden Spanish Ant!.
loto for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangements. Price 33 50 per
Ur lllcliaii'n Golden Spanish In.
lection, forsoYcre casts of Gonorrhoea,
Inflammatory Gleet, Strletures.&c. Price
91 SO per Ilottle.
Le Klcluiu's Oolilen Ointment
for tho effective heallngof Syphilitic Bores
and eruption. Price 31 00 per Box.
Le Illchuu'a Golden Pllls-Nrrrr
and Brain treatment; loss of physical po
r. excess or over-work, Prostration, eto.
Price 33 OO per Box.
Tonto nnd Nervine,
Sent overy here, C, O, D securely UkxA
per express.
fiOO A: 611 ItlAKKCT ST ,
San Francisco, Cai
IntheCountyOourtof the state of Or
egou, for the County of Marlou.
lu the mattor of the estate of lr.it.ti,,,,
UA.LnUis, deceased. Citation.
WllKtiAS apnllootiou having been tnnde
In due form of law to the a novo named
court ou tho 5th day ol Januurv, A. 1'. isl,
by fleo, A. Manning tho duty appolntetl,
qimluled aud acting ad mlnttrut-r of wild
estate, for nu order uud Ueenkeauthoriiiug
eiuiHiwe ring aud dlregtlng htm to Mil the
real estate belonging to kald decudeut and
described as follows, to wit:
Lots tlvo, six, seven and eight, lu blook
No, twenty, as shown on the recorded plat
oftbetown of Htlxuls. tn the oouuty ol
Marlon and state f Oregon, as reeordtnl In
the olllco of the recorder of eonveranevs
for said rouuty aud state.
And whereas wild court has nxed on
Monday, the Vth day otMareh, A. D. lel.
tbeelty of halem, lu said county and state,
at ID o'clock a. m. or said day at the time
to the erunttng o W orvter and lleeuse.
There tunnoltev. II. l;j.irmj, the reld
uary legatee and devlseo of said eiH,
audio all persons, i known or uknowtiV
Interested In said etaie-, Ureeitug-
In the name of the Slate or Oraiott- you
aud each of you ate ten bv oiinl ud V
iiulred to appear at said unie aud plaev.
then and there to show chum. tr any y,.u
siild order aud Itcen)tiKait4 out Uie as
pruyed for lu mM peflifojir H
Wtlnewi tl Hon. Win Waldo, Judo
thetlHiniy Ctiurt f Hie 8ute .4 orX.iu
forlhooouuiy if ,Uri,in,MtiU the rai oi
said court affixed, this iiivii',m
ary. A. IX im p. j UAUcur k.
1 0rk,
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta Line
7.0C p. in. I.v. 1'ortlnnd Ar. I ".Kin.
8:1Hd. m. I Lv. Salem l.v. ) 7:29 a,
lftloii.111. 1 A r. Ban Fran. I.v. B:00p,
Above trains stop enly nt following sta
lions north of llosoburg, Enr.t 1'ortlnnd
Oregon City, woouourn, pniein, jvioauy
Tnngcnt, Shttlds, Ilnlxey, Hnrrisburg
Junction City, Irving nnd l-.ugene.
8:00 a. m,
10:52 n. in
5:10 p. m.
Lv. Portland Ar.) 4.00 p. in.
Lv Hntom Lv. 1:0H p. m.
Ar. Ilosebnrg IjV. b:20 a. in
Albany Local, Dally (Except Sunday.)
6:00 p. 111.
Wl p.m.
8:00 p. tn.
It.-ooa m,
6:08 r in
Lv, I 5.-00 a. in,
For accommodation of second cliu-s
passengers attached to ezpreis trains.
Vest Side Division. Between Portland
and Cervallis:
"7f3U n. mTTL?
n. I A
12:10 p. in.
o:IjO p. m.
12:56 p. m.
At Albany nnd Corvallis connect with
trains of Oregon l'aclllo Ilnllrond.
4:10 p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I 8:20 u. m.
7:25 p.m. I Ar.McMlnnvllleLv. I 5:15 a.m.
Through Tickets
To all polntfl
For tickets and lulljnformntion regard
ing rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa
ny's agent Salem, Oregon.
E.P. KOGKIW, Asst. U. F. nud Pass.Ag't
It. KOKULKIt. Manager
And Oregon Development company'i
steamship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 houn
less time than by any othet toute. FlrM
class through pussenger and freight llnf
from Portland and all points In the Wl
lamette valley to and from Sun Franclsci
TIME SCHEDULE. (Except Sundays).
Leave AIDany 1:00 PA
Leave Corvallis 1:10 I'll
Arrive Yaqulnn 5:30 PJ1
Leave Ynqulna ........ 0:45 A M
Leave Corvallis - .... 10:o5AJ'
Arrive Albany 11:10 A X
O. fc C. trulns connect at Albany anc
The above trains connect nt YAQ.UIN.1
with the Oregon Development Co a Lie
jf Steamships between Ynnuluu nnd Sa
Fnrallou, Friday, June Z
Willamette Valley, Tuesday July
I'arallon, Sunday "
Wlllnmetto Valley, Thursday " 1
Farallon, Tuesday " 1
Wlllnmotto Valley, Friday June 2".
Farallon, Tuesdayn July 1
Wlllnmetto Valley, Sanday " (
Furnllon, Thursduy " It
Willamette Valley, Tuesday ' II
Tins company reserves the right t
change sailing dates without notice.
N. II. Passengers from Portland and al
Willamette Valley points can make clos
connection with the tnilus of tb.
VAQUINA HOUTE at Albany or Uoi-vnllls
and If destined to Snn trnntUco, nhoulc
arrange to arrive at Yaquina the cvcnln,
before date of sailing.
Passenger anil Freight Kites Always tb
Lowest. For Information apply to Sf essir
HULMAN & Co Freight and Tlcko
Agents 200 and 202 Front ht.. Portland, Oi
C. C. HOOUK Ac't aeu'l Fit. A
Pass. Act.. Oregon Pacific II. It. Co.
Corvallis, Or
O H. UASWELL, Jr. Oen'l FH; A
Pass. Agt. Oregon Development
Co., 304 Montgomery 8t.;
From Terminal or Interior Points (be
Northern Pacific Rai
Is the line to take
To all Points East and South.
It Is the dining car route. Itruns tlnougi
vebtlbulo trains every day In the year t
(No change of cars.)
Composed of dlnlnginrs iinmirpni-sed,
Pullman drawing room idcepeis
Ol luttst co,uipiucn'
Sleeping Cars,
Heat that can be constructed and In whlel
accommodations are both flee and tui
ntshed for holders of first nud becoud-clni-tickets,
Acontlnuots ".Im oo:ir:tlng uith )
lines, atlordlne dlxwjt. hi ' uuliituiiiipte.
Pullman sl e-or r Ions ciin be m
ured In advue. Ij -x nny ununt
the road.
'1 hroiigh tickets to and from all point
tn America, England nud Europe ran b
purchased at any ticket olllco ol this con
fcull Information concerning rates, tint
on application to any agent or
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Wi
121 First street, cor. WnMitngli.n; Por
laud, Oregon
Orcgonian Rail Road Compuii
Qeueralotnces Front iindT, Sis, Portia
ton ao mall
Port laud
Port'nd Port'i
mall Exp
Aiirx xk.t
9 a
LV I'll I.V AM
6 00 8 00 Portl'ndSPCo I Ou
7 10 25. Woodburn 1 40
8 60 II 22 SUverton 12 05
6 07.Hrownsvllle 7 40
6 50 Coburg U 00
Counectlons at Woodburn with S P Ct
trains to and from Protland nnd at Tall
omn with trains to and from Albany,
Alrllemall Portland mm
I.Y AM Alt
-ltortland WWV.
Dundee Junetlon
Sheridan ,.
4 18
4 M
TIaLtaIb fr ivw. ai.,A ..., .
...: :T, iT.l rT: "'i "mu mr Miie at
stations for sale at Union de'rt.r- i?b
audi street. OHAS, N. Brorr
Awj Gen. Hupt Aflen.Vgt. 'i IMsXaJi
Notice of Final Bettlcijii'iit.
"NT0! I bfre.Uj: lverAt the lnde
A n'0? dminU rattir llheetateol
nJl K,ll'l. det-eased, has fll hl
Jlnat aeixmut ot the said e.tate In
IV ?uu,y "mrt " tate ol Orison, tot
Martou iuniy and that said court C
I4. W.'ty . le Mbe day of April m
o(dd- f.fr 1 oaring the 1 me and all
jiieisious thereto, flB1? 5w,rt SiU
thveouu lj..uc In the cltyw Salem in
WiwVftt'?i'pon t e and inae
Comu to tho Willamette- Valley and get a home in
country that can be relied upon. Land that will produc
magnificent crops. Where your living is assured from
tho beginning and failure of crops is unknown. (Jonie to
to a country where you do not have to work 12 hours
very day for 12 months in the year I to supply y0Ur sef
and family with the necessaries of life for G months T;0
but few countries that possess all 'the good things; While
many of Blizzards, Cyclones and Hot winds complain
the "Willamette Valley has never had a failure ol' crops
and is getting there just the same.
We are living in an
as regards extensive farming. Having found that returns
from Wheat no longer justify the cost of production the
big wheat fields of the Pacific coast are almost a thin d
the past. The producer of wheat has found that he Ink
to compete with the gi eat wheat producing belts of the
world. Rapid transportation has annihilated distance,
and in 30 day's time wheat from the graneries of Europe
and Asia can be deliyered at any seaport in the wbrld.
that diversified farming will pay in any country where
moisture and the sun's rays meet. In no other country has
with her gifts as in the
where grow nil kinds of ccrearls. Vegetables,hops and ber
ries yield profitable returns. The Willamette Valley is
the home of the Apple, the Poach, the Pear, the Plum,
the Prune and all kinds of deciduous fruits. While othe
lands than ours grow apples, plums and pears, in no other
country do they reach such a state of perfection. Nature,
the mother of monopolists, in all that great belt of count
ry b ing between the 25th and 50th paralells of latitude
the Pacific coast alone produces the Italian and Petite
or (French) prune. Last year the United States imported
fr m Prance alone 70,000,000 pounds of prune as against
10,C0D,000 pounds grown on the Pacific coast.
We havefor sale choice farms improved and unimproved,
large and small, in the hills or on the prairie,
in Fine Garden and Fruit Tracts. Our garden and fruit
tracts are all fine elevated lands. Deep black soil td
good drainage. Come to the Capital City with its cat
nery and evaporators that will give you home markets for
your produce.
ieep ii in
rI9 iij
That fruit tracts are valuable nroi ertv aid that no invest-
ment will bring you better returns. Improved suburb
acre property with buildings and other improvement
Also acre t a.ts without ImilfliTimi W with wowing fii
consisting of trees, plants, vir.os etc., and city propertfl
overy description.
LID ffl
Postoffifje Block.
H, V. M ATTH EWS, Pres, T. H. BARNES, Tk
Adminutrator 0? uid fue.