Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 23, 1891, Image 2

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are freely introduced and slaughter
ed at will throghout Great Iiritaiu.
HAraronD, March 22. When
Governor Bulkley reached the cap
Uol ho found the ante-room con
nectlng the executive rooms with
tho houso retiring rooms locked
on tho Inside. Ho guye up posses
fiion of tho room to Comptroller
Btaub last Thursday, but Insisting
. that he should havo the right to
pass through It to gam access to tho
house. On finding tho door locked
in tho inornlngjie hud the executive
clerk, Reed, get n crowbar and tho
lock was soon knocked oil and the
door opened.
Nkw Yoiuc, Mar. 23. Tho police
have unearthed an almost unparal
leled case of moral depravity and
wretchedness. In a tenement house
at 891 First avenuo they found two
little girls, MugRlo McNulIy, twelve
years old, and Mary McKenna
eight years, lying on the floor of one
of the rooms, dead drunk. In an
adjoining room were Mary MoKeu
na's father and four women in the
samo condition. On a rickety bed
was tho MoNally's girl's father, In
tho last stages of consumption and
starvation. Tho sick man was taken
to the hospital. McKenna and the
four women were committed, and
tho girls given in charge of tho Ger
ry Society.
hoiuiinr.K death.
Middleton, N. Y., March 22.
News comes from Livingstono
Manor, Sullivan county, of a sad
accident at tho Mandovillo Wood
Acid works there. In converting
tho crude acid into acetate of lime,
tho flcry liquid is boiled at a high
temporaturo In big iron kettles,
While George Hufetelln, one of tho
workmen, was paislng by a group of
these kettles, ho was partially
blinded by the cscapo of steam, and
made a misstep and fell into the
boiling acid up to his neck. Gcorgo
E. Bomm, n fellow-workman who
heard his shrieks of pain, sprang to
his assistance and dragged him out
of his flcry bath. He died shortly
after In intense agony, Ho was 28
years old, and leaves a wife and four
chlldron. Bomm was badly burned
about tho hands nud arms, and may
bo disabled for life.
Elmika, N. Y., Mar. 23. Ex
Governor Robinson died this after
noon. SMALL pox.
St. Loms, Mar. 23. No additional
cases of small pox havo developed
in workhouse or Jail, slnco last Fri
day. Tho health authorities thiuk
tho ecourgo Is now under control.
Nkw Yoiuc, Mar. 23. Lnwrouro
Barrett's funeral services were con
ducted this morning in ouo of tho
parlors of tho Windsor Hotel, by
Bo v. Thomas Sheunau. Thoy were
of tho simplest character, consisting
only of prayers for tho dead, about
.11 ty people wero present. Tho body
will be taken to Cohoset for interment.
IltLLsnono, Mar. 22. Yesterday
thocvldenco In the "Sandy" Olds
case was concluded. Tho chief feat
ure of tho day was tho testimony of
tho prisoner himself, which was
given in n clear and calm mannor.
Counsel for tho prosecution nnd de
fense addressed tho Jury in the even
ing, and some very powerful oratory
took place. T. H. Totiguo strained
overy nerve to make tho prisoner
appear justified in tho killing. About
midnight Judgo Taylor charged the
jury and submitted tho case to them
for decision. At 2 a. m. they re
turned a verdict of manslaughter.
LlNKViliTii:, Or. March 22. The
party sent to search for the remains
of Samuel Colver, supposed lo have
perished, have retuened. His horse
wus found In a put hole. The saddle
had b en taken oil and the horse's
head tied to a bush. Ills overcoat
was found near tho horse, contain
ing letters addressed to Colver
The body was not found, however
it Is supposed that afler tying the
tho horse's head up out of water Col
vor started for help, but owing ton
oroken leg, became exhausted and
perished. Colver was born In Ohio,
and was 77 years of age. IIo wus hi
tho Texan and Mexican war, and
c ime to Oregon with the early set
tlers, locating in Southern Oregon,
where ho has slnco resided, lie
was the first importer of blooded
horses In tho state. Tn 18S7 he
stumped tho state in tho Interests ol
PoitTiiAND, Or,, Mar. '23. Cup
toms ofllcers today seized 88 cans of
opium In nccordaiicj with lob
treasury ruling.
Dka Moines, Iowa, Mur. 23. It.
S. Hutton, an unmarried man, high
ill social and business standing, and
a woman whoso name is given us
Mrs. Itiissoll, of Kansas City, wero
found dead together in a room on
"Walnut street. Thoy had been
asphyxiated by escuplng iras.
Lynn, Mass., Mar. 23. Tho I'ur
ncll branch of tho Irish National
Loaguo lias voted not to in any way
rocogulzo envoys from either of tho
two factions contending In Ireland,
Boston, Mar, 23. Tho Herald's
Halifax special says: "Great
excitement exists In New Found
land, over tho action of tho Impe
rial government in referring to only
one feature of tho fisheries' trouble
with France, to arbitration, and at
tempted tho pnsaago of an act
through tho British parllumont to
ooorooNew Foumllaud Into carrying
out modus vlveudllu the legislature,
Doleiruteu will be sent to London
to formally protest, however, thoy
do not expect to accomplish any
thing, and in this event the khda
turo will pas a resolution, sotting
forth that, by neglect and ill treat
ment of a century, England lias
forfeited all claims to further alle
giance, Formal appeul will then bo
Hmdetothe Uulted state for pro
tection and for admission as u stutu
of tho Ittfpubllo. Tho moat violent
tpoechea havo been tnudo by men nit
Conic, Ireland, Mar. 23, It Is an
nounned today that Parnell has writ
ten a loiter lo tho Cork omniitlcc,
in which ho Hays ho lies pla td Ills
application forClilltin Hundreds in
Noland's hands, requesting him to
forward It directly after Heuly sub
mits himself before- electors of the
division of Cork, which ho repre
sents. I'llOM VALl'Av.lSO.
London, Mur. 23. A dispatch
from Chill received via Buenos
Ayr?'', Biys thoro has heon sovero
lighting near Valparlso recently, and
that 200 Insurgents wore taken pris
oners, tied together nnd shot with
cannon and muskots, by tho gov
ernment troops.
Beumn, Mur. 23. Tho Finisher
Zeltung cays owing .lo tho Austrian
German commercial treaty negotia
tions so absorb tho attention of the
Bundesrath that some time must
elapse before they can consider any
propositions to repeal tho prohibition
placed upon Aineilcun pork.
I'lTTSntma, Fa., March 22. A
desperate shooting nflray occurred in
a house at Peters Itun, nearMcKees-
port lust night, resulting in the kill.
lug of ono detective, tho seriously
wounding of another, nnd slightly
wounding two policemen nnd a
Six weeks ago a girl nnmed Laura
Hill entered Smith's Jewelry store
ut Homestead and began pricing
Jewelry. While the proprietor was
thus anguged three men forced nu
entrance from the rear, struck the
propiietor down, and cleaned out
tho store, escaping with $3300 In
cash and jewelry. Gllkcnson's de
tective bureau was given charge of
tho esse, and not long after tho girl
was arrested In Harrisburg. She
confecssd, nnd acting n her in
structions lust night Chief Detective
Gilkenson with Detective Murphy
and two McKeesport policemen
went to the houso of tho leader. A.
G. Budd, at Peters Itun. Tho girl
must havo warned Budd, for when
Gilkenson throw open the door
Budd threw up a revolver and fired,
killing Gilkenson. Detective Mur
phy lenped over the prostrate form
and, facing Budd, a terrible duel at
short range followed. Budd emp
tied ono revolver, nud his wife, who
was in the room, ran to his side with
mother. Murphy, although badly
wounded, had also emptied his
pistol, and stooping to tho body of
his chief, drew his revolver nnd re
newed tho firing. Suddenly the
woman screamed, and immediately
afterward Murphy foil with a bullet
In his breast. During the panic
lludd escaped.
Sacramento, March 22. Tho
legislative committee continued its
Houston, Texas, Marcli 23. The
greatest soap inanufucturlngconcern
investigation into the allegations of, in the world Ikih been orgnuized
attempted bribery In connection , u re. The corporation will hive a
with the senatorial election yester-1 capital of $15,000,000, and proposes
DuiiHN, March 23. Parnell trav
eled from this city to Sllgo today.
His approach to tho latter city was
heralded broadcast, novortholuss
thoro was no gathering at tho rail
road station to greet him.
cmi.nt.si: law.
Ottawa, March 23. A detective
who recently visited British Colum
bia on business for tho government,
stated today that ho is oonvinoad
that Chlnoso in Victoria woro ad
ministering punishment under tholr
own civil nud cihulnal code. Ho
uuld ho hud learned of two case
where criminals wurobuhmuled, un
known to tho authorities, Ho Is of
the opinion that many Chlueso uro
thus secretly dealt with on tho Pa
cific const.
Cork, Mur. at. Win. O'llrion
nndJuo, Dillon, inembeiaof purlin
meut undergoing tonus of Imprison
today to Cork jail.
" ' .i i '" ". ' "
Tho World ltnrlohud.
Tho facilities of tho prosvut day foi
the production of everything that will
coaduco to the material wulffera and
comfort of mankind nru almost unlim
ited, and when Syrup of Figs was first
produced the world was enriched with
the only perfcot laxative known, as it
is tho only rouiedy which is truly
pleating and refreshing to the taste
1 and prompt nud effectual to cleanse
the ty Htem goutly in the Spiiug-Umo
or, in fact, nt any time, and the better
it ! known tho more popular it be
Newly mado up suiU from our
eboliVHt miodii. for iiinn nnd Imiv.
lot! sides, denouncing as cowurdly ' aro nrrv.ig every day t tho Wool
tlrt treaohoroua conduct of tho Mill tdr,
Jklttsh government. Wiiousjami ami ltmuiu-W o
' have thU doy HmumitiHt lite tilimui
Free nilv with vmir Ipih r.ir n elgnr Iumwo nsKulo and gwiwral ogeut
tew day longer, at tho Great Hast- .utliur cigar, II. A- III ni & lo.
wnTmttorw, if
BitlDdEPOiiT, Conn., March 22.
James F. Luiinignn bus ben nr
rested for assaulting Mrs. Julia Cam
pion, GO years old, a very wealthy
lady, nt Fairfield, on March 17. He
hud been In hiding since the crime
wus committed, and when his cup
turo bccanio known a large crowd
assembled, nnd wus only prevented
from lynching tho piisoner by the
timely nrrlvul of assistance. L-uini-
gun was conveyed to Bridgeport in
a carrlugo protected by tho police.
Tho woman is n ctlpplo and will
Corry, Pa., Mar. 23. Chnuiicey
Marble, a fanner well known In this
section, and who also operates a
sawmill at Alder-bottom, near Co
lumbus, Pn., was brought hero in
obnrgo of oil leers and taken t Jnll
at Eile by a United States detective,
on a charge of making nnd selling
counterfeit sUver dollars, Thoane.n
was mndo Thursday night. Dk
pots, molds, etc., woresecured. Home
mouths ago a defective hired out ns
a farm baud to Marble, nnd wri
thus eunbUd to ferret out tho mnt
tr. Ills wugos wero paid in coin
fresh from tho farmor's own mint.
For nearly two yuuM, nt intervals,
this coin lias ben rlrculatlngiii sev
eral part" of this state, and In West
ern nnd Central Now York nnd
Eastern Ohio. Tho cliiiln of evi
dence Is complete, and other arrests
will bo mndo. Marble is regnrded
us tht) head of tho gang,
KanA8 City, Mo. March 22.
Chiis. Cllflord, tho Sun Francisco
pugilist who shot umI killed I). E.
Groverlfst full, was found guilty
hiHt night of miiuslaughtor In tho
fourth dugroo. Tho prosecution at
tempted to show that the crime was
committed during tuu progress of a
blnekuuul buhemo to which Mrs.
Clillnid was a parly. Tho defense
proved Hint G rover hud mndo im
propor advances to Mrs. Clltlbrd,
and was struggling with her in Mie
nttempt to drag her Into his bed
room from hor parlor, when her hus
band ontwod and shot him,
FttiMNO, March Sit. This morning
Mnttie Knox (colored) wus found In
hur homo In tluj wot imrt of town
with her brains buntun out. The
iiiurdemr gulnwl neeess to the build
ing through a window. The weapou
used wus n railroad uoupllug pin.
The houw whs rwusaekud by the
murderer. Thoro Is no oliie.
day morning, O. B. Foglc, paying
teller of tho Crocker-Woolworth
bank, Identified the wrappers which
were found in tho waslebaskct of
tho state librarian's room, and said
he had seen them in his bank on
the 10th Inst. The figures wero in
his own handwriting. Tho wrap
pers had been around a package of
greenbacks received from the Fresno
Loan nnd Savings bank on the lGtli,
and $7500 was paid out that after
noon to John B. Jones on a check of
the Southern Pacific railway, made
out on tho Nevada bank. Witness
testified that Jones lived in San
Francisco, and he believed the luttei
wrs a messenger for the railroad
company. Two other witnesses
wero exnmlned on minor points,
and Attorney-General Hart then
s.dd It would be necessary to sum
mon Jones ns a witness, and ho sug
gested that it would be prop-r for
the committee at this time to obtain
from the sennto Increased power to
compel any further wituessss to tes
tify, in case they were unwilling to
do so.
Washington, Man 23. Ex-Sen
ator Blair has accepted tho Chinese
Mission, and has arranged to sail
from San Fran ciseo for the "Floweiy
Kingdom." the 1st of Muy.
to oxtntillsh plants to cost from
$C0,000 to $200,000 ill Houston, New
Orleans ami other southern cites in
the cotton belt.
Louisville. Mur. 23. Tho grand
jury will investigate the fuiluie of
fcieiiwartzand Co., bankers, aud It Is
said criminal prosecution will follow.
Tho assets now turn out to be
Washington, Mar. 23. The
n mount of silver purchased today
$520,000 ounces at pi Ices raging
from .OS 0-10 to 09.
San Francisco, Cal. March 23.
Wheat, buyer season, $1.51J,
CiiiCAGO,Murch 23. Wheat firm;
cash S1.021?.
Washington, Mur. 22. General
Joseph E.Johnston died shortly after
1 1 o'clock lust night. General Johu
stou hud been suflering tho past
three weeks with nn ufTection of the
heurt, nggiavatcd by a cold caught
soon afler General Sherman's funer
al. Tho general did not seem to suf
fer in the least, aud wus conscious to
(lie lust. Tho Immediate cause of
death wus heart fuilure, thoiesult
of degeneration of the heart, due In
a measure to cold.
(Joseph Eggleston Joluibton wrs
the lust wive General Beauregard of
the six full generals of the Confeder
acy. Ho wus born in Cherry Grove,
near Furuiv'Me, Va., February 3,
1K07. IIo received an appointment
i's cadet at West Point, and gradu
ated in the class with Eobt. E. Lee,
and wus commissioned second lieu
tenant in the Fourth art tilery. IL
served in tho Jiluek Huwk irud
rienilnolo wars, nnd wus brevetted
captain for gallantry lu the wur
witl) tho Florida Indians. In the
war with Mexico he participated in
the siege of Vera Cruz nnd the
buttles of Cerro G irdo, Conlierps,
Churubiiscn, Mohno del Boy, Che
pullepeo nud the ns&ault on the City
of Mexico, nnd was brovett' d major,
lieutenant colonel and colonel on
the 12th of April, 1817, for gallantly,
lie wus commih-itnucd quurtei master-general
of tho Uni' d States
army lu June, 1800, but reigned the
following Apill t ) enter the Confed
erate scrvlcw. Ills subsequent t .-rviee
throughout the wur Is well known.
Afler the wur he beeaniesueec lvely
president of a luilrnml company lu
Ai'Uuukus, uu expii'ss company in
Virginia and an iusiirnneo agent in
Georgia. 1' was elect d to congress
from tho Richmond distiict in 1S77,
nnd next saw public life ns comm!s.
stoucr of rai'roads.)
Seattle, Mar. 23. Tom Davis, a
miner ut Frankliu, fell down aslope
in Mine No. 1 Saturday and wns
E M Smiley, St Paul.
Jell' Myers, Scio.
A II Goodfuud, S F.
W R Williams, Omaha.
A L Sears, Jr., Sam Stevens, J
McCrackeu,Geo Sorenseu, Portland.
J O Melzmeyer, Albany.
Win L Supple, N J.
F II Dayton, St Louis.
J I) Lee, The Dalles. "
E O Burns, S F.
Ml1- Caroline Gugc, Mr. aud Mrs.
HFKteuouud the Caroline Gage
and Keene Company.
J W Mttte-iluugh, Jack Holuwell,
It W Culdorhend, Ben Feudrieh,
S N lto jbeny, Hurdlaiid, Mo,
Lizzie II. Grilllti, Champoeg.
J II Sharp, Collage Groye.
S Bank, Seattle.
A O Deitze, Albina.
C E Biscower, Salem.
. . . l -
I.AKOK AN J TllJfi JJAJll. Handling Monby.-U 1ms been
i n busy day in the sherlll
-.... ,,-,,,, ,,.-pu wnnv. tiny. Ten thousnud dollars
". :!! i iwrnnu i w u 1 1 x i
" J1hJTi25c Want Colim
liars of the! Jj "'14
ted nnd six-1 N'.!!,'," lu-ortr,! ,,,
tan tlintisand dnlhrsiuriicd over to, tineinem iiiw-ricdnr'ti
... . .... K... ...., ...i t.. i v.., ... . . .
Oiuiiiiy iu' weio uonouiiMi nun j.- ..'"' ""-'non u, t,, .,
.'-''IlK ftAI'JI i.,j .P, ..IHItl.
'- - N. i-il
the county treasurer and placed toj,ll,lllMv,!n,i'-Hvorciit
tho sheritrs credit. That
sum - - ' :
. I. r k r r .
mnl-oann ivnn irin.na:i nf Miirtmi I ! :..','"' :..nc ! rf"
nonntv'H tuxo", In tho bunds of tho "l,wt ""t llueb, ;r1Kei.l,ri?I PI'U
(rnnuilrnp rPlin ln1nllnn 'nt tt In, lit u , , ,. ...... 1
collected Is a little more than $GO,C0O. ; L 1"'"', at " h:.v!,mu ,d,S.
.. . " ' v '.
ir una conmcung qnt-, puttlne 1m Hielr spnro moments in T'W.-A bujrIi t mi Dk r
less interesting to labor i1 .." ... , , , ,, , Li eontrnets. l-ir.i'. . n ."""'Ufc.
idzations. It waa not snr-1 mnkit8 out tho delinquent tux list. . Aetna tneatre. Jo. s."8tfc
Deplorable Stnto of AITalrs In tho Gar
den City Grotoqna Olijprtlnnn tn the
niulit Hour Work Day Vrlvct niul
Ruch on Fifth Avenue.
The trouble ovfer the construction of
Chicago's World's fair buildings presents lTha 8i,crin mi bis deputies uro
several peculiar mm uonuiuiina ijut-a'
tlons, inoro or
and labor orKanizations,
nrifcinir that, th over a million idle
workingmen in tho conntry, tho near
approach of. tho time for beginning tho
work should mark the arrival of tho ad
vance guard of tho army of enforced
idlers, to bo followed by a constuut and
increasing invasion. Boforo a pick was
stuck In tho ground there were many
times inoro workmen than are needed
in tho city, and of common laborers
there are now probably four for overy
job. Neither is it surprising that tho
contractors should draw upon tho un
organized and consequently most igno
rant and slavish class for their laborers.
""lumi, j$m
H Trt T7H
Instruments Filed for Hecorl
County Itccorrtcr's (Hiiro.
Ada Breyman to W E
Mitchell, lot 4 in blk 03 In
D C Ri'mlnBton to WB
Brown. 10 acres.
W II Wild and wife to J B
Putnam,! Sin bll.8 Yew pmk.
J II Albeit to W H Wild, 1
3 in blk Sin Yew pirk.
al tin-
.? 1C00
The Western SrttlerN Cluncli Hivcl,'li',
With every advance of oiiilgmtlviu (inlii
theliir west, n new deinaud Is cipntrd for
jiosttfU'U'i b tMoninei. umera. xsowij j j
Tl,n ,1,1 nt 1 mnlrnnflra if t imlt UlUtOd I CSlOTlS IUO lrPIIUently lf-H Hllllhl I
:,.', .7 . ., . loustluin older tetlU-rt lomlitle-.
did otherwise. It is necessary in their
business to get all they can, and give as
littlo as possible in return
All tho talk about patriotism in the
World's fair is nonsense. It has been
buiness from tho start, and the meanest
kind of business at that tho speculative
kind. It wotdd have been just tho same
in any other city. Tho discovery of
America is to the average citizen, wheth
er native born or naturalized, of less im
portance than the big, round, clammy
American dollar. And wherever the
iniquitous competitive system obtains
the stick of a pin will draw about tho
Bame kind of blood. Speculation domi
nated tho contest for tho selection of a
town; it delayed for months tho choosing
of tho site in Chicago; it is running, and
will continuo to run, through tho affairs
of tho show even to tho minutest details.
Therefore, the talk of President Gago
that "tho fair is an American institution,
and it would be inconsistent to recognize
only tho organized portion of labor," is
Remarkable Hesciie.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plnlnfleld,
III., makes the Mulumi.t tlmi t-lu
caught coll, which nettled on her
luuu's; she was treated for a mouth
by hor family physician, but grew
waive. Ho told her she wns a hope
It ss victim of consumption aud that
no medicine could cuio her. Her
druggist suggested Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consunipti m: she
bought a bottle nnd to her delight
found hoivolf benellt d from the
first dose. She continued Its um
and ufter tuklm; tm bottle, found
hofrolf sound and well, now dot
her own housework ami is us well
she ever was. Free trial bottles of
this Great Discovery at Fry's Drugstore.
Nhw Corporations. The fol
lowing corporations filed articles
with tho secretary of stutj teday:
Lougshoro Printing &. Publishing
ttlut it Costs
Must be carefully considered by the
great majority of people, in buying
even necessities of lite. Hood's
Sursuparillu cnmieuds iUclf with
-tpeeinl force to tho great middle
uh'Sbi sbecnir o it combines positive
conoiiiy with great medicinal powr.
It Is tho only medieino of which
can truly be said "1U0 Doses One
D illur,"uud a b.ittle taken according
Indirections will average to lust a
Miss Lillle Peek left on the north
bound train today for Frceport, 111.,
whore sho will v'slt for wmio tune.
S"iinlor J. N. Dolph, who has
been looking around in the capital
city, left on the afternoon train for
Port laud.
Tho bit's lor the new liouio of T.
Ilolveiaon were opened this after
nooti. John Gray was awarded the
contract fur&UOO.
If the labor organizations aro not given
the recognition which they receive from
most of Chicago's contractors on other
jobs, then they should at once show the
chief speculators that it may bo dollars
out of their pockets. If tho "unorgan
ized Americaus" want a finger in this
pie they should enter tho doors of the
unions, which aro always open. As be
fore said, there is no question of patriot
ism in this World's fair. It's a big show
for profit. In tho latest American lingo,
"Everybody is out for the stuff," and if
tho capitalists behind the show think
thoy can do ns well financially by an
tagonizing organized labor as by remain
ing friendly with it, that's their affair.
They can figuro it out on their balance
sheets in 1891.
But tho most amusing featnro of the
World's fnir squabble was that in which
the "dago" was the star actor. The
Italians aro not citizens, consequently
thoy couldn't work. Of course it didn't
make any difference that their fault
conld bo overcome in a few minutes by
application to tho proper civil authori
ties. Let it ho said to tho credit of tho
labor organizations of Chicago that thoy
cared less about the question of citizen
ship than those of unionism and local
residence, but tho humor lies in tho po
sition into which certain papers were
forced. Tho objection to the employ
ment of foreign labor was suppoited by
some editors who favor tho McKinlcy
bill and some who opposo it, aud it is
generally admitted that that bill litis
done much toward dampening tho ardor
of foreign exhibitors. Well, the bill is
a law, and foreigners aro not to bo em
ployed by tile fair managers, so it is
about timo to quit calling it a World's
uu no.
count ofthe inliistimtlinl iI-m-h horn recent
ly eletred lands. Tliongricullttr il or tnlii
liigomiijiuiitboon. loiirns.uiion lie lw? n t
nlrnndy know, that tlio Hitters fTorrt tho
iiuly kuio pioteeilou ngaliist malitrm, utiu
tlmse disorders of tho stomneh, liver a id
bowels, to which clim.tt'c elmiiKt, nntl
unhealthy witter or diet subject hlui. Con
sequently, he pint cs nn estim tie up m this
Ere it household specific nnd preventative
omninensiirate with lt Intrinsic niert's,
und Is c.iielut to keep on li iudu rcstor.it lo
nud promotor of ln'iillli so Implicit of
to bo relied upon in tlms f need.
Salem, Or.
Kales $2.50 nnd $5.00 a Dnj'
Open to tho public Thursday, Sept. 11.
MX). Rest Iwlel between i'nrtluml nnd
Sun Fmuclsco. Alms to bo Hist cl.is iu
nil its appointments. Its tables nreserved
with tho choicest fruits grown lu tho Wil
ametto valley.
rjlOKM.WiK- parlor set . ,
1,-OH rf.M.K Two qu tro nT"""T"""
J-ery cl.ea.Mtt Dl? mo,!. Jf ,
r-Ut ND -A. blind b' ,dle on Kr.,rr
V fnl. in. owne" c ... "ct Zl
lut: at tins uliao uua in yiugfur "m y
Iikms -i i.e.. v new boiiRo . ".
. 4 Illt.O10-.IM, n..t v Si uaier,.!
laiiu (ianiiii. i'iiii ,t tou vritT, ,vt
jjuieiwoi Nn and is oiiieiiicuit1,n.i
ll-.e. 'Jpim- I. llsoill.be. Inn, HZ?1'!
lioi-raiicc, north M,t corne. ,.t"M
anu i.iucny siiccis. V
lAt.K. 12'J aeics of lan,i ,
thoflo,,, Knquireatth, W'
17OU .A Ui.-
'I:'J I in
rpOTKADK.-A wfe. (-pnllp m. .
i. cow. Inquire ut l uis otlice. .'l
1 x
VXrANThl). A. K'rlor v.m.in ...
V 1 era! servant work In n .,ni,V'l
hpiS.rnaddrM" ,vltu '"wWi1.!
A iilcceoiithcHtlc'in l'ralrla. &
iaiK w
llllrlft rv.r'l
talk wltlt U O. Fisher, next drTJV 1
Kiisjji"iiiJAHTK-: Mrs. Paj,!,,,
j'rlniary Hchool 11 nd kinv?-.l j
hesslou room of the I'aesbyteilan iS?
Dissolution Notice.
The partnerahip hcretotoro oxihtlngbo
tween 1. Jt. ltridccs, 4 Scott liozorth, oi
Saloin, Oregon, under tho tlrm name ol
llrldifos .c lioortli, has, by mutual con
cent, been dlsolved J. II. Bridges will
continue the business, collect all bills and
iibsumo all liabilities or tho into tlrm.
SAi.njr, Feb. 10, '1)1. a-lti-6-w
.Notice of Dissolution.
Tliop.irtnerf.hlp horetoforo cxslstlng be
tween James llcnliam and Jnme 1). itlch
aidson, under the firm name of James
Denliam A Co., has by mutual concent
been dissolved. Janus Deuh in will con
tinue tho business, collect nil bills nnd
assume nil liabilities of thcold tlrm.
JAMKS 1). nitlilAKDSON.
Salem, O., Alntch 3, lS'JI. 3:o-lm
VlJAItOAIN. A liuusoandtitki.
sale In South Hoicin at otittK
quiteot w. li. annpson. jr
AlTANTICl). An netlve. rellnhltu
V salury J 0 to M) moulhlr. tfwl
ereaso, 10 represent In Ills oi brtSail
leibonsiblBOii 1 ork house. Itvinm.i
MANUFACTUitKi, liOck Box liS5,!ti
ITWJlt BALI'. About three acres of ki
I' on Asvlum Avenue, irond riir.t.;l
house, convciilenilv iirruuged; large lc'1
bery; cou cnient to Kleetilc rullway.iitt,
lulling water on pnmi.-es. tor pint,!
lars inquire nt sncoi 11 iiuuxinnngetluii
siue 01 rtHjiuni a . 1 ue Ksiromaiy, I
1T7ANTKI) Totiuden town lot in is J
W till Jlirh Addition for Iuiubr. .1
lt.mAM tni Mill Llllrfl .. 1
Uliujit,, 1. ...... n... ujyj
nwisjitwi ur cuws,-rnr ml il
Jv.,:v.,,',; .... i."'.r ":u i
j, ..,-9n. ..v ... r"w ' ..ti t in, J ,
AN cJ.Mtui.v Tkaji. A delivery
team lUlrucUdcottslderable attention
this nioruing, ncir the posiotllce, on
Ferry street, by their conduct. One
of ihe hois s was very i-cibistcut in
having his own way about where he
should move, and seemed d-. elded in
favor of not travelling. Two men
pushing on the wagou nud two pull
lug 011 the Mts.wilh ono other in the
wngon, weie bUuci-D'nl In muklug
him go. How long he stayed was
noliicirimd, but bumo time after he
si pnud, he was still unnioved.
A Mluuilout Ihe Nineteenth Century.
t lug to u. lntd Lile of tho blood, I hiwo
bfun atllicMed w lib lheumitlisnt for tweutv
iei, hud huve uud oruteliiw for ten
caix. I hrtvo expemliHl lurgo bim.s for
rvuienie'. r.-ccmmmiuioo tome. and 11x1111
unluiciMiweiuilliluluitutti to get it licit
klcep, my ulpkmlkueo Intd lott nearl
itll ktrotwtli. huu I ooiniuenctd m
cuktu llibbail'N UtivtiiuHvlo Syrup 1 could
not U.o oju tlri w .tttoutthe itiuofuiitne.
or turn mjmlf lit ImhI wlihout utsUtunce.
1 1 u now iuom wuii H'i-ruet tsiso, and
walk without my i-jue lrom my houso to
l'riy lliilrs.
Win. 'Ilniiimns, rorttmuster of
Idnville, Intl., write.: "Kleutrio lilt
ter bus done uioru for 1110 than all
uthrr luedloluus ouiublued for that
Imd ( dlur nrUlug fnnn Kidney and
Uw troiiUl." John Ille, fttrmer
and vinekmaii, of buiuo iiIiuh says:
"Irtiiil liiUuilrlii HIliurM to lu ihu l.w
Kidney and idwr iiiwlluiuu. ntuile'
lll UVI IIKV 11 IUW IllHIl." J. W.
Utinlnw, lmttlwur iiiradmnl, winie
town, Mtyx: ICIcctrto Hitlers IsjuM
the thiiiK for h iiihii who U nil run
down und don't euro whether he
live or die; he found new strength,
Co., of Portland, with K.M. Long- my uitk .-.. iuy. lum rcitcm mim
shore, H.J. Heitrleh and G. W.LtSZri5
lluchannnn, IniorportUontj winltnl '1Al;iYi1'M- nieriuor ihb,
sloak flO.CCO AHttrln Water; Aiuriii-Aiin. .iuiui uri iuuittn'ce
company, with J. W. 0un, K. g. !" -"-. -"
Ferguson and II. O. Thompson, nsj
Incornorntlons nnd a canlinl stock .. . '"' vuro Hr r,le'
of HMO Alblim M. M. ohuwh, ! MirSut.ra.tLhK.
Adam Kllppol, F. Hitler, I'hurh ' &S
IVlth, I'fll llulbwr. Mnitln .,. fcSTYi!.1SBS& (ttlt
lug and Carl bchlner, trtisl.; twatitcuT4ji.a wn-i,, a rmi,,.
"took. - Iruwm' co un.iu . ,' SUnXu!LJS5ipbTv&
ware houko i-s'n, Hluu nmu wmniy, ' h4a '5r wuUh ''.
and John Midler, W.J. IVddloiml.l
J. A. Smith, John I,yuoli, Churhw 1 Kirii Miiwnu
IluhiHtui, and John Johnson r UioL!,?i,,!hTS.J ?.
instigators Of tllX move; capital 'Ui, w eurrwin MHnt; d-ortlvi.
Stock f60 ). , u Had vn r oul l . J v . 1 i.ry S iwunVp
gooti apHu(e and felt just like he
had a ik w ltae 011 lite' Onl- 60cU,
a tottlo at fry Wruu Slorxs
lv uu tint L:ir ti,.t ki,i
luifHii Irs r '.i lb." i.i.h
; irttni Ui k ktwii. 1 n.i ,.
llri A ... - I
1 .1.14 uwUnit
1 I'l.i f'K diu.
t ui "S it. a
A Sairrlu Itemmlv.
Dr. lv. luildent bnr oourUs. etUils IY timii.u. fni,,
and all brouehhd allWthnw I ooi i lJ '"'
suier your Ktutreui t,oti;li Hyrup as' " - --
a sovereign ivmetly. It has innd hobs.
1110 quicker than iiivthlut that 1 - - '
overu4-U. John Jm kwjn, K,-k- NI-.Vil.I.K To Mr u.l Mrs, t..i...
ton.-I.arei.uefl 11. hiiiiilliOiviu
Jbr Bale by nil druggists. '
Ni-Mlie. f .v lrk k,,...i....
Muivhi, ll.asou. J"
And while this wrangling about the
construction of tho big bIiow is going on
thero are more idle men in Chicago than
a dozen such undertakings could furnish
with employment. Nover before has
there been so much hardship in that city
as at present. The Chicago Herald has.
during the past few weeks, given ac
counts of misery and suffering in the
Gardeu City which equal iu horror the
pictures given of New York city by Ja
cob Riis in "IIow tho Other Half Lives."
The Herald early in tho winter organ
ized a relief bureau, and through it thou
sands havo been saved from starvation
and from freezing to death, nnd yot th.
misery seems to grow instead of dimin
ish. Ono day's report several weeks ago
showed that 123 deserving tumilius were
being kept olivo upon voluntary charity.
Tho number of men aud women out of
employment in Chicago, and who want
work and aro suffering from lack of uoc
essaries, is counted by tho thousands. In
the pitiful Btories told in The Herald it
la always tho same sad cause no 'work.
Charity does not, cannot reach all the
suffering, and tho number of graves in
tho paupers' cemetery is growing overy
day. This awful state of affairs 13 not
among tho class idle because o.' disincli
nation to work. Let that boreureuibored,
and whou you hear that tho contractors '
or Chicago aro organizing to fight tho
shorter work day, aud that the World's
Fair mnuagors will not adopt the oight
hour day, yon will probably donbt tho sin
cerity of many who say, "While we can
not suumit to tho dictation of the unions,
wo havo tho interests of all American
workmou nt heart."
In several cities the councils are cou
flidering ordinances to establish the eight
hour day on all inuuioipal works. The
Hrguuioats generally brought firwarj
against tho measure nro that it will in
jure a great many more taxpayers than
it will benefit, and that it is nn interfer
ence with tho right of free contract. Oae
alderman in Minneapolis said that if that
city adopted it labor would flock from
ma luar pomra or the compans to pnjoy
Paper Hunger.
I.eavoorderat Globt HeolKstnloExcliange
Of iroodsat our stoicl We carry n full lino
of Kiceerlcs, feed, crockery, glassware, ci
iiih, tobiitco and confectionery.
No. 2-Jl Commercial St., Salert
Crottlcery, (iiiisswnro, Lamps, Wocden
and Willow waro. All kinds of mill teed.
Al-'o veirei.iblesitnil fruits In their senbon.
'HlKlitcst I'l'.-H pmd for country produce."
WcMjllcit iitLuk ul Jnur D'ltioune.
iT'hiate street
t BUSH, Bark
li'.OS B1J1I.DIXO,
Transact a general banking tal '
nit uei'.irtMicuifs.
until fisisr. Uescriptlve price list til
Hktii iNQcisr, ItnseIIWIle,ail
Boork Hey I
Hlgdon He is a poor man.
Koork Then let him have that
lot cheap, and on easy terms.
The undorslgned nro prepared lo furnish
the beat quality of tllln-: for under drain-
lug at lowest prices.
Vfnr Fnir Orouns Salem, Oreon.
All work, either new or repairing Jul
in toe felt v.'oritinauiiKttsnape.
Shop houth of iost olfiee.
At 108 State street is prepired to tax
piciurcs neatly nnct at lowest iivinimo
fall around and examine his tvori. I'
also has a flue assortment uneleitfroaf
Wall Paper and Picture Mouldirf,
2bM Commercial Sl - ' M 0r(
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty of Spectacles, and reptl
hocks, witieiies auu .jeweirj'.
U. V IJKKL.EH, Aaent,
I nniDIlM
Klre and i
Htnios ..jlrmirt. St. Tbe bertW
-....-. ... Uuv. ... . ',:.. m
delivered toKfll parts 01 tuucn-'
i.eavo oriinrni it. "
liable tvoi It rr;
Hids i'or Scliool Honds.
Seitietl proiKli! win be received up to
8.00.,0- V' ' ."f Tuesday, the 71 h day of
El ",!&. ,?..?- ''I .'-1"n Co . Ore..
mrchitVe. a .v,?ViA.r..?s,i,.nJ r "
ami rtfty dollar, bonds of sold district of
ouclitlf loinlnni'on UH fi,e siucciwful bid
urriuu, oesi'imte nml imyubleboib pnn
clplan1 h.iere.t al either New York sin
PraueUcoor iu ttiu city of Bulein. ut tin
rn 0.l?,'rla l"e''"l bidder. ilondBU,
I??nii .rb; 'uterest paynhlo senilan
vWi5 ti.neofiiu nertntperauntiui.
vL1 co,-'slu'9- m les than "tV
S "?;' i .-fflSl re""-'(M -e right to're-
M. J. PA
lllsenscs of wt
and pilvated 1
jeot any or all bids.
A. K.8TKANa.
W. 1 lltliiri,1
18 td
I'. It. SMITH.
lt'01 ihnled on tou in .
v. -Sfcifirism. J
P3f Cured v by e
Location of School Ilulldtiig.
.i!1vm2fr,.ese.d,reotowof olioi o'-
irtot o. Jl. at Marlon county, OrtH.011. will
fS-Hn? fS.,?aPrJr',u Sutu l'uMly, April
u?J0?; !' h1 P- n. tor the inca
Uoo ot tUe nw wlwol nolldlnc, to be er. o
tMl this humme', In the Jutli ttii
lou or blocks to Mli or donal In sld WB,.
tS m2t ''OH M llove order
U tuBd decide 00 the pwnuinent
88!a A. E. HTRANtJ.
KM. WAnii,
- blrvelo .
Notice. ""
Imki l .1 ... wk i .1 ' "'"oie in 111 s
"SU '! SUB l.tlKr' 1. el 1 1,1 1 7
allblrvwratoil,.. tlid r ""
ArBMi'jjr .,.. tt,.kl ., ,.
lVixiwyers, Tke Xollcd"
Your Mn-and wui.iv mxt ir u,t, .
out-iy f". tlu ?, 1A,. ul U ui" J,
Oftt tu CO.U will i. aliUZt "
lu oll'ce dn
t'oeiiunaren vt
will be sold nt $100
terms by
J, ,r, robfRqt-c
FOIx Ssiy
Ur Trade for
A good epnn ol w '
Address JIA
Bon Ton Iivstaih
8. w. in
Frh Moat
...WA nu
z-13-tr. 8bnrj aaa tax eoj.wivr.